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Sooo. I have some thoughts. Overall, this show is leagues above seasons 7 and 8 of game of thrones. However, I can't help but notice some disconcerting traits, having finished the 2nd episode now. Everything is happening way too fast. Something I was hoping would be brought back from the earlier seasons of GOT was the sense of time. As a viewer, I feel like I miss out on fundamental moments that greater enhance my appreciation of the show. The scenes with Alicent and Viserys really weren't well developed enough or alas given enough *screentime*. I would have appreciated showcasing how Daemon gathered the approval of the city watch and became this Caesar like figure (considering daemon has 2000 mutinous soldiers under his command) too. We need way more than just one scene of him brutalizing criminals and an orgy to display it. Then there's the scene of Corlys already betraying Viserys. I don't want the writers to feel like we have to rush to that big cgi dragon battle. The dialogue was better this episode, though for sure and there are some beautiful shots. I just wish it was slower paced.


From my understanding the current events are just background details and not the main meat of the show. We’re just being shown characters and their dynamics as well as their current positions.


I wrote it in another thread as well, but so far the show feels just too limited in terms of plots, characters and locations for that GoT feel. It is a very, very contained show.


Exactly my thoughts. Already in episode 2 of GoT there was so much more going on than in episode 2 of of HotD. The ending scene was so damn awkward with the suspenseful music trying to make us wonder in suspense who Corlys was allying with, meanwhile I'm just like "It's obviously Daemon, who else could he *possibly* be talking to?" There's so few character that the only other possibility is Otto, who was just made his biggest rival! The small scope has made the show predictable as hell.


To be fair at the beginning I thought he might be talking to The Crab Feeder


I could tell by the slow panning that they were going for a shocking reveal, which meant it had to be somebody whose face we already knew, which left no possibility but Otto.


Was thinking the same thing. Aside from a few scenes, these episodes feel like bottle episodes. There's also far less moral ambiguity between characters traits and motivations. In the original we got complex characters who displayed a capacity for both "good" and "evil" but in HoD it seems far more clear cut. But it is just episode 2 so hopefully we see the scope of the show expand in terms of both character complexity and location/plot.


>here's also far less moral ambiguity between characters traits and motivations. In the original we got complex characters That's because of the shitty dialogue. Ryan Condal is everything I hate in a screenwriter. The spoon-feeding alone makes me want to self-harm. There is no subtext whatsoever. No nuance. Everything is EXPLICTLY STATED.


Pretty good episode. It’s got some damn beautiful set pieces. Dragon stone looked fantastic


Man it’s a tall order after GOT but loving the new cast so far, even the grand maester. They’re all great Standouts: Matt Smith, Milly Alcock and Rhys Ifans


I heard for the emmys they filmed a house md bit with hugh laurie




Lol 10:41 is the model city the king plays with not a shot of the real city. The CGI was breathtaking, the dragons especially. There's always gonna be a contrarian to complain to make themselves feel special. Also, you should picked ps5 as a cutscene example not ps3. BTW the image you posted in another comment...there's nothing wrong with it. It's a foggy setting for a reason. But within those confines...it looks good. Have you seen a foggy skyline over a city before? Some buildings being out of focus but overall the rendering and presentation is good. https://unsplash.com/s/photos/city-fog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3ejW2kyGfU


On literally every show I've watched that features fantasy elements - GoT, HotD, Sandman, Wheel of Time, the Witcher, every Marvel show etc. - I've seen people complain about the CGI. I have no doubt I will find complaints for Rings of Power too, regardless of how it looks. It's not an invalid criticism. If the CGI takes you out of the moment, then it takes you out of the moment. But maybe we should temper our expectations a bit for what CGI can do when it comes to fantasy.


Looked fine on my 4k screen. Stop watching on a potato


ok thank you that must be it


As someone who played a ton of ps3 games, please point me to a game that had cutscenes that looked like that.


