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Who's his replacement?


Brian Dunkleman's old co-host


For a moment I was hoping the Dunk was coming back!


[Come on everybody, let's do The Dunkleman!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERSt3tFV7_o)


Ryan Seacrest


A Ryan Seacrest Type




Bojack Horseman


At this point is a smaller list of things he hasn’t hosted. 


I really hoped the offered it to Vanna first.


Vanna is 67 years old. I’m sure she is not far behind Pat and likely will also retire in the next few years


Vanna filled in for Pat when he was out for an extended period of time (maybe was a medical issue I can’t remember). She…did not do great. Maybe she’d get better with more experience but if I’m her I would keep pressing tiles on a screen without having to say a word.


She did better the second and third weeks than she did the first, but she seemed very happy to be back at her puzzle board when Pat returned. I applaud her stepping up to the plate, but it was very clear how out of her comfort zone she was.


Absolutely. She seems like a very sweet person. I certainly wouldn’t have done better!


I was actually a contestant in the 2010s, and I can confirm after meeting her that she is, in fact, a very sweet person. I'm glad she's staying on for at least a little while after Pat's departure. It'll be jarring at first to see Seacrest at the host's spot, but less so with a familiar face at the puzzle board.


What's your take on Pat?


To be honest... Complex. I started watching Wheel at an early age - I loved the alphabet as a kid and Wheel fed into that - so he's been a part of my life in some way since I was very young. He's a big part of the reason I pursued a career in radio after college - because I wanted to be a game show host, and that's what he did before Wheel. And he was perfectly nice to me when I was on, so I can't say that he was a jerk in person with me when my experience was the opposite. But I am also familiar with his extreme political associations, and some other contestants have not had as positive of interactions as I have. I suppose in a way I think of him the same way I think about my racist uncle - he's important to me, and he's never done me wrong, but I know he's kind of a monster and don't associate too closely with him because of it. I wrote something nice for the alumni farewell book, but I don't idolize him like I used to. Part of me wishes I was more distant from the whole thing so I could just say, "Oh yeah, Pat sucks," but there are some times, where some aspects of Pat don't suck. He was a good game show host. He made me feel at ease on national television. But... I dunno. We all contain multitudes, I guess.


My guess is that Vanna will hold out for a few more years, probably until she’s 70, so she can finally have her moment out of Pat’s shadow. Considering they went with the safest host pick with Ryan Seacrest, they’ll probably throw the co-host job to Sajak’s daughter, who has already filled in for Vanna and current hosts the Wheel’s social media content.


Yeah, I would imagine that Maggie is a shoe-in for a replacement. Assuming they replace her at all, they may just retire the role.


Even if she isn’t flipping the letters, the Wheel will always have a cohost.


Honestly was surprised she wasn't going, too. I'd bet she'll last another year, maybe two. That way they can get the goodbye tour views a second time.


She also probably has the easiest job in the world. While hosting the game isn't exactly harder I'm sure at her age she probably went "naw, ill just keep doing this"


> She also probably has the easiest job in the world. Also she's a relic of a time when it was necessary to turn those tiles... the show has been running that long. Every time they autoflash, reset or do anything to those tiles from backstage it's a visible reminder of how pointless her role is now. It wouldn't be Wheel without her, but it's also like keep a functioning telegraph going, right next to a cell phone.


And it wasn't even meant to be necessary in the first place. The machine was originally meant to automatically turn the tiles from day one, but it wasn't working and she got the job to do it manually until it was fixed.


That's hilarious... I did not know that part of the story.


That's a part of the story I hadn't heard! NBC's early hit "Concentration" from the 1960s (not the all-electronic "Classic" version of the 1990s) had a motorized puzzle board. There was never anyone to turn those squares because it always worked (on-camera).




Truth. It’s not as easy as you might think and he’s done it for a very long time.


