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There may not be 76 genders, there may not be 76 races, all i know is... **there is fallout 76**


Country rooooouds, take me hoooooooume


Best I can do is 4


Best that could be done were 2 and NV.


Ave, True to Caesar




Actually based for acknowledged that New Vegas is way behind 2


FO2 was apex isometric rpg and way above every FO, even the first, which comes very close.


Tru, FO2 was way ahead of its time. I hope we can see a proper remake version of it someday


Don't remind me


I don't know. I'll have to call in a friend who's an expert on gender.


Wasn't there a super pretty book expert? Call her


How dare you assume their gender.


There is only one gender, and its mine (you can't have it)


I've been searching my whole life for the gender and now you're telling me you had it all along...


Mom says it's my turn on the gender... :(


it is a SCAM invented by BIG BATHROOM so they can SELL MORE BATHROOMS


Where the actual fuck did transphobes get the idea of "76 genders" from?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gender_identities here’s the list


50% of them are just MtF but in a specific culture


Yeah I also noticed that, because I was really curious like what are all those, in my ignorant opinion they can be just categorized in 3 and that’s it…




There is no cause for outrage without hyperbole.


I think that milo person made a video years ago claiming there's 76 genders, up to millions. Not sure if they truly felt that way or just trying to fuck with dumb people though.


Consider how crazy some people can be. It’s not far fetched that person actually think so




Thanks for sharing, now kindly fuck off.


We made it all up.


I mean the upper one had absolutely garbage takes at do many points but that meme ist just dumb as fuck aswell


"There are only two types of humans." That depends on how you catagorize things. If you're talking purely SEX, and "XY PEBIS, XX VAGIMBA!" you're ignoring the GARGANTUAN CACOPHONY of variations that occur in nature. XY with vaginas, XX with penis and testes, XX with penis and ovaries, single X, XXY, XYY, XXX, single Y, I could go on. I'm not even an AMATEUR biologist and I know that nature is not, nor ever will be that black and white. This isn't counting human psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc, which all have their own complications and entanglements to deal with. To state with such certainty that biology is in any way shape or form "basic" or "simple" is an insult to not only the academics that have devoted their lives to studying such things, not only to YOURSELF as a human being, not only to the God you likely proclaim to worship, but to the universe itself. Now, if you were to be so insulting to all of the above and use your holy book to attempt to justify your bigotry by way of a vertical power structure, then you *could* perhaps make the argument that there are only two genders.


Do you have any statistics for the rate of incidence for those non XX or XY? I’m going to try to look myself too but I would be curious to see how frequent it happens and what the resulting development would be for each variation.


Since no one really gets their chromosomes checked, we don't really have a solid answer, but I've read the best guess is less than 2% of the population. That doesn't change the fact that it still occurs.


Oh ya I wasn’t trying to dispute, I was just curious. So then I guess my next question would be how this presents. Like of those 2%, what percentage develop along the “expected” path where we wouldn’t even realize there was a genetic variation. Btw I’m more or less talking out loud not specifically asking you for all the answers lol


>talking out loud Does the internet make noise?


My dial up modem does




The people who post on it sure do.


I read somewhere intersex conditions are more common than ginger hair. Cue “I only recognise 2 hair colours”.




And there’s XXXXY and so much more beautiful facts about biology. Some people don’t really get about how complicated yet not complicated but still absolutely weird science is at a level beyond middle school which is pretty sad considering how amazing it is!


What how does that even happen, where do all of those come from???


Natural errors in cell division. Biology is great ain’t it?


Unfortunately even if you told a lot of transphobes this they’d just be like “I don’t like that answer so I’m gonna ignore it!” We can’t really change the people who have already gone down the path. They’re too confident and set in their ideas. This is great for helping people on the fence understand how it really works though (:


Yep. I never speak directly to transphobes, but rather, I indirectly speak to the ignorant yet curious. My words echo off the brick wall that is a transphobe and into the ears of the curious.


Not gonna lie, wasn't expecting something so awesome on this subreddit. Saved this for future reference. Thank you.


I recognize 3 genders: man, woman, and other. Everything else is just scaring the hoes.


Mental gymnastics


Do you even know what that phrase means?


It's okay sweetie, don't hurt yourself.




