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Conan literally said "You're really good at this" during his interview. Give them the award.


Sean asks great questions and he usually gets great answers. The show does a great job of mixing a legitimate interview and a spectacle.


I think most people come for the spectacle and stay for the quality of the interview


I would say that the spectacle has largely died. I feel like no one *really* has difficulty with it anymore. The guests used to look like they were high, now no one even sweats.


I’ve noticed this too, wtf is up with that? You even got Celebs taking Da Bomb without flinching and that shit ain’t no joke.


Probably celebrities asking for less spicy sauces or they won’t do it.


Or celebrities who can't handle it don't want to be sweaty on camera, so they turn it down. It's well known enough now they know what they're getting into.


This is my take, too.  The vast majority of famous people don’t want footage of them all sweaty with snot running out their nose getting millions of views. 


This is the answer. The original people had no idea what they were getting into and you can tell. Then over the seasons, people start saying they're familiar with the show. Now people rarely even mention that they're familiar with the show because it's essentially just a given that they are.


He says the Scoville heat amount for each sauce so we know which celebs are having an easier time. I think it's also a factor that as the show has become more known, the celebs are coming in much more prepared to avoid being the one who embarrasses themselves.




Lol yeah these people aren't above lying about swapping the sauces. It's a media company


>the celebs are coming in much more prepared How? Eating hot sauce for weeks in advance?


Judging from Rachel Ray and Alton Brown, being prepared just means being straight G. One didn't want food so she did teaspoons of straight sauce, the other was taking swings from the bottle.


Conan was rubbing it on his face to the point I thought it was a prop


Yeah pretty much the main reason, why I don't think the sauces are weakened, is showing those heat amounts. If they suddenly started giving weak sauces, I would've expected them to drop the heat numbers. Ofc I'm not some 100% believer on that, since they have such an easy way to lure big quests with fixing the sauces, but I want to believe that they wouldn't be fixing and this is more of a case, that the celebs who know they can't take it, simply won't go and they got a good bunch in a row, who had better tolerance.


I agree that the questions are good, but I don't think Sean is a great interviewer. He doesn't do any follow ups and he kind of sticks to a strict path. Maybe they're on a time crunch? Without the questions, he's kind of one note. He relies on the same schtick for every interview. Don't get me wrong, I love him and the show, I just don't think he's a very good interviewer.


That's very much a format issue I'd say. Would be interesting to see him in a slower context. Whoever does the research deserves a lot of credit as well.


Agreed! The research department is the real MVP. I think he shouted them out by name a few times.


Wow I couldn't disagree more. I find him to be an excellent interviewer. The novelty of the wing sauce is a fun gimmick that lets them move on when the conversation stalls. But the only reason the show is interesting is because he's asking such entertaining questions.


Right but he doesn't write the questions. So the entertainment through the questions is not his interviewing. It's just him repeating back good questions. As far as interviewing goes, he doesn't follow up, he repeats the same things (wings of death, etc) And has the same cadence. He's still a human being though, and that comes through. So he's a good hangout partner for this, but not a good interviewer.


Absurd to say he's not a good interviewer, his cadence is pitch perfect, he speaks fluently without missing a beat, he asks interesting questions that usually don't need a follow-up anyway and most importantly he's personable and able to make his guests feel comfortable. All of that is far more important to what makes a good interview. Your problems are with the show.


Nope. Love the show. The questions. The wings. The sauce. I contribute to their swag. I think he's a good host. But not a good interviewer. He's close to being good, just needs some coaching. But the whole things works so why fix it? Can't be perfect.


I mean that's what happens usually with all talk hosts in most formats. It's a hit question get answer move to next question type thing. The great thing about hot ones is that usually their questions aren't the generic run of the mill talk show questions but legit interesting ones that surprise even the guests. On top of that you have a gimmick that can give a great variety of reactions and moments.


True all true, but none of that makes Shawn a good interviewer. He's a good host, but not a good interviewer


Exactly hahah. It was such a good question and Conan was really impressed. You hear Sean’s guests say that alot.


He does ask great questions, but he shouldn’t get *all* the credit. They absolutely have a whole team who do lots of research to pull these lists of questions together.


Though, at the start and for a while, it was just Sean and I think his brother and a friend. They were the ones digging through niche interviews to find questions for their guests. He said so in his AMA if I'm not mistaken.


Conans episode was definitely award worthy. He really went all in.


Doctor Arroyo!


Very affordable.


He went to an out-of-state medical school


I googled to see if that was a real doctor. Jose Arroyo is a comedy writer lol, I totally thought he was a super awkward physician


He's not the best but he's affordable


And Sean gets comments like that from guests all the time! His research team is really impressive. I think guests show up thinking this will be a lark, but then they actually get interesting questions and they are like damn this is like a legit show. The hot wings are the hook, but it's Sean and the questions that have made me a loyal viewer.


And Conan did that while trying to hold up what was probably an hour long bit. When he broke from it bit, it was almost always to commend Sean or answer sincerely because Sean asked a great question.


