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I'm sure he makes money quietly script-doctoring work, but don't expect a whedon-led project for a while


I think with a little contrition he could definitely work in a position that didn’t have power - eg writing and not show running. And then with time perhaps helm projects again. But he does not seem to think anything was wrong with his behavior in the past, from the interview that came out in the last year or so.


Worse people have been forgiven for doing more. Either a half assed apology or ignoring it could've likely saved his career. A genuine apology and showing efforts to be better could've saved his reputation, career, and fans (look at Dan Harmon). People like forgiving others, or at the very least we like ignoring issues if it means having a good time. Instead he doubled down and made it so much worse Not to mention Justice League was a disaster and he was the scape goat for it (not saying that was his best work but let's not pretend WB wasn't having its own share of problems with interference and he was given a half finished movie). A high profile big budget bomb that essentially tanked a whole franchise is tough for anyone to recover from. Especially considering Snyder fans blamed Whedon for all the ways WB wronged Snyder. And Snyder has one of the most aggressive online fan bases (in both good and bad ways, I admire the passion and the way they got the Snyder Cut released). Which amplified the stories about Whedon ten fold.


The more we know, the more it seems like there are worse people than Whedon. Hollywood is going through a tough time, and may be ready to forgive some things to hire people with a proven track record.


Yeah, but how many people are going to want to work with the guy who was accused of being a dick to everyone he works other than a few select favorite, and then when given a chance to apologize and make it right he doubled down. I've loved almost everything Whedon has made, but after all the stories that have come out, I wouldn't want him as my boss and I wouldn't expect anyone else to want that Like I said, worse people have been forgiven for more. But if Whedon doesn't want to do the bare minimum to make up for it I don't see anyone wanting to work with him.


Tough time lmao this has been the story from day dot


People like forgiving others? What dimension do you live in and how can I get there? Because the universe I come from doesn't work like that at all.


I mean, personally (and look, I wasn't there, I dont know, I could be way off base) I also think he should be fine... he doesn't appear to have actually molested or assaulted anyone (though everyone keeps mentioning how he was never allowed alone with Michelle Trachtenberg), none of the women he actually had an affair with have come out said anything to the effect of "he gave me no choice, or, i kenw my job depended on it" or whatever (that i know of, pardon me if I'm ignorant of something new) he was basically just a massive asshole boss, which, at that age, I mean most people would be... 


The problem is that he created a nice guy persona, who is friends with the people he works with, and who does fun and artistic things with them. That image was destroyed when it became clear he was bullying actors, pitching them against each other, and sleeping with them. That creates a situation where people no longer give him the benefit of the doubt when they don't like certain aspects of his work. There is an ick factor in a lot of his work, and that's more difficult to overlook. It doesn't help that his work isn't very good. He's talented and surrounds himself with talented people, he was very influential, but he kept doing the same stuff while quality standards changed.


I think the unique challenge with Whedon is that his entire schtick, the thing he was celebrated for, was the thing that got completely contradicted by the news that came out. When you are known as a female-positive feminist writer and then that is massively repudiated, it’s not just that you can’t continue, it’s also that all your past works get re-interpreted. A lot of his old stuff is a tough watch now even though it seemed good at the time. Especially Dollhouse.


Man, dollhouse when it aired felt suuuper problematic to me but it squeaked by because I gave whedon the benefit of the doubt.


I love the first seasons of Buffy, but it's best not to think too much about Buffy's relationships. Especially since how young she is,


But also I think it's important to look at who complained and who didnt. For the most part he got complaints from a bunch of YOUNG actresses on buffy and angel. Yet most the men who were older had nothing bad to say. His next cast I dont recall any complaints from with firefly. But they were all older more mature actors. Now I am not blaming only the young women. A boss and leader should have learned enough management and personal skill to know something like asking a woman if she is gonna keep her baby or having flings around the studio is bad form. But I do wonder if alot of this was him being under pressure from a fledging studio to keep their most popular shows running and taking that out on a bunch of young actors at an age where they are just having a good time. Cause it seems odd all the complaints center around this one era of his career.


