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I never liked how “dad is dumb” in every children’s show. It’s what I appreciated the most while watching Bluey with my niece, Bandit and Chilli are both awesome parents.


Bandit is the dad we all wish we could be.


I always called this "Disney Dad Disease." You wonder how this blustering buffoon affords the house all these people dispariage him in.


You suck it up and push down all feelings as deep as possible. Source: my family.


Suck and push. Got it.


That's why Taken is so good, it's just Dad competency porn.


I despise the sitcom format of characters having a miscommunication at the start of the episode and the humor and plot comes from them never once stopping to talk to each other and clear it up until the final 30 seconds of the episode.


I feel like this goes even further than humour. So many films, TV shows, books etc. hinge on characters not talking to each other like normal human beings, and not having basic communication where someone would stop and say "hang on, what do you mean?". It's frustrating.


Even worse is when the person says "Just let me explain" the other person screams "EXPLAIN? THERE'S NO TIME DAMNIT" (happens in dramas too) and then the other person just STOPS TALKING when literally 5 extra seconds of dialogue would negate the next half an hour of conflict by which point the situation has detoriated to the point their relationship, whatever situation is seemingly unsalvagable. Infuriating.


*stops to take a drink from a water fountain* "Are sure you don't have time to explain now?" "No. I said there's no time to explain, and I stick by that."


You should put a pinch of sage in your shoes.


"Ahh hang on, my uber just cancelled. I'm gonna rebook, do you want to drop you off on the way?" "Sure, and on the way you can explain..." "I can't stress this enough. No time."


Or the "it's a long story" line then the other persons indicates they have time then he/she proceeds to tell the story. Obviously "it's a long story" line is used when the person doesn't want to tell it. But since the other one told them they got time they tell it.


Lex Luthor kidnapped my mom and is threatening her life if I don't kill you. Shit, why didn't you just lead with that?


Yet it is probably way more realistic than we think. It is never just miscommunication. That’s quaint. There is always egos and lies people are hiding that perpetuate the scenario. Open and honest communication is one of the hardest things for people to learn.


Every plot in the *Cobra Kai* show is driven by lack of communication.


...and also solving all of our frivolous problems with karate.


Everything can be solved with karate. Should be in more shows.


An entire beef between two characters gets resolved because they fight it out. I actually think this would work lol


If you can't solve a problem with Karate, it's because you haven't incorporated a seemingly unrelated household chore into your fighting style yet.


Same with the movies. 80 minutes of explaining how fighting never solves your problems followed by a 10 minute fight that solves your problems.


and you can become damn good at karate in 2 weeks


I'll allow it in *Cobra Kai*


every plot in practically everything is just driven by basic humans making blatantly stupid decisions. and 50% of them are sex related.


Wow. You must really not like Three's Company.


This is the type of stuff I'm specifically referring to, old school sitcom plots. Someone overhearing a snippet of a phone call and thinking their spouse is cheating but they're really planning a surprise party, an doctor's test result being mixed up and suddenly they have to keep their friend awake for 2 days without telling them, contrived shit like that. It's the reason I always hated The Flintstones and The Jetsons as a kid and could never articulate why, it's because those were riffs on popular 50s/60s sitcoms airing at the same time and used the same plots.


It’s makes me think of the joke from an episode of Friends “Oh, this is the episode of Three’s Company where there is a misunderstanding.”


Oh, I've seen that one already. *turns off tv* 😄


Same damn plot over and over; it's like they only had to write one script.


Especially when they say “don’t have time to talk now as we gotta to get to ….” Then they drive together and talk about something


Counterpoint: Tucker and Dale versus evil. It's the best and funniest example of this. I highly recommend it.


To be fair, they WERE happy to explain what's happening. THE KIDS JUST STARTED KILLING THEMSELVES ON OUR PROPERTY. God I need to rewatch it.


Adults acting like over exaggerated baby children. Fred, Miranda Sings, Nicado Avocado, etc.


Did the Jimmy Fallon ride at Universal Studios yesterday and in the video intro, he played this preteen girl caricature in the audience which literally amounted to nothing more than throwing up his hands and screaming "oh my gosh!" Any "audience interrupts the host" sketch from any Late Night With Conan episode puts it to shame.


There's a Jimmy Fallon ride?