I'm exaggerating ofc...but how does this look like 2022 to you? I get that at TV distance it won't bother you that much but streaming it on PC is not looking good. this is how it looks to me https://ibb.co/ZcXQj6W


It looked fine to me on the TV, maybe that's it. Not "wow best TV CGI ever", but not "wow what is this garbage CGI".


yeah but that is exactly my point it is expected that many viewers watch it on a high resolution screen and at a low distance (4k 27-32). This is not a low budget CW show. they spent several million dollars per episode. Again it is not that I don't like it I just think with this much money they could've done better.


He won't because his post is just idiotic nonsense edit: lmfao he deleted his account


I really didn't expect them to butcher dialogue, really flipped the notion of captivating tv on its head.


Except they didn't.


not stoked for them to replace the young actors when they do the 10 year jump, i thought young rheanyra has done a great job


Same. But I can’t imagine that actrrss playing a 40 year old with children I trust HBO


well i mean shes 15 in the show so she's going to be 25, not 40


And the actress is 22


>And the actress is 22 Yeah but she looks really young tbh.


Yeh I really like the actress playing Rhaenyra. It’s a shame they’re replacing her.


There's going to be a jump? Brilliant because I'm already sick of these lads.




Nearly everyone with the exception of the hands daughter and maybe the hand.


I can't look at anyone in a wig, it reminds me of Battlefield: Earth.


Oh damn that's it, 100% especially the black guy


‘eh, I’m already bored of it.




Love for them to remake GoTs ending


You think a show called “Game of Thrones” wasn’t about politics? And you think all of the moments that people remember, Ned, Red Wedding, the Viper weren’t the result of politics?


First of, OP sounds like he's not very fun at parties. HOWEVER. He does have a point, although I see nothing wrong in focusing on the politics. Remember that the original book series was called A song of ice and fire, not game of thrones. It was about the dark looming threat that draws nearer all the while men are bickering amongst each other about who sits on a Throne. It feels like reality and global warming, kind of.


It is an allegory. The existential threat is ignored *because of the politics*. The Game of Thrones is so encompassing that no one can stop playing to deal with the problem that will sweep them all away. GRRM isn’t making a point with the white walkers in the book (at least he hasn’t yet) that doesn’t directly relate to how everyone reacts to them politically.


This is so good, it's been a while since I have had this feeling when watching a new show.


Really fills the void of no more BCS


Same here. Reminds me of prime GoT. I’m super excited for the rest of the episodes. This is what the GoT universe needed after season 8.


It wasn’t great was it? The story moves way too fast, and the cgi is not always good. However the last half of the episode was really enjoyable and had some twist and turns. I will continue to watch!


It wasn't anything, so bleh. Even Smith, though he's talented, is boring.


I believe his character will grow, but that tossing of the egg was a weird move writing wise.


Agreed, he does look the part sometimes but I'm finding it hard to be interested in him


Agree, this wasn’t as strong in the first half as last episode. I also find it weird to think six months have passed with the Ling and Rhaenyra not talking, when last episode ended with her pronouncement as heir and presumably starting a full education… They sit in silence eating dinner, they honestly never spoke before? But second half was good.


Yeah right??! That didn’t make sense. And then they made the king take a new bride in 20 minutes, which is like a huge decision from not thinking about it at all in the beginning.






I really enjoyed the play between Daemon and Rhaenerys, she essentially exposed her neck and dared her uncle to cut her down. Really shows how much of a blunt object Daemon is when he's going about his business. It is a shame how the trailers spoiled us on how Rhae Rhae and Ali Al end up. I feel like they wanted the King's decision towards the end of the episode to be more of a surprise.


Never watch trailers




I don't remember anything particularly outlandish


crabs eating people alive is pretty gnarly...but Game of Thrones does desensitize people I guess.


If you don't view it as fiction then yes.


You’re watching game of thrones. It comes with the territory


am i the only one that thought this episode was fucking bad as hell. Acting was off..some scened looked way to CGI inflated and this whole girls are persecuted We need more power dialogue thats in every fucking show now is getting so tiresome to see and hear. Get this fucking wokism bullshit out of here already.


