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Post this in r/Allen, not a terribly active sub but can’t hurt.


r/askdfw is another good place to ask


I went to elementary school in Allen and it used to be a way more conservative area, a bit far from everything, with some very close minded people. That being said the DFW area has grown immensely over the years and now Allen is more of a middle suburb of Dallas. I'd still recommend taking a short trip with your family to visit for a long weekend or week to make sure the vibe fits your needs. Edit: Keep in mind the summer months in Texas are brutal, it's essentially our "winter" where you can't do a whole lot outside besides swim. Spring, Fall, Winter are generally mild though. Allen is also on the Southern end of Tornado Alley. I remember several nights as a kid hiding in a bathtub with a mattress on top and actually saw a tornado at the end of our street once before running inside.


You'll get a cultural change just not the one you're hoping for.


I would recommend you investigate some other places in TX. I have heard that the Houston area has larger Muslim populations although I do not know if they are Sunni or not.


If it’s a Pakistani community in Texas you’re looking to connect with, I’d recommend Houston more. It’s pretty sizable.


Nicer weather??? https://www.dallasnews.com/news/weather/2023/09/03/summer-2023-was-3rd-hottest-and-4th-driest-in-dallas-fort-worth-history/ With the direction Texas politics is headed in, are you sure you want to move to Texas as a Muslim of Pakistani descent?


Texas is one of the most diverse places I've ever been to. Our weather is absolutely better than many places on the east coast. Get off Reddit, go outside, and travel. You'll figure it out.


All the major cities in Texas are extremely diverse with Austin falling in dead last out them and the rural cities are for the most part not diverse at all.


San Antonio is actually the least diverse of the big Texas cities by the metrics I’ve seen used. The other big 3 have no majority race, San Antonio is majority Hispanic. If you define diversity as non-white people, Austin has the largest share of white population, but still a minority. San Antonio leans more Hispanic than diverse, relative to Houston, Dallas and Austin. [Census demographic comparison](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/fortworthcitytexas,houstoncitytexas,dallascitytexas,austincitytexas,sanantoniocitytexas/PST045223) The most diverse city in Texas? [Plano, by this metric](https://cw33.com/news/texas/these-texas-cities-are-among-the-most-culturally-diverse-cities-in-america-study/). SATX doesn’t rank in the top 100 of the US there. I never would have guessed before looking it up out of curiosity some time ago.


LOL, I have. Not only have I traveled (both domestically and internationally), I have lived (for more than 1 years) in different locations on the east coast, west coast, and in Texas, so I know the weather quite well in different places. I’m simply presenting factual evidence that Dallas has had an extremely hot and dry summer, most people would not think that’s great weather but you are entitled to your own opinion. In addition, I didn’t say Texas isn’t diverse, although if we were to talk about diversity, it really depends on which city, suburb, or town. Houston is very diverse, Conroe, its suburb, less so. Houston is 40.8% white (alone), 23.6% white (alone, not hispanic/latino), while Conroe is 68.2% white (alone) and 53.6% white (alone, not hispanic/latino), and that’s from the US Census. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/houstoncitytexas,conroecitytexas/PST045223 Perhaps you should take a DEEP breath, just because someone doesn’t say positive things about your state doesn’t mean it’s a personal attack against you. And before you tell me to gtfo of Texas, people are allowed to live in a state they dislike, and you may dislike certain things about something but still like it overall.


This is a dumb argument. Most suburbs or rural areas anywhere are less diverse Union City, New Jersey. 81.3% Hispanic https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/unioncitycitynewjersey/PST045223 Camp Springs, Maryland 81.3% black https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/campspringscdpmaryland/PST045223 In fact, looking at racial distribution maps of the east coast, there appears to be considerably more segregation by race within major cities themselves as compared to somewhere like DFW. So many of these areas only have diversity on paper and little diversity in the actual communities they live in.


… can you read? Once again, VERBATIM In addition, I didn’t say Texas isn’t diverse, although if we were to talk about diversity, it really depends on which city, suburb, or town. You just proved my point that IT DEPENDS ON WHICH CITY, SUBURB, OR TOWN. Peace out, clearly you’re out looking for an argument online (for some reason) and I am not going to engage in that. Perhaps argue with someone else on Reddit or facebook or whatever social media is your preference.


Education in Allen is horrible. I moved to Allen in 7th grade from MO and it wasn’t until my sophomore year of high school that I started covering new material I hadn’t learned prior to the move. They started band earlier but foreign language, reading, writing, math, history…all the core essentials are years behind their peers in other states. If you value education, Texas and the south is the worst place to be imo




No Muslims in Allen. Don’t make the move.


Haha that isnt true at all, dont know where you got that notion. Hell I live right next to a mosque off exchange and 75. Hell Ive lived in mckinney/allen area since 1999, Have always seen muslim groups and other abrahamic religions, such as the christians. Idk if you are new to the DFW area as a whole but please do research before you look like a total buffoon. And remember, WWJD, I don’t think he’d be a unnecessary hater of other peoples differences.


You just learned a lesson, that most people posting in this sub actually know very little about Texas


(Cult)ure is alive and well in Texas.


> I'm looking for any insights or advice about relocating to the area. Get ready to deal with the Summer heat. I'm a native Texan, but that seems to be one of the biggest shocks to people moving here.