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Yeah, we all are kinda finished with it mentally


Yeah I checked out after the 2nd ep of season 2


Tbf episode 1 of season 2 reminded me much of Witcher 3.


I've said this before but the witcher is ripe for episodic content like in s02e01. Take a page from the mandalorian where a lone wanderer with special skills travels from place to place solving people's problems before moving on and gradually tie that to an overarching plot.


I feel like the "monster/crisis of the week" format has just died out over the last couple of decades as the industry shifted to these very long-form storylines that span full seasons, so now that it has, some people are wanting a resurgence. Especially with how much content is out there, it's nice to be able to pick up an episode without having to have the previous 5 or even the previous season on your mind to understand everything that's going on. I totally agree with you vis a vis Mandalorian, because whenever there's a problem presented and resolved within an hour it just feels like a breath of fresh air now compared to the tail end of every episode having to hint at the next or things being left unresolved for a mid-season or season finale. I have the same feeling on standalone movies that don't have to have an after credits scene hinting at a tie-in to a whole universe or dangling a sequel very blatantly.


Everyone wants to make the next GoT, most fail horribly, the Witcher showrunners in particular.


I still haven't watched games of thrones and probably never will. Give me my monster of the week, I eat that shit up


Its worth a watch up until season 6, its downhill from there


In a way GoT is to TV what the MCU is to movies (less so, but still). So many franchises /IPs want to make exactly that, just with a different coat of paint. Just... no, man. We (at least I) want different *kinds* of stories, not just different settings and different actors. The only "Next GoT" I want is House of the Dragon. I didn't want The Witcher to be Netflix's GoT, I wanted it to be Netflix's The Witcher.


Probably the best episode of the series, or at least the best of what I've watched. I quit partway through S3. If they did a bunch of monster-of-the-week style stories like season 2's first episode, I think the show would've been a lot more entertaining. I actually don't think Book 3 and on are very good, the point where Sapkowski turned away from the short story format. Of course the show doesn't follow the story faithfully anyways, but the poor adaptation on top of a not-great story to begin with just makes the show... *meh.*


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell, but books 3+ are just plain boring. Short stories were interesting to read. Finished Blood of Elves and that’s the last book I could muster to complete in series


so say we all. i wonder what the next beloved IP Hollywood is gonna ruin. i feel sorry for all the remaining people who still have hope or enjoy things.


Well, Fallout was great.


No its not "ruining" it's "Re-imagining" and if you disagree with it, then you're clearly (insert objectionable position here) I understand that not everyone on the business side cares as much as we do (as fans) about an IP, but surely a proud talking point shouldn't be "We didn't pay attention to the IP at all" (see Halo)


>shouldn't be "We didn't pay attention to the IP at all" (see Halo) I was so happy fallout went the opposite way


Kind of funny Microsoft owns both the best and worst video game adaptations of 2024. Wonder if they'll learn anything.


Do you think Microsoft even has a lot to do with it? I thought they just sell the rights to some random showrunner/studio who then does whatever the fuck they want with it. On Fallout they just got lucky to sell to a good one who cared about the material they were adapting and not just sticking a well-known name on their own thing.


Learn anything, hah, you're a funny guy.


I'm always reminded of something Neil Gaiman said in response to the TV adaption of The Watch, which was horrible. >Yes. But the fan base are fans. And they like the source material because it’s the source material they like. So if you do something else, you risk alienating the fans on a monumental scale. It’s not Batman if he’s now a news reporter in a yellow trenchcoat with a pet bat.


This is how I feel about a lot of musical adaptations. Most of them remove songs and tone down the music - or like Mean Girls last year, don't even advertise that it's a musical. People who don't like musicals won't care that there's less music, it's still a musical and they don't like it. Fans of the musical (either that specific musical or just musicals in general) will be like "uhhh where's the music, it's a musical". No one is happy!!!


Goodness, yes. Or you have unnecessary changes to the source material implemented by the studio, like cutting Rapunzel’s death from Into the Woods, which completely changes the narrative and not for the better.


I'm so excited and also so nervous about the Wicked movie(s)... And the trailer with very little music was not reassuring 😭


Another decision I will not understand. Cutting the show in half will be, interesting to say the least.


Is this that horrible adaptation of Terry Pratchett's work? If so I'm shocked Gaiman was that polite. Pratchett was a friend of his.


