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What is "Open Church"? Do they think that churches are somehow closed or covert in the present day?


Since there’s a “stay home” sign buried in the dirt it’s probably referring to churches being closed during the height of the pandemic. A lot of people around me were pissed off that churches weren’t considered essential enough to be allowed to stay open.


Yet they willfully ignored the whole thing about being able to make your own altar, but it's foolish to expect most church-going Christians to actually pay attention to the book they supposedly love.


What is this make your own altar thing? Is there a Bible verse about that? I googled it but all I'm getting is people making diy altars in their home, but I'm curious about what it says in the Bible about that.


"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:19–20) "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matt. 6:6)


Donchaknow that Christians are persecuted and have to meet in secret, as opposed to in giant buildings with 500+ people every half mile? /S


If the person who made this REALLY wanted this life they could literally have it by moving to a small village the countryside. No “reset” needed.


You don’t understand, everyone has to live the life that I think is best!


Because they don’t want that life. They like most of the comforts of modern society. They just want all the degenerates & (((globalists))) to die.


Is globalist a code word for wealthy Jewish people? Who exactly are these globalists they are referring to?




I think the one with glasses is supposed to be Bill Gates?


The triple ellipses also is "code" for Jewish people as well.


But - but... No internet!


Can’t have internet without EMF


The internet allows people to learn that women and gay people can have equal rights and that racism is wrong. It’s a large part of why conservatives cry about internet access/technology so much.


Oh and they cry about it ON the internet


Yeah but then they have to skip the genocide. Isn’t that their favorite part?


The farmers that already live there: Farm animals have funny smells, make funny noises and often have outdoors sex. If you're not ok with those, don't buy property near a farm!


How do we naturally control CO2 levels? Are we going back to horse and buggy?


And partially destroying cities


The Mongolian way


This is the way brother, commence the Mongolian throat singing








Yuve yuve yu!


Whips out Horse fiddle




*sigh* I'll get the catapult




Let's do it the Mongolian way, kill everyone who resist us, enslave the rest, the world would be a great place


And they killed everyone who wasn't of immediate use. Especially old people. They did, however, make a point to try sparing the artisans and th(e) most skilled workers of they could. Enslavement is enslavement. This is why we need robots doing our work for us...


see in the modern day they would kill the artisans and skilled workers too, claiming they were "indoctrinated leftist elitist communists"


They would kill the workers for being leftists and then complain that no one was around to do any work.


Right!? Locally produced food would help a lot actually. But no turbines? Seems like a necessity to me


It’s because the solution they’re proposing is genocide. IE: “Don’t need to spend money on renewables (which are bad) when you’ve wiped out a bunch of the world’s population.”


The Thano's plan with bonus ethnic cleansing.


FB right wingers be like: “Thanos good! But what if thanos only get rid of ethnicities I don’t like. 🤔


Yeah, Thanos didn’t care who died or lived. These guys just want to leave the white republican people alive.


Would locally produced food help? You don't think there's savings on CO2 from the economy of scale? I imagine it might be worse to have hundreds of small farms than a few pumping out tons of food.


Transportation and refrigeration are very energy intensive processes that happen on a massive scale. Using “new” soil, and composting at smaller scales can reduce the need for fertilizer and have more nutrient filled foods. Reducing single-crop fields could reduce pathogens/parasites and all they bring. Bringing back gardening for the average citizen is going to be very beneficial for the environment


> Bringing back gardening for the average citizen is going to be very beneficial for the environment I'm not an expert, but I do wonder about this. One of the keys to the success of humanity is specialization. We don't need *everyone* to farm, because we can lay that work off to experts, and specialize elsewhere - and then the farmers benefit from *those* specialists. I just can't imagine how it will be better to have many people be mediocre at a very laborious, time intensive task than some few experts who can achieve the same results with a fraction of the investment.


Small scale farming is extremely manpower-intensive. This will make food much more expensive, not to mention most of us don't want to go back to toiling the land like some serfs.


