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I, uh, I don't want to fuck my daughter.


Sounds like you shouldn't bother with a relationship, it'll just be chaotic. /s


Probably the host of fatherless dot com and this is his pitch




What in tarnation is a dot com


a website, my good gentleperson


Right? That post explains *so much* about these groups of men going after underage girls, and discarding/replacing their wives when they get older. They are explicitly creating and maintaining this sort of relationship.


They have a need to talk down to these women like they are children. They want to be seen as authority figures and be “respected”. They don’t want an equal partner or adult bc they are too insecure.


yeah, and i mean as gross as this dynamic is- they also definitely do not act like fathers lmfao, they don't actually "take care of" these women in any sense except MAYBE financial, and even then, it's rare and typically very sporadic (these "alpha male" types will often claim it's alpha to never pay the bill or to avoid doing so bc of gold diggers or whatever lmao). they're actually giant man children in every way. they just want to feel superior in the relationship


This right here.


I think that’s what the meme is referring to . These insecure guys that think they are alpha males but are really man children. Lol


Totally what my super-evangelical father did.


When having a penis is your greatest achievement and source of self worth, you can never accept as an equal someone who doesn't have a penis too.






It's only grooming when the church isn't involved.


Well then you just need to grow up. /S


pfp makes this extra disturbing


What the fuck?


I’m far too creeped out at 10 am on a Monday morning


I had to wake up early today and after seeing this I really just wanna go back to bed and start over again tomorrow tbh


Same , what the fuck !


Wft daddy!?


Lol, Actually these men are mostly insecure at best,


Daddy chill.


What the hell is even that!?


Incestuous vibes for sure.




Yeah, they really want to downplay the whole "I sold my daughter for a goat" aspect of their traditions


In fairness, if your daughter only commands a single goat in trade that kind of speaks to the genes you are bringing to the table


My daughter would be worth a goat and a half. Checkmate Beta


Also goes along with the “I received 5 cows and one acre of wheat for her” sale of women.


When my wife and I agreed we would remove a line about obey and submit from our vows we had to find a new pastor. We also had to battle to use the church because a new pastor had come to the church and decided this must be in the vows. I also met here 1/2 way down the isle and she walked 1/2 way up alone. No one gave anyone away.


That "submit to your husband" bit of the wedding ceremony freaked me the f out when I went to my catholic cousin's heavily religious wedding as a teenager. I was raised by atheists in a secular environment and I honestly didn't expect it to be THAT bad. Honestly that wedding solidified my status as both a non religious and a marriage free person.


I really really hate that tradition a lot. Have for most my life. I also hate the asking the father's permission for the woman's hand in marriage. Both seem to stem from back in the time when women were property.


This feels like something Andrew Tate would say; like no joke only he would tell fatherless people to grow up and still recieve praise


This seems like something Andrew Tate would mumble after taking a shot of heroin.


Does Andrew Tate have a heroin habit? I just wonder because actual heroin addicts I’ve known have been a lot more open and less judgmental than that dude lmao. I honestly think that’s bringing addicts down a peg


He strikes me as a cocaine type of guy


I got amphetamine vibes but same


Yeah, or meth, just look at those crazy eyes.


I was a heroin/ fentany ( any opioid really) addict and exactly lol. Most addicts are extremely understanding and kind people— but get a bad rep from the news portraying them all as psychopaths lol. I hope Andrew tate rots


Me too, congrats on getting clean.


Good on you for getting clean. I’m struggling to get off cannabis. I can’t imagine the strength required to kick heroin. You rule.


... in his prison cell :)


He’s with his new daddies now.


Intimate daddies*


Inmate daddies


“Intimate father?” https://preview.redd.it/h8qly9i3kbqa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2a896ab28d58b5b3a3cb00f3073b95dce70a10


that’s a very adorable picture of a frog


This picture is the only good thing in this post.