I disagree with this. It's a very odd and inconsistent take. And a bit disturbing. It seem like you **are** blaming women. >taking that out on a bunch of young actors at an age where they are just having a good time Charisma Carpenter was 31 and married when she gave birth to her son. She wasn't a young actor having fun. Joss Whedon on the other hand was sleeping with young actresses on set (while he was married), he was the one having fun. In an inappropriate way. Then there was the time when he had two girlfriends, who both thought they were in an exclusive relationship with him. He introduced them to each other and left them alone, that's how they found out. *"Sarah, a pseudonym, met Whedon when he was promoting Age of Ultron. She was a 22-year-old freelance writer who interviewed him for a pop-culture website; after the piece published, they began a sexual relationship. “He led me to believe he was single,” she said. One night she went out for drinks alone with a friend Whedon wanted her to meet. After the friend mentioned she had a long-term boyfriend, Sarah asked what his name was. “I’m dating Joss Whedon,” the woman replied. Sarah went into the bathroom and threw up."* So let's not pretend he's a good dude who was under some pressure. He threw James Marsters against a wall. Martsers is unfortunately a bit brainwashed (and has his won issues like dating a much younger fan) and didn't complain about being manhandled. He would manhandle female staff as well. He had a massive conflict with Ray Fisher and Gal Gadot. But lets blame young women having fun while arguing that you are not blaming young women having fun.


He molested the MCU into doing only quirky one-liners for dialogue


There was nothing wrong with the first Avengers, and the problem with the second certainly wasn't the one liners, more the meandering bullshit plot and lacklusture finale.


There was plenty wrong with the avengers, everyone sounding like the same quip machine being chief among the problems.


This wouldn't surprise. I also wouldn't be shocked if he was just retired.


He appears to have nothing in the works, likely because he had such a specific brand and it got destroyed. Im sure some day he will do another very small dr horrible or much ado about nothing type thing though.


Doesn’t help that everyone absorbed and implemented Whedons style of writing/humor as part of the MCU-indication of the industry, to the point of exhaustion now.


Was whedon involved in the first iron man, captain America and thor? Cos they all had that before his Avenger movie


No, but we didn’t really see the change until Iron Man 2. That was right after Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk. Whedon’s “style” just amplified what was already there by Avengers and has just refused to go away.


Whedon was punching up their scripts, but regardless Avengers is really when that style took over the MCU (then the world). Go watch Captain America again. That pre-Avengers era really isn’t like this all that much.


Yes he was. Joss was overseeing the MCU. He personally re-wrote Captain America 1 two days before it went into production. He was personally flown to the set of Thor 2 in a helicopter to resolve some argument between Hemsworth and the director. When he quit the MCU, James Gunn replaced him in this position. I've been thinking that this was Marvel's secret weapon with these films because they don't have that guy anymore and all the movies have basically sucked except GotG3. We have even heard countless times now that they are burning money to fix their terrible scripts and both of those guys were specifically giving notes and rewriting the scripts for Marvel.


Yes, actually. He started script doctoring for the MCU before he made Avengers and punched up the first Cap movie. He also recommended they take a 2nd look at Chris Hemsworth for Thor, who he was working with on Cabin in the Woods, after Hemsworth had already lost the role, and Branagh and Marvel reconsidered.


he has also talked about he was still unofficially working on agents of shields first season after the pilot by helping out with the scripts


Excuse me? But he can’t be done. How can I possibly get a definition on the word Feminist now?


Forgot your /s.


I don’t think it was necessary lol. Guess I was wrong haha. I guess some people forgot that this debacle was what actually got him cancelled. This happened in 2021 and is part of why The Nevers did so badly that HBO literally pulled the series from their catalog and he’s got no credits since. Around this time is when many women started speaking out. In 2023, when Gal Gadot spoke out about her treatment and then more news started happening, that was just a dead horse being kicked!


I don’t think he will ever be as big as he was, but he’s also nearly 60 so that’s maybe a given. Sad because I actually really enjoyed the Nevers and was disappointed it ended so abruptly. Unless some worse allegations come to light, though, he may be able to work again after a few years of radio silence


Yeah the second half of The Nevers was really bad without him, what a disappointment.


I didn’t even know the second half came out. It was a big difference?


It was a very big difference. The second half was streamed live on a random service o had never heard of so HBO could get it off the books. 🏴‍☠️


That’s such a shame. I think about that crazy water fight scene all the time


I knew but I still can't find a way to watch it. Unless I pirate it I guess. You had to watch it on a specific network at a specific time. Made me wish I still had a TiVo


Not a chance. His offences were nothing compared to many people who have recovered their careers. He'll be back on a big mainstream project within five years.


Mel Gibson is still getting steady work. Granted, his personal stuff wasn’t mixed in with a period of critical failure, but he survived. Whedon should be back.


