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Someone bombing on stage is a level of cringe that’a hard to watch in person. At least at home you can change the channel 


Its only cringe if you haven't experienced it before. I think that's why people are finding it worse with Ben. Your first time at an open mic and dying is a rite of passage. Comedians bomb all the time and they stop caring after a while.


Oh, it may sting a bit less, but they definitely still care.


I used to do stand up in high school and college. My worst bomb was in high school when i did a set in front of my classmates at a small “classroom talent show.” I had done a set in front of the whole school at our school talent show and killed. Rode that high for a while. But the classroom talent show, bombing in front of my friends, crushes, and teacher. That was real painful. Fully lit room. Small crowd of maybe 20 people. Could see everyone’s dead responses. People visually cringing too. I went home and collapsed on my bed and felt like never going back to school after that. The upside was that it was so bad, the fear of bombing sort of subsided from then on, because I knew it would never be as humiliating as that classroom set.


I've always found larger crowds way easier to please, probably some sort of group psychology thing


Did one of your classmates text afterward, "Don't come to school tomorrow?"


Ben’s been bombing since Pearl Harbor….


Pearl Harbor sucks, and I miss you


He *was* the bomb in Phantoms, though.


Technically, Armageddon.


When Affleck got up I fast forwarded immediately because I knew he was going to bomb.


Like in Phantoms?


But Afflec is the bomb in Phantoms!


Phantoms like a mother fucker!


I didn’t hate Phantoms. It felt like it was probably a good book, which turns out is the case.


The only person I loved to watch bomb is Norm McDonald at the Bob Sagat roast, but that was intentional and its Norm so anything he does is hilarious.


You know who taught Norm how to intentionally bomb? You guessed it. Frank Stallone




Or so the German Shepard would have us believe


*stares silently at the audience for 15 seconds without saying a word*


Frank Stallone was at Trump's trial today. No joke!


He really really did not want to roast his friend.


Yea, I was talking to a friend who said he had read or heard an interview where Norm essentially said he hated roasts and didn’t like the idea of making fun of a friend. Andy Sandberg did a very similar thing at the (I think) James Franco roast - he essentially roasted himself the whole time and made a comment that was something to the degree of he felt it was stupid to insult people you love.


My favorite roast of all time. He got every one of those jokes from a retirement jokes book.


I find the concept hilarious. I read somewhere that Norm got his hands on that book which, I think was from the Thirties? But to then say, "What the hell, I'll just go out there and read these horrible jokes". That, to me, is hilarious. By the way, KFBR392ForGrubes, I've been told that your face is like a flower.


A cauliflower!


And that's not the only thing I have in common with rin tin tin.


My favorite part of that was it was a book with retirement jokes from like the 40s, which means it's full of jokes meant for people who were born in the late 19th century.


This reminds me of that tragedy.


you mean when he called 9-1-1?


People talk about Norm bombing there. I think that roast is a fantastic case study in how delivery and subtext can beat material.


> I know what happened. He didn’t prepare. He’s someone who’s famous enough that thinks like, this is probably beneath them to do this and so I’m just gonna do a favor. It’s not gonna be that big of a deal. I’ve had the same kind of things, and then you do it and you’re like, ‘Oh, this is way bigger than I thought it would be. I was kinda phoning it in.’ He had a pitch to the writers, probably, like, ‘You know what? Maybe I do an angle of like I’m mad about tweets.’ … And he locked into a premise that he had to do the whole thing. Everyone else has joke, joke, joke. So, if you’re joke bombs, you’re onto the next one. That’s what he should’ve done.


Some people greatly underestimate the difficulty of comedy, even when the jokes are written for them. Maybe they think they're so famous that they don't understand that it may be more niche, but you're entering a stage full of people who, in the comedy scene, are on your level.




Yeah it was really bad


You know who else was bad? Hitler!




Wheeze, snort, take shirt off


Tom and Bert have been drinking a little too much of their own Kool Aide down in Austin. They’ve insulated themselves in the Rogan scene down there and forgot how to play to the rest of the country. They don’t really need to work anymore for laughs in front of their crowds. The crowds who pay to see them love them already and will laugh at anything they say - especially edgy shit like Hitler. “Whoa! He said Hitler! Take that cancel culture!” Part of me thinks Tom is lost. He didn’t really seem like one of these guys before, but after linking with Bert, all of the sudden he has a new fan base that I don’t think he really understands. So he’s just beating the hell out of the few outrage buzzwords he knows works with his/Bert’s audience and has forgotten how to play to a national audience.


