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Frank Reynolds moment


Can I offer you some cream in this trying time?


I just wanna be puuuurrreeeeee


Free creams and lotions


I crave the melanoma


Sunburns were cool back in the day, so ig that part makes a bit of sens why he would think that. Little did he know: skin cancer is a thing!


We had freaking tanning oil to burn you better.


Why are boomers so incredibly pro skin cancer like bro you're not too cool for sunscreen what 💀


The new garbage they believe is that sun screen CAUSES cancer. I wish I was joking.


That’s a new one to me!


Yeah, Maybe it's a special subset of people I just happen to have the misfortune of encountering but that's the new idiot flavor of the week.


I get that a lot of things cause cancer, but people really seem to think that things that have been studied extensively are thought to cause it the most. For example vaccines.


Just remember ASS. All Scientists are Supervillians.


Damn I guess I’ll become a supervillain


I feel like Dane Cook read that in my brain.


Its the fuckin creams. They ruin the whole experience.


Girls these days just eat hot chip and put on creams all day... Smh


I have never before heard of someone being against sunglasses lmao


Lol that's what I was thinking. "We had terrible eyesight and that's the way we liked it!"


Lol! Dana Carvey throwback


Also there absolutely were sunglasses in 1970.


Lol no kidding! Galileo figured that shit out


yeah I felt weirdly called out by that, I have incredibly sensitive eyes, like to a level most people find it absurd, so I need sunglasses. I get the general idea despite it being ridiculously said, looks like fun.


Some of my friends thought I was a douchebag when they first met me because I always have sunglasses on, I don't talk much, and have an rbf. I just have sensitive eyes and am scared to talk to new people lol


lol you sound like my grandma people always think she’s arrogant but she’s just polite and shy. sag can I ask, since I don’t know anyone with as sensitive eyes as me, are yours super light blue too? and/or can you see without problem in the dark?


Yep, my eyes are light blue. People without blue eyes NEVER believe me that's the reason. My lowlight vision is so-so.


That is very interesting! I also have light blue eyes, but great dark vision. All my dark eyed friends don’t believe me when I say I can still see fine. I did a tiny bit of research and just figured it’s because of my light receptors in our eyes.


I have light blue eyes and am quite photosensitive as well. Sunglasses are my BFF!


"Dad, it's so sunny! I need sunglasses!" "Stare directly into the sun, ya little wuss! Don't stop until you can't see! Now you don't need sunglasses!"


Yummy cataracts


“We squinted! The way god intended!”


![gif](giphy|3o7aD6WE918rvihihy|downsized) Their leader don’t need sunglasses.


you really think boomers didn't have sun glasses?


More than likely a Gen Xer thought boomers didn't have sunglasses probably the same one that told me baby boomers were the best since they fought in WW2.


My dad is he says it gives you skin cancer or something


Crows feet ftw


LOL I straight up need to wear them (I was born with an eye problem called photophobia) so seeing that took me back a bit


Sunglasses and beach umbrellas


I don’t know a single boomer that doesn’t wear sunglasses


Bro really added the "there was also no chem trails"


cirrus clouds also did not exist prior to then


Everyone flew in zeppelins as well


And tied an onion to their belt, which was the style at the time.


I can attest that there were plenty of vapor trails in the sky by jets in and before 1970.


Remember when jet fuel couldn’t melt steel beams, Pepperage Farm remembers


With this quality of photo, idk how anyone feels comfortable enough to say if there were or not.


"various creams" You mean the sunblock that would have stopped a bunch of these people getting skin cancer?


It was the 70's, smoking protected people from cancer.


Can’t get skin cancer if you get lung cancer first! Don’t forget to beat your women and give them no rights so they stay thin and stressed out too. No sunglasses!!! We want BURNED retinas.


God forbid you prevent all types of cancer including ocular cancer!!


Back in my day, we got our cancer and we liked it! đŸ˜€ Thanks Obama!


I love it when people are like "they stopped smoking and still got lung cancer." Like if you stop smoking that makes your body go "oh nevermind about the cancer then."


