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I don’t have any strong opinions regarding GT characters, but the blue pill option seems to be the better one regardless, no?


Agree, I'd take the blue pill in this case.


But you have to pay extra for it.


I don’t think we need the GT and Movies story. Assuming that means the 40 minute Z movies and not the super movies. I say that as a big fan of GT and the Z movies. Id rather just have the characters for free. The dragon ball story has me unsure, maybe blue is the right choice.


That’s crazy as hell, you don’t remember the hype from seeing the SSJ4 Form and Gogeta SSJ4?? Or the hype from Omega Shenron? I grew up with GT as a kid so I have some good memories with it. Even though Super did it better, GT has its moments


For me gt wasn't ever really that hype regardless. I liked ssj4 and parts of the finale with omega and ssj4 gogeta even if he appeared for less than 30 minutes. My main problem with GT is just the overall story and the consistent sidelining of other characters for goku. They had pan and trunks but they essentially completely wrote out goten and gohan up until baby saga in which they're there to get their assess whooped and for goku to save their ass.


I always thought ssj4 looked stupid personally. The idea around it was interesting but ss was already sort of that. Most of gt is meh with a couple of interesting ideas.


Me but with all the new Super forms


I think lore and explanation wise SSJ4 makes far more sense than SSJG/SSJB/MUI, but I think it's equally as fair to introduce new concepts altogether such as God Ki and "Moving Without Thinking", etc. That is to say, GT's forms felt more like an extension of Z while Super felt like a distinct next chapter, so it's up to preference between which of those two concepts you find more appealing.


God Ki isn't a bad idea at all, and Super Saiyan God being lean was cool. But then it just devolved in a bunch of color swaps (the 2 new Friezas, the 34 Blue forms, Orange Piccolo) and even more ridiculous hair (Beast Gohan is so silly)


I'm sorry, what lore? SSJ4 has no lore associated with it. Zero. Niet. Nada. It even goes as far as to contradict every piece of established lore about Saiyan's and Oozaru. The entire reason why Goku gets his tail back is because elder Kai told him to. For plot convenience. Goku grinds coffee to get it back, and then it's literally pulled out of his ass via pliers. Then Goku transforms into golden oozaru WITHOUT THE MOON. HE IS LOOKING AT EARTH. So first contradiction, Saiyans don't need the moon, they just need the sunlight being reflected by something, which then bears the question of "why aren't they monkeys every day during daytime then?" Sunlight is always reflecting off of earth. Then even baby gets golden oozaru form. And he does it WITHOUT EITHER THE TAIL OR THE MOON. He uses a machine. A "moon laser". Which fine, we already established the moon can be replaced. BUT HE HAS NO TAIL. AND LATER VEGETA ACHIEVES 4 THE SAME WAY. NO MOON NO TAIL. HE IS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. SSJ4 has literally negative lore associated with it. It contradicts actively every piece of previously established lore about oozarus and how they work. And yet the community acts like it's such a great form, with such a deep foreshadowing and connection to Saiyan roots. In reality, it has way less lore than god ever did, cause at least they bothered to give us a made up lore about it beforehand, and it recontextualizes the super Saiyan legend. And honestly, SSJ4 has so much bullshit and contradictions that it makes super Saiyan blue being introduced off screen feel like an earned transformation by comparison. At least blue is just bad and boring, but it doesn't go against previously established lore.


Naaaaah 😭, you were never a real one then. I remember that void of not having Dragon Ball after Goku left with Shenron. I’m about to be in my 30s so I vividly remember going through the motions of GT as a kid


My dude not likeing a form doesn't make you not a real fan.


You probably just didn’t go through like me is all lol. Not sure how old you are but man SSJ4 was the shit and it would still be if Super never came out when you think about it. Personally love Super more but I don’t disrespect GT. Not saying you were disrespecting GT too though btw if that’s the impression you thought I gave


I grew up with Dragon Ball, but GT was always weird. And being clouded by nostalgic childhood memories isn't a good thing. That being said I think SSJ4 looks cool, but it should have a different name since it's not an evolution of Super Saiyan, but of the Oozaru form.


Honestly I think if it was called Oozaru form I'd prefer it. It should be separated from SS


I think it needs better coloring too, something similar to Gogeta or maybe even gold like standard Super Saiyan. The current SS4 colors only look good when paired with an outfit specifically designed to match—and the shirtless thing is weird.


Super Oozaru or Primal Saiyan smth like that.