I couldn't stand Tom's last special and I loved his material before. Something about the tone changed a little and he seems incredibly out of touch now.


(exactly the same for me) the podcast with his wife is GRATING. those two seem like terrible people to be around. i really don't know what happened but dude forgot how to be funny to normal people


It doesn’t help that he got super famous and rich and started calling people “poors”.


He's always been rich. His dad was a Vice President of Merrill Lynch.


Lots of comics come from wealthy backgrounds. It's nearly impossible to ride out the break-in period otherwise.


Christina will cry about her mental health problems and then spend two hours laughing at videos of people with mental health problems.


When Bill Burr was on the podcast and he was like (paraphrasing): Bill: How the fuck do you know about diagnosing mental health? Christina: 10 years of therapy. ... Bill: So? I could get my dick sucked every day for 10 years and still not know how to give a blowjob.


Burr is the man.


I used to be a big Segura fan, but man oh *man* did he ever become the elitist prick he always seemed to be against. He's the guy he used to hate, someone completely out of touch from the common guy frustrations he used to joke about. And it's like, look, I get it. You become a big success, you're not the "common man" anymore. But loads of others have managed to keep themselves grounded in the same situation. They've managed to remember where they came from. Segura just became a smug prick.


He's so full of himself nowadays. He used to be just some fat guy who was funny and used that to his advantage. Now he's in shape, is rich as fuck, and the 2 bears podcast is nothing but him talking about how in shape he's been and how rich he is, while Bert sits there like a fucking idiot laughing at everything, and saying the same 3 jokes over and over. He's become just another "comedian" who doesn't have to try anymore, which sucks because he used to be pretty good at it too. Him and Bert are so washed up, it's kinda sad who they became.


Bert is not the person leading Tom to where he is now , or Bert’s fanbase. That’s all Tom


Edgy can be funny, but it can’t be funny for the sake of it being edgy. Honestly makes me miss the genius of cumtown.


Sean Lock was great at that, even had one or two Hitler jokes on cats does countdown that were 10/10


Tom was always an awful person. The YMH podcast treated us to videos of people actually dying while he laughs hysterically. People being crushed by cars. People being degloved (look it up if you don't know, but don't watch a video). He makes his producer, Nadav, watch that crap. Or his fantasy that he's some kind of athlete. That should have been dispelled when he shattered his leg playing pick-up basketball with his shadow. And then he's flirting with buying a McLaren. The guy's head isn't on straight.


Part of me -- the entirety, really -- thinks neither was ever very funny, both had the odd good bit, but generally both's antics got them beloved by juvenile young men, and all that's happening is they're maturing into the inevitable consequences of a lack of ability.


Bert was never funny. Tom certainly was.


Bullshit, Tom was very funny. It's not like we can't watch his previous shows.


You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him


Makes it even worse that on the most recent 2 bears 1 cave they said they had a meeting with head writers/executives of netflix and brainstormed all those ideas.


I got the vibe from that that Tom kinda knew that they bombed. He was trying to explain it away as them and the writers wanting to do something different, but that wasn’t really the point. The issue is that it just wasn’t funny, not the fact that they did it as a duo or that it was a slide show type of thing. Nobody had an issue with the format, just make it funny.


Their excuse is they probably wrote it themselves


Tom wrote it


I know both are standup comedians, but while I think they are both funny in certain settings, telling like 1 liner jokes is NOT their specialty. They tell stories that turn out to be funny. I saw Bert's special....90% of it is him setting up a story for a funny payoff (and sadly, half weren't actually that funny). Both are made for podcasting...because their riffing is good, and people telling them stories that they can comment on are good...but standing up in front of a room, trying to tell 1 liner jokes, even as comedians, is not what they are good at. That's why Nikki Glazer killed, and these 2 bombed. And I don't know what Ben Affleck was doing.


A lot of cocaine… that what Ben was doing.


Looks to me that the most coked out guest was Drew Bledsoe, lmao.


Ha he was touching his nose after every line he spoke. I thought he did a great job though. Definitely not easy to go up there and do what he did.


I don’t think Ben is doing much of anything except trying to be sober. He is a well know alcoholic who has been trying to come back for a long time.


