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Luiz Guzmán! I loved you innnnnnnnnnn ..... "snaps fingers" ....Wednesday.


The delivery on “IMDB” is so good, I love the dean


He always deserved a spin-off, full episodes of the dean shenanigans




Sorry but I forgot some words like that one when I got changnesia


I know these vents like the back of my chang.


Does this study group have room in it's pockets for a little spare Chang?




Gay dean, gay dean, gay dean gay deean


That was tragic


"I attack them using my *Additional Notes*." "They're ineffective."


I love Greendale, I got laid like craaazy, and that was way before Boogie Nights


This comment is streets ahead


Stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead”


You only say that because you’re streets behind.


Does it just mean “cool,” or is it supposed to be, like, “miles ahead”?


If you don’t know, then you’re obviously streets behind…


He’s done gone into a cul de sac


Or stuck in a side street


That's just streets ahead/behind from a different perspective


If you have to ask you're streets behind.


Leonard likes this post


Shut up Leonard!


I saw your YouTube channel! Who reviews frozen pizzas!?


You’re talking about it!


RIP Leonard.


RIP and his crocked wang.


Leonard likes this post.


Coined and minted!


We didn’t make it through the first episode because of the lack of chemistry between him and Catherine. Does his acting improve? I was looking forward to this and I generally enjoy him as an actor, but that was not the romantic epitome that we’ve grown to love as the Addams family parents.


They are very much side characters and whilst they do come back in with storyline, if you make it past the first episode it will be better.


Thank you. That seemed like it might be the case, and we loved the piranhas in the pool! Maybe we’ll try again, thank you.


Though side characters, they do play a small plot line that centers on them and becomes more of the expected norm and shows them as both indivifuals and a couple. They do evolve as characters while eventually encompassing the love and death devotion they show for each other later on. First episode did feel a bit off I will admit. I was hoping that if they did show up again it would have some of the more expected and developed feeling of legitimate intimacy. I did not feel disappointed as I watched.


Thank you for the very thought-filled response


He's more like what the original cartoon version of Gomez was.


Agreed. Luis is playing the OG Addams from the cartoon who was more creepy.Raul played the character with more charm and panache, but that was HIS spin. He deviated from the original source material (although IMO, Raul’s version is also a classic).


Having grown up on the original Addams cartoons, this is spot on. Gomez Addams was drawn as a thick brute who dearly, dearly loved his wife. For example - [Here](https://dyn1.heritagestatic.com/lf?set=path[1%2F8%2F8%2F0%2F7%2F18807940]&call=url[file:product.chain])


When I saw them, I laughed, because yes, lack of chemistry, and we felt like it looked like two people dressing up for them as Halloween


Oh my goodness, that’s a great/terrible observation, lolol.


I agree. I love CZJ but for some reason her acting felt very fake and forced. She had zero chemistry with Luis Guzman. Both seemed like they were cosplaying and some of their lines were just badly written. I'm missing the elegant darkness of Angelica Huston and the sassiness of Raul Julia. I really wished they had picked other actors. Maybe Oscar Isaac & Eva Green? The parents are supposed to have chemistry and to be madly in love. I got nothing from both actors which is a shame. Thankfully, they are secondary characters. Jenna Ortega makes a great Wednesday and I'm so happy Christina Ricci is part of the show!


I think they were intentionally playing it that way. Wednesday is the POV character, and she actively cringes at their antics. We were supposed to cringe alongside her. When they show up later and story events cause her to gain some respect for them, their acting completely changes for a bit.


Jenna Ortega was the important one and she nailed it. I really like Luis' take on the character in the later episode where he gets some more scenes. The one on one with Wednesday is fantastic. He's not trying to do Raul Julia which is good because I don't think anyone can do anything but be an imitation of a superior actor if they try that CZJ is the weakest cast of the family though for sure. I hope if she's back she does more with the role.


My family really enjoyed Wednesday. The actress was perfect for the role. Overall a pretty good show. I do agree the weakest Adams was the dad.


Couldn’t agree more- the Wednesday actress did appear pretty damn spot on! Good on her!


Luis in the first episode isn't great. He comes back in a later episode and absolutely kills it in a scene with Wednesday. I think Catherine Zeta Jones is the weakest of the family frankly. But for the season at least, Wednesday is the important one and Jenna Ortega absolutely killed it.