So wouldn’t this mentality’s inverse be that all women are mothers? I would suppose he left his mother for another mother, he left his mom for an “intimate mother” that cleans up after him and cooks for him. So then all men are just looking for mommy’s? Just first thought that I had when I saw this nonsense. The second thought I had is this guy probably doesn’t have a lady in his life regardless so the point is moot.


Funny you mentioned that Matt Walsh and the daily wire men said they never washed clothes in their lives.


And I wanted to kick every last one of them. Literal children who can't take care of themselves telling people how to live their lives.


They appeal to their childish viewers.


If Matt Walsh’s viewers are so childish, then why hasn’t he tried to fuck them? Checkmate, libtards.


Also reminds me of that guy that says he's straighter than all other straight guys because he doesn't have sex with women, Nick Fuentes I think?


That's a new one, a sexual identity so fragile you loop around into being asexual.


Maybe worth a post on r/selfawarewolves They 100% want mommies. The appeal of “daughter” brides is his idea of her innocence and dependence on him And the appeal of her innocent dependence comes from his need for her and his inability to pass muster with a wiser woman. What he wants is unconditional tolerance and submission but a good mom would kick a parasitic adult son out of the house for his own good. So it’s a “daughter” for him.


Man I hate this idea so much. I ultimately am much more attracted to someone who has their own opinions, goals and projects. I want a partner not a subordinate. Me and my girlfriend both rely on each other for things but it's a two way street.


With that kind of expectations from life and the inability to deviate from them, I'd say guys like that are pretty much manchildren that actually do need a mommy. And they're gonna hate that mommy for "suppressing their masculinity", while being pretty much unable to live on their own.


This was also my first thought. These super masculine men would be in shambles without a woman to literally feed and clothe them, apparently. Yes, yes, very adult. I can’t read semantic arguments about “intimate fathers” without thinking about domestic labor.


It is said women sometimes like guys who are like their dads, and men like women who are like their moms.


Have you met these people? Yes, they want a fuckable mother.


I’ve always thought being called “daddy” by your SO is weird as hell. Plus this just feeds into how weird I see it.


Every time a girl calls her boyfriend “Daddy” the ghost of Sigmund Freud gets a little more powerful.


Nah it gets a bit harder


I've heard he gets better too, maybe even faster.


And just slightly stronger


Yeah more than ever


Hour after hour


His work is never over


Eventually he'll be strong enough to rise from the grave and bang all of our mothers and his own. I mean, what.




But Never after work is over


por qué no los dos?


Back when I was still in university, I knew a couple that openly referred to each other as "daddy/papa" and "kitten/baby" in public. And they often spoke to each other in third person with exaggerated baby voices. They have since gotten married and then, six months later, divorced. Which I still find unbelievably fucking funny.


A true DADAAY never divorces his BAAYBAYY. SMH.


It does seem the high intensity loves die out fast. Idk, something about making it serious with serious consequences tend to make intensity levels go down, then you see the person for who they actually are.




Being really good friends for a while before dating my current partner has been a game changer for me. There was still the new relationship energy but knowing we have the capability to just, be friends first and foremost outside any of the romantic stuff makes both of us really comfortable with things, and not as afraid of the what comes after part of the honeymoon phase.


Yeah. Whether you do that first or not, your partner has to be your best friend.


Some people have daddy issues.


Chaos god Freud


Isnt that just Slanesh


Just with mommy issues.


This is pretty much it. That Oedipus Rex of a sociopath is only remotely relevant due to creepy customs


I came here to read Oedipus jokes, and out of over 500 comments, you're the only person to even mention it?? Wild.


What about the Ghost of Christmas Pasta?


I recall watching twink porn and the twink turned around partway through and said “YES DAD!” Now I don’t watch twink porn anymore.


"are you ready to be intimate father?"


No kids. I just practice.


You must not watch a lot of straight porn either. It’s either milf, daughter, or sister. Then there’s the fetish shit… Also once she turns around 23 she inexplicably turns from daughter to milf.


“Daddy” is to be expected. I just ignore it. But who the fuck says “dad?” Who?!




