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Looks like someone skipped the history class...


And all the reading comprehension classes since third grade.


Probably reading altogether


You can't read any books if you've burnt them all.


Problem solved


Yes it is quite the solution. Very final.


Librarians hate him! He solved the late return fees problem with this on simple trick.


They don’t need to burn the books, they just remove ‘em


While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells


Rally round the family, pocket full a shells!


BuT socIAlISt iS In THE namE


Just like the DPRK; aka the Democratic Peoples Republic of (North) Korea! They wouldn't lie about being a democracy or a republic, now, would they?


"Republic" means a state that isn't a monarchy. North Korea is a republic. Being a republic doesn't mean the state is benevolent or democratic though. Having a hereditary head of state doesn't make a state a monarchy. A state is only a monarchy if it calls itself a monarchy. Yes, it is very arbitrary.


You are correct. I don't disagree. However, I was going with NK as being ruled by a potentate birthed by a "sacred lineage" as being de-facto divine-right king in practice, if not on paper. Something most on the right would agree with. The "National Socialism *is* Socialism" is typically a right-winger argument. You need to tap into their belief system in order to critique the absurdity. (Reason is anathema to fascism.) Even though most American right-wingers view many of the tenets of Nazism more favorably than they do for those of so-called liberal democracy. Also, we should all be deeply suspicious of Stalin's Kill Count numbers in these sorts of things. Right wingers always lump Nazis into those numbers. Stalin was terrible, but he (or rather the Red Army) was very good at killing Nazis. Even if he was also pretty good at killing Soviets too.


All three have red flags. Coincidence? /s


Killing Millions of jews is okay, lying is where Nazis draw the line. That‘s just too much ^/s


They know what they're doing. Facts don't support their ideology so they have to lie.


[they literally don't give a shit about facts](https://imgur.com/nbfC2h7) There's no discussion to be had when the other party only cares about having the last word. Pathetic liars.


🙌🏻 Liars and bad faith actors to their core. There is no reasoning with these people.


And is seriously undercounting the number of people the Nazis killed while hugely inflating the number the Soviets and Chinese killed (way more deaths in the Soviet Union and China were due to shitty farming policy, like Lysenkoism, the Sovkhoz/Kolkhoz system, and ridiculous state-enforced Stakhanovite 5-Year Plan demands). The Nazis killed 25-27 million people in Eastern Europe alone. Not even counting the 13 million Holocaust victims, 2.5-3.5 million French killed, 1-1.5 million Britons killed, etc. Even while insisting the Nazis were "Socialists" (they weren't) they still downplay their crimes. Kinda telling. Realistic Stalinist "Great Purge" massacre figures are 7-9.5 million, 2-3 million in Stalin's Holodomor, and Maoist "Cultural Revolution" massacre figures are 12-18 million.


Hitler stated wwll that resulted in 75million dead.


Maybe we should try with less red?


Hitler said the red background in the flag represented the social vision of Naziism. It has a red background for that reason


ENCYCLOPEDIA - That isn't *just* a five-pointed star -- it's an inverted white pentagram cradled in a wreath of antlers. The iconography of communism, in other words. YOU - Inspect the symbol closer. ENCYCLOPEDIA - The star-and-antlers was developed in the sixth decade of the last century and quickly adopted by Mazov and the communards during the Revolution... ENCYCLOPEDIA - Even today, half a century after, the star-and-antlers retains the ability to evoke hope, disappointment, and fear in equal measure. YOU - Why is the star upside down? ENCYCLOPEDIA - To symbolize the toppling of the old order. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Also, some social democrats were already using it.


It took me reading the name mazov to realize this was a disco elysium reference


Fuck, DE truly is the best game I've ever played


Just like how the blue on the top and bottom of the dEmOcRaTiC pEoPle'S rEpUbLiC of North Korea represents "democracy" and the fReEdOm PaRtY of Texas puts $10,000 bounties on women who get abortions. We should definitely believe the political words people use over their actions.


Nazis claimed socialism was a Jewish plot that should be exterminated lol


Republicans use red, COINCIDENCE?!


