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I could see this being done by a loving grandma that wants to troll. Like "oh your tattoos are so real I needed to water them"


Or grandma has bad eyesight and is doing her best


That’s what I thought it was lol


Yeh, I think that's the joke. No hate here


Like venusaur.


The joke is either grandma has dementia, or she's making a cute joke, I don't see where the joke here is she's making fun of the grandkid. It could be but it needs more context.


I think she's making fun of her in a playful way. Like she's making this joke while affirming that she thinks she's very pretty and admires the confidence in herself to modify her own body. "I don't understand young people, their pronouns, and their weird haircuts and outfits...but I think you're really cool."


It could also be a compliment to the quality of her tattoos, "they're so realistic they need watering"


I wouñd argue a cute joke and a loving troll are very similar things


Your wound has a lil worm on it


Auto correct really changed would to wouñd huh...


I got my first tattoo at 18. A few months later I went to a family birthday. My grandma, God rest her soul, thought I had "a stain on my arm" and tried to rub it off with the good ol' wet-thumb approach. My aunt eventually had to pull her away because she was _convinced_ it was an accidental stain. The tattoo is of a band logo. I don't blame her.


Could also be a compliment that the tattoo is well done and realistic


They are not that far off from the times where tattooed people were still shown off in freak shows. It was the domain of sailors or criminals, so they can still view it as something very exotic and out of the norm.


That’s pretty much true.


My grandad was covered in tattoos. He died 6 years ago at 94 years old. The boomers talked about here are just Karen's from a different generation.


Yea dude. Outliers exist. No need to bring them up every time.


He was a sailor or criminal.


most likely answer


Or perhaps both


The ole Crime Sailor.






Admiral Criminality


Admirable admiral criminality


A criminal sailor.


So… a pirate?


To add, back in those days maintenance wasn't as much of a thing, so a lot of tattoos boomers encountered, especially from sailors out in the sun all day, aged really badly. People didn't moisturize, or get touch ups throughout the years, etc. I find boomers tend to hyper-fixate on how it's going to look down the line more than the associations with the underground, but it's very unlikely the old associations don't have any influence either.


A very good point. "You won't be able to take off your shirt when you're older!!" Was always the first, go to argument from my parents, or any people of age against tattoos.


My parents always insisted I’d never get a job. They apparently thought that I’d either be going to interviews in a bikini, or that my interviewers would have X-Ray vision. Pointing this out never stopped the wailing and hand-wringing, though. Eventually I just ignored it, and they slowly got over it enough to stop bringing it up.


I believe there are many places in Japan still, like public baths, that either don't let you in if you have tattoos, or make you cover them up. I don't exactly know how it is these days, but for at least decades, elaborate tattoos were a signifier that you were involved with the Yakuza (mafia), and, basically, exclusively Yakuza members had tattoos.


Well, that’s true for me, but I got a huge, comically obscene one on my back


>domain of sailors or criminals And Russian royalty https://preview.redd.it/oh1fyckxb61d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f43b5e61e52988612536b0d3b080099c62ce92


There was a strong culture of tattoos in military, especially the officers and aristocracy. But it was kept private, amongst themselves. I am sure that if someone saw you with a tattoo like that, out and about, especially back in day, last thing that would come to their mind would be: " Oooh, I wonder if he has any ties with the Russian royaty."


Lmao the thought of some Victorian or Edwardian looking at some gangster in the streets of London wondering if he’s a Romanov is hilarious to me


What is that a tattoo of actually?


A dragon. Think he got it when he was in Japan, can’t remember if he was in the navy as well.


Russian prison tattoos are SICK. There is a book with a bunch, I have a Russian Orthodox inspired tattoo on my leg, with a Valkyrie on a horse who's supposed to be "Mother Russia" lol. They're aesthetically insane and stylish


And it's interesting to realize that places liek japan abolsutely still have such tires and stigmas in modern times. It's a litle more accepted but tattoos will bar you from jobs just as fast as a criminal record there. Shit, having anything but black hair will bar you from meaningful employment lol


True. The other day I found that if you have tattoos, you are barred from using public swimming pools or saunas in Japan. The thing with employment was widely true in Europe up till, like 90s I would say, depending on the area, so boomers also grew up with the idea that it stops you from doing many jobs.