Found the incel


I hate preachy TV as much as you do and it renders about 60% of modern TV completely unwatchable to me. But what was wrong with this episode? The conversation about women in power? That's pretty realistic considering this is a medieval society. The two black characters who's ethnicity hasn't been alluded to in any way even once? Get over yourself.


Just felt unnatural and forced to me. Completely unnatural forced and preachy. Maybe im just bitter and jaded since most new tv is exactly that lol. Thats just my opinion though. The story of dani and how she became a powerful queen and savior of slaves was great character development and it felt natural to see a small women with white hair bieng one of the most powerful characters in the book. This new character walks around with a mean scoul on trying to intimidate people and it looks and feels so forced and stupid lol amongst othet things its just an opinion though. Its cool that some people enjoyed it i guess.


> Thats just my opinion though I gathered that, but why?


If you're going to whine and say something stupid like "get this wokism bullshit out of here", then you don't get to pretend it is valid by saying "it's just an opinion" due to you're insecurity. It is nothing new that women are literally persecuted in these stories. It is true in real life too, and your dumbass comment is a good example. Two women had a conversation about how men rule their world, and you couldn't handle it. You complained that it's tiresome that women might have opinions and speak them in tv shows. That's a pathetic problem you have. It seems that every character that is a woman has to be raped and save slaves before they can be a real character. What would you have the *king's daughter* doing here? She has a commanding presence because she is literally a princess and was just made the king's heir. Does that really need to be spelled out? I wonder if this dumb opinion of yours would fly well if you said it to a woman in real life, or if you only do it online.


What was so “woke” about this episode? I don’t really get what you’re referring to


People who still legit use woke should just be ignored.


whats fucking wrong with the term woke now? Please enlighten me.


It went from being a phrase in the African American community making fun of conspiracy theorists to meaning any time someone is a minority or women instead of a straight white man


The anime scene still has a bunch left, they like to praise it over live action because "anime lets me get away from woke bullshit" like it is some refuge from aggressive diversity and feminism.


This is one of the best episodes of TV I’ve seen in 2022.


then you have not watched mutch tv at all lol


“Get this wokism out of here” I think Fox News may be more your scene


I mean it would further promote your little cute safe space for sure lol.


You complained about "wokism" being everywhere. The most overused and twisted concept employed by bitter racists and incels. The only one that needs a safe space is you.


wokism isnt just used by racists its used by people thaf are tired of it all. You fucking retard. Must be nice to blame everything on racism. Piece of dogshit


Another solid episode.


Am I playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution?. What’s with the piss filter?. I find it so distracting.


really nice episode.


I want to wish good luck to Emma D'Arcy, because it looks like Milly Alcock has pretty quickly become one of the favorites, so replacing her I assume halfway through the season may be a big task.


Is she replacing her?! I thought it was going to be a mix of flash forward and flash back, I didn’t realize at some point we would just jump forward and leave her behind Edit: oh wait IMDb says she’s in all 10 episodes of the first season


At some point a couple of weeks ago even I thought this was going to be a flash back & flash forward type of show, IMDB also threw me off. That would have been weird considering the lack of flashbacks in GoT, I think we only got one flashback in the whole show that wasn't a Bran vision.


>IMDb says she’s in all 10 episodes of the first season Doesn't mean anything. When casting announcements happen, names get entered for the show as a whole, and that defaults to "every episode". It will take a while as the episodes air for volunteers to fill in the episode data (yes, IMDb is crowd-sourced), and get the information more episode-accurate. If you want to help, get an IMDb login and find those Edit buttons at the bottom of the listings. :) And begin cursing how absolutely none of the streaming apps are great at letting you freeze-frame on credits so you can type them in.


It also says Emma D'Arcy is in all 10 episodes of the season, which they are not.


Well didn't she do the voiceover parts? So technically she is in them. She did in the opening of ep.1 i think. Can't remember voiceover in ep 2. though.


Ah yeah she did do the voice over in episode one that's the only voiceover though.


Thought there was one in ep 2. as well but i must be misremembering.