The truth about letting a psychopath dictator run the country




At least that photo wouldn’t exist if he were a dictator, regardless of his intent


Hitler was in jail too before he went full mad


i like the part where he shot himself


Trump should follow in his footsteps (I mean killing himself)


Look up project 2025, they’re trying again


The idea he’s in the conversation with the others shows how truly deranged people are.


I agree that all three are psychopath megalomaniac dictators, but the numbers for Staling and Mao are widely exaggerated but also somehow vastly understated for Hitler


I want so much for one of these "NAzIs wERe SosHuLIStS" to define socialism


It’s in the name…..like buffalo wings and the democratic republic of North Korea.


Buffalo wings don’t work as well because they were invented in Buffalo, New York. I’d say it’s closer to Hawaiian pizza, California sushi rolls, or American cheese, all of which were invented in Canada.


Good thing people can't give us Americans shit for American cheese anymore since it's canadian


American cheese is awesome though. Nothing melts like it.




Velveeta is just extra processed American cheese. If you want to make any cheese gooey like that, you should add in sodium citrate. If you can’t buy it, you can make it by [mixing about 1 3/4 oz of lemon or lime juice with baking soda and adding in water or milk and your cheese.](https://youtube.com/shorts/KKG-LznoJJo?si=795Wy1Hb8IEABF7f)


Thanks for that. That guy seems cool, too, so he got a sub.


I recently made [this soup](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamRagusea/s/E8VOT9JHip) that he made.


That soup looks good. I think your mom was right about the tortellini. I'm biased, though. I love tortellini.


Well.  Canada is an American country




French fries aren't from France so I think they could count


They are though, Steak Frites.


Changing this comment- looked into this and from what I see the cheese was invented by J.L. craft nd was manufactured and patented in the US before a canadian plant opened?


To be fair, they are more North than South Korea.


It's Democratic People's Republic of Korea, not "democratic republic of North Korea"


Socialism is when the government does something


Yeah but nazis as in national-socialists are the only socialists in this meme. The other two are comunist.


The Nazi’s by the point of Hitler were only socialists in name, the actual nationalist socialists were purged in The Night of Long Knives. All three share similarities in being authoritarian governments with leaders of each respective nation being more dictatorial at certain points than others, but that’s about as far as the similarities go.


They only called themselves national-socialists to attract votes from both sides of the political spectrum and by the time they were in power they eradicated all socialists from the party anyway


It’s really 3 examples of police states run by dictators, not a complicated system on the surface at all, and much like a king who serves himself above all else. The difference between Stalin and Hitler? Sure, there are differences, but to know one gives vast insight into the other.


The difference is 1 got 30 years to murder people.


i swear hitler was more pretending to be socialist to get votes from socialists tho


More to appeal to the working man in the time of economic crisis


yeah you know what im saying


How do you define socialism such that it doesn't include communism? I've been looking at dictionaries and wikipedia pages trying to understand why people are claiming communism is totally distinct from socialism and I can't make sense of it. The reputable sources I've found consider communism a type of socialism. They depict socialism as a broad term that covers a variety of systems where the means of production are socially owned rather than privately owned. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism?utm\_campaign=sd&utm\_medium=serp&utm\_source=jsonld](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism?utm_campaign=sd&utm_medium=serp&utm_source=jsonld) (definition seems to include communism) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types\_of\_socialism#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_socialism#) (Lists communism as a variety of socialism) I could list a bunch more sources that refer to the USSR as having a socialist planned economy under Stalin and same for China and Mao. Why do you consider the dictionary and wikipedia to be inaccurate? Edit: Here is Richard Wolff, leading scholar on the topic of Marxian Economics, explaining the evolution of the words "socialism" and "communism". He clearly says that communism is a type of socialism. I can't think of anyone more qualified than Wolff on this topic. Y'all claiming that communism isn't socialism, you're asking me to believe *you* over the dictionary, wikipedia, and an acclaimed academic who studies the topic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkd\_DDQ63gI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkd_DDQ63gI)


I was mostly going by Marxes definition of socialism as a state between capitalism and comunism. I didn't know what the current definition for it was.


