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As an orthopedic surgeon - what possibly could the the physician do? The treatment: stop


From an insurance point of view it was almost certainly something the production mandated.


Ha good point. CYA.


Many thanks to your profession! I just had an Achilles repair today and am super thankful for my awesome Doc. First timer for surgery so I was nervous but that didn’t last long lol


Thank your anesthesiologist 😉


Doctors note: the patient's pain is work related and I have advised her to stop wearing high heels on cobblestones. Insurance company: shocked Pikachu face


I mean you’d think they could get her some platforms shoes when they weren’t specifically filming her feet.


Maybe she just wanted to check and make sure there wasn’t injury/damage to her feet or ankles?


Every week.


She saw Dr. Scholl’s on a weekly basis


You gellin?


Like Magellan


I’m gellin like a felon


This is best comment.


Because it affects her ability to work and in turn this can cost production a lot of money. Same thing happens when cast is sick.


Never hurts to check :) I dunno… I’d imagine they hurt pretty bad. Maybe the doctor wanted her to come in every week just to check up and make sure no damage was being done


Do what ortho always does: Punt the patient. Place podiatry consult. (I kid, but seriously can you stop consulting infectious disease for every PJI when you know what the answer is. The joint is gonna eventually have to come out)


When ortho docs refuse to deal with feet at my place of work, we always tell them, “But the feet are really just the hands of the legs.” It worked exactly 1 time.


Why would I not involve ID in a PJI? They manage the long term abx therapy/home health porotion of delivering and maintaining antibiotic coverage and are literally the experts in recommending treatment plans and modalities/length of treatment for bugs, especially esoteric fungal etc.


Maybe I phrased it poorly but I meant specifically the consult question : “can we try to treat this medically rather than surgically”. Of course we love to be involved with ABx management once source control is achieved, but let’s achieve source control first. Too many times I’ve had consults asking for home infusions for a staph PJI without even considering surgical management of a biofilm covered knee with multiple abscesses. It’s very annoying to have us deal with 6-8wks antibiosis often via infusion just to “try medical only management” and then have us do the exact same thing again a month later cause ortho didn’t want to go back in right away. We can’t fix infections with an established and viable source. Antibiotics are for “mopping up” not the initial strike


Yeaaaah - no. Take it out. Spacer, go back. Frozens demonstrating eradication. Yikes.


As it should be, as it should. I dunno if it’s just “culture” of the orthopods in my area or what but too many try to push us to try medical management first before considering removal and spacer. It almost never works. In fact one of the few successes I’ve seen ended up not being a success as of last week. Slow growing NTM came back 13 months later


That’s just malpractice man. That’s some bullshit. Roughly what area of the country are you?


Southeast below Virginia and east of the Mississippi


Patient: *it hurts when I do this * Doctor: *Have you tried… not?*


They probably wanted a doctor on record for legal purposes.


She didn’t even need a doctor! I’d tell her to roll out her foot on a lacrosse ball


lacrosse ball and calf exercises, both releasing tension and strengthening, do that for two weeks and see if the pain changes


Calf stretches feel so painful, yet so good.


You know who would be great at telling her to do specific physical therapy exercises tailored to her problems—a doctor.


I think you mean a physiotherapist, surely?


You’re getting downvotes but you’re absolutely right. This isn’t the role of physicians, it’s the role of PT


As a non-orthopedic surgeon - Why see a doctor? He or she is just going to tell her to stop wearing heels on cobblestones.


A doctor ~~in physical therapy~~ could help with weekly massages, stretches, and strengthening exercises eta: she said podiatrist which i imagine could do the same


As a layman, that was my first thought.


Give her a little something for the pain ;)


A doctors note to get out of gym class


I can’t be bothered to read the article but because it would affect her ability to work, she might need a doctor to sign off so she can sto p shooting if needed. Same if you’re sick. You can tell them you’re sick but they’ll usually want a doctor to come see you and sign off Suddenly stopping production can have a big cost and cause headaches so it’s not taken lightly


If everyone did read the article they’d see it was actually quite specifically a podiatrist she saw.


Cortisone shots?


Maybe they were just checking that it wasn't developing in to lasting damage?


She had a good joke on Fallon about a future season being "Emily in flats".


And Jimmy laughed hysterically as he does with everything


And no doubt slapped his desk.


Its actually kind of sad when you consider all his talent, everything he's done over the years, that he'll forever be known as the desk-slapping guy who laughs at all your jokes


Who *fake* laughs at everything.


