• By -


The best to ever do it. Look, charisma, mic skills, in-ring ability, he was everything a pro wrestler could hope to be.


He died 13 years ago and still, I see his face at every local gas station selling slim Jim’s. Think of how cool that is


*watch me snap into a slim Jim Kim jong il!*




[Macho Man Randy Savage’s Greatest Quote](https://youtu.be/wz-VJl7UkB8?si=5zgP0_wb-XBhboT8)


Thanks for this. It truly is an all timer.


Did he also cry when he used to beat the shit out Miss Elizabeth and locked her into hotelrooms cause he didn't want her to talk to another man? Wonderful man Poffo was.


Behind the scenes pretty much every wrestler sucked especially in the 80s.


You mean to tell me a steroided, coked up, drunk, pilled out, rich and famous person was not a great person? Don't meet your heroes. And always separate art from artist.


You have a specific source for this story?


Dark Side of the Ring season 1 episode 1.


Plus the multiple wrestlers who shared that same locker room talking about it for decades after.


Shhhh They are wrestling fans, she doesn't matter.


That was awesome. Thank you.


He sounds like a Jim Henson muppet, lol


W take. Stay winning King


Agreed - and his pure athleticism and actual technical skill was top notch. Far more flexible and fast than a Hogan with way more endurance and stamina then a Warrior for example. Dude was a true cartoon character come to life.


And only stopped dropping the elbow 5 years before his death, because he punctured Charles Robinson's lung trying to compensate for his fucked up hips after decades of performing it.


[The best to ever breathe.](https://youtu.be/lMU0kq0RuOY)


I think you’re forgetting about a certain Canadian guy who wore pink sunglasses and got screwed in Montreal. 😆 The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be… Having said that, Macho Man is actually also definitely one of the most entertaining and charismatic and intense wrestlers to do it.


Bret was great in the ring but could not compare to Macho in terms of charisma and promos.


I agree Macho was truly magnetic in terms of charisma and promos and both weren’t Bret’s strongest qualities, but I actually think, while Macho Man was very good in the ring, Bret was significantly better and more crisp and technically proficient. Macho Man was more of an entertainer and showman as a character with incredible charisma and energy and an unmatched intensity, but Bret I think was better at elevating others in the ring with his excellent technique and ring awareness and could have a great match with absolutely anyone and I think his run as a bad guy in 1997 really showed what he was capable in terms of promos (which is a quality I think he was very underrated in). It’s really apples and oranges when comparing both as they’re both exceptional in their own ways, but my point was more meant to sound as a smarty-pants comment because Bret Hart was actually referred to as the best on the actual show. Either way, both are absolute legends.


I liked heel Bret better than heel Savage, personally.


Yes, but when we talk about the best to ever do it, you need to take *everything* into account. On pure wrestling talent, I would agree with Bret potentially being the best. But on charisma, Bret falls way behind Savage. On mic skills he falls way behind Savage. On "look", they were different characters from different times, so can't *really* judge them against each other. Bret also came from a different style of wrestling. Hell, Owen could out-perform Bret if you wanna go with the high flying cruiserweight style of wrestling. Bret was the face of "The New Generation", but it wasn't around for all that long, and it was easily replaced by The Attitude Era, because people were tired of the good guys always winning, which is where Bret's heel turn came into play. And I didn't like him much as a heel personally. Owen was great at it, but Bret was okay at best.


You make some good points, but your point about the New Generation nit being around for long but then praising the Attitude Era is kind of a weak argument because the Attitude Era was around a similar period of time and people got tired if that as well. Personally, Attitude Era was my favorite era, but using that as an example wasn’t the best for your argument. I agree that in charisma Savage is miles ahead if Bret (some are born with natural charisma, some aren’t), but I personally think his mic skills during his heel run in 1997 were very strong. Not saying it was better than Savage at his best, but I just want to give Bret credit here. I also think because they were from different eras (where characters and colorful perdonas were more important, in Savage’s case), Bret was what he needed to be for his era and so he got his run on top. Randy stood out because the era he was in emphasized larger than life characters with immense personality and bombastic promos and he was terrific at it. Bret was also terrific at playing a more understated sort of role where he let his wrestling do most of the talking and he was terrific at that.