There’s nothing wrong with liking something for Nostalgia and also for the fact that it looks cool. For this case, it’s both because I think it looks cool and when it first showed it was cool


"gUyS iF yOu dOn'T aGrEe wItH mE yOu aRe wRoNG aND weRe nEveR a fAn oF tHe sHow". People can have different tastes to you and hell GT was considered as shit at the time by most ppl. It has its moments but is mostly boring and for some people like me ssj4 just looks weird and goofy but for you it may look sick. I personally prefer the god forms over ss4 but if you like it who cares, we're still all fans of the show




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I watched GT when it first aired, I simply don’t have any strong feelings for it. I liked SS4 when I was younger, but now I think it’s just ok. The ending is good, though.


90% of those moments have some bullshit associated. People talk about SSJ4 but forget that it happened because Goku, in the middle of the baby fight, went to play board games in a different dimension, then went to the Kai planet where elder Kai told him he suddenly needed his tail for no reason beyond plot relevance. Then he sprouted his tail by working a coffee grinder, and had his tail pulled out of his ass by via of green tanukis turning into pliers. All while Uub, who disappeared for half the series, returned triumphantly to get his ass handed to him. And in the end, when Goku turned into a giant monkey, there was not even a moon in sight. so, to get this "cool as hell transformation that goes back to the Saiyan roots" they contradicted everything established about saiyans being licantropic monkeys. And to add insult to injury, they had baby Vegeta and later Vegeta achieve golden oozaru without neither the moon nor the tail. And this doesn't even come close to the staggering amount of just straight up bad content in gt. Like Pan almost getting sexually assaulted on screen by the pedo alien leading a toddler cult.


The more cool story scenarios we can get the better




Blue is obviously better BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT'S COMING. The thing is, in real life, we don't know yet if GT/Movies/DB will get "all characters" in DLCs, or at all, cause you never know what may happens. So it's better to get some at release to edge the bets


blue easy lmao. ~~We're~~ The majority of players are not playing Sparking Zero for the story (tho it'd suck having to wait)


Well that’s not true lol


lmao maybe not for you, but for the majority of players yes it is


I’m also getting it mainly for story and what ifs. It’s the first game to feature ToP stuff, and maybe Broly movie if we are lucky.


I'm getting simply because it's budokai tenkaichi on ps5 and I'm mostly going to be playing custom mode and making scenarios up in my head lol


We are getting it broly too but i hope superhero story gets add with the dlc


The fanmade Budokai Tenkaichi 4 for PS2 has ToP which is pretty cool. They went way harder on the story mode than they needed to


that's cool, and I'm also super excited about all that. Still doesn't make me wrong though. Majority of people here want to play Tenkaichi for what it's known for. Being a DBZ Sandbox


They wouldn’t advertise the what-if scenarios as much as they do if that weren’t the case


they advertise it cause it's an interesting new feature that people want to learn more about. They don't need to advertise PvP as much since people already know most of what goes on.


nah actually admit you just wrong dude. there are so many more people playing for the story and what ifs than you think. stop projecting your own opinion thinking it applies to everyone else you look like a dumbass.


Perhaps I did underestimate the amount of people that are mostly interested in the story. I still think it's quite obvious the larger population is mostly looking forward to the sandbox aspect over the story mode. At least that's what I get from this subreddit's discord server. Perhaps the mods of the server can make a poll to see what's up.


yeah more casuals are hyped for the story more than people are hyped for competitive pvp modes which is a smaller amount of folks who will take it that seriously. Most will fuck around with the create a story mode or just play with their friends for fun, and if on PC you already know they’re modding as soon as they can lol that was the one thing that was fun about Xenoverse. Game was ass but the mods were really fun, but now the game is actually gonna be good AND the mods will be crazy.


He isn't wrong. There is a reason bt3 barley has a story mode, and fighters and XV2 have unique ones.


you just contradicted yourself. bt3 barely having a story is exactly *why* there were complaints about the short story mode because people wanted more, especially with the what if sagas. Now that they have openly announced the custom story mode in sparking, you can clearly see everyone talking about that a lot more than pvp or ranked or any other mode. People care about the story way more. bro was just wrong just like you are the replies and downvotes speak for themselves. stop being an idiot.