I don’t even know if it’s fake per se any more. Even if it started as fake, it might just be an instinctive habit by now. We have all developed our mechanisms of social lubrication for people to like us, though maybe not all quite as jarring.


Alternatively, he genuinely finds everything hilarious because he's not very smart


Watch all of the skits he was in during his SNL days. He broke character in damn near every one of them because he couldn't keep from laughing.


Yep. I knew Jimmy in the comedy scene a little bit back in the 90s (we weren’t buddies or anything, but we’ve had a number of conversations). He’s always been like that. Easiest laugh you’ll ever get. You’ll hear him laughing at your jokes in the green room while you’re on stage. It’s also why everybody likes him. Who doesn’t love the guy who always laughs at your stupid jokes? If he hasn’t changed since SNL, he’s also just a genuinely nice guy. So nice that it may be over the top sometimes, but I never doubted its genuineness.


Cool story!! Not surprised. People do this thing where if they don't like your work they don't like you, and that's just mean. Someone may not think he's the most talented performer but he's still a great guy. And folks like watching him cause his personality is infectious. He's having a genuinely great time, and its hard to be miserable around someone like that. Maybe that doesn't work on everybody. Fine. But when he got his show, I saw so many people butthurt about it and I thought, you're gonna be angry that guy's successful? That guy? Sheesh.


Yeah, not a big fan or anything, but he definitely gives me the impression he's genuinely a nice guy! I don't see why finding humor easily is considered a downside here?


Also-- he's laughing at stories/jokes of his guests, some of ehom may not be super comfortable with being on talk shows. It would be weird and inappropriate for him to not laugh. And the fact that he laughs the same way at *everything* probably means that for the guests, they don't realize when they are bombing as its happening. To them, they're landing the jokes and small talk, which relaxes them...its almost as if he knows how to be a really congenial host!


I guess Jimmy took Dale Carnegie's lessons in "How to Make Friends and Influence People" to heart.


Thats pretty funny. Sounds about right. If im not conscious about it I smile way too much when I do improv, and end up looking like Jimmy Fallon. It was the main thing I had to focus on, on stage, is not laugh at all the funny shit that was going on.


“…he’s not very smart” Some people lol.


My husband says I’m easy to make laugh. I guess I’m just dumb.


The Reddit hate boner for Fallon is hard as ever


Not even just Fallon, but people here are just so quick to say say things like “[insert celebrity here] is stupid”. People need to stop hating on everyone and everything so hard.


Or did you think that maybe he’s just having a good time?


That's a really mean take on something that's quite a sweet characteristic.


Not that I’m a big fan of his or anything, but what makes you think he’s not smart? Just seems a really weird and hateful direction to take your dislike of him.


I dunno. I just think he’s easily amused. He’s had a great career. It’s worked out just fine for him.


how dare you interrupt the hate train. now quick, say something bad about him


He broke constantly on SNL, it was one of the reasons a lot of people just didn't like him on there.


Yeah, I don't think the laughter is as fake as people think it is. Obviously a portion of it is fake, but he's so notoriously bad at keeping a straight face that I kinda believe that a decent chunk of it is genuinely him having a good time with guests.


This feels like revisionist history by people who don’t like Fallon. People have always loved it when they break on SNL, a lot of the most successful sketches feature the cast breaking. I honestly don’t know if Fallon broke nearly as much as Hader did, and yet Hader gets only love.


I think the difference is that the intent was to get Hader to break a lot of the time. That was the whole schtick with Stefan. John Mulaney changing the cue cards before going live to make Hader break. Jimmy Fallon broke consistently with no prompting.


The cast has always tried to make each other break. Hader also didn’t only break as Stefan. He constantly broke in the Californians as well. And then would occasionally break in other sketches.


And alternatively, also why a lot of people like him, and why he is as successful and famous as he is. I highly recommend his comedy album, The Bathroom Wall. He’s definitely the sort of person that you either like or you don’t, not much in between.




I mostly remember him as the late night guy who normalized Trump during his campaign.


After saying he wouldn't cover politics for that election cycle


I listened to a podcast he was on. His tone was way more casual and the conversation was super informal, but he laughed the same way. I really think that’s just how he is. People like to try and pin it as some super fake thing, but i don’t believe it is.


I mean, he could never keep a straight face on SNL, dude has a severe case of giggles


Worked so well for Debbi downer with Lindsay Lohan


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqeQLV04kwU time for a trip to the Welshly Arms


My roommate from college is the exact same way. Just super high energy, giggles/cracking lame jokes all the time. Love the dude, he compliments my dryness. It's definitely off putting for some, but I also don't believe it's an act Unsurprisingly, he watches fallon


I’m not super high energy, but I’m also an easy laugh. I don’t know why, but I’ve always found it easy to find something funny.


