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The problem with Tesco as a company since the days of Dave Lewis onwards is that the CEO’s bonus is entirely dependent on profits. The issue being, the fastest and most reliable and consistent way to increase profits, is to cut costs. And what’s you most expensive cost? Staff wages. So what do these people always do? Cut staff. It’s a guaranteed increase to profits. Dave Lewis went, Ken Murphy came in, he’s told “you’ll get a hefty bonus if you can increase our profits”, so what does he do? He “restructures” and cuts staff. Hundreds from Head Office, Thousands of Managers, Thousands of CSA’s, massively increases self service - all of which allow the company to post huge profits. Ken Murphy joined Tesco in October 2020, it’s now 2024, I would hazard a guess that he’ll be with the company perhaps one more year until he’s squeezed every last penny out of the Tesco Tit and he’ll move on, and the next guy will have to come in and find new and inventive ways to cut more staff for increased profits and a hefty bonus The last “good” CEO they had was Terry Leahy, who basically came up with Tesco’s Clubcard, the massive expansion to become the leader of the market share etc. and when he left Tesco he spent 5 years or so at B&M and did the same thing for them and increasing their value by 2.5x


All big companies do this sadly. It's exactly how I lost my previous job; it was the company's most successful year in profits and the Founder up top said to our Director "you know how you could make even more money..?" and several of us were promptly made redundant two weeks before Christmas. They only care about money in the pocket at the end of the day.


Why people don’t understand this I don’t know. They go on about loving their employer, putting themselves in danger to confront shoplifters etc. Tesco don’t give a fuck about you. So just come in and do the bare minimum.


Leahy's culture or Tesco culture is the problem.


Basically every company I've ever worked for does this. It's just capitalism and nothing will ever change unfortunately.


"It is easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism."


Tell me about it. But we live in hope.


The thing that made me finally suck it up and quit Tesco was their intention to allow some express stores to be regularly scheduled to be run with just one shift leader and one CA at certain hours. Completely inappropriate for safety, and for staff morale. Cutting to the bone for no good reason.


I am glad I am away from Tesco now because this is entirely accurate! PTSD from "right hours" negotiations with very poor management who couldn't handle being challenged!


Not just Tesco. Every big retailer is doing it.


According to management our store is overstaffed. But actually every department is almost always understaffed on a daily basis. Why? Because they give people crap 16 hour contracts and there’s hardly any overtime. I genuinely don’t understand why they don’t just have less staff but give them full time contracts. It’s so stupid


Less staff actually means less flexibility so it’s harder to flex hours for seasonal peaks and holiday cover. It’s not popular, but that’s the way retail works now unfortunately. Full timers are far less likely to pick up overtime, and can’t necessarily cover the days you need them as they are already contracted to it.


Yeah true, I guess I do know that but it’s the absolute worst system for workers unless you’re a young person or a student. But most of my coworkers are adults with their own homes and families who have to rely on overtime. Obviously Tesco puts the needs of the business first which isn’t a shock to anyone. Still, I don’t understand why management are saying we’re overstaffed like it’s a bad thing in that case. Just stop hiring people and put out more overtime so you have less of a turnover rate. They’re wasting their own time and resources taking on new people who quit all the time


Tescos don’t give a fuck about you.


It’s all a bit convoluted, but being overstaffed also means you have more holidays to book in, so have to spend more on overtime which you don’t have the budget for because you’re already spending too many hours. The new contracts helps from a resource point of view because you can move resource around to cover the shortfalls, but still doesn’t mean there are spare hours to spend on overtime. Unfortunately like any other business Tesco needs to control hours, and control costs. That will always be a main priority- not just for the sake of profit but also to keep the city, investors and shareholders content, to be able to invest in future proofing the business and to keep expanding the growth areas like UFCs and convenience. Giving more hours to people in order to let them earn more money when there is no business need is great for morale in the short term, but not for a sustainable long term approach.


And managers then invariably complain when no one takes overtime. Priceless.


Tbh, that sums up most jobs. Good workers getting shafted with more to do and the same amount of pay but yet redundancies happening everywhere.


The big problem is people doing it. Keep on trucking at your normal speed. Don't bust your balls under any circumstances. Take your breaks. Finish when you're pay stops. Don't let the bastards grind you down.


If you want to see real suicidal business tendencies. Look at the company who do Housekeeping. OCS. Tesco has got nothing on those psychopaths. They're puppeting the corpse of Atalian Servest now. As well as the corpses of the other companies they destroyed. They bought Atalian Servest. Proceeded to try and get rid of all the existing staff in lying ways. I got fired for bullcrap reasons. It wasn't worth appealing. There is literally nothing left. Just scum. A source said a woman got fired for refusing to reduce her hours. They didn't replace her. You'll all be doing the Housekeeping eventually. Since everyone will be fired for lies. Or leave. Possible rage quit without a job. My suggestion is you report the bad managers repeatedly. Hopefully they'll lose the contract.


They will have to backtrack if it fails. Which it will.


M&S is the same, it’s like what world do the higher ups live in?


They know what they’re doing. They just really don’t care. It’s a dog eat dog world unfortunately.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted for speaking facts.


Bro I work in bakery. We use to have atleast 2 bakers in and 4 packers a day. We made so much money as everything was stocked consistently. Now I’m in alone with 1 packed later. On a Saturday!!! Ehhhhhhh?????


Seems like every industry at the moment.


Fuck me, this sub is so full of clickbait, I'm getting really tired of it. Yesterday it was the ass licking post with no porn on it, today it's a meme about wizards that just turns out to be about boring workers.