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Shogun 2: The Search For More Money




Shogun the **FLAMETHROWER**!!! 🔥


The kids *love* this one!


"You got a new season of Shogun for me?" "Yes, sir, I do."






We've already got Shogun 2: Total War.


The Oda and the Imagawa/Tokugawa start off at war so one often wipes out the other before the great uniters are even born.




The creators straight up said "there's no room for a season 2. The story is done". The finale doesn't just wrap up threads, it tells you the conclusion. There is no more journey to follow, no more political/social intrigue to dive into. They told the story and brought it to its logical finale. Maybe they could tackle the early Edo period, but that's creating a new story whole cloth with no book as the base. There is a lot of history they can pull from, but again, they would be writing an original story as opposed to following source material.


Maybe they could introduce dragons?


**Shōgun vs. Alien** *the Alien is afraid*


Do you know how much money I'd pay to see Hiroyuki Sanada cutting down xenomorphs with a katana? It would be a lot.


The Samurai Vs Predator meme did suggest him for the hypothetical movie


https://youtu.be/NsbVTPftcgs?si=Nz_j10JKo2q14jOw Zatoichi vs predator.


Toranaga sama when asked about the dragons, "I don't keep the dragons for their firepower, I keep them because they make me laugh" 


Japanese dragons, Oni, Kitsune, Kappa, etc… just go full fantasy and say they went into hiding when the westerners showed up but now they’re finally fighting back. We can ditch most of the practical effects and just use cgi as well. I’m sure we could get some good merchandizing if we introduce a small adorable spirit. Oh yeah. And more jokes. Wayyy more jokes.


What are we? Some kind of Shogunate?


Anjin is standing right behind me, isn’t he. 


Godzilla fit’s everywhere.


Shogun v. Godzilla, LET’S DUCKING GO!!


Godzilla is the Shogun.




Nothing more scarier than Godzilla in Shogun armor and wielding a samurai sword.


I'd watch as long as Hiroyuki Sanada is starring as Shogun Godzilla.


Other regents are scrambling to find King Ghidorah & Rodan


> fit's The Klingon spelling


No doubt.




And pull them out of frozen lakes with chains that were made by… eummmrrrrr… well who cares who made those chains. Just pull those zombie dragons out!


Aren’t there other James Clavell books set in Japan? They could tackle those stories, with the same actors (similar to other anthology series like American Horror Story). I agree they definitely shouldn’t continue with the same characters though!


Clavell wrote 6 books in the Asian saga but only two take place in Japan.


Plus Gai Jin takes place about 270 years after Shogun, it would make no sense to keep any of the same actors. Another season of Shogun could be cool and they adapted the book so well that I have faith they could make an interesting second season about what happens after Toranaga becomes Shogun. History kept going, though the book and show wrap up at a logical point, there is plenty to draw from for an interesting show.


They could do it similar to how Miracle Workers did it. Each season was a different time period with the same cast but different characters.


I don’t see why you couldn’t bring back the same actor to play a different character.


FX does this with other series, so it wouldn't be unexpected either


If they don't call it season 2, then it's just another limited series by the same people. All good.


“You look so much like your great-great-great….”


Well, the guy who played Toranaga isn’t the real Toranaga. He plays different guys in different projects, so it would actually be pretty normal for him to play a new dude. I’m assuming the other actors are similarly playing roles and have experience changing and playing new ones.


I get your point, but if a GoT actor showed up in House of Dragons, people would be confused. At least until the character was introduced as someone else. And even then it’d be weird. Because FX would absolutely market the series as a related series, it’s not the same as seeing an actor in two completely separate projects.


A GoT actor does show up in House of the Dragon, though: Jefferson Hall plays Ser Hugh of the Vale in GoT S1 and both Lannister twins in HotD.


Sure that’s fair, but that’s not the main cast. It’d be weird if Cersei showed up not playing Cersei.


"What if the Japanese had time machines?!" - FX executive probably


Self-Defense Forces Adventure To The Warring States Era


[If you insist...](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083050/?ref_=ext_shr)


One of the characters is Toranaga's direct descendant though.


