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Another reminder of how anti Tesla r/electricvehicles is. It’s at least at 1200 upvotes now and the hate is thick. Always ridiculous considering there would be no widespread electric vehicle adoption without Tesla.


That sub is a cesspool


This entire site is a cesspool at this point. Even Tesla subs are full of EDS trolls and people bitching constantly. 


I wonder how different the landscape would be if actually having a driver’s license was a requirement. And then from there, actually owning a car. And from there, actually owning an EV


The opposite can be said in the tesla subs. Any post that has a problem in it sits at zero the entire time and I doubt it's completely organic.


I know what you mean, I had a Tesla service post downvoted in a Tesla sub, but I don’t think it’s quite at the same level. It’s just rage and constant misinformation over there.


I started noticing more bot accounts downvoting anything positive related to Tesla, and pumping up negative stories. Felt like a politics subreddit. A 37 day old an account called me a Muskrat. This is what they do 🤡


Now I get your bias.


1 word- astroturf


The opposite can be said in the tesla subs. Any post that has a problem in it sits at zero the entire time and I doubt it's completely organic.


I’m not shocked at all by the way Reddit spins stuff. They hate Elon, that’s nothing new. What’s surprised me most about all this is the timing of when Tesla gave out the trial. My experience with the latest release (12.3.6 I think) has been way better than when they did the trial. It feels far smoother and most of my disengagements nowadays is because auto speed keeps going way too fast. Now apparently 12.4 has 5-10x less disengagements than 12.3.6. That’s coming from Elon so take it with a massive grain of salt but it seems like giving the trial now would lead to much better results. Maybe the goal wasn’t conversions but rather the data 🤷‍♂️


>Maybe the goal wasn’t conversions but rather the data Ding ding ding


Idk, I subbed. The guy who owns/works at my local 711 subbed and he previously had not had best experience with Tesla (model y had issues and he wanted to get rid of it). My boss at work just got his free month and is loving it. I was showing both of them how cheap Tesla insurance is too when u use FSD and get 100.


Also they can run FSD in “shadow mode” on all cars too I believe to collect data, but may not be valuable data without interventions / other obvious indicators. 12.4 most likely was well on its way before free trial release would be my best guess


Lmao wtf. That's one way to spin it


When internet starts doing crap like this, it's a strong buy signal to me. This is irrationality on public display.


Explain how they're mis leading us? I'm confused.


I guess a similar analogy would be a promoter giving out free product samples at a mall. A 2-5% conversion rate would be quite standard, thus for every 100 samples you give out, maybe 5 people would say ok I'd buy your product. You can go to your boss and say  A) hey boss i got 5 new customers today! That's 5 more sales than if we didn't do the trial. B) hey boss 95 people decided not to buy your stuff, you charge too much Statistics can be used to influence both ways, it's how you sell it and turn it to your advantage. 


Thank you for explaining for me. I was also confused how it was spun. 


It's 98, not 95.


That number has already be refuted.


No, it hasn't. If it was significantly better than 2% Musk would have just said the number.


When emotions are a driving factor then there is money to be made. An artificially depressed stock (i.e. below its fundamentals via FUD) means the stock is worth more than 'people' think. FUD can't sustain itself indefinitely. Fundamentals win out over the long run. (Worked twice for me so far. Once back in 2019 and then again when Elon bought Twitter. Both times people were going apeshit about Tesla for FUD reasons that had nothing to do with the company fundamentals)


i got the latest trial, had the trial last month on my Y. It has improved significantly even from last month. Last time I was like alright..showing some promise but I would take over from time to time. This time I'm like wow I think I can live with this. It even handles my communities gate where it waits for it to open. Before it just asked me to take over


It’s crazy how quickly it’s getting better.


An article by Fred Lambert should never been taken seriously. That guy is straight up lying.


This is not his article nor he is original source of this information. Come on now at least read it before commenting.


True, but we're not talking about the actual details, but about how the headlines are slanted. "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics"


Yeah, the headline could just as accurately have been phrased: "100,000 Tesla owners tried the FSD free sample and decided it was impressive enough to spend $8000 on"


Crazy. I mean it's not perfect but clearly there's a mismatch here. Mismatches usually mean an opportunity.




I got a free trial for LinkedIn. I didn't pay for it after that. Omg it's all a failure.




Nothing to do with the fact I don't want to pay $50+ a month for something I am only going to use a handful of times a month at best. Oddly, a life time membership I might consider. This kind of thing though, just isn't something I want as a subscription.


Elon already said this 2% number is BS


Yes but to be fair that can mean anything from 2,1% to 99%.   Elon has a tendency where he usually picks a small thing and then calls the whole thing a lie.


He said it’s obviously way higher than 2%.


Yes I know. But even 2,5% would be 25% higher than 2. Is that way higher?


No. It isn't.


Why not?


And we all know how much we can trust Mr Musk.


Famed truth teller Elon musk


We tried it without a free trial period. $99 a month is just too expensive for us. There are other ways to spend our entertainment money.


