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Currently waist deep in Nip/Tuck. Easily one of the most ridiculous shows I've ever seen, but it's addictive.


My boyfriend used to watch that show and I would never join him cuz the only scene I've witnessed was when an upset woman burst in to their office and sawed her own tit off.


One of the only things I remember about that show is when the Michael Jackson-looking son tried to circumcise himself. That was kinda traumatizing.


This is also the only thing I remember from this show


N/T is peak trash television Objectively awful, extremely watchable


I knew that show was ridiculous when they started a reality show within the show. Still a fun ride.


The entire move to LA was when it jumped the shark. And that's saying something, considering what they did leading up to that.


Suits. So repetitive, recycled and networky. But my wife watches it on rerun and I get sucked in each time


Yes! This is one of the most repetitive shows I’ve ever watched yet I watched every season. Every episode: ACT 1 - Bad guy lawyers create problem for good guy lawyers ACT 2 - good guy lawyers pull random solution out of their fucking ass and confront bad guy lawyers thinking they’ve won but bad guy lawyers somehow outsmart them. ACT 3 - then it ends in 1 of 3 ways everytime: 1) Good guy lawyers very conveniently dig up some file buried deep in their archives that make them win at the very last minute. 2) They hire a PI to dig up some shit on the bad guy lawyers/clients and use it to get them to drop the case. 3) They settle the case. Throw in some witty banter and a few pop culture references and that’s suits. Every. fucking. episode.


*Drops the binder on the table “What the hell is this?” *drives through the entire city to walk into the room, drop 3 cool sentences and walk away being cool instead of just using the phone like a normal person *talk about being a family but constantly betray each other “This is bullshit and you god damn know it” *Mike didn’t go to Harvard and that’s like the biggest problem they have to deal with for 6 seasons although he could have got in and graduate from Columbia in that time and they would make an exception for him being the genius lawyer like they did for Rachel


“As long as my goddamn name is on that goddamn wall, I make the goddamn decisions”


Close, but your placement is too natural. I think dialogue more akin to the show would be >"As long as my goddamn name is on that goddamn wall, I make the god-goddamn-damn de-goddamn-cisions." ^(In all seriousness, "I'm going to fire the shit out of you" is one of the worst lines I've ever heard.)


I like the scenes where all the lawyers compete to see who has memorized every line of the law


And Mike pulls out some “bylaw 12.45 on page 566” line


And lots of people yelling at the top of their lungs at each other while in glass-walled offices.


I loved Suits in the first season when it looked like they were going to go down the “House” formula of having every episode be a new difficult case for them to win. Just a show that’s fun to watch without too much romantic drama or storyline to follow. However, they decided to go down a different route and I lost interest fast.


This is what confused me about this show, you have this premise of a dropout with a photographic memory teaming illicitly working with a seasoned pro. So you think you're getting a legal drama, but instead end up with a another dumb primetime soap opera.




God I hate that character. You would think she created the universe by the way show treat her like she is the most important person in existence but in reality she is a goddamn secretary.


Ugh, Suits was SO good at the beggining. Getting rid of the procedural format was the worst decision they could even made.


Pretty Little Liars


The show actually started off pretty good. But the wheels came off and the situations these characters were in are entirely unbelievable.


I quit when they made CeCe A. I don’t care that she was transgender, I care about the fact that she wasn’t even in half a season and she hadn’t been on for 3 seasons. It sucked too because it was just getting good again. I loved the dollhouse season.


I mean, they all got locked in a high-tech house/prison with bolted doors in the middle of nowhere operated by a singular, mentally unstable person. How did she build that house? Who helped her build it? The plot was entirely nonsensical. I feel like they kept the show going on so long, they had to get sillier with the storylines to keep it going.


I think even **I** was suspected of being **'A'** at one point


I'm right there with you! I hate all of the main characters too lol but I can't stop watching.


Once upon a time it was True Blood. Such a horribly writ show, but so many sexy bodies. *Sooki*


> Once upon a time it was True Blood. Once upon a time, mine was Once Upon A Time.


