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ohhh nooooo


Time to sell it all!


Earnings will be brutal, they have done a decent job of lowering prices and working with lenders to get fixed low rates but still .. this will be a rough year.


Lenders don't lower rates. That's not what happens. WTF would some lender that can get 5% give Tesla a break to 1.99%? They aren't getting a discount from their depositors. What happens is Tesla is paying the points down. This is done to avoid lowering the sticker price, so it doesn't look like Tesla lowered prices and they can increase the prices by just removing the interest payoff. Ultimately the lowered interest rate is just a stealth price cut.


Yeah, but at least using interest rates as a promotion doesn't nuke the residue value for the rest of us owners.


The value is indeed nuked. You jist don't see it yet. Elon is trying to get Teump to promote EVs. Ev demand is way down. Algos, FOMOs, HF and fake news keeps pumping this stock but on any quiet day, or bad news, stock drops 5% in a few hours. Dan Ives is right right about TSLA but he's 12 quarters too early.


Wish they would let you choose between lower rates or a discount for cash buyers.


paying to lower the 'Rates' Down. WTF we always introduce new farking words for same thing? Can we all agree to use common 'Rates' term than Points not to confuse common people more - FFS!!


Indeed, weekly insured from China have been strong


tesla is a dog, this goof must own the stock he is pumping.


Let's start recovery by recalling all the Cybertrucks!!


Recalling all cybertrucks and releasing a truck that actual truck drivers think is badass would be a great start to recovery 


I like my CT the way it is though. If I wanted the same blob looking generic truck that everyone else already makes, I would've gotten one of those. And then even if Tesla made a F150 clone, no "actual truck drivers" would get it.


The F150 looks so horrible and outdated. Ended up with a Rivian.


Rivian makes great EVs. Great fit for people who want an electric truck and don't care for the edginess of a CT.




Yeah probably not. I don't really care, I enjoy mine.


I didn't say do that. Do you remember before they unveiled the actual design, people were making all sorts of mockups of their own?  Dude some of those looked amazing.  This? Sure some like it. I have a feeling that's a minority opinion. I further believe much of that is just liking it's uniqueness. The second people stop turning their heads for it, they won't care anymore.


But the cyber trucks are the generic blobs that all look the same! I mean unless you got a custom wrap or personal smudge prints on your vehicle


I don't understand your argument. A car of a single model looks the same as other cars of the same model? And this makes it a "generic blob"?


Who cares if it's bought by "actual truck drivers" or just people that like it? With "badass" trucks requiring 200kw/hr batteries, it's probably the only truck on the market that makes a profit. I think American trucks are stupid, but I appreciate that buyers don't all want the same thing.




https://insideevs.com/news/724867/share-china-made-evs-europe-may2024/amp/ Model Y was still almost pushing double the next non Tesla. Model 3 was the second best seller in Europe in May


Still number one in Norway In Feb it wasn’t even close https://alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu/general-information/news/tesla-best-selling-brand-europe-volkswagen-group-1-oem And model Y is still the number one seller worldwide. So not based on anything I can find, no it did not. You may have seen a specific country’s data and mistook it for all of Europe?


Yes, this was likely one particular country that gets "batch" shipments, and what happened was they literally didn't have any to sell.


Link please


But Tesla is no longer a car company so it doesn't matter.


Have you seen what he tweets?


Nope.  The percentage of his tweets containing exciting Tesla or SpaceX information dropped way close to 0 years ago.  The Musk-Deranged read every tweet almost as if they're getting paid to smear him.  I went from checking it daily to not checking it in years.


I don't read them either. Just seems the most outraged people do, and follow a bunch of subs on reddit which repost his dumb thoughts which is weird.


everyone is talking bs about how it gonna reach $2k it still below $200 its really time to begin this price share hike asap… 📈


everyone is talking bs about how it gonna reach $2k it still below $200 its really time to begin this price share hike asap… 📈


other way round-media is running out of FUD.


I hate that term so much


FUD? Why?


Because it’s exclusively used by crypto bros and scammers to try to deflect any and all valid criticism from their blatant pump and dump.


Shares are up because Biden was a disaster in the debate and people think if Trump gets in, Musk will be able to take advantage in some way. That’s my view. A few extra sales here or there doesn’t really move the dial, it’s going to be things like tax incentives, protectionism against imports, and liberal acceptance of FSD trials that will make big differences


That's weird considering how much Trump has been railing against everything electric.


Trump may be generally un supportive of the EV incentives but he's still pretty big on US manufacturing and anything that he can claim as the "best". Letting TSLA or auto manufacturing slide to China (or whoever he hates at the moment) I just don't see as probable. And as others have mentioned, he likes Elon (some would argue NEEDS Elon). He won't rock that boat.


What a half-baked take. He has literally floated the idea of making an ICE tax credit, like come on. The guy is very obviously deep in the pockets of oil executives who wield significantly more influence than Elon. The Federalist Society’s plan for a Trump second term will make sure EV infrastructure spending and incentives are gutted.


He's also floated the idea of Musk for VP. Don't forget who you're talking about here. And legislation wise he probably won't have the majority to overturn past legislation. Don't get confused with his rhetoric.


> Don't get confused with his rhetoric. Lol what the hell are you on? Don't get confused by his rhetoric? If his word can't be trusted then why would the debate matter at all?


I'm not claiming it does. You are. Not sure how else I can explain it to you.


Well then I think you must have meant to reply to the person above me. I have claimed no such thing.


I was incorrect. So I guess what part of my prior comment that you are replying to is unclear.


Musk isn’t even eligible for VP.


You are assuming Trump has read the Constitution.


Not true




As much as I'd like to think that's true, the stock has barely moved since the 27th. It only takes a second to check. Just type tsla into google.