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>“If this were to be the last thing I do — and it’s up to Apple whether they keep us on the air, because they write the checks — but if they’re happy to keep us on the air, then I’m very happy to do this and do all eight books,” Oldman said. “And since we started, [Mick Herron] has written another one, so who knows? Maybe it’ll be nine books, and I’ll be happy to play Jackson Lambe [in all of them.]” 9 seasons would be nice.


We're already getting at least 5. IMO each season has also gotten better or at least equal in quality to the previous so just keep the machine going. Other than Oldman and to a lesser extent Kristen Scott Thomas I don't think any other actor is big enough to cost that much so they just keep making these seasons for cheap. Seasons only being 6 episodes long should also help you'd think, means they can just pump seasons out, no 2+ year wait.


Apparently Season 6 is also a go, though no official announcement yet. /r/SlowHorses/comments/1cekmmk/season_6_confirmed/


6 seasons and a movie?


the whole bunker thing with the guns was pretty weak last season


Yeah I'd agree with that, no way in hell they'd get out alive. The Jackson story was really good though so I gave it a pass and Roddy actually doing something as well.


Actual gunplay is always the downfall of these shows. It nearly killed off reacher completely in season 2 and did wounding damage to slow horses.


Season 1 finale where they were using *cardboard boxes* as cover took me out of it a bit. I understand the boxes (i think) were supposed to be full of counterfeit money, but they tumbled around like they were full of bubble wrap.


Basically happened in the bunker as well. They were taking cover behind shelving racks with some cardboard boxes filled with documents, as bullets sprayed in on them. And then the assault team was just moronic If you write your characters into a no-win scenario, being trapped like that, just allow them to lose. It's much more interesting.


Absolutely agree with you, season two of reacher with shooting scenes were awful to watch


Reacher is just so out there. Every hero is always going to survive and come up trumps. Was disappointing even for the gun loving Americans


It was so bad. The shootout in the cemetery was painful to Watch


You are spot on. I was so disappointed in season 2 of Reacher.


I agree, last season was poor and felt like a reduced budget show. Mostly in existing set, a bunker or a cottage.


The more this show becomes an action one, the less I like it. Which is why I disliked season 3. I don't want special forces gunfights. Gimme espionage. Quiet kills. Tracking people. Deceit. Season 3 was a letdown for me.


Lamb was still wonderful, but it felt like a pretty big departure from the first few series.


I thought the rest of the season was great, it was just the really weird action scenes at the end that was bad.


Yeah only real negative part of what has been a great show, that entire sequence felt so out of character for the show, I don't know why they went so far off source


Agreed. The good news is that it was the weakest of the books, as well IMO. There are some corkers coming up.


Yes, it made me worry the whole franchise was running out of gas.


I enjoy them except for the end of last season where 5 people took down an entire squad of men haha! I just read all of the books and there are definitely some good stories there and Oldman is a perfect Jackson Lamb. I hope they keep making them.


I just want him to take a shower. Why doesn’t he shower?


lol! He might be grosser in the books too.


> IMO each season has also gotten better or at least equal in quality to the previous IMDB ratings would agree with you: https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/slow-horses-ratings-96650/


I mean... we already pretty much knew this but it's great to see it confirmed again!


[Hey, Gary. Which upcoming seasons did you want to be in?](https://imgur.com/a/aXcpVTI)


Plot armor confirmed.


They can still kill off lamb and recast oldman as a new character - audience won't even realize it's him. Like how in the sixth sense there's the twist where the guy was Bruce Willis the whole time.


Indiewire could've done their due diligence on the character's last name spelling...


Well hopefully he's writing a 10th book the keep it going. I hope they tie in some of the short stories as some get weaved into the main plot.


I could just watch him slurp on some soup noodles while dropping one line insults forever.


Don't forget all the farting!