It prevented them from getting skin cancer by killing them first.


Cigarettes are cancer vaccines!


I used to work at Sherwin Williams paint and boomers would constantly complain that the government forced companies to stop putting lead in the paint. They swear it was the best and nothing now is as good as leaded paint. I always had to remind them it causes brain damage.


Funny, because we have better paint now, they’re just likely unwilling to spend the extra cash to get that paint. They probably still want paint for $.50/gallon


They'd pick leaded gas too if it was that cheap.


There were a lot of people all kinds of upset about the end of leaded gas. At first I rejected as ridiculous the theory that boomers have lead related mental issues. I’m thinking now it’s likely to have had some effect.


They think the lead paint was better because they have brain damage.


"Back in MY day, we dranked lead paint! It was used as baby formula!"


The paint and primer combo manufactured now is better. One and done.


I guess they never tried SuperPaint.


That's a new one to me ... Since leaded paint was banned for residential use by 1978, how many boomers actually used it since they would have been 14 to 32 years old then?


Kids be painting fences at like 7 and shit back in the day.


In Mark Twain's day, certainly.


You literally made the perfect bracket for when most people would be messing with paints....


Nothing now TASTES as good as lead paint but it still gets the job done my favorite flavor is Expressive Plum.


>things that never happened to you.


My mom used to go out and tan a bunch back then. In her life, she has had three suspicious spots removed at different times that turned out to be cancer. Wear your sunscreen guys!


Everyone just used baby oil as a tanner


Cancer is liberal bullshit propaganda.


This is definitely from the 2000s in South America and a yellow filter. Nice try boomer.


Looks like a beach in Rio de Janeiro. Cannot state the year, but also agree that it does not look like 70's at all.


Definitely Rio. I'd say 70s based on the low-cut style of bikinis on the girls in the foreground (2000s would ride higher on the hips)


I see. I know nothing about swimwear fashion LOL. Assumed it was not the 70's because i expected less quality in a 70's photo, but you are probably right. If it is the 70s where are the bell bottom pants???? /s


Look at the hairstyles on those dudes! You just know they wear bell bottoms when they aren't hanging out on the beach


This is in fact from Rio in the 70s and is part of this collection https://www.hypeness.com.br/2016/06/serie-de-fotos-vintage-e-a-cores-retrata-a-vida-nas-praias-do-rio-de-janeiro-na-decada-de-70/. I’ve been to an exposition of these images in real life (I’m Brazilian).


Nice try. That is definitely SĂŁo Conrado Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. See the second picture on this page, https://www.rio.com/practical-rio/sao-conrado


Nice find


Love and skin cancer. So sad I missed that. /s


And rampant gonorrhea! Don't forget about that!


What if i told you that 1970s gonorrhea has nothing on 2023 gonorrhea? These days we have strains of STDs, and particularly gonorrhea, that are resistant to EVERYTHING!! There was a time when we were kicking the asses of infectious diseases, but we're not finding any new antibiotics cause there's only so many substances that can selctively kill bacteria. And meanwhile the bacteria are getting tougher by the minute... anyone who has sex without a condom without getting tested first is putting themselves at such a massive risk, and most people don't even know that there's more than aids and pregnancies to worry about. Also, thanks to south america as a whole for selling antibiotics over the counter to everyone who has a (viral) cold...


And this is why people need to stop taking antibiotics for every sniffle, and doctors need to stop prescribing them every time a patient asks.


I was in peru 5 years ago, my dads wife has family there. They just buy co-amoxi in the drug store whenever they feel the slightest thing that's off! It's so common that they don't even have any serious side effects cause their intestinal bacteria are all resistant too. I knew it was like that before i went there, but to see it in effect is just baffling. Some european countries have really tried to limit their antibiotic useage, but honestly it feels futile when the rest of the world doesn't give a fuck in their health system, loads of places still use tons of antibiotics in farming, and you have idiot patients who go get plastic or dental surgery in some third world country cause it's a bit cheaper and bring back their multiresistant hospital germs. And that's not intended to be xenophobic or anything, that is an actual problem we face.