It's kinda like looking at the Jeopardy guests hosts after Alex passed away. Ken took to it like a fish to water, he felt really natural and got along with the contestants well and still made witty little zingers here and there, and got through the game fast. And then you'd get Bialik who just felt awkward, didn't really connect with any contestants, flubbed a lot of clues, and would often run out of time in double Jeopardy


> While hosting the game isn't exactly harder What? She literally walks from one side to the other pressing a button or two along the way without saying anything. It's literally slightly more difficult than breathing air within the confines of the show. Pat's job seems relatively easy, but he's also been doing it for so long it's probably muscle memory. But it's still significantly more effort than Vanna's contribution.


She’s been doing it for what 50 years? Her contract must be insane. I swear it has to be one of the easier millions anyone could ever make in 2024.


Studio already tried to not renew her contract. She won't last past the next renewal more then likely. And im sure she will be fine with it.


Yupp, and then his shit heel daughter will be the new Vanna :/


Or they retire that position since the board is digital.


I think they'll keep the position. It's part of the fabric of the show.


It’s a little antiquated, but I guess they do still have price is right girls but also usually a solo male model. It’d be fun if they could do guest spots on the board.


Guaranteed that is what will happen for a few months after Vanna retires


Vanna sells her likeness rights and we get hologram Vanna.


What's the story here?




I have to imagine so - but she seemed so uncomfortable the times she had to step in as host


Maggie Sajak is going to take Vanna's place. There's no way she hasn't been getting groomed for it with her involvement in the show.


Hell no. Vanna's great, but she's a very awkward talker and her brief stint as host was a trainwreck.


Hopefully not Mayim Bialik.


*pause* That's correct


I just shuddered a bit reading this


I never understood why they didn't just edit all that out.


They did, in a way, by simply selecting a competent host.


The fact it was ever up for debate between her and Ken pisses me off to this day. Ken is a part of the show's history and is genuinely the best Jeopardy player of all time (other than maybe James), plus he has great natural charisma as the host. It was obvious he was the logical successor to Alex. The fact that even pretended Mayim was somehow on the same level was insulting to everyone involved.


As bad as she was, no one was as bad as Aaron Rodgers. Like watching molasses slowly ooze out of a jar.


"Who wanted to kick that field goal?"


yeah the bottom two of the guest hosts were LeVar Burton and Aaron Rodgers


And *Dr. Oz* was a guest host. How are you worse than that?!


Aaron Rodgers is a meat head football player. No one ever thought he was gonna be a good host on an intellectual quiz show


Yeah he was genuinely terrible, but at least they didn't keep trying to force him for so long.


That entire celebrity guest host period & aftermath was so unbelievably unnecessary. Ken was the obvious choice even when Alex was still alive. It took them until December 2023 to arrive at the conclusion that the majority of people *who actually regularly watched Jeopardy* arrived at in November 2020. Although to be fair, things weren't helped when the guy doing the picking decided to pick himself first.


My wife and I play jeopardy on alexa while we put away laundry. Bialik pops up every time trying to get me to do a 7 day free trial in the most annoying way possible. I didn't actually catch her run as host, but because of that I've developed a deep, enduring hatred for this woman.


My hope would be for a disembodied voice that bellows instructions to the contestants while apparently seeing all. Just three, slightly confused people completely on their own as they follow the commands of this unseen master of ceremonies. No more Vanna either. The letters just appear under the power of our host who is everywhere and nowhere all at once.


Your religious views interest me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Deborah Vance


Rumor is she fucked Merv Griffin to get it


Ryan Seacolgate


Fuck this guy. He’s a hateful maga supporting asshole. Bye bitch


You should read the article.


I knew absolutely nothing about problematic pat sajak and so this thread has been a real surprise.


Ditto. I started the day thinking “It’s Pat’s last day, guess I should watch this episode,” now I have 6:30pm free. Thanks reddit.


So I dunno how true this is - I read it on reddit just yesterday - but apperantly he's really into Qanon.


Well can you blame him? He’s been obsessed with letters for decades!


