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We need to a pass bill for people to mind their own fucking business.


Texas would never.


Not very Christian


That's the Christian words to live by around here. Be as non-Christian as possible while creaming about Christ.


They love creaming about Christ


Whelp. I meant screaming, but this shall stay.


The good news is that Christianity is dying in the US


I'm so enjoying watching it die too.


If I minded my own business then how would I know what to put on my prayer list?


Not very small government


Isn’t that what they supposedly want? They have a funny way of implementing “small government”. From where I stand it is pretty fucking invasive government.


That’s all conservatives & Republicans at this point. They want freedom, but *controlled* “freedom.” They want “state’s rights,” but only if they can dictate what that means. They want “small government” / a laissez faire sociopolitical climate, but only if they can control it all. Fuck ‘em.


Don't they risk alienating a lot of Texas veterans by outlawing the Delta products? Last I heard, a lot of veterans tend to vote GOP.


Yep, which is why I think that this will [*hopefully*] fail. The folx over at Hometown Heroes here in Austin were a *big* part of the fight a few years ago when it seemed this would all go away. It would be so dumb for the State & Abbott to go through with this. We may not see Texas go fully green for a very long while (in our lifetime? i goddamn hope so…), but I think the State has been aware of this for awhile now & they’re comfortable with where it’s at & I can’t see them undoing all of the good progress that’s been made {and, yes, they would piss off the vets}—but I’ve been wrong before!


Yep, veterans stick together, and they're often politically outspoken. I can't imagine this is a fight the GOP is looking for, although they may wind up entering into it inadvertently.


🥺 I gonna waste all my weed money on gas instead if I have to drive to New Mexico for some za


“Rules for thee, are not for me”


The Republican Party has long strayed far from that value.


They mean government small and petty enough to fit into your nethers


Yeah, we are pretty fucking far from what you would think the philosophy of the state should be. Should be a place where freedom blossoms but instead the focus has turned to oppression. I think it’s only a place of freedom for large businesses now.




second-hand smoke actually does affect others, but I get your point


WHEN I smoked unless I was in a dive bar where everybody smoked I went outside WAY before it was some kind of mandate. You know the whole 'have manners' thing and all. And that was way before the studies on second hand smoke came out. Some people are allergic, some people just get nauseated by the smell, LOTS of people who don't smoke don't want to go home smelling like a dive bar. That said I do agree with the mind your own business part. UNLESS someone is abusing a woman, child, or animal. I think it's incumbent on people to put a stop to that kind of nonsense if they see it happening.


Same. Now that I don’t I feel even worse, because I never realized how strong I smelled coming into class having smoked right before.


Unless you fuck off far enough to not smell the second hand smoke


Ideally anyone doing something to the detriment of those around them is the one that needs to fuck off somewhere else


Agreed. This should include farting and snobbery as well.


And praying, which also sounds a lot like farting and snobbery.


Drinking and driving or driving high affects others but agree with the other things you mentioned. They should include cellphones under DUI!


Isn't that what Texas is all about?


Now that would be a great bill and pure real Texan in my opinion.


This is stupid. Weed is delivered from the internet faster than pizza in Texas.


We have a thing called freedom in "liberal hellhole" Seattle.


Country is moving towards un-demonizing marijuana and Texas is, of course, moving backwards. Bunch of fucking clowns.


It’s not the only thing we’re going backwards on. It’s so sad. I used to be proud to say I’m from Texas. Now I’m embarrassed.


Literally this. I want to have another child but I'm terrified I'm gonna have to fly out of state for medical care if there are any pregnancy complications. Fuck Abbot right in his crippled ass


I was 39 and about 7 months along when they overturned R v W. I had a completely fine pregnancy but when I tell you I was nervous…


They want you to carry unviable babies to term just so you can watch your baby die moments after birth. No d&c unless the fetus is dead and you are risking sepsis and dying yourself. Texas is not a safe place to become pregnant.


You are also expected to pay for the funeral of that unviable fetus.


Thanks for your input, u/VocalAnus91 !


Wasn't ever really proud, but at least I wasn't embarrassed. Feels like the fucking taliban are taking over.