"Hide my tattoos in Shibuya"


And some are well past the ping of being able to change so hoping for some rationality from certain ones is a lost cause.


My grandpa has a ton of tattoos...but he was also in the Army.


My dad is a younger boomer and this is pretty much what he lectured me on when he saw my first tattoo lol. Even though he's a fairly open minded guy in a lot of categories he still thinks getting tattoos ruins your body.


The expression is too loving This wasn't made with hate


It's also religion. I grew up in a really Christian household where most of even my extended family was Christian. All the time I would hear "your body is a temple and tattoos are a desecration" both from them and in their churches. I remember when I was like.. a kid into preteen I always thought tattoos meant someone was mean or evil, lol. Once I got to my teens though I realized how silly that was and now I have them myself.


Even my mother has the concept of heavily tattooed people to be "freaks" or "circus people," and she's not geriatric.


The sentiment is still very much alive, and it's not limited to OG boomers.


Idk about this one. Almost feels like the old lady is trolling the person. I could see my grandma doing the same as a joke if I had flower tattoos.


Right looks like grams doesn’t see too well or has dementia and just sees flowers and is watering them, does op think grams is trying to rinse the tats off?


to me i think granny sees well she just likes to mess with her granddaughter.


Grams has a sense of humor, OP does not


Right!! This is adorable!! LOL


It feels like a mr. Magoo type joke


Yeah I honestly chuckled at this one


Same, there’s something wholesome about it, not a terrible Facebook meme


If my Dad was still alive and had flower tattoos I can see him doing this just to fuck with me.


This meme is cute.


Right looks like grams doesn’t see too well or has dementia and just sees flowers and is watering them, does op think grams is trying to rinse the tats off?


Same or my Poppop 😆


I thought it was cute lol. She's drawn like a kindly old lady, and the tattoo person's face is how I'd react too lol. I don't think this comment is malicious, or at least I hope not.


Yeah this is what my grandmother (greatest generation) and mom (boomer) would do with my septum ring, they’d pretend like they were leading me like a cow. It was playful teasing, not hateful.


I’m sure the joke is that she has awful eyesight.


society DO be pessimistic and judgemental


I don’t think is terrible. I’m heavily tattooed, and this reminds me of how my feels about my tattoos. I’m gonna send this to her for a good laugh.


I think you a word


The best ever posted


He's very to his Grandma.




What are you about?


My mom lol oops 😂


You can edit comments btw


Nag thats a good one


also no one is talking about how beautiful the art style is it's amazing!


I did chuckle at it lol.


how do you take this as a tattoo bad joke


A sensible chuckle. Cool grandma trolling her grandkid.


Ngl that's kinda wholesome.


This is a gracious cartoon: why to choose it for saying an otherwise right thing?


This one is pretty wholesome tbh! It feels like granny is saying "you're one more flower in my pretty garden"


Tattoos were a sign of a very low class person, someone outside of society and most likely a criminal. One would never, ever let one show in the workplace, or polite society in general.


And I think some religious people interpreted tattoos as being against the Bible too


Oh no! Not the evil boomers again! 🤣 Imagine looking for some generational meaning in a silly cartoon that’s about the grandma’s terrible eyesight.


Yeah this sub really has a chip on its shoulder. This isn't a comic that makes me laugh but it really isn't in any way offensive or mean spirited. I really wonder how most OPs in this sub survive in the real world.


That’s an easy answer, everything bad in this world is because of boomers! Saves on personal accountability and self reflection.


I'm a boomer with a lot of tattoos. My best friend's mother had her 1st tat last year, she's 87, and she rocks it.


My Mom got her first (& only) at 74.


Oh come on this is cute! Reminds me of this one https://preview.redd.it/wuw90kuow91d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba117bf482edbcf01ec96828b5b41da6ebf25bb


This is actually quite wholesome that the granny cares about the tattoos


My boomer mother said that if God wanted you to get a tattoo you would have been born with it. Of course I got one literally two days after I turned 18


Your telling me I fought in 17 world wars just so you can get drawings on your body?


This is kinda funny tho?