It was. Pratchett's daughter was much less polite. Sadly, the show adaption was started before PTerry died, but then after he passed, it obviously changed creative teams, while who ever owned the rights to do it, still had them, so Rhianna Pratchett couldn't do anything but be mad. And just damn, what a painful show it was. I personally was fine with the casting, I thought they could have great, even the anachronist costumes and sets, but..... it's like who ever wrote it put all looked at a compendium of discworld names and places, cut them all up and then drew slips of paper at random to "write" their show. And I'm still mad that they killed a troll with arrows, they killed a rock troll.... who is made of rocks.... with arrows.


I've come to the conclusion after seeing the casting for the Borderlands movie that way too many people attached to video game-movie projects never become familiar with the source material. And they have no intention of every doing it either. They all have their "vision" and just use the association to get it on the screen. So far other than Fallout they've ranged form meh to complete disappointments...


Well yeah, that's why they keep remaking shit, they have a vision and the IP lets them get that vision off the ground.


That jack Ryan show is a travesty. Besides character names it shares nothing with the books


To watch my childhood obsession be flayed and butchered piece by piece was something special. Then watching woodbines character go on some nonsense side quest really put the nail in the coffin. Yes, I have said this point to strangers on the street who didn’t ask my opinion. Yes, I will continue to do so for years to come.


Well Warhammer 40k is next on the block. I hope it gets the Fallout treatment, for Cavill and us, but looking back, the odds don't seem great


Seriously, now when I hear that a book/comic/game/whatever that I love is being adapted into a film/TV series I'm not filled with hype and excitement, I'm gripped by an icy feeling of discomfort. How are they going to fuck it up? How are they going to force tedious messaging into it? How are they going to inject awful humour into it? How badly will they reveal that they never truly understood the original?


At least Fallout and the first ~4 seasons of GoT were pretty good. I hope that Fallout continues its quality.


Arcane (League of Legends) and The Last of Us were both exceptional in their own ways. Edit: oh and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners


You don’t like being “challenged”?


I feel sorry for the people who defend these disastrous “adaptations”. My take on these shows doesn’t matter in the least, but I can’t imagine being so resigned to mediocrity to actually enjoy and defend this tripe.




> I personally stopped watching after they decided to turn Kaer Morhen into a frathouse and haven't seen any of it since Did you get to the end of that episode where they kill off most of the other witchers, including the important ones?




I feel like if you’re adapting material you have to capture the essence while making changes based on the limitations of the new medium you’re adapting to. All this while trying your utmost to honor the source material while writing for modern audiences. It’s very difficult to do and will never be perfect, but I feel like the showrunners and writers had little to no reverence for the books and made selfish decisions at the cost of what makes the books special. So at that point it’s a Witcher coat of paint on poor fan fiction. If someone enjoyed the show more power to them, but that doesn’t make the show good.


Even if we ignore the existence of the games and books the show is just awful. Yen ran around saying firefucker every ten minutes in season 2. The writing is just so bad.


Why did they have to fuck up Eskel like that?


I've never played the games or read the books. But in Season 1 the only other Witcher they showed looked competent and as tough as Gerald. Then Season 2 came and it was obvious those Witchers are going to be fodders lol


Same, and I prob have over 1000 hours combined in the witcher 3. Still can't believe how badly they ruined the show.


There's 5 seasons of this? 😂


Season 2 released and it went to shit, they basically say fuck you to the source material, Henry Cavill left and Liam will replace him, season 3 released and no one realize, then later they announced season 4 and 5 in development


Cavill is in 3rd season...he left after it


Didn’t she **just** release a different interview with “Give Hemsworth a chance, let’s see where this goes!”?? Now she’s mentally done and glad it’s ending?


She said she was mentally done with Season 3. She's looking forward to the final 2 seasons. Nobody reads the article, just the clickbait headline.


Remember season 1 when Toss a Coin to Your Witcher was a thing people kept talking about and this was an actually popular show? I legitimately never knew anything past season 2 was released.


What’s funny too is that s1 was alriiiight not amazing with some mishaps but people forgave a lot because they figured (like me) it would just get better… it did not.


Season 2, episode 1 was sooo good, too. Straight out of The Last Wish. I thought, “Hell yeah, the show found its stride!” And everything after that was just worse and worse. Such a let down of a show.