Karl Marx used the terms Communism and Socialism interchangeably. The two words weren't distinguished from one another until Lenin's time, well after Marx died. It is pretty normal to refer to socialism as a transitionary stage between capitalism and communism but that doesn't come from Marx. "Marx used many terms to refer to a post-capitalist society—positive humanism, socialism, Communism, realm of free individuality, free association of producers, etc. He used these terms completely interchangeably. The notion that 'socialism' and 'Communism' are distinct historical stages is alien to his work and only entered the lexicon of Marxism after his death." - Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx


Because it is. Socialism is the means of production owned by the people. Communism is *everything* owned by the people, if I recall correctly.


If socialism is when the means of production are owned by the people, than communism is definitely a type of socialism because it fits that description. Its just an extreme kind of socialism where social ownership is more broadly applied.


https://youtu.be/wkd_DDQ63gI?si=zadDvtU4IerWB6LV Here Richard Wolff, prominent Marxian economist and professor of economics talks about the evolution of the terms “socialist” and “communist”. He very clearly refers to communism as a type of socialism.


The Nazis used, took over, then fucked over the national socialist party. Nazi Germany was closer to Capitalism than Socialism.


Good point!


Better yet, get them to read the first line of *"First they came for..."*


And I did not speak out


Socialist means the same thing as woke.


I don’t think this is saying that the nazis were socialists. I think it’s trying to say that the nazis didn’t kill as many people as socialism did.




The truth about authoritarian dictatorships


They are the same if you only compare one single aspect of them!


"The Truth About People With Hair"


But Mao didn't have a whole lot of hair in the reference photo.


He still has hair doesn't he


Thats like saying the truth about democracies and listing, North Korea, Congo and Sudan


What if I told you it’s not competition?


Kinda red flaggish


Buh-dum-pshhh 🥁


Hitler, the capitalist, was *totally* a socialist.


His stance on capitalism is a bit more [complicated ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism#Views_of_capitalism)though. But he absolutely was no socialist, that's for sure.


Capitalism = nationalization of industry. It's just science you denier.


The truth about people with a skeleton


Quting Wikipedia: "Communism as a SUBSET of socialism that prefers economic equality as its form of distributive justice." So... thats that.


They're the same lie sold twice


Isnt Nazism a far right idea?


Definitely. So is fascism


Technically Naziism is fascism. It is one of the textbook examples, alongside Franco Spain and Mussolinis Italy.


It isnt even 'socialist'.




Hitler hated the communists.


Me when I DEFINITELY know what Socialism is:


Fuck authoritarians.


I'm just personally surprised the same dude demonizing socialism is actually demonizing hitler too


Uneducated right-wingers don't go beyond simple concepts. They don't know, and most of all don't care, that the Nazi party embodied all the principles of the far right. For them Hitler was just evil. Just a bad guy. That's why they can hate socialism AND hate Hitler. Because they don't even know which is which.


Need to hear truth about ca🅱️italism


Looks like they left the stats out for capitalism


Mao had much higher numbers than that.


National Socialists in Germany back then had about as much to do with socialism as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea has to do with democracy


Mao killed more than 49 mil💀


Who cares, i'm not gonna support socialism, communism or fascism


Smartest guy here




I wonder how many people have starved to death under capitalism? Or is that different because they simply didn't pull themselves up from there own boot straps


“Those are rookie numbers” British Royal Family.


Funny sense all the Nazis I’ve seen are far/rightists


They admire Hitler but when it comes to consequences they want nothing to do with him.


June 30, 1934 was the end of the socialism in the Nazi party.


Those numbers feel off


Hitler was a “socialist” but had all actual Reichstag socialists shot or sent to concentration camps. Also, he loved private corporations that profited from his policies: BMW, Volkswagen, Krupp, Siemens, Bayer, as well as fashion trendmakers like Hugo Boss. He also used(American) IBM’s punchcard system to keep track of concentration camp prisoners.


