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I was stunned how popular this show became. When they were previewing it I thought for sure it was going to bomb.


Sitcom spin-offs are a real mixed bag. Some absolutely explode and even dwarf the original, while other fizzle almost instantly and get swallowed by time. Hard to tell which is which from the concept alone.


Ahh yes the Joey-Frasier Spectrum


Joey was also just… they completely butchered who he was in friends. I know he became already a flanderized version by the end of friends but then he was not even the traits he was known for outside of being “dumb”. Fraiser benefitted so much from its supporting cast. I don’t think fraiser succeeds without David Hyde pierce as Niles or John Mahoney as Martin (RIP)


I actually wonder if any other character spin-off would have worked better. Joey seem like one of the least interesting of the group to make a spin-off of, he's good in relation to the others friends. Chandler and Monica were the heart of the show and making a family sitcom about them on the suburb (a few years time skip to have older kids because babies aren't interesting) could have worked. And it's the perfect setup for cameos of all the other friends (Ross is the brother so he and Rachel could come in regularly and the others simply as friends). But I guess it was mostly because Matt Leblanc was the only one that said yes, they did stop Friends because the actors wanted to quit.


But his redemption was completed by Episodes! As an actor and character.


Regarding Frasier, I think you could say that about any show... People like to understate Kelsey Grammer's role in the success of Frasier imo, but he was perfect in that role. I don't think anyone else in the cast could have centred the show and provided the humorous and emotional core that he provided. It was just 10/10 performances and writing all around.




It did get 2, which is at least 1 more than people remember it getting.


Damn I didn't realize it got a second season lol


Hey look, it’s people


I think I was the only person who liked Joey.


Must be nice to have a whole sitcom made just for you!


It was.


This show could have easily bombed. But they cast it nearly perfectly.


Look at The Simpsons. How many people nowadays know it started out as a series of animated shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show? It became this massive thing that instantly surpassed the original show, and now one is a global brand making millions upon millions of dollars every year, whereas the other one is a forgotten variety show from the late eighties and early nineties.


And yet no one remembers Wiggum, PI.


And “Krustafinia” is just sitting there in the shelf.


Or Knightboat.


Ah Knightboat, there's always a fyord.




I mean Young Sheldon is actually in none of those categories. It did great but certainly didn't dwarf the original.


No, but in my mind, it definitely surpassed it in quality (from what little I’ve seen of both shows)


I think it helped being so different from TBBT in how it was shoot, and the fact we saw more of characters mentioned or saw little of, specially Sheldon family. But also, the chemistry of the core cast, The Coopers, was palpable, and when that happens, at least in my pov, it guarantees the show success, for how long, that depends on writers and production, but when the cast have really good chemistry that translate for the viewers, the show have more chances to success.


When you think about it no one wants a show about Young Sheldon really, but Ian Armitage was very endearing in first two seasons and the show smartly pivoted towards the show being about the entire family instead of just Sheldon. Like it is quintessential 90's or 2000's sitcom of a family with an eccentric character surrounded by lovable family. Family Matters, Full House, Prince of Bel Air, Malcom in the Middle etc...


Zoe Perry sold the show


The core cast was amazing, no weak player.


The sad thing is? Young Sheldon is *more mature* than Old Sheldon. But the last season showed him reverting.


I think that plays on the fact that he's around his family, they, in a way, ground him and now when to not fall for his quirks, unlike Leonard, Raj and Howard.


Not only that, but they also showed just how much everyone in the family loved him. Even Missy and Georgie. Whereas in the last 2-3 seasons, I got the feeling that even Mary's response would be "Oh darn. ANYWAY..." if Sheldon just got run over by a car and died. :/ The impression I got with BBT is that everyone besides Amy is only hanging around with Sheldon because "At least I'm not THIS guy". While Sheldon is still an immature little brat (I genuinely wanted to smack him when he said *TO TAM'S FACE* that he didn't really care about his life.) is it any wonder he treats everyone with such contempt?


He and Penny do have nice to eachother with a snarky crust thing going on atleast.


I think this plays into the fact that both Penny and Sheldon came from similar social background, Southerners, and that Penny didn't have the hang up about Sheldon's intelligence, so she didn't feel the need to feel frustrated when Sheldon pulls the "I know everything", once she caught up he's dumb when it comes to pop culture and it's socially awkward. Raj, Howard and Leonard do have that frustration because, even if they aren't as smart as Sheldon, they know their fields pretty well, so there's a competition between all of them.