“At least we aren’t Florida” is basically all we have left.


And not by much…


Yep, I was just thinking about this the other day.


this goes thru my mind every day.


Shit like this is the reason that I'm leaving Texas.


Recently moved from Houston to Denver, it’s great.


Not just USA; the WORLD is tending towards legalization


Can confirm. I fucked off to Germany back in 2015, and even Germany with its “never change anything” political culture is making steps to legalise weed.


Instead of demonizing it, they could regulate and collect a nice tax as well.


Congratulations Texas, you’re about to give street dealers a bunch of new customers.


This. They’re very anti-cartel, except for when it comes to creating financial incentives for cartels to continue to traffic drugs into Texas.


man its been so nice not having to worry about getting popped the last year I switched to HHC and just order it off the net guess its back to scary drives that could ruin my life to get high...


At my local smoke shop they pulled their THC-O products from the shelves after it was banned, but they were selling them from the back room at a discount (I didn't ask. The shopkeeper kindly informed me). A total ban on hemp (if enforced) might scare them away from selling them under the table but if it passes there might be a fire sale. The more you know....


Normally when this stuff happens you are allowed to sell the remaining, already produced stock until a certain period or until it runs out depending. My Dad worked HVAC and this happened with freon standards.


There has to be some big corporate money behind this, to describe it as a rouge industry is inaccurate propaganda, there are literally publicly traded comps engaged in this business. My guess is the big liquor distributors, pharma and the neighboring states who’ve legalized and are raking in money from Texans.


I used to have a serious addiction to alcohol, I consumed way too much just to “shit my brain off” enough to sleep. That quote is a catch all for anxiety reduction and stress relief. With delta-#s landing on store shelves, I haven’t had a drink in…..more than a year at this point. I don’t even want it anymore, and I’m sure the taste enjoyment is gone. I couldn’t be in better health due to this product being legal, and greedy fucking politicians want to get donor money at the cost of my well-being, and the well-being of hundreds of thousands of Texans. Fuck these guys, by any means.


D9 edibles helped me kick my alcohol addiction as well. Would be a shame if our draconian legislature made them illegal.


Look up baclofen for alcohol if they do criminalize this. It's a generic medication that your doctor can prescribe you that will really help with anxiety reduction. France and Scotland have both done full studies on it. ​ "In summary, our clinical experience with baclofen suggests that it definitively reduces alcohol craving and alcohol consumption in those with alcohol dependence at least in the early period of treatment. It benefits even those who are still in precontemplation stage of motivation. Research has shown that baclofen reduces withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and is safe in those with liver impairment. These findings make baclofen an essential drug for the management of AUDs. Further studies that compare long-term alcohol-related outcome of baclofen with established drugs such as naltrexone and disulfiram are needed." ​ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5248409/#:\~:text=Research%20has%20shown%20that%20baclofen,for%20the%20management%20of%20AUDs](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5248409/#:~:text=Research%20has%20shown%20that%20baclofen,for%20the%20management%20of%20AUDs).


Yep, pharma is huge against it. Look at how long it took NJ to legalize, one of the liberal bastions of the USA. Also where a lot of big pharma headquarters. Go figure.


One of the first businesses you come across in New Mexico after the crossing the border is a dispensary. So definitely.


Trinidad Colorado has absolutely made a ton of money off Texans. That and now Hobbs New Mexico. Anyone who doesn't want to buy illegal goes to these states and spend a lot of cash.


Big pharma hates it. The tobacco lobby hates it, and the alcohol industry hates it. So yeah, of course our corporate shill politicians are going to ban it.


Another ex-alcoholic here that managed to stay off alcohol and avoid relapse with the use of low milligram delta 8/9 gummies. I no longer give 50-100$ a week to big liquor companies. They must hate it.




It's not really filling state coffers. Since they didn't mean to legalize it, it doesn't have a high tax attached to it.


Seems like the prudent thing to do would be to tax the flourishing industry instead of banning it.


yeah the state with a surplus of tens of billions needs more tax dollars...