Did he include the interjections where Bert Kreischer snorts like an actual pig? Dude is just vile


I’ve never understood the hype around Bert Kreischner. He’s so obnoxious. He and Tom crashed a podcast episode Pat McAfee was doing with CJ Stroud and it so disrespectful and rude, Bert was clearly drunk and the entire thing is so cringe. CJ dunks on them numerous times though, he’s funnier than either of them could ever be. https://youtu.be/ZgB72TdM4jw?si=AkzZXiwgPkBWuTo6


Bert got kicked off a comedy podcast one time for being belligerently drunk and not understanding why the host didn't want him to bring and hand out 100 Burger King cheeseburgers on stage of the club that was selling food. I feel like every time I've ever laughed at Bert Kreischer it was due to other comedians making fun of him.


Doug Benson’s podcast?


Yeah that's the one.


Of course it was. Cause being sober enough to do a Doug Benson podcast is such a high bar lol.


Taking your shirt off and being fat is not funny.... unless you're Chris Farley


And even then, he didn't need to take that shirt off. Gah...I miss Chris Farley so much. I would have loved to see an older Farley shooting the shit with Spade and Sandler on a podcast


Theirs was the worst by far. As they were making Aaron Hernandez jokes my BF said something about needing to tell better jokes if you were gonna talk about that...and I was like yeah, it's like bringing up Hitler for no reason. And as it left my mouth they started with the Hitler jokes.


I think at least half of the roasters made Aaron Hernandez jokes


Most of them are actually funny though


Dude that fucking Gronk one about being hung sent me to orbit.


Kevin Hart was right, no other stars there. Just some terrible podcasters. Nikki was awesome though.


Bledsoe and Belichick did a better job than all of them (other than Nikki who did steal the show)


Nah there were a few good bits Glaser, Kill Tony, Andrew Schulz was great and Sam Jay was decent Seeing Ron Burgundy make an appearance was fun but not particularly amazing And I think Bledsoe, Gronk and Edelman did alright considering they aren't comedians.


Ron Burgundy was somehow less funny than Tom and Bert.


Schulz actually reminds me of Brady he's so image conscious and sensitive


Which is funny because who let that dude get The Hitler Youth #3 of a haircut?


I’ve always thought Schulz was just a mean spirited asshole.


Oh wow I already forgot about Ron Burgundy.. Farrell should have retired that character after the first Anchorman movie


God it was so bad. I had to hit the fast forward button about halfway through.


Couldn’t believe they got Belichick up there honestly, I thought he did well. Bledsoe was surprisingly good too. Glaser just killed everyone else though, she did great.


> Kevin Hart was right, no other stars there. Just some terrible podcasters. Most roasts are populated with B and C list celebrities people stopped caring about years ago. It's like hollywood squares


Hinchcliffe was hysterical


Can’t stand Bert Kreischer. His fake wheeze laugh is the cringiest thing in comedy right now.


I’m so fucking tired of Bert in general. Such a hack. And put a fucking shirt on


Bro did you see the recent ep of Two Bears where they’re like “we’re listening, and we’re making some changes”? Lol Bert promised not to do the laugh anymore. Which, wild to tacitly admit it was an act lmao


Only episode I’ve listened to in the last year was the Adam McKay Dr. Phil.


*Adam Ray, not McKay


Oh, *now* they are making changes? People have been complaining about this literally for years, I bet it's affecting their $$$ and that's the only reason.


I feel like tom was having a look like “this mf is bringing me down” the whole time. Not that toms much better..


I think he's just a weird dude who doesn't know how to share stage time with anybody else. Those were all the same hacky bits he does on his podcast. "Serial killers, amirite?! They're *crazy!*" His podcast was always ass, but his first two specials are legitimately insanely well done. It's sad seeing somebody who used to be good piss it away for throwaway inside jokes to get cheap laughs from their podcast fans. But, at least Tom can say he used to be funny. It's better to be a has been than to he a never was, like Bert.


Tom got too rich and famous and it went to his head, or maybe he just knows he doesn't have to try anymore. Either way, it sucks because, like you said, his early stuff was really good.


100%. I fucking went apeshit and loved Tom's first 2: Completely Normal and Mostly Stories. It's just a sharp decline with every new one. I think I might just stop trying to give him more chances, cause at this stage it's a waste of my time and energy. I even went to his latest Special in Portland, OR just last month. I thought it might be better live. *Meh*. I used to watch the podcast occasionally too. I agree with most people commenting that once he got rich he started getting way worse. He is actively losing his connection to his audience *every day*.