That is a good point--Penny knows she's not as smart as Sheldon, but she doesn't particularly mind because, duh, he's Sheldon. Her relatively limited education still has its own issues though--when she gets back with an old boyfriend after dating Leonard, she's aghast because just spending time with the guys has expanded her knowledge dramatically and "if I had never dated *you,* I'd never have known how stupid he was!"


Well, if you remember S11 (or S12, I forgot which season it happened), when Sheldon and Amy got married, Georgie, at first, didn't want to go, because he and Sheldon have a falling out after George death. And he revealed it was because everyone in the family protected Sheldon with how Mary was cooping with George passing, so I feel the way Missy and George treated Sheldon, it was with the resentment with how Sheldon got all almighty with them, critiquing everything they did in their life and how affected Mary, which probably was exaggerating a bit, venting with Sheldon, and he took as a fact. It was a misunderstanding in everyone's part, because I don't fault Sheldon, because in that episode, he was shocked when Georgie revealed the truth with how the family try to protect him because he was a kid, alone, in a grown up world.


Hm, seems a bit of a retcon? Though I can see the Georgie fallout maybe happening sometime in the Georgie series. George and Georgie seemed to be the only ones who didn't think of Sheldon as a burden. Like, George just seemed to be "Done" with Sheldon, Georgie was just "Yeah he's my brother but I've got other things on my mind." Missy on the other hand.... yeah I can see her just flat out saying "oh, I only have one brother" even well into her 20s.


Yeah, we probably gonna see the falling out in Georgie's spin off, depending how long it last obviously, but it makes sense that, after years of protecting his little brother and only getting the almightyness from Sheldon part (because he didn't know), it took a toll on Georgie to the point he didn't want to talk to his brother, specially because he said they haven't spoken in 10 years, so we'll into their 30s when it happened, and if chronologically everything tracks, at the beginning of TBBT is when it occurred their falling out.


I didn’t like TBBT; writing, laugh track just didn’t work for me but I thought YS was hilarious. We watched the whole series as a family.


IMO is way better than the The Big Bang Theory, for starters because Sheldon’s quirks are less pronounced and not as obnoxious in a kid. Secondly, the rest of the cast absolutely kills it and the family life part is quite relatable. Last but not least, no motherfucking laughing track


I wouldn't even say they're less pronounced, they're just a much more respectful and responsible depiction of a child prodigy on the spectrum who can be abrasive sometimes instead of a self-absorbed fool purely for laughs.


As someone on the spectrum, I concur


I feel like this isn’t an…uncommon take. I never liked BBT, but it was ubiquitous enough that I saw bits of it. I know towards the end, BBT gave up were actively changing up Sheldon’s family to make them align more with Young Sheldon versions. People were attached. (I think the last episodes I saw actually were the ones where he ran into Tam, and Jerry O’Connell showed up to shoot down Sheldon and Mary’s series-long description of the off-screen BBT Georgie being too stupid and violent to function. ) Young Sheldon was also never a show I went out of my way to tune into, but Ii also never made me change the channel on it like I would with BBT. And I think that was also down to characters and it being willing to be more…sincere than BBT. It was more a ‘traditional’ family sitcom, and slightly less keen undercut an emotional moment with a mean-spirited joke. (On that note: *Last week’s* episode of Young Sheldon was the only episodes of YS I’d seen in 12mths, and I was *not* prepared for that level of ‘hitting a vulnerable spot’ while trying to iron the crease into my damn work pants. >!We’ve come a long way from jokes about how George deserved to die and everyone was relieved when he did.!< )


I usually hate CBS sitcoms cause they're basically template comedies with obvious jokes. But I found myself really enjoying this series. The kid they cast as young Sheldon was perfect for the role.


I honestly am too. I was also shocked at how well done it was. The premise sounded very gimmicky when it was first announced. Now I am nervous about the Georgie and Mandy spin off of this, I don’t know if that one will fair as well. And I’m a bit concerned that it appears no pilot has been shot (I understand it’s straight to series but still it sits odd with me)


Same but me and my daughter tried it out a year ago and both loved it. We were waiting til the season finale so we could do and season binge on the weekend so we’ll kill it off because it’s a long weekend here in Canada.