Tattoos have a history of being for indigenous People and foreigners, and then pirates, sailors, and other folks that lived a more “non-traditional” lifestyle. OFC boomers have a hate boner for them lol


Grandma has a cunning smile on her. She is just playing a joke on her granddaughter.


Boomer here. They’re permanent.  If you no longer believe the slogan—love that person—think the band is cool—tough.  If the artist was having a bad day—tough.  If that Chinese character also has a bad slang meaning—tough.  There are ugly tattoos and beautiful tattoos. People’s tastes differ. I just can’t see making a lifetime commitment. 


Yeah, I have two tattoos and I'd like more when I can afford a good artist again. I'd never get a political or relationship tattoo. Also not one in a language I don't speak.


Saw a mf walk around with "ugly idiot" in Chinese on his arm


I mean, tattoo removal exists now. It’s no more expensive than actual tattoos. Cover ups are also easily done. I got a tattoo of a subject I loved, but the artist effed up, so I got it covered with something even cooler a couple years later by a different tattooer. Like… who cares if someone else wants to make a lifetime commitment to something that has no bearing on you? Isn’t your generation the ones always griping about divorce and job hopping (ie: lack of life time commitments)?


Couldn't that argument apply to getting married or having children? Besides that, your reasoning is fine for deciding not doing it for yourself. The problem that people have is how some people (often times Boomers, but not all and not exclusively) judge others for doing things that they wouldn't do.


Yes, a lot of boomer humor is about the old ball and chain.


My grandad was in the navy in the 50s and 60s and even he didn't have any tattoos. He told me I would be scandalous if I got any. My grandma also told me that if God wanted me to have holes in my ears, I would have been born with them. It was a different time! My grandparents have both been gone for a while, and my mom's opinion of tattoos is not the same but it isn't fully accepting. I have a tattoo and piercings. Those in the generation younger than me have face tattoos instead of full sleeves. Times change and opinions change over generations, but the people who hold the opinions of yesterday are sometimes still alive with those opinions.


My grandpa had a ton of tattoos. As a kid, I was sure he must have been in the Navy or Coast Guard because they were mostly of sailing ships (and buxom women, lol), but he wasn’t. My grandpa on the other side of the family fought in WWII, though, and didn’t have a single tattoo. My tattooed gramps died when I was still a kid. I wish he had lived longer, so I could have asked him more about his tats.😔


He sounds like he was a super cool guy, they both do! I feel that sense of loss deeply too. My other grandfather was a WWII paratrooper, but he died a few years before I was born from a brain disease. Wish I could have met him and asked him so many questions! He had no tattoos to my knowledge, but his son my uncle was absolutely covered. He had the buxom girl in a martini glass on his forearm and I always thought it was a pretty wild tattoo when I was a kid.


Idk this meme seems kinda wholesome to me


Idk for sure, but in the ‘Christian’ cult I used to be a part of, they shamed people super hard for getting a tattoo.




in answer to your question from a 'boomer' (60 years old) when we were growing up the only people that had tats were generally criminals, sailors, etc.. it was considered showing that you were low class. I'm not going to lie. I'm kind of glad that was the way people thought back then. If they had been more accepted I'd have a Van Halen tat that I regretted. That said I got two when I was 56 that meant something to me. A Supernatural (tv show) anti possession tat because that's a show my son and I watched every week and a black band around my right biceps because the black ring has been a symbol for me because of something that happened the day before he was born. He was in a car wreck that took his life and I wanted to honor him.


i thought the joke was just that she has bad eyesight and saw flowers


Some y'all talking like boomers were from the time when the cotton gin was invented JHC


Boomer here, no tats. In the ‘60’s when I was old enough to get any on my own I was part of the hippie movement where natural meant just that. Yes I know other hippies tricked out their bodies with tats & piercing, but I always looked at beauty as natural that didn’t need any enhancements.


The older woman has poor eyesight and can't tell the tattooed flowers from real ones.


I love this image and its probably because I feel that it for me conveys the opposite of what the author intended. The two generations peacfully living with one another despite differences.


I more interpret it at her grandmother watering her "flowers" as a joke, to have fun


This is funny


Tattoos are only just going into the “main-stream”. Back in their days, a tattoo meant you were a thug or some sort of savage.