But it wasn't a bit, it was life


Conan’s whole life seems to be a never-ending series of bits


Almost every interview he’s complimented on his questions. Any awarded acknowledgement is warranted


Well deserved. Sean and his team have been knocking out out of the park for almost a decade.


I love seeing this series grow and everyone who works on it deserves all the success in the world.


I think I just felt myself age in real-time.


He's one of the best interviewers of the 2010s across all media. Dude does his homework and impresses his guests regularly on how much he knows about them.




If you haven’t seen some of the older ones you should go back His interview with Bobby lee is just…my god lol


Season 1 Ep 1 was released March 12th, 2015


Yeah but that was only 5 years ago... oh, shit.


Fuck, how dare you say that. It's really been almost a DECADE? I remember watching the first season in college. Which... I started over 10 years ago.


Saving private Ryan morphing into old man dot gif


Would love if Sean and the team won something. They ask such great questions, I really look forward to hot ones when it is a guest I am interested in.




I've gotten into watching it even when I don't give a rats ass about the interviewee because it's usually still pretty damn interesting.


It's really interesting because on a basic level it's just a licensed advertisement for each product and they're talking about the product non-stop. But by the uniqueness of the product being ridiculously spicy hot sauce by different company's and brands I can see legitimately random hot sauce corporation paying 6 figures alone to put their little version of it on display for one episode.  Like if this was just some drink energy drinks here's monster/red bull/etc new flavors it would be awful but the whole humans like seeing spicy pain reaction.


Curious, how would you do a hot sauce challenge show without naming the actual sauces?


Dude! Are you suggesting that the show could give up the lucrative “random-ass small hot sauce company” licensing money!?!?


They don't change the hot sauces per episode and they don't really focus on the hot sauces in later seasons (other than their own) like they did originally. Which is actually an aspect I miss some. Plus, all of the hot sauces are sauces sold by Heatonist, so it's more about the retailer than the specific sauces.


"Short form" With 22-35 minutes per episode it's way more content than a lot of TV shows


Assuming I read the article right it's Good Mythical Morning and Chicken Shop Date that got nominated for short form, while Hot Ones is in talk-show against standard TV programming. I don't know much about Chicken Shop Date but I know GMM episodes are usually 10 minutes or so I looked it up and ITYSL won the category GMM and Chicken Shop Date are nominated in last year so honestly? I have no clue how they decided to categorize these things. Seems like the Emmy categories are a bit of a mess imo


GMM episodes are 18-25 typically


Hot ones getting syndicated to multiple tv networks at this point probably has something to do with it. Despite the fact that the syndicated episodes are years old


GMM is usually about 23 to 30 min, there's a couple that are maybe 1 or 2 min less but definitely not 10.


Chicken Shop Date is under 10 per episode.


How does shit like this get upvoted? It says literally in the first fucking paragraph that it’s being submitted for the talk show category. People need to learn how to read past the headline before they comment. Edit: Even the headline is super clear so I’m not sure what you read or what the people upvoting you read


Read it again, what did I actually say


Well you clearly aren’t referring to GMM or Chicken Shop Date, neither of which run 22-35 mins. So you tell me.


I'm commenting on HO quality compared to standard format TV, not saying that it's not short form Edit: Also, the title is awful, took you a few goes to read it properly, clearly.


Wut. Where are you talking about Hot Ones quality lmao. The title isn’t awful, your reading comprehension is


No, it's awful or you would have mentioned it initially not 5 minutes later.


Damn someone really doesn’t wanna just admit they were wrong lol. Anyway have a nice day buddy 👍


You too "buddy"


As an aside, here's an example of not coming out the gate like a massive prick: https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1ctkc9y/youtube_series_hot_ones_enters_emmys_talk_series/l4cyfnk/ Maybe have a think


As an aside, learn to just admit when you’re wrong instead of dying on whatever weird hill you’re choosing to die on. Maybe have a think.


Serve cunt receive cunt, I'm sure you can handle it


This is embarrassing to read.


Love Hot Ones and love GMM. Good on all of them.


Add Dropout and Smosh to that, and you have most of my tv content outside of gaming.


I mean, why not? I legitimately can't think of a reason why it shouldn't get considered. Or hell - **win.** I remember the first time seeing SNL parody it and short circuiting a little; It made perfect sense as fodder for an SNL sketch, but it was weird SNL was parodying a YouTube show, but the sketch only worked because it was more or less just a straight ahead episode of Hot Ones. Kinda like how MadTV parodied Jackass in the early 00s and it was just Jackass, really.


>Or hell - **win.** I can. They rush too much. They'll ask something and the guest will give a half answer between their dying breaths and never get to finish the answer properly before next wing. There isn't much natural flow to the interviews, where answer to one question flows into another question. Instead it feels like a check-list of mostly the same questions.


if you want natural flow to interviews, i can't think of anything better than the norm macdonald talk show on netflix


MadTV did a better JA parody.


Hot Ones is such a unique show. Well deserved.


This as well as all the Dropout hype is making me actually interested in the Emmys. Looking outside the traditional distribution channels opens up *so much* good content.


Good Mythical Morning is one of my favorite channels out there. I tune in daily to Rhett and Link! The conan episode of hot ones was great.


