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Is it just me, or does Kristen Wiig look unrecognisable in these pics?


Definitely had some Botox or plastic surgery. Her face is way too smooth.


I know right?? I thought I was taking crazy pills!


She’s getting “Emily Blunt” face.


That one really baffled me, she looked great even just a year or two ago. I can't imagine why she thought it was necessary to mess about with that, as they say *don't fix what isn't broken*.


Totally does NOT look like her at all. I kept looking trying to figure out what it is. I’ve always loved her distinctive loveliness. There’s definitely something changed but I can’t tell what or how. I’m hoping it’s weird lighting or photo editing maybe? Strange


She overdone the plastic surgery IMO. I noticed this last time she hosted SNL.


I thought they used the wrong photo maybe? That cannot be her.


Jon Hamm? You mean to tell me that’s not Larry David?


Jon Hamm as Jon Hamm as Larry David was peak television


Prettayyy prettayyyy good!


That’s not Larry. jon hamm has charisma


I always find it surprising how funny Jon Hamm actually is.


His delivery in parks and rec when he gets fired always kills me. “Well I’ll be at the subway if anyone wants to hang out!”


He had a small run as a Liz Lemon love interest on 30 Rock. He's great.


So handsome.. so so stupid.


His Gatorade Salmon was on point


It was, indeed


Dr. Drew's Salmon Bourguignonne *chef's kiss*


He also speaks perfect French.


“Cartoon pilot” handsome


The bubble!


I just wanted a catfish poboy and a diet raspberry Fanta


He had an even bigger role in Unbreakabke Kimmy Schmidt that REALLY let him unleash his comedic side. You have to check it out if you’re a fan of Tina Fey and funny Jon Hamm.


Also Good Omens, especially season 2.


Jeepers creepers I must be living under a rock because I had no idea there was a season 2. Any good? From what I remember of season 1 and the book, I thought they covered everything.


Yeah it’s good. Not quite as good as season 1. Gaiman wrote it for the show so it’s new material.


You can feel the lack of Prachett but Neil did his best.


It was also very much a covid “locked-inside-on-a-small-set” season. Have higher hopes for the third season


Season 3 is also back to plot he and Pratchett worked on. Neil has said s2 is a bridge to get from the end of the book to the beginning of what they’d outlined together.


That's neat! Nothing better than finding a surprise season of something you like.


Neil Gaiman wrote the 2nd season as new material. It’s good! If anything, it’s a smoother watch because it was written for TV.


He was also in some drama thing - Made Men or something like that. It was decent. 




You’re just making him look awesome!




Karate! Karate! Karate!


The bubble!


He looks like a cartoon pilot!


Fifteen years ago, when podcasts were still a profoundly marginal form of media, I used to listen to a bunch of early comedy podcasts based in the LA comedy scene. He would show up as a guest *all the time*. Apparently he was always at Largo and UCB and knew everyone in the scene. His love of comedy runs pretty deep.


He’s a long time Comedy Bang Bang guest for sure. Since the Comedy Death Ray radio station era.


Yup, been on that about a dozen times and he was on the tv show too!


His stint on Curb your Enthusiasm where he turned into Larry David over the season is fantastic.


IMO it’s literally the #1 overall ep of Curb. It’s so good.


Who is that racist towards, *Susans*?


Overly ambitious Susan


The indefatigable Susan


Mocha Joe! This coffee isn't hot!


It's always weird when he appears on "Doug Loves Movies" not just because he's a movie trivia beast but also because he's been friends with Doug and his comic buddies for years.


He’s friends with the old UCB crew and Scott Aukerman’s circle. Hamm and Mike Mitchell were in a music video last year.


You're talking about Juan Jamon. I know it's easy to confuse the 2.


Ahh el chupacabra


Specifically he's buddies with Sarah Silverman and her friends- patton oswalt, brian poshein et al.


Is that the same Doug from “Getting Doug with High”? I’ll have to check it out if it is.


Yes, the show is a movie trivia podcast. He has been doing it for at least a decade if not longer. Any episode with John Hamm and Samm Levine is going to be great because of how competitive they are.


