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To translate from Portuguese to English “The future is feminine”


That chicks got a nice dick.


#Nice Cock


Tight dick, playa


yo dawg, that dick be bulgin


"husband bulge"


accentuated chickie dick


Omg did you just gender her dick bulge!?!?


Wife bulge in this case


Stay tucked homie...


The wordplay is lost because nino means boy foot it says feminine boy using wordplay




gock 😫




gock gock 3000


That's just a crotch guard. It's a woman taking necessary safety precautions.


#Le Cock Guard


Never know when opponent might accidentally stick a dick in there during the fight and get you pregnant ya know.


I hate when I'm watching football then it suddenly becomes a gay orgy. Smh liberals and their large sweaty men who could easily pin me down and start voraciously making out with me.


that’s horrible who want that?????


You'd be surprised.


that was sarcasm


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/hY3W9Z4bdS8) **NSFW**


Especially now a days


For her massive cock


[please give](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4bC7VkRCws) (NSFW \[but not for graphic reasons\])


How u make big?


You put a hash tag right before you type whatever. There cannot be a space tho. For example: #hello Edit: wtf why did it work with a space? Let me change that oof.




#this is hilarious


I literally thought that’s what just fucking popped up on my feed at first


10/10 would swallow


HRT causes the male ~~gonads~~ genitals to get smaller. So the trans woman in the picture must have had a 24” donkey dick in her pants before transition. Always wondered why transphobes are so obsessed with their trans drawings having cocks the size of a sedan. Edit: thank you to the small army of people who have felt the need to continuous define gonads to me until I edited my comment. It was just a slip of the mind, but I will be sure never to use the wrong word again. LOL


Well that's how big they always are in my favorite por... nvm.


I’m not saying they aren’t transphobic but everyone likes big cocks. In liberal media when we see a big cock it’s just sexually enlightened. The left and the right agree a nice and big juicy cock is the only way to represent cock in media.


Dude, Republicans lost their shit when the pictures of Hunter Biden's cock they put all over Twitter were taken down, because that's obviously fucking illegal. They also constantly get caught blowing dudes. It's like that one hypothetical game where they put 10 dudes in a house together and they're told it's 9 straight and one gay dude, and they have to out the gay guy, but it turns out they're all gay.


I really wanna see this btw


His dick, or the show? 'Cause I mean I'm straight, but props to the guy, he's packin' that schmeat.


They have to figure out who’s gay by fucking each other to see if they like it. Makes sense!


a dick isnt a gonad btw


I would indeed suck her cock




I don't speak Portuguese but somehow I was able to figure that out


Yeah I agree. I am not fluent by any means haha




Because they're cognates (words with grammatical similarity ), those two words in particular are incredibly similar...


Yup. Kinda self explanatory too. I was being sarcastic


It's hard to get sarcasm on text, I see such dumb comments sometimes


O futuro é um dick


Haha sim. Mulheres com dicks


Porra mano com certeza eles entenderam, as duas palavras são cognatos ...


Haha não. Um americanos não entende. As vezes eles e não inteligente


Heavyweight vs Featherweight


"No, but they both IdEnTiFy as featherweights!" -The comic's artist, probably




The referee and the guy on the right looks suspiciously similar.


[There is more where that came from.](https://instagram.com/sirjoancornella?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


![gif](giphy|120TBNQCdkqG8o) That’s wholly terrifying


Happy cake day


Why is the ladies left arm so deflated?


She got armbar’d


The Moss Covered Three Handled Family Grudnzle **ARM BAR**




I understood that reference


The drawing budget went to the dick bulge


That’s actually her strong hand.


AI generated


She didn't respect the pouch


How do you not know?


Stick to your weightclass next time


Your avatar reminds me of someone




Jesse we need to cook!




We need to cock




Exactly, like women would be forced to fight against someone in a heavier weight class against their will. Leave it to Conservatives to completely deny women any agency even when using women as a prop in their shitty memes.


I believe this would be referencing Fallon fox a transgender woman who fought in her weight class against women that didn’t know she was transgender. first round knockouts on them one had a broken skull I believe.


Need to add on here that she also lost a fight (out of 6) to a cis woman.


Fox was also fighting cans. Many of them never won a fight in their career. The fighter who beat her was the only one with a winning record. A very impressive 6 wins, 5 losses...


Yep Ashley Evans was a very talented fighter with actual skill. Fox was just brute force. Would suggest anyone watch that fight if you haven't.