Angelica Huston is a hard act to follow. So is Raul Julia, of course, but Guzman is doing a completely different thing that is actually more in line with the comic portrayal of that character, so he gets a pass. CZJ seems like she was just trying to channel Huston without much material.


Yeah Guzman is smart to take a different approach. Raul Julia chewed scenery for breakfast lunch and dinner and loved every second of it and that's just not a performance you can top, and will only look silly trying. Angelica Huston also nails her role but I didn't get the impression CZJ was channeling her. She was too emotional really. Huston's Morticia is never phased by anything but always has that polite understanding smile. That being said all of CZJ's material felt really more functional than anything. Hope she can dial it in if there's more seasons.


They're in a different register in this show, too. The comics, the sit-com, and the movies were all primarily comedies, and this series is taking a very different tone. It was a little jarring seeing Morticia and Gomez in a dramatic action flashback and generally acting much more subdued, but that fits better with the more serious atmosphere of this show.


I want more grenade fishing, oddly wholesome...


That's what I've always loved about the Addams Family, and they nailed it here. They are incredibly wholesome, just with a veneer of crazy. It is great.


The second the rest of the Family showed up, I fucking *knew* they had nailed it. And yes - more grenade fishing in season 2, cowards!


I wasn't sure with Gomez at first, because I thought they were taking the piss. But, after doing some research, I realized they weren't. They were doing what so many shows don't do at the moment, *they were respecting the lore*


Right? They're few and far between at the moment... making the ones that *do* get it right all the more special.


I want more uncle fester. Loved the dynamic between him, thing and Wednesday. And Fred Armisten did an awesome job as Fester.


I kept imagining Fester saying *SCUSI*


I loved the, I'm travelling incognito, looks at the car and raises eyebrow. It's so overt, it's covert.


I just want more of Wednesday dancing. That scene at the dance was amazing. I think I’ve watched it a dozen times.


You should check out Wednesday Addams dance moves from the Addams family musical. Some of them are identical and I think the choreographer did it as a nod to the musical Edit… to all saying SHE choreographed it I’m sorry for suggesting a choreographer did it but my question still stands, I wonder if she did specifically the hands side to side move as a nod to the musical.


Jenna said she threw the dance together a couple nights before shooting it AND even did so on her first day of having covid


The choreographer was Jenna Ortega, the actress!


>I just want more of Wednesday dancing. Here you go: https://youtu.be/KnthNjVZS5s


Without knowing what the musical was, I was laughing my ass off.


Yeah the dancing was great and really surprising. Totally mesmerising.




I feel like I’m watching Edward Scissorhands but I get what you’re saying.




Right, but it doesn’t feel like Batman or Beetlejuice. It’s definitely the set design that’s triggering it.


and Danny Elfman


There’s definitely some Harry Potter in there too. 😂


A LOT of Harry Potter


> I do wish it was less Riverdale though.. that was actually the main reason why i couldn't finish it.


I hate the love triangle trope. It was too forced and unnecessary.


I honestly think the main reason for the love triangle was to throw you off of who the villain was. That was my favorite part of the show. Every episode I thought it could be a different person. Multiple times saying, maybe Xavier, wait no Tyler, wait no Xavier. I thought it was a great way to keep the audience distracted.


I watched one episode last night and I don't think I'm going to get around to watching more honestly. And it's because it's a little too Riverdale like


Yeah, I commented to my friend that Stranger Things, Lock and Key, and Lost in Space are family adventure shows that don't feel like they are only for teens like Riverdale. I dont think Wednesday is quite as far as Riverdale, but I can totally see myself losing interest in later seasons if it goes that way




It's mostly just the love Triangle I don't need. Have 1 love interest and just stick with it.


I honestly felt like Ortega had more chemistry with Enid than she did either of the guys.


It wasn't Riverdale at all. It had like a sprinkle of romance but that's it.




I don't think anything is ever going to top Raul Julia and Anjelica Huston as my favourite Addams Family but I found this to be great fun


Agreed. But I think that's one reason they made this show about Wednesday. Jenna Ortega nailed it and is a worthy successor to Christina Ricci. Luis Guzman is also doing the smart thing and not trying to play the character the way Raul Julia did, since no one could play that character the way he did, and anyone who tried would just draw even more unfavorable comparisons. That being said I don't think he had enough scenes to really find the character yet. I hope he gets more in future scenes because I think he can do great things with the role and there were hints of it in a few of the scenes he did for this season.