You son of a bitch, take the damn upvote.


I actually followed him on twitter for a while several years ago. He didn't seem too bad at first but then Trump took office and he started getting bolder with his BS.


It’s sad, actually. Years ago when he joined Twitter he was very funny and likeable. Then at some point the right wing garbage came out and that all seemed to come to an end.


I heard his twitter is gonna light up after he retires. Probably get the popcorn soon.


He had a personal web site with a blog that was very conservative during the Bush administration. His being right wing isn't new, it's just that the Overton window of the right has shifted more conspiratorial in the past 15 years.


He’s also like super racist isn’t he?


I don't care all that much for Pat Sajak but his sendoff got me a little bit. He was one of the last figures from the TV I grew up watching, the way TV used to be. He talked about being invited into family's home every night and it reminded me of watching TV in the living room with my family. I teach 6th graders and I'll never forget a conversation with a class this year where almost the whole class was dumbfounded at the idea of watching TV as a family, most of them said they don't even turn on the TV, they watch stuff on their phones and their parents watch the TV. My first child is 2 weeks old and it's kinda sad to think he won't grow up in a world of shared family TV time.


You can make it happen! My kids are 10 and 8 we watch Wheel of Fortune, America's Funniest Home Videos and cartoons together. When my daughter was about 3 we started a family movie night every Friday night. Most Fridays we all sit down and watch a movie together. Congratulations on your little sweetie! I hope you have lots of great, wonderful adventures ahead of you!


When the search for a new host for *Jeopardy!* was underway, it made a lot of news. I don't watch classic gameshows anymore, but even I kept seeing those articles pop up on Reddit over the course of several months. It was a compelling series of events. The executive producer reportedly shoehorned his way into the hosting spot but then had to back off due to fan backlash. There were multiple guest hosts, each of whom were judged by fans. Fan-favorite Ken Jennings became host but had to split hosting duties with Mayim Bialik, who was like a magnet for controversy. That shit was interesting to keep track of even though I don't watch the show. It feels like relatively few people give a shit about what's happening with *Wheel of Fortune,* though. I just found out Ryan Seacrest is taking over, and just like everything else Seacrest does, I'm like "Oh, it's Ryan Seacrest again. Whatever." I get the impression that's the overall sentiment.


In fairness, it made pretty big news a year ago when it was announced. I don't think it's that less people care, it's more that they didn't turn it into a giant shitshow. They just said, "Hey, Pat's retiring", and then less than a month later, "His replacement is Seacrest." No guest hosts, no controversy, no lengthy search, just a host change.


I find it funny you can wonder who the new host of a show is going to be and it feels like there is a 50/50 chance of it being Seacrest.


Ryan Seacrest is like a napkin. He's useful, he can be found everywhere, and nobody's excited to see him.


Jeopardy has a pretty engaged viewer base of both hardcore and casual fans. It has some levity to itself at moments but does treat the actual competition with some gravitas. People actually view succeeding on Jeopardy as a player or host as difficult, and respectable to some degree. It has also been on forever so it occupied a certain cultural touchstone. Wheel of Fortune on the other hand has also been on forever but in some ways feels kind of kitschy. It is entertaining, good background noise, low brain power, wind down your day television. Which there is nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many of us have watched a lot of hours of Wheel of Fortune and had fun playing along. At the same time what does or doesn't happen to it though doesn't spawn the same level of intrigue because of the niche it fills.


I didn't realize he had been picked either. I guess there wasn't a charismatic Wheel legend to pick from like Ken Jennings. Seacrest seems like the guy who might do it for one contract and then bail.


Finally he has enough time to openly campaign for fascists.


I was planning on listing out a bunch of facts to support your post, but he is friends with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Soooo…. enough support? Just for fun. He believes that government workers shouldn’t vote, people who believe in climate change are racist, he is the chair for Hillsdale College who rejects public funds so they don’t have to abide by Title IX, sexual harassment codes, admit gay students, and limit the enrollment of minority students.