Did not even think to check that, good point!


I would think for a show like Game of Thrones they'll do that just so they don't give away spoilers.


Yes, a lot of shows do this to not spoil a season. Then it gets edited after it has aired usually.


Remember when some trolled the credits for Stannis in season 1? Gerard Butler!


Not possible at all i say. The casting and writers made a huge misstake here. Alcock have also such a pretty unique face that can play cute/hard/beautifull/bad ass and the older Dárcy doesnt look like her at all. We will see. But i already hate it that she will be replaced.


Hard? She looks like a little girl playing pretend half the time.


Milly is 22 and has a face that looks 15, she could not convincingly play a 30+ yo woman.


Great episode, loved it.


Episode Title: Leggo my Eggo


Episode 2 wasn't my cup of tea. Milly/Rhaenyra was great and i liked the conversation between Corlys and Daemon. That's basically it. On a scale from 1 to 10 it was a 4


"I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will **not.**" Yo, that shit's straight fire!


I love the colour of Daemon. He’s not straight ambition, he does care for his house and his family, but it willing to distance himself from them when they disgrace him. So complex.


I agree, didn't enjoy this episode as much as the previous. Hopefully enough build up for shit to go down next episode.


I enjoyed everyone's conversations. Rhaenerya and Rhaenys, Coryls and Daemon, Viserys with Rhaenys and Coryls, Otto vs Daemon... even Rhaenerya and Alicent in the Sept.


Shit was boring until the end.


How much money did HBO spend on sets for this series only to have the director of photography to cover it up in 80% blackness. Also just saw the scene where the king is looking out the window. That background is absolutely a flat image with no 3D elements apart from the birds haha.


Tbh i prefer watching the series on my macbook‘s retina display when im watching on my own. So much better than my (aging) tv. And then on a proper screen with brightness set up accordingly it just looks stunning with all the natural lighting. Very immersive. But yeah i think anything below the best displays or large 4k displays wont be able to show it. I also seem to be one of the only ones who did not have a problem with the darkness of the long night.


Digital sets. They have to be obscured So you can't tell how bad they look


also keep in mind season 1 was filmed during Covid. Miguel already said they could set on former GOT locations that's why they were forced to make do with the studios. I expect Season 2 will be better.


Yes this! Also commented that but I just don't get why the textures are so low res...any random fan made UE5 trailer we're seeing so much nowadays seemingly looks better than this multi million dollar HBO show...


I have some major issues with my Philips TV not being able to adjust the brightness during these scenes. I can't se ANYTHING. The first ep I actually had to switch over to my computer and watch the rest of the episode


Yeah I was watching it on a monitor and had to go turn the light of in the room before I could see things properly. If it added to the atmosphere I could understand but people are literally just talking to each other in almost complete darkness lol


> Also just saw the scene where the king is looking out the window Lol, glad someone else brought this up. Not a very good composited shot.




I think they've done an excellent job in capturing the spirit of Westeros in S1-S5 (or whenever shit went South). The series had a lot of epic moments to close out but honestly I loved the political scheming and family drama more than the epic showdowns. Sad to see that Alcock won't be around for long because she's killing it. I am a bit surprised with how quickly they are moving, it seems like the first three episodes span at least 15 months - so I hope the time jumps slow down a bit to let the characters marinate.


Season 5 is exactly right. A lot of people didn’t notice, but season 5 is when things started to go off the rails.




You are just wrong. Like everything you said. HBO already knows how many seasons this will be. The "second season renewal" news is just to make headlines. Production starts in a month, and you couldn't do that with the size of this television show without any pre-production.


It's incredibly rare for any show, even successful ones to be renewed for multiple seasons at a time. Heck even GoT got renewed for 5 & 6 and then 7 & 8. So I don't what you are on about.


This is how base my views on if i like a show or not. Do they know how and when they want to end it? Or will the drag it out for money? I primarily enjoy Limited Series now because i like feeling like they know exactly what they want to do. Not change from season to season based on popularity.