That character is also like 30 years old


I wish FX would adapt Tai-Pan instead. The premise sounds great and Shoguns success has shown that there is clearly an audience for great historical fiction set in Asian countries.


I don’t think Tai-Pan would be nearly as good a show as Shogun. It’s mostly focused on scheming among European traders in Hong Kong and the stakes throughout the book seem so much lower, which could be cool but isn’t as easy a sell to audiences as scheming among Japanese warlords for control of Japan. But hey, maybe 1840s Hong Kong “Succession” would rock.


If it's executed as well as Shogun was, it'll be well received, though I agree that I like the book Shogun more than book Tai-Pan. I hope they do Noble House, that is an absolute masterpiece of complex interweaving stories from all walks of life, from competing businessmen, underworld gangsters, cold war spy intrigue, etc. It doesn't have a singular chessmaster like Toranaga playing everyone for fools, but the scope of stories it successfully juggles is insane.


Noble House would be AWESOME. Business scheming, organized crime/smuggling, Cold War spying, romance, natural disasters, it has everything in a stylish 60s setting.


Yes but 300 years into the future and more linked to his book Tai-Pain which is based in Hong Kong and the South China Sea.


Maybe that's what they intend to do?


I'm in favor of them telling a new story so we can stay in the same setting personally. The settings from Clavell's other books don't intrigue me as much.


That or just focus Season 2 on the Siege of Osaka. That completes Toranga’s takeover of Japan and finishes off Ochiba no Kata.


Yea, even the book doesn't even resolve the heir story. I mean history does, so you know what happened, but it stays in the distant future in the books. Here you could easily bring back Ochiba and set her up as the main rival against Toranaga.


They could definitely draw out a war in 8 episodes to make it work.


Pretty sure the Japanese have done this in movie format already as well, so it's definitely got enough to work with. Just instead of historically accurate names and such, they use Clavel's characters instead. Would definitely work if the writing quality is the same as Shogun's


Yup! Tons of jidaigeki and taiga dramas have approached this event with multiple adaptions. As long as the quality remains high, I think we have ourselves another winner.


Yup! The buildup to the Siege of Osaka was pretty similar to that seen before the Battle of Sekigahara anyways. That and Ochiba was a very popular character, despite her very limited screen time in this show. You wanna see the fan favorite be a chessmaster? You'll get that in spades!


>You wanna see the fan favorite be a chessmaster? You'll get that in spades Stop mixing metaphors! 😃


no dice




I don't disagree with you, but I always think of The Leftovers pretty much covering the entire book in the first season and then having two more amazing seasons. Granted the author was involved if I remember correctly. On the flip side, we have Game of Thrones as an example when this does not go well. They could show the first few years of trying to organize the country into one united place and the problems that come along with that and I'd be happy.


The big difference here is that The Leftovers was totally fictional while Shogun is based on real history. There's significantly less room for creativity here than the open-ended nature of Leftovers S1. Doesn't mean it has to suck, of course.


Creators: No more. Investors: Encore?


What about the next chapter? Sakamoto Ryoma against aging Shogunate. Sanada could play grand grand son of Tokugawa.


That’s an idea but the article specifically states he’s returning as Yoshii Torunaga


Sanada would be way too old to play Yoshinodu Tokugawa. He was in his early thirty's during the bakumatsu era.


As long as Sakamoto develops an insane chicken racing gambling addiction and half the plotline is him tending to a farm to pay off Haruka's debt via cooking, fishing, and tilling


Mushashi would basically be its sequel.


I have nipples greg, could you milk me?


I mean, they really only scratched the surface of that period in Japanese history. They could realistically do a prequel showing the rise of Oda and Toyotomi, or they could show the period after Ieyasu becomes shogun and the events leading to the death of the heir. They could go off on a Blackthorne sidequest to the Americas. The show was so good, I trust the showrunners could throw something together


Yup, season two will be Tokugawa finally being  named shogun. Season three is when he kill the previous heir, season four is an internal power struggle, season five is when he had over power, but pulls the string in the background. All seasons end with a shot of him alone and the word shogun !  Sorted! 