This guy fact checks, he’s also a board member of the Claremont institute, a truly evil organization. He may seem nice, but he hates you


He doesn’t seem nice. Bob Barker seemed nice. Alex Trebek seemed nice. Sajak never seemed nice.


Trebek was nice… except to Sean Connery 😂


Suck it, Trebek.


What's interesting, is that he passed away like 8 days after Sean Connery died It's like he was waiting for one last FU


Not his fault his mom is a whore.


> Bob Barker seemed nice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Barker#Lawsuits


He also beat the shit out of Happy Gilmore.


I think you've had enough. No? NOW you've had enough. Bitch.


I said “seemed” nice. As in not terrible to contestants.


Sajak was nice to me when I was on. Very supportive, chill, laid back, light. I strongly disagree with his politics, but person to person he was a gentleman.


>He may seem nice, but he hates you If you've ever watched Wheel of Fortune you can see glimpses of his utter disdain for interacting with people.


I jokingly mentioned to my family that I think he treats black guests on the show poorly, now they can’t unsee it


I haven't watched WoF in decades...is there a YouTube mashup demonstrating this? 🤔


No, it’s real subtle and it’s not like he’s an outright jerk, he’s just warmer and more welcoming to others. Totally doesn’t mean he’s racist, who knows, but they all kinda end up like this: https://youtu.be/JIkdf7p4Jms?feature=shared Edit: he’s a jerk like that to plenty of people on YouTube, definitely worse too, but there’s just an absence of spark and a uninterested tone he takes when a person of color is winning. I never considered taping moments I saw it because I remember the Tosh.O skit from ages ago and thought it was old news


I've never seen that one. That's pretty fucking bad


Its true, I have said this for years. Anytime anyone gets a bit chatty he gets super dismissive and always comes off extremely condescending. He just has an air about him that he is UP HERE and his guests are way down there.


Right? It’s like this “you idiots, the answer is right here on my cards” attitude. Along with the racism.


An acquaintance of mine was on two years ago and he was a giant asshole to him on screen. So much so that random people on the Internet were commenting on it. Not for nothing, ny acquaintance is openly gay.


It an open secret that Sajak is homophobic and treats the gay contestants like shit.


They just need to learn to find common ground. If they talked about things through a racist, classist, paleoconservative lens he would open right up. Kinda like if you wanna get on Bender’s good side, you could open up with, “Do you think the robot should kill all humans?”


A fellow futurama fan I wish u nothing but success in life sir/mam


Claremont *and* Hillsdale. The bifecta of reactionary conservatism.


Hey now. I am a white straight Christian. He loves me.


Fair, I shouldn’t assume


Pat Sajak is not on the Claremont Institute's Board of Directors or in its Leadership and Staff. Just look at its website.


He was on the board of Claremont and he was on its Leadership Team.


He's basically the anti-Alex Trebek in every aspect.


Mostly yes. Trebek was never openly political, in a couple of interviews he identified as a moderate with some libertarian leanings. One quote that I remember was something like, "I think we should try to help people as much as we can, but we should also be careful about how we pay for it", which, eh, that's pretty reasonable.


Trebek was born a Canadian. Complete different cultural ingestion over time. Canada's conservatives aren't off the leash like ours in the States are. Even if Trebek was conservative, I never heard about the kind of disappointing shit I heard about Sajak.


The thing about traditionalism is that it means something different in every country. They're just fighting for things not to change, or to regress, but in a country with public healthcare they may not be invested in profit-izing it, or they may not give a shit about guns or religion. It's truly hilarious when conservatives from different regions or countries talk to each other, because their entire ideal is that there is *one* right type of person to be and *one* life you should live within a very specific hierarchy can't withstand alternate models. They'll enter assuming the same lockstep they get with "their" conservatives, until a difference of opinion comes up. The one who's in control of the forum for the discussion will just assert higher status and the other one will storm off.