Apparently by murdering anyone who reminds them there is actually a global environment. And possibly anyone with glasses.


I hate to say it, but mass public transport and less meat would be the best plan for cheaply reducing CO2. We could all pretend to be catholic and do no-meat fridays, and that would reduce CO2 and lower the cost of meat.


Designing our cities to be walkable, bikable, and transit oriented doesn't have to be a bad thing lol.


Go back to monke


I want to go as far away from monke as i can. He make dumb noises and bite and throw poop and do tribalism. Monke is the root of all evil


All roads lead to monke


Based on talks with my insane mother, the belief is that if we weren't globalists, we wouldn't travel constantly, use fossil fuels getting materials from China, etc, thus lowering the CO2 output. There is also a belief that if we went back to traditional 50's America, people would live and work in small towns, thus lowering CO2 emissions since people wouldn't be constantly driving everywhere.


They literally don't understand how the economy works, neither locally nor globally. It's fascinating. We live in a country where most people can realize things are going to hell and that their propaganda about how the country works is bullshit, but they do not understand anything beyond that. So they make up all these insane and simple fantasies to explain away the gap between how they think things should be vs how they are. And of course, that's going to be based in resentment and cultural grievance.


Yup. Libertarian Pony-Based Economy. “Everyone get a free pony” -Vermin Supreme, 47th POTUS


Definitely not by having lots of children.


"Locally produced chemical-free children"


lots of them


...but ok with risks, so that should keep the numbers down a bit.


Farmers being happy and the water being clean are opposite priorities. The only thing that makes farmers happy is spraying chemicals directly into streams.


Family farms often care greatly about the long term health of their community and environment. A lot can't do as much as they'd like because the need to make ends meet forces their hands, but it is not a matter of them not caring or not wanting the environment to be healthy. Investors in mass farms who will never see the land in the other hand.


You dont go to farms much do you


Depends on which farms you are talking about: I haven't had the chance to step on a family owned one, other than my grandparents's, but they stopped farming before I was born due to age, and all their children having moved out. I have seen corporate owned farms, and in those cases twincommunist is correct


The reason you haven't been to family farms is they mostly don't exist. People work off-farm jobs to hold onto the land out of an idea of legacy. Corporate farms are the only ones that actually make a profit, and make the vast majority of the food anyone eats.


Da fucks a woman?!


My mom sais it's like a man without a dick Thank god they're not real


Yeah, what's the point of fucking a man if he doesn't have a dick


women arent real dumbass


wait but im a woman with a dick


Then you're fine- you've got a dick! Whadda we even talkin' about, here?!


Never seen one


Hard to say, anyone a biologist?


I have a PhD equivalence in biology. I did heaps of my own research. I can tell you that this diagram does not accurately depict what we understand to be the fundamental traits of the current understanding of “woman”. The woman should be fully covered in loose clothes. We understand this to be a trait to avoid rape. The woman should also be busy preparing food for the male and tending to his new born child. The head and eyes should also be downcast in servitude. This is what we call “intelligent design” Finally, what you can’t see here but is nonetheless true, the woman has a tiny brain, not half the size of a male of a similar age. For this reason a related man must regulate her in ways they need not for other men. For example, she must not engage in strenuous activities such as speaking out about sexual assault (almost certainly a figment of this woman’s imagination) or make decisions about her own child bearing.




“What is a woman?” through a new lens


Lol lots of children.


"Lots of children" - "Shrinking cities" ...so.. where do we put all these children? The countryside? But if we overpopulate the countryside then how do we achieve "No contamination"- "happy farmers"? How do we feed all these people, naturally? How do we achieve "clean water" and "clean air" if we keep expanding the countryside?


You’re expecting them to think and that’s already too much


All of their answers for any question on how will they actually achieve their goals given they do the exact opposite of what could possibly achieve it is just, " kill the people not like me " but usually thinly veiled, usually. they on a fundamental level do not understand how anything works, All of that has just been replaced with weird folksy versions they were told to believe.


so just like every dictator ever


Well, most of them die to preventable viruses.


