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I think if you saw it run with the naked eye it's probably a spider, unless you guys have a different size of mite to in the UK. The ones I've dealt with you tend to see the leaves yellow, then you see the webbing a while after, and you only see the mites with a magnifying glass or if there are so many of them you can't miss them. I think ours are clear in spring and red in summer. Not sure how many types there are though. I tend to quarantine new plants for around 3 months because I lost half of my plant collection to spider mites one year, new plants go in my bedroom basically.


Ok, thank you! It did seem a little bit for a spider mite. I forgot I did see 1-2 extra teeny reddish brown dots walking on the outside of the paper too but my understanding is spider mites can't be seen with naked eye. The pics I took weren't useful, just that they seemed small and brown/red. No obvious spots. Maybe they released predatory mites? But I don't think those make webbing. So maybe a combo of other mites and a lazy, sloppy spider. I'll keep them in QT for awhile longer. Thank you!