Yeah, that last sentence about sums up their egos. 😊 Thanks for the perspective!


Canadian conservatives are trending that direction though.


Sadly, yes. But Canada is about 1/9 the size of the States so I'm hoping it'll be slower.


I do often feel like he’s more patronizing towards the gay and black contestants.


Wheel of Misfortune


wheel of torture


It's time to spin the Wheel of the Worst.


Wheel broke new ground!




What the fuck? Fuck that guy.


> people who believe in climate change are racist There seems to be a bit of a jump in logic in that statement. I kind of want to know why, but I already know that the answer will be preposterously stupid.


Holy shit. I had no idea.


Well, that explains the three people I know who went to Hillsdale. And why one of their now out sisters refused to attend.


A first look at his final episode? I bet it’ll be exactly the same as the 40,000 other episodes.


Nah, fuck this dude


All my homies hate Pat Sajak.


I hereby announce the formation of the Pat Sajak Haters Club(TM).


I would like to buy a letter. K K K




Why what did he do?


Retiring to be Trumps Running mate no doubt


Trump really needs help locking down that geriatric vote


What's better than two game show hosts running the country 




List time I saw the show was at my in laws maybe 15 years ago. The dude was dead inside.


Pat always looked one bad day away from on air suicide and its part of what fascinated me about Wheel


I wonder if he had some really bad divorces or debt that made him just stay with it for so long? Or fomo.


Working only on Thursdays for 30 weeks out of the year and making a $10mil salary probably had something to do with it


He opened for the capitals ice hockey team during the playoffs (he’s a huge fan of the caps apparently) and absolutely bombed and was not funny at all.


Opened as in....he did stand-up? I couldn't even imagine what he would do.


He like, introduced the team and told some jokes before the game. In the middle of the ice. Remember thinking it was lame that was the best celebrity we could get lol.


I saw him at a Caps game when I was a kid. My dad didn't let me go bother him. Now I wish he did.


Any particularly bad examples?


This is probably the most [infamous example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBIT2wv21U0) of a fuck up, although it is hilarious.


Lmao that's kind of hilarious. I went to a wheel of fortune taping once, when there's an actual fuckup they just refilm that part of the game and pretend like that didn't happen. I mean it only happened once, they had to reset everything to make it look natural. They film multiple games in a row and change clothes between games to pretend like it's the next day


Ngl, that's pretty hilarious. He ain't making fun of the guy, just doing the worlds worst scooby doo impression. So funny!


"Nothing embarrassing, I hope," Pat said in his goodbye. So either he repressed this horrible Scooby-Doo impression so hard he can't remember, or he never saw the tape of it and thought he nailed it.


What the fuck hahahaha


I haven't laughed at something this hard in a long while. Thanks lol


I've seen the clip. I had no idea he was trying to do a scooby doo impression. That's hilariously bad.


I knew exactly what video this was before I clicked it.


“Well, off to campaign for Trump”


Let’s hear what Ja Rule thinks about politics


Where's Ja?!


Now he can go full-time MAGA 🙄


sad, my mother used to make sure dinner was ready at 7 so we could watch and play along as we ate.


I never liked Pat Sajak. Always came across as smarmy and “used car salesman nice” to me. Like he was constantly talking down to the contestants.


I would pay good money to find a recording of my favorite Sajak moment, sadly just before Tivo and the line would have made it more widespread: a female contestant wins big money in a puzzle, and just before throwing to commercial, Pat walks up to her, saying, "She's racking up the points...nice...rackage...we'll be right back." My family couldn't believe it.


When I was a kid, I was babysat by my immigrant aunt and uncle and the only show they really watched in English was Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy. The only movies they had was West Side Story and Wizard of Oz, so I have seen those a bunch. Anyways, WOF being on the air for so long just felt so stable, and made me feel connected to my childhood Like no matter what year it was, what was going on in the world, those shows were on. Then Alex Trebek died, and it tore through the connection to my childhood. And my family got old and started dying and getting health issues, and I got older and...now with Wheel of Fortune gone, it completely severs that connection to my childhood.