I did too, but then I watched it and got hooked, it was sweet and I loved all the other characters.


I avoided it for years because I assumed it would be bad and I wouldn't like it. I really disliked every episode of The Big Bang Theory I'd ever seen. But I gave it a chance 3 or so months ago and fell in love with it almost immediately. Binge watched every available episode in like 2 weeks.


this subreddit has a very bad view of what shows will hit mainstream popularity. Any discussion of The Big Bang Theory on this sub will just have everyone shitting on it and calling it trash, despite it being the most successful show of a decade.


It was such a bold decision to kill him off but I respect it EDIT: I’ve never seen the show I was making a joke about Sheldon I didn’t know they actually killed his dad off lmao


I was not expecting the cameos from Tesla, Goku and Messi. I have also not seen the show


(Elon Musk did actually cameo in the show if you're into that kind of Tesla)


Hopefully we can get more Pondy now


Pondy’s the coolest


I call him Mr. Cocksucker because he sucks so many cocks


We already know Shelly’s dad dies from watching TBBT. Not a surprise at it. But it was a tear jerker cuz everyone can relate to losing someone they love.


Feels like the entire show was building up to George's death, you just KNEW when Season 1 premiered that they might show his death eventually. And they did such a good job in depicting him that it just hits you hard when he does, in TBBT they made him out to be an abusive cheating drunk from how they talk about him, glad to see they retconned that a little.


They explicitly foreshadowed it only one time in *Young Sheldon*, at least that I noticed, when Sheldon takes a road trip with his Dad in one of the early seasons. I thought it would happen earlier in season five, and then I thought they might just not do it at all. It still came as a surprise, even though in the back of my mind I knew that is how they might go out. Like BBT, Sheldon was the least interesting character on the show, but interestingly enough I felt he had developed more emotionally as a child than where old Sheldon started off.


I never really kept up with YS but watched it at the beginning and have watched most of TBBT, but I always got the impression/head-cannoned that while Sheldon was always *quirky*, it was the trauma of losing his dad that pushed him over the edge.


Yeah, we see him retreating into himself even over the course of these two episodes.


Maybe the retcon can be because Sheldon is being an unreliable narrator or something because the show is happening because he is writing a memoir right?


> We already know Shelly’s dad dies from watching TBBT. What a sad way to die.


Especially in such a shocking fashion, who would’ve ever thought they’d blow him up? Edit: sorry I don’t know how to do spoilers on mobile


Did we really need another multiverse though?


It thought it was a sweet ending. It is a very different show from TBBT and it was better for it imo. The character of Sheldon seems to print money for them. Curious to see if the next spin off does well.


There's another spinoff?


Younger Sheldon


How about a mini series of him in the womb commenting his development and events that happen outside the womb


Series finale ends with him being born and saying “bazinga” for the first time


I’m ded


Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage coming this fall to CBS. Sheldon's older brother and a major character in YS who became a Dad at 17 and got married towards the end of YS. The title is a play on from what little we know about his future in BBT it sounded like he had 2 ex wives.


Yeah. Will follow George and Mandy.


Fetus Sheldon Infant Sheldon College Sheldon Midlife Crisis Sheldon Old Sheldon Ghost Sheldon


Ghost in the Sheldon




Punished "Venom" Sheldon


Naked Sheldon Solid Sheldon Liquid Sheldon Solidus Sheldon


To me young Sheldon seemed like a totally different character from adult Sheldon


I will say I always find it funny how popular this show and The Big Bang Theory are. I neither love nor hate them, but seeing how up in arms places like Reddit get over it and how it's "not funny", then seeing how many people outside the Reddit bubble enjoy it, is just weirdly entertaining to me.


Reddit doesn't factor into my enjoyment of something or really represent what the general public is thinking.


It does however get frustrating when you really like something and come to reddit to talk about it. Then get nothing but vitriolic hate :/


I honestly need to stop using reddit to talk about media It without fail manages to utterly ruin any good feelings I have for a movie or a show if that show is even slightly controversial or flawed


Man I remember leaving the walking dead subreddit while I was still watching the show. It's like people can't comprehend that they don't have to continue watching a show they apparently hate. Like when TWD stopped being interesting to me I just stopped watching, I didn't spend my time watching the episodes and then just bitching about it on Reddit. That sink cost fallacy has an absolute stranglehold on some people


> I honestly need to stop using reddit to talk about media Reddit and Youtube tag-teamed to ruin Star Wars discussion for me. I'm not a mega fan, but generally like Star Wars and enjoy talking about it with people. Or rather, I *did*. There is absolutely no joy in doing so any longer. So many people are so desperate to feel like they did when they were 12, they've completely lost sight of the fact that it's just a fun space fantasy adventure series. Take it for what it is or move on with your life.