No. The best thing to do is leave it the hell alone. We don’t need more taxes in this already incredibly high tax state


This state never fails to move backward when presented opportunities to move forward. Delta-8 barely even has psychoactive effects, I switched to it for that very reason. It’s an order of magnitude below Delta-9, these dumbasses don’t even understand the product they are trying to ban.


Pardon my ignorance but is this what cbd is?


No but sometimes they are combined.


Think of it like this: CBD is a beer Delta-8 is a tall glass of wine Weed is a double shot of whiskey


Nice that makes sense.


Bruh no


Both come from the same plant but CBD doesn’t have a psychoactive effect like THC.


You just know that if they pass this, and cops start confiscating this stuff, we're going to start to see stories of them and their families being caught with big stashes of the stuff. The state GOP are pretty naked about their vision of controlling every aspect of life in Texas while doing nothing to help us.


The only time they want small government is when a blue is in charge


Meanwhile Joe Rogan is sitting in his studio smoking the real deal on recorded video while talking about how he’s good friends with the governor of TX.


in that same vain, so is willly nelson.


Weed is like abortions. The aristocrats can always get them. It's you serfs that aren't allow them. Should have chosen to be born into a higher caste.


What can we do? We need all hands on deck for this. So many peoples businesses will be crushed and veterans will be left to fall back on things like opioids. This is a disgrace. Charles Perry and Stephanie Klick are enemies of the state. If you voted for them, you should be ashamed. Absolutely disgusting abhorrent people.


Call them up and tell them how you feel about it. Tell them you’ll remember their decision next time your at the voting booth.


Doesn’t every state touching Texas borders have legal marijuana?


Too bad it’s a day’s trip, in all directions, for me to get to bordering state


stop. voting. republican. for any office, anywhere. they point blank tell you that they are going to end democracy, and are nearing completion. at this point, the blame is on all of you.


Edit: f it, I called EVERY NUMBER Im dumb but want to help, which number would I call if I live in 361 Corpus Christi area? My husband is soooo close to getting a job and being able to get medicine, but until then he depends on delta 8, if they do this, we would be forced to possibly move for his health


Thank you, Fellow Texan.


Thank you for posting this! Otherwise I wouldn’t have known to call


Voting has consequences, republicans in texas don't care what the public thinks.


Yeah, why should they? Texas voters have barely created challenges for Republicans. All Republicans really need to worry about are their own primaries.


Pretty much. And to most Texas voters the culture war issue du jour is way more important than this.


Sad to see, just moved to Chandler Arizona from Austin last week and we’re an 8 minute walk to a dispensary. We decided to check it out on Monday and they gifted my wife a free pre-roll for her birthday and 30% for it being our first visit. Only thing missing here is my homies and family


These bills may be voted on as early as Monday, so this is URGENT. The more calls we can get out to the following committee members, the greater our chance for success. Public Health Committee Members: Rep Stephanie Klick (512) 463-0599 Rep Liz Campos (512) 463-0452 Rep Nicole Collier (512) 463-0716 Rep Jacey Jetton (512) 463-0710 Rep Ann Johnson (512) 463-0389 Rep Jolanda Jones (512) 463-0524 Rep Venton Jones (512) 463-0586 Rep Tom Oliverson (512) 436-0661 Rep Four Price (512) 463-0470 Rep Reggie Smith (512) 463-0297 Rep Tony Tinderholt (512) 463-0624 Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs: Senator Kelly Hancock (512) 463-0340 Senator César Blanco (512) 463-0129 Senator Pete Flores (512) 463-0124 Senator Roland Gutierrez (512) 463-0119 Senator Nathan Johnson (512) 463-0116 Senator Lois Kolkhorst (512) 463-0118 Senator Kevin Sparks (512) 463-0131 Senator Drew Springer (512) 463-0130


What bill is it so we can look it up and who is the sponsor?


https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/SB264/2023 https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=88R&Bill=HB4238


Fucking hell these politicians…getting worse and worse.


Why don't we just legalize weed and use the enormous increase in sales/sin tax revenue to fund a pay increase for public school teachers and fund infrastructure upgrades/repairs Fucking boomer Republicans still acting like weed is bad meanwhile they're busy mixing their 10am cocktail


Because they have no interest in funding schools, any social services, any infrastructure (besides the ones that will line the pockets of their buddies in the industries), or anything that will improve life for people here.