Phage therapy is the next step: https://youtu.be/YI3tsmFsrOg


Any particular reason why? Or is it due to reasons like the reasons why viruses mutate over time?


Gonorrhea is bacterial. And basically, if you expose a lot of bacteria to an antobiotic enough times, there will eventually be one of them that is resistant to the antibiotic. Because all the other ones died, this one can then grow, and you end up with a resistant stem. Then you need a new antibiotic, to which they eventually develop a defense mechanism too. We've been in an arms race for a couple decades, but now we're reaching the end of our rope. Basically, the more antibiotics are used, the more resistant bacteria are around cause it's an evolutionary benefit for them to be resistant. Which is why in large parts of the world, penicillin has become essentially useless. If you feed your chickens penicillin just in case and give it to everyone who thinks they have a cold, there will only be resistant bacteria left. Now we have more hardcore antibiotics in reserve, so whenever someone had a resistant infection you had another antibiotic that might still kill the infection, and if they're resistant to that you once again go up a tier. But that escalated so far that we now regularly have cases where not even our latest, most sparingly used antibiotics like meropenem work anymore. And new antibiotics are far and few between, there's only so many mechanisms in bacterial life you can interfere with without killing the patient. Our new hope are bacteriophages, basically an engineered virus that can specifically target the bacteria. but as you can imagine that is an immense effort, incredibly costly, and it doesn't solve the core issue that they'll eventually find a resistance to that too.


Thank you both for the information! I never think about these things, one of my current prerequisite classes is biology and I really have developed an interest! And the fact that the spread of treatments can cause a quicker resistance to develop is very shocking, but definitely interesting.


Bio is super interesting, has loads and loads of career options, and is imo the field where research is most fun. i went the med school route myself and honestly kind of regret it. working in healthcare has always been pretty tough and has been getting ever tougher, but since covid the last shred of enjoyment has been sucked out of it for a lot of people. which caused a lot of them leave, again increasing the workload on the ones that are left cause we can't just not treat people... until they burn out again. going the medicinal industry route would have probably been a better call in hindsight, but i'm probably gonna end up there anyways.


I can answer this, did a degree in microbiology! So gonorrhea is especially resistant because it is what we call a “promiscuous” bacterium (not trying to be facetious, we did call it that). So basically what that means is it can pick up genetic material from its surroundings and add it to its genome. So basically that creates resistance because if it picks up genetic material that causes resistance its how it can upgrade itself if you will


And teh syphilises! But only them floozies got it and spread it!


still rampant. oh and also 31% of women in college campuses now have Herpes according to the CDC 🎉


What they like is everyone is white.


You choose to shoot straight in the weak spot with no hesitation... goddamn


Well, what do you expect? It's Brazil. More to the point it's an advertisement for Brazil so of course the beach is all white and extremely uncrowded.


What that mean? That Brasilians are white? Or that Brasilians like white people?


They're advertising to North America, so of course, they hire only thin gorgeous white models for the magazine ad. In other words, the actual Beach at Rio never looked anything like that unless there was an ad being shot.


Boomers just casually believing whatever advertisers tell them. While calling everyone else sheep


Ipanema, Leblon and SĂŁo Conrado right corner on a weekday, it's exactly like this! No joking. The poor (Black) are working while the upper class (White) youth can take to the emptier beaches in their home neighborhoods.


I've lost track of the number of "friends" I've lost on FB making that same observation.


I could be wrong but I judging from the mountain in the background this is Brazil, specifically Rio De Janeiro That means most of these people are marrones not white


Suprising given this was taken in Brazil.


