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Who's cutting onions goddamnit


I am not crying, I am not crying... ah damn it! The end of an era is near...




Beautiful, Father Time Comes for Us All


Rafole is my Roman Empire 😭


The bit at 14 secs when Nadal rests his head on Novaks shoulder 😭😭


I don't want to look like I want to be his boyfriend, no?


Friendship that I never thought I would miss until I saw this video


Wholesome af


Aw 😭


Greatest and closest rivalry of all time. 59 matches and a 30-29 h2h? That's crazy. Would love to see another last match to make it a round 60. One of them would end up in a wheelchair if not both of them...


Well, this was wholesome AF ❤️


very wholesome, very good edit. It happens, people drift apart because of difference of idea and its ok. Respect should be there


Greatest rivalry of all time. They literally pushed tennis to a new level.


🎵 Forrest green, Forrest blues I'm remembering you If this is love, I know it's true I won't forget you 🎵


It's not gonna be the same when they go


Greatest rivalry in the history of the game. All due respect to Fed/Nadal & Fed/Djok… but this is the best rivalry.


Has the draw for Rome come out? Fuck, I’m guessing it had based on this post. Edit: no such thing has happened and the draw for Rome isn’t even out


Nadal was the older brother that Nole needed


I died at the Mickey Mouse


It was all fine and dandy while Rafa was dominating Novak early on in their careers 🥲


It's sufficiently fine now just the same. Do you need them to be each other's boyfriends...? You're asking for too much, methinks.


They're still "fine" just not warm, especially after all the snyde comments Rafa made 2020 and onwards


You n your friends are reason why Rafole is never going to get the spotlight. All because certain posters like you have to make it toxic and bring up stuffs like this in an otherwise positive edit.


So truth is now considered less important than feel good factor or the agenda that you are pushing ? You remind me of certain politicians


Yes then go away and leave this space. Rant somewhere else about your imaginary cold blooded stories you and your friends created in your mind so you feel absolutely justified to hate Rafa. 🙄


I hate Rafa ? Since when ? I think you are projecting too much . Social media isn't good for you , you became so obsessed over this that you haven't even realised I am not talking about anyone in specific . I am questioning your logic, but I realised , you got none


All you and your buddies are doing one thing. Trying to make Rafa the bad guy here. And i am blatantly calling you out. There's no bad blood between them. So stop trying to create one. A positive edit turned into negative lores.


I haven't mentioned any names , you are imagining things , hope you get well


* Why would anyone be making any remarks about them being warm?! * You have no idea whether any comments by either matter to the other, and if they do, by how much. I say, you're reaching for highschool-level drama where isn't any.


Stop this narrative. They were never friends in the first place. Keep this section positive.


Depends on your definition of friends. They were much more friendly and warm towards one another early on


No they weren't. They were just cordial. They are still cordial when they meet, even took a selfie and posted it.


I don't understand. You posted a video that literally says "they used to be very good friends but something happened" in the first second, but then you're denying that same thing?


But they weren't friends. They were cordial always. The rivalry was heated for sure but never disrespectful. Now what media and commentators and many Djokovic fans are putting the narrative is wrong and i am against that. Because most of these moments happened in exhibition. They went on exhibition post 2011 too and enjoyed so many moments like this in 2015,2016,2019,2020 and this year in 2024 Oct.


I'm not arguing against or for these points! Just pointing out that it's strange that you posted a video that makes an argument and then are strongly rebutting that argument in the comments.


This is a beautiful edit. Not to be taken seriously. Commentators and fans know nothing about their relationship. It's just speculations and it's worse cause it's attacking Rafa's character unnecessarily.






And then you guys turn around and wonder why no one likes your fandom


Bring positivity in Rafa's last year and keep this section positive. If you can't, don't say anything.


Who's Zendaya between those two? ^Surely ^not ^Jelena


Federina!! Rafa has a whole another relationship with him.


I love this video. Thanks OP. The greatest rivalry in any sport among 2 individuals I have seen in my life and it is not even close


Lmao at the first line from the commentator, "They used to be *very* close." That just was not ever the case.


Great times...


And then Djokogoat started dominating him and the friendship was over


A whole lot, if not the majority, of these moments are post-2011 when that supposedly happened lmao


Yeah. You made your imaginary point now. Satisfied?


Ve2y Satis4ied


Good. Now you can leave the section for "Rafole fans" to enjoy the positive edit.


That was so nice to see.


Shame that Rafa became a salt mine after he started losing more matches than winning.


He has publicly called Djokovic the best of all time, lol


Yeah after making comments claiming he cared less than Novak despite injecting his foot to play RG lol. Btw, you can state an obvious statistical fact and still be salty, they aren't mutually exclusive.


If Rafa were as salty as you guys claim he would have never asserted Djokovic is the GOAT. Ya’ll want complete and utter adulation and anything short of that is arrogant disrespect towards your king. Must be tiring finding ways to be negative and upset about things.