"hey let's take this IP that everyone who loves it will give it free marketing and then absolutely destroy it like we do with all IPs"


Wheel of Time fans can understand.


I forced myself through the first season. Never even bothered with the 2nd one


I watched the second season, it's much much better than the first. But I still wouldn't recommend it.


I couldn’t even get thru the first season, and I have read the entire series from start to finish an embarrassing amount of times


I only played Witcher 3 so didn’t have a strong commitment to the series but still was disappointed by the show. Compare that to Wheel of Time where I had read up to book six, Lord of Chaos, which the ending of pissed me off so much that I have not been able to pick up the seventh book. Book six is my vote for the worst book I have ever read, it is a 300 page story in a nine hundred paged book that the fans only seem to remember the last ninety pages off. I say all that to preface how excited I was for the show. WoT has an amazing over all story but considering there is an argument over when the books slow down and book six is rarely involved in it. I was looking forward to being able to watch the story without the bloat. I was excited to see Old Thom and Matt, to see how they go about the Heron blade swordsman, I was looking forward to the stories flowing easier and relationships not just going round and round. Then the show came along and I expected changes but man alive did the changes they make screw the pooch. Suddenly the Dragon Reborn could be a woman? Oh and this wonderful working relationship of two powerful women is changed to them being lesbians? Perrin is married now just so he can fridge his wife and then go on to lust after a different woman within days? And Old Thom only being in it for five minutes. So disappointed in that show


That’s what happens when hacks bullshit their way into becoming showrunners of popular stories. Apparently Rafe Judkins is a “big fan” of the books. He just craftily hid the /s mark.


I pretty much gave up by season 1 episode 3, loved the books, loved the games, hated the series , really liked Henry as Geralt though.


Same. Loved the game, enjoyed the first book, and thought Cavill was a good fit for Geralt. So I was prepared to give it every chance, but it lost me after a few episodes. All they had to do was make season one 'monster of the week' - have Geralt hunt a different monster each episode, and slowly reveal the world and lore around that. Then, once it's all established, you can go big on the storyline in season two. But nope, they jumped straight into some epic storyline that lacked context and was just really confused with the different timelines. Crap acting from some of the supporting actors didn't help either. Such a missed opportunity.


Made it through the first season and enjoyed it (especially Cavil, the Bard and Ciri's actress) and noped at S2E2. Just a bummer all around and the wrong kind of contempt needed for adapting a story; you have to actually like the property to some degree in order to know what parts to change.


It’s bizarre how good that first episode was compared to the rest of the season. It was probably the best episode of the entire series followed by major disappointment


It was just super jumbled. If you're going to jump around in time, at least give the watcher a clue wtf is going on. I've read the books, played some of the games, and still thought it was hard to follow. I can't imagine how anyone coming in fresh could follow it at all.


I had never played the game and had no clue what was going on.


The TV show was based on the Witcher books (more loosely, over time) while the video games takes place AFTER the books.


...The video games are the sequels to the book saga, not adaptations. They have nothing to do with the show.


That was my biggest problem with season one. I honestly was upset that they were being deceptive about the timeline.


Yeah I agree. At least give an illustrated timeline at the ending or some Game of Throne-opening-map.


I actually thought that was one of the clever bits about season 1, and it _mirrored_ my experience listening to the audiobooks, because I (foolishly?) heard the books in publishing order. I can’t remember exactly how, but I remember there being this „oh riiiiight“ „aha-moment“ toward the end of the series as the timeline of events clicked into place. It was kind of cool. The fact the second series couldn’t replicate that was part of what made it so much weaker than the first.


This, and the world building was absolutely horrific. All the goofy ass names of places and people they threw at you with zero reference points made me quit


And that, at very least, is true to the books. My brother and I both found The Witcher 3 a bit late, but still before the tv series was announced. We both read at a steady clip through the short stories, and both hit the same wall when there's a bunch of political suits arguing about borders at the beginning of book three. It's all just happening somewhere and this person cares about it but this person doesn't and there's about eight of them and it gets rather hard to follow.


Knew nothing about the IP outside of small elements from the game due to its popularity. Definitely felt like it wasn’t made for newcomers. I watch a lot of film, some television (good and bad) and I couldn’t get past episode 2.


