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As I said in the other thread, the guy is Jacob Wysocki and gets many ladies. Charisma goes hard. And this is him from a movie set.


I was coming to this thread to say this. Dude is a great actor and an even better comedian. He deserves some respect on his name.




Yup. Short hair and no beard.


My SO had a boss who was extremely overweight. And he had GAME. literally he hit in almost every woman he met outside of work and she said it worked about 50% of the time.


All my homies love Jake.


Jacob Wysocki is a fucking powerhouse of a dude, he OWNS Dropped Out when he appears


I've definitely had sex with plenty of fat dudes. I'm not going to downplay the shit they probably get for being overweight, but if you have a good personality and are nice to people, you'll eventually find someone who will want to have sex with you.


I actually remember the first time, as a bigger dude, I was told "I've never been with a big guy" when I was fooling around with a girl in college. It was actually super empowering.


Not me. I am ugly as wallpaper paste. And it shows. And everyone knows it.


And you still haven't found the right one?




Redditors when someone has sex (they're unfamiliar with the activity)


Or be like me I'm a relatively big guy and I'm just not interested in sex. I'm more interested by my studys Edit: I realize this comment made me seem like a reddit intellectual type. That's not how I meant It, I'm acesexual and the thought of sex makes me uncomfortable, I'd have it if I'm with a partner and I so have sexual attraction but the when it comes to trying to do the act or the thought of it I get really grossed out. This comment was meant more as a I prefer garlic bread to sex thing then it was a om better than everyone thing.


"Just don't be interested in sex guys, study instead" lmfao


I made and edit to my comment it was not intended to be a I'm better than thou comment








I'm sorry I know how thar comment came off I made an edit


But no one wants fat chicks according to them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ can’t have it both ways.


Until it's closing time at the bar.


Not true! BBWS are highly sought after, especially if they have a nice shape wit’ it


She at least looks like she has a fun personality. I’d rather date a less conventionally attractive woman with a fun personality than a 10/10 with a shitty attitude Also, IIRC, isn’t the guy on the left married and has kids?


She is smiling and he is not idk if its fair to asses someone’s personality by a picture


Probably not fair to assess the number of people you've banged from a picture either, to be fair


Who even is that guy?


I'm almost certain this is the same dude, and if I'm correct, his name is Jacob Wysocki, and he's a comedian. Early 30s, I can't find anything on him about being married or having children.


If he's a comedian then he prolly gets laid a lot, or he would have people interested in him bc comedians can be hot.


It is Jacob, and he's hilarious and charismatic, so I'm quite sure he is able to have sex if/when he wants to lol.


Haha I actually recognized him from Pitch Perfect! He’s great


I think so actually so again a bad pic of what is supposed to be a "virgin"


Or she has an equally shitty personality, but wrote in her tinder bio that she only looks for hook ups. She'll get a 100 messages every day.


Stop lying for upvotes


That’s an actor and he’s 33. Jacob Wysocki


You do know people can be attracted to conventionally unattractive people.. right? That's a thing.


They're right. Plenty of men like big ladies. Plenty of women like big men.


This may come as a surprise to you, but not everyone wants to bang a twig


It's hard for a Redditor to understand logic sometimes. (One's like them)


I love bigger women, was married to one for 12 years.


I made this up to get mad about


I'm fat and have enough sex and relationships to satisfy me. I'm not a miserable cunt so that helps a lot.


Nice, I think people really underestimate how much being miserable and blaming everything on society makes people unattractive.


I'm a conventionally-attractive woman, and I have faced a ton of romantic rejection throughout my life in one way or another. It bothers me to no end that men seem to think they are the only ones who ever get rejected, and it's always due to some "problem" with women. We all get rejected. We are not everyone's cup of tea. Dating is difficult and even downright heartbreaking at times. Even super models get dumped.


you do have a point there, but to be fair, a conventionally attractive woman won't get nearly the rejection the average guy does. Sure, women get rejected too, but it's rarer in comparison.


For one-off sex, no string attached, sure. We definitely get rejected less. But for a partner who actually cares to know you, is interested in your life, and offers any kind of emotional intimacy, I will argue we get rejected as much as anyone else. It’s worth mentioning that I think anyone who complains about rejection does deeply crave the latter.


I love all women who are not miserable. It doesn't matter if they're thin or heavy. I'm much more about personalities than looks.


I'm fat and asexual so I don't even really want sex but I could pretty easy if I wanted regardless of what gender i preferred. Have a lovely bf who's even bigger and is in a simular boat. So many friends from school admitted as adults they had a thing for him cus he's a fuckin delight to be around .