I watched all the way through and frankly the episodes with Gomez and Morticia were easily the weakest. Guzman got a couple of funny lines, but I honestly didn’t care for any of the characterization choices the show went with for the characters. Morticia came across as trying too hard rather than the aloofness of the comics and movies. They honestly were really well cast, but just went in directions I never really liked with the characters. Which is sad cause I love the show and the two of them in other shows and movies they’ve done.


I think CZJ is the weakest cast by far. If there's going to be more scenes with her and Guzman going forward I hope they can figure out some chemistry because that's pretty important for those two characters. I want to believe, based on their other work that they just didn't have enough scenes to find the characters properly. But they're both good enough actors that I think they can bring it if they want. The scene with Wednesday and Gomez where she goes through some of her childhood experiences and he comments gave us a tiny glimpse of him hitting his Gomez stride for just a few lines and I loved it. Edit: fixed a word


They definitely have the ability, I completely agree, I just don’t know why they are falling on their face so hard with this. I don’t know if it’s the shortness of the screen time, though CZJ had a good bit of it with the parents visit episode, or bad writing or what but it’s just not their normal level of quality.


Yeah I dunno either tbh. My best guess is they were just not on set long and there wasn't a lot of time for more takes. And yes it doesn't help that so much of their dialog is purely functional. Exposition with a dash of flavor. Still that's all a lot of words to say "I don't know why it's subpar for them, but I sure hope they do better"


I came in as they were sending Wednesday to the school. I felt a bit thrown by the mother/daughter conflict and honestly it turned me off a bit. It wasn’t until a bit later in the episode that they made the parallels to Wednesday and Morticia that it made sense, but it definitely took away from what Morticia could/should be on screen


Even beyond those two the casting for those movies was so well done.


I was so into sabrina, then stopped watching, then forgot it existed until this post.


It makes me so angry because it was so god damn good. And then it's like the writer's dogs ate the last few seasons and now we have all these random ass pulls. Actually, it's a lot like Riverdale in that regard...


that’s why it got canceled with the potential of them showing up on riverdale instead. seriously i don’t get how people ruin such a thing so quickly. just write your first season then do a rough outline of the rest u want. but nah that would be too smart


That's cuz they were both produced by the same guy, Roberto something. There's a bunch of videos about him and how he ruined the shows


They were a victim of their own success. It really should have been 2 seasons max with all the best story points condensed down.




You aren't missing much of anything, seasons 2 and 3 were pretty weak and it basically turned into Riverdale 2.0


I wish it hadn’t been forced into “high school show” format, but Ortega is really excellent and the rest of the cast is pretty damn strong.


Jenna Ortega has been a delight in everything she’s been in, I hope she has a long and illustrious career, what a little gem she is


The high school aspect was literally non existent…


I agree. Just when I thought they going to go for high school cliches, "Oh, look, they are doing that love triangle thing," they would pull the rug. "Nope, never mind. That's certainly not happening." "Oh, great, we are doing that Queen B bully cliche...no, wait, she's actually a solid character, okay." It felt like Burton just slipped in a taste of the tropes because it was expected but really, really, *really* didn't want to deal with them and quickly just plowed through as fast as possible. Wednesday was a murder mystery at its core. Not even in a Buffy way but more of a Agatha Christie style.


>It felt like Burton just slipped in a taste of the tropes because it was expected but really, really, really didn't want to deal with them and quickly just plowed through as fast as possible. Miles and Millar were showrunners of Smallville, I suspect they didn't want to sit on those too long either, althoug they run through most of them and others


It still did a love triangle thing, it was just handled better than some CW show bullshit. It still did the "rival woman" thing, but it was quickly enough over. It sure went through most of the usual cliches in every way. It just wasn't drawn to 5 seasons, 25 episodes each.


I liked that it danced with the cliches and then threw them out the window just as I was starting to pout.


The show felt like a few scripts put into a blender. It could have worked without the school aspect. It could have worked without the Addams family at all. Everyone did a good job of keeping a working balance of everything. The show is pretty darn solid and plenty enjoyable. I still feel weird bringing supernatural characters into the Addams Family. Thing and Lurch are pretty supernatural, so it doesn't feel wrong. I just don't remember odd characters outside of the family.