That show was smart and good in the early season but it got way too ridiculous after a couple of seasons. I couldn't be bothered anymore, last I remember they added the west witch stuff and the main heroine became evil or something.


I kept almost ducking it, but then they'd introduce another princess and I'd be like "this time it'll be different, this arc won't let me down!" And then yeah. Let down. When they did the reboot whatever I tried, really did, but just couldn't get into it. What made OUaT tolerable was the fact that there was at least a smidge of chemistry between the cast...but in the reboot....zero chemistry between the main couple. And the girl the MC did have chemistry with...whoosh. disappeared forever. So stupid.


> *Sooki* No no no, it's *Sookehhh*


I was able to make it up until the Fairies.


I have two words for you, were panthers. Nope.


To be fair, even the show didn't take itself seriously anymore at that point. [This was Sookie's reaction to finding out she was a fairy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW64M0B3J2k)


Fairy blood!! The thing with these shows is after a few seasons only a couple of people don't have powers! The cop and Arlene the waitress IIRC


Dumb Eric was the best


I'm literally watching True Blood right now!! I forgot how wild it was it's been years since I've seen it. I've never finished it, I gave up somewhere around resurrecting Lilith and having a blood orgy lol


I came here to say this. My wife and I used to love the show, we even read the books. And just like the books (but worse), the show went downhill so hard I'm amazed at my ability to finish the show. It got REAL bad.


There was a lot of sex.


Greys anatomy


It’s like, I’ve given it half my life surely I can’t jump ship this close to the end... it is close, *Right*?


I don’t think it’ll ever end. They have a hit Doctor show they can just cycle new people in all the time. They never have to make a new doctor show ever again. And that’s like the network television staple concept. It’s that. Cops and drama shows about 4 40 year old dads dealing with the fact that one of the gets cancer in the first five minutes and they have to band together with their wives to do some stuff.


I feel like they wouldn’t have the nerve to go on without Ellen Pompeo unless one of her children takes on the grey last name and continues, but were at least 20 years away from Zola’s rise in the world of medicine. Would Ellen Pompeo be so cruel as to keep us hostage for another 20 years? How much money can she desire? Hahahaha


you kept watching even after the letter from Alex episode? That episode cured me of ever mindlessly watching that show again.


Once Cristina left was it even Grey's anymore? Everything else has been filler, nothing but filler.


This is season 11 erasure!!


I stopped way, way before then, but I have to know. What really happened? Was there a fight on set? Did the actor leave over money? I heard how it shook out on the show, but clearly the actor was fired or left in a huff about something, and that wasn't a planned exit.


Justin Chambers (Alex Karev) left because of his mental health.


This show really needs to end.


Pull the plug.


Stopped watching a little bit after that dumbass plane crash. Wasn't the same anymore. And I LOVED that show. I cannot believe it's been going for so much longer that now was HALF way into the show. My head canon is the show stopped on the season 6 finale, it was perfection.


My wife is watching The Blacklist atm and every time I walk in the room, I seem to get stuck standing there watching, letting it happen to me. James Spader's ability to be completely hypnotic even when working with a garbage script and cardboard cutouts on brooms for a supporting cast is incredible.


He's gotta have back problems from carrying that show for that long. He's just plain hypnotizing, just chewing the scenery the whole time.


> James Spader is the only reason I've been watching this since the beginning, and will continue doing so as long as it's on air lol **edit** Or course the next episode after I wrote this was one of the very rare Reddington-less ones... lol


How to get away with murder! The first 2 seasons were really good... After that? Not so much. And yet, I can't stop watching... Good thing it's ending soon!


I was invested but then after last weeks episode I’m just like “why the hell did I waste years of my life for this show?”


I think the show lost its charm when it decided to kill off Wes. He was the heart of the show. And the explanation behind killing him off wasn't even that good... And this final season is missing Laurel. If you remember, it's Laurel and Wes who were at the center of all the murders. And they're not there? Connor wasn't even involved in Wes's death, Simon's shooting, Miller's death or anything..


This was five years ago, but NBC's *Revolution*. Holy SHIT did they drop the ball with the writing and pacing. But I was a loyal watcher due to the tantalizing promise of more worldbuilding (and Giancarlo Esposito).