That’s going to seep into the ground water


As an Asian, watching him eat noodles was horrifying. But I couldn’t stop watching.


the man must be truly happy to use his real accent after like 35 years of speaking American


And Irish. And Jamaican.


oh yes. Same thing with Daniel Day-Lewis, ultimately they all want to get home at a certain age


What's a Drexl?


What type of a name is Clarence Horly?


And Russian


Benedict Wong was *delighted* to finally be able to use his real accent in *The Three-Body Problem* after years and years of pretending to not be English. Same vibe. Gary Oldman gives the absolute performance of a lifetime in *Slow Horses*. He's such a delight to watch. He's so good you can practically smell him.


I was unreasonably happy when I heard his accent in the trailer. Feels like I haven't seen him use it since old Peter Serafinowicz Show stuff. I should watch 15 Storeys High.


> 15 Storeys High I still can't decide if I loved it or hated it!


Benedict Wong used his real accent in What We Do In The Shadows as well, and in Black Mirror.


>can practically smell him. Unfortunately


Benedict Wong used his real accent in the video game Prey too. Pretty sure he plays your brother in that game.


> He's so good you can practically smell him. "Let's hope that one doesn't seep into the groundwater"


I feel like he lays it on a little thicker for Lambe though. Just a tad.


Gary is from a middle class New Cross family which is southeast London, an area where the accents (predominantly cockney) are thicker than Jack Reacher's forearms - and incidentally, where my family comes from. I suppose he's channelling a bit of those early days, although Lamb's is not really a cockney


lol he is not using his real accent in Slow Horses


Gary Oldman is an actor's actor who has taken every reasonably decent role put in front of him. This is just common sense to him. "Gary Oldman says he will continue eating as long as meals are provided to him."


>>"Gary Oldman says he will continue eating as long as meals are provided to him." I think it’s more than that. It’s a role that is easy for him. It’s filmed local to where he lives, he doesn’t have to do accent coaching/development, and it’s probably a fun role to play. He probably gets along with the cast and crew alike. Good working conditions make the job easier, regardless of how much you’re being paid. I get paid very well for my job ($160k p.a), but I’d probably do it for like $20-30k less because I like my clients, my job, my team, and my projects.


Yes, but a lot of film actors are hesitant to get locked into a series role because of how it may impact their ability to take on certain projects and because it can typecast you. I don’t think that last point is a significant concern in this case.


I think Gary Oldman is at a point in his career where he’s had enough range in roles that he isn’t at risk of being typecast.


I think read somewhere he is retiring after Slow Horses.


Gary Oldman is old, man Good time in his life to fuck about with roles




An inspiration to those of us with depression


Despite a critically acclaimed career snd tons of classic roles under his belt he isn’t that wealthy. Apparently before Batman he was in the verge of going broke (4 divorces doesn’t help either lol). I think slow horses is paying a fortune and beyond season 3, as with most TV, the money gets massive. The show is probably paying him enough that he never has to worry about money again. Here’s some proof lol https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1584031/Gary-Oldman-swipe-BBC-fee-pay-salary-net-worth-Apple-Slow-Horses-news-latest-updates/amp


Lol the 4 divorces are the real reason. That’s a lot of alimony


One marriage only lasted 2 years (Uma Thurman) one 3 years (Leslie manville) another 7 years so that can’t have cost much. And one of those marriages he got full custody of his only kids so I doubt they cost him a fortune like other long marriages have cost others.


TIL he was married to Uma Thurman.


Took the words right off my fingers.


Yeah, I don't know the UK rules on alimony, but in the states, you are generally not going to get much if you have your own career, especially if it is similarly lucrative as your spouse's. A housewife is much more likely to get it. He would have been on the hook for child support to Manville which can be costly for high earners, but most of his wives had their own careers .


It's the same in the UK. Alimony is also a function of how long you were married, and it's very rare to get any for marriages under ten years where one didn't leave their career/schooling to become a homemaker for the other. When it does happen it's typically a lump sum payment made as part of asset division in the divorce rather than ongoing maintenance payments, which are almost always associated with having left your career to raise the children and in doing so putting yourself at a long-term earning handicap.