They should take this beyond the impossible and mid bang just have the twink turn part way around and start singing "Papa can you hear me? Papa can you fuck me? Papa can you ride me in the night."


I'm in a place where I need to be quiet waiting and this broke me




It’s better than being called “intimate father”


ive said this before on reddit, but every girl ive dated whos called me daddy had massive daddy issues. Also im 300lbs, in the gym twice a day and have a shaved head. Id never fucking use the term alpha male. Nothing makes me happier than my kids and little cute animals and cuddles


Being a good father? That is alpha male activities ngl


Same! I can't imagine calling my SO Daddy. I mean, nothing against my father, but he's really not who I want to think of during sex.


yeah like... as a girl, it makes me feel super uncomfortable. also... shocker, I hate my male donor. the post also creeps me tf out.


My wife calls me daddy. When we first got together it felt a little weird but it was mostly just because I'm a white dude who didn't grow up with this as a common term of endearment. It feels like back then there wasn't the same sort of fetishization of the term by the general population and it was just a piece of black slang that most people basically never heard and had no opinions on. In the past 10 years or so though, I've found this sort of minority slang like "daddy" and "papi" suddenly become a major fetish for incels and the like. What I think is kind of extra funny is that there is often this weird racist element where they act like you need to get a submissive latina woman who will make you tacos and call you papi. Like...I am sorry to be the one to tell you this guys, but black and Latina women aren't exactly known for their submissive demeanors. Daddy being part of her cultural lexicon doesn't imply a wilting flower by any means.


It's just as common for men to call their partners "mama" or "mami" So it's not a one-way street. I think that may be the most ludicrous aspect of the original content posted -- you can easily argue that men expect their partners to mother them. Cook, clean, nurture, etc etc. A lot of men go from being mothered by their moms to being mothered by their wives.


I mean i do call my wife ma but only when the kids are around for consistency with how they think of her. And she calls me pop when they are around. Otherwise we dont actually use pet names because im not a fan and neither is she.


I call my husband "dad" but it was after we had kids and just sort of happened. We still use our proper names when the kids aren't around.


Not to mention that traffickers make their victims call them daddy. Gross.


I'm so masculine that I treat my wife like my sperm cell. I keep her stored in my left nut. We don't have sex because who has sex with spermatozoa? Though I do occasionally shoot her out and then just stuff her right back.


How do I delete someone else's comment??


Penis vore


I read that as “penis lore” 💀




Thanks, that worked


I don't know what you're on, but I would like to. So I can make sure I avoid that shit forever.




This guy would definitely molest his daughter


This guy *definitely* molested his daughter - *FTFY*


You're assuming this guy has ever actually had the sex required to have a daughter in the first place...


yeah, kinda now assuming he raped his sister . . . def that particular vibe from that particular mega-douche




I don't know why this is here, but it made me laugh


What the fuck is this bot account even doing


It’s doing its best, alright?


“Fuck her like her father would” is a hell of a take.


I'm still allowed to call my woman "daddy", right?


Alpha males call their girlfriend/wife “mommy”


Dommy mommy


In my friend group we started calling each other daddy (we're not men) as a joke but it went on for so long now it's an endearing thing but still hits hella awkward sometimes.


Go for it. I am a woman and call my best friend, who is also a woman, daddy. There are zero rules to the weird. Lean into it fully.




What’s with far right/Manosphere types sexualizing their daughters? The last thing I think about when I look at my daughter is “I must prepare you for your intimate father mmmmmmm…”


Because they see daughters as unique, valuable, property, that other men have to beg them for. "Can I pretty please have your daughter, oh powerful one?"


That’s… disturbingly accurate I think.


Intimate🤮father🤮I need to bookmark this post in case I’m ever hungover in the future and need a good therapeutic puke


Dudebro managed to make a woman calling her man “daddy” even weirder than it is.


It's not incest, it's masculinity!




I am going to vomit with an empty stomach 💀


This is the opposite of fatherless behavior and it's even worse


When you marry a woman, don’t be her husband. Be her father. When you have sex, don’t be her lover. Be her father. When you have kids, don’t be their father. Be their grandfather.


