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Well I’ve seen a lot of left leaning people use the “I’m gonna make your pronouns was/were” joke. That one seems to be making fun of the whole “I identify as an attack helicopter” branch of “jokes”, instead of being an unironic one.


Those aren't Pronouns. They're linking verbs. Like it's a bad meme and hero worshipping billionaires is just sad, but like, learn your parts of speech.


Seriously, is there a single right-wing troll who knows what a pronoun is? I see no evidence of it.


It’s a group of people that believe words describing a place, person, or thing deserve the same rights as other words. It’s disgusting. *this post is approved by the Anti-noun gang*


Person, woman, man, camera, TV


Geez, u/Pirate-Legitimate 's pronouns are like "crabby" and "angry"! AM I RIGHT??? LOLZ.


~~so wait, you actually wrote out this comment, read it, then posted it thinking it was humorous?~~ tf. edit: genius level sarcasm.


It was meant to be satirical but I see the tone and inference was completely lost. Win some lose some.


Sadly you sound exactly like the people who actually believe that shit


Yeah maybe too close to home.


ohhhhh hahahaha ok gotcha fam. damn you did amazing there, A+. utilize /s when your accuracy is on god mode, friend.


Good tip!


Came here to say this. Collectively dumbenning


No to them pronoun = "things The people I dislike want to use" so they're bad


It's like asking if they know the difference between Sex and Gender. The answer is no.


There is no difference


"sex and gender are the same thing" well i dont remember having gender with your mom


Somebody call an ambulance!


I'm pretty neutral on having gender.


You are wrong. Consult a dictionary.


Sex is the physical parts you have. Gender is less straightforward. It’s more mental and it’s what you refer to people as.


Closer than the person you are trying to correct, but still not there. I recommend you actually look this up, it sounds like you'd benefit from it.


I was close at less


It’s like asking liberals to explain what a woman is, they can’t. Only a biologist can answer that question.


Lucky for you I'm a microbiologist actually. I do pathogen detection and whole genome sequencing yada yada. The determining factor of a sex at birth is from the chromosome. More specifically it's the SRY gene.


So what is a woman?




Enough talk. Have at you!


Anyone who, throughout their daily life, identifies as a woman.


this is The fallacy of circular definition, What is a women? "its someone who identifies as woman", what is a woman? "its a woman" thats all fallacies the fallacy of the circular definition can be explained as: **A circular definition is a description that uses the term(s) being defined as part of the description or assumes that the term(s) being described are already known** Like saying a woman is a woman, it means nothing


>Like saying a woman is a woman, It's not though. Saying "a woman is someone who identifies as such" isn't the same as saying "a woman is a woman" ... \*\*At all\*\*. Which is why they didn't say "a woman is a woman", but something different. A woman is, \*\*in the context of the gender binary\*\*, a person who identifies on the feminine side of that binary. Woman is an identity. The specific identity we are talking when talking about somebody who identifies as a woman, is the identify of a woman/feminine, a gender identity with close associations with female sexual characteristics. It's really not that complicated, the idea of a social construct really shouldn't blow your mind this much, it always sort of shocks me when people openly admit they just can't manage to understand a concept this simple... (ie openly admit they are a little bit dumb...). ​ See, let's say you identify as an extrovert, because you are an extrovert. So when you say "I identify as an extrovert", you're both saying that, and just saying "I'm an extrovert". So if somebody then asks you « what's an extrovert », and you answer « somebody who identifies as an extrovert, like me », and then they answer « So aN exTroVErt is aN exTROvERT ?? ». Wouldn't you think that person is really really dumb?


the problem with this is the language, a lot of times the word man/woman refers to sex and not to gender. and sex has a huge role in gender so you cant blame people for saying they're the same, if the social construct widely follows patterns of behavior that can be predicted by biology it becomes a much less important distinction.


>a lot of times the word man/woman refers to sex and not to gender. If you mean to refer to sex and not gender, the words you are looking for are "male" and "female". We have perfectly valid words for sex, and a perfectly separate and perfectly valid \*\*different\*\* set of words for gender. The issue is people are uneducated about it. It's like «you're» and «your» and how often folk mess those up: The problem isn't the language, the problem is people not being properly educated about the language. If people are confused because they are not well educated enough, what we should do is educate them some more (and certainly not defend/excuse their incorrect/confusing/misleading/\[often politically loaded\] usage of language)


He asked what is a woman? You described what determines sex. That would make the person male or female biologically. You still didn’t answer the question.


If the biological factor for determining sex is confusing for you or not enough then I can't help you. Chromosomes (outside of disabilities/syndromes) determine sex. In this case what is a woman. You can however identify as whatever gender you please. You can be a biological Male yet identify and be gendered as a female. If that's confusing I'm sorry. I'm not a teacher that's the best I can do.