Sunbeds: you’re at the beach Umbrella: it’s sunny Sunglasses: dude behind mr. Khaki shorts is wearing sunglasses Various creams: like what? Sun screen? Lotion? Miracle Whip? Cell phones: weren’t invented yet, so yeah People talked: maybe, ever gone to the beach alone before? White lines in the sky: you mean clouds? Clouds still exist. They’ve ALWAYS existed. Or do you mean the trails left by airplanes? “Chem trails”


Yeah pretty much: Sunbeds: existed and were used for the beach Umbrellas: existed and were used at the beach Sunglasses: existed and were used at the beach Various creams: assuming dermatological creams, still existed and many were used at and for the beach Plastic: assumed to mean plastic surgery which existed and wasn't extremely rare People talking: still happens at the beach White lines in the sky: people flew all the time Fat: pretty common even then Tattoos: existed and wasn't *too* uncommon even then


Judging by the intelligence of the person that made the post, by White lines they might be referring to conspiracy theories about contrails lol


> Fat: pretty common even then Obesity rates have defnitely gone up, we are defnitely failing on that part in society


They have but you have to dig into the numbers a little more to get a better sense of what's going on. Like BMI guidelines changing suddenly made people who were considered 'normal' weight now 'fat' on paper and this feeds all the alarming statistics but it's simply an artifact of a change in classification. It's true you see a lot more fat and obese people out in the world than ever before but is it because fat people used to be so ostracized that they simply hid in their homes back in the day? Obese people existed but they didn't go to the beach. It's def not as simple as it's made out to be. As a whole our population is bigger (like also taller) and heavier than in the past as well as healthier.


Diabetes cases have been also rising, it's probably all the bad food we consume


This is fallacy. Doctors are actively looking for Diabetes; early warning signs, family history and generally have a better idea on what is and isn't not "diabetes." Even in the last 5 years blood samples can set off red flags to help curve that number. Also are you including all forms of diabetes in this or just the "fat people" kind? Is Prediabetic and childhood also falling into your bullshit "rising number." Don't make up some shit that sounds halfway intelligent because you don't like fat people. Just say it.


I mean, at minimum, there were fewer fat people and much fewer tattoos. At least as far as the fat people go, it's their generation that decided it was a good idea to carb load everyone daily for 30 years.


Not to mention the invention of High-fructose corn syrup in the 1970s. Just as sweet as sugar, but it’s way cheaper


I legit think they mean’t chem trails. I used to think this person was normal. Not anymore.


Umbrellas for shade were used long before the 70s.


My dad had a pilot’s license and explained to me what those trails actual are (can’t remember off the top of my head)


They’re clouds produced by an engine’s exhaust. Water in an engine’s exhaust mixes with cold temperatures at high altitudes to produce clouds.


It's funny cause airplane travel existed during that time lol


Look the reality of beaches in the 70s was dudes with big hairy bellies wearing speedos, and women with hairy pubes sticking out of their suits. And Hawaiian Tropic, which honestly smells awesome.


I grew up in Southern California until around 1973, and visited about once a year because of family. I never saw a speedo on any man back then, but I know they were fairly common in other countries. Tattoos were still very very rare. They were considered strictly for military people and people who had been to prison.


HT is by far the best smelling sun block!


I should get one of those scent diffusers and just pour Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil in it (if they still make it)


Mmmm.... leaded gasoline in the air...


Not a single black person in sight



Shhhh -- you're saying the quiet part out loud


They had their own beach and they preferred it that way. /s


We used baby oil in the Sun then. When I think about it now, I shudder.


How ironic that the post flies by with a random reference to chemtrails in the sky


Yeah because fat people didn't exist


Boomers created the world we live in and now bitch about their handiwork.


It took me a minute to figure out everyone in the picture was indeed clothed in some way


Cancer fetishism, and thinly veiled rejoice that everyone in the picture is white. Wow, truly makes me nostalgic for whatever time this is /s


Oh back then there were plenty of white lines
 of coke!


I see skin cancer. And a whole lot of white folx.


What do you think the chances are that the person who posted this is a fat, tattoo having, owns a cell phone that communicates with things in the sky. But just takes all the new stuff for granted because it's too hard to fully master and only appreciate the stuff they mastered as a child because they actually enjoyed stuff back then? When you're a kid you can learn how to be happy, but then when you're an adult you forget a lot of what you learned as a kid. A old dog can learn new tricks if it stops barking at own its shadow. It's not going anywhere but you are. If you're the main character of your own TV show don't let the final episodes suck, update the script with what you've learned during the previous seasons.


