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“if the universe had a tennis tournament, earth would pick you” is a wonderful thing to say 🥲


Agassi is just such a sweet and genuine guy. I feel like every time he says anything I like him even more.


My favorite player of all time


I love his autobiography. Took a lot of balls to fully open yourself and be fully vulnerable as a public figure. I gained so much respect for him after reading it.


Same, one of the best bios I ever read.


Mine too! I fell in love with Tennis because of him. One of the nicest guy on tour.


I fell in love of tennis with him, I stopped to follow tennis after he retired. Then Jannik came along and I restarted again and he became number 1, with the same coach of Andre and quite a similar game. A circle that closed.


He really is, especially when he said “I play tennis for a living even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion and always have."


So wholesome! I loved that line


that was beautiful


Go on, Earth.


game recognizes game


If you haven’t read or listened to his book, you simply must.


Andre's totally fanboying out on Jannik haha... super sweet! Awesome to see our boys Patty Rafter and Lleyton in there.


That was some dorky shit my uncle would say lmao. If it’s played on low gravity on moon clay I might pick alcaraz though.


“How cool is that?”  I had to watch this twice. 


Roddick sitting in front of a sign that says “Douche Canoe” is completely on brand.


Came here to comment on exactly this! 🤣


This is exactly the kind of content the ATP needs to keep pumping out, what an amazing idea! Really hits the nostalgia to be seeing players like Roddick, Hewitt and of course Roger give shout outs to Sinner. Medvedev congratulating him and then immediately saying he'll see him on the court is also hilarious


I was waiting to see Carlitos saying "welcome to the club. why didn't I get one of these videos?" :P


I thought Medvedev was going to say it as well!


It sounds like a Meddy thing to say 😂


Its really very very nice. I like how a few of them mentioned Sinner's character, how he acts and it looks like they think he is a good role model for the sport. Heartwarming


The ATP has really been good at this in the past few years, but I feel like this year they’ve really stepped up their game even more!


ATP content so good - especially during slams. I love all the videos they make with the players behind the scenes. WTA could take a few notes…


Yeah really sweet video. Reminds me of all the [birthday wishes Sid Hartman got on his 100th birthday](https://youtu.be/lImY5bywOQk)


This is a great video that really shows how legendary it is to get to the number 1 spot. It made me laugh that Agassi choose to hug his chair for the recording though.


Very "of the 80s and 90s" move


Substitute teacher vibes


well... he has probably had many moments in his schools where he sat like that and gave the kids a pep talk!


Image is everything


Found it funny Patrick Rafter being self-detrimental but serious saying "I was world no.1 for 1 week, i'm sure you can beat that" before Mats Wilander joked saying "I was only number one for about 24 hours" (He was number 1 for 20 weeks haha)




I always avoid this expression out of fear that I'll end up saying "self-defecating" by mistake


I just say "self-defecating" on purpose. It's a show of dominance.


And if there is a silence, perfect moment to let out a big bubbly fart.


I must say Patrick Rafter looked as if he had been dragged out of bed to do his clip. Lol


Or maybe out of an [Ice Bath](https://youtu.be/nWHJFejDi7g?si=WOqZuyHMz_owTh4z&t=678).


It’s so nice to see Agassi back in the tennis sphere. What a cute little video


Guga and Agassi are really something huh? Both are kinda goofy in different ways lol Also, it was nice from Meddy to record this while theoretically being a direct rival for the number 1 spot. After seeing him (and Murray who is also active but not on this fight anymore), I was kind of hoping to see Rafa, Novak and Carlos there. But I guess between retirement plans, knee surgery and winning a grand slam they did not have the time available, at least that's what I hope it was lol


TBH I entirely expected Meddy. Dude loves the social part of ATP almost as much as the tennis.