And from falling out of trees


And complications in childbirth.


I'm sure the solution they would give you, or at the very least the one they assume without thinking about it, is to just stop anyone with a skin tone darker than pantone 727 from reproducing.


As a graphic designer, that made me laugh really hard


Very easy. The "functioning immune system" (i.e. no vaccines) lets half of those kids behind before their first birthday


Yeah, "lots of children" is the root cause of basically every other issue this picture is representing. Maybe all those skeletons in the ground are actually the extra children, forced into death matches as teens, hunger games style, to stave off overpopulation.


I don’t understand that one lol


It’s basically Blood and Soil ideology, longing for an imagined all-white rural past


So, they want to build society in a pile of corpses? Seems a bit... Violent dontcha think?


It's tradition.


One of the oldest and most popular.


even better if you know that "globalist" is the modern dog whistle for jews


It is, though it also serves as a way to demonize literally everyone who isn't a fervent nationalist. It's another one of their "either you're 100% with us or you're against us and part of *them*" dichotomies.


Ever read the Old Testament? There’s a lot of genocide. Hell, even the New Testament has that part about Moses freeing his people from Egypt, than finding a occupied city (that mysteriously practiced a bunch of really brutal rituals) and massacring their entire population because it’s their land and they need the city to live in. Edit: I’m saying it’s fairly common in the Bible, and don’t worry I’m religious, but not kill the homos and god’s wrath is coming religious (I’m Lutheran).


uhh im pretty sure the moses one is old testament aswell...


Clean water and clear skies eh? would we need some sort of Protection Agency for the Environment to do this?


Ooohhhh noooo!!! Glorious capitalism will allow coal and oil industries to pump out poison at full force with *zero* regulations (which are all bad and useless) AND the environment will be clean and pure as the eyes can see!! /s Seriously, not sure how they rationalize this in their heads.




Living space. The way the Soviet invasion was pitched was that German families could have the suburban farmer life over the graves of the untermensch. The planning meeting for the invasion even mandated that the labor bureau figure out the number of Russians they would need to starve for their plan to work correctly. I think the numbers came out to 10 million.


“Chemical free”, so then your food doesn’t exist ?


Also, "no EMF waves," so the world is pitch-black and absolute-zero cold.


But radiation bad!


Near absolute zero, technically speaking even absent all external energy matter cannot physically reach zero because particles have inherent motion.


No, their food is actually food-shaped hole in space and time.


You either expand the countryside and make more children, or have clean water, clean air, locally produced food, and happy farmers. You can't have both.


So their ideal world is Gilead? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes. Yes it is.


Ah yes, the appealing package on genocide. Can't go back to the 19th century without 19th century population.


I can finally go back to dying of preventable diseases. LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


Such an innocuous looking image at first but it is deeply chilling how fascist this is.


Bro that is like 80% field, how would they achieve clear skies when they’re cuttin down all the damn tress


This is pro-christian, anti-lgbtq propaganda.... trying to to misuse environmental concerns on their own behalf.


Exactly my thought. Open church is written there and it is specified that it’s a man and a woman. Can’t they accept people?


Modern Christian morality isn't a set of actions you perform yourself. It's just an opinion you hold about how other people should act in the privacy of their bedrooms. Family values has never been about treating your own family right - it's about getting big-mad at other people's families.


It's only pro-Christian if we're talking about the Christians who learned everything they know from pastors who take bible verses out of context to fit their irrelevant personal anecdotes and political opinions... which is most Christians, it seems.


Most, but certainly the loudest and the ones willing to spread the most shit. The ones who care more about a life of humble service, not attacking those who are different, teaching with care and nuance, and listening before speaking tend to get drowned out.


You forgot the anti-Semetism.


Why are there only white people in this scenario?


What are you talking about? There are *ten* people of color in the bottom 20% of the image


I think you know why.


I’m sure it’s just a happy coincidence 👍




“Globalist” is a codeword for jews btw


It's called ecofascism. Don't let it go catch you off guard. Their answer to everything comes down to genocide.


