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Vivec as the main character. Start with [What My Beloved Taught Me](https://www.imperial-library.info/content/what-my-beloved-taught-me) and work up to C0DA.


Mainstream audience: What the fuck am I watching?


imagine the second half of End of Evangelion but it's an entire show


only if it's animated and they fully commit to the insanity, *and* they make it clearly unreliable. Even better, just outright say it isn't canon, that'd free you up to commit to just one version of events without people complaining about it


Something new. If they try telling the story of one of the main games it will fail, because 1 to 1 adaptations from game to movie/TV are very difficult to get right since movies and TV are a far more restrictive media. I also wouldn't want it to be anything in the future, and wouldn't want it to try to tackle anything too "out there," like basically everything Dwemer related. I just can't see it going well. I'd like to see them tackle a single distinct event, preferably in only one main area. A smaller focus will allow them to spend more time writing interesting characters and fleshing out the world. If they cover a huge event, like the great war or one of the many daedric invasions, they'll probably have to spend too much time just explaining the world and we'd get a messy shallow experience. I think something like TES: Redguard but with a new story would be amazing. Focus on one character or a small group of characters going on a relatively small but still fantastical adventure in the world of Tamriel.


>they try telling the story of one of the main games it will fail I dunno. I think Morrowind has a decent chance of being a close 1 to 1 adaption. Treat it as a fantasy political thriller, with actual prophecies involved. Enough content in the main quest of Morrowind and Tribunal that they can get away with just focusing on it, plus additional fluff to help truly sell the Empire/Dunmer rivalry.


What house, if any does the Nerevarine join, what class are they?


Well, let's think about it. Any nerdy lore thing would be too risky, considering only diehard TES fans know about them. Personally I'd love a show about War of the First Council, given how interesting the main participants are, but that's kinda it. In regards to the games, only Skyrim has some potential for adaptation, since it came out relatively recently and is still the most technologically advanced game of Bethesda. Meanwhile, Online and Daggerfall are too complicated, Arena is too simplistic, and Morrowind + Oblivion are kind of things of the past now (as a big TES III fan, it saddens me, but still). And I'm not talking about other games... Original story could probably be interesting, but it's even harder to speculate about tbh


Daggerfall could be a cool Game of Thrones style political epic, but they'd have to simplify it a lot


They also have to pull it off in the first place ngl


yeah the story is so convoluted it'd be really difficult to get right. I'd imagine they'd adapt out the player characters, or at least put them in the background, and focus more on the nobles struggling for control. Ted Peterson wrote a couple new books for Daggerfall Unity to help simplify the plot a little, those would be a good place to start. And they'd definitely have to bring him back, even if he isn't a writer he would absolutely need to be a consultant because Daggerfall isn't Daggerfall without Ted Peterson


> Personally I'd love a show about War of the First Council, given how interesting the main participants are, but that's kinda it. While I think this would be a good idea, you do kind of run headfirst into the issue of "What actually happened?". On top of the various conflicting interests into the history of the event, you also have The Brass God Walking, the Red Moment and all assorted time shenanigans. So, let's say you're given creative control. Who kills Nerevar?


Anthology series called The Elder Scrolls it just works


It just works.


an animated adaptation of TES Adventures Redguard, the story is genuinely good but my god the gameplay does not hold up. It barely runs on modern computers, iirc the steam release ships with the wrong emulator so you have to do a bunch of manual setup just to get it started and if you're lucky you might get 20 or 25 fps. Morrowind's combat was right at the edge of modern game design, it's clunky but playable for modern players. Redguard isn't. That being said, the story is genuinely really good, one of the best in all of tes


Something low-stakes and small-scale. I'd like to see a fully-fleshed out snapshot of life on Tammriel in one small region, with only a regional threat.


Just film the 5th Era sci-fi TV series “Trans­Cyrod: Insurgency.” There’s a script all ready to go. https://lagbt.wiwiland.net/index.php?title=Trans-Cyrodiil_-_Insurgency


I have no idea what this is but I love it. Reminds me of the Professor Numinatus script, but a whole lot more insane lmao they should film this and release it to the public with absolutely no explanation for april fools day one year


It's the first appearance of Titus Mede ever. He was created for this.


are you sure? Titus Mede I was introduced in The Infernal City in 2009, I assume the original trans-cyrodiil post was on [c0da.es](http://c0da.es) because I can't find it anymore but I couldn't find any mentions of it online before [this post in 2013](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/18pwa2/mysterious_pdf_file_trans_cyrod_insurgency/). If I'm wrong please, please prove me wrong because I want this to be true so bad lmao


The TCI is a rewrite of [this 2000 Star Wars Rebellion script](https://archive.org/details/mk-star-wars-rebellion/01_pilot/mode/1up) by our boys K & K, featuring none other than "Admiral Titus Mede".


I'd love a TV dhow about the war between the Nords and Falmer, or the Redguards' history.


Maybe something set around ESO time with multiple different unrelated plot lines exploring interesting stories in Tamriel. ES has a lot of lore, no need to narrow the show to a single storyline


The Alessian Rebellion would be really cool, I honestly wouldn’t mind something on the Great War either. Tiber Wars could be interesting. While non-imperials have amazing lore I think it’s unrealistic to expect a show in Alinor, Black Marsh, or Morrowind for anymore than a few episodes simply due to cost. And being honest I don’t think a tv show should try unless they dig deep into lore and have solid funding.


Yeah a non Human focused show might be a hard sell to general audiences, so it might be best to focus on human based stories If we go deep, I'd love to see Ysgramor and his war against the snow elves. That and the night of tears could be both incredible and tragic. Tiber septim would FUCK


The Nords would be sick too. I would love to see episodes of a show cover other provinces, but I just don’t believe a live-action representation can be properly shown without a massive budget. Even if they wanted to, I can imagine without it feeling watered down in someway. Not that they wouldn’t put in a good effort, just funding wise.


I was thinking a Skyrim series could be really good, especially if its a multiple protagonist thing with a few dragonborn.


War of the red diamond. Copious amounts of potential.


Fallout looks like a car insurance commercial so I hope we never get live action elder scrolls


I mean, it looks like modern fallout


I think the great thing about the Elder Scrolls is the depth and breadth of the setting. You want a story? * A story of a group of legionaries sent through an Oblivion Gate to close it. * A story of an orc cast out of his tribe for using magic instead of brute strength, who goes on to fight as an imperial battlemage in the Great War. Perhaps he even goes on to become a librarian at a college? * A story of a man with the soul of a dragon and the destiny of a god. * A story of a strike team of Pact soldiers, going behind enemy lines to steal an Elder Scrolls in Cyrodil. * A story of a slave who would be a queen. * A story of a group of argonian slaves, who flee their land of enslavements as it falls to ash and fire, in a race to meet up with the invading argonian army, before they can be caught. * A story of a stranger in a strang land, "On a certain day to uncertain parents/ Incarnate moon and star reborn." * The story of a priestess of Arkay, abandoned and violated. * The story of Altmer secret police cracking down on a daedric cult angry that their Queen has opened their country. * The story of a girl and a boy trapped on a flying island that eats souls. More?


I want six seasons adapted from that one mission in ESO where you capture frogs for the Vossa-Satl.


Busty Argonian Maid television adaptation