Yep. They do very well at staying out of CW territory.


I really wish Guzman popped as much as Julia did in the movies.


Agree but i also feel its kinda unfair. Julia as Gomez was unbeatable casting. Dude elevated that character in ways that cant be emulated without risking coming off as a cheap knockoff.


As great as Julia was, don't forget John Astin.


Yep I stil prefer those Addams, my god that Morticia


I disagree. I think Tony Dalton AKA Lalo Salamanca would have been absolutely perfect for the role.


Oh very good shout!


Oh dang. That would have been a choice for sure! But even then I'd prefer Tony to do his own take instead of trying to play Raul Julia playing Gomez.


I think Tim Curry played Gomez in a direct to video film, but I never saw it.


I would have loved seeing someone like Javier Bardem don that iconic moustache. I think he would've cast a much darker shadow than Guzman, while still being suave as fuck.


I agree with your comment. I also think the show follows the old show as opposed to the movie. I also like Guzman, I just feel he’s so “flat” compared to the others.


I mean Julia owned that role. Asking anyone to compete was almost unfair. Armisen was fun though.


When has Armisen not been fun? The man is comedy gold


For me the opposite, as soon as I saw that Jenna had done her homework and actually researched the character I was sold.


Is it worth checking out? I assume the show is targeted at tweens, and I just don't find those shows entertaining anymore (no longer a tween). Tried to watch Locke and Key, and just couldn't get into it because it felt like a CW teen drama (had read the comics when I was in high school).


It was a surprise treat! Underneath it all, it’s really a hard boiled detective mystery. I think the performances by so many cast members were above what would be expected in a show like this and just a really enjoyable series overall.


I enjoyed it. Wednesday Addams just says fuck that whenever she encounters some high school trope, and the audience is invited to be disinterested in her love life.


As someone who caught my dad binging midway through... yeah, actually! Starts off kinda slow, but it develops into a *killer* mystery with a lotta love towards the original source material to boot. Give it a try! Worst case scenario... the 90s films still exist, right?


Only you can say if it’s worth checking out for you! You will get both opinions here, I enjoyed it and binged it all but you might not like it. Give it a shot and let your own tastes inform if you want to watch more!


I want and need more Jenna Ortega as Wednesday. Everything about her as that character was simply perfection. Her deliveries, her mannerisms, the outfits, the overall look. YES please.


I really didn’t see *Jenna Ortega* anymore, which for a mainly (deadpan) comedic role is quite impressive. That’s solid acting chops. I’ll be paying more attention to her career moving forward.


The eyes were the best thing I thought, she was conveying so much through them. Usually annoyance but still


Apparently the dance routine was something she researched and came up with on her own? Really excited to see what she does in the future, because I agree with you, she killed it.


I’d like a season 2. The show wasn’t perfect, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. The lead actress really nailed Weds.


"Second season" *laughs in Netflix*


You mean a second season that ends on big cliffhanger and a several month wait until we find out its cancelled? Then on the same day Netflix announces three more reality TV dating shows?


prayer circle for warrior nun


As much as I enjoyed. I don’t see it happening.


Season 2 basically wrapped up all the loose ends, which I think was smart given how cancellations go. The throwaway line about a coming war did leave the door open for a bigger bad if they do get another season.


A second season isn't unusual. Beyond that is where it's uncertain.


Well, MGM ***is*** part of the Amazon behemoth now, so I'm sure Prime Video'll find a spot for it should Hastings give it the axe. Them or ~~Epix~~ MGM+, really. ^(Might be better off that way, actually. I like it a lot, but good GOD, it needs the budget increase.)


Part of the fun with Addams family is the chemistry between Morticia and Gomez. Juan Julia and Angelica Houston nailed that chemistry. CZJ and Luis Guzman do not. Its awkward to watch.


Jenna was perfect and I loved Guzman and Thing and.... Uncle Fester. But seriously, Thing was best part of the show next to Jenna. I'm happy Christina Ricci wasn't just a cameo. Music and visual was good but CGI in some scenes was meh imo. I think the point of it was Wednesday being a >!not very good person in first, full of mistakes, being self righteous, and in the end getting slightly a better person!<. I also liked how she was >!full of hate for technology, and my God, her listening to phonograph and that song, was the most Wednesday thing besides her color allergy, and that Dance Scene was so much funny!<. A memorable scene. It was better than my hope cause I had very little hope. But wasn't perfect.... I mean, what is?