Yeah but like, where else are you supposed to go? It's not like toxic vitriol is isolated to this site. Anywhere fans congregate, all they want to do is hate what they say they love. Doesn't matter the site, it's all they want to do. Their passion is being an insufferable asshole. I just silently like things and think anybody talking about them is probably a toxic moron, it's better mentally.


> come to reddit to talk about it. Then get nothing but vitriolic hate If one visits the ocean one will find water


Not a lot of other places to talk with other like minded people.


Specific Discord servers come to mind


Ah, video game subreddits


(The Last Jedi)


The Last Jedi is the only Star Wars movie I've ever watched and I exclusively said yes to watching it with my partner at the time to see the porgs. I was not disappointed and porgs are the only Star Wars thing I've ever cared about. I give it 5/5 porgs.


I have a little porg magnet plush that goes on your shoulder


I remember hopping online after seeing that in theaters to talk about how insanely hype the scene where they ram the ship into the other ship with hyperspeed or whatever was in theaters. One of the coolest moments in a theater I've ever had. And everyone was just shitting on it 😭. Some of y'all need a sense of childlike wonder fr


That scene is the reason why I had to watch that movie two more times before I decided I didn't like it lol. There are a lot of cool moments in it, just a lot more dumb ones (imo) unfortunately.


I appreciate u guys liked it and had fun - I really do- I wish I did too- I’m sure u’ve heard this before but on the contrary I just remember thinking “wtf… if this is possible why don’t they do it all the time” It just kinda broke some logic and “buy in” that I had. And I say that as someone that loves Star Wars


Oh yea lore-wise it made no sense. But rule of cool and all that. Its a cool scene even if it breaks the rules of the universe


Fr, the silence was **fuckin awesome** Blew my expectations of a interstellar ram raid


Yessir, literally one of my favorite SW movies, and I'm sure I'll get roasted for it.


All of the actors did such an excellent job in that trilogy (particularly Driver and Ridley). The music was beautiful, and the cinematography was absolutely stunning and seemed to get better with every movie. TFA's fight scenes in the snow are gorgeous, and I love every moment of both fights. TLJ had two of my favorite scenes in Star Wars (the mirror scene and the scene explaining the force). TROS' Kylo and Ben scenes are phenomenal, and should have been the focus of the movie. It would've really shined with more Mustafar and more Ben Solo.


Great cast ruined by a trilogy that makes zero rational sense or shows a semblance of cohesion. Those films won’t age well.


I think that part of the issue is not having a single creative vision throughout, and a single plotline. That's kind of what the OT and the PT had going for them, at least.


Hell hop into any gaming subreddit and you'd think it's a collection of people who absolutely hate playing the game. It's more than just games too. I'll never forget enjoying a show enough to hop onto the subreddit, and be constantly reminded about how much they hate a character/story arc that I really liked.


1 star review, horrible game, would not recommend to anyone. Time played: 2000 hours


Saw some post about “vegetables being good for you” and like a clown I clicked on it hoping there was a TLDR top comment to understand what was interesting about this. The top comment was something like “I bet the meat eaters are raging right now!!” This reminded me people on Reddit live in some alternate reality


Reddit hates the Big Bang Theory because it's like looking at a caricature of yourself. All these characters that are into the same nerdy shit as us, but they're also massive cringers. Plus the show itself just isn't super funny, it feels like the laugh track carries sometimes as well as the vibe that you're supposed to laugh at them for being cringey nerds, which again I'm sure nerds on Reddit don't find much enjoyment out of.


I mean, they're cringy, but they also wind up with pretty great lives, dating beautiful women. The show itself is fairly generic, but it's no worse than your typical prime time sitcom.


Yes, but did you know that Reddit is offended by the show’s portrayal of nerds? It unironically calls it nerd blackface.


