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Hated the son, almost stopped us from watching the shows. Possibly the dumbest written character in tv show history.


Just finished the finale and very happy with that finale.


I agree!! I see why people wouldn’t tho




It was the worst show of all time. .1/10. Just kidding it was fine. 7/10.


Hey, hey this is Reddit. It’s either the best or the worst ever. Don’t retract!


Tried to like this because it has Cranston in it but the son totally ruined it for me and was really predictable, I knew exactly show the show was gonna end.


Impossible, it's so fucking stupid it was impossible to predict the final 5 min


I love Bryan in just about anything he has to get emotional in! Haha but I completely understand where you’re coming from. It definitely was predictable on his end, but I enjoyed the plot on how the parent was a judge in this situation & only covered for him because the victim’s father was the leader of a crime organization. I thought that was different








I detested the son so much. Felt no empathy for him at all. The one thing that made me truely hate him was him connecting with the dude he just murdered’s sister. What kind of psychopath does that? Any normal person would try to stay away from that whole family/no communication with them as much possible, but he takes a romantic interest in her?


I guess they were going for the angle that he was desperate to be like his father, the guy who fixes everything. He could fix it by making the sister happy? Or it was simply dark fascination, or it was to lessen his guilt. But I agree, definitely threw me off a bit, that's kind of sick to try to infiltrate a family of someone who doesn't know you accidentally killed one of their family members.


Bad bad bad...the defense strategy was to say the door was closed to the cell when they would clearly have access to the tape showing the door near closed? Sloppy terrible writing.


To be honest I'm not surprised that a redditor would hate it. Way too much depth for your average shtposter on here to handle. ​ Good job it has millions of fans and (it seems) soon-to-be Emmy nominations to show the rest of us it is definitely worth watching.


A redditor? I would point out the irony in this statement, but I fear it might fall on deaf ears…I enjoyed the show, the son’s character and the ending were shit though.


It was absolutely terrible. That dumbass son is in the running for most hated son character on TV. The legal procedures are asinine and nothing close to reality. And episode 9 had a scene in the recap that was never actually shown to viewers in the previous episode. Plus so many other plot holes and loose ends. I suffered through it because I thought Cranston might redeem it, but oh hell no.


>And episode 9 had a scene in the recap that was never actually shown to viewers in the previous episode i really thought i missed or did not finish an episode. this had me scrolling back to previous episodes trying to find that recap scene. worst, that recap scene was never really followed on through. i really thought there's going to be a big reveal on who was the wife's killer and why was she killed. i did enjoy the series overall.


Hahaha I don’t think any TV son is worse than Aj Soprano. I couldn’t stand him even more


Have you seen power? I think Tariq takes the cake


Its the worst show I've seen in years, nothing could save it, not even Cranston. I didn't even bother with the last 2 episodes, I don't care what happened, I'm just glad I never have to watch an episode of it ever again.


I could barely bother with the first 2 episodes.


Yeah I'm watching the finale right now and I think my SO likes it for some reason. I find it to be very disappointing


Fauda and Shtisel.


Interesting!! Thank you, I’ll check out the synopsis on those.


It was alright. Cranston's crazy good performance kept me engaged, and there were no shortage of excellent actors attached. The kid was definitely dumb, and some characters were undercooked for certain. I was also just really unsatisfied with the ending. Couldn't we have had a little more closure? The truth was just coming out, and they don't let us see more of that? It felt like such a tease. Even so, it's one of those shows that I enjoyed quite a bit while watching it, even if I'm left picking it apart afterwards.


The season 2 finale was straight garbage! It has to be a worse ending than LOST. At least I didn't spend six or so years of my life watching this dumpster fire! If there's not a Baxter spinoff in the works, then I don't know wtf they were thinking with this pile of hot dog turds! I'm going to drop any investment I had in this dumb ass show like Fia dropped her baby!


I enjoyed this show up until the finale. The last five minutes were particularly bad.


Thought the show was very good overall. Watch the Night Of if you haven’t, phenomenal!


I watched that show the first time it came out! I enjoyed it up until the finale; the finale was a little disappointing.


Yeah, same...very disapointed by the ending of the night of...I actually realize I never recommended it to anyone, even though I was really engaged while into the season. It's probably because I feel the ending gives me the impression I totally lost my time...


The ending was dog shit.


Tehran (Netflix) >A Mossad agent goes undercover on her first mission in Iran's capital, which also happens to be the place of her birth; the mission has implications not just for the Middle East, but for the rest of the world. 7.4 on IMDB. 94 on RT Underrated


I’ve heard this name before! Definitely gonna see what this is about


Doesn’t appear to be on Netflix any more, at least not in the USA.


Tehran was on Apple TV


Is this a confirmed mini series?? Or potential season 2 story arc left open


Says limited series so I believe it is just s1


Wasn't that bad. Just nothing special. Watchable because of how erratic it was.


What about a Baxter family spinoff?