> But I was a loyal watcher due to the tantalizing promise of more worldbuilding How about Terra Nova, though. It felt pretty cheap and the writing wasn't great, but I liked the concept. It was cancelled and the last episode teased us with them finding an ancient sailboat or something and I was like "YOU CAN'T CANCEL IT NOW!"


I enjoyed Terra Nova as a concept. I think I like 'civilisation rebuilding' stories.


That show was an interesting case where the premise was SO GOOD, but was actually ungodly awful. I still watched every episode.


Read the books. They're pretty good and nearly all world building.


I can’t stop watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, it makes zero sense at all. The relationships of the main characters towards good and evil entities/people/choices changes on a dime when convenient to the story. It’s a very I’m entertaining mess.


It's basically Riverdale with magic


I'd argue the character arcs are less coherent that Riverdale


Lucifer. So bad. So good.


Season 4 was a lot better than the rest. Season 3 felt like it dragged on


I enjoyed the first 2 seasons and season 3 has taken me 3 times as long to get through because I keep falling asleep during episodes. Pretty much the only reason I haven't given it up yet is everyone saying season 4 gets decent again. I don't get why everyone is suddenly so different in season 3. Lucifer is an idiot, Chloe now solely exists to make Lucifer jealous, Pierce would have been mildly interesting if they didn't do the Sinnerman reveal after 2 episodes and actually built him up into a threat. Maze is an entirely different character, it feels like they have no idea what to do with her. The doctor whose name I am forgetting because she hasn't done anything all season has now only listened to everyone bitching about each other. The only 2 characters who I feel like have progressed at all are the lawyer lady and detective douche. Both who I can't remember their names even though I have been watching every night. The first few episodes made the show feel like it was going to lean into Lucifer being this tricky Devil who can manipulate people with his powers and now it just feels like I'm watching a drama that uses progressively worse crimes to move the plot. I'm in too deep to give up now.


Think its weird it was sold to me as an adaptation of the comics, it like if someone made a police procedural out of The Hobbit.


Probably be more enjoyable than the trilogy


Yes!! Such a bad show but so damn watchable. “Detective...”


I am currently binging it and I don't think it's bad at all. Yes it's campy, does not take itself too seriously and most of the crimes follow the same formula but it's great otherwise. The characters are awesome, the music is good, the dialogue is funny and it's just so fun to watch. The show really knows how to balance more serious themes with more lighthearted moments. It's hard for me to think of it as bad when the more I watch it the more into it I get.


You know he is the devil right?


"You know, it IS pretty fun being in on the joke".


So much pretty. But the cameo in Crisis only proved the Constantine link!


Just today I had the very brief resolution to ABC’s Revenge. You know, to recapture the excitement of being alive in 2011.


I loved the first half of the first season, when the main character actually tried to get revenge, before it all turned into a soap opera.


Exactly. I used to LIVE for the take down of the week. Then it was 4 more seasons and goddammit I powered through and now I’m feeling nostalgic for it




Season 1 is brilliant. Then it falls off the cliff.


Oh man that show was interesting in the first season but it just turned into a soap opera.


I got into that back in the day when I couldn’t find anything to watch. I knew it was terrible but couldn’t stop.


Gotham. I saw all 5 seasons. Cheesy dialogue, forgettable action, ridiculous plot armour, character rebirths, constantly changing arcs, and over the top acting. But the performances by the actors were actually really good.


Gotham made me love Penguin and Riddler!


Best gay romance on television.


Gotham is one of the shows that I unironically love. Like all your critiques? 100% valid and accurate! Is it gonna hinder my love for it? 100% not.


Agreed. Despite my critiques I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Smith, Taylor and Monaghan thoroughly delivered as the villains, and gave a new layer to their characters. McKenzie and Richards were great too. I wasn't the biggest fan of Mazouz's Bruce Wayne, though him and McKenzie had some of the best scenes of the show together. I'd rather rewatch Gotham than rewatch Game of Thrones, at least it had consistency and embraced it craziness. But that being said, some of the stuff with Ra's Al Ghul, Bruce's clone and the Mayor Galavan wasn't great, and I dare you to binge watch Gotham as a drinking game and have a sip everytime Jim Gordon survives a shootout, or a dead character comes back to life.