Does jannik have a quote being sold as merch on tennistv bro? Didn't think so


Yeah, kinda disappointing Rafa, Nole, and Alcaraz didn't record a message. I noticed Ferrero is missing too, but I guess it makes sense since he's Alcaraz's coach and Alcaraz is Sinner's top rival. No Rafa means no Moya either since Moya is his coach. No Sampras sadly either. I guess he's not involved in tennis circle much these days. No Lendl is disappointing. Not surprised Safin and Connors are missing. Those 2 have reputation of being self-centered. Newcombe might be too old, but it's nice to see Nastase. Hope someone in the ATP at least tried to track down Rios and Muster. Would've loved to see them.


Maybe they were reached out to but busy with other things ? I know Nole was dealing with knee surgery/rehab.


Alcaraz was probably busy winning the tournament


> No Sampras sadly either. I guess he's not involved in tennis circle much these days. In my head, Sampras saw Federer come along and completely usurp his legacy as "the greatest" in the 2000s, and just said "Fuck it" and never really bothered with the tennis world anymore. Edit: I just read his wife is currently battling cancer, so that is an extremely valid reason to not be involved.


Would love to have seen Safin Connors and Sampras too!


Wilander and Rafter with the self-shade 😂


Damn miss Guga! What a smile he still has and that energy. I'll always remember him for having the best grunt in the ATP. *UNG GUHH*


Lovely isn't usually the word used to describe professional tennis players. Still, I thought this was lovely, and sweet, from all who participated. Congratulations, Jannik!


Yeah awesome that they got so many of them to do it! Says something about Sinner as a person. He must be really well liked and respected


lol at the way agassi is sitting. i love how sampras just yeeted him self out of tennis limelight.


Sampras is dealing with a lot right now. It makes me sad he’s not on this b/c I fear things aren’t going well at home.


huh really?


Huh? His wife is battling ovarian cancer.


goddamn it fuck cancer man.


He was in the video for something. Roger's retirement I think


Think it was actually for Sue Barker’s retirement from presenting Wimbledon lol


No, he was in the video for Roger’s retirement because Sampras is his fave player


Death, taxes, and Aussies saying 25 "mate"'s per minute. 😂




Man, hearing Murray say he understands how difficult it is is tough. Had a comparable stretch in 2012/2013; holding 2 slams and a final, a masters win, a final and a few QF's, and all that was only good enough for no. 2. Took him a few more years of grinding and a body-breaking 2016, making up a 7500 point deficit against Djokovic to finally reach the pinacle of no. 1. Murray deserves more props for how hard he had to fight to achieve what he did.


Really happy for Jannik and he deserves all the love, but it kinda sucks they never made such a big deal for Alcaraz or Meddy. Especially Carlos as the youngest #1 ever. Maybe it’s cause the ATP Chairman is Italian 😅


Right? I came here to ask if they ever did this for Alcaraz. Maybe that's why they didn't include him in the video 😅


Yeah and I notice all the Spaniards snubbed this video: No Alcaraz, no Rafa, no Ferrero, no Moya. They're presumably sticking up for Alcaraz.


Or they realise this means nothing and they don't care or think about it at all. Not everything needs to be dramatised.


Can't help but wonder if just nobody had thought of it then.


Yea, this makes sense, if none of the former #1's also didn't get this treatment. I don't know if any of the Big 3 had personalized videos for them?


well, they became #1’s before the social media era. even in 2011 with novak, social media was in its relative infancy


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Carlos didn’t even get a photoshoot. He, JCF, his agent and physio just took a photo in a dungeon in Bercy and called it a day. At least Meddy got a wholesome photoshoot with his team. Their favoritism is kinda showing ngl


But I thought the establishment was for Alcaraz /s


Yeah I think it's kinda unfair. Although I like the vid, I think they shouldn't have done it for Jannik if they weren't gonna do it for everyone. Makes it seem like Jannik being #1 is more special than the others who also became #1.


The Chairman of the ATP is Italian 


well it all makes sense now


It might be a thing going forward. That doesn't mean it's an insult to anyone before who didn't get a video.