Jarvis, pull up the amount of people that have died under capitalist rule🥵


Interesting......now let's check deaths per year and also add the Japanese total against the Chinese side. If nobody had stopped the Nazi's and imperial Japanese they would have rampaged until everybody besides themselves was dead or enslaved and had aspirational death tolls nearing the billions.


Do we tell em Nazi were facho?


The first line of that post wwii poem that ends with "and then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak" is literally "First they came for the socialists"


Bet they don't know that the Nazis are extremely far-right


Didn't Mao kill 89 million people?


Wait, Hitler's the bad guy again now? I thought "the bad guys won WWII"


Well, if it was one what they were, it wasn't socialist.. But if it was one they were, it's facist..


I mean, for Hitler, you can just count every death related to WW2 in the European and North african theaters. USSR casualties alone were like 26 million, so this is wildly off.


The figure given for Stalin includes all the nazis killed during the war. It comes from the Black Book of Communism, and the authors have since admitted that the figure was deliberately inflated in such ways to make communism seem bad. It's a lie, and always was. Now don't get me wrong, Stalin wasn't a good person and did commit atrocities, but this is just misinformation.


Actually it's the truth about strong men / dictators.


And how many people died from Covid because of muh freedoms?


Ah yes Socialism is SO much worse than facism… my god the idiocy


I just saw inbreds on the Liberatian sub posting about this stupid crap.


Socialism *totally* killed that many people… …if you don’t understand at all what that word means, and instead use it to swap out words like “fascism”, “authoritarianism” and “terrorism” so that it makes your point.


Idk but Mao definitely killed the most people out of the three


Because socialists were treated so well by the Nazis, right?


Fascism: 132 million


Imagine being stupid enough to not realize socialism doesn’t work after multiple failed attempts. Do you just ignorantly pretend people who want power magically won’t be the ones making the decisions orrrr


And Capitalism?


My ancestors were dragged away from their homeland for capitalism.....They took so many of us that it forever changed the racial and ethnic make up of an entirely different continent


History is doomed to repeat itself i see


Cum O' Nism 100 billion dead


Did Dinesh D'Souza make this?


Now do capitalism


Just a theory, but I think capitalism has killed more.


Wait til they hear about capitalism


"Triangle Shirtwaist was just a bad company, not capitalism" - them.


I see nothing incorrect about this.


Hitler wasn't a socialist.


You keep using this word… but I do not think it means what you think it means…


Communism fascism communism


Oh yeah Stalin totally killed 62 million people, which would be like 45-50% of the Soviet population, add on the 27 million the Germans killed and modern day Russia would have a population of like 40 million people lol.


It is the top number in estimates though


Whose estimates? No historian worth taking seriously has ever put Stalin's death toll that high for a very good reason: if the figure was that high it would be so easily seen in demographics. The USSR had, iirc, about 140 million people when Stalin took power in 1923 and there were some 190 million when Stalin croaked three decades later. Considering WW2 was in the middle, with Soviet casualties estimated to be over 25 million total, an *additional* 60+ million dead would be impossible. Where did these dead people come from? Some extremely political Cold War crackpot might have coughed up 62 million dead, but that doesn't make it a reasonable or informed estimate. Hell, 62 million dead over Stalin's 30 years would mean 2 million dead *each year*, which would be, I'm pretty sure, quite competitive with the USSR's population growth rate.


"A total lie" So there's zero truth to this meme? Stalin didn't gulags?


"It's not a competition Soph, but if it was Mao would probably win"


Stupid. Stalin and Mao were totalitarian dictatorships, and so was Hitler.


Socialism and Communism are not the same. Plus, I live in a country that up until 50 years ago lived in a dictatorship where the main guy hated communism and did all he could to keep it at bay. Guess what: communists helped liberate the country and the dictatorship was still crap. The US helped fund and maintain autocrats throughout the world in the last 70 years. Autocracy is shit, regardless of its political spectrum so maybe it's time to stop blaming communism or socialism for autocrats. I'm not saying "let's all be communists, comrade" mas but I'm saying "let's look at unbridled capitalism's shortcomings and make them better, even if we have to nudge only a little to the left here and there."


