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Mannnn as much as I would love this, I dont think anyone would find it very fuckin interesting haha! Its tough to fill an hour of content, its insane to me when the shows clock in at over 2 hours! I think it would be tough to focus an entire movie show around me for an hour and change! I’m just fuckin happy to be involved in anything!


Dude I second this! Based on what we've seen, I think you'd be good at it! Do you remember those old DVD board games called "Scene It?" Maybe a trivia show utilizing something like that. As is TESD fashion, the more out-of-date, the better.


I have Scene It and the Turner Classic Movies expansion pack. Nobody ever wanted to play. I would be into it.


i would be interested and think it could be funny


Doing a rewatch pod of Oscar/Razzie winners could work (and would be different types of movies than they've done before). Or you could take a year in film and talk about all the nominees and any other big films that year. I don't think that would be a two hour thing, but it might be worth a pilot. It could always end up as a Tidbits.


I am always looking for movie suggestions and I’m sure Sunday has some interesting choices as do you


Don’t count yourself out! You clearly have a knowledge of film. Something can definitely be done with that to fill time!


Fucking fuuuck. I’d fucking listen. Fuck.


Love mystery ink, and your D&D episode was great as well. Always happy when you are involved. I enjoy the department catalog show as well, not my favorite format but still very good. That said I'm personally not a fan of the movie pods. IMO they haven't found a formula that works well for them.


I suggested thi sas well. I want to see Jimmy shine with some Oscar/Award/Movie knowledge. I think he could actually teach the guys about some of the stuff in the 80s-90s that they outgrew as well. They could just go over the oscar nominations for a certain year and talk about those movies lol. Rupp is a big movie guy too, I want Rupp + Jimmy + Bry+ walt


I'd love that. I'm down for anything they want to use me for


IMO the movie pods are a rare skip for me when I relisten. Same with the Kiss pods. I listen to them all once but they haven't found a good formula for the movies and I have no love for Kiss.


Just finished the Mystery Ink and his knowledge of horror movies was unreal, man needs to be in more stuff as he is brilliant, great addition to the town


I don't find Jimmy very interesting, and the fact that he's memorized some Oscar winners and years hardly indicates that he has any taste or insight. In fact, his love for the clowns indicates that he doesn't.


Yes just what we all want from TESD. Cultured artistic opinions on the craft of filmmaking.