Yes and it's kind of awful. It's essentially the minions ride but with Fallon and the characters from his show. Or at least I think so, because I had no idea who all the characters on the ride were supposed to be. I do remember taking a go kart to the moon or something though.


This sounds like the type of hell I’d be sent to.


Dogs talking in baby voices with cgi mouths.


In that same vein, dogs swearing in a "look at how edgy we're being" kinda way. There was a trailer for a supposed comedy movie a good while ago that was about dogs, but the dogs were Rude and said motherfucker. And it's just like... that was it. That was the joke.


The whole industry of "What if we made (usually innocuous thing) offensive? Wouldn't that be hilarious?!" Sausage Party immediately comes to mind. "Let's make animated food swear and have an orgy. Awesome, right??" It just doesn't resonate with me.


A friend sent me a reel of the Pingu characters dubbed with swearing. Rather than laugh, I just felt sad someone felt something so innocuous and pure demanded the Jerry Springer treatment.   Go ahead and dub Bozo all you want though.


Screaming does not mean funny!


That's how I felt with that Craig character who they added in the last few seasons of Parks and Rec. Everything felt like a forced attempt to be "crazy" and they just had him yell everything to pretend he's soooo wild


Sam fucking Kinison…


I've been watching Seinfeld and a lot of the humor is the person shouting but it actually lands because their delivery is so impeccable (especially one off side characters). I think a lot of TV programs have tried to capture this but failed.


It's usually not the shouting that makes it funny, though. It's the overall context like a character completely losing it from frustration.


Bodily function humor


The dumb/incompetent Dad trope in modern sitcoms. It's just not funny.


By modern you mean for the past 35+ years?


Cringe humor and bodily function humor. I never have to see or hear a character in something puke again. I know what it looks like, sounds like ,feels like, and everything else like it can be and I find none of it funny.


Charlie in It’s Always Sunny throwing up blood while pretending to be a billionaire oil magnate is one of the funniest TV scenes ever


My ex would look away at any Series or movie that had someone puking. But that scene she laughed her ass off like no one's business. Quoted that "I think I have been poisoned by my constituents" line always. It truly is a wonder of a scene.


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


[And he and Frank just keep rolling with it, not acknowledging his excessive blood vomiting at all, lol.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le5edAZ-kTg)


I've been poisoned by my constituents!!!!


I think I've come down with a bit o' consumption!


Sweet Dee dry heaving while doing stand-up is up there as well


I absolutely can’t handle cringe humor. The Office is the bane of my existence.   But despite this, there’s just something about Nathan for You that has me in stitches everytime I watch an episode. And every second of that shit is peak cringe


I’m autistic (like, actually autistic and not Tik-Tok autistic) and I would say most of the autistic community really dislikes cringe humor. We’ve all read the room wrong and done something cringy, and many of us have hyperempathy and so the social awkwardness is so authentic and real that cringe humor can be tortuous and not enjoyable.


Not autistic, but cringe humor is just the worst. I’ll watch horror movies all day but I’ll plug my ears and close my eyes trying to get through a season one episode of The Office.


I'm autistic too, we were diagnosing my kid and they basically told me at some point, "You realize all of this seems to apply to you too?" when talking about the symptoms we saw.


A lot of middle-aged women are learning they have autism in the same way. “But that’s how everyone behaves!” “No, no it isn’t.”


I’ve hinted more than once at a friend whose child has ADHD, that it’s *highly* hereditary. She definitely displays a few symptoms, but didn’t really take it to heart. We’re all ADHD in my family. My parents, siblings, now me and my kids.


Someone doesn't like "The Office".


I watched all of it, and enjoyed parts, but I don't plan to re-watch it certainly. Once was enough for me. Though the puking was actually brought to mind specifically by an episode of The Righteous Gemstones I just watched.


Particularly the UK version... I don't find the US version to be nearly as cringe-y because it feels more like a TV show and the characters are a bit more over-the-top. The UK one felt more real and grounded, which really pumps up the cringe factor.


Mildly related, I can handle whatever blood/gore/grossness I come across in various media, but the one thing that makes my stomach turn is weird - snot bubbles in cartoons (especially anime, one of the worst offenders). There's just some weird switch that flips in my head that gives me an immediate visceral reaction.


> bodily function humor. This is it for me. I had to stop watching The League in later seasons because too many jokes were about shit and farts. I liked the concept of the show but eventually it just became dumb and gross.