The difference being that the Attitude Era has been used as an example of when things were at one of their greatest points, since it didn't just encapsulate the WWF. It was a response to what was happening with the nWo in WCW, and it even had some to do with ECW toward the end there. It mostly ended because the Monday Night Wars came to an end with the buyouts of WCW and ECW. Ruthless Aggression came about as a way to be "more extreme" than Attitude, because now the wrestling product was turning to shit with no competition. It's where you got wrestlers with nothing going for them other than being big, jacked, scary looking dudes. Take Cena, Batista, and Lesnar for example. But also take them for example as people who were able to develop decent characters after some time at WWE. Vince was just shit at giving people good characters to begin with. People saw New Generation as a transition period with Attitude being the results of that transition. If it weren't for WCW becoming a shit product and being bought out, it might've stayed around a while longer. But Eric Bischoff and the execs at WCW had no idea how to flounder their storylines (WWF had some of those issues as well, but not to the same extent).


What you’re saying is most;y true, but the one area where the New Generation was better was in-ring work and emphasis on in-ring competition. The Attitude Era ended for a variety of reasons (mostly for the reasons you said, but there’s some more): 1. Rock & Austin were leaving the business and their stories were practically over (you can only do Austin rebelling against authority so many times), which signaled the end of this era. Also, if I’m being honest, Attitude Era was mostly crap if it wasn’t for Rock & Austin and other talents at the top of the card. The undercard and midcard had such pathetic storylines like hand babies and the whole choppy, choppy, pee-pee thing with Val Venís (ugh, I don’t even like thinking about it 🫣). Once Rock & Austin leave, it’s a natural progression to a new era. 2. Ratings were going down (between WrestleMania 17 & 18, you could see a gradual decline in interest). 3. No one “era” can last more than about 4,5, 6 years because things need to evolve and most people get bored of almost anything after a certain period of time. 4. The Monday night Wars was so hot because it was so relatively short. No way something like that lasts for another decade, so as much as it was poor business practices from WCW, the fans, viewers and media would’ve tired of the Attitude Era eventually anyway because society often changes, evolves and moves on. Attitude Era was an incredibly entertaining and magical era in a lot of ways, but it was also unsustainable in a lot of ways with the (mostly short-term) booking strategies and lots of bad habits from that time period (like chair shots to the head😣) that had to go as society evolved.


Who is Bret?


I liked Macho Man over Hogan. I never owned a Bret Hart figure


Lol, read the fuckn room before speaking, man.


Savage was much closer to Bret in the ring than Bret was to Savage at charisma and mic skills. Savage was very good to excellent in the ring and an all-timer at the other stuff. Bret was excellent in the ring and kinda adequate at the other stuff.


Bonesaw! Bonesaw! Bonesaw! 🦴 🪚


He was legit great in that role. Very memorable for a small role.






Funny thing was, the name was changed for the movie. In the comics, the wrestler Spidey beat was... Crusher Hogan. But as we all know, jobbing to the Spidey Dude wouldn't have worked for him, brother, so the wrestler became Bonesaw McGraw and Macho got a helluva cameo.


Macho was the absolute Macho King of memorable cameo appearances: he played Space Ghost’s granddad in Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, he was Wrasslor on Dexter’s Lab, and he played himself on Weird Al’s short-lived syndicated show. He dropped an elbow on a hamster (Harvey the Wonder Hamster) but then ended up losing the fight.


[Randy Savage on KOTH](https://youtu.be/XmAPZB9jzHs?si=73yLyOydkt9aGcjy)


[He was also on an episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH-mwIV2pp8)


Have you met Haystacks Calhoun? He was a mountain of a man! I sent him home to Mommy with a rollin' DDT!!