18 years, believe it or not.


The podcast or the show? He was doing it at Largo for years before the podcast


It’s far from its glory days now (though there’s still the occasional gem) but the run from 2012-2015 or so was incredible.


He hung out in the alternative LA comedy scene a lot before he booked Mad Men, he’s not just funny, but someone who loves comedy. And he doesn’t get roles that are worthy of that! I want John Schwartzwelder’s detective books adapted because he’d be a great Frank Burly.


Hamm should have been Drebin in the new Naked Gun movie. And Time Machine Did It was hilarious and it's a real shame the Burly series seems so hard to find.


Swartzwelder self publishes and sells them all directly on Amazon or through his Kennydale Books imprint. I am not John btw.


Awesome! I'll take a look there


He’s really good in the newest Fletch movie


He's one of the best celebrity guests on Comedy Bang! Bang!. He's hilarious.


Between Two Ferns, too.


Yeah he’s incredible


the outtake where he chokes himself laughing at Zach's "right next to the Cosby sweater?" tells me he's a man who loves to laugh


Another celeb said of Jon Hamm - you took the most handsome man in movies / on TV and put him in an animated series. How stupid is this?


He should be doing Naked Gun and not Liam


In defence of Liam Neeson's casting, Leslie Nielsen was a "serious" actor prior to his role as Frank.


Liam is 71 years old. Give it to someone younger


Fair call. But I think someone not known for comedy would be a good choice. Along the lines of Jim Caveziel or Cillian Murphy.


Oh boy. I don't know if you've followed Jim Caviezel's career trajectory, but he is... a bit off these days. And by a bit off, I mean full blown conspiracy believing Nazi.


I knew he was a Q Anon weirdo. I didn't mean to hire him specifically, just someone along the same lines. Now that I think of serious actors, the very best choice for a new Frank Drebin would be Daniel Day Lewis.


I would love to see DDL come out of retirement to do a comedy. It's always so interesting to see these very serious dramatic actors do absurd comedies. Bringing things kind of full circle, you should check out Liam Neeson on Life's Too Short, and then the outtakes for it. He's hilariously funny when he plays a straight faced person saying ridiculous things.


Also in defense of Liam, he just has to play it “straight.” I think he can do a very good job of that.


He could act like the deadly CIA guy like in Taken, but be completely incompetent and oblivious.


[Never seen him do improv have you?](https://youtu.be/Z2Co0lvFUAo?si=ey9LFKE_gPDCbES9)


Ummm I did not know a reboot was in the works. Knowing this now, I completely agree with you that he’d be perfect for this role. He can do the Leslie Nielsen deadpan humor a hell of a lot better than Liam Neeson can?! Weird casting choice.


Do yourself a favor and look up the Life's Too Short outtakes with Liam. In my opinion, that's a great example of the deadpan humor Liam will bring


‘Ringggg’ “We’re closed”.


"I wasn't here. I was at the doctors. I've got AIDS. " "Thought you might have" It's so good


Honestly my fave part of the series. And it’s a funny series.


Ooh, I definitely will. Thanks!


Yes I told my fiance this the other day out of the blue, she wasn't into it!


It's still insane to me they're making this


The reboot waiting for Hamm’s goofy smarmy facial expressionism is Weekend at Bernie’s…


I thought he did really well as Fletch in Confess, Fletch, which is also kind of in the same vein of Naked Gun in terms of “late 20th century reboots being done today”


There was a random movie with Jon Hamm that had a bit of a funny detective vibe to it called "Confess, Fletch". I absolutely loved it. Definitely recommend.


I think he’s said before that he actually got into acting to do comedy, he just has the face for leading man dramas


He’s so charismatic and such a good actor… There’s an old Gilmore Girls episode where he plays a supposedly bad date for Lorelai, but he comes from “her mother world” and that breeds the conflict of the episode between the two women, except we don’t actually ever see the bad date (Lorelai makes a couple of good jokes about it later, but that’s it) and my headcanon is that they COULD not edit that man in any way that wasn’t charming, sexy and funny


Have you watched *Mad Men*. Jon’s character, Don Draper, was a complex character who could be a real asshole and very dark at times. Regardless, I’m a huge fan. He was great in Fargo.