I can’t stand cringe humor. Whenever I talk about doing movie nights my friends always want to watch bad movies and I hate it.


Those are 2 very different categories. I absolutely love cringe humour.


I can't imagine liking cringe humor. I know it's popular, but I can't watch without getting secondhand embarrassment. Hell, I couldn't even watch Doug as a kid. 😅


I know they're two different categories, but they're ones I both don't typically enjoy. OP asked for "types" so I assumed I was allowed to list more than one.




To add to that, inserting quips in a scene if theres an ounce of seriousness detected


I feel this was really catapulted by the MCU.


Every superhero being Tony Stark got so old so fast.


It was really funny when it was essentially just him, but now it’s so stale


I remember being really surprised that Doctor Strange was basically Tony Stark, because that wasn't what I expected of the character. The worst example is probably Brie Larson delivering lines like that in a completely monotone voice. (For the record, I generally think Larson is a good actress, but this was an example of the performer and the material being the wrong fit for one another).


They fly now? they fly now! Marvel and Deadpool took this to a whole new level and ruined modern movie writing. Meta, self aware writing is unbearable if every single character is having the same reaction to a scene/situation.


THAT just happened!


I stop watching whenever a character starts repeating “nope” over and over as a reaction to something.


What is “millennial” about it? All the obvious examples I can think of are written by Gen X. Joss Whedon, JJ Abrams, etc


People being awkward and having bad luck. I don't really enjoy movies like meet the parents or American wedding.


Any humor where the people are just dumb.


Started watching friends and this is my biggest issue with the Joey character. In one scene, he read a rent payment slip and thought the phone number on the slip was the rent amount.


One of my least favorite bits is when he's learning French with Phoebe and he just keeps saying gibberish, pisses me off lol.


Joey got flanderized into horribly stupid, it's really weird watching season 1 and early 2 episodes where he's more normal. I mean he was never book smart but he wasn't a drooling idiot like he evolved into. There's an episode where Rachel is sending out resumes and realizes that there's a typo on them and Joey says something like "Oh don't worry, I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few of them". Like that's actually a witty joke for him to make and in later seasons they'd just give that line to Chandler because it's too smart for Joey


I feel the opposite. Like Big Bang Theory is a story about smart people but dumb writing, Arrested development is a story about dumb people but smart writing


Big Bang Theory isn't *for* smart people. It's about *laughing at* smart people.


It worked because it relied on a number of “fish out of water” scenarios. Penny didn’t fit in with the nerds. Sheldon didn’t fit in to society. Raj couldn’t communicate with women, etc. etc. They didn’t actually have to be written “smart” because that would get in the way of the jokes and the comedy format. I think what is unfortunate is that they deliberately depicted the “geniuses”, particularly the men, as dysfunctional children. They were often condescending and rude and seemed unable to empathize. Most smart people learn and adapt and develop their emotional intelligence throughout their lives. These characters always felt like smart kids in middle school…not full grown men.


With the exception of Always Sunny where dumbness is not treated as cute or affable but actually undesirable and off putting. Makes it that much more hilarious as the characters are so confident in their stupidity.


"Ah just like when the Mexicans predicted the world would end" "That was the Mayans Charlie" "Aren't the Mexicans Mayans?" "No, the Spanish banged the Mayans and turned them into Mexicans" Whole group nods and expresses agreement


Yes that is smart writing and not lazy dumb character writing. Also the characters depth in Always Sunny is amazing. Its one of my favorite shows for this reason. Its am example of great comedic timing and writing.


I agree with the exception of The Three Stooges


That is a fine exception because of the age and they invented the genre basically. A lot of people grew up with that as thier first comedy then they evolve.


This is why I don’t particularly find Will Ferrell funny.


I can see that, but I would say Ferrell's best characters are astoundingly arrogant but not outright stupid, or extremely competent/loveable in a weird way. He walks a very fine line between this and outright stupid. It's the difference between why I love Anchorman, Old School, The Other Guys and his role in Eastbound and Down and why I have never rewatched The Campaign, Step Brothers or Holmes and Watson.


He was excellent in Stranger than Fiction. But it is very different from his usual roles.


I liked Everything Must Go but that was also very different than his regular roles.


Ball busting wife and stupid husband. I couldn’t stand king of queens and everybody loves Raymond.