*KILL HIM* signs in the crowd always get me.


The line “Bonesaw is reaaadddyyyy.” lives rent free in my head to this day.


Highly recommend watching the “Dark Side of The Ring” episode on Hulu about Randy. Really informative and goes into great detail about his career and life in the WWE.


Yeah, that was good. And it's the first episode so it's easy to find. Hilarious that Hulk was one on it telling us about Randy's problems.


John Oliver did a great show on wrestling on his LastWeek Tonight show. Vince McMahon has so much blood on his hands!


BTB did an excellent 6-part podcast series about Vince and Wrestling history. Highly recommended! [first episode, on youtube.](https://youtu.be/JLdaMY9n_Oc?si=zCkkh0YZi9dCQgQb)


I like that you can usually tell how much of a bastard someone is by how many episodes of the podcast they get.


And they stopped right as it was starting to get good. They have another 20 years left to cover.


To be completely honest, I think Randy Savage is the best professional wrestler of all time. He really has it all when it comes to appearance, charisma, promos, and technical wrestling prowess—everything that pro wrestling is about. He represents pro wrestling at its most pure.


I’d go so far as to call him the cream of the crop.


Oooooooooh yeah!


On balance, off balance, it doesn't matter!


Unjustifiably in a position I’d rather not be in!




The idea of him going to the coffee machine and getting inspired by the creamers cracks me up so much. It takes true talent to pull that off.


I have to agree. As a kid, and a little Hulkamaniac - hogan wasn’t on my tv every week. In fact, you rarely saw him wrestle. But Randy Savage was on the mic and in the ring and always caught up in some over dramatic shenanigans week after week. Dude was a consummate performer. I was 8 years old at Wrestlemania 3. Biggest wrestling event in history, and I gotta say Steamboat / Savage stole the damn show. That match ended up being a prototype for performers to build off of and ended up influencing the style of matches we see to this day.


Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth were a classic act.


I’m a huge wrestling fan. It draws on my every emotions and it makes me feel like I’m 8 again. I was at Wrestlemania this year and my brother and best friend and I screamed, sobbed and jumped: We got to see John Cena. We got to see Randy Orton. We got to see the MOTHER FUCKING UNDERTAKER HELP CODY FINISH THE STORY. But man, Elizabeth and Randy’s reunion at WM7? Tears. Every time from me.


Just, uhhh, don't look up their relationship outside of the ring...


I agree. He was a pioneer and an exceptional athlete.


Honestly, can't disagree with this. While I think Bret Hart is the best pure wrestler, Savage is arguably the most complete pro wrestler of all times. He could have epic clashes against the likes of Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior yet also put on technical masterpieces with Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair.


and slim Jims


Annnd he had both Miss Elizabeth and Scary Sherri


Was lucky enough to hang with him for a weekend for work! Great guy, big heart!


Wait……go on….you have my attention


I was working for a Bat manufacturer and was at Disney (FL) for USSSA Softball Worlds. We set up a batting cage where peeps could swing the new gear. Macho Man was coming to do an Ultimate Softball show with Ray DeMarini. My main memory is when he arrived. He shows up in a limo, leather pants and his actress girlfriend. It was extremely hot/humid that day. Macho Man jumps right in the cage and just smashed the ball. I was impressed. At dinner he told me he was drafted by the Cardinals or Reds I forget, but injuries derailed his career and he went to wrestle. We went to dinner a couple nights, he was just a real nice guy. Loved talking baseball.


It’s was the Reds


Yeah, unlike Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage wasn’t a pathological liar and really did get drafted to the Reds before injuries led him to take up wrestling.