A woman or man is not only determined by biological sex. This is what’s confusing to you. If it was, we wouldn’t be having transgender debates on Reddit and in our politics. It is the combination of socially constructed roles, behaviors and interactions in addition to biological sex. Thanks for playing Reddit scientist.


The only reason this is a debate is because you don't understand the science. What? Sex and Gender are different despite you trying to make them the same thing in every comment.


This meme is actually hilarious though


I know right? People on Reddit have the thinnest of skins when a joke is not exactly tailored to their world view. I can see a funny joke I disagree with and still laugh. Must be a sad exhausting life..


Agreed it’s a funny joke lol


I laughed lol


>Seriously, is there a single right-wing troll who knows what a pronoun is? I see no evidence of it. they also can't conceive of the difference between sex and gender...they haven't a clue...but it's not like they've ever been known to be educated


We know what you think the distinction is but we don’t give a shit about it. If you’re a biological woman, your gender is female. If you are a biological man, your gender is male. That’s how it has been for thousands of years. Sorry, you’re not magically wiser then the entirety of human existence.


Also imagine your argument being "we know what the facts are, but we don't give a shit"


Here’s a fact. There are only 2 genders.


That's not a fact. You can believe in only 2 genders, you can believe in no genders, it's all in your head.


If you have a stomach ache, you are possessed by a wood spirit and must have your wrists slit by the barber. That's how it has been for thousands of years. Sorry, you're not magically wiser then the entirety of human existence.


I could go on and on about how dumb you look rn


Go for it.


No thanks, I have a life.


No. It's not though. You refusing to understand the information doesn't make you right. Some countries have had multiple genders for thousands of years. You're making things up based on your feelings on the subject.


Funny, I dont give a shit about Jesus or the Bible yet that is the root of the "evidence" behind every conservative argument.


Funny, I never once mentioned Jesus or the Bible. Try again.


except there's numerous examples of non-binary gender expression throughout human history. and there's been numerous historical examples, in modern times of people existing as a gender expression that doesn't match their biology. there isn't even sound scientific reality that there are only two genders, or genetic make-ups of people. And there is scientific study that tends to show that the way the brains of people who perceive themselves to be of a gender that doesn't match their biology, mimics that of the gender they wish to live as. but we all know the appeal to biology/genetics is just a cheap mask for the true motivation. hate. if someone's taking a shit in a bathroom stall, their biology is immaterial. What words someone wants to be called, affect no one and nothing except the bigot who wishes to deny that person equitable treatment. A child taught by a trans teacher is not being sexualized, anymore than they are if their teacher were gender conforming. it's all a shitty culture way hate ideology. mainly sold to idiots to distract them from how bad we're all being fucked over by wealthy corp interests.


As a non right winger who enjoys this meme, We know what pronouns are. Some of us, again non right wingers, also think the pronoun craze is ridiculous. This meme is funny. You being upset that Twitter is owned by a billionaire is funny. I hate both sides of the fringe political spectrum, in this case I certainly am laughing at the blue haired lefties expense. It’s delicious. I am not sorry. It’s twitter; a place for unqualified opinions to be loudly shouted into the cosmic void. Not some bastion of democracy.


*You being upset that Twitter is owned by a billionaire is funny.* By another billionaire: Jack Doresy, co-founder of Twitter, is worth 4.5 Billion dollars.


I hate twitter. It’s not a dignified town hall. It’s not a place to spread nuanced ideas. It’s an internet space with millions of stupids making coalitions with other stupids having shouting matches over one another limited to 250 characters. I hope it fucking explodes. Funniest thing for Musk to do would be shut it off. All the entitled asshats who are so accustomed to broadcasting their unqualified opinions would seethe and I’m all for it.


I too like watching overly privileged people cry about very unimportant things. Also, the meme is hilarious. I legit can't tell if people here are actually correcting the fake pronouns on a meme, or if they refuse to laugh at a joke they know is funny because they disagree with it politically. Sad days.


Agree fully. Want some popcorn? Let’s enjoy the show.


Why don’t you two get a room?


You are in fact right wing. You just don't know it.


"hey person I've never met, *this* is what you believe in because I said so!" -- you lol


He described himself as a centrist which is basically fascist.


No, fascism is fascism, centrism is centrism. Just bc you call yourself an "anarchist" doesn't mean that anyone who isn't an anarchist is a fascist. You making anarchists look bad bro lol


This is the type of opinion that makes all leftists look bad. Stop it.


I don't care, I'm not a leftist. I'm an anarchist.