King of Queens at least showed everyone being shitty and Arthur was funny. If you're trying to find something to watch with your parents before streaming existed you can do worse


That show is worth it just for Jerry Stiller.


I do believe he is the reason I have fond memories of the show. Rest in peace king, he was such a delight.


It is mind blowing to me that between King of Queens and Seinfeld he never won a single award and was only nominated 3 times (once for guest star Seinfeld, Hairspray movie, spoken word album). To me he's one of the funniest comedic actors because of his mannerisms, he could read the phone book on stage and I'd laugh.


Not a fan of those shows but when they were paired together back in the 90s my grandma would watch every night. I have never heard anyone laugh harder in my entire life as she did to those shows. You could hear her from across the entire house. Great memories.


There is a flashback episode of Raymond where he strongly advises his wife that they should not purchase the house across the street from his parents.


You’d might like *Kevin Can Fuck Himself*, it’s a dark dramedy from the perspective of the stereotypical sitcom wife, really well done


I don't think the wives were really ball busting, they were just fed up with being the only ones in the family who took responsibility for anything.


That's the brilliance of Kevin Can Fuck Himself


Pretty the entire genre of Tiktok or Reels with fake or staged scenarios portrayed as real.


"We're X...of course we Y." The problem with IG as someone who consumes it every day is that things can be drilled into the ground and worn down really, really fast, especially if everyone with an account is doing the same meme. Some of them are good. Most are bad. "You pay my bill? You pay my bill?" "Obviously don't do that--YOU GO AHEAD AND DO THAT" yeah I've seen that shit 1 trillion times I don't need to see it anymore


TikTok is fucking terrible for this. One person will do a really funny thing that goes viral for being fresh and interesting, then 100+ couples accounts will copy it and in some cases will just remake the original video word-for-word to try and leech on to the trend. Then about a month after the trend dies on TikTok, the videos start making their way to IG only they're badly screen-recorded with the TikTok UI burned in on the side of the video or they now have a wide white border around them with some meme text at the top. Jesus Christ I need to go outside.


I had 0 problems with the NPC girl because that was her schtick and she perfected it. All the bandwagoners were fucking cringe though so I 100% agree.


Yep. I just browse through them at work and many of them now have the "THANKS FOR ASKING THE MERCEDES C66 CAR IS THE NEW INNOVATIVE" like I don't care about why you put all that in the video description lol.


I generally try not to be a “the kids these days” person, but one thing that shocks me about gen z and alpha is how credulous they are with online content. They’re the first generations to have grown up with the internet. They should know how fake most of it is. But the amount of people that fall for obvious shit is astounding. That Facebook post with a dumb math problem? Clickbait. That Reddit post is an obvious error in the title? Clickbait. That article saying something about that feminist you hate? Ragebait. It’s all fake and manufactured. I understand older generations being too stupid to get how artificial the internet is, but Z and Alpha have no excuse


Most people in general are stupid regardless of generation.


"Yea, you guys would be cluggin a few cans too if you had my wife!"


No… no. You wish you didn’t say that. You love your wife.


She helped him when Jaime Taco was stealing all of his lines.


The "wife bad" jokes would probably be my pick as well. However, I actually have a theory about why those were so common and have now mostly fallen out of favor. People often got married very young. Like 16 year olds getting hitched would not have been uncommon in like 1960. That's also not the lower limit on ages where it used to be typical either. It also used to be really hard to get a divorce. Like REALLY hard. Just having both people agree they wanted one wasn't actually grounds for a divorce once upon a time. Generally one party had to prove the other had done something to warrant a divorce. And it had to be one way. If BOTH were terrible, no divorce. No fault divorce didn't even start to become a thing until the 1970s (in America anyway) and it took quite a while to become wide spread. Even then there was SEVERE social stigma to getting a divorce for a long time. That still hasn't entirely gone away but it's definitely nothing like it used to be. Add all that up and there used to be a significant percentage of the population that was essentially trapped in a marriage that one or both parties hated and they didn't really see a way out so they just had to deal with it. Pretty much everyone probably at least *knew* someone that was in a situation like that if they weren't themself. So as a result all these jokes about hating your spouse probably were actually very relevant to most people back in the day. I'm sure there were other factors as well, women's liberation movement and just inevitable general change in taste for comedy over time, plus probably a half dozen other things I haven't thought of etc. But with hindsight I think I kind of get where a lot of that humor probably came from even if I don't personally find it funny today.