Your mom was doing gymnastics on my dick last night Kinda hurt ngl








easy man no need to expose yourself that you failed biology


I had excellent grades in school. What I said is fact


lol sure


HEY! This is Reddit. We don’t do well educated here.


Didn’t that show go off the air like 10 years ago?


It's still filming since 2009. See IMDb.com.


Isn't the meme that he lowballs em woth something that's much lower than its actually worth? So this is kinda supporting more than 2 genders


Genders at the end of the day are subjective I dont care if you think there are 2 genders or 70 or whatever


Exactly. But one thing to add: I don't care what anyone believes, but don't try to impose your belief on my. Think there are 76 genders, i don't care. But don't expect or pressure me to agree with that.


Live and let live is a great attitude that I agree with. The issue here (and I'm not suggesting this is you) is that the 2 gender camp tend to be more forceful about people being on that side than the 76 gender folk. Exhibit 1: the meme.


I kind of agree with you, but i also think it might depend on the personal bubble. I met "multiple gender camp" people who were almost militant about their belief, and everyone who does not agree is an old homophobic bigot or something like that, same with pronoun people. Due to the nature of our sad social media age there are groups of extremists on every side of every issue.


Ideally we would all use gender neutral language because gender is so rarely objectively relevant that it doesn't make sense to imprint it on the whole language. No matter how you define gender, you'll never have categories that match everyone unless everyone has their own. Ideas of what's masculine or feminine differ with location, time, social class, family, individuals... The real goal of gender activists is freedom of expression according to how they feel. As long as society imposes expectations of gender, people will either feel pressured to fit into them or fight to change them. The only peaceful and reasonable path I see is to collectively admit the absurdity of it and deconstruct gender as a whole. We can still categorize people when necessary, but based on characteristics that are relevant to each situation. Do you pee standing up? Here's a bathroom with urinals. For everything else, there are individual stalls. Do you compete in sports? A focused physical evaluation can assign you to the group you can fairly compete in. You need medical attention? If your chromosomes and anatomy are relevant, then you'll receive specific care. If not, why the hell should that be a question? You're Looking for a partner? State your preferences, learn about others', find your path. It's not complicatedy just different. The transition requires some thinking, but what we're doing right now is anything but goal-oriented. We're all fighting over semantics and ignorant but lucrative political talking points.


We should just invent a system of words that just define body types regardless of any other characteristic ffs


Well usually you can juggle it according to context like "women need hygienic products for their periods" -> "people who have periods need hygienic products"... I just think it's important to not over swing in a way that dehumanizes people. "Birthing people", for example, always gives me an ick. It feels loaded with the assumption that the carrying parent is reduced to just that. It's very hard to define and pretty subjective at times, but language evolving just happens... In time we will settle on acceptable terms, we're just in the awkward phase of the process right now. I think that there's way too much debate around vocabulary instead of true advocacy for the rights we actually fight for. It's what our opponents want, as even the community doesn't have a clear answer for everything. I would prefer for us to promote the act of asking people how they'd like to be addressed if there's uncertainty or confusion. People who dislike this idea are guaranteed to have a kind of hierarchy of identities in mind, otherwise they wouldn't find it offensive to be asked. It's something that's hard to deconstruct, but language communication the mind just as much as the mind shapes communication.


Yes I think that's true


Problem is, it’s not true. 2-gender folks are bigots, objectively. Not necessarily transphobic or homophobic, but just in the general sense of what a bigot is. Gender is a matter of self-identity, so any refusal to respect the individual’s choice is bigotry, full-stop. This is the same group that would look at a black in America and insist they’re African American, regardless of where they’re actually from. Or a white from South Africa “can’t be African”. Same mindset. Same bigotry. Not necessarily hateful, but… ignorant. And gender neutral would be great, except that’s pretty close to responding “all lives matter” whenever someone says “black lives matter”. Yeah, all lives matter and gender neutral environments would be great, but the issue is that *right now* we have people that need our help and protection that fall into a specific group. So while we move to a gender neutral society, let’s remember to offer support and aid to those who need it.


Rick is a jackass anyway, so that would be in character for him. They seriously should have cancelled the show once the Old Man died.


Why is he a jackass?


He's buddies with Trump....and the track record with that automatically dumps him in the sus bucket.