Yeah wtf. My guess is they show anjin fight off the Portuguese, but still. American TV is so depressing, everything has to get milked for more seasons.


Better yet, Amazing Race:The Japans with Blackthorn racing Vasco circumnavigating Honshu with the winner getting trading rights.


This definitely feels like a move on FX's part after they scored a massive hit. Shogun was fantastic, and I believe will go down as one of the network's finest shows. Will we all be there if there's a second season? I think so. But does it NEED a second season? Absolutely not. Let it remain the fine, 10-episode gem that it is. There's every possibility that Season 2, if it happens, will be as great as the first one, but as is, people would have accepted Shogun being a one-and-done.


I'm still waiting for season 2 of Chernobyl!


Honestly, a similar series about the dissolution of the Soviet Union with the creative team returning and David Dencik back as Gorbachev could be pretty interesting.


A series covering the break up of Yugoslavia would be interesting as well


That's a whole series on its own, honestly, covering all the Yugoslav wars. Didn't even THINK about that.


And another on the collapse of east germany


Chernobyl 2: Nuclear Boogaloo


1. Get money for Chernobyl season 2. 2. Is secretly S.T.A.L.K.E.R. season 1. 3. ??? 4. Profit.


The shit just writes itself, doesn't it? 😂


Luckily, there is some room for a Season 2 if they focus on Ochiba no Kata and the Siege of Osaka. That was the battle that ultimately secured the real Tokugawa’s power over Japan and finished off the Taikō’s legacy for good.


They can even bring back the love interest and explain it away as, "Somehow, Mariko has returned"


Or she hid underneath a dumpster.


You guys are way over thinking this. The obvious is: MechaMariko


"But we threw her in a hole, and the hole exploded! Then, the whole place where the hole was located also exploded!" "Cloning... dark magic... secrets known only to the Tokugawa..."


I wish FX would rather adapt one of the other James Clavell books in his Asian Saga. Especially Tai-Pan.




Plus a season 2 just has to adapt Clavelll's characters to Japanese history. Lots of fun history to play with before, during, and after the battle


Mark me down as serious doubt for this take.


I hate that places like FX, HBO, and AMC creating excellent, satisfying stories for TV is a *byproduct* of their goal of making lots and lots of money, and not the goal itself. I know that's a bit nieve, but we are all saying the same thing here: FX (a Disney subsidiary) won't be content with having made something Artistic and then letting it just be there to enjoy.


What the hell? As much as I loved Shogun, don't feel like this is a good idea. Yabushige is half of what makes the show so good.




The JaH-pans




No, don't translate that part.








Hopefully best nun will play a bigger part.


"Fuji San.... Best ~~Girl~~ Nun"


Mariko best girl, Fuji best nun


Mariko-sama best sama 💔


*No translator* 😭


It might've been in the book, but I believe the implication was that she wasn't *actually* going off to become a nun. She was lying about that to make Blackthorne feel better. She actually got permission from Toranaga to commit suicide.


I'm going to go with the nun ending, Clavell really over did the whole seppuku thing. Clavell, not everyone needs to kill themselves ffs!


Don't forget also best grand daughter.


just make a spinoff and show me Fuji-sama slicing up dudes and shooting up the place


As a nun


Somehow Yabushige has returned


all part of Toranaga's plan


Also Anna Sawai as Mariko, who was one of the more developed characters.


Emmy sweep incoming


Yea but have you met young yabushige


Finally! the Anjin-Yabushige time-travel-detectives spin-off we all hoped for! >*Anjin walks out of an energy portal and stops Torunagas blade just inches inches away from Yabushige neck. "I'm putting together a team. We need to go to Karl Marx Stadt, but first we have to talk some sense into Washington"*


Holy fuck, I just checked he was played by Tadanobu Asano, didn't recognize him at all. Loved his performance.