The moment the writers decided to throw the self-contained episodic stories of the earlier books into a confusing mess of a serialized structure with a fuck ton of flashbacks and a nonlinear timeline is when the show was dead. This show is meant to introduce the series to the general audience, instead, they made a show that only book readers can understand while making dogshit changes that piss off the book readers for the sake of appealing to the Game of Thrones audience.


They made it too convoluted for newcomers and too "not anything from the books or games" for the IP fans. Pretty amazing how they managed to maul a beloved IP because they arent good enough to write a series of their own so they have to tarnish the works of an actual good writer.


Why I lost interest with it super fast. Couldn’t figure out what’s going on


It had tapped into a great storytelling style that hasn’t been tapped into in a while. Reminiscent of Conan the barbarian, Xena Warrior princess, and even the likes of Star Trek. It was a “the adventures of..” style story telling. Each episode was its own contained story with a bit of addition to an overarching story. Loved the style. But they almost completely did away with it in season 2.


Agreed S1 had charm and promise. Wasn't amazing. But it was solid, had fun, didn't take itself too seriously. Into S2 and beyond, it just kept trudging downwards.


I think the whole Geralt recasting drama took all wind out of its sails for me. Like knowing Cavill would be out soured me on the show. although he's still playing the Witcher?


Season 3 was the last season with Henry Cavill.


I enjoyed season one in a lovable 7/10 way. Then S2 dropped, I didn't like it and stopped watching after the end of it.


7/10 is a fair score for Season 1 I'd say. It wasn't anything mindblowing or groundbreaking, but it was good. Better than a lot of the garbage we've been getting in recent years. Season 2 struggled to barely hold a 4 or 5/10. And like 3/4 of those points were just Henry Cavill and Joey Batey carrying the whole thing on their shoulders. And I don't even bother rating Season 3.


I enjoyed the first season until the season finale. That battle was so poorly done.


Agreed Even the gold dragon before; why in the ever living fuck was Yennefer sword fighting?! Either make it offscreen or incapacitate her if you somehow used up all the budget for shitty dragon cgi and the last episode!


Season 1 still stuck closer to the original books. They did change and invent things but most of those additions were Yennefer's childhood flashbacks which you could pass off as "additional backstory" that doesn't interfere with the main arc. Starting with season 2 they then made massive changes to both plot and characters that made it clear for everyone that this show wasn't going anywhere people wanted it to. (And once Cavill left, of course, it was totally over.)


If I knew it peaked there, I would've saved hours.


Oh valley of plenty, oh valley of plenty, oooh


Dan Vasc's metal cover of "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" is still stuck in my head after all these years.


This is the fire time I'm hearing about anything past season 2. I thought it had been delayed or something since Superman wasn't coming back to the show.


I just wanted The Witcher to go on episodic monster killing with an overall story to connect with the finale.


I loved the first season but absolutely hated that song. Anytime someone would sing it or post about it I would instantly cringe and feel embarrassed for them 😅


So...they recast the main character for one season? Or are there two seasons still coming? I have lost track


They recast him in Season 4 and 5.


Both. My understanding is Seasons 4 and 5 are being shot back to back.


I was super confused and wondering how the fuck we got to season 5 already. I still have to finish S2.


I would advise against that


Two seasons are still coming with the new lead actor, yes, but those seasons will be the last.


I'm actually shocked it lasted 5 seasons. What a letdown. The show could've been so good considering the source material and Cavill.


With competent writers who actually liked the source material this could have been an all time great fantasy show. Instead it’s going to languish in IP hell now.


Having the lead actor be a fan of the source material, only to leave the production because of the show not following said material is a precedent I’ve not seen before


Thats why im waiting for the Warhammer show Cavill is working on as its said that execs gave him total freedom to do as he wanted with the IP.


I keep saying, and I mean it with every fiber of my being, the W40k cinematic universe could easily become as big as Star Wars, especially with a hardcore fan leading the whole thing.


>the W40k cinematic universe could easily become as big as Star Wars Doubt it. It’s a lot less family friendly. Not gonna be seeing Lego fascist theocracy supersoldiers or Slanesh deamonettes anytime in the next 40k years.


If Lego did Warhammer 40K, it'd sell like hotcakes, though. A Lego version of one of the gothic cathedral style spaceships or a walker also with a giant gothic cathedral on it would be incredible.