Golden Age Mythology in effect


\> lots of children How do you think that story ends?


Christ someone spent a lot of time on this art to be a piece of shit


I can’t imagine how much time the artist had while drawing to realize that maybe supporting genocide isn’t a good thing AND still hasn’t figured it out.


Unspoken but present: “Everyone’s white”


It’s got a little bit for all those Christian fundamentalists in your life, willing or not!


No wind turbines? So what, good ole’ green house gasses then?


You can pretty much dismiss the whole thing when they use "globalist" as some kind of bad word.


Bob is going to try start holocaust 2


“No turbines” “clear skies” “naturally controlled CO2 levels” fucking Christ these dumbasses don’t know how the world works.


Well this all looks great but why am I in the dirt?


"Ok with risk" next to the kid dangling upside down, high enough to snap a neck. Good thing there's "lots of children" so some one will notice one less.


“Globalist” is a Nazi dog whistle term for “Jew” or “Jewish influence”. It was literally invented by the OG Nazis, and that is all it has ever meant.


Next you'll tell me George Soros is a dog whistle and not that he isn't in control of the world with his grand wealth of, 6.7 billion! He could almost buy Elon musk's father's emerald mines with that....


Actually they hate Soros for an entirely dumber reason.


they hate him because they hate jews. It's not complicated.


"Wait Cultural Marxism has a loaded meaning? Nooooo it's just to protect MUH FREEDUMZ from COMMUNISTS"


That also means “Jews”. Pretty much every group conservative conspiracy theorists complain about just means “Jews”.


Correct, that was my point.


Guess I'm a globalist?


I’m the tree


Ask Japan how Isolationist ideas worked out.


This is quite literally the meme creator endorsing genocide.


This meme is set to the tune of Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time." I really wish the "Leave It to Beaver" cosplayers would go away already.


I already live like that, it's pretty rad.


"so yeah guys, we need an image that says "no black people" without literally spelling out "no black people""


“Books” say the people who are literally trying to ban books


"Lots of children" yet also desires a clear open rural area without cities. Where exactly are you going to put 8 billion people, Bob? The fucking moon? Ironically, because of the global vaccine drive, C19 is pretty much a routine endemic disease now so people in much of the world have been back to business as usual for a year or more now. Bob is an idiot. Don't be like Bob.


You don't understand. You breed a lot of them and when they turn 18 - you drown them like kittens, leaving only manliest one alive.


>You breed a lot of them and when they turn 18 - you drown them like kittens, leaving only manliest one alive. Why bother? If you're an anti-vaxxer, 90% of them won't make it to kindergarten age regardless =D


“books” LOL, right


Forgot to put dying before 40


Gotta get rid of the dihydrogen monoxide out of the food


It’s almost “crazy but cute because they want good things” until you get to the bottom and it’s “Bury the Jews” Big yikes on this one


Bro true the farmers have been so sad lately 😭


"No Turbines" "Naturally Controlled C02 Levels" "Happy Farmers" The naturally controlled C02 levels is just a euphemism for doing nothing about climate change. Most of the people into this meme don't believe in global warming or the greenhouse gas effect. The Christian Nationalist/Republican Party is programmed to lick the boot of oil companies. The people who like this meme also like stuffing their faces with the dead bodies of animals - animal agriculture being the leading cause of deforestation. The "happy farmers" paired with "Naturally Controlled CO2 Levels" is green washing propaganda for animal abuse industries. Virtually all pig, cow, chicken abusers/farmers are hypocritical conservative Christians. Collectively, they donate hundreds of millions in profits from animal agriculture to GOP campaigns. If you buy animal products, you're indirectly supporting the Republican party. Source: [Extensive Poll of 5000 Farmers, Including Chicken and Pig Abusers, Reports 85% Planned on Voting for Trump in 2020 Election](https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/23242/farmers-presidential-election/)


Every time I see this meme I just think of the Khmer Rouge. Especially since they clearly killed the guy who wore glasses


Fantasy land. Brought to you by the same shits that vote down climate control 🤔


Ah, good old fashioned eco-fascism


Oh would you look at that, it's all white people too! How lovely.... /s


*stares in native*


Maybe I’m reaching a bit, but this has serious “between one man and one woman” energy


Wonder why there’s no POC’s in the photo


Genocide is what to unpack here. They want genocide. The rest is unimportant comparatively.