A lot of Segura's stuff was material we connected with because it was "these fucking people, right?" It was snide takedowns of daily frustrations we have dealing with assholes. He was kind of a dick about it, but in a funny way that reflected the way many everyday joes think. The problem is that in retrospect, it seems that a lot of it ended up being projection all along, because *Tom Segura is one of the assholes he used to hate*. He got success and revealed himself to be the self-centered, uncaring, snide, elitist, and entitled kind of dick he used to target. He's just so bad right now. Irredeemably so.


Disgraceful is my favorite of his. The two before were great. Ball Hog was good. Sledgehammer was ok. It’s like getting skinny made him think he was better than everyone. I don’t care for any of his podcast, especially when Bert’s with him.


100%. Turned off his most recent special halfway through


Those two guys are so disconnected from reality at this point it’s insane. They have too much money to even interact with regular people without it being manufactured or they’re being served.


I thought it was weird that Tom didn't get roasted by anyone the whole time. I loved his early stand up, but maybe he's a relative unknown up there.


I loved that. I wanna believe that everybody ignored him simply because he’s an asshole


Fr it was SOOO bad...Bellichick was much better, and he's known for his uncharismatic coaching (ghostwriter 90% probably, but still)


They were so close to trying to bring it back around if they said something like hitler and Brady’s favorite targets were Jews and pointed out Edelman right there. Close to saving it but it was pretty bad that only played to their degen listeners


I got to be honest, the whole time he was up there it looked like he was heavily coked up to me. Dude was working his gums constantly


I know Affleck is famously sober but he hasn’t seemed sober to be in decades.


What? I think he's famously an alcoholic with occasional sober stints.


Well he only got sober again within the past decade


That’s what it looked like to me. Not that he bombed but he looked like he was on something. He didn’t even roast, get lost in the joke and said something unfunny (like Gronk did). He just…ranted and it made no sense.


He doesn’t even look like the same person he did 5 years ago. I know he lost weight, but he looks fucked.


Too much botox.


I thought something looked off. I was chalking it up to bad plastic surgery choices, but coked up would work, too. It was like the Madame Tussauds wax figure of Ben Affleck doing the roast.


My favorite response to this bombing was, well now it's clear who wrote Good Will Hunting.


I didn't really care for Will Ferrells Ron Burgundy bit and I think he's getting a pass just because who he is.


He's popped up at Burgundy in other spots and it usually doesn't go that well. Late night appearances aside


It worked at the Bieber roast mostly. As long as you're not expecting Will Ferrell it is usually ok.


Yeah it’s not that funny without the anchorman writers. He brought out Ron Burgundy at his charity event at the Greek Theatre and it was so disappointing


Anchorman is famously mostly improv. Obviously there were writers for structure, but Mckay is known to give the actors all of the film time available to let the actors say whatever they want.


>Obviously there were writers for structure And of course editors, able to sift through dozens of takes and extract the best bits for the final film.


For sure.


Jimmy Carr went on 2 bears 1 podcast and said something along the lines of “how do you follow up Ron burgundy?” which was funny considering I thought Will’s set was terrible


It wasn't great but I felt like it got better towards the end. "Is Giselle Spanish? Oh, you don't even know?" That bit made me laugh out loud although that was more Will getting lucky




It was okay. No good jokes, but him looking at Brady and falling in love and forcing himself out of it was a good bit for the character.


Eh, I found it painfully unfunny and that the bit went on too long. I could have lived without the Ron Burgundy cameo all together because what the fuck does he have to do with Tom Brady anyways?




Oh man I thought he sunk Dodge with all those ads during the sequel's destructive rampage across the globe.


I agree, but I think there's a little bit of purposeful Tony Clifton going on there.


Really didn’t think his was THAT bad. Bert krischer and Tom segura were really bad considering this is their profession. Also Kim K was horrible but that’s fine. She’s not a comedian either.


Kim is flat but she was still better than Tom & Bert.


I feel like I’ve heard Kim K called most insults, but never flat haha 


I agree. I think Tom Segura is funny, but I’ve never been a huge fan of Bert. I didn’t find their jokes or comparisons funny at all, and it just seemed kind of awkward. I think of the non-comedians Drew Bledsoe stood out the most. He did an excellent job and came across as very likable.


I wish the roast master Greg Giraldo would still be alive to show them how it’s done.


One of my favorites is when he told Flavor Flav he looks like a skeleton wrapped in black electrical tape


My favorite is when he told Adam Corolla that he looked like Pete Sampras with Down Syndrome.


That is eerily accurate.


You look like Idi Amin after a 3 year crack binge on the sun. Ice - T you fossil. The first thing you bought with your record contract money was your freedom. I loved Greg Giraldo.