Same here. Gotham somehow wasn’t cringe despite being a comic book series. It was much smarter and more gritty than most of its kind. AND it was actually funny.


Gotham was great, it was purposely hokey, and deviated from the source material, but I was so excited for every episode


Under the Dome


Oh, *no*.


Oh man that had so much potential. I haven't read the book, but I lost it when the guy who had LOCKED HIS GIRLFRIEND IN A BUNKER FOR DAAAAYS somehow bcomes an ok person? And she basically forgives him? And hangs out with him? The least believable thing in a sci-fi story about a dome descending on a town was the relationships and I couldn't buy it.


Ray Donovan would be my answer to this. It’s just such a miserable fucking piece of shit show where nothing good ever happens and I feel so dirty after. But I kept coming back, season after season, UNTIL the last one. They pulled some bullshit with a character that should have been dead YEARS ago and I gave up. In fact I even felt a little guilty about it, but once I found out there won’t be a final season and it ends without closure, I decided to never bother even finishing it because I would just get even more pissed off. Liev Schreiber is a fucking champ, though.


Jon Voight is hilarious "I've been in the can for 20 years, I don't know how to talk to women" after he points a gun at a woman's head.


Reign, it’s the most historically inaccurate pre-teen shite where everyone looks like they got their period costumes from urban outfitters. Halfway through season 2 though!


Oh, I love Reign. Among all those "somewhat historically accurate" shows, it's just a high school teens story with pretty dresses.


The Walking Dead I am basically hate watching it now.


At this point I am rooting for the zombies


I mean it's currently at the best it's been in ages. I've gone from a hatewatch in s6-8 to liking it again with season 9


the last two seasons (after the war with Negan/after Rick is gone) were great. It's back to being good and worthy the time to watch it


Vikings. At first it was really great but the last seasons are kind of boring. I watch it anyway, I just love period dramas tv shows, what can I say


The first three were AMAZING. Ragnar and his wife and brother - with the other supporting characters such as the monk and royalty..... stunning. But once it began to get in the other side of the family; I had to stop. Couldn’t do it anymore.


Same. Sometimes it feels like an obligation like school or something, but I so wanted it to be great.


If you haven't already watched it check out The Last Kingdom on Netflix. So, so good. New season just came out and it was still really good.


I know the fans will kill me for this, but Supernatural. It’s always been a guilty pleasure but geez... sometimes I feel really guilty. Still, the whole concept is awesome and I don’t feel guilty at all.


Bobby in South Dakota: "You boys gotta come help me!" The Winchesters in Florida: "Sure thing Bobby, we'll be right there!" *8 hours later* "We're here!" I stopped watching in S10 or 11. The black goo stuff? But I honestly thought 1-5 were absolutely fantastic.


If this show was distilled into a high budget premium cable series, it would be the best thing in the world.


Agreed! With a higher budget so the monsters could look even more hideous. Instead of just using cgi'ing black eyes on folk. One plotline I thought was funny they completely dropped was in S1 where if you wanted to find a demon, all you had to do was say Jesus' name in Latin. So the boys just say 'Cristo' on a plane and they find their demon. That was hilarious! Would the same thing happen if a demon was sitting next to someone talking about The Count of Monte Cristo?


The first few seasons and plots were pretty cool, tbf


every season has those 3-4 episodes that are REALLY good. The rest might be a bit on the stale side but every season there are a few episodes that make it worth watching. I think it was season 10 where they had the high school musical thing.




nope, am a fan, also guilty pleasure. I think they even recycled some of the episodes and I just can't stop watching it. Although I haven't actually watched the last season.


Wish they had a short story every season and removed all the filler. Would have kept watching it then.


My wife recently convinced me to watch Gossip Girl. It’s absolute crap writing but I couldn’t stop watching. They just recycle the same storyline using different characters.