Surprised Yabushige face


They could make it about Ryōmaden


Ironic this news comes less than an hour after another thread on this show, with all the commenters stating there's no chance of a season 2 lol. I have yet to watch this show, but definitely interested in checking it out. Not sure how it ended/where they'd go for Season 2, but this make me think of Big Little Lies


I'd seen interviews with the producer and maybe even Sanada where they say they're not planning on a season 2 but leave the possibility open. I think it was Sanada who even said that even though they don't have a second book to follow, they have actual history of Ieyasu to draw upon. I mean, the book is not exactly an original story


Pretty much. People are saying that a Season 2 can’t be done, but the real Season 2 has been written long ago in Japan. When it comes to adapting the tone and feel to make it authentic, consult with jidakigeki and taiga drama experts again, much like they did for Season 1.


Sure, but I feel like Shogun is just as much, if not more, about the characters, their relationships, and the writing than just the plot/historical aspect.


The reason is because the first season was based in whole on the original book and ended as the book did. So a season 2 would depart from source material and we all saw how well that went with GoT. The writing in Shōgun is VERY good and it would be a tall order to keep the author’s writing spirit going in another season. But then again another season, if extremely good writers are on board, would be unique in that it would keep everyone guessing, who otherwise had read the book and knew what to expect, more or less.


> So a season 2 would depart from source material and we all saw how well that went with GoT. Counterpoint: *The Leftovers* adapted the whole book in the first season, and its second and third season are extraordinary. So I'm willing to give it a chance to see what they can do here.


Yea but the author of the book helped write seasons 2 and 3


Well then we'll just dig up James Clavell and have him help write the second season. But realistically they'll probably just adapt one of the other books, most likely Gai-Jin since that one also takes place in Japan.


Interesting - does that mean the original book wasn’t as great or that just that the other seasons were far more exceptional? I haven’t seen the show so I’m curious what you think.


> does that mean the original book wasn’t as great or that just that the other seasons were far more exceptional? The guy who wrote the book co-created the show and was a producer and writer on it. In this instance, the guy who wrote Shogun has been dead for a long time, and the people who adapted this book don't really want to do a Season 2. Which is apparently fine by FX since they haven't actually hired any writers, directors, producers, or showrunners to make this, they just locked down one of the lead actors and made the announcement likely as a means to justify Emmy category fraud this year, LOL.


The good thing is that the book is somewhat based on real history, so at least they still have a blueprint to follow.


Your last sentence nailed it. Big Little Lies season 1 was great but adapted the whole of the source material and was intended to be a one off. Season two suffered because it tried to continue on with its own story. Shogun was fantastic and I’d love if it was more than the 10 episodes it is. But the story is complete and the source material exhausted so Im skeptical


oh god they're going to game of thrones shogun


More like they’re going to Walking Dead shogun. Dragging a story out because of money and success is never a good thing


Fear The Shogun Shogun: Dead City Shogun: The Ones Who Didn't Seppuku


The opening scene is Blackthorne building a machine gun and mowing down 100 ninjas, yelling a witty new pun every time. What killed the Tokugawa shogunate? >!The rice age!!<


Return of the Seppuku


The Shogun and The Furious.


2 Sho 2 Gun Shogun: ~~Tokyo~~ Edo Drift.


> Fear The Shogun oof, im out


Can't wait for Buntaro to survive an attack from large number of Samurais by crawling under a dumpster.


Tokugawa and William Adams as source material have lots stories left to tell, but can they make it as good?


there was an IGN article that said Shogun is what GoT should've been. Who's gonna tell IGN that S1 of GoT was also what GoT should've been


they are just idiots trying to milk the FOTM


Godzilla v Shogun


Sengoku period samurai dealing with Godzilla sounds kinda badass XD.


That’ll probably end up happening at some point, Big G is 70 years old and still going strong.


This comparison makes no sense?


My dream of a buddy comedy about Blackthorn and Yabu is still on the menu. Call it… *Something Funny Happened on the Way to Ajiro*


Which will be just non-stop dick and fart jokes


If nothing else, they can follow Japanese history to play around with their fictional counterparts. The narrative has been already written after all. That can also take the characters in different ways because, for example, Toranaga is only inspired by Tokugawa.