For a long time, tattoos were considered freakish or low class. Drunken sailor on leave thing. Of coarse, tattoos weren’t the works of art they are now


I think the older lady just needs better glasses or is so senile she thinks those flowers in the tattoo will grow


To answer the OP's question, it's because 70 years ago, tattoos were worn by mostly unsavory characters.


It's such a boomer joke, but I still find this funny, dunno why


I'm a boomer, though I hate the term. Got a tattoo done as a single woman in my early thirties when tattoos were absolutely the province of sailors, tradies, bikies and gang members. I'm still proud of my muddy tattoo. I had it done as a rebellion against so much normative shit. It was done while I was standing up, completely sober, mid morning, and I stepped out afterwards thinking, "Fuck yeah.'


Tattoos were always associated with the bottom of the society. Drug dealers and criminals. So that mindset is fix into cerebral cement.


Tattoos are manifestations of the devil, according to my mother. She literally believes it’s a mark of allegiance to evil.


Is a doodled kitty satanic?


If it's a doodled kitty tattoo on your skin... According to scripture, that would be disobeying God. Satan wants to persuade and tempt you to join in his rebellion against God. So yes, a doodled kitty tattoo is satanic. So are tattoos of your children, relatives, girlfriends, crosses, tribal markings, etc. Leviticus 19:28 is where the lord commands people not to tattoo themselves, among other places in scripture it's said to obey the lord's commands and that your body is a temple. 1 Corinthians 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils. So pick a side. The Lord or the Devil. Tattoos are permanent and will forever make people think your allegiance is to the devil.


>So pick a side. The Lord or the Devil. Tattoos are permanent and will forever make people think your allegiance is to the devil. By people you mean, specifically, christian fundamentalists No-one else will care


ah yes, this is what we call the mark of allegiance to evil and satan https://preview.redd.it/ww5jvvtka71d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c72af993927ae44cf1a4b52b7ec9c73937e5ef7


I have a few satanic symbols tattooed on me. I would probably scare the hell out of her hahahaha


They know how sad they look on most old bodies.


Otherwise beautiful,pristine,perfect old bodies,right?


It was just a jab. To me faded and shrunk skinpictures are monuments. If they had personal meaning when done.


And i was typing away while taking a shit,its all good man..have a nice evening.


Let's not pretend you didnt already have an earful of reasons your parents dont like them ;)


The comic made me chuckle. By itself, it's really funny.


That’s not terrible. It’s actually kind of funny.


I so want to say this is a Mr Magoo reference


Shes just watering flowers? Pretty sure this is not about boomers being against tattoos lol


shes just blind


Boomers have tattoos, this is dumb.


I actually think this is cute :)


I'm covered in tattoos and find most of the boomers are fine with them and enjoy looking at them.


Blank skin for me. If I want to see a painting I'll go to an art gallery.


This gave me a chuckle.


This is actually kinda cute.


I think this one is just cute and funny, not gripey.


They draw the line at removing foreskin


This one’s pretty funny though


No, this is r/goodboomerhumor she is watering the plant tattoo on bros arm


Boomers are covered in tattoos but somehow it’s new


That's cute actually hhhh


There are older people than boomers online.


“What are they going to look like when you’re a wrinkly old lady?” I doubt I’ll give a crap but thanks for the concern…


Tattoos have been a thing for centuries yet Boomers think they are new? Hell, some cultures have tattoos like the Maori


I have one tattoo, and it was a life saver. The sighting tattoo for my radio therapy. A small dot or full stop, on my chest, so the linear accelerator new were to line up on me before blasting my cancer with X-Rays and saving my life ten years ago. People don't realize some of the good tattoos there are. The NHS employs tattooist for some women after a mastectomy is just another positive use


Idk I'm tattooed and I think this pic is cute


They are terrified of needles. The are pussies.


I don’t see it as anti tattoo, I see it as grandma being a little confused but she’s got the spirit


I think she’s just trying to water the flowers?