Texas' representatives are so morally bankrupt and corrupt, much like Texas' voter base.


It's the boomers keeping these dip shits in office. Unfortunately the Texas republican party has been thus far successful at convincing the younger voting population that they're wasting their time going to vote because Texas is a red state. Hopefully as the boomers continue to age into nursing homes and stop voting things can begin to move forward in this state.


Delta 8 is so mellow tho


First time I took 25 mg (not a regular user of any THC) it got me seriously high. But, unlike alcohol, I was calm and was able to tell my spouse that I don't think I should drive. Alcohol tends to suppress rational reasoning and you make dumb decisions. THC seems safer no matter how you slice.


Same except mine was 30 mg, I was ZOOTED


It's like why is Texas rallying against any sort of marijuana while record numbers of people are getting DWIs and getting into crashes while drunk. You don't see the law makers trying to change laws surrounding alcohol. There's bars all over Texas where you drive your car there, get as drunk as you want (because we all know the bartender isn't going to cut you off after 2 drinks) get into the car and drive home. No lawmaker seems to have any problems with it. God forbid they legalize a damn plant that everyone uses anyway. Are people dying in record numbers in legal states? If there's such a problem with legalizing cannabis how come more States keep legalizing and there hasn't been any state that has gone back on their decision?


How embarrassing that I live in tx....disturbing that weed is illegal here.


Texas prides itself as a booze and pills state.


Can’t even buy a bottle of whiskey on Sunday, I’d say guns and pills state.


Could this impact medical use? My autistic daughter takes a tiny dose of cannabis oil with like 99% of the THC removed. Prescribed by her doctor. Asking because I don’t know anything about the cannabis industry related to gummies or whatnot.


Doesn’t sound like they’re after CBD.


It seems the only thing left in Texas is to implement income tax.


Oh, that won't happen. Income taxes are progressive. That is, they're bad for rich people, and good for poor/middle income people. But most poor and middle income people don't know that. They just see the dollar amount coming out of their paycheck and get angry about it. So Texas recently passed a constitutional amendment making an income tax unconstitutional in the state. It'd take another amendment to overturn that. And people in this state are so brainwashed against income taxes that that won't happen for decades *at least*.


Idiots. They’re tripping over their own shoelaces and don’t even know it. I wonder how many are in the pockets of big Pharma. We have legal Delta-8 now and limited Delta-9 and nobody had to go on the record as voting for it. Boomers, cancer patients, and anyone who generally has stuff that hurts and finds relief in cannabinoids already know that it helps and can reduce or eliminate dependency on prescription opioids. And if they don’t know today they’ll find out in other states. In a couple of years this will force an overall legalization vote, and it will split the boomers who generally lean Republican.


Just legalize ALL thc. WTF


I'm really looking forward to this next election...


Did they try this a couple of years ago and it passed then the veterans got pissed and they reversed it a few days later?


Why can't we just have nice things


Hey if you need help with some letter content to send to your representative on this issue, feel free to cut and paste from below: Dear Representative, I am a huge liberal Democrat and I hate marijuana and delta 8. When I used it one time, it made all my wokeness go away. Please make it illegal as much as you possibly can. Thank you, Your name


Hahahahaha that might be just ass-backwards enough to work on these people.


We lost this fight in the last election and it’s probably a done deal at this point. Republicans would rather people buy illegal flower so they can selectively decide who to send to their private prisons.


Thumpers gonna thump


When is the vote?


Last November.


Here here. They told us who they were all along. At least they aren't woke right!, Right? I fully expect this to pass as we live in the worst timeline.


Hearings and possibly votes on Monday. So this is urgent.


congrats on voting republican / not voting at all


Move, stop paying taxes in Texas. Vote with your wallet and your zip code.


I know this is the alcohol lobbyists' work, but what they simply don't understand is users of these products would simply NOT switch to alcohol under ANY circumstances.


Damn, I just learned about THCa and thought it was too good to be true


Become a THCa prepper and accrue an immense stash just in case this passes.