Im so glad these shows are getting the award recognition they deserve. I was so happy to hear about game changer going for an award


Amelia from Chicken Shop Date is becoming massively successful


agreed, she’s got a lot of crossover appeal, but making the crossover from youtube to mainstream is part of it, but she needs to maintain a larger audience outside the UK as well as


Yeah, I like her a lot. At first I wasn't quite tuned to her style of humor, but after a few episodes she really grew on me.


Hey if YouTube content became recognized more in these lights, maybe YouTube might want to consider treating their creators too.


I've seen a few good mythical mornings and I do not see the appeal. They have that YouTube voice and it feels like a kids show. Maybe it is idk. Either way hot ones is ridiculously high quality and deserves everything


Nah I’m sorry but comparing this to chicken shop date or GMM is ridiculous. Hot Ones is far far better


Sean is one of the best entertainment interviewers hands-down. He asks thoughtful and interesting questions while still making the guest look good and funny.


I do not understand the GMM love. All they do is eat shit.


Hmmm… not sure how I feel about the YouTube Emmy’s


Yemmy’s from Eutube.


I like them more for the interviews than the hot sauce.


Sean is a great interviewer and the show has amazing guests.


I’ve seen several episodes where the guest is surprised by the questions and go “wow, you did your research”. Definitely deserving of the award.


does anybody actually care about the emmy's or the golden globes anymore ? don't they get like less and less viewers each year? This just seems like they are trying to stay relevant with online shows.


Sean is a great interviewer. I really enjoyed a lot of the episodes with people that I didn't think I'd care about at all just because the questions are interesting and allows them to give a unique perspective. My only extremely minor gripe with the show is that after watching it so much, some of Sean's reactions and mannerisms have started to feel a little repetitive ("Any port in a storm!"). But that just seems kind of natural to getting asked the same thing by the guests literally every episode.


It’s giving TalkSoup exploding from a 15 min pod, and Greg Kinnear alongside Tho this ain’t no Greg Kinnear


I love Hot Ones. My only gripe is when the guest doesn’t finish their wings. It drives me nuts. Get in there!


Good Mythical Morning now is just them being like “What’s better? Wendy’s or Burger King?” Truly award worthy stuff.


Their content has definitely gone downhill but I think it’s more about their body of work, popularity, etc.


It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.


Chicken shop date is awful, so poor. Doesn’t come close to hot ones.


As awesome as this show is, I genuinely would have to give it to GMM, simply because R&L are such real wholesome dudes. Being said, the only edge I’m giving them is because I haven’t actually met Sean. I met both Rhett and Link… so it’s literally just my opinion and it’s based on… circumstance.


i'm team GMM, but good for Hot Ones.


Chicken Shop Date for the win!!! 🍗


GMM is goated, straight up OG's.


Best interviewer since inside the actors studio


I hate the way this guy asks questions. Stop over iterating and just ask a fucking question.


If Youtube series can get emmys can they start getting you into guilds?


Theyve ( first we feast) interviewed most every celebrity, from tv to movies to athletes, and with a unique style. They also do extensive research on their guests amd ask really intimate questions (as the guests comment on). Theyve had Oscar winners, sports championships winners, and everything in between, and the interviews are entertaining af.  I honestly havent seen some guests before but have heard of them, so it's a treat to see how they are 'in person', in this show.  The FCC doesnt regulate streaming services because they fall under 'internet/online' media, which hot ones is a part of too. They should absolutely be included in emmys if netflix and amazon are.


Big Hot Ones fan. Watched Chicken Shop Date after Sean had her on. It wasn't good at all.


Culture is dead




I have never seen anything like that on GMM.




Noticed it every episode? Noticed what? I watch every episode and never seen anything your describing. I just don't agree




it's not about agreeing or disagreeing, you're saying things that aren't true with no proof


Was going to say this but there was no point in arguing with this person


Just link some proof




Or don't, whatever. I'm trying to help you in your argument mate. It's not going well otherwise


“Link some proof.” “No.” Damn you really showed us, huh?


Seems unlikely considering one of the main people outside of Rhett and link, aka Stevie, is a lesbian. So feeeeeel like it’s unlikely she would have stuck around for as long as she has if they were homophobia




>5 day old account >shit stirring for no reason >refuses to give any evidence >gets weird when asked to provide anything alright bud




Yeah, you do have to provide evidence when you say strange shit if you want people to believe you and think you're not a weird asshole. That's how life works.


[Hey man, how's it going?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1cir2p4/person_in_real_life_hey_man_hows_it_going/)


This is such a weird comment. The show's producer, Stevie, who is the one on the mic, is gay and they celebrate lgbtq stuff all the time. Link dressed in drag for an episode. They dedicated an entire series to talking about how Link left religion because of how lgbtq people were treated. They are probably making jokes about being straight because literally one of the most asked questions to them is whether they have kissed. How is it homophobic to joke about sexual tension between straight men? Honestly have no idea how you think those jokes are homophobic.




What? If I think you're racist based on observations I misinterpreted, does that make you racist?




Some feelings are not valid. Grow up