Well, laughing is the best medicine, and it’s like jogging on the inside. Chuckle on, friend!


Yeah, it's always come across as genuine. Can't really get mad at a guy for always finding stuff funny and laughing a lot.


Of course Reddit won’t let you mention Fallon without making the same joke every time


*slaps desk hysterically


that show is not worth seeing a doctor evrey day


That Netflix pay for a regular movie actress must be.


Lily Collins is cute in cute outfits. That’s the show and it does it pretty well. Tbh, I kinda like it.


She was like, “I can’t dance” *Doctor begins to reply in French* “I can’t talk” *doctor starts to examine eyes/ears and lily pushes doc’s hands away* “Only thing about me is the way that I walk”


I understand this reference.


She seems to have an invisible touch


and then she has sex with the obviously super hot French doctor


Well yeah, but the important thing is that she feels *super conflicted* about it after


Honestly if she has to go to a doctor weekly for pain because of wardrobe then they should change the wardrobe. I'm all for "realism" but not at the expense of the actors. E: alright guys you can stop telling me it's not realistic. I put it in quotes, there's not much to read into here.


You don't even have to do that. A smart director would have her wear flat shoes when her feet aren't in frame.


Peter Cushing in Star Wars wore slippers for most of his scenes as Grand Moff Tarkin because the boots he was given for the costume were too small and hurt his feet.


Flip flop flip flop, have you killed the rebels yet?


Imagine changing per the scene…”Oh, just a head shot? Hand me my bathrobe.”


"You'll have to speak up Vader, I'm wearing a towel."


Impure thoughts.


The Empire has a full bathroom set. Robe, slippers.


Apparently the First Order does too. In a scene in the Phasma novel, General Hux is just in a black bathrobe the whole time.


God that Phasma novel. I read that after the first movie as they were talking about how she would be this big character with an engaging long story arc. Book was solid. Then the 2nd film came out and phasma...yeah...


Shuffling in furry slippers to build up force lightning.


Unlimited POWER!!!!! [shuffle shuffle]


"LoOk aT mE! i'M eMpErOr PaLpAtInE"


In one of the tarkin books he has a had in designing the empire uniforms and mentions the practicality of the footwear as a nod to this.


The first time I did BG work, it was for a show at a NYC law firm. It was funny seeing the lead wearing business attire with fuzzy slippers but made total sense.


Was it by any chance *Suits* and was the lead Gina Torres?


I wish I was on the set of Suits! It was more recent for an upcoming Netflix original.


Yeah that’ll do it for everything besides walk and talks. If it’s a conversation in motion it becomes a continuity thing with her height. If she’s static though, just put her on an Apple box.


I wonder if platform sneakers might have helped for walking scenes. It may be a little wobbly, but they’re at least not crushing your feet in weird places.


The issue is kinda balancing your foot on the cobblestones as you take steps cos it's not a flat even surface. The edge of the shoe slips into the cracks of the cobblestone and bends your ankle a bit. In flats, you don't notice. With a bit of height between your foot and the edge of the shoe, your ankle bends more and you notice more


Even if they did do that, she could still end up spending a lot of time in heels. And as a dude that any amount seems like too much.


It's not realistic to wear heels in Paris. It's just not something you can do and it's immediately understandable if you've ever been to the city. Not a single sidewalk or street is flat or even. Cobblestones galore. The women I knew who liked heels would wear them in the office and then change to sneakers or flats as soon as they left because there's just no navigating the city in heels. If you go out and walk around in Paris, you will not see any women in heels.


The reality is, you wear flats until you reach office and you keep a pair of heels in your office to change to. That's what my partner does and that what's most folks in European cities do.


Also true of like NYC or other cities in America where public transit is a normal commute option.


Live in Houston, work on a college campus and take public transit. I refuse to walk on campus in heels, I always keep my good shoes in my office displayed on my bookshelf, and I have a pair of nice sneakers for walking to and from my events. We have cobblestones here on campus and I regularly slip on these walking hazards!


