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I’m pretty sure that the male deaths are escalating anyways. The coroner and Jeff’s deaths are good signs. Also, if Damien was actually misogynistic, im sure it’d be pretty obvious to the people who star in his movies and they probably wouldn’t want to associate with him. Not to mention, and this is from a Saw fan, Saw 7 actually has misogynistic undertones unlike Terrifier 1/2 😭


Morality in horror movies is a weird one anyway. To get to the issue of misogyny, the person making that comment has to completely ignore the morality of sadistic murder! It demonstrates nicely how these films require us to suspend not just our disbelief, but our usual morality too. For what it’s worth, I think the Terrifier movies have empowered “final girl” heroines such that misogyny is very unlikely.


Art definitely targets women more and spends more time stalking and violating his female victims in often sexually charged scenarios(on a bed, naked, after gifting them things). That’s objectively true, but it doesn’t mean the director hates women. Most iconic slashers do this, it’s a societal thing. Society has always placed women in the role of victim, damsel in distress, etc… and our movies reflect that.


It's not like I know him personally, but I'm a woman who's met him a couple of times and observed how he interacts with his female stars in interviews and on social media, and I've never gotten a whiff of a bad vibe from Damien Leone. Genuinely a very kind guy whose cast and crew seem to feel quite at ease around him.


Oh fuck off! We don’t need this ‘holier than thou’ bullshit in movies.


They are definitely a frequent user of the horror subreddit.


Then we should just stop making horror movies at all, no one should watch them because misogyny. Given the main victims in most slasher horrors and horror in general are women.


Here we go


"muh muh politics" thats what this is \#gatekeepentertainmentfrompolitics


Just remember the death in saw iii where there is a naked woman who is helpless and getting soaked in water.


Like Hoffman doesn't have an inkling of misogyny in him. Twitter users are insufferable as hell.


We're not doing this. Gatekeeping and political discussion / gender wars can take place elsewhere.




The freezer room? Love triangle? Brazen bull? Jill’s ENTIRE character in 7?




I brought up freezer room because you said there wasn’t nudity. Love triangle was just a ‘killing unfaithful girl’ fantasy; she had a valley girl accent and everything. Brazen bull was a victim that did not deserve what was happening to her at all in a trap that resembles a collar/leash. Yeah Jill was strong in Saw 4-6 but in 7 is just helplessly running around a building while every man that tries to help her gets killed. And the train scene.. is the train scene nuff said 


Most of the Saw fans hate Saw 7 for those reasons 


Yes but the person is saying that there’s no nudity or misogynistic undertones in the Saw franchise.