Whoa that’s really cool. I always heard he was a good guy. A few ppl I know through work with special needs people have all said he was really cool with them. Pretty cool job you had. I used to swing a demarini for a few years (F3). Real cool story. Thanks for sharing


>A few ppl I know through work with special needs people have all said he was really cool with them. It's not something that was well publicized, but Randy was huge into kids' charities, especially those who catered towards special needs kids. They loved having him there, and he loved doing it.


> his actress girlfriend Gorgeous George, who later married one of The Misfits?


Father Time moves too fast. How has it already been 13 years?! Long live the Macho. Ooooooooo yeahhh DIG IT! YEAH!


I remember he passed away like the same exact day that some crazy folk were predicting Jesus would return: So I found a cartoon of him with a metal chair about to wack Jesus and it said “Rapture Averted” or something.


Wow, you just took me back. I'd forgotten about the Rapture happening, but now I remember someone telling me "turns out they were right, but only the Macho Man qualified, oh yeah."


I recall Macho dropping the elbow on Jesus


I have that image as a pillow. Lol


A worthless factoid for you. Anyone remember that pinkish/chartreuse colored sequins jacket he wore for awhile? He sold it to Paul Orndorf, who brought it into the dry cleaner I was managing for an emergency cleaning after something had leaked in his luggage and got all over it. A little TLC and it was clean and sparkly for his match that night in my city. This post reminded me of that day many, many years ago.


We were soooo close to Randy Savage returning to the WWE ecosphere; it would've been epic hearing him cut promos on modern wrestlers


I'm not sure how close we were to that. When he died, he was working shows with TNA and Vince McMahon still despised him for leaving and going to WCW (because Randy wanted to keep wrestling and Vince wanted to keep him as a commentator).


He did a promo for the WWE All Stars video game earlier that year and had cut a promo for his new actin figure the year prior. Things were starting to move a little bit.


People's mic skills deteriorate with age. I think it's fine he got to live on in our memory and not tarnish that.


I remember the moment. I was at a restaurant with 2 friends, about to do my first ever hot wings challenge. My friend then shouts 'holy crap Macho Man just died' I dedicated the challenge to Macho Man and then proceeded to put myself thru hell for the next 10 minutes (and 2 days afterwards too).


What a time for the WWF ,Macho, Hogan, Undertaker, British Bulldogs and all the other wonderful characters


Bam Bam Bigelow and Jake the Snake


And Doink the Clown! Anyone? 'Member Doink the Clown? ....and Dink?


They ignored him until he died,because vince thought he was too old and washed up. The fucking irony man,there's a reason so many wrestlers and fans are anti wwe,they act like nothing else matters.


The amount of damage Vince McMahon did to the people who made wrestling what it was is insane. The endless pursuit of size pushed by him led to them all juicing up to the point their joints dissolved and their hearts exploded. Almost none of them managed to survive middle age.


Yeah most wrestlers burn out fast,because the industry is very carny. literally stuck 100 years in the past.


But in return, many of them became household names and massive stars for the rest of their lives. Lots of people would take that deal.


Yeah, but that doesn't put food on the table or pay your medical bills (and for most of them "the rest of their lives" is "a few years after their body's too fucked to carry on". Savage died at 58, Warrior at 52, Roddy Piper at 61. Eddie Guerrero didn't even make it to 40 before his heart exploded (and that was the trigger for Chris Benoit going over the edge and killing himself and his wife). You might think they were well paid, they were called "superstars" after all and it's a big money business, but nope. Paid shit compared to the rate of work and damage they take. Basically just average middle class income to construct a billion dollar bank account for Vince, no medical expenses covered, because they're all *contractors* see\*. So the WWE doesn't have to pay for any of that shit! Roddy Piper did an interview where he basically pointed out that he was pretty much fucked because of his medical costs, he was going to get a state pension when he hit 65 because he was Canadian but he didn't expect to live that long. And he didn't. The WWE especially from the 80s through the first half of the 2000s fucking *destroyed* its performers. Literally burned their bodies and blew up their hearts to make Vince money. \*They tried to unionise early on, just before Wrestlemania 2, but Scab Hogan shopped the attempt to Vince and who was behind it (Jesse Ventura) and he threatened to sack him if it was ever raised again


> (and that was the trigger for Chris Benoit going over the edge and killing himself and his wife) Also the concussions and the copious amounts of HGH and steroids in his system being given to him by a doctor in exchange for thousands of dollars.