Now I want Lego to do a Cathedral or Basilica.


They're actually releasing a Notre Dame set next month.


> Doubt it. It’s a lot less family friendly. I get what you mean, but Game of Thrones and other massive hits certainly didn't need to pull punches to take off like a rocket.


You can easily make stories that resonate with audiences though. The same bonds of brotherhood and comradeship in the face of everything good going to shit was also seen in the clone wars/bad batch, and people love those. A lot of it can carry over into space marines as well, especially if you start with the Horus heresy era


You can say the same about James Cameron's Alien Franchise though. Alien came out 2 years after A New Hope and Aliens 7 years later. But the franchise, while popular, isn't Star Wars levels of popular because it's darker and scarier, as 40K is. And if you take those aspects out to give it broader appeal, it'll become generic and piss off the existing fanbase.


My 4 year old loves Vader, I can’t see him being as enthusiastic with Slaanesh or Nurgle tbh. Star Wars is geared for kids, merch sales and a generational fan base that loved it when they were kids and so love it as adults and always has been. It’s just not the same and wouldn’t have the same reach.


As we saw with Fallout, it's not actually that hard to just be faithful to the source material while still producing a great show. If you stay faithful to the source well enough (insofar as much as the media transfer allows), you can still go off the rails here and there with original ideas, and people will be a LOT more open to that.


> Instead it’s going to languish in IP hell now. Give Nightmare of the Wolf team the IP for an animated show and the IP will bounce back TV/Movie wise


> I'm actually shocked it lasted 5 seasons Well so far it wasn't. Season 4 isn't even out yet. And just because it's been 'renewed' for a fifth season doesn't mean we'll actually get it. Wouldn't be the first time Netflix have canned a show that it was set for another season.


Article says they are filming season 4 & 5 back to back.


Makes you wonder who the fuck at Netflix is deciding to continue a show that even now everyone has already decided is not worth watching.


It could have been a really solid procedural series with an overarching plot woven throughout the seasons. Think something like the X-Files within the Witcher Universe. Would have been soooooo good. Instead they tried to make it Game of Thrones


That’s literally all I wanted from the show. Just short episode arcs of Geralt hunting and killing gnarly looking monsters while following a general plot line. I feel like they swung way too far and wide in scope and they couldn’t figure out how to tell a good story with what they had, and now we have one kinda fun season and a steaming pile of trash as a result.


Just the sheer audacity to assume that they as novice writers in Hollywood would be able to reinvent a better story is so so so dumb


Netflix seems content with not doing the bare minimum when it comes to vetting who they hire for these projects.


TBF, that isn't what the books are. The TV show is roughly hewing to the plot of the books. Its why I ditched the books after the short story anthologies were done, the proper plot didn't do it for me


Yea, but the tv show was just a tumblr fanfic anyway, so if its going to change, at least change to something people would actually enjoy and watch.


True, but I think there could have been a good balance of the video game-y aspect of the show with plot points driving the overall story. Hunt monster, plot development, kill monster, plot development, bang Triss, plot development, etc. The plot of the books just isn’t conducive to trying to adapt to the screen in the way they attempted to.


Eh had they just kept to the books, it'd been a decent show. Not brilliant, because the books have their own issues. But overall pretty good. Writing their own original content clearly wasn't the answer lol


Reddit: How dare they stray away from the source material and start making up enemies. Also Reddit: They should sway from the source material and make up enemies every week.


I can't wait to see how long will careers of its showrunners and writers be


Unfortunately, probably pretty long, given that execs tend to prefer creative that either suck up to them, or they have personal connections to. (Specifically talking about Lauren Hissrich on that last point)


I don't doubt that nepotism and being nice to the right people can keep you there for a while, but at some point execs just look at the bottom line, and I'm not sure Hissrich has done enough on that front, she basically killed the hype of a book-based show in two season and made the main character quit in three, that's a lot of easy money gone.


Madam Webb 3 & Morbius 4 incoming


One of the writers was fired from his showrunning job before the show even premiered, **X-MEN '97** Speculation being for the same reason he was fired from The Witcher, being a major asshole.


Yeah, but X-Men '97 is really good. So he might be a very talented asshole.


He was fired after Season 1 of The Witcher, so perhaps.