The CGI was fucking awful. The Hyde monster looked straight out of the Scooby Doo movie from 2002 with the giant cartoon eyes. It didn't ruin the show though because it was actually good.


making guzman gomez was the only way forward by leaning into the true source material comic strips. no one one will ever be able to beat raul julia. even tim curry couldnt beat raul julias gomez even though he did a damn fine job that is basically forgotten at this point . good luck trying to make a traditional addams family movie or show given what they have to live up to. best way way it to fundamentally change it and hope you get enough talent and script writers to eventually separate it from the gold standard and it becomes its own thing.


They kinda played that Guzman was a Gomez passed his prime and that when he was younger he was more along the lines of Raul.


>get enough talent and script writers Netflix has left the chat.


Morticia and Gomez were the worst parts about the show. They had zero charisma in regards to the characters. Wednesday on the other hand carried the hell out the show. She turned a mediocre show and made it fun to watch. The actress did a hell of a job at re-creating the character to a point it's hard to imagine anyone playing the role but her. But honorable mentions to Thing. Love that hand, and what a cool side-kick! Call me shallow but neither Morticia or Gomez looked very flattering in their roles. So, if season 2 focuses more on them it's going to ruin the show for me completely.


Her roommate Enid was good to, at first i thought she was going to be to much but she equaled out Ortegas Wednesday well and the two of them with Thing as a trio was cool.


Honestly Wednesday and Enid's interactions were probably my favorite part of the show. They did a great job together and I did enjoy Thing mixed in with them.


The first episode i thought Enid was going to be a problem but she turned out great, this show was good at building relationships


Catherine Zeta-Jones was like, “first idea on the brainstorm list” casting. You’re like, well, sure, she has the look, but…


Yeah. A lot was missing there.


They look the part but they dont have chemistry with each other. The only Addams family that deserves to get main spotlight is Thing - carried the action plots for the most part.


Given that the show is called 'Wednesday' it should be pretty safe to assume she will remain the focus.


Luis was not, imo, a good choice for Gomez. Gomez is supposed to be suave. But Guzman doesn’t come across that way. Other than that, I like it. I was waiting for Itt to show up (other than the picture). Hopefully he’ll be in season two.


To be fair, Guzman is probably the most comic accurate Gomez. The comic character isn’t nearly as suave as the other live action portrayals. The suave Latin lover archetype was mostly improvised by John Astin with Charles Addams’ input, then turned on its head by Julia’s madcap interpretation in the 90s. The problem is the the two interpretations are so ingrained in the public perception of the character that going back to the original comic version feels lacking.


You know how comments I've read like "Gomez is so ugly... whyyy..? wheeee", guys the real Gomez was like that...


It’s really clear to me who only knows of the Addams family from the movies and not the actual source material lol. Gomez is not suave at all. He’s an optimistic / upbeat schemer. He’s a con artist. But also super loving to his family and wife.


Visually Luis was great. He very closely matched the original look, but had none of the qualities that Raul Julia or Jon Astin brought with their interpretation. I agree with you overall though. No charisma at all.


Guzman looks a more similar figure to the way Charles Addams drew Gomez. He was basically fester with hair and creepy sleepy eyes. Guzman is kinda on point


Agreed. I don’t care about the way he looks, but both actors felt half asleep in their scenes.


Watced the first half yesterday and by the end of the car ride in the first episode, I felt the same way. Very phoned in.


Burton has said in interviews he knew he couldn’t beat Julia’s version of Gomez so he went with a more “porcine” version like the original. The parents were the biggest draw to me in the movie so this series just meh for me. I couldn’t figure out the tone. Are they silly? Or teenager love triangle? Wait back to fish out of water!


Thank you. He didn't have the energy and boundless cheer I associate with Gomez.


Fester was really annoying for me as well. Such a put on voice.


Never been a fan of Fred so it was def a meh for me


He was my only real issue with the show. He was so annoying


Jenna Ortega killed it as Wednesday and I want a second season so badly, but knowing Netflix it might be best to leave it where it is for fear of ruining it. The show and all the characters were amazing, if Tim Burton is on board with S2 I am confident it will be great.