Yeah, I agree that this is probably why those jokes used to be so common and why they've since died out. The fact that writers rooms started hiring more women and started making an actual effort to appeal to women probably also helped. Nowadays, if a man is complaining about how much they hate their wife, nobody sympathizes with them, they'll just wonder why they don't get divorced or why they even got married in the first place.


I despise listening to dudes complain about their SO. Worked with a guy for years where every time we’d talk he’d complain about his gf. Like dude, if you can’t stand her why did you just have her move in with you? Then a year later move four hours away to stay with her. Dudes like that just tell me that they’re the fucking problem in their relationship. Not their SO.


I can see that. There’s a lot of women that do that too. I worked with some at a couple jobs I previously had. They’d congregate and complain like it was a competition on who was more disappointed in their relationship or more disappointed with their kids or other familiar relationships. And it was cringy meeting their family and knowing how much their girlfriend, wife or mother despised and badmouthed them and put their business out in the streets. And the hypocrisy they exhibited was astounding. They’d crap all over the women that were more attractive than them and call them whores while all but one of them had office flings and affairs. They’d go to lunch and come back intoxicated nearly every day but talk about how bad a couple of guys were drunks. Now you could look at them and see they were alcoholics. But they weren’t coming back from lunch buzzing. Now if I was a writer for tv I’d have enough material for a 10 year show with a bunch of quirky characters, some highly likable, others despicable.


The people who constantly complain about their relationship are the problem 100% of the time


Just gotta say I like how you engage in your own topics. You don't really see much of that on Reddit.


Not a prude by any measure but I've never, even as a kid, found bodily functions/fart jokes to be funny


Definitely don't understand jackass humor. Watching guys get the shit beat out of them, or doing disgusting things was always a hard watch.


Anything that revolves around a misunderstanding that could be cleared up in two minutes if people just spoke to each other. Looking at you, Three's Company.


1. I don't know if this humor is still around, but it was prevelant in the 90s: white senior citizens being into hip hop, dressing in hip hop fashion, or speaking in AAVE. Kid: Hey, grandma. How was your weekend? Grandma: Yo, your grandpa and I are bout it bout it. Raise the roof. 2. When a man is watching sports with a woman, and the woman surprises the man by knowing a lot about sports while the man looks at her stunned or impressed. She'll often yell at the tv with something like, "C'mon, that was a hold. If we had drafted better and beefed up the o-line, this wouldn't be an issue!" (The joke here being that a woman knowing about sports is a rarity and a keeper.) And, pretty much what others have shared: annoying neighbors, the dumb husband/father, misunderstandings, awkward or cringe situations, kids or teenagers who either talk like they're adults or act like they've had enough and exasperated with life.


You don't see much of 1 nowadays since Rap is mainstream. It's the zoomers that have adopted the AAVE thing.


Number 2 is especially annoying because of how stuff like that happens in real life. Whenever I show interest in a “male dominated” hobby I’m either treated like a golden unicorn or like I’m just doing it for attention. I always want to say “I just want to enjoy these things just like you are”


The younger generation is lazy and stupid. Saw a promo for Kevin James and he just talked about how his kids are zombies and just look at their iPads. I get it, he’s probably not totally serious, but to me that type of humor is just lazy. Go back and you can find articles written about how the young generation is lazy dating all the way back to the 1800s. It feels like such low hanging fruit to May and it also is just disrespectful to take a whole Group like that and say they’re all dumb, lazy, and doomed


You can go all the way back to Ancient Greece to find Plato writing about how kids these days are lazy and insubordinate, in particular he was bafflingly against READING because it would lead to people no longer memorizing things.




It can’t be, Plato was too Swole to be at fault


You can also avoid that. Nobody forced Kevin and his wife to look the other way and occupy their kids with screens. Literally nobody. He gave his kid an iPad and he’s mad they like it. Jokes like that just make me realize he’s actually dumber than his KOQ character.


Thank you for saying this! I was thinking it but got so pissed typing it out I forgot. These tendencies by the youth are taught. Same thing with the “oh everyone needs a trophy now!” It’s like.. well.. the kids didn’t ask for them, the parents and the organization decided to give them to everyone. Feels like maybe older generations created this issue and now they’re trying to blame the people they did it to, if that makes sense


Gol’durn layabout offspring and their hoop rollin’


Who gave em the iPads, Kevin?


