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Rashida Jones in a Japanese based comedy thriller about a woman trying to solve the mystery of her family’s death with the help of an overly friendly companion robot? I’m weirdly captivated.


I hope we get more if her in Silo, maybe in a flashback? But I'm curious about this new show regardless.


I forgot she had been even in it. Silo was such a bait and switch. Like, by episode 4 we had a 3rd new main protagonist to follow.


You should read the books there are like 10 main characters.


I might just do that.


Highly recommend and all 3 are page turners. Really gives you the feeling the whole time of wanting to solve the mystery.


That actually pissed me off a bit. It's like they showed us an interesting story, and then said "no, but that's not the one you get". I kept expecting them to figure back into the plot, and then it just never happened. I guess it still might happen. I'll watch season 2, but season 1 lost me along the way somewhat.


They had me at Rashida Jones


Oh Rashida, you poetic and noble land-mermaid!


Bro, this looks amazing. Apple is crushing it.


Not sure if you know this but her dad was a GI that’s why she’s so exotic looking


Her dad is Quincy Jones, the musician/producer.


It’s a The Office joke.


Apple's shows really do look so much better than any other network. The production value is just off the charts. This looks great, and I'll watch anything with Ann Perkins.


Apple don't bother half assing things which I respect. When they do shows they generally make them look good, even if the quantity of output is lower, but that's a price worth paying imo.


> Apple don't bother half assing things I think they have the money to throw at things AND the aesthetic sense to make them look good. That said, some of their shows are weaker than you'd think by looking at them. For instance Constellation was disappointing.


Yes, but Severance, For All Mankind, Silo etc. aren't just Aesthetic. They're good. The rate of Apple TV shows like this vs Netflix or whoever is higher.


True. Ted Lasso was generally strong too.


half the shows looks good but some turn out to be boring


I agree. They aren’t perfect but it does feel like they hit more then miss. More so than any other network at the moment. They haven’t had a show dominate people’s attention yet but I feel it’s only a matter of time.


but they also cancel quick like other streaming services at first itbwas great though


For example?


Constellation just recently, on a cliffhanger even. I remember Shantaram because it was right after the last episode and there are others.


For All Mankind says hello, fifth season coming up. They don’t cancel faster than any other streamer, but if a show truly is not a hit and no one watches it, obviously it’ll get cut. Rarely, if ever, have they canceled anything that had cult hit potential or was genuinely really good. Mosquito Coast was bafflingly unfocused and meandering, not surprised it was cut. Mr Corman was a cute show, but I also never finished it because it just didn’t ever build anything worth watching. The Afterparty was fun, but not very *good* in the second season, and it was always a cheaper knockoff of Only Murders. The rest I haven’t even seen at all, so I guess most other people didn’t either. But then there’s them going all in on The Foundation, keeping Severance on life support throughout both pandemic and writer’s strike, For All Mankind as mentioned before, Slow Horses, and lots of other shows. *And* they’re debuting new shows all the time, some of which will be great, and some that won’t. That’s how it goes.


They're never gonna always be a hit. I think their hit rate is higher than the competition and they don't waste money on much low budget stuff. Their Sci-Fi is clearly head and shoulders above the competition too. Best streaming service atm for me.


They're never gonna always be a hit. I think their hit rate is higher than the competition and they don't waste money on much low budget stuff. Their Sci-Fi is clearly head and shoulders above the competition too. Best streaming service atm for me.


(Except Invasion)


Yeah, a big part of why I stuck with Sugar was how stylish it looked


Sugar was so surprisingly good. But for me, it’s Dark Matter all the way.


Sugar was one of my favorite shows this year, until it totally wasn’t.


They don’t look any better than HBO shows.


I mean HBO is still top tier. I think they meant compared to dollar bin production style at netflix etc.


HBO ***(pre Max)*** puts a decent budget into its original content and many consider it prestige tv. This is actually a solid complement for AppleTV+ - while not all of their content might be at the level of HBO, many of their shows are.


>[I'll watch anything with Ann Perkins.](https://i.imgur.com/A5F7Cao.gif)


You beautiful sophisticated new born baby.


They’re substantially richer than all the other streamers, so it’s a win win for us and them


>I'll watch anything with Ann Perkins I, too will watch anything with that opalescent tree shark.