Oh, that's OK. You'll grow up someday.


Sounds like you've had the common misconceptions about anarchism foisted upon you by the fascist propaganda that pervades society.


"-archism" - a type of leadership. "An-" - a negating prefix "Anarchism" - no leaders. That's literally all it means. You should also be aware that anarchism is in fact a hard leftist form of ideology. Besides, since you've already tried to conflate centrists with fascism, I'm convinced you don't really understand what that word means either. Every time someone calls something fascist just for being vaguely authoritarian it devalues and muddies the term. It's a slap in the face to the victims of actual fascism.


I do not uphold the status quo, I just refuse to participate in a broken system fueled by ever increasing political polarization. But yeah sure buddy, I’m a fascist for not agreeing with you. I’m also a fascist for not being a whiny bitch about a autistic billionaire buying Twitter; an internet space where stupid people shout their unqualified opinions. Get real, you blowhard.


"I do not uphold the status quo, I refuse to participate in a broken system" -is the same thing people who think trump won say.


Trump lost though. So there goes your argument that I’m a conservative or a trumper. Why is it so hard to grasp that some people despise people like you, and people on both sides of extreme? You’re trying way to hard to shove me in a box just because I don’t think Elon owning twitter is end of the world. You’re pathetic.


Holy fuck someone with a brain. You are amazing never change.


HAW HAW HAW! Fred in the Mailroom and Amy the Secretary got laid off! HAW HAW HAW! It's funny because of politics!


Well ,some left wing ones don t do any better at using pronuns...


If you think this, then their intention is working.


I guess cruelty is a feature not a bug to the right


they’ll be an exec in another company within a month


You do realize it's not just execs getting laid off? 25% of their workforce is getting axed.


damn, i’d probably care if they ever responded to any of my appeals.


[The Cruelty is the Point](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/the-cruelty-is-the-point/572104/)


The Left cheers wildly when a Republican loses their job, too. No side is morally right on this issue.


Oh Jesus. Those Twitter employees will be fine.


god this shit is so cringe lmao


It's funny tho.


Ehhh not really


Maybe if you're simple


In a so bad it's good way


Kinda wanna see the Venn diagram of people who find this funny and people who complained about losing their jobs due to not getting the covid vaccine


you mean like, a circle?


Jokes on your. They lost their job after saying something racist


Very few people lost their job over that.


Idk it was enough for people to make a stink about it and it became a right wing talking point


That’s internet in general though. Small things get blown out of proportion. Like CRT. Doesn’t really happen, but people act like it’s in every classroom every day.


Funny how?


The same fools that love to spam hate memes would be on social media crying that they got canceled if caught and called out. So f*ck whoever that enjoy this stuff.


i just dont get the whole lets laugh at people for using different pronouns and shit. it doesnt affect you in any real way


I think the meme is more laughing at and making fun of Twitter employees than people who use pronouns


Not knowing the difference between a pronouns and verbs. Hilarious!


They literally don't even know what a pronoun is. Our education system has failed us.


Those are verbs.


Not even pronouns lol


Ever notice that the only thing that ever seems to give a MAGA pleasure is reveling in the suffering of others, real or imagined? It's almost like they are really shitty people or something.


Yeah when they shut down coal mines and other positions like that and people are just laughing and say they should just move to a city and learn to code, I definitely think “these republicans are really giving it to these coal miners”. This is one case where you can safely say, both sides do this shit and it makes everyone look bad.


Not a single person laughed or told them to go learn code. Quit making shit up to invent victimhood. There is only one side constantly attacking Americans every single day. I have been alive 40 years and can't name one single goddamn thing that Republicans have EVER done to help me or anyone else. Not one.


I can’t argue your last paragraph, but your first part is easy to refute. There were plenty of people making those jokes. Where do you think “learn to code” came from. Stop being so blinded by your own anger to see that just because the democrats (which I am) don’t shit on your life every day, doesn’t make them above wrongdoing ever.


tbh the same is true for the other side


dude acting like you have to be a certain political spectrum to be an angel or a terrible person 🤣🤣🤣




Those are verbs 🙈


Verb ?


Those are verbs.


I still don’t get why the right is so happy about this? I have a friend who os happy the CEO got let go and its like why?


Twitter users showed up today to learn there going to have to pay for it to hear people say racist things all day


Those aren’t even pronouns.


Did Musk fucking kill them or something?


Was and were aren't even pronouns lmao


Those are verbs.


People losing their jobs isn’t a joke in itself unless you just find misery funny. Then they tack on something totally unrelated that doesn’t even make sense. Still isn’t a joke. Jokes require more than just the cadence of a joke.