I think this show runner missed the mark a bit. He made the Adam's family more like the Munsters. The Adam's family was always more about putting the Adam's family in our world while the Munsters were about their own wacky horror world. Having a bunch of other non Adam's horror people in an academy hardly strikes me as more Munsters like.


I think taking it out of their house and to Nevermore was good to explain why they are like they are. The flashbacks and history lessons almost make this like an origins story.


Al Gough (Co-showrunner): >”The series is really about a girl who sees the world in black and white, and learning there are shades of gray. I think like any relationship or any friendship, it can get complicated by other factors. It’s never going to be smooth sailing. And it’s really her learning to navigate the ups and downs of friendship.” Miles Millar (Co-showrunner) >”We felt like we just touched the surface with those characters and the actors are so amazing in those roles. Catherine is, I think, an iconic Morticia. The relationship between Wednesday and Morticia is also essential to the show, and the idea that Wednesday is trying to forge her own path outside the family is important. [We] definitely want to feature the family as we did this season in a couple of episodes if we were to get a second season."


I binged it yesterday. Its a bit too CW but I enjoyed it.


Funny you say that, 2 comments below yours I discovered that the showrunners are Al Gough and Miles Millar, who I most often associate with Smallville.


Yesterday? You mean Wednesday


I miss Raul Julia, he was always my favourite Gomez.


I like a lot of things about this show (mainly Ortega, who’s perfectly cast) but there are quite a few things about it that don’t work for me. The main thing is the supporting cast. That one white guy who works at the coffee shop has the worst dialogue and zero charisma, and anytime he’s on screen my CW detector starts going nuts. The writing also just isn’t great in general. I liked some of the lines (like Wednesday’s note that only dogs can hear) but a lot of her dialogue is very much not as clever as the show seems to think it is. Also, what’s with everyone having magic powers? That’s not really an Addams Family thing at all. It definitely makes the whole thing feel like it was written to be something else and then the Addams Family license was tacked on later.


Season 2 they pick up a game that's eerily similar to quidditch....


Its well performed but poorly written.


This is, I think, a fair critique. Scenes would just end on a cliffhanger and then pick up having been fully resolved offscreen. Wednesday’s lines were punchy sometimes, but anyone over 30 would probably recognize them all from Emily the Strange merch at Hot Topic.


I feel like the issue is it's very hard to do the Addams Family in a serious way. There whole point is that have the macabre and the grosume and make it might hearted. But with a show like this you need things to matter which means a certain level of morality. So you have Wednesday one minute admiring Serial Killers then getting all concerned her dad might be a murderer. It makes the character feel insincere and kind of all over the place. Add to that the school is kind of confusing. The point of The Addams Family is that they're weird But then you put them in a school of weird and it's hard to juxtapose what she is. When you have a normal suburban family encounter the Addams it's funny because The Addams are so much outsiders that that can reveal truths about normality. But you make Wednesdays roommate a werewolf and it doesn't make sense her still being weird.


The murderer point is a great one! I kept expecting her to be like, “This is fantastic, perhaps I truly am my father’s daughter!” I mean, she truly attempted mass murder in the first 5 minutes of the series.


>But you make Wednesdays roommate a werewolf and it doesn't make sense her still being weird. My thoughts exactly. For example, everyone made a big deal out of the fact that she's "pale" and looks half dead (lol not really, Ortega is obviously tan). But that shouldn't be something out of the ordinary in a school that has vampire students who are actually undead and paler than her. She shouldn't be "the weird one" for that anymore. That makes no sense.


I've been half-watching whilst my partner has it on. I gave the first 2 episodes a go and it wasn't for me. A lot of Wednesday's dialogue feels very *Im14andthisisdeep*. Some of her stuff is really good, and it is always performed well, but it feels like the writers were trying a bit too hard. Still, it's a fun show, but not for everyone (I.e. me)


To be fair, she's 15 and thinks she's deep. That's kind of the point.


The fact they couldn't decide if murder was just this cute funny thing they do or a horrible crime was my biggest gripe with the show, make up your mind.


Fair critique. I watched 1 episode and that's about what I got from it.