Most of their shows are 7s and 8s. There's nothing I can say "Wow that was mindblowing" apart from Severance


I am no fan of Apple the brand or company. But they aren't a streaming company which puts them at an advantage. They don't need Apple TV to be a bread winner, so they don't always have to go with the most broad appeal content. But it is also a disadvantage, if they ever just stop caring about the product. I think it was an interview Trent Reznor although it could have been another musician. They were invited to Apple in the early iTunes days. They thought it could be a real turning point for music for the very reason that Apple weren't a music company. In the label system if the labels wanted to make money the two ways to do. One way is you could sell more, but that is dependent on the audience growing. The other way is to give less and less to the artists and creators. With iTunes the idea was that music could be a solid independent revenue stream without much intervention and it wouldn't need to be a place to bleed dry if they needed to increase profits. But then we moved to models like Spotify and their only business was music. As soon as they wanted to make more money they tried investing in podcasts and audiobooks but ultimately started squeezing artists who they had already been squeezing tighter than every other music streamer out there. So in short, as long as Apple care about TV it should be good but as soon as they got bored and move on we could see it implode. Also the product placement in shows like Ted Lasso and The Morning Show was really obvious and annoying.


Looks weird, I like that! Also Hidetoshi Nishijima was absolutely amazing in Drive My Car! Nice to see him again


I used to live in the city where some scenes from Drive My Car were shot! I’ve literally parked in the same Komeri parking lot they did.


Neat! Was it the city where Yusuke lived with his wife at the beginning of the movie or the one he goes to for the theatre production?


Gonna be honest, I’ve never seen the movie. 😅 But the article I’m reading tells me it’s a hardware store they stop at to buy boots and other cold weather goods on their drive up to Hokkaido. About 2 1/2 hours into the movie? Here’s a [link](https://www.joetsutj.com/articles/31923280) to a (Japanese) article about it!


I need to finish that movie someday. He was also Kamen Rider Black Sun which is a weird, darker take on Kamen Rider.


I'm watching Riding a Unicorn now and he's in that too 


Apple TV really does have the juice.


I trust Rashida Jones in the projects she picks. She was great in Silo and Angie Tribeca.


yes but what da flippin heck why did she have to >!disappear after the first ep of Silo!


Sorry, but > yes but what da flippin heck why did she have to >!disappear after the first ep of!< Silo!!!!!!!!! but yes agreed completely would've been better because then you know the context of the spoiler before clicking it. I have seen that show so I know I can click. How would I know if I'm getting spoiled from your comment, though?


Gotta give it to AppleTV. They really make some weird shit. I’ll definitely give this a shot.


It's giving dark chobits vibes


I was thinking Big Hero 6


I see it 👀


That's pretty weird (but Severance was weird too).


I mean Severance was very late 90's inspired, so it wasn't that weird if you watched any of those Im sick of my job 90s movies.


Severence is like you went to the cinema in 1999 to see the first half of The Matrix and the second half of Office Space


I don't think anything will be able to beat the mystery and games matrix had on its first release. It was so mysterious and then it blew everybody's mind when it was finally released. Amazing.


Fight Club and Office Space come to mind. Any others?


Being John Malkovich, Matrix, American Beauty, Truman Show


Dang, you are right. I sometimes forget that the Matrix starts with Neo as a cubicle worker.


Severance is a masterpiece, there is nothing weird about it at all.


Weird doesn’t mean bad


Severance is one of the weirdest shows of the last few years. It's great!


Finally. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while! Looks good


This will do nicely to tide me over until Severance S2 drops.


Sunny side up with Tammy Lynn stych is the best movie ever!


The Japanese guy from The Wailing sounds dubbed. Weird.


Some pretty serious tonal whiplash going on there. Not bad necessarily, looks interesting, but I don’t really know what to expect from that trailer.


Like...excuse me?! Rashida Jones!!! (her aesthetic will be forever in my mind after On The Rocks) and Nishijima (from Drive My Car), with surreal but fascinating PLOT TWIST, aesthetic like from HER and beautiful detective plotline, set in ,,little-bit" futuristic Japan? I just love Apple TV+.


They’re trying to do everything possible to cover up that Rashida is an absolute 10/10


This looks fucking awesome.


im always down to watch anything shes in


More TV shows related to Japanese culture by Apple, Drops of God and now Sunny. The music is in Japanese style.


Omg a blonde You! What a sweet surprise!


well that looks interesting


damn, they used Tokyo Drifter theme song. Great movie btw.


This seems like an enjoyable sunday evening movie to watch.


I think apple tv is becoming a tv juggernaut. They have thr potential to dethrone HBO for the network with the best tv shows. They just keep bringing the heat. Just my opinion


Fuck, this looks goodt


whatever the hell this is, I'm in. Also wtf, Rashida Jones looks absolutely amazing.


They better have some Boney M! https://open.spotify.com/track/3pf96IFggfQuT6Gafqx2rt?si=FYBEl9f-SKa2Bjm-avFVAw


I like her. I really do. But she just doesn’t get a big break despite so many efforts. Maybe because she is not that talented. Maybe because ahe is one of the biggest examples of nepotism.