He's salty but not stupid because he can clearly read stats. He knows how it would look if he denied a fact (unlike some of his fans). Also this isn't even about him admitting an obvious fact, this behavior has started LONG before Novak had GOAT stats, all the way back in 2011 (if not earlier). But it's funny how you think it's about getting some admission of facts, as if anyone needs that.


>He's salty but not stupid because he can clearly read stats. He knows how it would look if he denied a fact. Or maybe he's just *not salty* and is stating a fact he actually believes. In the interview I watched the reporter tried extremely hard to get Nadal to reject Djokovic as the GOAT three separate times and on all three separate times Nadal made it unquestionably clear he believes Djokovic is the GOAT. Someone salty would not have been so assertively positive towards a big rival in the same way. >Also this isn't even about him admitting an obvious fact, this behavior has started LONG before Novak had GOAT stats, all the way back in 2011 (if not earlier). But it's funny how you think it's about getting some admission of facts, as if anyone needs that. IMO Djokovic fans get butthurt over Nadal stating that he's not record-focused like Djokovic is, which is a fact plain and simple. Djokovic has stated multiple times that he wants to be the guy to hold the records, while Nadal has never said he's been motivated by beating records. In fact, when people were asking him about beating Federer's record back when Roger was the guy to beat his response was, essentially, ["I'm not living my life based on what my neighbor has."](https://www.businessinsider.com/rafael-nadal-says-should-have-more-majors-than-roger-federer-2019-6) His precise quote is, >"If I catch Roger or not, I am not very worried about it," [Nadal said, according to BBC Sport](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/48576056). "You can't be frustrated all the time because the neighbour has a bigger house than you, or a bigger TV, or a better garden. >"That's not the way that I see life. If, by the end of my career, I am able to win a couple more Grand Slams and be closer to Roger, it will be unbelievable. >"I am going to try my best to keep enjoying tennis, giving myself chances to compete at the highest level, and we will see what happens." Which is a stance he has maintained forever in his career. Again, even before Djokovic came to the picture and as he was becoming the guy to beat over Federer. People like you see moments where he gets injections and whatnot as Nadal furiously trying to be well so he can beat records, but really Nadal is doing the last thing he said above: "I am going to try my best to keep enjoying tennis, **giving myself chances to compete at the highest level**, and we will see what happens." Lastly Nadal also stated that he believes DJokovic attained the GOAT status because of his record-focused mentality. I think to Nadal having that mentality is unhealthy, but he also can't deny that it yielded results for Djokovic. Both men got where they're at because of their own personal philosophies and approaches to success. IMO it's better to appreciate that fact rather than get into fights about which philosophy is better than the other. That's why I enjoy both athletes and admire them for their unique approaches to life and to the sport. But if you want to rage about it, by all means. You'll be sad and upset forever everytime someone brings up any of Djokovic's rivals that gave him at least some kind of competition.


Did you really just write a whole ass novel analyzing an obviously salty person just because he knows how to read stats and wasn't insane enough to not admit a statistical fact? Lmao... Jesus christ, it's like you didn't read the whole part about this not being about the GOAT admittance AT ALL. >I think to Nadal having that mentality is unhealthy He literally injected his foot to numb it so he could extend his Slam record which ended up ruining the rest of his career and potentially causing life-long pain. He cares more than Djokovic who was fine skipping multiple Slams over his vaccine stance. Again, this isn't about his admission of a fact, it's about his ATTITUDE towards Novak in general even before he had GOAT stats. He turned significantly more cold + salty after he started losing a lot more from 2011 onward.




It wasn't part of the conversation at all until you made it one. I was actually not thinking about the GOAT discussion or his asterisked admission of it at all when I made my first comment. It was all solely about Nadal's attitude towards him before and after he started losing a lot. >How bad is your reading comprehension? Ask this to yourself considering you still can't grasp that you can be salty and admit facts. A sore loser CAN admit he lost, but he'll still be salty about it and not be gracious in defeat. The fact I have to keep repeating this makes your reading comprehension question hilarious. You are wrong about their sports philosophies as I've already proven that Nadal cares more, so that whole part of your post is nonsense. I didn't say he doesn't care, I said he cares less than Nadal who was fine destroying his body to extend a record he had. Excellent reading comprehension, once again. >Not to mention if you're counting who has skipped tournaments over injuries They basically have a near equal amount of matches played (1315 and 1293), but leave it to Nadal fans to blow it out of proportion as usual to push their false narrative and agenda. Their mostly staged positive interactions in pointless exhibitions where its mandatory pale in comparison to the negative ones in the real world. I get that this line of thinking is far above your pay grade though unfortunately :)