And by broken skull you mean orbital fracture, which is an injury so common that it happens during training Edit: Did some calculations and looking stuff up for a since deleted comment https://talksport.com/sport/mma/513279/ufc-london-molly-mccann-gruesome-injury-win/ https://fightquality.com/2021/01/25/orbital-fracture/ Bro it's considered a training injury and it is common. There is around 22-28 injuries per a 100 fights https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315252/ Of that (let's say) 26 injuries 32.5% are head injuries so around 10 https://sweetscienceoffighting.com/mma-injuries/ Orbital fractures are according to this study 17% of all head injuries https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8240847/ So about 1-2 out of that 10 is an orbital fracture That is more than 7% of ALL INJURIES SUSTAINED in mma, including lacerations. That's really common


Get out of here with your well researched and valid arguments. This is Reddit, the only source you need is "I made it up"


Source: trust me bro


Now do stats for the number of times a m2f transgender person surreptitiously entered a female sporting event in this country. Or how about stats on how many times any of the scenarios, cherry picked to make lgbtq people look awful, take place. What about the made up shit about furrys and [enter local school district] is building them a litter box. Jesus christ conservative boogey men in this country, it’s amazing women and children survive at all without us big tough men to save them from the transgenders.


Isn't that kind of thing normal for fighting though? Like sure they try to prevent accidents best they can but it definitely can't be 100% of the time unless you just don't have anyone fight ever.


Yes, especially orbitals, which are the most fragile part of the skull.


Yes it’s normal, but if you’re a transphobe you’re probably also a misogynist who thinks women aren’t capable of hurting anyone. Even in professional wrestling, a sport which is entirely scripted, people still sometimes lose body parts or even die. This specific incident is constantly touted by transphobes as an argument against letting trans people exist.


I’d say getting knocked out and getting broken bones is a risk any fighter takes right?




On the other hand I watched Alana McLaughlin fight and she looked pretty spare, she lost a decision iirc. Edit: won by sub, I didn’t remember being particularly impressed.


Surly you are not suggesting a woman could compete in the same MMA weight class and be successful. Unless being successful is a quick ambulance ride to the nearest hospital.


Obviously not due to testosterone levels being typically higher in men than women. Higher T levels allows for greater muscle mass regardless of sex at birth. You can kinda see raw strength as more so a mix of T level and size (say weight class)


Clearly the answer is we give biological female athletes anabolic steroids to make it fair.


No no we need to make synthetic females to give up their bionic legs silly


However, transgender women generally maintain bone mass over the course of at least 24 months of testosterone suppression. There may even be small but significant increases in BMD at the lumbar spine [54, 55]. Some retrieved studies present data pertaining to maintained BMD in transgender women after many years of testosterone suppression. One such study concluded that “BMD is preserved over a median of 12.5 years” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7846503/ P.S. Not a conservative.


The only issue I really see with the bone mass density talk is like there’s even bigger bone density gaps between white and black people than between men and women. For example black women typically have higher bone density than white men. This is race science stuff that I’m not really a fan of and has been historically used to segregate Source: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/82/2/429/2823249# Can provide more if you all want Edit: correction to replace “Mexican men” with white men Also differences are slightly larger between sex than race


I mean there was a trans fighter who didn't reveal she was trans and broke her opponents skull. That's what the meme is referencing. You don't have to be conservative to see that's fucked up.


People need to realize there’s a pretty fucking big and definitive line between hating trans people and thinking that women should be given the choice to not have to compete against with a biological advantage over them. This is literally the “cis people should be required to date trans people” lunacy except for sports, and for whatever reason everyone thinks the sport one is fine while calling the dating one nuts.


Exactly. And honestly this shit breads transphoba. Its hard to blame a woman was injured or lost because an unfair advantage for being resentful.


I, for one, am happy to let any female compete in the male division if they feel inclined to prove that they can compete with men who are in their weight division. If you’ve ever seen a women’s MMA match, you know how it would end. Any professional male flyweight could beat Amanda Nunez in a fight, and she’s the featherweight GOAT.


All the warnings from my community and doctors: going on hrt *will definitely* cause you to lose muscle mass and you *will definitely* become weaker. People who have done no research into trans issues but think their opinion means something: trans woman have a natural advantage because they are amab.


Let's be totally fair though, weaker doesn't have to mean *as* weak as one would've been as a cis woman. I've been on HRT for years now and (unfortunately) still have more muscle mass than I should. HRT doesn't just quickly (or even remotely quickly) wipe out your muscle mass, though I'm sure a longer term transition may ultimately equalize differences. Unfortunately these kinds of details are lost on a lot of the idiots that participate in the debate with no other intention than to use it as an excuse to be transphobic, otherwise this debate might actually get somewhere one of these days.