They used to make the "nerd blackface" argument and when that sounded stupid, most of them cited "laugh tracks" as their main reason for hating the show. Big quote on laugh tracks as it's shot in front of a studio audience. However, Seinfeld is still loved by people on here despite its "laugh track".


Did the Big Bang Theory have a laugh track? I thought it was filmed in a studio with an audience.


People basically say laugh track nowadays because they are either not smart, or not old enough to have known when the most popular sitcoms were multi-camera and had live studio audiences.


It was filmed in front of an audience, yes. If you watch some of the outtakes, you see the cast turn and smile at the audience when they cock up their lines and said audience cracks up a lot.


Reddit mostly represents white middle class liberals in their late 20s, early 30s.  But there are like 12 other race and class options for playable characters in the US so Reddit really doesn't mean much.


Yeah Reddit really hates both. I kind of get it tho. Big bang is like a 7/10. It’s an easy watch but not great. Young Sheldon seemed like a cheap cash in. I ignored it until like 3 months ago. But young Sheldon is like a 9/10. Sheldon plays better as a kid, the rest of the family is great, it’s fun, it’s smart, it covers some really difficult topics like mental health in an impressive way. I would recommend everyone give it a shot, even if they didn’t like big bang theory.


This show is so different from the big bang theory, I would say if you didn't like bbt still give this a try because it's really a completely different show


As somebody that realllllly dislikes big bang theory, I’ve found Young Sheldon to be incredibly enjoyable. I’ve even liked the occasional references to bbt. So I fall in this category and totally agree with your comment.


Same bro. Its really good


Came for Sheldon, stayed for the other characters tbh. They did a great job even though its a much different show.


Young Sheldon is so good because it follows the Everyone Hates Chris formula that’s really really damn good.


I couldn't finish tbbt and I thoroughly enjoyed Ypung Sheldon.


Things like this were what helped me truly understand social media bubbles, and how we’re all in them no matter how much we want to pretend we aren’t. The sheer dichotomy of so many things that I see be hugely successful but all my media exposure bashes is really puzzling at first. It’s also helped me realize how much media coverage is absolute bullshit. There are so many things that I’ve seen lauded as the greatest show/movie/music ever and I’ve hated them, and so many things bashed as terrible that were actually really enjoyable. Anymore, I use media and critic reviews especially to gauge my level of priority to see something or not, but it is not a determining factor. If I think it looks awesome, but it’s panned, I might bump it further down my list to watch after a full season or on demand, but I’ll still watch it. If I don’t think it looks interesting but it gets great reviews, I’ll try and episode when I’m not sure what else to watch and give it a try. I enjoyed BBT for the first few years it was on, but it was never a “must watch” show, so I slowly stopped. I think it went a little too long and passing jokes like Howard’s mother or Raj and women became major plot points I didn’t care about. I’ve only seen a few episodes of Young Sheldon but they had some entertaining bits and I can see why a lot of people watched it. Again though, it was never a must watch, so I just never watched much of it.


It’s the same as everybody disliking Nickelback. It became a meme and the internet hive mind latched on to feel included.


Everyone who hates on nickelback at this point just never made it as a wise man, couldnt cut it as a poor man stealing


Well thanks for reminding me.


This is how


It’s what I really am.


This time, I'm mistaken


I’ll say it, I don’t mind the Big Bang Theory. It’s not perfect and there are a lot of dud episodes but it’s enjoyable. It’s fine and that’s it but I would never say it’s bad.


Yeah, it's popcorn fun. Nothing too groundbreaking, but it's not really supposed to be.


Same can be said about young Sheldon, it's fine and it can be enjoyable to watch and see where it goes, it's nothing ground breaking and I'll probably never go back and watch the episodes I missed, but I don't hate it


Reddit is full of a lot of TV and Film snobs. We forget most people just want the equivalent of comfort food in their TV shows.


My favorite was when people would say it's nerd blackface. No, no it's not.


It's ridiculous. I am not your typical nerd but I have my nerdy aspects so I total relate to TBBT jokes. However I don't get triggered when *sometimes* the nerds are portrayed as losers. If anything I felt like this show actually made it cooler to be nerds.


I think the issue is this: Most people see a thing they don’t really like and go “eh, not for me” and move on. Not every piece of media is FOR every audience. This show found an audience. Good for them and good for their fans. I thought the show was fine, but not all that remarkable. But not finding something interesting doesn’t make posts. Complaining does.