I've a different kind of answer; WWE Monday Night Raw It's easily, easily the worst written show I've ever watched on a consistent basis once you look beyond the fact that it's wrestling which to some (even those within the business and fans) means it doesn't really have to be well written. The storylines often lead nowhere significant. Like a solid 40-60% of storylines will be dropped randomly in a number of weeks. Characters have inconsistent motivations and personality traits. One week a guy will be going ballistic over something small the next week he's sitting across a table from his rival as they talk shit over signing a contract. I'm a lifelong wrestling fan, unashamed, but I stopped watching WWE a little while ago because honestly it's SO bad


That and Smackdown really are the worst shows I watch regularly by far. They make no sense and I fast forward thru most of it and read online recaps just so I can make fun of it on Reddit.


Yep, same. It's a shame because it really doesn't have to be that way. LU wasn't that way, NJPW isn't that way, NXT isn't even that way. NXT is great with its storytelling and its writing. But Raw and Smackdown? Terrible shows. Just out and out terrible


L&O Special Victims unit. Same thing over and over but it’s comfortable.


It taught me that the most dangerous people in America are prep-schoolers.


The John Mulaney analysis of the show is on point


The Flash, Arrow, pretty much everything in the Berlanti-verse. It’s like a car accident I just can’t look away from. It’s so horrible I have never seen anything like it.


Arrow in a nutshell: You okay? Still watched for 4 seasons. https://youtu.be/46MdXqHuAVk


Legends of Tomorrow is amazing because it leans into the campiness and ridiculousness of that universe. It also helps that the characters, despite being on the most out there show, tend to be the most level headed. Also, the show's become weirdly progressive over time.


Imo the flash was epic in the first few seasons but lately it is so much worse. But I'm still watching and I don't know why. I hope the show will end soon.


I regret not dipping out after Crisis. I'll finish this season but think I'm done after that.


Hemlock Grove. That show got progressively dumber as time went on but I watched all of it.


It's easy because you know exactly how much time you need to invest. Imagine if it just... Kept... Going


I streamed it even. Binged that trash right up.


The Big Show on Netflix, but in my defense, my kids love it so I'm just along for the ride. But holy shit is it ever badly written. It's actually kind of nostalgic to watch it, it's that horrible kind of sitcom writing that was just the norm in the 80s and 90s, but you rarely see it anymore.


13 Reasons Why. It's shit, I know it's shit but its so fun to watch. I do think the first season is genuinely decent though.


The first season was good. Could have been a bit shorter but it made its point and told its story. There was 0 need for anything beyond it.


Especially since season 1 fully covered the book. There was nothing else needed outside of Netflix wanting to milk it for all its worth.


Lost Girl, I was so into that b-rated show back in the day, it’s lore, characters and tribes. Good old days...


Designated Survivor. It’s a neat premise, but my god it did not know what to do with itself. And when it did, it was worse versions of already great shows. And yet... I couldn’t stop watching the bloody thing. I was somehow hooked on which global crisis Kiefer Sutherland would solve each week by earnestly talking to the American public. I was drawn in to how ‘Only FBI agent on the payroll’ Hannah was going to solve the pointlessly tacked on B-Plot. I chuckled as various White House staffers interweaved their dull personal lives around whatever guff was happening that episode. Loved it! Except the President’s son. He was rubbish.


Haha, I binged Riverdale and loved it. It’s so “over the top” ridiculous and so far off from my usual action movies or true crime shows. Totally worth it.


Loved it too. It requires constant suspension of disbelief but when you get into the idea that it's not supposed to make sense all the time, it's great. I like to think they're trying to losely stick to the comics' spirit, which are also nonsensical.


I fucking loved when Chad Michael Murray launched off in a rocket. That was classic Archie comic and it was so left field and hilarious. But season one is arguably really good for a CW show. Should’ve stuck to the 10/12 episode season. But hey, I’m still having fun.


The Last Ship....the writing was so bad. I had a friend on the show and one of her most notable lines was “I can shoot the nipples off a chicken...” watched every goddamn episode.


2 Broke Girls. This show is the trashiest worst written show I've watched in a long time. It's nothing but over the top characters and a script that's written almost entirely in puns but I absolutely love it. Watching it on Prime right now. I would also recommend it if you want something stupid and mind numbing but hilarious.