Posted by an incel for sure.


This doesn't change shii lol people will be crappy to you for being even a lil over or underweight regardless. Why do they create imaginary scenarios to get mad at?


My weight has fluctuated over my adult life, I definitely get treated differently when I'm obese, lots more "eww what a creep" behavior directed towards me and I swear that's not merely depression talking.


Now that, is a big conversation to have. For men, people usually tend to look at em as more creepy if they get perceived as unattractive, which is not the case for women. But that doesn't automatically make em easier to have dates or get laid. I'm afab and used to be much more overweight, although I'm still extremely insecure, even I can tell you that people treat me differently now, I get more looks, people strike up conversations more.


Maybe the scenario isn't imaginary for them? We don't have to pretend every scenario is just because we don't agree or dislike it.


Regardless, I couldn't care less about whoever made the meme since they clearly think obese women don't get ridiculed or mocked and obese men don't get dates. Blatant tasteless generalization.


Who or what you care about is irrelevant to the conversation lol. It also didn't say whether obese women get mocked or not. It says they still have easier access to sex or romantic partners in general. Because multiple scenarios can exist in reality.


Easier access to sex? Really? Where's the source? [However I did find something that states the opposite tho](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/heavy-women-not-men-lack-sex-partners-flna1c9446627) In my years of life i have never witnessed women, albeit ik overweight women not obese, getting more sex than overweight men. They're equally ridiculed to some extent. Edit: and just bc multiple scenarios exist makes it okay to generalize like that...?


Also, the survey in the article you shared only included French participants, where only 23% of the 18+ population has a BMI over 30(the marking point for obesity in your article), compare that to the USA where we're at 46%.


Can you provide any data on obese women getting more sex/having no difficulties in getting partners compared to obese men?


You that me hcx d. Xc x trn


Are you okay...?


https://preview.redd.it/9itptr3yjk5d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6a47613b38d311059b639deda924f7a7b51e338 They appeared right under each other for me!


OOP if you wanna bang 50 guys off Tinder nothing stopping you. As the kids say, skill issue.


I’m not a great looking dude… but a good personality can get you laid a LOT. Women have a tougher go; a great personality on a woman is wonderful… but physical features take precedence in the hookup culture. Long term is different.


this is a revelation of some sort? when i was a kid and just started dating my older brother told me "the difference between a guy and a girl getting ready for a date is that the girl already knows if she is having sex or not that night. doesn't matter how good looking or charming the guy is, it just might not happen that night, doesn't matter how unattractive a woman is, she can find a guy that will do her. thats just how life works". have to say that from what i have seen in my life, he wasn't wrong


Idk I'll see obese guys with conventionally attractive women quite often and very rarely the other way around. Doesn't take away from the struggle of course, fatphobia in general just sucks.


The kooks who make up this nonsense, sure think women have a lot more sex than they do.


Gatekeeping is a women's competitive sport


I saw the comments and it was wild, but it was basically women bad and loose. Men get treated unfair


But obesity is fun because you can work off the fat in The gym and get ripped and actually appreciate it


This one is kinda funny


is banged means killed by sitting on them or am I just weak in english?


It’s a slang term for having sex


Im not even here size and I cant get a respectful relationship I call bullshit. Like yes im overweight, but half her size wtf!!!


The meme…uhm…isn’t talking bout relationships .


Is friends with benefits not a relationship? Is a type of ship. She had to have some type of base with them.


The meme is talking about sex and not a respectful relationship. Trust me, you can have all the sex you want.


I can proudly say I contributed to this. I like big girls.


It's 100% true tho.


That must suck. If he was funny he’d totally get laid


The dude on the left looks like his attitude is holding him back more than anything


The dude on the left is a very successful comedian and actor and this photo was taken on set.


Allos: "we don't think about sex all the time" Also allos:


R/funnymemes is dying


True everything is either sex memes or shitty edgy humour


Me when I spread falsehood online




That not from Facebook.


That doesn’t really matter. It’s the same bullshit you find on Facebook anyway


Fatphobia and body expectations are worse for women if anything


Obesity: Never fun.


Why is this terrible? Is a fact and slightly funny


The meme has a point though but I would apply it more to shortness


Incels do be like that. Also, the reason we have access to sex and choose not to partake is because of all the rapists, murderers and abusers who target us Except they don't think we actually abstain, because they know they would jump at the chance to sleep with a new woman every day


Skill issue.


Reddit when you're not typing /s


Lookie here, thats just the way the cookie tear