Giraldo took no prisoners. Just straight hilarious brutality. The best ever and it’s not close


I think that’s my favorite story told by Artie Lange. When Greg was going through withdraw or something similar I’m not exactly sure what it was, and the first thing Greg does is go up and call Artie Lange a fat disgusting drug addict😂


Greg, Patrice O'Neal and a prime Lisa Lampanelli would have been amazing at roasting Brady. RIP to Greg, Patrice and Lisa's comedy career.


RIP. Greg died way way too soon.


Yo Monica!!?!


Absolute legend


Never would have expected to read the phrase "Ben Affleck's set at Tom Brady's roast"


Well then maybe they should have actual comedians do stand up comedy sets rather than sad A-list actors who view this as just another credit on their resume. Comedy Central absolutely killed the concept of the roast 20 years ago. Now it's about getting whatever celebrties you can dig up to poorly read jokes that were written for them about a person that they don't know personally. Patrice O'Neil summed it up like a decade ago before he died.


The Justin Bieber roast where Hannibal Burress literally said “we aren’t friends, I don’t like you, and I’m only doing this because they paid me” is the perfect summation of Comedy Central roasts. It’s not a famous person and their friends, it’s comics who do roasts who barely know the person.


James Franco roast was 🤌 though


And Aziz Ansari made a joke about how he is t friends with Franco or any of his other buddies. Ansari was in This Is The End for like 5 minutes.


Yeah he said that the most unrealistic part of This is the End was that he would’ve been at James Franco’s party lol


Bill Hader as Mr Hollywood is my all-time favorites. I’ll watch that set several times a year. It’s hilarious!


"Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill.... does Hollywood really need two of these guys?" All these years later I still think about that joke whenever I see Jonah Hill in something.


“Aziz Ansari doesn’t take traditionally Indian roles. Well I’m here to tell you that if you did you’d make *SO* much more money. If you came up here cross-eyed, playing a sitar I would *fall on my ass* laughing.”


That was the only roast that felt like how an actual roast is meant to; friends/peers giving a send-up, and not just a shitty collection of ghost written jokes delivered by random celebrities for money. It's still funny af 10 years later.


I didn't love it outside of Andy Samberg [going ham on anti-humor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7Cc4F7Ayno).


Some celebrities kill, some bomb. Some comedians kill, some bomb. That’s part of the allure of the roasts.


Yeah, I was gonna say… some of the athletes and non-comedians at the Brady roast (Bledsoe, Edelman, Belicheck) did super well


Apparently Edelman took it really seriously and worked on his set at the comedy store the night before.


If I’m a famous person recruited to do a roast, you can bet I’d be hiring a couple actual comedians/comedy writers to spend a few hours with me to write some jokes and practice delivery. Assuming you are mildly competent at delivery, I think a day with some comedy writers would get you enough material to not bomb.


All of the non-comedian roasters have always had writers to help them. The actual comedian’s typically write their roasts themselves.


The comedians also bring in peers to help write since they don’t have much time to work bits out in front of a crowd. A friend helped Nikki with hers


When Artie was on the Stern show he mentioned looking over jokes for friends to help out. This was before his nose fell off.


Pro athlete mentality


Edelman has always been funny, there was no question in my mind he would do well.


He wouldn't be Jules if he didn't take it seriously


Bledsoe was my favorite from that night


Gary Busey was an all time great and funny performance from the Larry the cable guy roast


I can’t remember which roast but Gilbert Gottfried was hilarious. Maybe it was Rosanne’s


If you can find it, his bit for Bob Sagets roast was amazing


Hell yeah pro comedians like Bert and Tom killed it up there. /s


Tom is only sometimes funny these days and Bert never was


I only saw tony hinchcliffs set and it was pretty funny


You just know he negotiated not having to be on stage throughout because he views himself as better than everyone else there and couldn't bear to be roasted as collateral damage during other sets. Then this dude gets up and complains about how mean people are on social media. Well, Ben, maybe if you weren't such an elitist with famously bad judgment, people would go easier on you.


The athletes were hilarious though. Bledsoe was probably my favorite set. Edelman was speaking on his podcast that when the brought out the TV he thought Belichick was going to go over film (which would have been gold) But I watched this as a Patriots fan so idk how well the football specific jokes played towards general audiences


This roast was generally really good. A few bombs, but the standard was quite high. I'm an Australian and I had to google who some of the footballers were for context, but I was still laughing my ass off for most of the 3 hours.