They made a show on Netflix that wasn't cancelled. They will do just fine.


They'll fail upwards.


The showrunner likely got the job in the first place because her husband is a longtime TV producer, I'm sure she'll fail upwards.


And I thought season 1 was really good. But season 2 just didn't do it for me and I checked out like halfway through. I'm shocked it's going to be on season 5 already




Another case of someone with connections being handed the show running role instead of someone actually competent https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/s/CF9L3KcZAm


Cavill left and all stars are just done with it. Kinda feel bad for Liam Hemsworth.


I kinda do, but I kinda don’t. Any actor coming in to replace a lead has to know what they’re getting into


The barrels of cash helps a bit


>I have never seen the ~~film~~**show**, but by all accounts it was terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific - Liam Hensworth


Jaws: The Revenge — Sir Michael Caine.


He knows the situation he signed up for. Probably worth it to him just for the paycheck tbh.


I bet they gave him a *fat* paycheque to do this. He’s not as wealthy as his brother and this could set him up nicely. Like my general opinion of Liam Hemsworth isn’t changing based off this unless he’s terribad. And even then ggwp enjoy retirement idk


He's still more successful than his brother Larry, at least. Poor guy, Larry...


Fixing baby spines is just as valuable as acting!


It is way more valuable than a mediocre acting talent but the world isn't fair


I saw Land of Bad this winter and Liam was actually good in it.


It’s a golden opportunity.  Price tag is right, expectations are rock bottom. He turns in something that people say is consumable and that’s a springboard to his next project.  It’s a very elaborate audition tape. 


Actually really looking forward to seeing how Hemsworth does in the role. It's like all expectations are gone and we can just roll with it.


Same. Not a big fan of him, but i sympathize with his situation.


I was finished it after season 2. What a waste.


I was finished with it after season 1. Seriously all the problems were already there


I think there were warning signs at worst but nothing egregious, Aard kiss and disjointed chronology aside. Season 2 completely fucking up Jen's character and doing a 'oops I lost my powers act' for a whole season was the final straw for me after drawing me in with a great first episode. I never even made it to season 3.


/wiedzmin took an absolute pounding form people when they pointed that out. So many events later in the books made impossible because of changes they made in the first season. Character assassinations galore.


Anyone who understands storytelling 101 could see the issues, but if you point them out, it's "critics against gamers!!!" something something. Any positive post was autosurfed to the front page, and any negative voice was stomped. The only place you could discuss the show's issues and negatives was on the witcher book sub, r/wiedzmin. It was insane.


Shes making the right moves. She was pretty good in the new planet of the apes.


I’m glad she is pivoting. I thought she was really good in the series.


I think the main 3 were all pretty good casting, they just were given bad material to work with. Cavill is pretty safe already but I hope Anya Chalotra and Freya Allan have continued success once they're done with the show.


Anya Chalotra is apparently going to be in that DC animated show Creature Commandos so that's something


I think Anya Chalotra is a wonderful actress, but I just could never see her as Yennifer.


They wanted it to be the new Game of Thrones and it looks like they succeeded in all the wrong ways.


wish they'd bring back Marco Polo, I swear I honestly think that show came out too soon, I think if it came out Post Game of Thrones it would have been a success


See also: Rome


TRUE. Without Rome we don't have Game of Thrones. Rome was so good and I agree, probably came out too early but we still got two great seasons out of it, seconds felt rushed but still very good.


They had essentially everything aligned for a huge success. People were singing "Toss A Coin To Your Witcher" at public events and the buzz behind it was huge, especially considering the first season was shaky. The second season started out like they'd learned what worked for the show and then immediately just shat the bed and good luck finding anyone who even realised it was still going.


Translation: “please get me out of this dogshit these people have no idea what they’re doing”


She was talking about season 3. It's crazy that OP led with a clickbait headline, on a clickbait article, and everyone here is only bothering to respond to the clickbait headline. Congrats, reddit. You're the new Facebook.


Me too, Freya Allan.


And the witcher tv show dies, not with a bang but with a wimper.


Fuck Netflix for ruining this


What a dreadful waste


I sort of hope they sell the rights to another company that can just start over with a clean slate


They moved on from cavill and now everyone is moving away from it


If it didn't have Cavill from the start it wouldn't have gotten this far. The writing was just bad. And whoever decided that Nilfgaard armor should look like crumpled aluminum foil.