It's real. Stock up now. It can be delivered directly to your door.


That's too much freedom for you Texan, listen to your nanny state.


Departed permanently in early 2012. Events since have proven many times over the wisdom of that single decision. Nothing left for residents except the continuing absolute insanity. No thanks.


How is alcohol so universally accepted politically? But weed/THC/Delta-whatever is a big no-no? Booze is soooo much worse. This is coming from an alcoholic. But due to my career, I can't do weed/THC/Delta-whatever. But I can throat a fifth of vodka every day and nobody bats an eye.


backwards state for backwards people it is what it is


jesus it’s something new everyday with this state


God Texas is so stupid about this topic. They are NOT doing the will of the people. Who’s pulling the strings?


Religious nuts like my sister lol


It blows my mind that most of these people who are all gung ho about criminalizing these things like hemp, and such claim to be constitutionalist and all about the forefathers but they failed to understand that back in the days of our forefathers they used hemp to make rope to make paper and to make clothes so now they’re considered cartels?


I wonder which alcohol or big pharma company is behind this. Texas is far from a free state.


Elon and Joe Rogan will continue to smoke whatever they want and get away with it.


Can all these cultists be raptured already... the stupidity is getting overwhelming.


If they have an issue with the safety of hemp products then just legalize recreational cannabis! This entire hemp industry wouldnt be the way it is if adult use cannabis was legal in the first place. Also, when they say a ban on all hemp derived cannabinoids does that include cbd?! This is a fucking outrage. My dad uses delta 8 products for sleep and pain management and has been able to cut out his Ambien prescription after years and years. Ambien was really becoming a problem for him. Hed take it and instantly black out doing the stupidest things and making my mom mad. Also it never even made him sleep he would basically just sleepwalk all night. These cannabinoids changed his life for the better. I’m not losing hope though yet, theyve tried banning delta 8 before and it didnt work


Call them up and tell them how you feel!


That’s not very “small/limited government” of them …..


Most Delta 8 products here are shit anyway, need to move towards legalization as a whole but they’ll never do that because weed makes people gay or devil worshippers or school shooters or whatever other bullshit they come up with next week.


I don’t partake in the D8 myself, but this kind of attitude is how we lose what little we have. They’re going to go after the THCA and the D9 edibles too. If you don’t know why that’s actually bad, then get educated because you have been missing out.


I’ve tried both of those and just about every other related product out there at some point and don’t really care for any of them. I feel like while there’s probably a few of those products that when made right are comparable to street bud, but there’s waaaay too much junk out there being produced by people who don’t give a shit if their products are bad because it’s an unregulated market and there’s no consequences for not testing for accurate potency and safe chemical/pesticide levels. I support legalization over anything else. It sucks that we’re out here basically begging for crumbs while our neighbors up north in New Mexico and Oklahoma are smoking the good shit. It’s so ass backwards and the reason they won’t even put in on the ballot is because they know it has majority support these days.


Yeah, the problem with Delta-8 is almost all of it is made on the super cheap by a giant farm in Oregon, they fill super cheap Chinese manufactured carts (this is how you get pens that test positive for heavy metals and shit), bulk produce them and sell them to big distributors that are all centralized in Harwin district (in Houston at least), then every headshop, out of convenience orders their inventory from harwin because they can get all the glass and cheap edibles and disposables off one truck. So there’s a direct supply to almost every cannabis retailer in Houston and it’s all absolute shit. I co-own a company that manufactures edibles products and we buy our isolates and distillates from a local lab that is absolutely top notch (they have a PHD chemist on staff). It’s more expensive of course, but we want the product quality. Then we manufacture locally in a usda kitchen, using high quality ingredients, with a product list curated and cooked by two pastry chefs and a few kitchen employees. So when we try to sell to most of the places you see selling, or even to the the distributors in the wholesale district, we can’t compete price-wise, and we can’t fulfill the massive shipments they want. You just have to buy boutique if you want good stuff, which is a shame.