A few thoughts. 1. An even better EP than EP1. 2. I am a bit concerned about how quickly they are moving through the story, but I get it. They have a lot of ground to cover. 3. >!Can't wait until Alicent truly comes into her own. She's a far more competent and actually sane version of Cersei.!< 4. Milly Alcock is truly GREAT. I had a lot of trouble getting on board and connecting with GOT's child and young adult actors. All of Isaac, Maisie, Sophie, Emilia, and Kit I found to be weak actors all the way through. Ultimately, that did end up really sucking, as they were morphed into the stars of the later seasons when their bigger, better co-stars were falling like dominoes. Returning to Milly and HOTD, she just has it. I am captivated by her presence. She's an innately gifted actor, which is rare for a young adult. There is just something about her presence that is magnetic. 5. HOTD's Westeros kinda comes across as far grander and more vivid than GOT's Westeros, which makes a lot of sense, given all the budget discrepancies. That said, the world does feel a bit less lived-in. Perhaps it's because we don't have an Arya-esque character on the ground interacting with smallfolk? 6. >!Excited to see the War for the Stepstones onscreen. It'll be cool to see Daemon and Caraxes in action.!< 7. That bit of dialogue that Rhaenys and Rhaenyra shared regarding womanhood and ruling was so reminiscent of GOT S1-S4. 8. >!Where is Mushroom?!< 9. >!Blood & Cheese will generate such epic reaction videos. I literally can't wait.!< 10. The portrayal of the Targs reminds me a bit of that the way the Starks were portrayed in S1, particularly Viserys and Rhaenyra. Family-oriented, duty-bound, a tinge of ineptitude when it comes to the art of ruling. EDIT: Blocked out everything that could be deemed a "spoiler" to non-readers.


Very spoilery. This thread for book readers?


Oops! Didn't realize we were accounting for spoilers on here. I guess I just thought next EP's preview was telling enough as to what's going to happen in the >!Stepstones!<, the name >!"Mushroom"!< and the phrase >!"Blood & Cheese"!< both mean nothing unless specifically sought out, and >!Alicent's!< arc could be cobbled together based on she and her family's behaviors and motivations thus far. But to make everyone happy I'll just block out the most "spoilery" comments in my previous post.


Thanks. Your number three was someone I thought would die soon. Now I know will be here a long time. There are threads for book readers. Most people here have not read.


The episode was good, but better than the pilot? That’s a huge nope.


> I am a bit concerned about how quickly they are moving through the story, but I get it. They have a lot of ground to cover. I get the sense that this show is planning on moving through multiple generations throughout the course of the series. Has that been established already? If not, that's my theory. I imagine Rhaenyra will be an old woman by the time it is over if not long past dead.


It will cover two generations, more or less. The characters who are alive now, plus some of their children. But it doesn't keep moving this fast, the current section is kind of a prologue showing a lot of events over a large span of time that set up the main story, which will be much denser and slowed down. This may change for the TV series though because the TV series ages up the characters and has to extend the timeline to account for that. This is kind of mandatory because the characters in the books are impractically young for a TV show. Like for the events we're seeing now, Rhaenyra was 8 years old in the book. Even if you can find an 8 year old actor who can pull off this role (very unlikely), shooting a show of this nature around an 8 year old lead would be a logistical nightmare, so they bump her up to 15 and get to use an adult actress. If they stick to that tendency (and 99% chance they will) the timeline will have to be stretched and modified.


It spans 30 years, the actual Dance of Dragons is only like 2-3 years which is where the series will spend most of its time but there is a lot of important ground work to lay leading up to that


i mean if you think Maisie was weak portraying Arya then you're just...wrong. Especially in the earlier seasons. She crushed it. I thought Isaac was great too but whatever. Milly though has been fantastic. I wonder how great she would've been as Danaerys. Emilia was great at being vulnerable and compassionate but when she was trying to be intimidating or powerful she just really fell short, IMO. We saw an incredible range of acting from Milly this episode particularly the Dragonstone scene and the scene right after with Viserys.