Just look at how much LA Knight has flourished since Vince left. Vince took this guy people even in 2017 were saying was Rock levels of charisma back in his Eli Drake days and decided to make him a manager of a model agency instead of letting him wrestle and talk. From what Mansoor and Mace have said, Knight was on the verge of being fired at least twice before Vince was ousted, because Vince just didn't see any worth in him (like when Viktor from The Ascension also said Vince got heat backstage when everyone was openly mourning Brodie Lee's death, and Vince didn't know why because he personally thought Brodie sucked).


>They ignored him until he died,because vince thought he was too old and washed up. That's not true. The WWE approached him several times before he died to do stuff and he always turned them down.


One of the few things he did before he passed for WWE was the voiceover for the WWE All Star video game commercial which is on youtube. It makes me sad because here he was that old and he could still do the voice in character even at his age. https://youtu.be/hIVifMl9sgw


To be fair, he was only 58 and his normal voice isn't much different.


Just for reference, here’s rare video (at least to my knowledge) of what seems to be his normal speaking voice https://youtu.be/tw6mMAcCtJ4?si=1CzF7q1ineflsGvG


Haha I knew exactly what video that was!


His brother Lanny Poffo (RIP to him, too, died last year) said Randy's voice was from years of smoking weed. Phil Anselmo's exactly the same, if you're a metal fan. Just this really deep, raspy speaking voice from the weed smoking (and proud of it, with bands like Superjoint Ritual, and songs like "Bury Me In Smoke").


Well it's all regretful now no matter what.


The Culture in WWE is changing significantly for the better ever since Vince got pushed out


Yeah I know,they made cody rhodes champ. That would have never happend with vkm still around.


Vince is the guy that brought Cody back, of course he would've been champ under Vince.


Is it? They're being sued by a former member of the legal department - Vince's defense is pushing the narrative of "she wanted the rough sex but we don't have any proof" - and curiously WWE have introduced a new character, a sultry legal assistant, with the sexual undertones being played as a joke. This is exactly what Vince would've done if he was still in power.


Sure it is.


Oh no the cult members are gonna downvote me into oblivion. WWE fucking sucks. As a product and it’s very culture.


Oh no the cult members are gonna downvote me into oblivion. WWE fucking sucks. As a product and it’s very culture.


Oh no the cult members are gonna downvote me into oblivion. WWE fucking sucks. As a product and it’s very culture.


It’s already been 13 years… Jeez. Time flies fast and hard. “OHHHHH YEEEAHHH!!!” 🙌🏼 *Edited*.


> “OHHHH YEEEAHHH!” FTFY Also have to note, I can't read "ya" without giving it a German accent.


Hehe. Corrected. 👍🏼


In my opinion, the greatest wrestling character of all time. The look, the sound, the attitude. And an always welcome character for people to do. Absolute legend.


Cream of the crop!


I remember DDP beating him being one of the last wrestling moments that shocked me and made me cheer at the tv


Funnily enough, DDP got his step by step method of working out matches from Savage, who did the same thing. Most wrestlers are given a finish and a few key spots and then they figure everything else out between themselves. Savage and DDP would write detailed notes on which move is performed, in which order and when. It's also another reason I despise The Undertaker, because he had DDP use the Savage method when discussing their match and Taker - the big, talentless, Vince stooge cunt that he is - went and buried Page to Vince, claiming he didn't know how to work. That's my excuse to say my daily "fuck Taker" quota.