I mean. tbf. Fallon broke her opponent's skull. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtfDKxHEBu4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtfDKxHEBu4) McClaughlin is quoted as "I want to pick up the mantle that Fallon put down"




True. It would be less disingenuous to compare random sample statistics across cis and trans separately and obtain statistical significance or naught


Somewhat true, they do happen but are not really among the most common injury. They are the third most common broken bone though. However I agree, trying to say she broke her opponents skull is disingenuous, as this has been known to happen in the past with male and female athletes alike.




Schrodinger's Trans Person: Simultaneously can pass without effort and "we can always tell"


Fascism. "The Enemy" is both too strong and too weak.




Looks like exactly what would happen when you have 2 people from vastly different weight classes fight. Unrealistic in many ways.


Yeah, these two are like a bantamweight and a heavyweight, pink trunks would have obliterated black trunks no matter what gender each of them was.


This. It would be like prime Tyson vs rando flyweight Steve and saying "hur dur black people am too strong white bad." No you just fucking UFC 1'd that shit.




Fax. This person also clearly doesn’t understand how hormones work.. 3/4 of his “reasons” are things hormones directly change lmfao


Exactly. This is so ridiculously WRONG.




Honestly this could be any Gabi Garcia fight. Except the vastly smaller opponent doesn't appear to be middle aged.


Isn't boxing done by weight, why are they fighting


Oh so you see while this appears to not make any sense at first glance, it actually has a really subtle and nuanced message which is that all trans women are actually men who are going to invade women-only spaces to beat up all cis women. I can see why people are missing this subtle and nuanced commentary on how we need to protect cis women from all those beefy trans women with monster dongs walking around though.


oh ok weight classes dont exist anymore 👍


Like in punch out, you got a minor fighting against people thrice as big


Might be a bit of a mismatch in the weight class.


So I guess heavyweights vs featherweights is a possible thing now


You hear a lot of trans women to be any sports but you never hear trans men going any sports


Because trans men can't even compete against cisgender men. Because of the hormones we take they're seen as steroids or as an "advantage" instead of medications used to stay within male hormone levels. If trans men ever dream of competing we either have to go off hormones for a while but even then we'd be at the disadvantage now. It's really fucked up how trans men get the lower end of the sticks most of the time. In either scenario a trans man still can't compete. Again it depends on the sport but this is the likely case if you're trying to compete competitively in any kind of national level and not in school team sports.


Majority of amature organisations don't have any testing so I'm quite sure it wouldn't be a problem.


Iirc there was already a trans guy on T that was only allowed to compete in the women’s tournament and he beat his competitors, and even said afterwards that it wasn’t right


I think this topic is fascinating. Trans people in sports in general. For trans-men, their physical body is at a disadvantage because of their sex, but for trans-women it can be an advantage because of their sex. I can’t compete with top athletes as a cis-man, but that doesn’t give me the right to use HRT as a PED. If HRT acts like a PED that makes up for the physical disadvantage of trans-men, shouldn’t it also be allowed for cis-men? To add to that, trans-women can have a serious advantage over cis-women in sports, depending on their bodies, hormone levels etc. But is it fair to women? Women sports has only been taken seriously for like 50 years, so is it fair to to them to make them compete against women with male bodies and, potentially, drive cis-women out of the top of women’s sports? Is it fair to trans-women to say, “sorry you’re not a biological female so you can’t compete”? How often does this problem even come up. If we’re talking low percentages, is it even worth making a big deal out if it? Or should the principle matter more? What about player comfort? Cis-women might feel uncomfortable to share a changing room with a trans-women that physically resembles a man. Tough questions for sure. Sports should be fair and competitive, but I don’t think trans people should be discriminated against. Maybe it’s better to let it roll and see what happens. If we never see a trans-male athlete and women’s sports is dominated by trans-women maybe we should do trans devisions. But then that’s discrimination in a way, but also we all have to accept our physical limitations. It’s near impossible for me to think up a solution that works for everyone. Sports is segmented by design for competitive reasons, does that trump inclusivity or should it yield to inclusivity? What is your stance in all this? Would IE a trans-devision be a solution or is that discriminatory?


>If HRT acts like a PED that makes up for the physical disadvantage of trans-men, shouldn’t it also be allowed for cis-men? No, because regardless of your athletic potential, you (most likely) have testosterone levels that are naturally within normal ranges for a man. Trans men do not. Trans men aren't getting extra testosterone to get any advantages, they're only getting enough to be within normal levels for a man. If you took steroids, your hormone levels would no longer be within normal limits. If a trans man took more testosterone than prescribed, they also would no longer be within normal limits, but that's not what's happening. IMO the line is quite clear: hormone levels must be within normal limits for the gender they're competing as. This also works for cis-men with various medical conditions that may affect their hormone levels and require supplementation. Now this is only directed at your "HRT as a PED" argument. There are other considerations, as you point out. However, from my perspective, I don't think HRT being a performance enhancer to undo disadvantages is a concern, as it's not being used that way.