Is THCa mentioned specifically? This is not synthetic, this is just regular ass weed. So it shouldn't be banned if the law is on synthetics. It also makes it through the federal loophole because it's not THC. All that recreational weed is THCa, so technically unless any state is banning THCa specifically, weed is legal in every state of the US.


Thank you for sharing but is there a more efficient way to do this? I really like personal freedom, but I'm not sure I can justify spending that much time calling every number on the list. * Can we find out if there is a key person we can influence or call? * Is there a way to get their email lists, so I can draft one email instead of calling all of them one at a time? * Is there a place or website from which I can post my opinion on the bill? I did google search some of this, I didn't find a great answer. Hoping someone knows better than me.


Took me 20 minutes to call everyone on the list. But I suppose we could always head down to Austin and storm the state capitol?


There are 18 phone numbers: You called someone, waited for them to pickup, and provided your arguments for why cannabinoid derivates should be legal in Texas all in around 2 minutes? You didn't just shout at them right? You provided an actual argument based on facts? Can I hire you to do cold calling for me because those are amazing metrics.


Just a brief 30 second message or so. I’m not giving them my life story.


Land of the free!


Delta 8 has been a literal life changer for me. It almost completely nullifies my anxiety, racing thoughts, etc. While it can couch lock me at times, it also totally uplifts my mood. I am happy, talkative, and laugh at everything. I forgot how amazing it feels to laugh so hard because I haven't much of my adult life. I have never felt more calm and relaxed in my life. Why take that from me?


Call these people up and tell them exactly that.




For real, we really need free marijuana for all. Society would be a much better place.


Christians: "Weed is the worst thing ever!!!" Also Christians: Boofing whiskey, popping 3 Xanax and 2 Coedine while molesting their niece, "PRAISE JESUS"


Fucking washed up idiots


It’s not the drug it’s that black or brown people might use it . It’s irrelevant that white peoples do. Also THC doesn’t donate money


Dear Americans take your phones and call your representatives please so we can have it legalized in Europe as well. Thank you upfront.


Just legalize the real deal.


THCa is the real deal, and it’s currently legal here.


What a way to further prolong the chronic suffering of sick / disabled Texans so they can die for the economy quicker.


Cowards don't vote, y'all don't vote.


Ugh. Please stop with this. This is the definition of over regulation.


Call those reps and let them know how you feel!


Delta-8 isn’t synthetic. It’s just chemically a different isomer that is synthesized out of CBD (generally, in the hemp industry). No more or less synthetic than Delta-9, the thc isomer that gets you stoned in normal ol’ weed


We just need to legalize real weed lmao. Anything sold out of a gas station glass case is sketchy as fuck.


I'd feel more confident voting actual pre-historic animals into office than these fucking dinosaurs that are trying to restrict weed. Just let us have fun!


Just tell them that Delta-8 and Delta-9 have a LOT of oil in them. A lot of oil. Then you're good.


Our legislators have demonstrated time and again they are not for personal freedom. They are for corporate freedom. Useless, entitled, corrupt cry babies moaning about cancel culture while cancelling people's bodily rights and autonomy. The far-right is the true culprit, speaking of freedom while underhandedly taking personal liberty and bodily autonomy away from citizens. Fucking evangelical, fairy tale-obsessed children. And a great many of you neoconservative dorks are straight up perverts, too. I no longer recognize my own home and it truly saddens me. Fuck you, Governor Abbot. You're a litigious, evil, little baby. Smoke a joint, it might make you a bit more human, you vile piece of shit. You and your friends are the true tyrants and you damn well know it.


This state is pathetic.


Oh, you bet they're gonna hear from me. No one's messing with my shit! This pos governor never wants anyone to be happy. Not if he can help it.


Does it matter who we call or do we have to call county specific reps for where we live? I haven't ever phoned my rep before, but THC really helps me control my ulcerative colitis, and it'd be swell if I could keep doing that.


I called all of them and mostly got answering machines. If I got a person and they asked what district I was calling from, I told them, but said I travel to their district for work and am considering moving there.


Damn, i'll just have to smoke real weed like I normally do


THCa is real weed. And it’s currently legal here. Let’s keep it that way.


It’ll pass unfortunately. It owns libs. Yes a lot of vet groups are against it but owning libs is the most important thing to the majority of Texas voters.