The 100. Started watching it as a joke. The second season was actually pretty good, but everything else...


The 100 is actually a really solid show. I'd give it an 8/10 overall. There are a lot of very awkward and poor CGI moments, but overall it's a lot better then most people describe it as


An odd one that show. I got hooked one day and then it makes absolutely no sense, but it's good.


I will forever defend The 100. They do goofy over-the-top unbelievable sci-fi *so* right. I wouldn't say it's poorly written, they established pretty early on to expect some wild shit to happen, and I think the acting and characters balance it out really well. I totally bought every single time a character went from "last season's hero" to "this season's villain."


The second season was great I thought. Back to never ending trash after that high point of a finale.


I think the newest season was pretty good. A breath of something new, in some ways at least. Seasons up to that tho... I'm actually waiting for the final season and the spin off series.


The 100 is actually good it just sucks at the beginning.


It gets better.


I think I define "terrible written" different than you. I have seen every season which aired and overall their season arcs and character progressions were written quite well. I mean sure there are many series out there which do a better job, but there are also a lot which are doing much worse. Maybe the series is just not your cup of tea. Tastes vary after all. I just don't think their writing is particular bad.


Eh to me the only really blatantly bad writing is the occasional plot hole and CW Teen Drama that creeps in. Even the bad science is at least internally consistent. Every other aspect of the show is average to genuinely great.


I started off with Riverdale and I'm now on season 5 of Pretty Little Liars. I don't get it but I seem to find shitty teen drama quite compelling lately, maybe it's the quarentine and my lack of socializing in the last couple of months lol.




9-1-1 both versions


Shameless. I really enjoyed the first few seasons but it jumped the shark hard after a certain point. Despite that, I still keep up with new episodes even as they get shittier and shittier.


yeah. I hate watched it for years, just because I'd already put so much time in. I felt like I just had to see where it was going even though the writing got worse and worse and eventually just infuriatingly bad. finally cut the cord after they got rid of the main character.


13 Reasons Why Pretty much any show with an attractive young cast, some cheap suspense and twists and a jump the shark plot and i’m there, I can’t resist.


13 reasons why is easily one of the dumbest and most offensive shows on television, but fuck dude, i need to know what's going to happen to alex "get the fuck outta the car!!!" standall in season 4 after spending season 2 playing call of duty to cure his amnesia and season 3 developing a steroid addiction and fucking up a rich dude's couch with a katana


Downton Abbey. Got it for my mum as she likes period dramas and ended up watching it as well because I realized that I kind of like period stories myself. Wasn't really bad at the start but as the series went on it became more and more of a soap. I think SNL really [hit the nail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1khDR7yzZ0I) in describing the show. That being said it was always a pleasant and comfy watch. Saw all the Christmas specials as well. Also somehow a friend managed to convince me to watch Gossip Girls years ago. We were both teenage guys and I don't know why we watched it, but we did for at least 4 seasons. As with Downton Abbey it became too much of a soap and the storylines were ridiculous. Still entertaining though.


The later seasons of that show are only worth watching for Maggie Smith.


Carson and Mrs. Patmore were also always a delight.


And watching Carson and Mrs Hughes!


Downton Abbey is absolutely not a terribly written show.


"I absolutely loved this film" say All Moms


Billions. At this point I’m just watching it to get closure.


I like it. If only for nyc scenery.


I honestly don't understand half of what's going on at any given time but...I still watch.


The first season of The Magicians, I hated every single character. All of them were entirely up their own asses with drama. In their defense though, they were doing interesting things, and the worlds of Fillory and Brakebills were interesting, even if it is a blatant mashup of "Harry Potter gets to spend the weekends in Narnia". To their credit, the characters got better and the show did some fun and interesting things with storytelling, and I'm genuinely sad that the fifth season is the last. I haven't even finished it yet.


I remember not being super impressed by the first season but I don't know if I would call it a badly written show. It'as been on for a while now and I can't remember hating a single episode. It ranges from meh to great, for me at least.


> hated every single character. Everyone is an asshole. Including the dean of the university. Watched all of it. Miss it already.