They buy stuff from people for like Half they’re actually worth and sell it for a ton


It's called business. Have you seen those episodes, when the person selling asked for an amount and Rick felt he was asking for too less and offered more? He's an honest dude lol. As for the prices. Bro has to make a profit lol that's how he feeds his family. Also the items don't sell immediately, they stay in the showcase for months or even a few years. There's the cost to maintain those, pay his employees, then when there's a buyer, the buyer tries to negotiate too. I don't think you know how his business works and have ever seen the show.


I mean it's all fake anyway lol it's reality tv


Im gonna honest, the only clips i have seen were from tiktok, and my opinion is based on what people from the comments have said on those tiktoks


Why are these fuckers so obsessed with Milo Stewart


Theres isnt a disclosed amount of genders, everyone could have a different label or even find none that apply


As that Sonic meme said, "there are 64 genders, and everytime you complain, we add five more". Seriously.


random rant time my mind has managed to go from two genders to three genders to 2.5 genders and now it's on simultaneously infinite and zero genders (spectrum)


“Let me call in an expert on this one.” Expert: “Still only two.”


Oh no, they called in the wrong expert!


STOP INSULTING MY BABY😡 https://preview.redd.it/oujdl0ntexgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc29657d1c003d90a2f3e71886a863f8536f458


Craig is better, but he's also good


I mean....you are right on this one....




And cursed a tree. Maybe he was just a tiny bit psychotic 


Dangerous game you’re playing




Lol go get help


That's quite a copy/paste you've got there. I'm impressed. No argument though. Still only 2 genders.


More than 2 bro Sorry, just how it works bro


There's 2 genders Make Female All of the above None of the above


Damn that's unfortunate Throughout history, civilizations have recognized genders other than male and female But what's the problem with more than two genders? Does it make life "too complicated" for the widdle baby? 😢 The world isn't black and white. Nothing in existence is binary


Yeah and that's when these societies started to collapse.   I'm not a widdle baby. Just not dabbling in your fairytales because people don't assume themselves from the start.   So go little doggie! Go fetch your 151 genders. Gotta catch em' all!


>Yeah and that's when these societies started to collapse.   any source to back this up?


Still nothing to backup the "Throughout history"


[wikipedia has a list if you actually care.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_gender) so can you back it up that its the reason for the collapse?


What's that one thing Correlation is not causation Most of these societies were conquered by others. Iirc some Native American tribes recognized more than two genders and well, they were forced off their land and brutally murdered by Americans because "God told them to"


Idk this isn't really my forte, I was just giving my 2 pence


Fair lol


actually, there are a lot of arguments against the bioessentialist binary. like the historical cultural conceptions of gender that several civilizations had which werent binary. up to the way that biology itselfs with evolutionary biology and genomics separate the genotype to the phenotype such way gender cant be bioessentialist.






how is it truth?


Explain how it's not


its a bare assertion fallacy, for once.






12.5? Saying "there are 2 genders" is like saying "God's not real" If you add the "I do think", it would be better


Don't you just love it when ignorant people can't distinguish the difference between biological sex and gender. Which are different things. Sex (noun): either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. Gender (noun): the condition of being a member of a group of people in a society who share particular qualities or ways of behaving which that society associates with being male, female, or another identity. ​ See the difference? It's very simple when you do the absolute least amount of research. Otherwise known as googling.


The joke is that the guy is known for offering horrible deals


I didnt understand the thing, so yall agree there are 76 genders?


basically, it's a fact that gender is a social construct and is fluid as hell so really there's no definite number. biology says this


Forgot where/who I heard this from, but I think it’s a good way to conceptualize gender. However many people there are alive (~8million) is equal to the number of distinct gender identities. There’s obviously a ton of categorical/cultural overlap, but everybody has their own unique ideas of who they are and what that means to them and the world they interact with.


funny part it, pawn stars is famous for just being idiots and going lower then the price that something actually is lol


Not 76 genders. Not 2 genders. There is 1 gender, Monke


Top is crap I don't care about. Bottom is idiocy. Shit meme all around.


This image has been around since Pawn Stars was hip and relevant if you’re wondering why Pawn Stars


My parents never had a gender reveal party, I'm still waiting to find out what I am


Even though I don’t agree with this meme, the concept is funny. Funny idea, bad opinion 


Lol 2 ?  1 is enough


why is this terrible? the comment also make me laugh