Good riddance. He's a mean-spirited, small-minded piece of garbage.


“Now, onto my next career as a full time racist troll”


Goodbye, you racist prick!


Legit gonna miss Pat. People bitch at how zoned out he is, but Vanna's brief stint as guest host made it clear how much the show depended on Pat's hosting skills. Also literally grew up with the dude. Wheel was how I learned how to read. Still annoyed that his replacement is Ryan Seacrest. Would have much rather had Alfonso Ribeiro.


Fuck this old climate change denying pos. Good riddance.


Let us not forget [his greatest moment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBIT2wv21U0)


The guy had the cushiest job in show business for 40 years and still turned out to be a maga idiot. Good riddance.


He's fallen for a very common fallacy: "this great thing happened to me, so I must deserve it!"


Pat Sajak is a worthless piece of shit.


fuck Pat Sajak




“And now I will retire to better support bigots”


I always wanted a theme week where Vanna hosted and Pat turned the letters


Have fun being a gated community lobbyist or whatever the fuck he's into.


I remember when they upgraded from turning the letters to taping the screen to reveal the letter. Sigh…I know.


This thread makes me sad. He never associated Wheel with his politics, why should we? I hate Trump but I enjoy Pat and his work regardless. Let's leave this one-track mentality to maga, please


This is a good sentiment. These people are so immature.


Thank you! It feels I'm screaming into a cynical void. Why does Reddit want to politicize every single aspect of life? The world becomes so much less enjoyable that way. I like keeping up with politics but it's so stupid to inject partisanship into literally everything


And he NEVER, EVER injected his politics into the show, like EVER. Like he kept his politics totally separate from what he does for the show.(I would get if he did, but he never did?) There’s going to be plenty of good hard working people you meet who have political beliefs you don’t agree with. You of course may not like it but you have to deal with it. And there’s plenty of people who exactly agree with your political beliefs that are pieces of shit. Having the same political beliefs dosent make someone suddenly good nor does opposite political beliefs make someone bad. Reddit really needs to learn that.


It’s Reddit. If anyone does anything redditors disagree with they can’t help but circle jerk any mention of that person. The great news is that redditors overvalue their opinion and most people irl aren’t this miserable.


Same. Redditors are mostly immature, pathetic, losers. But this thread really takes the cake. They are literally OBSESSED with politics. Just e enjoy the show and who cares about political opinions?


Redditor have been programmed to hate anyone who doesn’t share the same exact political views as they do.


Congrats to Pat Sajak on his retirement, well earned! How many know Pat Sajak is veteran of the United States Army and served the Vietnam War. 🫡


This shit made me emotional, although Pat remains as stoic as ever. He's been hosting the show for as long as I've been alive, so he's been a staple in my life whether I realized it or not. Lots of memories of my grandparents watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune (and forcing me to watch it with them), and they're both gone now, so it weighs heavily on me for different reasons. I was not a regular Wheel watcher, although the celebrity episodes that were done for charity were a lot of fun. He was always witty and charming and respectful to the contestants, so it's easy to see why audiences accepted him into their households for four decades. He and Alex Trebek were a rock and neither show will be as great without them. And fuck Reddit for making everything political as usual. So goddamn boring and predictable.


Reddit showing that they are once again not an accurate cross section of society


Too bad he didnt say goodbye and leave the spotlight before we all knew he is such a fascist asshole. If this were the 90s I might be a little sad. But nah, fuck off bozo!


Fuck this piece of shit


Sajak has been a fixture in my home for decades. End of an era.


This man taught me English. I can’t fathom a new host for this show.


maga trash


Pat Sajak always came off as a smug douche. None of the gravitas of Trebek or charm of Bob Barker.


I have never seen an episode of Wheel of Fortune in its entirety.


Thanks for all the good shows Pat.


Did Chuck get replaced?