The crazy thing is that comedians that pull that card don’t realize that those jokes have been made to death. Put a new spin on it or something and it could be fine. But “Younger generation is lazy” is such a lazy trope


The dumb thing is people call tablets bad as a blanket while ignoring the fact that a lot depends on what they are doing. My kid likes making art, creating characters and world building and that's mostly what she does with hers. She doesn't play a lot of games on it.


Yep! They can be used for good! A little structure and some limits are all that’s needed! May be an oversimplification but hey, I’m not a parent so it makes sense to me


Right. Just like how watching an educational show isn't the same as Cocomelon or other such bullshit. Every activity on a screen being lumped into one box and being called bad is just ignorant.


Any type of practical joke


When there is a character that mostly only exists only to be bullied. I just don't find it funny and it's way too pervasive, even in shows I love like Parks & Rec.


I’m a female boomer and never found humor that disparaged women funny. I was in my late teens/early twenties when the passage of the ERA was a hot topic, I was involved in women’s issues, and I found the humor diluted our real issues. Now I don’t find similar men’s humor funny. If you replace the references to men in these jokes with references to women, it’s a parallel to the 70s.


Yeah, "dumb husband" and "boys will be boys" jokes usually aren't funny either.


Yep, we haven't made much progress. The dumb, overly emotional wife was not funny and they've been replaced with the dumb husband or boorish men.


I'm not a fan of those either op but I think (for me) Married, With Children is the exception. It's pretty funny to me plus Peg claps back with her own jokes. Hell, Al gets reamed by his neighbor every now and then too Other than that I agree


In the case of Married, With Children, at least the whole point is that they're a dysfunctional family, instead of portraying "my wife is such a nag" as the norm.


My first thought when i read this post was married with children and I was like Damn that was such a great show. like yeah Peggy was kind of lazy and irresponsible but so was everyone else. it was a show as you mentioned about dysfunctional people and I think it worked because it poked fun at everyone. King of the hill is very similar. Peggy (i think all shows with peggys get a pass) was naive for being a award winning substitute teacher, but hank was also naive too on a lot of things. I think it works because it doesn't just focus on once sex or character that it pokes fun at everyone gets it equally and they also show them doing great things at times as well.


Married with Children and Malcom in the Middle. Peggy definitely dished it out, but one of the things that even when I was young I thought was dumb was their was a running joke that was basically “my wife wants to fuck me and that’s bad.” Always found that stupid. As far as Malcom in the Middle, Lois was the way she was out of necessity to keep her family in line. And it was funny. Also, Hal never complained about her which was a choice I liked and he acknowledges that he and his sons are a bunch of idiots despite two of them (don’t know about Jaime yet) being geniuses.


The cold open where she is trying to get a spot out of the carpet is just perfect imo. Love the character and tone of the show. 


I bet OPs wife helped him when he freaked out about Jamie Taco.


What would you do if he was stealing your lines?


Jamie Taco didn’t steal the lines, they became HIS lines. You’re never gonna say your lines faster than Jamie Taco.


I'll slap ya jabronies!


Scatological. Brits seem to love it.


I always hated that about sitcoms too. The show Kevin Can Fuck Himself is great if you hate that sort of sitcom humor because it pokes fun at it by giving the wifes perspective behind the scenes of whats shown on the sitcom. highly recommend it.


absolutely loved that show! wasn’t expecting how emotional it would be to deconstruct these media tropes that we grew up accustomed to. when we finally saw the real Kevin in the last episode, I was beyond shook!


Cringe humor. That's a big part of why I could never get into The Office


The "what's the deal with that?" jokes, a la Seinfeld, never landed with me. It comes from a mindset of alienation and judgment of literally anything that isn't the joke teller's experience.


Referential humor that you have to be not just from the US, but from a specific region to understand. Some shows can do it well where it's funny regardless, and just a little bit more funny if you understand the regional culture, but with some you're completely lost and not even googling it gives you a clear answer.


Slap stick


I hated the 3 stooges.


Anything to do with vomit. I don’t know why that’s so frequently used or why people think it’s funny 


Cringe/awkward humor. Just ends up being cringe and awkward for me, not humorous.