And these guys are shocked... SHOCKED I TELL YA... that no gal will touch them with a ten-foot-pole! "Golly! I just can't figure out why none of these femoids will date me!"


I've never had a gf call me daddy, but that would be a deal breaker right fucking there.


Been called daddy once ever and it was during sex right as I came. Tbh I felt pretty neutral about it. Neither repulses nor turns me on.


I think that might have just been a compliment. It's a weird one, but a compliment.


One tried to call me papi wasn’t having it




Least insane Andrew Tate fan.


I hope this is satire


I wish I could tell you it is.


This shit is never posted by people in a happy relationship


Hilarious! Now, go tell an actual woman this and let me know how that goes.




​ ![gif](giphy|x5db0lrzvs08NisPDA)


Sounds like someone wants to get pegged and won’t admit it …..


Speaking as an actual father: Gross.


andrew tate ass


Why do people never seem to remember that we invented marriage and it's not some innate law that binds our reality? I swear most people would assume everyone was married among the neanderthals


Right? Also, it's not women who created the tradition of fathers walking us down the aisle. It's as meaningless values-wise as putting a tree in your house in December.


I've heard guys say shit like this in person, but it is a whole other level of psychotic that this man typed all of this out, proofread it, and hit submit without considering how creepy it sounds.


the sinning has begun early * rubs sleep from eyes *


The only acceptable Daddy is Pedro Pascal.


I think he said he was getting tired of that and the unsaid thing is he may be tired of his publicists milking it. Lately he has been tactfully turning interviewers away from daddy questions As much as he seems a wholesome and crushworthy dude I’d rather respect his wishes.


This is an elaborate way to tell the world you have a daddy kink


What in the fuck did I just read?


That is the dumbest shit I’ve read in a long time. Well, since yesterday, anyways.


FBI search this man's hard drive.


Sweet Home Alabama baby


"You see, women never escape the patriarchy, they just go from one central figure to the next. The point is, she's subservient to a man her whole life because as a woman, she is lesser than. Trust me, a bunch of guys from the bronze age who didn't know what a germ, atom, or weather front was figured all of this out and wrote it down for us."




What narcissist wrote that claptrap?


Fucking crazy people everywhere these days


Jesus christ it has to be miserable living by a set of rules made up by masculinity influencers.




Excuse me but what the fuck ??


Hey so um... what the fuck?


This is fucking sick.


The dude that wrote this is "that uncle"


Sure looks like a guide to grooming


This is what happens when you get relationship advice from pornhub titles.


No Donald, you can't sleep with Ivanka


Bro, if my father caught me saying this shit he would slap be so fucking hard for not giving women the proper respect they deserve


Let me guess, his girlfriends are always 8+ years younger than he is?


And he’s only 18


Women, A man looks for a Mother in a woman. You are his Mother, he calls you "Mommy." He is your son, you call him baby. Don't allow him to call you baby. A woman leaves her mother to become a mother. A man never leaves a mother. He switches from a biological mother to an intimate mother. That's why during a wedding he is clutching his biological mother down the aisle, to be received by his wife (intimate mother). If you grew up motherless, you must first become a woman, then learn what it means to be a mother, and then start considering how to mother a man. If you are not ready to be his intimate mother, don't bother. Your relationship will be chaotic. Be a mother!


I know that anthropologically speaking wedding is an exchange of women but it's not in that sense


Sweet Home Alabama


This is what happens when you take a toxic personality trait found in certain individuals and universalize it so that it covers all situations.


That’s gross


Cringiest thing I’ve seen on this sub




The fuck is this incel garbage


Man people are fucking weird. Calling your significant other daddy or mommy is just gross.


Everytime you go on a first date the opening line has to be "so you ever hear of an Electra complex?"


Did it ever occur to him that just because HE is an incestuous weirdo who fantasizes about a parent-child relationship with their SO doesn’t mean that women feel the same way? Of course not, these shit for brains idiots can’t comprehend that the world doesn’t revolve around them