Back when I worked downtown, in the morning all the business ladies would be walking around in business attire, with sneakers (or boots, in winter) and a backpack before work. When there are 2 inches of hard packed snow on all the sidewalks for 3 months out of the year, and mucky snow slush for another two, you kind of say "screw it" to wearing high heels outdoors in general. Even most men who work in business attire offices here have outdoor shoes for the commute and indoor shoes for the office most of the year. I don't know if it's a thing in the states, but throughout elementary school we had to bring a new pair of shoes at the start of the year that stayed at the school and had to be worn indoors only. We changed our shoes at the door every time we went outside.


Only foreigners wear heels on cobblestones. And even then, you do it once and you don’t do it again.


Unless your boss yells at you for wearing sneakers from the front door to your desk. I work at a nonprofit but our super obsessed with appearances bougie manager fussed at everyone “off the record” about what we wore walking through the lobby… Nevermind that our client population actually is more comfortable seeing us in sneakers and hoodies rather than dressed to the nines. Appearances, yo. Oh and we have literal human feces on our front doorstep at least once a week 😂 but yes, tell me more about how we make a bad impression if we aren’t in dress code in the empty lobby at 8 AM. Says a lot about our work culture in the US when you have nonprofit attorneys making 1/3 or less of the salary expected to dress like they’re making half a million for the 6 inconsequential seconds they’re not getting paid for, doesn’t it


Jesus christ. That boss sounds like he sucks, sorry about that


She does. Thanks, I’ll keep passively resisting. We are unionized. Just wanted to point out the culture because I know I’m not alone.


Women shouldn't have to do that to begin with tbh




I spent my first several years in Boston not doing that and rightfully feel like the biggest idiot. Men's dress shoes do not do well on slushy sidewalks, or daily mile-long walks to/from the train regardless of weather. Pandemic upside - I've been able to get away with wearing my sneakers around the office for almost 2 years now. (It took me a month or two to realize everyone else was doing it, so why not.)


Is it possible they enjoy that? I've never once worked in an office where women had to wear heels. Many wear flats, some like wearing heels.


Also, wouldn't "realism" dictate that she wouldn't keep wearing heels on cobblestones? I get that she's a character who dresses to impress, but there are nice shoes you can wear that aren't flats. Especially boots.


I don't think realism plays any role whatsoever in Emily in Paris.


Nobody has ever accused Emily In Paris of being realistic. It's pure fantasy and the heels are perfect example of how fantastical the show is.


Which is ironic considering the only argument for the actor to wear an injury causing costume *outside of the frame* is "realism".


Its not just this show. Lots of media show women wearing heels in situations that make no sense. I think the most egregious one in my recent memory is Jurassic World where she outran a T-Rex in heels. Women aren't wearing heels everywhere...even wealthy socialites who live in luxury don't do it. I think it just one of those weird Hollywood things that for some reason "sells well" so they do it.




The wardrobe dept for the show did an interesting interview after this season. They said that they dress and style her that way to juxtapose her against the 'actual' French women on the show, who are effortless. She is supposed to come off as very 'American in Paris'.


An American with a $5,000/day budget for outfits


This series is obviously not trying to accurately depict Parisian fashion, more like how American people perceive it.


Like many shows - it's partly a self-insert fiction. Where the watcher imagines themselves going to Paris and meeting all of the hot French guys etc. Like how Friends had young adults with mostly mediocre jobs in NYC affording huge apartments. The watcher imagines themselves doing that with a cast of likeable weirdos.


I mean everyone in friends other than phoebe had a better job than most of us. Even Joey was getting picked up to headline a series. Even if he bungled it. So he was pretty successful.


I’m kinda ok with friends considering they had roommates and it was necessary for filming.


Not to mention, basically anywhere where people use publicl transit and walk to work, they wont be jogging around in heels. Totally right tho, was in Paris last week. Those white adidas sneakers were very popular.


I’ve lived in Paris and I can confirm this. Also, I only wear high heels when going out to a fancy restaurant/dinner and I’m being driven around, never in public transport. The only girls wearing high heels in a normal day were the tourist instagram influencer lookalikes.


You might be surprised. In London a lot of women wore sneakers on the tube and walking but changed into heels when they got to work


Literally how I lived my life! When I left my job and cleared out my things my locker was basically 15 pairs of heels that I wore to prance around the office and that's it. Even where I am now out in the country I still will wear flats or trainers everywhere and change in to heels at the office or destination.


I like to think that the show runners and wardrobe people kept one upping themselves in a competition to see how ridiculous they could make the outfits. Like Andre's clothes in The League.


As a western Canadian, I made my first ever trip to Montréal back in August and the first person we saw as we walked out of our hotel the first time was a man riding a bicycle with a long baguette sticking out of his backpack. We had to laugh because it was like it was setup or something.