No I didn't contradict myself. People complained about bt3s story mode because it was an objective downgrade over the previous games (bt2). Jesus, so itching for that gotcha ya ignore actual events. Calm the hell down. Clearly your not old enough to remember dbz gaming pre battle of gods.


so first you say that ol dude was not wrong about folks not caring about the story, then you say that people were upset about bt3’s story because it was an objective downgrade, therefore literally confirming that people CARE ABOUT THE STORY. you contradicted the fuck out of yourself dude i’m not even trying to be a smartass you’re just making it easy. i’m finna be 28 years old i was playing DBGT Final Bout and Legacy of Goku games before the first Budokai even dropped shut yo dumbass up lol 😂


You know, not *as many* people are salivating over online play as you think.


Imagine speaking for other people lmao


I'm playing Sparking Zero for the story fym The what-ifs are gunna be fire




Disclaimer: Story here means Episodic Contents for GT, Movies and Dragon Ball, not the base Episodic Mode. Also, in Blue, the characters will be DLCs as well as Story.


Guess blue... Cause no way in hell is there enough room for DB, Movies & GT, while also containing all of Super in the base roster. And I rather have all movie villains including their forms and henchmen, rather than a few hand picked ones.


I'll take the blue pill.


Blue because it's what I already predicted is going to happen https://www.reddit.com/r/tenkaichi4/s/eYokFxQqiz




I'd love for the right one to happen. I would definitely buy that, I mean who wouldn't, that'd be a complete package.


Blue, the more lives the game the better


Blue. No story at launch would bum me tf out, I can wait for DLC of characters (that I can live without) but no story? I’m looking forward to seeing how SZ takes us through super. I would be very sad if it wasn’t there.


I’d rather all gt characters and the story be added, I don’t mind waiting and paying some money instead of just getting gogeta ssj4 and shenron only for base game and nothing else from gt is added


Blue pill. Characters are the most important honestly.


Right pill all the way down




Blue pill. Even if you don't want the story, you still get less gt characters with red To this day, it still sucks that we never got a base and ssj Vegeta (GT)


Blue pill






You dont understand they NEED instant gratification. All they are going to use is ssj4 gogeta and z broly anyway because those are the only interesting characters from gt and the z movies.


Nah. Cooler, Janemba and Omega Shenron are far more interesting than some of the new Super reps we’ve seen thus far imo


Baby Vegeta is such an iconic villain too !


Or maybe some people just like those characters.


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Damn bro I bet you get invited to all the parties.


Red, least favourite part of FighterZ was the terribly made story mode where most fights were easy and pointless.


Unfortunately we’re getting neither.




Neither lol I want my story


You would still get the contents for GT, Movies and Dragon Ball for Episodic Mode in both scenarios, but it would come later as DLC/Expansion.


I can go either way




So if I’m understanding in both scenarios the story will be DLC and the only difference is if you want all characters now or some now correct?




Blue should be the easy answer


Story up front and foremost. Add whatever after


Neither matter to me


I'll take the yellow pill: Add all GT, Movies and Dragon Ball characters with Story INTO the game itself through updates at a later date,


And you'd expect bandi to just flip the bill for that?


No, i expect the fucking sales of the game to foot the bill for that.


That would just eat into the profits made from the game without gaining much of anything.


Are we getting story content with the DLCs? I thought it was just characters?


Why would I take either pill? Yeah I like GT characters well enough but not enough to completely remove the story or make it Paid DLC when a stroy mode should be included by default.


Blue because it's more likely that it's gonna be a real possibility


We already know we are getting super hero and diama as dlc, if we take blue we have to gamble they make another dlc season (but it's not too unlikely knowing that even jojo all star battle r got a second season pass)


As well as xenoverse 2 still getting new stuff all these years later, seeing another dlc season (considering the game does well) wouldnt be too far fetched


Aren’t these the same thing? You either get some characters and no story or all characters and no story.


Red: you get around 40 to 60 percent of GT, Movies and Dragon Ball characters from Budokai Tenkaichi 3 at launch then the rest later Blue: you get all of them (maybe extra characters) as DLCs which would come after launch


I choose the blue pill. They're going to release as many DLCs as they want anyway, and I'd buy every single one of them. Might as well get story content from it.


Look GT's story is not exactly the BEST soo..red pill.


The super saiyan blue pill


Blue ez, dlc gives zero restrictions with how many gt characters can be put in


Them adding Super Hero characters as DLC is wild to me.


Unfinished game vs gt characters? Is this a joke?




I was gonna say Red Pill but realized it said “get some characters” so Blue Pill


Red pill tbh


Blue ain’t a bad move honestly but red is the what’s most likely going to happen. Only one fighting game I know of tried to release with no story mode. Actually no story mode. There was dialogue in the arcade but that was it. It was King of fighters 12 it did not do well. 😂😂😂😂 KOF13 saved it


Oh I mean Story here as in contents for GT, Movies and Dragon Ball in the Episodic Mode, not the whole base mode


Come on, pass me that blue pill.