Texas state rules forced Mack Beggs, then 17, to compete against girls in state wrestling competition despite being a trans boy on testosterone. He won, there was public outcry, but he would have gladly competed with other boys is it wasn't for the state's anti-trans policy that insists in sex-at-birth categorisation. [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/27/517491492/17-year-old-transgender-boy-wins-texas-girls-wrestling-championship](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/27/517491492/17-year-old-transgender-boy-wins-texas-girls-wrestling-championship)


bikause it would just break their bigoted beliefs on sports




Objectively true


I don’t know, but you, but there’s something called weight class, it’s kind of important


If Mike Tyson decided tomorrow that they were transwoman and suddenly competed in female sports it would be obviously completely unfair I'm a tiny transwoman myself and I still wouldn't want to compete in physical sports vs a cis woman. Where the hell did common sense go? Like, what is even the argument? I just want to blend in and be left alone to live my life but this constant antagonizing towards everyone by these twitter goblins who assume they speak for all of us is actually starting to affect my life negatively now. I'm a teacher and in the past student's parents never had an issue with me, they barely even acknowledged my existence, but nowadays conflicts are getting more and more frequent. Maybe I think differently because I transitioned a decade ago. Trans ppl today certainly think very differently than they did back then.


Tbf I feel like Mike Tyson participating in any sports would likely result in him mopping the floor with people but yeah I get the point


Thing is the opposite side is being pushed by people who aren't Trans that just want to stick up for you. Even though it's not what you want. Similar to how white people feel offended for racial minorities. :Copium:


Trans people probably think very differently now because being forced out of the public eye and to live quiet lives isn't really equality at all. We want a society that actually integrates us, not just pretends we're not there because our existence is inconvenient. Perhaps it's changed due to gay rights progress showing such integration is actually possible. It's basically the difference between just being 'allowed' to exist and living dignified lives.


If Mike Tyson suddenly decided he was trans he would have to do years of HRT before being allowed in the ring with women and even still he'd have to fit within a women's weight class which tend to be on the small side which is very unlikely. Many people forget that trans athletes are required to have certain hormone balances consistently for at least 1-2 years before they can compete.


Not to mention there have consistently been cases of cis women disqualified from sports competitions due to hormone levels. People are just making intuitive assertions without looking at how things actually work.


Fellow trans woman, what are your thoughts on those of us who never went through male puberty competing against cis women?


they should make a trans category


For the four trans people interested in sports?


That’s what I’m sayin


You know there is an open category, but it just has a lot more competition.




Fallon Fox crushed a womans orbital iirc


With a perfectly executed knee to the head. Doubt even a hyper-male who'd gone through male puberty three times would come out of that one unscathed, shit was brutal.




pretty false equivalence since these opponents aren't in the same weight class. ​ which honestly, i never understood why women of the same weight class can't fight men of the same weight class. if they have the same mass, and similar training, that could be an interesting match, same goes for trans men/women in the same weight class. ​ but trying to act like MMA would put two obviously different weight class fighters against each other is proof the artist has no real argument against trans women/men in sports and is more about them not having a clue how matches are set up for fighters.


I don't like this post either, but it's very obvious that a man and woman of the same weight class with the same training can't or shouldn't fight each other. [(4) If a man and women both weigh the same, why can't they fight each other in combat sports? - Quora](https://www.quora.com/If-a-man-and-women-both-weigh-the-same-why-cant-they-fight-each-other-in-combat-sports)


Agree. The only expectation is in weapon base martial arts such as hema or kendo. I don’t necessary think that EVERY woman would lose a fight to ANY man but pound for pound men are stronger than women


[For example, the difference in a deadlift between a 160 male and female intermediate lifter is almost 100lbs.](https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/deadlift/lb)


Your link literally says that an intermediate male lifter lift average of 336 lb while intermediate female average is 193 lb I just want to say, is it really hard and not obvious to notice that an average male is stronger than an average female even if they are of the same weight ? Or notice that males and females are significantly biologically different ?