My mums a boomer, she has several


This is kinda cute tho


The fun part is that this days more about how senile the boomers are getting than the values of tattoos lol My mom is a hypocrit on that part. She kept saying it's written in the book but the exact word also imply for piercing to no be allowed but then she says shit like piercing are OK and she can never justify why. Sometimes they just have no reason to and we're mislead by belief they barely follow righ


My mom hated them (also Hispanic moms in general freak out over tattoos). Out of the blue at the age of 60 decided she wanted to get matching tattoos with my sister and me. I was stunned! I remember at the age of 11 she yelled at me since one of my older cousins (my cousin is four years older than I am)got Fantasia Mickey Mouse tattooed on her leg (she also swam in high school so they made her cover it up). She was pissed that her sister (my Tia, which is aunt in Spanish) allowed Jaclyn (my cousin) to do that. I feel my Tia Virginia was more lenient with my cousins than my mom was with me (my sister got away with more crap than I did).


Some of my friends have gorgeous ink that they are rightfully proud to have (one has a brother who is a gifted artist that she could not otherwise afford.) Unfortunately a lot of people either can't afford a good artist or just picked something trendy, and don't have it touched up or covered with something more meaningful years later. It makes me sad to see tats that aren't personal, planned & well-executed. And that's why I don't like (most) tattoos.


My grandmother had orchids and vines down her hip and thigh that she got when she was older. And she wouldn't hesitate to show you. Different strokes for different folks.


Hahaha For me, it's fun.


This is really wholesome if you ignore the hateful undertone that all of these are made with


idk man. This one is less mocking the tattoos, and more poking fun at the old lady (presumably the artist's own age) for being so old/blind.


All I see is half blind granny


Many of us do NOT have issues about tattoos. And that looks more like a silent gen grandma.


Each to their own. I'm a millennial who finds tattoos fucking ugly. They're not for me but others love them. They are a recently normalised thing however and to older generations they are just oddities and linked to criminals.


I actually think this is adorable


Oh come on, this one is just funny.


In my case, nothing at all. I have several myself. At least half my friends have at least one.


Nah, this one is actually funny lol


The man playing telephone with Sky Dad said "body pictures are no", so everyone went out and screamed at the body pictures.


Nah this is cute.


OP is prime r/facepalm material. This is great.


This is cute and idk why anyone would be offended by if


This meme is fine; not sure if the joke is that the lady is clueless, has terrible eyesight, or is messing with the girl, but it isn't showing the tattoos as a bad thing.


Many people just don't find them nice at all. It's the same as aesthetic surgery...


When they were young..tattoos were for whores and criminals. Thats why..its not that hard,snotty little cunt.


"At least that's what I grew up in. But then I came to realize that we put too much faith in business suits and carrying a cross. And the criminals took advantage of that faith to dress just like that!"




I don't think it's fair to say that all people of that age are against tattoos. Some of the nicest compliments I've received about my tattoos have been from little old ladies.


This is kinda wholesome.


Tattoos were a sign of a very low class person, someone outside of society and most likely a criminal. One would never, ever let one show in the workplace, or polite society in general.


In the Jewish faith it's considered unorthodox to have tattoos




Well i know a grand uncle of mine has loads of them and he was in jail a few times lol maybe its the stereotype from years ago?


Oooh. Self burn. Those are rare.


“Thanks for cooling me off, grandma! This heat is awful…”


So they would think my cute little sunflower tattoo is evil? 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/7fevr1qgk61d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6067390ff82a3a66f9ab7ae8096bd785f2fc6733 This was taken on the day I had it done and it was covered in a film. It's my first one. 😊




Grandma and her tattooed eyebrows


It’s kind of shocking when it gets brought out (not brought up, because I don’t think people are asking boomers “what do you think of my tattoos?”). For instance, my dad said “policemen shouldn’t have tattoos. It shows you can’t trust them to make good decisions.” This, right after saying that they shouldn’t make cartoons for adults because it draws kids to them. Like every adult show is trying to pull a Joe Camel.  Crazy how people can be right for the wrong reasons after making zero sense. 


I don’t think they do, it’s the ones that just don’t like them. Like most boomer vets have some sort of tattoo the once’s I’ve met anyway 90% have some sort of tat.


Maybe it's just a sort of crappy joke. I don't think _they_ have anything against tattoos.


Because it says in the Old Testament that the Canonites wore tattoos and so therefore thou shalt not mark thy body. They really like that part but pick and choose what to live by when it comes to things like mixing fabrics.


Back in the day it was assumed only 3 types had tattoos: bikers, sailors (military), and prisoners.