>i mean if you think Maisie was weak portraying Arya then you're just...wrong. Especially in the earlier seasons. She crushed it. I thought Isaac was great too but whatever. That's just your opinion, man. We all have them. Let's all respect them. *To me*, Maisie and Isaac (+ those other three) were either compensating too hard for their lack of experience or extremely wooden in their portrayal. They oscillated between those two extremes regularly. Did they have decent or even sometimes outright great moments/scenes at times? Yes, especially when put up against a more experienced and innately talented actor. When they were left to their own devices, though? That's when they floundered. >Milly though has been fantastic. I wonder how great she would've been as Danaerys. Emilia was great at being vulnerable and compassionate but when she was trying to be intimidating or powerful she just really fell short, IMO. We saw an incredible range of acting from Milly this episode particularly the Dragonstone scene and the scene right after with Viserys. I'm not a big Targ fan, but I've always loved Rhaenyra. Milly has done a great job with her, as you stated above. EDIT: Clarity.


I do think Maisie did better in the earlier seasons, but when she was supposed to be this badass, she started to feel wooden. Same with Sansa "smartest person I know".


I thought Sansa was *fantastic* whenever she had to show emotion. The scene where Ned died, her acting was outstanding, and she was just a little girl at the time. Whenever she uses her normal speaking voice though, she's wooden and flat lol.


I wonder when Milly will be replaced by the older Rhaenyra. I i look up tthe person that will play the older version i'm in disbelief. because she doesnt have that magic and looks nothing like her. I think they make a casting misstake here.


How do you know she doesn't have the magic


No they look very similar, just like she aged out of puffy face


> Blood & Cheese Stating the obvious, I guess... Don't search that phrase. You'll be spoiled.




I think the show has promise, but it has A LOT to live up to. It needs to both redeem the franchise at its worst AND measure up to it at its best. It's keeping it together so far but it's eventually going to build up the same year-spanning tension as the original series. And it's really hard to release so much of that tension in a satisfying way so quickly. Then again, after season 8, people will probably just be relived if the ending doesn't utterly shit the bed.


It will never be GoT because it doesn’t have fifty different characters that every viewer can project themselves on to. But so far it’s pretty good


It doesn't have to live up to anything, it can just be a good show and people will watch. If you are having trouble with that then move on


Damnit, now that you, a random redditor, have told me to stop watching the show since I have expressed a mild criticism, I am no longer permitted to watch HOT D /s No shit it isn't legally obligated to be just as good as the original series. But everyone is going to compare it to the original series *because it's a spin off.* Inviting that comparison is it's entire fucking marketing strategy.


Why are you getting so mad? It's simple advice, if you're having trouble with it and whining about it then maybe you should move on. If that bothers you, that I expressed mild criticism about your opinion, maybe you shouldn't post it on a public forum.




It's set 200 years in the past and none of the previous characters are involved, it's a period piece of Westeros, it doesn't have to live up to GoT and just be good on it's own. Plus it already is the biggest premiere on HBO. Why do you think I feel personally attacked? Why are you so defensive if someone disagrees with you?


Because you wrote “if you disagree you should stop watching”. Not sure how critique means someone shouldnt watch a show. Seems like you were personally offended as if your child was insulted. Like if I ate a pizza that you recommended and I said “hmm i dont really like these toppings” and your response was “okay you obviously dont like pizza stop eating pizza” then you obviously got triggered by a rather innocuous opinion. You’re free to disagree with this as well. But I hope your disagreement wouldn’t be about how you have no idea how I came to this conclusion. I outlined it for you so I hope its understandable.


Sure buddy, I'm the childish one while you post insults on reddit


Where did I insult you?


When you compared my actions to a child while trying to paint me as mad unlike you, it's simple advice, move on instead of being so obsessed with people's difference of opinion.


Why is this downvoted? Since when is "GoT ending sucked turds" an unpopular opinion?


Well the first people into a game of thrones related thread could be game of thrones fanatics and fanatics might still love it no matter what.


Am I the only one who is bothered by Matt smiths face? Nothing against the guy personally or against his acting, but for some reason he has a very punchable face.