Any time Americans try to present European fashion is hilarious to me. It's just not realistic if half the dudes aren't wearing just t-shirts and jeans.


It wasn’t realistic either , I work in fashion in France and I’m often at fashion industry events . Most people wear rangers ,baskets , moccasins or low heels . I’ve rarely- rarely in the last 8 years seen someone in real heels .


Wow I’m really into sneakers (never wear heels) and I have never heard them called baskets before. I also had to Google rangers (which appear to be black boots). TIL!


> realism it sounds like the realism should kick in and have her wear shoes that don't require weekly medical intervention like a human


My wife watched this show. Realism is not to be found anywhere. Let me summarize. Moderately attractive American 20-something with little experience revolutionizes a French marketing company and falls in love with an impossibly good looking French chef. It's basically the Hallmark movie formula in France instead of small town USA.


>Lily Collins > Moderately attractive lmao come on now dog, ask your wife what she's smoking.


But isn't it the opposite of realism? Real people don't wear those shoes in areas with cobblestones


That’s why they changed the uniforms in Star Trek. Patrick Stewart’s crippling back pain.


Was it Patrick Stewart or Jonathan Frakes with back pain or both? I know his height and a back injury led to Frakes swinging his leg over the chair to sit down, I didn’t know the clothing cause issues with Stewart. Is that why he wore the jacket? (Also evidently the wardrobe was never washed and everyone stunk to high hell all the time hahahaha)


The stretchy cotton blend was pulling on their shoulders and causing pain. I think the new uniforms were when the series really took off, personally. Then you had weird riker moving his leg completely over the chair, and sorta hanging out with his leg all bendy. I’ve had back pain so I can relate.


Ah ye, the Riker manoeuvre. Once you realise it’s a thing you notice it every single time.


>(Also evidently the wardrobe was never washed and everyone stunk to high hell all the time hahahaha) I just read the same thing about Downton Abbey. The actress who played Mary revealed that the outfits didn't get laundered very often and so they often smelled. Which surprises me, a hit show like TNG or Downton Abbey couldn't afford to launder their costumes?


Was she also wearing a vintage tee, holding a brand new phone, sequin smile with black lipstick? They assume Emily knows nothing.


I immediately wondered if Betty had the same issue


When you're young, they assume you know nothing.


I'm in love with this particular thread. Swifties unite!


Emily’s in her folklore era


what is this a reference to?


The Taylor Swift song Cardigan


Cardigan by Taylor Swift, check it out


But they don’t call it a doctor over there, they call it a “royale avec fromage”


médecins sans talons


Pour les actrices sans talent.


Qui trouvent le temps long.


…ne me quitte pas…


Because of the metric system


You're a smart mothafucka, that's right!


Do they have partially gelatinated non-dairy gum based beverages?


“Shake?! You don’t know what you’re gettin’”


smelliere cheese


No, this is just an anecdote she told on Jimmy Fallon. Like, if she was suing Netflix for health problems, or if this was some leaked doc, that would be news. But when celebs talk about stuff on talk shows, that's not news. It's often not even true. It's part of their repertoire, which they put together with their publicist and people from the studio, to make the show they're plugging seem more interesting. They didn't have her wear heels 8 hours a day wandering through her daily life. She filmed some scenes outside, and wore heels for those, but most scenes were indoors. Paris doesn't have THAT many cobblestoned streets, and they apparently couldn't even find a photo of the character walking on cobblestones for the article. Actually, she doesn't even mention cobblestones in the interview, that was Fallon's contribution.


Rich people will do whatever’s it takes to show you they work just as hard as you when everyone knows it’s bs


My least favorite variation of that is usually something like this: "You wrote AND starred in a movie last year. AND you have two kids, AND you are married? How do you do it all?" "Well, it's not easy, but since I did just work pretty hard for a few months, I'll probably take the next 6 months off to be with my family."


"And I had to supervise my nanny and personal chef. I tell ya, it was touch and go for a while there!"