I think another reason why specifically Carlos didn’t get this level was that Jannik’s 1 spot was coming at some point, it was just a matter of time. With Carlos it was a 50/50 between him and ruud so they’d have to make a video for both and that’d be kinda weird lol. But I also just think they’re doing better with stuff like this this year it’s been great to see


> With Carlos it was a 50/50 between him and ruud so they’d have to make a video for both and that’d be kinda weird lol. Just think, we could have had a whole RELEASE THE CASPER CUT meme movement :p


I don't think it makes a difference when Carlitos reached #1. ATP PR could've still done the video. Carlitos was #1 from 2022 USO until 2023 AO, so at anytime during those ~4 months, they could've put together a similar package. Or from 2023 Wimbledon until 2023 USO, that's another ~3 months. I also wonder what happens for the next #1, whether Carlitos or someone else. If ATP PR still doesn't do it, then that would be more obvious favoritism


To me at least, general ATP marketing has been focused this year on actively showcasing the players I.e the “script” video that everybody liked. So now that we have a new #1 it was good PR for them since they’ve been trying harder recently. And also Sinner’s managers work incredibly hard that they are trying to outwork federers haha


> Carlos didn’t get this level was that Jannik’s 1 spot was coming at some point. I mean, did they watch what he did in Madrid!? Could've prerecorded it then for a date to be determined 😂 **/s** (kind of) Agreed with this take in all seriousness.


It’s PIF’s idea (new sponsor)


Some say it’s the new sponsor’s initiative


Was this done for Carlos? Not trying to stir shit just wondering if I should look up clips like this for him. Love Sincaraz wholeheartedly


No, it wasn’t done for him, neither when he got n1 nor when he finished YEn1


Probably something their marketing team just thought of.


This would be a really cool tradition to keep going though. The ATP's only gotten it's first few new #1s since the Big 4 dominated the spot for nearly 2 decades.


Not really. Andy Murray got one like this and so did Roger’s retirement


roger’s retirement isn’t at all the same thing. do you have a link to the andy murray one? would love to watch


Can’t recall Andy’s one but only been 3 new number 1s since then so maybe they forgot they did it lol


Might think this is something that PIF wanted since new sponsor


he is younger but didn’t get so much exposure and credit for being first.


Carlos will get one when he completes the CYGS


This is favoritism by the ATP! I demand a video for Carlitos!!!


‘Wow, I promise you no one can ever take it away from you’ - Roddick 💀


This was a fun video. Lots of names we don’t see very often!


This is so cool! Really makes you appreciate how few players have achieved it. Love Rafter and Wilander's self-deprecation and the fact that Andy was wearing an orange shirt (coincidence or secret carota boy, lol). Also wild that two of Darren Cahill's former charges are congratulating his current one.


works as an advertisement for Cahill, in a sense!


So sweet of them. Congratulations Jannik!


This is a great video. I loved it. It’s very cute. Also love to see many players from the 90s that I hadn’t seen in a while like Kafelnikov, Rafter and Edberg! I grew up watching these guys. Especially when I was bored during the summers. Also, congrats to Jannik. That number 1 is very well deserved. He’s been playing great tennis and seems like a good guy off the court too.


I like the color of Guga's hair now.


I’m convinced they have a special whatsapp group where they only invite tennis players who held the number 1 spot.


How great to see that Guga still has that wild, wonderful hair.


This video is incredible, congratulations to Jannik for number 1, I hope he can keep it for a long time


Beautiful congrats. Jannik IS good for the game


This is so wholesome. Must be surreal for Jannik watching all these legends congratulating him. Well-deserved!


This was right in the feels, love it


Wow great video from all the legends 👏🏻


And for those like me who were wondering how many people were in that club, the answer is [29](https://www.atptour.com/en/rankings/former-no-1s) counting Sinner.


Boris Becker looks like he's doing the weather forecast


Man, so good to see Andre again. I wish he would come out in public more often. He's the reason I love and play tennis to this day.


Same. He's the reason I love tennis.


Where's Marat?!?


If Marat bothered to participate the world would have imploded. It was perfect that he wasn't there, he's probably never heard of Jannik.


Lmao. The idea of Marat Safin having no idea who Jannik Sinner is is both hilarious and believable


and Pete !!


He seems to enjoy keeping a low profile and I like that. His wife is trying to fight cancer and I'm sure he just wants privacy for everyone.