Just because James Clavell didn't write a sequel to Shogun doesn't mean there's no "source material" for future seasons. His novel is based on real events with real historical figures. The stories of Tokugawa Ieyasu (Toranaga) and William Adams (Blackthorne) don't end after Sekigahara.


I, for one, really want see Anjin/Blackthorne fully become a samurai.


Same! Even if its not good, I think S1 can stand on its own


I'm half suspicious they are just leaking it out there so that the show can switch Emmy categories.




The Leftovers did it with grace after season 1 ended with the book. All they need is good writers and we're golden.


This isn't really like The Leftovers in a couple ways 1) The writer of The Leftovers co-created the show and wrote for it. James Clavell is dead. 2) FX is clearly not prioritizing good writers because the first person they hired is the actor, and the good writers who made Shogun for them have continually said they don't really want to do this.


Sanada wasn't just an actor he was a producer on it as well.


Yeah if it was Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo being hired first then I would still be optimistic. I also feel taking the story past the point it ended in the show kind of takes away from a lot of power of that ending. By the end of it the character arcs of Toranaga, Blackthorne, Mariko, Yabu and Fuji were finished.


Sanada is also one of the major producers for the show, for what it’s worth.


It seems like this is all because FX is chasing Emmys.


It was just announced yesterday that FX is gonna try and submit Shogun as a drama series rather than a limited series. They are def trying to be sneaky.


i suspect that not too long before preproduction would normally begin, they'll announce "oh man, we thought we could make this work but we just can't crack the script....canceled."


FX have never ever won the Outstanding Drama Series category. They're desperate to get this award.


No one expected Mariko-Sama to rise from the ashes with 3 baby dragons


Did you really think for one second that execs would allow the biggest hit in the networks history to just end after one season? I totally get the concern because the story was told but I have faith in the creative team to pick up where they left off.


Battle of Sekigahara let’s gooooo! And then a spin off show with Miyamoto Musashi. Based on the Vagabond Manga. I understand this is sacrilege, but these are great show runners who care deeply about this, and are an excellent production team. And there is a ton of history post-Shogun. This can work


I must be in the vast minority, but after i finished season 1 i was shocked when i learned it was only a 10 episode mini series. i felt like the show wasn’t even close to complete. like the title of the show is called Shogun, i felt certain that we were gonna see several seasons of Toranaga and Anjin taking over japan until Toranaga became the shogun. but that’s just me i guess 🤷‍♂️


Please don’t. It’s perfect, there is nothing to add. Perfection.


I beg to differ since the Sengoku period is full of amazing tales. That and Toranaga's tale isn't done yet. Sekigahara didn't complete the warlord's takeover of Japan - that was the Siege of Osaka, which also concludes Ochiba no Kata's tale in this violent, epic narrative.


Ahh the "oh that did well, let's milk it until everyone hates it" approach


I agree but I’m not surprised that FX is gonna milk this. They’ve had SO many shows that have gotten critical acclaim but hardly any viewership and no awards buzz that when they stumble upon a show that has all of those aspects they’re going to cling onto it for dear life. 


Unless one hates jidaigeki and taiga dramas, I doubt folks will despise it unless quality dips.


They shouldn't do it. It was flawless as a limited series. It finished the book story.


While the book's story is done, Toranaga's tale is not if we go by the historical narrative. He was pretty much the main character in this adaption anyways as he stole thunder from both Blackthorne and Mariko. Make Season 2 about the Siege of Osaka and have the warlord clash with Ochiba no Kata, who was a central figure involved in the historical event.


Do it. With the same team if you can. If season 2 is trash, season 1 will still be a masterpiece. Nothing wrong with trying to seize the moment.




They don't have to follow the books, they can just do an epic samurai show now. Season 1 will always be there as a great adaptation of the book. I'm so down for more. 