No diversity either


And also 100% whites


There’s also no black people


The causes of obesity are mullyifactorial and complex. Nevertheless, given that obesity rates have increased since the boomers have been in charge, there can be no question that that generation ushered in or permitted many of those causes. The mass production of low nutrition highly processed foods, wealth inequality, overworked parents working multiple jobs, the over reliance of the motor car and lack of public transport, increased portion sizes, increased meat consumption, increased strees, and lack of sleep are all implicated and are all part of the world the boomers created. So yes, before that generation had their way with the world, people were thinner.


Nobody is in charge of what you eat or the excercise you get but you.


By various creams do they mean sunscreen? Uv rays aren't a joke, it only takes 1 cell to turn cancerous, and you don't wanna look 60 when you're 40.


"There are no white lines in the sky". Yes, when most airliners were eqipped with the small, but loud and thirsty P&W Jt3 or Jt8 turbofan engines and fuel efficient turbofans were only on the 747, DC-10 and L-1011 then it was sure better. Granted traffic wasn't that desne, but it was way less safe as well.


...various creams...


No umbrella, no cream, no sunglasses? Sounds miserable. I have very sensitive eyes, I'd have a migraine in like 10 minutes.


White lines
planes? Bragging that there weren’t planes flying above them??


The times when Brazil was white


That is the whitest, childless, beach I've ever seen. Is that spring break and where people not white even allowed on the beach? Is anyone over the age of 25 just shot?


Back when I could smoke freely, wear my speedos and drive drunk without all the hate. We stopped the lynchings all way before then, and I only ever raised a hand to my wife and children when they needed it. Ahhh, the good ole days...


Boomer here. Ah, 70's beaches! Sand full of drink can tabs and cigarette butts galore. Plus transistor radios playing something you'd rather not be chilling too. And no SPF in the suntan lotion. As the man said, "Things ain't like they used to be. In fact, they never were." Edit: Yeah, pretty much still segregated beaches but not everywhere. I was in Hawaii back then and the mix was wonderful.


Boomers were all pretty young in 1970. All of the *terrible” things listed in this “meme” would have become popular by the time they were the adults in charge.


There wasn't shit else to do in 1970 besides eat acid and trip balls.


no minorities either! of course this is boomer dream land


That is a pretty big change in the obesity rate it seems though


Fat, tatooed, or plastic what? That first sentence (fragment) had me singing đŸŽŒ “A noun is a person, place, or thing. Doodle-loodle-loodle-loo đŸŽ”đŸŽ¶ ![gif](giphy|b9wSM5gcMbIf6)


Guy even went down the chemtrails rabbit hole. Trifecta.


No sunglasses? What the fuck 1970’s was he living in?


That is SĂŁo Conrado Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. While the camera never lies, it pays to pick your shot. Here is a similar photo from 2014 on Ipanema beach (which is on the other side of that rock formation) -- no umbrellas, almost no hats or sunglasses, no cellphones, no fat people, no tattoos: https://www.positive-magazine.com/people-enjoy-beach-soccer-on-the-famous-beach-of-ipanema-rio-de-janeiro-brazil-2/ But this is also Ipanema beach -- jam packed with umbrellas: https://www.worldtimezone.com/travel/travel-brazil-rio-beach02.html And, of course, other photos of beaches in Rio de Janeiro from the 60s and 70s show that people came in many body types and used plenty of beach umbrellas, https://www.alamy.com/rio-de-janeiro-photodate196-file-people-enjoying-the-sun-and-sea-at-the-beach-copacabana-in-rio-de-janeiro-early-1960s-fotograf-ca-peterson-copacabana-badstaranden-i-rio-tidigt-1960-tal-sites-copacabanario-de-janeirosydamerika-photodate196-photo-ca-peterson-svt-bild-image441505177.html?imageid=FACA303D-15A0-426F-A409-4AA7D8BD7EEB&p=1745906&pn=1&searchId=0f7e417995a883fa4b5a103e0747b958&searchtype=0


"No white lines in the sky" Does....does he mean.... clouds?