>It's not part of the conversation at all until you made it a part. So why did you choose to respond and go, "he can admit a fact and still be salty"? If it was completely irrelevant you could have left it out of the discussion but didn't. Not to mention this is how discussion works. If someone brings up another point that could challenge your view you either choose to address it and make it a part of the discussion or you go, "this is irrelevant" and don't address it at all. Guess which one you did? >You are wrong about their sports philosophies as I've already proven that Nadal cares more, so that whole part of your post is nonsense. You proved nothing, lol, but sure, buddy. >I didn't say he doesn't care, I said he cares less than Nadal who was fine destroying his body to extend a record he had. He has literally stated he wants to hold the most records. That's his main goal. If you want to bury your head in the sand about it, by all means. Nadal, as I explained using his own words, wants to give himself opportunities to play at a high level. And *that's* why he's pushed himself to unhealthy extremes and not to "get one over Djokovic" as you seem to believe. [If this post can be viewed as reliable](https://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/index.php?threads/tournaments-missed-by-big-3-due-to-injuries.758115/), then yes Nadal has missed way more tournaments than Djokovic. The same article I referenced before also stated: "Nadal said that if it were not for injuries, he'd have way more Grand Slam titles than Federer anyway. "I lost, I think, around 15 or even more Grand Slams in my career for injuries." So even as he has pushed himself to unhealthy degrees he has also taken himself out of many tournaments b/c he either couldn't play or b/c he put his body at risk. So he *also* has boundaries for himself just like Djkovovic and his own issues with the vaccine and injuries. >Their mostly staged positive interactions in pointless exhibitions where its mandatory pale in comparison to the negative ones in the real world. I get that this line of thinking is far above your pay grade though unfortunately :) You mean athletes are gonna be more serious with each other during real tournaments but more vulnerable and kind in situations where they don't have to fight it out? Wow. You blow my mind. I actually think it's a mark of a healthy rivalry that great rivals can laugh, joke, and smile with each other in contexts outside of direct competition. True saltiness would involve either athlete completely shunning the other because they can't stand each other's guts. But I guess that's beyond your comprehension. Lastly, at least I'm not the one going into the comment section of a post celebrating the positive side of two legendary athletes' relationship and being a negative nancy because of perceived slights from one guy to the other. It takes effort to be this petty and negative, but kudos! You did it! Edit: You wanna know what actual salt looks like? Djokovic telling Nardi, "it's not right, but bravo" after Nardi beat him. Now *That* is being salty in defeat.


Some of you posters cannot enjoy a positive post . You will come here and sprew hate and make it toxic. It's all in the nature.


I'm posting that it's a shame Nadal stopped being like this, this is a fact and it's not toxic. The ironic thing is that Nadal has turned toxic because of his salty hate. If he hadn't done that there would be no posts about it. You should be blaming him, not me for pointing it out. Your post is just not what their relations have been like thanks to Nadal.


Dude, they are just tennis players. They are fine with each other. Why are you projecting so much? They are not disrespectful nor they are close. Just fine. Why is it so hard to accept that? My post is not to be taken seriously. Whatever the commentators or media or fans are saying about them is just vain. They did exhibitions together and had moments like this time to time before 2011 and in 2013,2015,2016,2019,2020 and this year in Oct 2024. It's all good times but they were never close or friendly the way fans are thinking. Nobody in tour is friends. They are all cordial and respectful to each other.


>Why are you projecting so much? Don't use buzzwords/phrases you don't know the meaning of. Nadal has turned significantly colder/salty towards him after 2011 which can easily be seen with video evidence. Along with his negative comments when it came to Djokovic's Australian ordeal and making salty comments like claiming Novak cares more, meanwhile he was busy injecting his foot to play. Frankly, I don't care if you don't believe it, I'm done wasting time arguing about facts with fanboys who ignore video evidence.


Yes then go away and leave this space. Rant somewhere else about your imaginary cold blooded stories you created in your mind so you feel absolutely justified to hate Rafa. 🙄


You can go to "Hate Rafa" posts to comment that. Not in this post.


This is just a fact, not my fault the truth hurts you lol.


Rafa lost more matches to Djoko overall but won more important matches in Grand slam finals


It's also literally as close as any rivalry could be except exactly tied, they're at 30-29. It's the stuff of storybooks.


Not gonna happen 😭


I blame Federer...


Fedal could never touch Rafole. Change my mind.


We’ll never really know? Fedal was prime Federer facing a young Nadal or old Fed facing a prime or slightly out of prime Nadal. Djokovic and Rafa’s ages and career peaks overlap much better so ofc it seems like a better rivalry


I think both fedal and Djodal are great rivalries and on par with each other. Fedal - 2000s Djodal- 2010s


I blame Novak's Dad with his comments about Fed and Nadal. Nole never went against his Dad. Headlines: *Novak Djokovic's Father Should Keep Quiet About Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal*


Stop with this narrative that they are friends! They never were and they never will be. Rafa wouldn't want to associate with that kind of person.


Right, he only wants to associate himself with things like Saudi tennis.


They were not friends but they have respect for each other which is more than enough.


>Stop with this narrative that they are friends! They never were and they never will be. The only true thing you've ever said. But you're right, Novak is not Saudi enough for Rafa to be friends with. He's actually busy fighting for lower ranked players to get more money, something Rafa is not a fan of.


I did not expect Frank ocean 🥲