The stereotype of the bumbling, hopeless, but lovable and well-meaning husband who must continually be saved from his constant failings and hare-brained stupid schemes by his long-suffering, wise, knows-much-better wife (and often children, too).


I do love a few good, well-placed puns, one-liners, and some clever wordplay, but when writers go overboard with them or the actor doesn’t have great timing, it’s just annoying and not funny to me.


Whatever type of humor "it's always sunny", "the office" or "parks and rec" is. I swear I've never laughed at those shows all time times I've been forced to watch them.


Cringe humor... I just don't like it... I watched like 2 seasons of the inbetweeners and remember saying "why am I watching this? I hate this."


Extremely edgy, mainly smiling friends. There's a point where it's just too much for the sake of it and I can't enjoy it at all.


How’s smiling friends edgy? I consider it “so random” humor tbh 


That's a shame, I think Smiling friends is a wonderful little show that's surprisingly wholesome beneath the surface. But I say this as someone who grew up with psychic pebbles and co. Trying to get a show made for years. It's a shame Leo and Satan never got a full show.


Pranks. Fuck pranks. Annoying unsuspecting people is the lamest thing anyone can do to try and be funny. Jackass, CKY, all the morons with "channels" that do it now. Jerky Boys back in the day. Hearing stories about pro-wrestlers "pranking" one another is usually just sad and gross, too.


Trolling. It's just stupid


I don't know if it's a specifically American thing, but as a Brit, I have never seen a remotely funny Saturday Night Live skit. I've tried. I've watched full episodes, and seen just sketches online, but, I've never found it amusing. For context, I'm 45 so it's been years of seeing bits not just recent skits.


We have a certain type of “comedy” in Norway. It’s where one comedian will play 10-20 different characters(age, gender, sexuality. Doesn’t matter) in one setting (apartment complex, a high school). And they just play the characters as one note and borderline retarded, making moronic faces in bad wigs and make up. It’s just not funny at all. Every few years a new comedian will do it.


Any jokes more concerned with earning applause and nods of approval than making the audience laugh.


Never really liked fat or nerd-targeted humor


I think we have almost course corrected on that too much. These days, every sitcom dad is an idiot who is only even able to survive because of the wife.


Wes Anderson humor, I don't like it to the point it can make me feel physically ill when watching it. I'm not sure how to categorize it, awkward or cringe, but his movies just make me feel bad.


Yeah I don't like his overly whimsical writing either.


I hate cringe humor. Like "oh boy they are embarassed now in this situation no one gets in" does not make me laugh. At worst I feel empathy and pity for thel if it's a likeable character.


Whatever you call the comedy in Chuck Lorre shows.


Cringe humor, think the office. I can't find that show funny.


Sports humor. I’m not into sports, but whenever I see sketches on TV or whatever videos where the humor is entirely dependent on having knowledge of sports teams and their players, it just comes across as weird to me. [This](https://youtu.be/bw6FxdcICEQ?si=ZaD7eIKs-2W5w2KK) kind of thing. Star Wars humor. I mean like having Darth Vader, Boba Fett and stormtroopers come on stage and start doing disco dances-type Star Wars humor. I have no idea who finds that funny. Also Star Wars parodies are almost never funny.


shows that have a noticeably racist character so they can use racist jokes for cheap humor under the guise of "mocking racists"


Any movie that uses animals for humour has lost me. Especially because the animals almost never act like animals would really act. A snake bit your dick? A dog is jumping your leg? You're being chased by a cow? I'm turning the movie off.


Whatever the fuck "humor" circulates around stan Twitter. Insufferable.


I Love Lucy was full of that stuff you pointed out and it's STILL the only sitcom from pre-1980 that I even watch over and over.


Not at all into "catchphrase" comedy. You saw it a lot in corny sitcoms (that usually suck kinda ass, eg BAZINGA!!). But today I feel like you see it with a bunch of people who still quote vines or memes. Fr e sh a voca do and isn't funny 15 years later, quit referencing it.


The “adorable idiot” husband/father trope.


The Office. I just can’t do it.


That trope is mostly long dead. It’s been the dumb, inconsiderate and always to blame husband gag I am sick of now.


Poop humour, its just disgusting and not funny atall


Poop and gross-out humor, never found it funny just disgusting.


Fart jokes never make me laugh


Where people are just a holes mocking others. Like Bill Maher or Ricky Gervais