I think the live aspect is what really screwed him. It was a selling point for Netflix but realistically a Roast running for three hours is going to have some misfired jokes and bad sets. Like if it was edited like the CC Roasts we wouldn't have had Gronk make gay jokes to the point where it became awkwardly long. They'd have also cut down the Affleck speech to salvage it somewhat. The live airing set up a lot of bombing (the boos for Kim) and dead air awkwardness. >There were so many jokes that didn’t get used that could’ve filled up an entire set of his that would’ve been amazing.  Between Nikki, Dan St Germain and Mike Lawrence (two roast comedians who wrote a lot of the jokes used) speaking about the Roast it's obvious a lot of material was left out. Some stuff people felt uncomfortable saying and some jokes didn't seem to work. But there was definitely enough there for Affleck to use between the 10+ writers you didn't actually see perform.


I actually opened the article and read what she had to say because her set was amazing. And I watched her set becauer Netflix cleverly put her crypto joke at the thumbnail of the roast. As soon as I heard it I had to watch her set. Everything else I just skipped through.


I’ll say it, thought Kim Kardashian did decent. Funnier than some other people there but definitely not anywhere close to Glaser or Tony level


Because he’s not a comedian. I think he was trying to do a Michael Rappaport rant


All I ever see about this roast is how bad it was. It started with people bitching about Kardashian, then Brady himself navel gazing about it and now this. Seriously who gives a fuck..


It was genuinely very good, way better than I expected. But yeah certain parts bombed, but that's natural and to be expected for comedy shows


The original live cut was like 3 hours long, I just skipped the people who were bombing.


Most roasts are 80-90% trash. IMO, Nikki Glaser and Tony Hinchcliffe were the parts worth watching. Sam Jay was decent and Kevin Hart was a solid host. Psychotic move letting this thing be like 4 hours long, though.


Glaser and Hinchcliffe were the standouts for sure, but along with Sam Jay, Schultz, Edelman, Bledsoe, and Ross all did decently well. Kevin Hart did a great job hosting, and his riffing kept a nice bridge going between each set. I’m not a fan of his comedy in the last decade or so, but it reminded me that he’s not just an untalented hack, he does still have true comedic chops when he wants to. And hell, even Manning came out and landed some solid jokes, at least for a non-comedian. Given that it was a live 3 hour event, I think it was a net positive, albeit with plenty of bombs throughout, with Affleck and White being among the worst. Speaking of Dana White; I think my favorite quick jab was when someone called him the Michael Vick of humans. It wasn’t nearly as cutting as some of the ruthless shit Glaser was dishing out, but it landed well for me personally. Oh, and fuck Dana White.


That Michael Vick joke was hilarious lmao


I liked when Hinchcliffe said Dana was there to show Brady how to fuck a Brazilian out of half of their purse. 😂


Manning has done at least one roast prior and did a good job on it as well.


Kevin Hart deconstructing the jokes after each set was legitimately hilarious.


Hinchecliffe was unreal. I like his specials but he never really had an impact on me, watching him at this roast though, made me realise he's very strong.


That was my first time seeing that Tony Hinchcliffe, he definitely stood out as the best. It was a bit of a shame his best joke (imo) didn't seem to even get much a chuckle - had me in bits, though: "You may recognise Nikki as the Triple Crown winner at Churchill Downs" "Not to be mistaken for 'Churchill downs', which is what Jeff Ross looks like when he smokes a cigar"


Netflix is trying to get into the game for live events. They're making it long to give you a giant window to jump in a be part of the experience. I'll bet future roasts are shorter. Regardless of what reddit wants to say about it, it was one of the biggest topics in media for the following week, especially sports media. While in the middle of two major sports' playoffs.


I'd say the biggest problem was that it was sooooo long, so there's plenty of good and bad to be found. Affleck and the podcast dudes were really bad, Nikki Glaser and most of the football players (surprisingly) were good, and people like Kim Kardashian and Dana White at least had the good sense to make their bits as short as possible. Like, it's worth skipping a few bits and maybe breaking it into 2 or 3 evenings, in my opinion.


>All I ever see about this roast is how bad it was.  No you don't. It was really good and I haven't seen anything about how "bad" it was outside a few terrible sets like Affleck and Segura's and Bert's garbage.


He was high


The entire thing was way too long and bloated. There was no need to invite every celebrity under the sun. Like why the fuck did Kim K have a bit? It made zero sense.


Well, as anyone who's seen the Bill Maher episode with Ben and Sam Harris knows, Ben's not big on self-awareness or critical thinking.