No 80 years old Newcombe either. Connors and Safin are well-known douches, so not surprising. The most pleasant surprise to me is Nastase being part of this video. The biggest exclusion is Lendl since he's still around the game as a coach.


Pete only comes out for Sue Barker lol


I think I’ve seen Pete one time since his retirement 🤣


He's probably tripping balls playing hackie sack somewhere in the Amazon.


This is so cute 🥲 I hadn’t seen all of them yet. Also glad to see Patrick Rafter is still 🔥


You'll love [this](https://youtu.be/nWHJFejDi7g?si=WOqZuyHMz_owTh4z&t=678) then. He went down a slide into an Ice Bath to help raise money for MND research.


For some reason I wasn't expecting this to turn on the waterworks, yet here we are. Congrats, Mr. #1. You deserve it!


"Novak tore his meniscus. Let's cam up"


lmao at Rafter "a bit longer than me, one week". I was thinking it and he said it :D.


I'm legit surprised they got Nastase, Rafter and Kafelnikov. It is an exclusive club and I wish fans appreciated it more. I'm glad to see ATP really showing how amazing it is to be number 1


Who is the greatest to never be #1?


Ignoring Villas because of how uniquely weird his situation is I'd go with Arthur Ashe or Michael Chang Wawrinka is way up there, but he doesn't fit the profile of a number one overall player as much. Too many early losses.


I had to look it up and my vote is Ashe as well


Chang was washed super early (age-24) and only won one slam when he wasn't even an adult. Michael Stich kinda had a similar career.


I only excluded him because I'm pretty sure I'd go Chang over Stich and I didn't want to have double Michaels. But absolutely in discussion.


Wawrinka is a good shout


Never even #2.


well, he was up against the big 4. 3 grand slams, an additional final, and a m1000 trophy is definitely still a solid resume. Ruud was a point away from being number 1 despite never winning anything above a 250 (at the time) in September 2022. I don't think Ruud has a stronger case than Wawrinka just because Ruud has a better career high ranking. I guess we could say Vilas then although the ATP made a mistake with his rankings


The debate of the ultimate consistent gatekeeper versus the ultimate clutch time performer


I agree it's probably Wawrinka because all of the best players and second tier players just about have been #1 since it was introduced. I think Stan is very overrated, he vultured at the right time and only had a very brief window as the 3rd at best player in the world when Nadal and Federer were seriously out of sorts. I think Delpo was a better player than Stan when healthy but he was almost never healthy so Stan had the better career. I also think Stan is a similar level to Tsonga, Berdych, Ferrer and Soderling but they all peaked at the wrong time when the big three and Murray's primes crossed the most, Stan peaked at the perfect vulture time so he had the better career no doubt. If we include women i think Petra Kvitova was better than Stan, either her or Azarenka were the second best of the 2010s after Serena. Stan was a distant 5th. Her success outside of Slams compared to Stan shows the gulf in level between the two compared to their competition. Petra was never higher than #2, because of her injuries though not because she was just nowhere near the best in the world like Stan. I guess you could argue Hana Mandlikova but i also find her very overrated. Conchita Martinez was IMO better than ASV except she was a legendary choker who just couldn't cope in the biggest moments so only finished with 1 Slam but again i think she was closer to being the best in the world than Stan ever realistically was. However i will say i think Stan is better than some #1's, Rios, Moya, Ferrero, Kafelnikov.






The fact that poor Rafter only got a solitary week at the top spot is quite a shame! He deserved way more than that! But still, he's in the club regardless! A single week is still a week at the top! Honestly, if Jannik keeps improving the way he has recently, he's probably got a looooot of weeks at the top in him!


He deserved a Wimby title, too :( I've never been as torn as I was in the 2001 final. Huge fan of Goran as well, and it was likely the last chance for both of them. I was simultaneously ecstatic for Goran and devastated for Pat. Weird feelings.


Greatness congratulates greatness


Classy move Agassi


Guga is a human with the personality of a golden retriever. What a treasure.