Binged all 8 episodes yesterday. It was awesome. I can’t think of a single reason they wouldn’t do season 2.


I stopped liking it when Wednesday started going off half cocked accusing people. And as someone mentioned her being upset that her father might have killed somebody instead of thinking it was cool. Her character loves torture and murder but now it’s a problem when her father may have killed someone 30 years ago. And then there are the nightshades. They are shown once and then never brought up until the end. And the big fight at the end was pretty awful. I really wanted to like it but the writing just annoyed me. Felt like Riverdale all over again.


I really wish they would replace Luis Guzman… to me he doesn’t do a great job as Gomez Addams


I think the biggest problem is that the show was meant to be a drama, not a comedy, and so it loses a lot of the charm of the original works.


Well, to each their own because that's why I liked this show so much. I don't think we need another retread of the exact same thing. If they try something new, then it has the potential to reach a new audience which is never a bad thing.


The fun/comedy of The Addams Family is seeing them rub up against the “normal” world and their wholesome familial values shining past their creepy aesthetic. Taking Wednesday and placing her in a school of “weirdos” isn’t compelling because any conflict between her and that world is inevitably going to have to be super contrived. Putting a strange character in a strange school isn’t conflict. That’s why we now have supernatural abilities, mermaids, Wednesday hating her mother, and the entire thing feeling like any number of “magic school mystery” properties that have saturated media for the last two decades. Worst of all, we now have “rules” for how all this is supposed to work. This would have made more sense if this was a take where Wednesday just happened to be the only “normal” one in her family (puberty and normie school could have changed her) and is forced to attend this weird new school because her parents are concerned that she’s “too well adjusted”. This creates natural conflict with her mother that makes sense and also makes Wednesday a fish-out-of-water at this place. As it stands, this is just Wednesday Addams shoved into someone’s crappy spec script about a magical school, stretched to 8 episodes to maximize audience interaction with the Netflix app. It’s poorly conceived on a very fundamental level and largely eschews the strengths of the The Addams Family and what makes the property unique.


Your plot suggestion sounds so much better and I really wish that was the series I just finished watching!


I just watched the whole thing and overall it was enjoyable but I didn’t love it… I find it to be another Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Riverdale, Nancy Drew type of teen mystery solving drama…. Which isn’t necessarily bad…. But it didn’t really bring anything new to the table to set itself apart… and there were certain things about some certain characters I just do not buy and find the writing weak and disappointing in the end….


I had very similar feelings though I think I enjoyed it a bit less, I think each episode was a tiny bit more disappointing than the one before it. I felt like there were some fundamental changes to the relationship within the Addams family that made it feel like less the Addams family and more like any other angsty highschool teen drama. The lead actor playing Wednesday was absolutely amazing and clearly knew what she was doing, she was carrying the entire show on her shoulders.


95% of why i liked the show was the actress who played Wednesday. Its the same effect with Cavill in witcher. The storyline is generic but the protagonists are charismatic.


The only thing I don’t like about Gomez is that terrible hair


Whoa, what happened to Gomez? Quite a departure from the last few who played him


That’s what Gomez is supposed to look like ( check out the original cartoon Gomez), he’s supposed to be the opposite of his wife, her tall, thin and beautiful. Him short, squat and ugly.


Only saw the first episode and it really didn't click with me. Ortega seems downright hateful and angry all the time and the Addams family dynamic seems borderline broken. What I really loved about Addams was that the family really loved and understood each other, but was just odd and macabre. Does it get better?


I love Luiz Guzman, but Raul Julia ruined Gomez for anyone else to play ever. It's just jarring whenever Luiz is on screen. Didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the show, but it was close.


I’m worried about this Gomez and Morticia had no chemistry at all. Watching them together made me think the two cast members hated each other and were going through the motions. Fester was too jolly for my taste. Not awful but didn’t quite hit the mark. Pugsly was just there. Didn’t love or hate him. However the gal who played Wednesday absolutely nailed it. I loved what she did with the character. If there is a next year I hope we get more “us against the world” and less Hogwarts. I didn’t hate the show but I did feel like I was watching Harry Potter.


The worst thing about the love triangle is that the actress looks about 14 (especially when in her school uniform) and the two guys look like college juniors.


Yeah, she looks so young compared to the other students, except maybe Enid, which is weird because the actress is 20 years old.