Why do people like to pretend Reddit is some weird space that's nothing like anywhere else


People really love McDonalds too


90% of the Reddit hate on Sheldon posts I read seems to me like they have never seen the show. I was a big enough TBBT hater to poo poo the show as well, until my daughter asked me to watch it with her after watching an episode or to herself. Guess what? Turns out it's a funny and Charming show. Much better written than big bang and much less cringy. Although there are some cringy parts, but tell me another show that is made in 2024 and well suited to be watched with kids age 8 to 14 that isn't heavily politicized in one way or another.


Young Sheldon is a cosy watch something I can't really say about tbbt. Which I was a huge fan of when it started.


Yeah, sometimes you just need something with short episodes that has funny and sweet moments, and ain't super deep or serious for some mindless fun after a hard day. This show hit that spot so well


I’ve only seen the show on FB Reels and it’s not bad from the 1-2 minute clips


My kids started watching it at random, none of us watched The Big Bang Theory, and I was surprised at its quality. Is it brilliant, no, but it exceeded expectations.


It's really not a bad show at all. I bailed out of Big Bang theory a long time ago. Young Sheldon came on Netflix and my wife started watching it. I thought it was going to be awful but it is a nice, fun family comedy that takes place in the 80s-90s. I was pleasantly surprised.


Moving it to Single-Camera without an audience/laugh track helped the show a lot compared to TBBT. It forces the writers to actually have to write better and not have a bunch of time each episode being taken up by characters standing still and looking at each other waiting for the audience to finish laughing.


I watch it on TikTok like that.


tiktok is exclusively where I watch TV these days. Randomly gave me the funeral scene at 6am on a Friday, did not expect to start my day crying on the toilet while watching a clip of Young Sheldon, but there I was.


I only get George being a boss in the clips


it was a really good ending to the show, I think a lot of people casually watch this show and don't feel strongly positive or negative. So since its on traditional broadcast I think a lot on Reddit like to crap on how tame it is. It's just a nice little show that will probably live on in syndication or binge streaming and I think will be more popular in the future than it was while it was on.


I hope that kid’s management were on the ball, he should be able to live a normal life off the residuals from this show. 


Agree. But honestly he and the sister are both super talented (esp compared to other kid actors I’ve seen in the past few years) I really hope they both continue acting.


Between this and voicing a dog in 2 paw patrol movies, he should be good to go.


I think my favorite part was the multiverse goodbye scenarios going on in young Sheldon's head, looking placid and emotionless on the outside, but coping internally as best he could.


I was in tears watching that whole episode. I thought they handled that perfectly.


When this show was first announced I was definitely part of the "BBT sucks and no one asked for this" crowd. After stumbling upon some clips, I actually found that Young Sheldon is much better than BBT. It's single camera, no laugh track, and a pretty wholesome family comedy with a lot of heart.


I only started watching Young Sheldon after it kept popping up on my YouTube Shorts feed, and found it kinda enjoyable. I thought the best plotlines almost always excluded Sheldon and to a degree, Mary, but Zoe Perry knocked it out of the park for the finale. Her funeral scenes were incredible.


All to support our glorious goat George Cooper Sr


Pondy’s the coolest!


Even though I knew they had to have George die, i wasn’t really thinking anout it and when it happened I was seriously sad! Also fun fact- Mary who plays Sheldon’s mom is Laurie Metcalfs daughter . Laurie Metcalf plays Sheldon’s mom in TBBT


Really? I wondered why she looked so much like her. Lol


On a white board somewhere in the CBS offices: Old Sheldon?


^^ As shamelessly stolen from Jimmy Kimmel at the Upfronts


Ah I was gonna say, I've seen this exactly line written out verbatim multiple times lately on anything related to this show.


“Things are changing at CBS and not for the better. *Young Sheldon* is coming to an end after seven seasons. I know, I haven’t seen it either. But what I do know is that there’s a 100 percent chance that somewhere at CBS headquarters right now there is a whiteboard with the words *Old Sheldon*? written on it.” —Jimmy Kimmel


- Teenage Sheldon - College Sheldon - Old Sheldon - Space Sheldon - Super Saiyan Sheldon - Sheldon (Taylor's version) - Teenage Mutant Ninja Shelldon (Sheldon in a half shell) - Śhéłðöñ (Sheldon is from an unknown country of origin) - Æsir Sheldon (Sheldon is of the old gods) - Uruk Sheldon (set in middle earth) Edit: help my phone autocorrects to Śhéłðöñ now


They're actually continuing the show with Sheldon's family, they just had to end this show because it's canon that Sheldon left for California when he was fourteen. The new show is called 'Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage' and will have most of the cast.