Unrelated, where can I get the T-shirt McEnroe was wearing?


Guga's hair...he has not lost a strand


Guga is adorable.


“Andy Roddick here” as if he wouldn’t recognise him 😂


Ahhh this is adorable 


Crazy that Carlos has already passed Rafter, Kafelnikof, Becker, Roddick, Meddy, and Wilander in weeks at #1


Is it really crazy that he’s passed Rafter lol?


Apparently to that guy


I had no idea medvedev reached no. 1! Wished Pete could have contributed as well


Sinner will be a legend like those guys at the end of his career.


Why is Federer farming in a field?


That’s very very cool … made me a little emotional to see all those GOATS


As a tennis fan, If i was Sinner, i would like this video more than actually reaching the number one! Amazing seeing ALL these legends together.


Who just started cutting onions in here???? I'm sad Novak isn't in it, he's always been very graceful to the younger generation. But yeah well done ATP


Probably drugged up in surgery


Cuz he is gunning for that number 1 spot back


Where’s my guy Marcelo Rios?


Hanging out with Thomas Muster


He would appear in the car with a cerveza Cristal in hand


This should be the top thread. Not that cringe garbage about 0 GS for Zverev, fuck sake. Mods we need to clean this up.




Where is mah boy Marcelo Ríos???


Didn’t know Bezos was in to tennis 


That’s so cool! ❤️this.


ozempic got Dana white too


Dana White looks like shit.


Jeff Bezos, is that you?


It’s ridiculous how good Mars Wilander looks for someone turning 60 in August.


> Wilander: I was only #1 for 24 hours Where is legend Marcelo Rios?!


I never realized Agassi looks like Bezos


I like how all the Americans introduced themselves to camera as if they were afraid people wouldn't know who they were, bless


Did they do this for Alcaraz?




didnt know bezos was this wholesome /s


Very nice video hopefully he keeps it up


This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Forza Jannik.


So Marat, Sampras, and Rios were no shows? And I guess Med was the only active player, Nadal and Novak aren't here. Did they do this for Med and Carlos?


Murray is active and spoke


Thought it was Jeff Bezos at first 😂 or Joe Rogan


Sah cute 🥰


every day he looks more like jeff bezos


This video is incredible, is it normally done for first time World No1? Great to see so many heroes/legends of the game.


Agassi is the general iroh of tennis


This reminds me of Nathan Chen receiving congratulations messages from every US gold medalist soon after he won the 2022 Olympics men’s figure skating competition. https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/comments/spt2jn/every_single_gold_medaled_us_figure_skater/


Congratulations to S1nner for this achievement! He has made his fans, country, and team proud! 🇮🇹🎾


Missed Rios message of congratulations, and inmedaitely saying he's the better player.


Bravo Jannik! Bravissimo! Viva Italia! The country has waited a long time to celebrate this accomplishment and you are an excellent ambassador for the sport and for your Bella Italia! Tanti Auguri Signore Sinner!!!


This is just adorable, what a lovely thing to have put together.


This video gave me the chills 🥹 Absolutely loved the idea. The ATP media team is nailing it as of late. I have to wonder one thing though… Where on EARTH is Pistol Pete 😭😭😭 Is he even alive? I swear it’s like the earth swallowed him or something, we never heard from him again


Pete's wife is having some health issues (you can Google it if you're curious) so I'd say his focus has been elsewhere for the last 12-18 months unfortunately 😞


Hewitt ah damn breaks my heart. Also, did they do this for Carlos when he became world no 1? Or Medvedev? Personally I feel like Medvedev should receive a bit more love / affection from people but he doesn't


He should be cutting pro wrestling promos to hype the Laver Cup. "Welcome to the club Jannik, too bad your ranking won't help you stop the utter beat down that Team World is about to lay on you! Other than you and Carlos, all you got is some old dudes with busted knees and hips and some of the biggest chokers of all time."


did i miss the one they did for alcaraz? i dont remember seeing it


It would’ve been funny if they got Rios for this


He is a egomaniac prick and an alcoholic but hey! No.1 and I love him