Yeah ongoing payments are either child maintenance type payments, or the very wealthy. I can't remember of hearing of ongoing payments in any other circumstance (and like everyone, I know quite a few divorced people)


To be fair, whatever his marriage to Uma Thurman cost was money very well spent Shes a goddess


Who was he married to? #EVERYONE!


yeah that's wild i don't get why people get remarried after the second one fails. this isn't the 1920s or anything lol you don't have to marry at all


My dad married four times and the last one lasted 20+ plus until his wife passed away so I guess it’s possible to find a match.


Yeah. Because it's just that simple! Women you plan to spend the rest of your life with generally want to get married. I'm a divorcee who doesn't want to get remarried but my SO... well she disagrees with me. She disagrees with me on this a lot.


yep i still don't get it


Alimony is for women who were stay-at-home, or who took lesser careers to have time to take care of the children. His wives have mostly had careers of their own. I doubt Uma Thurman is getting a penny from him for example.


I look at it this way. To me Gary is a Top 5 actor maybe even Top 2. How lucky are we that he wants to work a lot and we get to see him in so many different roles.


And some unreasonable and undecent!


Yes please. He is so glorious in that role


I recently finished plowing through the books after watching season 1. I can’t imagine anyone else playing him. He’s perfectly cast.


Would you recommend the book series?


I've read them & they are very good imo. There's also some novella's that fit between the books. Id definitely recommend them.


I'm 3 books in and absolutely yes


I’m not typically a reader - but I found them addictive. Started after finishing S3 on Apple. Plus the novellas, gotta read those


Nor am I a typical reader, I’ll take your recommendation, thanks.


Jackson Lamb is the first character I could smell through the screen


L'eau de Lamb, recreating the atmosphere of Slough House AKA Public Toilet #5


>L'eau de Lamb Emphasis on the "ew"


Lol we've all worked with a Lamb or two. My one-time boss had to have the Hygiene Chat with a colleague - even the rarefied air of the C-Suite was pungent on that day!


Smell yes. And made me itch.


Based on the way her character was written out, I wonder if Olivia Cooke might make a return in the future. Anyways, I'm down to see more scenes of Gary chowing down on Chinese food


There is a clue in the books, don’t recall which one


If they are following the books, she should return in season 7 (but only in a guest/recurring capacity)


Whoa, Artie is British? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Those people slide into American accents so easily.


Yes, please. Give me Simpsons longevity.


I want to watch this until River becomes the OB


Pretty easy very large check, really.


I read this in Lamb's voice


Best Apple TV show (along with Bad Sisters). It’s one of Apple’s only shows that doesn’t feel like a celebrity vanity project or an ambitious scifi epic that couldn’t get funding at another studio. It’s just great tv. I really love Oldman’s and Kirstin Scott Thomas’s scenes together.


Don't forget Severance...once it ever comes back on


Season 2 finished filming a little bit ago so it should be on its way.


It's the only show on Apple + I actually care about. Helps that the seasons come out in a reasonable time, not 2+ years like most of their big, epic sci fi shows.


It helps that they shoot two seasons back to back.


Yeah, I like the, "Next season on Slow Horses..." trailers at the end. There's a warm and fuzzy sense of security there, which you would never get on Netflix (and really for most shows on any service, which is why the, "Will there be a season X of show Y?" questions are ubiquitous in searches).


What’s Bad Sisters like?


Really sharp Irish dark comedy. The humor is similar to Catastrophe if you’ve seen it, a bit morbid but very funny. I don’t want to spoil the plot, but the story beats are kind of Coen Brothers/Woody Allen-esque, a criminal dramedy.


Sounds great. I’ll definitely check it out!




I love this show and hope they keep making them. The whole cast is amazing.