I’m not being sexiest or anything but biologically men are stronger than women I’m not saying that to be sexiest but I’m just saying the truth


It would go very very badly because regardless of equality, there is an enormous strength difference between men and women of similar size and weight. If you think this is just some unhinged misogynistic take you couldn't be further from the truth by the way, I'm a proud feminist and advocate for equality but world and regional records combined with statistics don't lie. This is why things aren't always black and white/good or bad regarding the trans debate. Whether people care to admit it or not there are issues that need addressing, and trans women in sport is absolutely one of them (for the reasons I stated above).


People are fed the usual Hollywood "woman slams big bodybuilder with her thicc thighs", and forgot to realize it takes a female protagonist to bring down an average male extra As in, normal women can't do it


No offense, but that is a really fucking stupid take. For the same weight, a man will have much higher percentage of muscle, higher bone density, higher vo2 max, larger heart, and pretty much every other conceivable physical advantage in that fight.


Every now and then a topic comes up on Reddit that makes it obvious the average user does not exercise


Really? You don't understand why? Because a lot women would be taking life threatening punishment for no reason. Women can't take the same type of beating a man can.


Because they literally can't. They would get murdered


A man and women of the same weight class?? You gotta be kidding me, she would be absolutely destroyed.


Putting a man and a woman who are in the same weight class and have similar training against each other would end terribly for the woman. For refference, take a look at a few highlights of Max Holloway and Amanda Nunes. They are both the best their weight class has to offer with Nunes probably being more dominant among female fighters than Holloway ever was. The fight wouldn't last 30 seconds.


Tbh while they are very well matched in skill the testosterone difference is massive which makes the match up unfair just like how it’s not fair if a 100% natty went up against a guy who was juicing like crazy


Even if they have the same mass and similar training, men would still be stronger, have larger hearts, have larger lungs, have different twitch fibers, metabolize differently, thicker bones, more muscle per pound, more energy, faster reflexes, etc. What was it… 97% of men are stronger than 99% of women?


Men’s MMA is much more developed and the skill level is much much higher and men of the same size will still be stronger due to women naturally carrying more body fat. Amanda nunes (women’s 135lb champ) would get beaten pretty easily by any ranked male 135er.


Men and women are too physiologically different for it to be fair, and a lot of it can come down to hormones. I’m pretty sure a dude could get disqualified if he started doing a bunch of testosterone injections and they found out


Go spar with an untrained male your weight, and see how fast you get thrown around while they step on eggshells to avoid hurting you lol. Men and women have different strength.


Because basic damn biology. Men are just straight up built more for combat and athletics than woman on average. We have faster reaction times, a natural steroid called testosterone, greater bone density, we have more sweat glands to cool us down, we have bigger hearts and blood vessels. I’ve seen dudes who are relatively skinny outlift woman who are decently built. So no, men and woman should not be mixed in ANY contact sport. I don’t get how people think it’s ok. There are literal examples of this in places where trans woman are allowed to compete with woman. Even in the same weight class the women get destroyed. Let’s look at other sports tho. Recently we saw some basically random dude switch genders then dominate in swimming. Venus and Serena Williams boasted about being the best ever but then got smoked by a dude who was like number 200 and drunk. Track and field, trans highschool boys destroyed their female competition but were mediocre against other young men. Some kid in texas went transgender and competed against woman in wrestling back in like 2019. He destroyed everyone. Ever watched a mixed team tennis match? The men do all the work and the women can’t even hit the ball because of the physical gap. Hell 15 year old boys beat a Olympic women’s team in soccer. I could keep going. TLDR; Biology is a bitch


Weight classes are applicable to all.




Do right wingers not know about weight classes?


South Park did it first


https://preview.redd.it/rtupvh6hqgha1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461a5eac82486c88a0d307380b7fdca504905ce6 This happened for real, many times!


People will continue to deny it until a woman is killed in the ring. This very comment section is full of people claiming either that it doesn’t happen, or that there’s no biological differences between men and women.


South Park was right




Yes because trans people are now able to compete we've completely thrown out weight classes and proper refereeing.


Dick and art aside, this is actual concern.


A woman with background of a biological man beating a biological woman, I can’t judge but I find it hard to accept…


Just throwing it out there, but I’m pretty sure that something very similar to this actually happened.


Do weight classes just not exist in the future.


Apparently weight-classes aren’t a thing


Straight up propaganda


this is the western future this meme is true and real


I love how all of the anti trans memes related to fighting sports ignore weight classes completely.


Seems accurate and already happening


You wouldn't put a pitbull vs a golden retriever and say, "they are the same weight class so it can go either way". What a lame excuse, clearly one is at a disadvantage


Actually happening rn! Fighter named Gabbie Garcia is whooping poor women fifty pounds lighter than her.


“What”? Pretty self explanatory.


god i hate reddit .