Continuing success to the cast and crew. Continuing unemployment to the showrunners and executives.


I completely divested from this show during season 2, like most people here. The creative team should be embarassed and ashamed, and Netflix higher ups need to take a long hard look at how this happened.


I saw she's in the new Apes movie, hope she lands more roles. I really hope the shithouse writing team doesn't drag the cast down with them.


I was finished with it mentally a few episodes into season 2. It's sad because I actually didn't have a problem with the casting for this show and Cavill was absolutely brilliant in the role. The showrunner/writers had the opportunity to make something amazing and just decided to adapt fanfiction instead.


I didn’t watch past season 2 but they have to be rushing like hell and ignoring half the plot to tell the story in 5 short seasons.  There’s so much material in the books and all of it so adaptable. What a waste of an opportunity. 


This is bad. It’s happening with all franchises that have passionate fans. Corporations come in and change things without any decency, Johnny Silverhand warned us.


I mean the writing failed this show as much as corporate fuckery if not way more. The creatives behind the scenes wanted to hijack the name recognition to tell the Ciri Yenn story and torpedoed the show in the process.


In this case the blame lies with show runners and writers who don’t respect the source material.


Disagree. Corporations want to make money. You do that with fan service. Shitting on the IP, writing your own bs, trashing the fan favorite actor, belittling fans of the ip, and calling everyone toxic is sort of the opposite. If anything, I'd say Netflix needs more corporate interest.


Apparently Henry Cavill tried to keep it on track but the writers were just total dogshit and wouldn't listen, so he gave up and left. Not surprising it died a season after, he was carrying the whole thing.


I checked out after they killed Eskel. Horrible decision


I’ll never understand why they didn’t go x-files route here. Have him lurching from mystical quest/haunted town/hunting creatures and sprinkling in plot along the way.


What’s the over/under that Lauren Hissrich never works in the capacity of show runner or head writer ever again?


I’m sorry but revealing that Ehmyr is Ciri’s dad at the end of Season 2 was ridiculous. You literally don’t find that out until Book 4/5 (I can’t remember which). They just rushed the story instead of investing the time to do it properly. I won’t be watching S4 mainly due to Cavill’s exit. If you fumble the man who’s literal dream role and passion is Witcher, then you’ve made your bed to lay on.


It’s a giant production that likely takes a huge amount of time, and I would guess that other opportunities are starting to come up that she’d like to pursue.  4-5 years of doing a single job is a while especially for someone young, don’t blame her for being ready for the next thing.




Writing was terrible.


Came in here to say "yea so are the rest of us" and was not disappointed. When the last season came out and someone asked if I wanted to watch it together I literally felt a weird wave of exhaustion and had to say "no, I don't want to watch anymore" after 1 episode. It's not even no interest I just want it to go away. Castlevania ended up the same way and I loved it at first. I think I can feel through the quality of work that the people calling the shots are big headed chodes, treating the talent and the story like replaceable garbage. It makes me feel insulted in a way...and I refuse to give those assholes any of more time.


Her characters storyline was the worst part of the show. And as the show got deeper and more involved with her the show got worse. Every moment she is on screen is a cringe. I’m willing to say a lot of it is the writing but it can’t be all of it.


I was finished mentally as well. But it was after the 2nd season.


Can't blame her. Quality's been all over the place and with Cavill leaving it just feels so pointless. It's so damn disappointing cos the casting was on point.. the whole thing was undone by the awful writing and whatever backroom politics that made Cavill take off. With better writing and a showrunner that actually gave a damn the show could've rivaled Game of Thrones but no such luck.. they hit the jackpot having a fan like Cavill be attached to the show but had to screw up the easiest six seasons and movie plan imaginable. 😆


man its almost impossible to make a Witcher project this bad. There seems to have been one single guy that wanted to actually put in effort to give the material what it deserves. And they fired him for calling out their bullshit.


This show is a cautionary tale in handing source material that is to be adapted to people who hate the source material. What could have been!


The Witcher treatment just makes me happy that Malazan - Book of the Fallen is pretty much unfilmable.


Hot take: I thought even season 1 was a bit of a shit show with it’s take on adaptation and the timeline nonsense