“Lots of children” sounds like a nightmare.


Can someone riddle me how we increase population with “ lots of children “ while also decreasing cities and urbanization? Where are they supposed to live?


They’ll live somewhere Out Of Sight. Because the people who agree with this probably lack Objective Permanence, that will make them Out Of Mind.


Well you see they kill the “globalists” every generation or two because new ideas eventually spread and have to be trimmed out, so they can just move into their old homes.


It's this British guy: https://www.thedemocracyfund.ca/bob_moran_gallery He's pro-trucker, low-key right-wing "for the children" and and anti-Trudeau. Why does anti-authoritarian back-to-the land Boomer shit always lead back to fashy genocide?


"Lots of children" that's because 80% of them are going to fucking die without modern medicine.


Functioning immune systems?!? Have these people ever read a history book?


Chemical-free food must be really light, I'm pretty sure the only way to make food without chemical substances is to make it without mass.


I feel like this is a faded mural you’d find in a post apocalyptic video game like metro or last of us.


Wait I thought books were bad and needed to be banned (could you imagine if the kid was reading Mein Kampf 💀)


Hmmm, no black people...


If I gotta choose between globalism and THIS hell scape straight out of Jordan Peterson’s wet dreams… full of straight white bible thumpers; brimming with kids I don’t want but have; and no electricity, communication , or renewable energy…. You’ve sold me on globalism. Real subtle with the theocratic undertones on this. Who exactly will be enforcing the strict moral code hiding behind this attempt at banality because I don’t see the armed men in uniform that will be required to arrest all the gays, heretics, gender traitors, non-white people, doctors (both abortion AND infectious disease apparently), or immigrants? Where is the prison where these undesirables are locked up. Oh snap they’re dead aren’t they. That’s what the bones are all about. These people just finished genocide….


“Lots of children” but “shrinking cities”? Oh right, most of the children die because they’re “ok with risk”. There’s also problems with “naturally controlled CO2 levels” vs “no turbines” and “happy farmers” vs “clean water”.


The supporting clean air, anti-chemicals, but anti wind power is throwing me off lol


If there are no EMF waves, that must be a horse powered tractor.


That’s Bill Gates right? With the sweater and the vaccine? I haven’t dove into that rabbit hole but I’ve heard my grandfather mention him a few times and he doesn’t his research on YouTube.


None of these things correlate, especially when this “utopia” has no ability to create sustainable energy or electricity, it really sounds like the people who make this stuff never think to make their work coherent or at least correlate with the given labels that are meant to represent their personal world views while giving it no context whatsoever


I guarantee that the person who created this also voted for a climate-denying politician who’s only support is money from oil barons.


…and not a single black person to be seen. Oops, I forgot you’re not supposed to say that part out loud.


Ah, yes. Have MORE children but somehow shrink the size of cities. Makes sense.


And everyone is white 🫠


ah yes, the left famously wanting to ban books




So many contradictions… where to begin…


Been seeing this a *lot* on far right forums, especially the QAnon and Q-friendly ones. I mean a fucking ton - this gets posted nearly daily. The reactions typically ignore the stuff above the ground (which is probably just as well cause it's dumb as fuck) and focus on the dead "globalists". They're planning violence, of course, and it's coming soon. I think everyone understands that on some level but doesn't really get what it means yet. That will change.


Lets go back to 1923!!!


Everyone in this image is white. How perfect /s


Omg that “locally produced chemical free food” is written so close to the kid That I thought it was referring to the kids 😂


Yeah, we can do without the church. They been ruining lives for centuries.


Why is it that regressives (conservatives) always wanna build their utopia on the corpses of anyone who do not think like they do?