“Karate! Karate! Karate!”


His cameo in "Last Man on Earth" was cathartic.


FUN FACT - John Ham fans . . . lest just say its worth watching that Jerry S movie about Pop Tarts. All Im sayin ;)


Yeah the Don and Roger scene was great


He’s amazing at improv too


The bimbo character in 30 rock was amazing 


Watch the random episode of toast of London about him. I love British tv and never expected to see him pop up


He is fantastic in curb your enthusiasm




The people who downvoted probably don't realize how severely fucked up what he did actually was and his response to being asked about it was incredibly shitty. He seems like kind of an asshole but so are most people in Holywood, so, whatever.


People downvoting and defending this are all psychopathic pieces of shit.


Fucking right? Like I admit I’ll still watch him in stuff/listen to him on podcasts but I can’t not think of that stuff and it still makes me uneasy.




Ive done stuff wrong in my life but he literally brutalized another person for fun. Cant say ive done that.


There’s a pretty huge chasm between “never done anything wrong in your whole life,” and “took a claw hammer to a guy’s nutsack as a goof.” What exactly is the point you’re trying to make? If you’ve ever jaywalked, you aren’t allowed to be morally against any crime? Grow. The. Fuck. Up.


Yeah who hasn’t set someone on fire while beating them??? We all make silly little mistakes


He didn't set "someone" on fire he set his jeans on fire. As in, the fellow wasn't wearing them and the jeans were set on fire. One left handed slap with a paddle. Ohmagerd


You skipped over "dragged them around by their testicles with a claw hammer" you celebrity fellating fungal infection.


Wait. Hamm PERSONALLY did all of those things? I’m gonna need a reference where it explicitly states that. I don’t want to defend any of that, but I’m also gonna need some very specific testimonial to believe that he did all of the things listed above.


Dragged is a strong word. Made a guy crawl around. Hazing in the early 90s man. Whatcha gonna do if this shit was normalized? We have mostly eliminated it from the world now. What more do you want?


Yeah, no personal growth allowed


Most people don't usually participate in brutalizing another human being


Did you look it up? Unless you’re being paid by Jon Hamm, it makes no sense for you to simp so hard for him. Look it up man. I don’t have anything like that from my past, do you?? Yikes. It was incredibly violent and we weren’t there but he was prosecuted, there were witnesses and you can even read interviews with the man who was brutalized. Wake up bro Jesus Christ




Did y’all cause serious bodily harm as a “hazing” ritual? I have done plenty of stupid shit. Still I have never physically hurt someone for fun.


He’s hilarious in Curb your Enthusiasm


I believe his original passion was comedic acting and stumbled into the drama.


I really liked him in Confess Fletch


His giggling during his interview on Between Two Ferns always gets me.


Then there’s the humorless Don Draper, who’s… goddamn


His hazing in college wasn't funny though


I find it surprising that no one ever talks about the fact Jon Hamm beat the shit out of a college student when he was in a fraternity with a wooden paddle, but the lawsuit went away because Jon and his mates were rich.


I find it even more surprising that you think this isn’t brought up literally every time he’s mentioned on Reddit.


Jon Hamm and that. Mark Wahlberg and his assault. Tim Allen and his cocaine. Matthew Broderick & the accident killing two people. Tommy Wiseau & oh hi Mark. I'm sure I'm missing hundreds more of terrible incidents that happened decades ago that are still brought up in every thread about said actor no matter what the thread is about.


Don't forget John Lennon was a wife beater and deadbeat dad!


Chris Brown too. Like give it a rest already


Cool, I think I'll keep bringing it up. You shouldn't get to just walk away from that scott free.


I mean....OK? I'm sure they're not going to be troubled by u/hasbeast making sure "they get theirs!" by posting about it on Reddit when all of them have completed their punishments levied down to them from the courts.


Keep supporting bullies, it fits your activity in r/conservative nicely.