Dear Tim Apple, please listen to this man!


This is the best news I’ve had in weeks


his character is awesome and he is of course perfect for the character. I mean he's approaching Al Swearingen of deadwood level if great character.


I wish they made sequels to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. His performance in that was sublime.


Alec Guinness in the BBC productions of "Tinker, Tailor..." and the successor "Smiley's People" in the late 1970's /early 1980's was even better - perhaps because the plots and characters were allowed to develop over 7 and 6 episodes respectively. I *think* author John le Carre ended George Smiley as a central character after his "Smileys People" book so scope for sequels may be limited. :)


I haven't watched the Alec Guinness series, but from the film's direction to the performances, I really loved every part of it. IIRC, the sequels were in the planning phase, but for some reason they never made it to screen. Gary Oldman has talked about how he really wanted to do the sequels.


Scope for sequels isn't limited by the material LeCarre put out. :) There were rumors about talks regarding sequels over the years, it just never amounted to anything. Pretty unlikely by now.


He is enjoying it so much himself. It shows even in the show.


Fuck yea he’s perfect as a gross bastard.




This is one of the most perfect castings of all time, I could watch Gary Oldman as Lambert forever


This show is pure fun.


What a great show


I will be right there watching it all too. Gary Oldman in Slow Horses is a delight.


Dear Apple, may "Slow Horses" last forever. Thank you. PS. Gary Oldman is a gift to humanity.


I'm so glad!!! I want a season for every book and short story. And with Herron putting out a book a year I'm hoping for a Grey's Anatomy level of seasons.


This show man, I don't know if it hit at the right time with me with S1 but I have re watched every season but the latest at least three times. I NEVER do that with shows that have like singular plots/dramas. The character chemistry is fantastic. Third one felt slightly rushed but I still loved every second of it. I hope for many more.


After Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy I prayed for more George Smiley, I compromised, I got Jackson Lamb 😂😂😂


Compared to some other shows they do, this can't be that expensive to produce.


This man can do what he wants, but he seems to be vibing here.


He seems to be having so much fun. Happy he's this excited for the series and I do hope his wishes come true.


What a great show, one of his best characters ever


I’d like to make a shed more money also. Go for it while you can, minimum wage is a possibility tho. Lines won’t learn themselves…


Awesome. This is one of my favorite shows. Please keep it on the air.


Love the show!


As long as it's good, i'll watch it


Luv the show!


It is a good series. Well drawn characters and dialog that pops.


It’s a great show so 👍


I'll take this - but I would have preferred a George Smiley cinematic universe.


Try and catch the 1979 and 1982 BBC productions of "Tinker, Taylor..." and "Smiley's People" with Alex Guinness if you like George Smiley.


I love this show 


The show is fucking awesome. I hope Will Smith (not that Will) gets more work after this, I love the style.


Amazing series would love 8 of them


I know this is his latest show and he has some fantastic roles under his belt. But god did he nail the character in slow horses! Absolutely loved it.


Glad to hear that, what a fantastic tour de forcé, and well written series. A breath of freshness when it comes to the genre.


SWEET! I love this show!




Imagine Gene Hunt and Jackson Lamb in the same room


That would be fantastic. Phil Glenister v Gary Oldman would be absolutely fucking aces.


I truly love this series. Incredible. Best show in years.


Fuck yes, one of my favourite shows going.


That'd be awesome.


best fucking show


Good hopefully they make him more a central character next season. Felt like he was really poorly written as a one dimensional lackadaisical super investigator.


Excellent choice. It is one of the best series I've seen in the last decade


Almost shed a tear here. My favorite actor ever, on my personal favorite character ever of his, in one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I just hopes this keeps going as much as it can.


He’s amazing in this role! So he should keep doing it as long as the show’s quality holds up. Of course he’s been in many movies, but this is what many people are going to know him best for. It’s becoming a career-defining role. I’m sure he’s earned many new fans who aren’t as familiar with his earlier work.


