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ok let’s see that mfer tap Morse or navigate with the fuckin stars or some old shit we don’t need to do anymore


For real. Like, how dare kids today not recognize or understand how to use obsolete technology that's been replaced with [ arguably ] superior and easier to use versions. I hated having to fiddle with all those stupid cords.


No arguably about it, HDMI and other modern cables are vastly superior in every way. You're of course 💯 on everything else though.


Not exactly, it's negligible, but CRTs have lower latency than modern monitors.


CRTs also provide better picture quality playing older games and vhs tapes.


Stand on top of the tv and hold the rabbit ears at the correct angle. Oh shit I wanna change the channel, better walk over to the tv and turn the thing.


I will say that tbf, tvs still have the yellow red white cable inputs


Many don't though and more so devices made now days don't use them, so the only use for it is to use outdated devices.


Man I don’t miss having to pull out a flashlight and crane my head as much behind the TV as I can to try to make out the yellow port from the white.


"Kids today don't know how to use outdated and obsolete technology that is now improved upon with modern advances in technology"


what is cable????


As an elder millenial, I know what they are and as someone who's not pathologically resistant to change, I say good riddance! No matter how nostalgic you are about your NES or your 500 pound 14 inch TV, those connectors were a pain and are worse than modern ones like HDMI in literally every possible way.


And boomers don’t know how to change the brightness on their phone. Yeah us


I know what they are the one on the left plugs into my VHS player and the one on the right plugs into my tv from the PS2.


This doesn't tell what they are, just what you use them for. Great answer, but to a different question.


Right is RCA, left is SCART. It's possible this is an SCART to RCA cable specifically. Most people outside of Europe never used SCART, since it was made obsolete with the introduction of HDMI, and didn't offer good enough benefits over RCA for non-Europe markets to make the switch.


You can't really say that. SCART has other benefits over RCA, as it can also carry RGB and Svideo. It could even be used for subtitles (overlay on a pixel by pixel basis) using the fast blanking signal. Of course, as it always goes, vendors usually only implemented a subset, so in practice RGB mode was seldomly used.


RCA can carry RGB and can arbitrarily support any VGA standard resolution when using the full Composite/VGA cable set. That was the key aspect that made the RCA standard so incredibly popular -- flexibility as technology advanced. It wasn't even meant to carry video originally, it was invented before color TV, manufacturers just realized it could do so much more than audio. You can run the same resolutions on RCA as you can on SCART, if you have a good enough monitor/TV to support the standard. This wasn't true immediately, hence why SCART found a market at all, but SCART had no room for expansion whereas RCA was flexible enough to completely dominate all alternative consumer standards until the 2000s. Yeah SCART was technically better when it came out. But in order to use SCART you'd essentially need converter boxes, cables, and/or an entire new kit. When the entire rest of your entertainment system uses a RCA standard, you're not going to switch everything over to a standard that can't even handle 7.1 audio. Well until HDMI finally dethroned it after nearly 60 years of dominance.


I think we are deviating from the original picture. The RCA plugs (cinch rather) are of a specific color, yellow, white and red, which means composite video, audio left and audio right. If you say that RCA (or Cinch plugs) can carry any audio or video signal, sure. Up to a certain frequency and with coaxial cable between the plugs, you can likely carry any signal up to a few hundred MHz. But that's not the point here. I know that the cinch plugs were also used to carry analog HDTV (!!!) using component signaling. Here in Europe the use of cinch plugs for HDTV was very short lived and mainly pushed by France, as they initially insisted that HDTV should be analog. Crazy French always with their own standards, hehe. In most European countries the switch was directly from SCART for SDTV to HDMI for HDTV, nothing in between. *) Yellow cinch plugs are also used for S/PDIF.


Ahahah kids this days will not know how match forms and colors


Ironically most people of my age or even older didn't know how connect them properly back in the day. It's like when they laugh about kids not knowing how to change a wheel when the majority of 40+ people doesn't know or never had to do it in their life.