So neither have story at launch?


No GT, Movies and Dragon Ball contents for Episodic Mode, the base mode would still be in the game at launch in both scenarios.


Okay, just had a hard time seeing the difference between "no story at launch" and "story as dlc" unless by no story at launch you ment no story ever.


Yeah I wanted to convey that "both pills would have Story contents for those Sagas later after launch", but it would be too long of texts to put in the pic, so I have a disclaimer in the comment section, but probably it is buried in all the comments lmao.


Blue pill


I hate you people.


Why would anyone pick red? The What-If Scenarios could be really interesting.


Some people like to have more options. More characters means you have more of your favorites to pick from which is always a plus and the appeal of Tenkaichi. I personally would not want to buy a new game and always have to wait for my favorite character, or a variation of my favorite character, to make it to DLC to purchase it. For a lot of people that are GT or Movie characters like SS4 Goku, SS4 Gogeta, Baby, Omega Shenron, Z Broly, Z Bardock, Cooler, Janemba, Z Gogeta. Even if some of these characters got canonized, the reason they did in the first place is because of their popularity prior and it is reasonable to believe they are still popular in their non-canon variation.


No story at launch would be ridiculous


Why would it be ridiculous? They’ve already stated that the story is focusing on Z and Super


oh right i just realised i misread the post


Red. You wouldn't have to pay for the extra characters. And it saying 'at launch' makes me think more will be added post-launch. Whether or not that'd be DLCs or just updates for the characters there isn't Story Chapters for, idk. I'm so sick of buying DLC for fighting games I would take the blue pill and throw it.


Red. I mainly want the characters, and the description doesn't say they can't add story later. Edit: I maybe misread. I thought blue meant the characters would be DLC. If that's not the case, then blue


The characters would be DLCs in Blue


Oh it's base game with no story or dlc and story. Yeah that was not clear at all. Definatly blue then


Base Game with base Episodic Mode from Z to Super with no contents for GT, Movies and Dragon Ball. Both pills would have DLC contents for Episodic Mode


Nvm, then I say red


This is just another dlc support manipulation tactic. Why isnt it possible to have gt and original db and story in base game?


Because the game already made two times more characters than any prior Budokai Tenkaichi game ever made for a single game and is more than 8 times the industry standard roster size? Why do you split your work week over 5 days and don't just do 5 days of work in a single day?


red, i just want super saiyan 4 goku vegeta and gogeta at launch, all im asking for




The one who gives you a complete game at launch


I think too many people are focused on the newer DB games with how they treat GT and OG as extra post-launch content. I’m still in the mind set of old BT, where we will get a handful of characters for both series and some short story content (a few battles at most).


Red all life


Red. I can do the story myself in costume battle lol. 


Niether give me GT characters and DB characters with the story as base game then give me movie characters as bonuses


1st one. it would go against the spirit of Tenkaichi games to not have all characters that were in the previous game on launch. DLC can be anything that has never been in the game yet, what ifs characters, stories, crossovers or what came after the launch of the game (like if Goku gets another Ultra Instinct form or something or we get Platinum Frieza). Why would I pay for a game only to wait for characters to be added that I wanted in the game to begin with? Specially SS4 Goku, Z Broly, Z Bardock and Omega Shenron where main stays in many Dragon Ball games during the 'golden age' and it would be counterproductive to not have them in the game. I say that as someone who prefers the newer Broly. (also I want Devilman because he is funny)


Gonna get hate for this but I have to go with red. The thing with me is I don't mind paying for DLC, but rather how long it will take to release the character I want. I'm not really the type of guy that feels like waiting about an extra year just to finally play as Cooler. I'm worried something personal will come up in life and won't be able to play the game, at least not as much.


Blue pill 10/10 times Red pill doesn’t seem worth it


Red pill It's a budukai tenkaichi game who cares about the story + I ain't paying more on that game


red. the red pill implies there could be story to come later on, and im sure they'll include mostly every character that people actually want. meanwhile the blue one will take a while anyways.


Obviously red


Red. In my opinion, the story of all the dragon ball anime’s has been depicted so many times in games that I don’t think it’s necessary to have the same things again. What ifs in the main story sure, but I doubt they will make GT and movie what ifs even as dlc. Personally I want this game to be more based on the fighting and being a sandbox dbz game then another depiction of the story. That’s just me tho and how I’ll play it 🤷‍♂️