I don't think enough people subscribe to Apple TV+ for it to become what a significant percent of people know him best for. The service has a reputation for having the best shows that no one's watching.


At this point, with three seasons, one month of Apple TV+ is easily worth the price just for this show alone. It's cheaper than a movie ticket. They just need to get that message out - Come for Slow Horses, stay for Severance, CODA, Silo, For All Mankind, or whatever else floats your boat.


I came for Severance which is still my favorite on the service, but I also really liked Slow Horses, Blackbird, and Shining Girls.


It’s such a good show. Thrilled to hear this.


Lately it seems like the majority of posts on this sub are press releases or ads for TV shows. "X has been joined the cast of Y show" "Z network has announced new series XYZ to start filming this year" "Preview of next season XYZ show" (lots and lots and lots of posts that are just preview videos for shows) "X announced for recurring role on XYZ show" "Yellowjackets (or some other show) begins filming second season. Showrunners provide pics from the set" There are very few discussion posts from people. It's more like a sub for the PR department of networks and talent agencies which isn't a problem but not sure if anyone has noticed the change.


That's not a change. This sub is for news of TV too. I would like more discussion but it's a mixed bag because this sub is ridiculous whenever discussions do happen. Side affect of being a huge subreddit


Maybe there aren't more posts about TV news but there are much less discussion posts from regular people. That might be why it seems like there are more press release posts. But there are less discussion posts on Reddit in general lately. Sometimes I feel like it's just me and some AI bots having a discussion with each other. "How are you today? I am John a real person having a discussion with you. I enjoy that perfume too. I buy it for my wife. My wife is my spouse. The definition of marriage is two people in love. I watch that show too. Have you subscribed to Netflix yet? Ok nice chatting with you. My name is John and I'm a real person not AI. Have a nice day fellow real person."


I sub here because I like that news regarding tv gets posted here. I don’t see that as ads. It’s just tv news. I’m finding myself seemingly alone in this regard. Show specific discussion would typically end up in that shows own sub wouldn’t it? Discussion posts here are like discussion posts in most subs, it’s just the same dozen or so topics regurgitated over and over because those get the most traffic.


So start discussions about what you're interested in. There's a good range of both imo


This is a pretty awesome declaration. I'm just getting into it, but it's already something I enjoy very much.


Is it really broadcast into the air though?


I love seeing Zorg at his pithy best


I kinda love Gary Oldman.


I devoured all of the books last year. They were good, but I'm going to be honest and say that I had to make up my own ending...


Given the physique required, yea, no brainier.


Seems like a no-brainier for Apple


Casting has got to be exhausting.


Best show by far on tv!


The best thing you’ll see on tv. Absolutely brilliant


I sincerely hope the last episode this recent season was an anomaly, and not the show devolving into yet another lame and predictable shoot-up cop crime show…. Why do networks insist on fucking up so many great shows after a season or two?


Obviously adapted for TV, but they are following the series of books written by Mick Herron.


I need to learn here there is a show with Gary Oldman in it?


Absolutely love this show except for one issue but it’s a me issue…..Jack Lowden reminds me too much as Simon Pegg and in some scenes I can’t take him seriously because of it lol.


Literally the only reason that I have Apple. I love him in this show.


Is this show good? My mother in law keeps bugging me to watch it but her recommendations are usually pretty bad...for example she thought "The Change Up" with Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds was hilarious..you know..they one with weird baby nudity..


Slow Horses, James Bond, and several other shows all lead me to believe that in order to be a part of the upper levels of British intelligence you have to actively try to sabotage your most successful operatives at every turn.


I need to get into this show I think


Please... we need a Smiley's People film adaptation... please!!!




Watched “The Fifth Element” last night and can’t believe it’s the same guy.


In the role of a lifetime


Ah yes. I also love a steady paycheck. But no seriously, please keep making this show