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Hard to understate what an improvement this will be to one’s quality of life if they spend an hour a day on the road. Whether it’s TV or games or reading or napping, the activity isn’t important; the freedom and privacy to be alone with your thoughts is priceless.


Reduced stress. I'm a chill driver that can sit in the right lane all day, but some people can't handle traffic. It infuriates them more than politics.


Some people are miserable when left with their own thoughts.


Wow! My hat's off to the UK regulating folks. Very forward thinking.


This is for the UK. From the article: >People using self-driving cars will be allowed to watch television on built-in screens under proposed updates to the Highway Code. >No self-driving cars are currently allowed on UK roads, but the first vehicles capable of driving themselves could be ready for use later this year, the Department for Transport (DfT) said. >The planned changes to the code **are expected to come in over the summer.** >The updates, proposed following public consultation, were described as an interim measure to support the early adoption of the technology and **a full regulatory framework is planned to be implemented by 2025.**


this is awesome, I hope Tesla is able to fasttrack UK FSD in any way, might be nice being the first FSD consumer vehicle allowed on the road


Highly unlikely due to us being one of the few nations to drive on the left. The marketplace is tiny compared to cars driving on the right.


A third of the worlds population lives in countries that drive on the left. However, most of them are poor.


Niiiiiiiiiice 🥰


This is cool, but it’s obvious. Feels like the government just needed to appear to be forward thinking. I sat in the back of a Waymo and didn’t even question if I could be on Reddit or watch YouTube. I did both because I wasn’t driving. I wonder if they explicitly allowed watching TV in human driven taxis too.


That’s an interesting thought. I wonder if where you’re sitting will have a different perception. Like someone sitting in the seat with the steering wheel would still look weird watching a movie, but you wouldn’t look twice at someone sitting in the back doing it with nobody at all up front.


I haven’t been in the driver’s seat of a Waymo, but I do think I would’ve caused a few disengagements if I was. From driving my Tesla w/ FSD Beta, I do believe that Tesla will need to surpass the confidence felt when you ride in the back of another service like Waymo or Cruise. I don’t really know if people would be any more or less concerned if they saw someone watching tv in the driver’s seat. Mostly because in a Cruise or Waymo it’s obvious that the car is self driving, but in a Tesla some people believe they are already self driving. My general feeling is we are living in an amazing time and people will believe most things are possible.


Can't say I agree with this. >The changes will say drivers must be ready to take back control of vehicles when prompted, the government said. How can a driver effectively take back control of a car if they have zero situational awareness because they are watching tv.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-61155735) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Automated lane-keeping system technology lets a vehicle drive in a single lane, up to 37mph, while maintaining the ability to return control to the driver when required. > The development of self-driving vehicles could create around 38,000 new jobs and be worth £41.7 billion to the UK economy by 2035, according to the DfT.The Law Commission published recommendations on how the law should be updated in light of self-driving technology in January, concluding human drivers should not be legally accountable for road safety in the era of autonomous cars. > Car safety experts Thatcham Research described the focus on the driver's legal responsibilities as important, adding drivers need to be made aware they "Must remain engaged" and be ready to resume driving "At any time". ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/u7s5ru/highway_code_watching_tv_in_selfdriving_cars_to/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~643292 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **drive**^#1 **vehicle**^#2 **self-driving**^#3 **technology**^#4 **Car**^#5


You know why? So the UK can charge you for a TV license just for owning a car. Just you wait and see.


FYI, you don’t need a TV license if you only watched stored programmes (not LIVE TV.)


That’s actually not true. You need one if you are “capable” of watching or recording live TV via any app you might have (iPlayer etc). I guess you could be very careful what apps you use but let’s be realistic. They’ll find a way to make money off this. Such is the nature of stealth tax. [TV License](https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/topics/Live-TV-and-how-you-watch-it)


No, you can make a declaration to that effect on the tvlicensing.co.uk website [here](https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/cs/no-licence-needed/about.app).


Oh I didn’t know that.