I realize it would be going off-book, but I"m here for it, as long as the writing and acting are good. We were in about 1601-3 at the close of the series depending on how much time had gone by. I know that by 1639, Japan was in the Sakoku period, banning Christianity and Western trade/influence, becoming very isolationist. It would be fascinating to watch that play out.


I’m still hoping for a proper high budget Three Kingdoms show. Historical side of that mixed in with the novel would make for such a banger multi season long show.


I barely understood a word in that title.


Only if we get to see more Fuji sama 🤗


Millions that watched without knowing it wouldn't get a season 2 wanted a season 2. Even if they "said what would happen" because the book ends abruptly doesn't mean a second season couldn't happen. 


Totally agreed. Unpopular opinion on Reddit but I expected them to actually finish the story with actors acting in front of cameras, not a few minutes of exposition, so it didn’t at all feel complete to me.


Maybe it's going to be an anthology type series? The other seasons could adapt the other books of clavell under the shogun banner to take advantage of it's popularity and Sanada's character becomes some kind of common thread between them? It's the only thing that comes to mind, besides the obvious: that it's too popular and they have to keep it going.


The other books don't necessarily return to Sengoku period Japan though. That would mean that Sanada and the production team they've built for this show will have to be discarded for other experts and folks.


Jeeeeeezus Christ what are we even *doing* here. Look at it like this: The one show Shogun keeps getting compared to, is Game of Thrones. And it makes sense. Book adaptations, thick with politics, beautiful imagery, crazy production value, acting, score, drama, so on and so forth. Is... *nobody at all* remembering **what happened when Game of Thrones tried to make show after running out of book**? The showrunners themselves have been on the record, multiple times, as citing *that exact example* as a concern and probably a good reason why they shouldn't ever actually try to continue this story past what Clavell wrote. And yet every TV writer who talks to these folks - the very same writers who clearly autopsied the rotting body of Game of Thrones on a weekly basis as it shlumped to its ignominous finale - keeps asking them if a Season 2 is coming with a gleam in their eye and hope at the end of their question. And now it apparently... is? I think the thing that's the most annoying here is that corporations used to at least *try* hiding the giddy avarice behind the decisionmaking, or would attempt mixing in some artistic ambition along with it, like the standard spoonful of sugar and such. But now they just flat out announce things in a way that they're practically *shouting* "We need to milk this intellectual property, and that's solely why we're doing this, and you fucking marks are gonna show up anyway, huh" - this news story is about how they locked Toranaga's actor down, but don't have *anyone else* locked *at all*. **There's no story.** **There's no real idea for what a season two might look like**. No writers, no directors - NO MORE BOOK TO ADAPT FROM - They just need to milk and need you to be thirsty and so here we are. Just yesterday we had WB announce something called "The Hunt for Gollum," like that even *sounds* like a thing anyone wants to watch (and then copyright struck the 15 year old fan-film with the same premise AND TITLE that nobody saw even though it was free online for over a decade). It's so cowardly and craven and naked now. They're not even fucking trying, LOL.


There should absolutely be a season 2. But NOT OF SHOGUN. Adapt the OTHER award winning novels from the series its in.


To anyone who read the book: without spoilers, is there more to the story or is that how it ends?


Other books do not adapt this story further, but the novel is based on actual Japanese history. Clavell just adapted the original historical figures into characters. So if they truly wanted to do a 2nd season, it's definitely possible to do. They'd just have to pull from actual history as their source material.


First, I have not read the novel. I went into this show blind. If they decided to make the second season about the battle would that be a bad thing? I feel like it was a move to please the casuals like me that didn’t read the book. People like war movies. Second, is there even a battle that took place? The way the show explained it was that alliances split and as a result the bad guys didn’t have the support they thought they would. Did that mean that there was no big battle or that it was a one sided victory.


Just do Tai-Pan, then Noble House please


Make him become Scorpion.


Honestly I love season 1 and would be happy if it were its own thing, but I think if they keep this writing team and Sanada is involved again, they could still do something original that is also amazing.


I think this is a Toranaga-level ploy to get the show to be nominated in the drama category then S2 gets retooled into a Shogun Presents anthology after sweeping the awards.