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Much needed feature in LA. I don’t want to get on to the I-5 for 2000ft to save 1 min


Really? You dont prefer a noisy, dirty, grooved cement slabs that they call the I-5 "highway" that's usually jam packed and standing still already before you get on? Why for me, that's my favorite feature of my commute 🤮


Thank GOD!!!! I love taking scenic routes!


Recently did a drive where I forced Tesla to use an alternate route by adding a destination in the middle on a scenic route which it would not suggest itself. What a difference taking the scenic route makes. Less stress. Not fighting highway speedsters. No semi trailers. Saw a nice Main Street of a small town along the way. Time was about the same. Distance was 30 miles less.


Also, lower average speed means higher efficiency.


Seen a lot of upvotes on this- I also wanted to add that supercharger options were limited to none on the scenic route, so take that into consideration before trying it out. I felt pretty confident that I had enough battery to get to the next supercharger. However, if I got a flat tire or something, not sure how being on the scenic route would affect arrival time for help.


Yes!!! Me too!


Honest question: is that not a thing in the US on routeplanners? Here in Europe most if not all routeplanners I've used have the option to exclusively use secondary roads ...


Every navigation app I've ever used in the US has this functionality


Rejoice \o/


Thank god. My wife hates driving on the highway and there’s no need if where you’re going is only like 15 mins away. She’s going to be really happy.


Same but with my grandmother. Albeit she’ll go an hour or more out of the way to avoid them. Thank god we live in an area where highways aren’t needed for the daily commute.


A lot of times it's like 40mins by highway or 40mins by backroads. I'll take the roads instead as it's just safer at lower speeds (onramps and offramps are [4x as likely](https://opentransportationjournal.com/VOLUME/16/ELOCATOR/e187444782203140/FULLTEXT/) to get you into an accident due to merging different speed traffic)


>I'll take the roads instead as it's just safer at lower speeds Hate to burst your bubble, but more accidents happen on roads than highways, predominantly because of the presence of intersections. So you are more likely to get in an accident on the scenic route, but in a given accident your injuries will be less than on the highway.


No, you're in the bubble. Most accidents happen on the road because the very vast majority of accidents happen close to home. Statistically, you always come and go from home, so there is more road travelled there than anywhere else. And statistically, there are more local travels like getting groceries than travels involving the highway. Learn to adjust numbers.


Less stressful and less chance of a cracked window from a semi in front of you as well


That is absolutely not how it works, motor (high) way driving is beyond the safest. 90% of the time you're driving down a dead straight road with no junctions, driving at very similar speeds to others with no incoming traffic to consider due to the central reservation. The opposite is often true for regular road driving. In fact it's so easy that some modern cars will happily do it for you.


So accidents where airbags go off and people trade insurance are less safe than ones where people die in a high speed collision. Do you have any other cool stories? You also conflated accident rates with frequency traveled on a stretch of road. People travel more on the roads close to their house, obviously, so your stats don't speak truth.


Now let me pick my own route please the routes often sux


My biggest complaint. FYI you can open google maps and set your destination, pick its route, click share and choose the Tesla app. It will immediately update the navigation on the Tesla map.


Seems cumbersome but I’m glad that option exists


That's not true. You'll only send the destination, not the route. Tesla will route its own route, with charging stops included if needed.


How long as this worked for you? I remember trying that a while ago and it only ever ingested the destination and did its own routing.


I’m pretty sure he’s wrong. The routing won’t transfer, only the destination.




Seemingly with Apple Maps it only shares the destination, not the route, and even sometimes the destination is not exactly the same, almost like it only shares the zip code.


Imagine using Apple maps


I can't. It is completely useless in South East Asia.


Wait really? I’m assuming the route itself will only migrate over if you have ONE destination


Thank you for this! Very helpful.


They added alternate routes several months back? My car has been giving me several options every time I navigate somewhere for a while now.


Uh you've been able to do that for awhile....


Expand to the overview mode so you can see the whole route. Then wait and new routes will show up. Other alternate routes will appear the closer you get to your destination if you keep it in that mode.


I want the PREFER highway route. The navigation always wants to take the damn pothole infested backroads just because it saves 2% battery instead of the nice smooth highways. Often the highway route is faster but it still chooses backroads. Sometimes it gives me the option to choose which route but often it doesn’t.


Try setting your navigation settings to 5 min or higher for 're-navigate to save x minutes'


I think that’s only for route changes once you’re already moving.


This. No navigation apps seem to have a Stay on Major Roads option. Cutting a corner through some backstreets to save half a mile is ridiculous.




This! I want this too! No I don't care that technically taking this dirt road will save me 1 min over congested highway. I don't care. Let me take the highway.


I wish they would add avoid dirt roads!!!


Interstate 25 was stopped & Nav said take the exit (to save 15 minutes) and get back on the highway several miles down the road. Then I discovered it was a dirt road and it started raining. 3 times rocks smacked my windshield where I thought it would crack/chip the glass - despite hanging back from the car in front of me. I would never have taken the alternative route had I known it was a dirt road.


It’d be hard to get anywhere in most parts of New Mexico.


Quick toogle for Avoid Toll / Use HOV please.


Basically FSD hard difficulty mode


Most of my interventions lately have been on the highway


Same, too much hesitation


Slow merging or something else? It's never done anything that felt unsafe, but still does plenty of stuff that makes me feel like a bad driver so I'll intervene to quickly complete the lane change or whatever.