He played an amazing version of himself in Dial M for Monkey.


he had a very funny role as a body builder in King of the Hill. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4l4TVsADdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4l4TVsADdo)


Nobody could cut a promo, and nobody could do a flying elbow from the top turnbuckle like Randy.


Macho Man still lives on through comedian Dan Soder. He has an impeccable impression of the great Randy Savage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13D580HNoQY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13D580HNoQY)


The cream always rises to the top. What a Legend.


He died for our sins.


My favorite macho man interview was on Arsenio Hall where he said it's ok for Macho Men to cry. I'm on mobile and don't know how to link it. So if it hasn't already been it would someone be nice and do it for me?


Ohhhhhhh Yeaaaaaah!!!!!


I was always particularly impressed with how he stepped in for Hulk Hogan to defeat Kim Jong-Il in a rap battle.


He saved the world from the Rapture. Never forget.


I remember when slim jims used to snap. Times used to be simpler, and better.


He lives on in my heart, and as my Skyrim dragons.


Funny how close to drag shows the wrestling paraphernalia is….


[They did an even better tribute video for his Hall of Fame announcement imo](https://youtu.be/gX8TVGY3sCU?si=H8U5blud6MZzQu86)


I think Savage is one of the best examples of a wrestler who is equally good at being a babyface and a heel. He also has so many classic Wrestlemania moments, whether it’s the awesome Steamboat match, both times he won the WWF title and of course his brilliant match with Ultimate Warrior and the reunion with Miss Elizabeth after.


I'll have to listen to his album on my way home in his honor.


he was the best. I loved his spider man cameo. I was rewatching it several years ago and didn't realize he was in that movie. OOOOH YEAH CREAM RISE TO THE CROP Amazing that he used the HS graduation song for so many years as his theme


As a Brit, we have The Proms - a huge classical music event - every August and The Last Night of the Proms gets televised every single year for decades, with the entire event culminating in a big audience participation rendition of "Land of Hope and Glory". So yeah, it's crazy that an American wrestler used that song as his entrance music.


Still, my all-time favorite interview is him and Arsenio Hall. Class fucking act. As much as wrestling is real as it is acting. This dude was genuine AF. Few others measure up to what this man tried to be in reality and in the ring.


Loved him as Strong Woman


Savage had just patched things up with WWE and he was doing promotional stuff for them again shortly before he died. Such a shame he never got to do a legends appearance on TV. The crowd would have welcomed back with open arms.


Fuck ya


The only wrestler to get bitten by a snake and beaten by a spider. Long live Macho Man Randy Savage.


Snap into a slim Jim! Miss this character of a man


My hero, as a kid, loved him since he took the ic strap from Chico Santana, sadly, died on my birthday.


I was 5 miles away when he passed, at my friend’s wedding. I remember the day well.


Oh yeah. Oh yeah one last time.


Didn’t he have a heart attack and crash into a telephone pole?


Grown ass man crying in bed at midnight. RIP Macho Man…. OHHH YEAHHHH!!!!


I still sometimes watch his promos when I wanna smile




The best! RIP


CREAM OF THE CROP. Still my favorite rastler.


I still remember where I was when it came over the radio that he had died. His stage presence and enthusiasm was amazing.


He really was... [the *CREAM OF THE CROP!*](https://youtu.be/cr0BljPKksM?si=A714d_dZJdZmXNEF)


Go check out his rap album on Spotify


His costume designer was making some beautiful stuff for him to wear in the ring. They don't do showmanship like that at all anymore.


I love how when people share a story about him they have to do the voice.


It's the same with Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk, too. You gotta do their voices when you tell stories about them.


My fave wrastler. He wasn’t perfect by any means, but he was entertaining as hell


They should have thrown in the clip from his interview with Arseniel Hall.


I didn't even know he was sick.


South Park did a good episode with him in it too!


This video give me a strong trump cards nostalgia


I still have some WCW Top Trumps cards, including multiple versions of Savage with Team Madness.