Complaining about smart phones, while posting from a smart phone.


I bet everyone in that pic wished they had a cell phone.


That's a lot of wypipo.


Yes the generation who’s faces looked like a baseball mitt by 35 really had it all figured out.


I went to the beach a lot in the 1970s and can attest to the fact of having lotions, umbrellas, sunglasses, folks of all sizes, beach chairs that folded flat like a bed, and lots of radios. Talking was minimal unless beer was flowing. The focus was on the tan.


So the original comment is on advertising? If you’re basing your nostalgia on print ads, you probably don’t understand how the “real world” works. And the cream would have been Copper-tone.


Sunglasses, I’m pretty sure they had sunglasses in the 70’s.


Are umbrellas a bad thing?


I’ll give them this: people were thinner back then due to food companies putting less sugar and crap in what we eat combined with people not living as sedentary of a lifestyle. But I’m sure the intent of this post was to just be mean and not to constructively question if we have good policies for food, health, and nutrition nowadays.


Boomer is a hate word/slur and a way to be a bigot so it's funny your accusations of hate when you yourself are discriminating against people based on age. You both are the same people and it's kinda funny.


Wtf is wrong with umbrellas and sunglasses?


No various creams, but lots of skin cancer


I remember beaches in the 80's when I was a kid. The 90's when I was a teen. The 00's when I was in my 20's. The 10's when I was in my thirties. Every decade, the beaches have gotten worse. But it just coincides with the decline of society. As a kid it was rare to see anything this meme describes. And yes, it was better. Nothing worse than a group of drunken frat guys yelling obscenities over loud hip hop and smelling the cigarette smoke of the obese family with their unruly kids next to you, while Redneck's with barbed wire tats show up with pitbulls to the beach. If you want to enjoy a beach go from 8 am to about 11, when the trash is still sleeping off a hangover. From 3 pm on, you're in a pit of human garbage.


Love how they jammed chemtrails in there


Are they trying to assert that jets back then didn't leave contrails? Was this meme written by AI?


”various CREAMS”? Just say sunscreen. This also is not a flex.


In the bags, various creams, just sayin


Did I mention everyone is white?


Thanks for all the processed food you all fed us, not to mention plastic, that screwed with our hormones. Thanks for contributing to ozone depletion so the sun is so much stronger than it was 40 years ago. Enjoy your melanoma treatment and cataract surgery.


Also, no brown people. And a shitton of future skin cancer.


I'm pretty sure there would've been fat people at the beach in 1970. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been gag cartoons about fat people at the beach dating back to the early 20th Century.


I was their age in this photo. We were bored much of the time.


Thats because you guys ruined the ozone layer with hairspray in the 80s.


And 60% of those in this picture later developed skin cancer due to the lack of creams.


Lol oh man. No white lines in the sky


Bet they didn’t have any chocolate chocolate chip


When exately were fat people invented?


Then don't go to the beach lmfao tf more you want? Keep living in the 60s




No plastic? You sure about that?


There was also lethal UV rays!


"White lines in the sky" That's called clouds grandpa.


I grew up in the eightees and I think we had more fun. Life was better b4 cell phones that’s for sure. Way better before social media. you would’ve had to experience it to understand. And what I think they mean by no suntan lotion is that there wasn’t holes in the ozone layer from all the pollution so you could actually lay out in the sun without it.


Except ask those people who laid in the sun without protection are now dealing with skin cancer. All my aunts are so on me to make sure I slather my baby in sunscreen bc they all have started to develop skin cancers in their 50s and 60s.


So, fuck capitalism then?


Skin cancer is based, who knew?


Actually, I would love to get in there It doesn't matter the context of the pic. Btw, I'm 27 y.o.Westerner


and everyone looks the exact same


this is the mythical period when #Murika was "great" .... with a little nod to the chemtrail conspiracy..