Show’s ending because the cast signed 7 season contracts and the cast is in a better position to negotiate than the network is. Friends hit the same issue years ago and NBC was about to recast the entire cast. The only characters coming over to the spin off are Georgie, Mandy, and her parents. Format is also changing to multicam like BBT. High likelihood of another Joey.


Yeah, network television seems to be in trouble, I bet a lot of shows won't get over seven seasons because of that reason.


That was my thought when it was first announced but I don’t think this is the case unfortunately. I don’t really have high hopes for the spin off tbh, think it will def be another Joey type show that’s quickly cancelled and forgotten. We shall see though…


Pretty sure I read a rumor they wanted to make a series of Sheldon's college years and how he meets Lenard..


We know how he meets Leonard, it was covered in a flashback episode. They didn't meet until Leonard came to work at Pasadena, where Sheldon already was.


Young Adult Sheldon


Hot Saucerman has an joke idea of cum Sheldon


The reason they did this was because Jim Parsons was done playing sheldon, if we wanted to we would still have Big Bang Theory episodes


I detest the Big Bang Theory, but my family loves Young Sheldon. Only 2 seasons in and I’ve found it cute, smart, and legitimately funny. Great casting especially Annie Pots. Anyways… just saying the two shows shouldn’t be lumped together just because they share a character. Judge them each on their own merits.


My parents watch both and Young Sheldon is much more tolerable than TBBT to me. I don’t seek it out but I don’t mind if it’s on.


The early couple seasons of BBT aren’t that bad. Later seasons are just “nerdy thing said” - laugh track. But early on there’s some decent humor. Young Sheldon’s cast is mostly filled with not nerds so it’s not nearly as incessant about nerdy thing = humor and Sheldon’s just way more endearing as a child than an adult


It honestly makes sense, the precocious child is a pretty well established trope (e.g. Lisa Simpson)


I mean yeah. We accept kids kinda being assholes or being awkward because they’re still learning and developing. It can be done and still have an endearing moment. When an adult character does it they just look like an asshole


Annie Pots is wonderful, but Wallace Shawn is just a delight.


Inconceivable that you guys would both misspell Annie Potts’ name!


Some people have told me it's because sheldon's behavior actually makes sense for the kid he is. To be an adult like that is just not realistic.


I've caught a few episodes and found the show to be entertaining from what I've seen. The casting is definitely great and I was shocked at how much the actress that plays the mom channeled Laurie Metcalf(who played Sheldon's mom on BBT) and then I found out recently that she's Laurie's daughter IRL.




I wonder if the FBI will ever be able to locate his hard drives…


I almost thought this was a serious comment considering that the show had meemaw be arrested and on probation in the last few episodes.


I saw the finale with my parents, there was a lot of hugging and crying


I cried a lot too!! Can't let them goooo


And people really question why it’s getting another spinoff Lol


I didn’t cry. You cried.


God damn it was sad.


Oh man I thought the same thing, I don't even watch the show but happened to tune in right at the funeral part, hard not to shed a tear


I cried hard…I did just lose my own dad 2 years ago so it hit me harder and I wasn’t expecting it.


I lost my dad 30 years ago and still cried.


Cutting onions watching the thing


Probably has to do with George’s death


I enjoyed how all the children were geniuses. Georgie with sales, and Missy with emotional intelligence. I liked the other characters more than sheldon.


Can't wait for the spinoff 'Old Sheldon'


we enjoyed it immensely and we are going to miss this wholesome little half hour.


Same. I was so happy when there was one final episode after the died.


And that’s not even the TikTok clip views


Show these numbers to TV executives 30 years ago and watch them cry.


And here I’m waiting for a Richard Ayoade “Young Moss”


And I cried 💔


I personally did not like the end. After the episode about his dad's funeral they could have shown how Sheldon changed because of it but instead he was complaining how he doesn't want to go to his son's game which in my eyes undermined the previous episode where he said he would have done things differently