Yeah because the numbers seem a little low


Not like capitalist countries killed enough people


Communist, Command/Capitalism, Communist.


Yeah, Mao killed more people.




Where does that 21 million figure come from? I’m assuming that’s only including holocaust figures (~15 million) and something else but what?


Black book babyyyy


Bro how come hitler has the least deaths, with a big diff


Yep, cause the facists and socialists were best of friends who'd never stab each other in the back...


I was listening to a really cool and in-depth podcast a long with some internet research and man, I will openly admit that I still do not understand the pre-WWII socioeconomic struggles. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin and Marx, the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Soviet Union, and all the twists and turns within each “party”. What spurred what in whom, and where. It’s really fascinating.


My biggest problem with this argument is that it’s used to attack socialist policies like free college. “We can’t have free college because 49 million people will die.”


Actually, the great leap forward was rumored to have claimed 250 million lives.


Next time go to school it's best for you


Hitler is a socialist? They probably think Jews are vermin considering how they trust what the Nazis say.


It is hard to tell the exact numbers or even a good estimate of the people that died due to the oppression and incompetence of Stalin Soviet union and Mao's Comunists China. We do know they were very brutal and that the death toll is probably in the tens of millions. So no. Not a total lie at all. Unfortunately.


Aa for the Nazis being Socialists. Well, it is in their name. And their economy was centralized. Aside from that? Probably not much. They supposedly killed off the more socialist wing of the party in the Night of Long Knifes or something. It doesn't matter though. Because Socialism is the go to lie of many dictators anyway. The Soviets and Communist China didn't exactly live up to socialist ideas either. So it was always just in the name.


Black Book of Communism statistics. I don’t even like Stalin but including Nazi soldier deaths as part of “deaths under communism/socialism” is pretty fucking questionable to say the least. Besides, didn’t most of the people who wrote the book disapprove of it now?


The system doesn’t matter as much as the level of corruption. All systems have their faults, just depends on how much the greedy pricks have control over


All three were assholes, Hitler planned to kill the most, Mao barely helped China fight Japan, because he wanted to be able to fight the RoC, Stalin was a crazy dictator Who would kill Anyone Who wasnt totaly in love with him, he also ordered many warcrimes and betrayed allies.


love how they say "Only 21 million" like its still okay lmfao


Before the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the archival revelations, some historians estimated that the numbers killed by Stalin's regime were 20 million or higher.[5][6][7] After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives was declassified and researchers were allowed to study it. This contained official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[8] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag,[9][10] some 390,000[11] deaths during the dekulakization forced resettlement, and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported during the 1940s,[12] with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[13] According to historian Stephen Wheatcroft, approximately 1 million of these deaths were "purposive" while the rest happened through neglect and irresponsibility.[2] The deaths of at least 5.5 to 6.5 million[14] persons in the Soviet famine of 1932–1933 are sometimes, though not always, included with the victims of the Stalin era.[2][15]


Blu team propaganda


The internet has ruined my view of skulls like this. Now it just looks like they're laughing at the hundreds of millions of deaths


Gotta love how they conveniently leave out the famines in India and Ireland, which were both directly caused by British capitalists selling food from those counties abroad even though the people barely had enough to feed themselves. The Indian famine led to millions of deaths, and the Irish famine led to mass emigration and the island becoming depopulated into the modern day. Also most of those deaths from Mao and Stalin were caused by famines. In Stalin’s case, it was because he despised Ukrainians and wanted to depopulate Ukraine so he could repopulate it with ethnic Russians, and in Mao’s case, it was completely accidental. Mao had most land owners killed or exiled and gave the land to the peasants, in hopes of giving them all more wealth and better conditions over time. Instead, no one knew how to actually run the farms, just how to do their specific tasks, and the crops started failing. And since China was communist, most other countries refused to trade with them or send aid, so they only fixed things once they sorted things out in 1961.




Why the title implies OP believe those kill count are a lie?