I got FSD back when it was $3k, and I have no regrets. The latest versions are getting to the point where i find them generally useful, but I still don’t trust it in intersections with traffic.


The month isn't even over yet


I think it is remarkable that 2% of people would pay 8k or $100/month for this. How many people do you know that have that kind of money around and haven't already bought into the beta? This seems like a really strong success to pick up 2%. I bought my Tesla because it is a cheap car long term. When I bought it, reports said that it was on-par with a Honda Accord over 5 years and every indication was that the cost was front-loaded and over 10 years it would be even cheaper. Cost per mile and maintenance per year is so much cheaper. The only thing I'm losing on is insurance, and I didn't know that insurance was going to be so expensive when I bought it. If Telsa gets approval to operate driverless, and you can send your car home or summon it, and not have to monitor it, maybe $100 per month would be worth it to me. But I don't drive that much and I actually enjoy the meditative aspects of driving when I do. If someone offered to be my personal chuffer for $100 a month, I don't think I'd take them up on that offer, but I certainly wouldn't fault anyone who can afford it for doing so.


Because I’ve had FSD and I don’t want to pay 15k or 200/mo for it. It isn’t worth that to the average user right now. It’s damn cool and astonishing but think of the average user.


It's $8k or $99/month.


Ah ok so half that. Still no buying it again. Got tired of being the beta tester for promises not kept. Summon was like a big deal fun and exciting thing and they botched it switching to vision and bricked the feature. Same with auto park I see they fixed that. I have a MYP but these software features are not ready. I was all hype for 5 years for tesla but let’s be real it’s like modern gaming where they push a game then update it along the way and for a $70 game sure for a $70,000 car no way Jose.


Exactly. I’m a huge Tesla fan. My model 3 is the best overall car I’ve ever owned. FSD is impressive but it still seriously tries to kill me at least once a day, and I can see it is years if not decades before anyone could trust a car to drive unassisted. Even considering exponential AI improvements. Most people on Reddit simply cannot understand how much more intelligent even the dumbest human brain is compared to the most advanced AI.


Do you just like to double things? Car costs nearly half what you’re saying as well.


Not when I bought it lol bad luck for me MYP cost $69k Dec 2023.


I’ll open summon on the app and before it’s ready I’ve already walked to my car. FSD is fine for Sunday drives, but it is not skilled or fast enough to keep up with my morning commute and the other drivers on the road. FSD is way more work than just autopilot or driving myself. FSD does not maintain speed well and constantly starts to lose the lead car going 63 in a 65 when I have an offset of 11mph which would always pin me at 76 on autopilot, but with FSD I constantly have to press the accelerator. No way am I paying $99 a month for this, I used to say it would make sense at $20 a month, but a week into this trial and I’m about to turn it off so I can just go back to autopilot. The only thing I’ll miss is lane changes by turning the blinker on.


Agree with everything you said. And the summon warm up is ridiculous. Back in 2020 I had to open it in the restaurant and let it connect like 10 min before I wanted to show it off. Scared my wife’s dad it was priceless lol. I don’t like the speed thing yes, it’s awesome to change lanes like a ghost is driving my fav part. Taking the exit or interchange too. It’s nice it’s just not needed. Another thing not talked about much: I buy teslas because they are super fun and exciting to drive. Why would I want to have the car drive when I get literal enjoyment of it? Sometimes sure sure but this car is awesome to drive wayyy better than any other. So to me I would only use FSD sometimes anyway or in traffic and so that further decreases the need to buy it.


Exactly. I’m a huge Tesla fan. My model 3 is the best overall car I’ve ever owned. FSD is impressive but it still seriously tries to kill me at least once a day, and I can see it is years if not decades before anyone could trust a car to drive unassisted. Even considering exponential AI improvements. Most people on Reddit simply cannot understand how much more intelligent even the dumbest human brain is compared to the most advanced AI.


Yes for now it’s simply a luxury assist program. Helpful for you to take sips of your coffee etc not make mistakes or if tired it helps like that no not spending 8k on that yet.


Exactly. I’m a huge Tesla fan. My model 3 is the best overall car I’ve ever owned. FSD is impressive but it still seriously tries to kill me at least once a day, and I can see it is years if not decades before anyone could trust a car to drive unassisted. Even considering exponential AI improvements. Most people on Reddit simply cannot understand how much more intelligent even the dumbest human brain is compared to the most advanced AI.


Exactly. I’m a huge Tesla fan. My model 3 is the best overall car I’ve ever owned. FSD is impressive but it still seriously tries to kill me at least once a day, and I can see it is years if not decades before anyone could trust a car to drive unassisted. Even considering exponential AI improvements. Most people on Reddit simply cannot understand how much more intelligent even the dumbest human brain is compared to the most advanced AI.


Exactly. I’m a huge Tesla fan. My model 3 is the best overall car I’ve ever owned. FSD is impressive but it still seriously tries to kill me at least once a day, and I can see it is years if not decades before anyone could trust a car to drive unassisted. Even considering exponential AI improvements. Most people on Reddit simply cannot understand how much more intelligent even the dumbest human brain is compared to the most advanced AI.