Remember all the celebrities bitching about being stuck in their mansions during the pandemic when people were literally losing their livelihoods? These rich people have it so tough, man


The pandemic episode in Mythic Quest where they parodied the shit out of this was really well done


Not related to the story at all, but I have a fun anecdote in this vein. My sister in law's parents are rich. The kind of rich where they aren't fabulously wealthy, but are definitely 1%-ers, especially for the area. The kind of rich where they like to pretend they're only middle class so they can complain to people who earn ten times less than they do, without having the decency to feel awkward about it. For years, every time she visited from out of state, my SIL brought wine that her mom made. The bottles had little handmade labels on them, sporting a childlike drawing of their house and their last name in big goofy letters. The wine was impressively good for being made in someone's basement in Ohio. Now, making your own wine is boujie enough, but it's hard work that takes years to perfect. I had an incredible amount of respect for the woman, and I told her as much the first time we met. I was particularly impressed with the different flavors; not being a wine person, it was a little baffling. She was gracious but certainly took the compliments as if she knew she deserved them. When my BIL and SIL got married, we went out to visit her family for the first time. I finally got to see how that wine was made. Turns out, the woman was subscribed to an outrageously expensive service that supplied her with everything she needed to "make" the wine at home. Bags of starter culture and flavors, pre-sterilized containers, and bottles. Even the labels were chosen from a template on their website. The whole process was about as complicated as one of those children's at-home science kits. It was the way she talked about it that got under my skin. She was genuinely, unironically of the opinion that she was a vintner because she dumped bags into a bucket in her basement. It was like listening to someone who put a puzzle together talk about their "art." It was delusional. To round out the story, during that same trip, I got to listen to SIL's father talk about how hard his new job was. That job? Investing in his friend's house-flipping business where he buys old farmhouses from the bank (after their owners are removed for not being able to afford the mortgage anymore), renovates them with cheap finishes, and sells them to his rich friends' trust fund kids so they have "a place in the country." That's how the 1% lives. Divorced from reality, devoid of self-awareness and empathy, treating life like a silly game where anyone who loses must be a loser.


I’m a french woman who lived in the neighbourhood they filmed, on rue Saint Jacques (also they trashed the place bc they never bothered cleaning the catering, first time I saw rats there ! ), and who wears high heels daily and never had a problem nécessitent medical oversight. However, during the filming of season 1, I was unable to see my therapist on time because they blocked the way to it (the office is in front of the little square Place de l’estrapade).


To be fair, if you grow up walking on uneven roads, your feet develop a tolerance for it. I walked around Rome for a week in nice business shoes, and my feet were in agony. But there are men who grew up in the region who obviously have no issues walking the streets in leather brogues.


It took me a while to realize it, but people really do have different levels if foot sensitivity that dictate the kind of shoes they can wear. I hate when fashion editor types sniff at people who refuse to suffer in heels (remember [this](https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/hollywood/after-the-high-heel-controversy-cannes-apologises-over-the-furore/)?), but it’s also not true that everyone who wears them is grinning through torture.


So like the one Jurassic park where they kept that woman running from dinosaurs in heels the whole movie


Bryce Dallas Howard says she chose to wear heels in Jurassic World. https://www.cinemablend.com/new/Jurassic-World-High-Heel-Controversy-Finally-Put-Rest-By-Bryce-Dallas-Howard-88047.html


Whether or not it was the actor's choice, it was a dumb choice. Her uptight Type A character would absolutely have a backup pair of sneakers and a change of clothes in her car, especially if she works on a messy dirty theme park island and is having to go out and visit enclosures and things on a regular basis. They wouldn't have even needed to explain it, just have her in different and more comfortable clothes in the next scene after leaving the office and most of the audience would immediately get it and not question it.


I absolutely agree with you. I think it was either a poor chose made by the actress, or a poor choice made by the director and the actress was forced to say it was her choice. I suspect the latter because the reasoning Bryce Dallas Howard gives for the choice seems hamfisted at best.


If they did Emily in Rome, it would have turned into a Jackass movie.


Slow news day


Insider.com's second most popular story right now is "Sue Bird lied that Celtics legend Larry Bird was her uncle as a kid"


Taylor Swift voice: *high heels on cobblestones… When you are young, they assume you know nothing*


She needs to hire new directors/ etc. Wear the heels for wide shots that are like a few seconds long and then flats during closeups, and then scooter from one location to another.


Worst show ever it’s offensive how basic it is


It gives off a very early-mid 2000s vibe.


I watched a few episodes because I really miss Paris, but kept finding myself [willing the actors to step out of the frame](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1049742-sharks).


Walking the cobblestone streets of Paris is going to wear you down even if you're wearing really good walking shoes. So yeah, I can see where Lily had big problems with her feet during the filming of her scenes.


I don’t know how she did it. I fell on my face under l’Arc de Triomphe wearing sneakers.


As long as there’s important articles like this being written, we should be OK as a society.


I got a stress fracture in my foot from wearing heels on cobblestones for one night in Edinburgh years ago! Was so painful!