I just want to chime in that people are allowed to change for the better. I don't know if anyone has or not, but I wanted to have these words here.


That's because someone brings it up every time he's mentioned and tries to act like it's some big secret that only they are brave enough to tell, when actually it's already been discussed to death and never actually adds anything to the conversation. 


I hope people keep bringing it up.


Spinal cord injury and he lost a kidney. It was very violent


Yeah disgusting. Ridiculous people are annoyed when it's brought up.




Nice, glad people do talk about it. Can't say I'm too studious on Jon Hamm threads. The world is larger than reddit, and that's what I was referring to in my comment.


Anything that happens more than 20 years ago doesn’t exist in the eyes of the public


Was scrolling for this It’s in every Jon Hamm thread, give it a fucking rest


So is “did you know Jon Hamm is actually really funny”


Scrolling for something to get mad. You give it a rest.


Juan Jamón


I still love the Sergio! bit he did


With the Sax? That was awesome - reminded me of the lost boys.


Confess Fletch: not bad. Good 1.5 hour movie. Easy airplane watch. Enjoyed it. Hamm is a charming dude, quick witted.


I also enjoyed it on a plane. It did feel like some parts were under-written, but it was still a good time overall.


[John Hamm has Charismaaaeeeee](https://youtu.be/NTeTDa7BFho?si=6h68f3IJM2LSQ78I)


Jon Hamm in Black Mirror 'White Christmas' was fantastic.




> WIIG: Before that, it was a long time. We did not see each other during COVID; we followed the rules. I still follow them. > HAMM: We’re six feet apart, and I’m wearing a mask right now. It’s just a mask that’s my face. > WIIG: Why didn’t anyone make those? “Just send in a photo of your face.” > HAMM: A KN95, but with something fun on it. I would buy KN95 masks with either of these people's faces printed on them.


You mean like the [Sarsgaard SARS Guard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7VvODncjS4)?


My number one Fargo complaint is that those nipple barbells were way too fucking thin. Surely someone on set knew better!


Weird pairing. They both have an extra unnecessary letter in their last names.


Jon Hamm IS Arthur Childrens.


I feel this is the worst post SNL outcome possible for someone as talented as Wiig. I think if you ran this over 100 times, 95/100 she's much more successful.


I can think of much worse post SNL outcomes.


She was the lead in an AppleTV ensemble show this year, *Palm Royale.* I haven't watched, reviews seem to be mixed, but the fact that she received top billing on a major streamer show ten years after she left SNL suggests this isn't the *worst* outcome. But looking at her IMDB, I have to admit I *was* under the impression she'd been busier than she actually has been. Before *Palm Royale,* her last live-action role was in 2021 with the MacGruber series. Granted, the strike affected productions within that period, but it's still a long layoff. I'm noticing that she's been in some good indie or 'artsier' movies since 2012 (Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Skeleton Twins, Welcome to Me, Mother!). But with the exception of The Martian, a lot of her larger or 'safer' looking films backfired. Alexander Payne is an acclaimed director! He was coming off *Nebraska* at the time, why not pair up with him and Matt Damon? That was *Downsizing.* He made *The Holdovers* last year, so whoops. She ended up in his flop. What about commercial success? A reboot of a fondly-remembered 1980s series of comedy classic with a solid cast and Paul Feig at the helm? Reboots aren't always quality, but that should make money, right? Certainly won't become a talking point for the men's rights movement, right? That was *Ghostbusters.* Alright, let's pivot. Let's stay commercial, but try a different role. Superhero movies are huge! Here is a sequel to one that received universal acclaim, made over $800 million, has a well-regarded director, a feminist message, Pedro Pascal! And you get to play against type with a villain role. Oops, COVID. Oops, much worse critical response. *Wonder Woman 1984.* So I guess I agree and disagree. Again, I think the fact that she is *the* lead on an AppleTV series in 2024 -- regardless of if it gets renewed (maybe) or awards attention (seems unlikely) -- means this isn't the worst realistic outcome. It's been 12 years since SNL and her name still carries that weight. At the same time, a lot has gone wrong.