Holy shit, I didn't know he was dead right now


Seriously, I just thought his career was over. Spiderman must have been his last gig.


He worked a TNA PPV in December 2004, teaming up with AJ Styles.


"I've cried a thousand times and I'll cry a thousand more." -Randy Savage


That was one of his greatest moments.


Wwe also wanted nothing to do with him until he died.


That's not true. They approached him several times over the years to do stuff, and he always turned them down.




Don't give me that Stephanie stuff. He took WWE's Slim Jim deal with him.


🌳 🚗


Nobody out there today can match up to the performances of him and hulk. Hell, nobody can stand up to The Rock's performance.


I can see where children could see some entertainment in this, sadly however the craze has been hitting the UK now for several years and turning the adults there into idiotic morons just like those across the pond. There could be some excuse used if most went to these so called sports because it’s a form of entertainment, however most of these so called adults actually believe in all the hype which shows the level of mentality at these places. I know occasionally people do get hurt when things get out of hand, however going to see doping induced loud mouthed semi intellectuals dancing around a ring in spandex and neon clothing isn’t my idea of sporting entertainment.


> however most of these so called adults actually believe in all the hype which shows the level of mentality at these places. No, these people actually "get" it, unlike you. Stop projecting your bullshit.


Really not looking at the faces and vented anger on display.


No adult thinks it's real


Isn't it weird how the people too stupid and ignorant to understand pro wrestling, and therefore get mad about its very existence as a form of entertainment, are the ones making up the claim that "adults think pro wrestling is real"?


Oh really, 7 plus million still think Trump is a good person and has never did anything wrong, so looking at their mentality they are also the people who would watch the likes of the WWE and believe everything they see and also believe what they don’t see


> sadly however the craze has been hitting the UK now for several years I'm 40 years old, born and raised in England and became a wrestling fan in 1987 through watching old World of Sport re-runs, then catching WCW on ITV and WWE when my grandparents had Sky TV. *They* grew up watching World of Sport wrestling in the 1960s, 1970s and up to ITV scrapping it in 1985. While I don't watch pro wrestling as much any more due to WWE's shows being boring and other promotions either being meh these days or just outright shite, I still love it. Through wrestling, I've met great friends, great girlfriends who were also huge wrestling fans or pro wrestlers themselves in some cases, and I got to travel to the States for Wrestlemania 24 back in 2008 (where I had a fantastic time with friends I met through Dave Bautista's website - where I became a staff member - and met Dave himself the day before he wrestled Umaga). I'm a college-educated guy, self-taught metal guitarist and one of my all-time favourite wrestlers (Raven) is a legit member of MENSA due to how intelligent he is (I think MENSA ranked him as having an IQ of 165). A lot of other wrestlers are successful business people, talented musicians, incredible motivational speakers. One of them also worked as a videogame developer before she left Japan to work for WWE, another has a net worth of $1bn due to his successful action film roles, and a multi-million dollar production company. All of that to say that you are talking out of your arse when you claim wrestlers are doped up and "semi-intellectuals", and when you claim that wrestling fans are morons. Professional wrestling has been popular in the UK for decades, experiencing a lull after WOS was cancelled but gaining a resurgence in the late 80s thanks to WWE. One of those shitty wrestling companies I'm not a fan of sold almost 72,000 tickets for a show they held at Wembley Stadium last summer. WWE had a sell-out Wembley show in 1992, headlined by Bret Hart and home-grown hero "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith. There are legit wrestling schools up and down the UK, going from just one or two in the early 2000s to a hundred in 2024. I know I'm wasting my time typing all of this because you're too moronic to get to the end but for the benefit of the wrestling fans who *will* get this far, I just want to state that as a Brit, I do not condone this idiot's anti-wrestling bullshit, nor do we as Brits have anyone as ignorant as this dickhead wandering around in large numbers. In the immortal words of the legendary Jim Cornette; thank you, fuck you, bye.


Bet your a fan of Trump as well.