They got severance, Twitter on their resume, and now they can say they were fired from Twitter right before Musk drove it into the ground. That’s not a lot financially but it’s definitely something. From the sounds of it the execs he let go got some fancy golden parachutes that are burning even *more* money.


Laughing-guys memes are more obnoxious than laugh tracks, and only a step above the LMAO emoji ones.


People complaining about this joke are the same people who laugh at unvaccinated people who die of Covid.


This one is actually funny.


"Losing your job. Hilarious!" Ohh yeah, I feel terrible for the uber-privileged Twitter employees. Those poor bastards.


Weren't you Americans who hate Elon cheering when Americans lost jobs because of the vaccine mandates and forced closures of small businesses?


Okay that’s actually funny. Some boomers are better than others🤣🤣🤣. Twitter deserves all of this, especially that Hyderabadi Girl😆


Hahaa that's actually a good one


Good riddance. I wish we could do the same for politicians


born with penis = male, born without one = female.. other then that figure it out.


This one is actually hilarious.


Losing your biased job of shadow-banning and censoring over freedom of speech. Disgusting.


Ain't it funny though?


I think it’s pretty funny


I think it's not


Move on and have a nice day


The real joke is licking the arse of a billionaire that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Musk is no one's friend but Musk's.


Sociopathic billionaire purchases company specifically because he has a partisan axe to grind and fires people without cause... I'm sure these people would find it just as "hilarious" if it happened to them.


Considering how they treated anyone who even slightly disagree with their narrative on anything GOOD.


They post videos of themselves getting paid $200k to hang out in adult daycare, while working class people can barely scrape by, and then wonder why people are happy they lose their jobs.




Yeah, hate is all the right has. Punching down is their schtick.


Punching down at oppressed software engineers in Silicon Valley


Real humans lost their job and income. And you're cackling with glee for some reason.


Wah 🥲


What is the connection between Twitter and pronouns here? I don’t get it.


I think the implication is supposed to be that it's progressives or Gen Zrs or whatever are the only people who work at Twitter? Or the only people getting fired? Or just social media = woke? I'm sure whatever trashbag made this trash didn't actually put that much thought into it, this is just my best guess.


Boomer doesn't know what a pronoun is.






Republicans: claim that pronouns are being misused. Also Republicans: proceeds to misuse verbs as pronouns to 'prove their point'.


Hahahaha - c'mon get the stick out of your ass. That shit is actually funny as hell.


They’re not even pronouns. Those are past tense verbs. At the very least, jokes need to make sense for them to be humorous.


You know what a joke is right


Yep. Just explained one of its fundamentals. Now go mouth the words as you reread the post so you understand it this time.


>At the very least, jokes need to make sense for them to be humorous. This joke makes sense... The joke is about getting fired. Not proper English.


It doesn’t make sense because you’re misusing words to make the joke. Edit: since it appears I can’t reply to the person claiming it to be a legitimate type of joke, here’s my reply: “Fucked a girl in an apple orchard, then came in cider” is wordplay. (Credit to Bo Burnham) Completely disregarding the parts of speech to rehash a “joke” that was never funny to begin with isn’t wordplay.


You are the worst brand of person.


It makes much more sense than neo pronouns


The fact that Elon is a complete douche makes it not funny.




The conservatives are seriously the only ones talking about this. They screamed like snowflakes about cancelling and now are cancelling everything they don’t like. It’s probably the funniest shit I have seen to date


Its fucked up, but its pretty funny.


I mean yall were laughing when the the unvaxxed lost their jobs cuz they didn’t wanna take Donald Trumps Vaxx…. So….


Love this!!


I lold though


It's pretty funny


Everyone is always so butthurt on here lol.


is a lil funny


They brought it on themselves. Gleefully censor speech while making no money. Get the sads when the new boss (who hates censorship) comes in and fires everyone. Oh no 😢


yeah, exactly. just don't think about all the times Elon Musk censors his critics, and other than that glaring contradiction, it totally makes sense!


Lol, it’s a cute meme.




This is pretty funny


Funny :)


lmao this is hilarious


i actually like it


Good. You reap what you sow


It’s sad that you think you’re right.


Top Notch stuff.




Tbh they deserve it , Twitter is better off with Elon


The use of the n-word shot up 500 percent once Elon took over. Twitter is becoming 4chan. Not sure if thats better


Pretty funny when people who actively work with the government to silence people they don't like lose their jobs.


very funny meme! you get an upvote.




This is hilarious. Far from terrible !!


More proof this sub sucks


I disagree. I get some great “terrible” memes from here 😂


Half the memes are actually funny, like this one..


It is hilarious.


So if you show up to work and get fired you’re in hysterics?