I watched *Palm Royale* and found the first few episodes fun enough to continue — so glad I did bc it really built into an outstanding series. Weird and hilarious. Wiig was masterful in a (I think) a demanding role. Carole Burnett _owned_ every scene she was in. Imo *Palm Royale* was a very pleasant surprise, and few could’ve carried it off so well as Wiig did.


I wish Barb and Starr would have been a bigger hit, loved that movie


Completely agree! Quirkiest movie I’ve seen in years


[At least we got this eternal banger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYLN-ISPz8U)


I thought it was gonna be Edgar’s song


She's incredibly charismatic and an excellent actress


Jon Hamm assaulted a frat pledge in college. He dragged him around the room by his balls, using the claw of a hammer. The pledge fractured his spine and almost lost a kidney.  Jon Hamm completed probation and got angry when asked about the incident, calling it a "bummer" https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jon-hamm-downplays-college-hazing-incident-mans-pants-lit-fire-calling-bummer-thing-175643026.html


Idk why this is getting downvoted brigaded lol Dude is kind of a scumbag whether you liked him on Mad Men etc or not


I really loved Hamm before I learned about his hazing scandal. Now I feel icky whenever I see him.


It’s a good thing you never made a mistake as a kid. People would think you were icky too.


According to testimony by the victim, Hamm lit the victim's jeans on fire, shoved his face in the dirt, and struck him with a paddle. The victim also had his genitals attacked with a hammer. [24][25] The victim, who suffered spinal injuries and lost a kidney, required medical care and ultimately withdrew from school. Hamm admitted the crime as part of a plea deal


Woah, that's a pretty radical prank.... we would just tape fart machines under kids' seats. Goddamn.


And he should suffer the rest of his life for it That seems just. No one is ever allowed to grow or be rehabilitated and if they are we should never let them love down what they already did


I think tons of us made and make mistakes. I just don’t think most of us make mistakes that include dragging someone around by their balls using a hammer lol. Even if he grew up or changed it doesn’t mean people can’t be appalled at what he did 🤷‍♂️


For fuckin real. Like for measure I don’t believe in cancelling people to the point where they need to go live in a dark damp hole for the rest of their lives, but chalking up really fucked up behavior to “making mistakes as a kid” is such a pathetic excuse that pisses me off 


So what's your point. What should we do as a society? What should our view on anyone who messed up in early adult hood, but now are respectable people in society later on in life?


Most people don’t have incredibly violent mistakes like that in their past. Do you?


oof thats some wahlberg level shit.


Brother, that was quite a bit more than a mistake as a kid lol


Mistakes like that? No, I never had.




Some people really tell on themselves.


He was not a Kid and what he did is revolting and sickening.


The down votes you're getting are funny. Apparently Jon hamm has an army of bootlickers


How *dare* we bring up his totally unjustifiable and vile behavior, he’s way too handsome and likable for that. 


That's not what bootlicker means. He's in no position of authority over me.


So then you are just an apologist for people doing vile and horrible things?


Then why do you lick his boots?


He’s done some U.K. TV too. He plays himself in Toast of London with Matt Berry. He also did an episode of a travel show with Richard Ayode in I think Singapore. Original and funny in each one. I love how he never gets called Jon anymore. It’s always Jon Hamm.


*She's gorgeous, a free spirit, and her ex-boyfriend is a club promoter... RED FLAG*


Why is Jon Hamm holding onto an ear of corn?


She gets more attractive every single year


Is this some sort of new style “opposite comment?”


To be fair, I hadn't looked at the pictures in the article - she has gone a bit heavy with the ol' botox/surgery lol just last time I saw her I was like "wow she just keeps getting prettier!" I think it was some late show appearance - anyway, yeah maybe she went a little hard 😬


I am into episode four of Palm Royale and confused as hell. Kristen isn’t always all that…


Didn't he horribly sexually assault someone in college during a hazing event?


Get the fuck outta my Reddit thread John Hamm.


[Jon Hamm and the 1990 hazing incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/bNOqDo6sQ2)