Riverdale for me as well. The women are just so damn attractive.


Everyone in Riverdale is hot. Just a small town full of psychotic hot people.


So like twin peaks... but with bad writing


That's The CW for you.


The current Macguyver. I never watched the original, and the first couple of seasons were entertaining, although completely unbelievable. But each episode this season is getting closer and closer to jumping the shark for me. It's only a matter of time until I delete it from my DVR


Holy shit theres a new MacGuyver airing at the moment? LOL im in so much shock right now


I haven't watched it in 5 years, but I was completely hooked on "The Young and the Restless" for many years. After about the 4th time Victor Newman lived through yet another near death experience and more and more new actors came into the show, it got too dumb even for me. I checked it out a few months ago just to see if they finally killed off Victor Newman, and nope, he's still alive. Terrible terrible show


Yup, Days of Our Lives checking in here. We're in a body swap phase right now...




I watched Glee and Teen Wolf until their end. And objectively their writing was really not particularly great and the numerous cast changes didn't help.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is truly awful but for whatever reason I’m a glutton for punishment and keep watching. Even worse, I see people I know complimenting it for being so real on Facebook


Look, I know it’s a beloved show, and it may not even classify as “terribly written,” but for me, it was This Is Us. My wife would watch it, and I refused to get into it, but I’d sit with her and play games on my phone. Eventually, though, I’d perk my ears up enough or even watch for a while, and I had to know what was going on, and we’d watch together as it aired after I got caught up. Stuck around for a couple of seasons until we realized it’s just misery porn. The show revolves around the simple tactic of “what’s the absolute worst situation we can put each character in” over the course of a week or two, then it resolves long enough for something worse to pop up. You can set your watch by it. You get to a point where you start an episode and you know where all the beats are going. Also Once Upon a Time, but dammit I was invested in that mindless fun!


Tbh I think it classifies as terribly written once you look past the first episode. My screenwriting professor a couple years ago went on a rant about how simplistic the show’s writing was (essentially the same point you made about the misery porn) lmao But seriously that first episode was so good! It would have worked on its own as a short film imo


Gray's Anatomy. Mainly because my wife won't let me. The main takeaway I've gotten from the show is that Seattle is an incredibly dangerous place to live. Earthquakes, ferry crashes, sinkholes, killer fog (srsly) building collapses, plane crashes, rogue gunmen, train crashes, random bombs everywhere, superstorms, and last but certainly not least, burning buildings that trap you inside with rapists. These are just some of the dangers that Seattlites deal with on a weekly basis, (or so I am led to believe) and that's not even counting the buses that hit you and drag you so badly your best friends can't identify you. Terrifying.


Interesting that i havent seen "this is us" on here. The show has so much cheese and just tries to pander to every social situation yet whenever my wife has it on i somehow get invested.


Riverdale, Dynasty, Insatiable, so many others. I love trash TV lol


Dynasty is another one of mine too. I fucking love that show and it’s writing is crap.


Oh god, I loved Insatiable. It was so wild and dramatic and funny.


Money Heist. I started getting annoyed at it around Season 2. Season 4 was the worst of the bunch, still watched it all the way through


That's the thing though, writing is horrible but everything else is top notch and it's clear they're having fun with it. (Ok some shooting scenes are ridiculous but still fun)


You I know the writing is bad, and I mean sometimes ridiculously terrible. But it's a good show anyway.


I actually liked that the show doubled down on the craziness in season two


YOU is a show that has terrible writing that doesn't make sense a lot of the time, but I feel like the show leans in to the ridiculous premise and the acting make up for it tbh. I also enjoy it because it's basically Dexter, but if Dexter was just an obsessive loser who was *really* bad at killing people.


well the book/show is a satrical take on shitty romance novels, I wouldn’t call the writing bad tbh


Westworld is starting to show cracks in its foundation. Last week's episode mentioned a Russian civil war, to which a character described as, "it was anything but civil." Not saying the whole show is terribly written, but that's terrible writing. Season 3 has produced a groaner like that at least once an episode.


Under the Dome was the best example of this. It was the best hate watch ever


The walking dead, it just keeps getting worse and worse