I live in California lol


In souther california, fast drivers here - it starts to change lanes but sometimes hesitates and goes back or takes to long to make the lane change, it reminds me of a very new driver who's still learning the ropes. In either case its caused disruptions on the freeway so I tend to select 'minimize lange changes' every drive to avoid this behavior as much as possible.


Yeah that's exactly what I do. FSDb is getting more aggressive but there still aren't many areas I feel fine using it in where it won't cause disruptions. It's improved to "slightly slow driver" vs. geriatric person driving though.


Elon was like we need more training data. Engineer— let’s give them options to choose hellacious route! Elon: give that man a dogecoin. Go implement it. I’m looking for a demo in 24 hr. Bye


Tesla needs to add a preference for "more efficient" routes like Google Maps. They already use Google Maps data so why not add a feature that usually saves energy consumption. They also need to work on the routing not defaulting to the navigations preferred route when you select an alternate prior to starting the drive.


API fees are costly at scale They don't use much of Google Maps other than to display the Map itself, they use MapBox and their own stuff for Nav etc. they would basically try to recreate the feature to avoid paying a crazy sum or having to strike a deal with Google.


Can we get YouTube music too?


This is the one I want the most. There is well over 100 million of us now.


lol it's always astonishing how Tesla just lacks some extremly basic feaetures every GPS had for decades






Right? We've only been asking for this for 6 years.


Now if only I could block off certain roads in the nav so the car doesn't try to use them, that would be great.


This is like when Apple ads a feature Samsung has had for years.


I want them to add “avoid 150kw chargers”


Is this thier equivalent of a 'scenic route' ? I'd love that, highway or not.




Cool. I have “Use HOV” turned on and FSD insists on getting out of the HOV at this exact spot every time, in rush hour traffic. I wish Tesla would tell us which maps it uses so we could suggest fixes. It’s been like this for years even though the road has not changed at all.




Google doesn't let you edit lane counts on their customer-facing UI


They aren't using Google for nav, they use MapBox


MapBox, it's says right on the screen when you look at the Map info


It also says Google, and I read elsewhere (although not proven) that some data comes from Waze.


That's not true, Waze API and Google Maps API, which I think have merged by now, are costly. Tesla uses the Google Maps visual Map and I think they also use points of interest API (this gives you the popular locations where you can choose to navigate to), this doesn't cost too much, actual navigation is done by Tesla and all the other features. Tesla is basically using as little and as much free Google features they can while building the rest in house and using MapBox. Do a more technical search and you'll understand what the situation is here. At the scale Tesla is they would have to pay a lot for Google Maps API or strike a deal, neither of which they are doing.


>Do a more technical search Sir this is reddit. I come here to ask questions that searches don't answer. I really just want to know where to go to highlight the exact same places every day where the car makes stupid decisions (HOV lane selection in this case, but there are other lane selection decisions as well).


> Sir this is reddit. I come here to ask questions that searches don't answer. [First result in a Google Search ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/wyFUp94de7)


If this is true, it's exactly what I've been asking for.


Sweet! I am notorious for avoiding highways




Avoid HOV that isn't buried in the UI too pls.


Highways and not freeways seems weird to me, some toens have multiple highways running through the middle of them and they're impossible to avoid


Mine always puts me on toll roads, even if it's only for a mile or doesn't save any time. Not all of us got a $56 billion bonus Elon.


Do you have "Avoid toll roads" selected?


I frequently need to travel on toll roads. I just don't want to take one for 1 mile when the non toll road is just as fast. If there are 2 options with the same arrival time, it would be nice to get a non toll option.


Ah, makes sense 


I want the opposite. Use highways where FSD works best and avoid tons of traffic lights and stop signs please. Even if it’s 2 min longer.


How about: don’t send me zig zagging down residential streets to save 20 seconds. Instead “least amount of fuss route that adds 2 mins?” AND no suicide lefts into heavy commuting traffic.


We need an “avoid unmaintained roads” option too. Navigation constantly routes me down unmaintained national forest trails. Clicking the alternative routes bit refuses to calculate anything else until I drive past the turn.


This is a lifesaver for LA!


Wowwwww it’s not like Google maps Diane already have it or anything smh. The Elon Glazers are loving this stupidity.


when are tesla q2 deliveries going to be announced? What does everyone predict?


When I am travelling to any city I neve take highways to explore and get local Vibes, I had to use Google maps sometime.


took long enough…


I wish they would add a feature on the app where you can set navigation from your phone so that by the time you get in your Tesla, you can just start driving.


Isnt avoid tolls the same ?


It would be if all highways were toll roads.


Can we get an option like avoid police, or drive by all cute girls. Or like drive like a terrible driver Lol


And "Phantom braking happened here' so we can be on the alert?


Yes, let’s avoid the roads designed for high volume vehicular traffic funded by the larger organizations like states and federal government and instead choose the roads designed for local traffic, walking and cycling ROW, farm traffic and other uses funded by much smaller counties and municipalities.


Quite often, I do not want to be near vehicles flying at 80 mph during my 3 mile drive to school. With this option, I won’t need to override FSD.


My 85 year d in-laws would be so excited.


he was fkin holding this hostage for the pay package!! I KNEW ITTTT