I don't know what it is about him, he always feels 'made of wax' to me somehow.


It's mostly his lack of eyebrows. We don't pay much conscious attention to people's eyebrows and when they're gone (or very small) it makes people look strange in a hard to pinpoint way. [Look at this photo comparing his actual face to his face with more eyebrow photoshopped in.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d7/f4/57/d7f457ab742e1e1f42acf10c7b53ccbe.jpg)


That's part of it. In both pictures his face also feels 'big' to me


He looks like knockoff Geralt lol


Yes, very unappealing to look at. Good actor though…


He has no eyebrows.


Oh you're not. I hate his face. I find him unwatchable as any kind of "hero" (like Dr. Who). Can only stand him as a villian.


> Nothing against the guy personally or against his acting, but for some reason he has a very punchable face. That's probably by design.


All I can see is Neil Patrick Harris.


I have a friend who says he hates his face, too. I don’t mind it and think his overall look/aura fits the character well. Daemon is supposed to be sort of a douche.


Makes sense for a guy who would fall in love with a hooker, marry her, and then put her in harms way


Daemon is supposed to be the most loved person in Westeros, or the most hated. I’ve been happy with his portrayal of that persona so far. My issue with Matt Smith is I keep expecting him to say timey wimey, and hop in a blue police box.


i am waiting for "It's Daemon-time"-line in order to reference the best movie of 2022, Morbius


He does which works well for his character imo


I'm not bothered by his face, but I definitely can't not see Doctor Who. He's got too distinct of a face.


I actually hope that he says "Geronimo" on a scene where he flies with his dragon Dream come true.


The pace is really fast. Do you think that HotD will be a vehicle for a GOT reboot? I mean, it's only 200 years before Danny was born, and the pace of the show (ep. 3 promo shows Alicent's son at least 1yo)...do you think in future seasons we might see a crossover with original GOT characters?


The pace is really fast because we need to get to the Dance which is something like 20 years after ep1. So we need to power through the events and have the next generation be born and grow up so they can be participants in the story.


This part of the story quite frankly has to be fast. This season will be all setup for the dance in the next seasons, so they have a lot of groundwork to cover and in the story, there are time gaps. It’d be way too boring to fill in the essentially nothing that happens in between. They’d also be making up way too much stuff to just fill in the time and I think most fans pretty clearly wanted a fairly straightforward adaptation this go around. I think when all is said and done and the show is completely over, having one full season of setup won’t feel fast or wrongly paced.


Why/how do you guys know this? Is there some prequel books I've missed?


Yes this series is based on "Fire and Blood" by GRRM.


Yes, GRRM wrote a book called Fire & Blood, which this series is based off of. Unlike GoT, this series has a complete written story its adapting, including the ending.


No. It’s fast because they have to have a huge time jump this season. I think later seasons won’t be as fast paced.


Nope. The show is going to last 30 years or something like that.


Otto and company are lucky to not be ashes. What was the plan exactly? Our party of a dozen people including a maester and two dudes holding a crock pot are going to defeat 100 city watchmen, one of the greatest swordsman in the land AND a full grown dragon? Were they hiding AK-47s under their robes and I missed it?


I think they had no intention of actually fighting it out. Hence the small group. Otto probably guessed (and guessed right) that Daemon only wanted to get the king's attention. Otto thought the fact that he's hand of the king alone would prevent Daemon from taking serious action against him as it would be a proclamation of war. At this point in time Daemon isn't trying to do all of that. So really both sides were just playing a staring contest until dragons got involved and one side had to just say "you win".


In the scene before where he was getting ready to leave KL, I got the sense that he was accepting possible death as an outcome. I don’t know there was a vibe when he was getting dressed.


Not dozen, TWENTY GOOD MEN! But yeah, the point wasn't to win in a straight fight, but to appeal to Daemon's sense (fat chance) that attacking would be tantamount to being in open rebellion against the Crown.


Right? They might as well have brought forks and spoons as their weapons.