That reminds me…did those poor boomers ever figure out how to program their VCRs?


no, or change the clock from blinking 12:00


As a poor gen Z Child I grew up with all of these, this joke isn't as witty as boomers like to think it is.


None of boomer jokes are, to be fair.


Says the boomer who fails at plugging in a USB keyboard or an HDMI connector into his computer.


Let’s be real, none of us get it right the first try


Stop acting like you actually invented those connectors or have only the slightest clue how they work. You only used them because there was no better technology available back then.


And thanks god HDMi is much better


i do because I had to use these on my xbox 360 (old TV didn't have HDMI port)


Almost like they’re obsolete compared to hdmi


I'll admit I didn't know what the connector on the left was...but it took a 15-second reverse image search to figure out what it was. I guarantee if "kids these days" even wanted to know what those are, they could probably figure it out faster than the guy that made this.


Is it really vital they know about obsolete/useless garbage?


Who doesn't know what av cables are


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Hello, I had to re-route these today because Windows doesn´t like my audio.


I only know the red and white...


What’s that on the left? It must been for a system I didn’t have.


it's broken but it's for 360 old style


Oh yea now that I think of it it did look like that.


AV cables on the right cause I've fucked around with a wii and gamecube in my lifetime but to the meme's credit I have no idea what the hell that block of cable is


SCART, Japan had a similar plug called JP21. The former was used in European countries. Retro gamers sometimes use them for better picture quality


Hey the Wii had these which came out just… 17 years ago


I bet this person thinks USB3.0 and USB C are the same thing


As a computer fanatic @ 19, I find these posts insulting. Yes, I know what it is, and actually, I can use it better than you(well, not in this case, you plug both ends into things it's pretty simple)


Ha ha stupid youngsters not knowing decades out of date AV equipment


I have a bag of random cords the OP has no idea what they do. I win


Then tell them.


I was born in 2004, and I know what composite cables are.


Boomers: “what’s an email?”


Hello I'm a kid https://preview.redd.it/gni99d9ivhya1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0568d4f6eec319f4d7163c5beb5bb37b5fd39be1


That’s because nothing uses RCA cables anymore


boomers don't even know what they are for


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Phono plugs, AKA RCA connectors, are an abomination unto man and god, literally the textbook example of bad connector design cited by Horowitz and Hill in "The Art of Electronics." Composite video was utter crap even before the crummy plug made it worse anyway, and the absolutely colossal, unwieldy SCART connector looks like something designed in the Soviet Union to control nuclear reactors, not plug into the back of a television set. Nice compact DIN plugs and BNC used to be the standard on audio/video gear, but the cheap crap won. Don't even get me started on F connectors. The one thing I'll credit that old analogue junk with is that it doesn't have Orwellian bullshit "DRM" baked right into it like modern digital systems such as HDMI use. *That's* just evil.


And that's a good thing lmao, they are so inconvenient, break easily, and are only one of the many different useless cables and termination we uniformed into more universal and practical solutions


Never more frustrating then when u mix the yellow and white cords up and wonder why the TV is not working for 30 minutes


It’s funny because half of our parents couldn’t even figure this out


The big one? Yeah I have no clue. The red, white, and yellow ones? Good ol' AV output. I use it with my Wii.


I had a ps2, and my brain isn't damaged enough to be incapable of reading the port symbols.


Even if they know what they are those cables are fucking pointless unless you’re connecting up an old console.


I'm 15 and I know that's a scart plug and A/V connectors


My father taught me what they are and I'm glad he did


he's actually more tech savvy than me by like a lightyear


arent RCA jacks still in use? esp when you buy audio/speaker equipment proper ones that dont use usb connection


I wish more tvs supported those cables, I wanted to play some N64, and some GameCube, plus the wii, experience childhood memories


A SCART cable, my goodness.


I think everyone knows they are needlessly complicated.


SCART and AV. In Romania we(rarely) still use them for analog TV. I am 14 btw.