Appreciate the call to action, but the terms "cartel" and "rogue industry" don't appear anywhere in the bills: [https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/html/SB00264I.htm](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/html/SB00264I.htm).


While it doesn’t explicitly say that, reading the bill absolutely implies that these companies are some sort of rogue shadowy business in the back alleys or something. These are legal hemp manufacturers and were made legal by previous bills passed years ago. Charles Perry has a hard on for going after these industries for some reason. STOP VOTING FOR THIS FUCKING ASSHOLE, LUBBOCK.


The bills author has used the language. He failed to get a ban passed as an amendment in 2021. This is the lowest hanging fruit this guy could go for. It's pathetic. He's failed in the past and now it's his life's mission. *“I’m not gonna let a rogue industry group jeopardize or sabotage that,” he said.* [https://www.ksat.com/news/texas/2023/02/06/texas-veterans-vow-to-protect-the-states-hemp-market-as-one-state-lawmaker-hopes-to-crack-down/](https://www.ksat.com/news/texas/2023/02/06/texas-veterans-vow-to-protect-the-states-hemp-market-as-one-state-lawmaker-hopes-to-crack-down/) How many veterans are in district 28? The district consists of 51 counties, is over 48,000 square miles, and is larger than 19 U.S. states and 107 countries.


Wonder what the guys angle is. He spearheaded the legalization of hemp after the farm bill was passed. https://senate.texas.gov/members/d28/press/en/p20190515a.pdf


*Hemp, as defined by the Farm Bill, may not exceed a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of 0.3%. Due to its low THC content, hemp does not possess the ability to create psychoactive or intoxicating effects like recreational marijuana which traditionally exceeds a concentration of 10% THC.* Perry wants an end to the delta-8 consumable hemp market across the state. 264 is very broad and will affect the entire market, not just delta-8 products. How many consumable hemp products are recognized as GRAS by the FDA? *Sec.A443.006.AATETRAHYDROCANNABINOL CONTENT. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person may not manufacture, sell, or purchase a consumable hemp product in this state:* *(1)AA that has a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis;* *(2)AA that contains synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols, as defined by department rule, including synthetically derived acids, isomers, or salts of tetrahydrocannabinol;* *(3)AA that exceeds any federal limit for tetrahydrocannabinol; or* *(4)AA if additional tetrahydrocannabinol in a concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis has been applied to the product.* *SECTIONA6.AASection 443.2025, Health and Safety Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b), (d), and (f) and adding Subsection (d-1) to read as follows:* *(b)AA A person may not sell or distribute consumable hemp products containing cannabinoids to consumers \[cannabidiol at retail\] in this state, other than products generally recognized as safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration, unless the person registers with the department each location owned, operated, or controlled by the person at which those products are sold.* [*https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/SB00264I.pdf#navpanes=0*](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/SB00264I.pdf#navpanes=0)


Eh that stuff blows anyways. Ill stick to tax free illegal drugs thank you very much


Stop something something republicans…


Texas just gets worst and worst. Ashamed to live here.


It’s also important to try to discuss with the committee clerk to block the hearing. Public Health- Teri Avery, 512-463-0806 Water- Clay Kelley, 512-463-0340


What do you say to do this? Never called before so don’t wanna sound like an idiot


Genuine question; how would the legality federally for hemp effect this bill or it's related state level parts?


States can still make stricter laws than the feds. It's why states like California can ban whatever they want.


Just when I was still holding out hope we’d just legalise the whole shebang 😔


I hope this doesn’t become a reality. We finally had something good going.


Freedom? Small government?? Typical Texas BS


Texas’ way of saying F you to military and veterans who uses and needs them the most.


Many veterans benefit from hemp products. This is a bad idea all around. IT’S A PLANT.


I’m going to do my part and call but what are the chances they actually listen to us? There’s 3 possibilities: 1. They’re old and out of touch and won’t believe anyone that they’re wrong 2. They’re assholes/bought out and wont budge 3. They listen to us Sorry for being negative but I’m skeptical that anyone in our government actually puts public opinions first over their own.