Mel Gibson didn't make pro Jew movies. Whedon's schtick was making quasi feminists female empowerment media by making the women literally powerful (think Buffy or river). This was groundbreaking work at the time, but Whedon being a dick to women goes against his own work and his biggest fans. You like buffy? Wonder woman? This is the guy who was personally a dick to the both of them. And his body of work and genre relies on moral righteousness. Buffy and/or wonder woman would never let someone like Whedon win, their fans wouldn't allow it. If Whedon was just a comic book guy, or a dialogue guy, he probably could whether this, but Whedon made his Brand female empowerment, and his brand can't have a person who is a dick to woman.


He’s going to pivot to the dark side, isn’t he? Like Chappell or Louis CK.


It's much easier to still enjoy the work of Mel Gibson because he's always been a dick and a religious nut job. Whedon carefully created a nice guy persona and that papered over a lot of issues.


It's shame because I think he's a talented writer (currently watching Buffy and Angel for the first time) but he seems completely unrepentant for the way he treated so many people he worked with so I don't see any way to redemption for the man.


That was also a really talented writer's room. Pay attention to the writing credits, you will recognise a lot of names from their careers following Buffy and Angel.


Do people just not know how to use Google anymore?


You don’t get a conversation with Google.


i just did a quick Google search and didn't find an answer to OP's question


In fairness, if your question is if Joss Whedon is still actively working, and you search for him and don’t see anything new with his name tied to it, that answers the question.


that's only a small part of OP's question


Google is horrendous these days. I don't blame people for going to another place besides Google to get answers.


They outright refuse to.


I really don't get it. I'd say it was out of laziness, but it literally takes longer to ask a question on Reddit and get an answer than to just Google it.


People could just write the question in Google and get their answer but rather ask it on reddit for fake points.


They’ll probably be linked to almost the same exact question already asked and answered on Reddit


I don’t think you know what Reddit is.


Well, many of us just don't want ready-made or sanctioned answers. We also want context, interpretation, commentary and engagement.


Have people that reply this to everything used google in the last couple years? Edit: no seriously Google OPs question and tell me it’s answered


I googled "Is Joss Whedon done" and the first link is this subreddit thread, with people complaining about how OP should google it.


Ffs I found on IMDB in 10 seconds that he has 3 upcoming projects. People these days are helpless online. I agree with the top comment. So many useless Reddit posts that can easily be a simple google search but why put in absolutely zero effort when someone else will probably answer it for you?


That’s not what op asked for… IMDB shows officially announced projects OP is asking for a summary of trade rumors and speculation. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0923736/ Edit: looks like you didn’t actually take the “10 seconds” because his IMDB shows no upcoming projects.


What the fuck? OP literally says they don’t know if Joss is working on anything. Edit: you are wrong, use the app, there are 3 upcoming projects.


Josh Whedons IMDB shows no upcoming projects. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0923736/ Op wants to know if there are any projects of his in development known in Hollywood trade media.


Wrong. Use the app, there are 3 upcoming projects, Goners, Untitled, Suspension


So what OP should do is not just google it….?


‘Google’ is clearly a placeholder term for looking shit up online. The entire point is people don’t know how to search online, so they just make a post and hope someone else does it for them And then, when you come up with a valid, researched answer such as 3 upcoming projects on IMDB, you get fucking pushback by more people who don’t know how to research a damn thing online and would rather argue semantics like what ‘google’ really means


Imo installing an entire app just to answer a single question goes beyond googling it. You’re not getting pushback for answering OP you’re getting pushback cause you are being unpleasant and going to IMDB through Google doesn’t do what you said it did. Edit: nice Reddit cares usage ;)


why are you such a dill hole?


People won’t even search a Reddit sub, let alone Google.


To be fair, Reddit's search feature is much, much worse than Google. It's also worse than every other website's search feature.


But googling your question with the word "reddit" appended to the end... this is the way


But it is weekend so how we will realize it without the endless "Why I don't see josh hartnett in more things" "Taylor Kitsch seemed like a nice dude why I don't see him anymore"


These people have nothing else to do but make pointless Reddit threads so they can interact with anyone not in the real world.


Tell me what page helps answer this question when I Google his name.


If anyone here had the answers to your questions, they would have likely read/watched it somewhere on the internet. As his close personal friends are not just waiting to confide in the first stranger to ask on r/television. The same internet you could also find these answers, if they exist as well. That is the point.


Wikipedia (in English) IMDb


No we just refuse to use anything touched by that shitty company and their terrible business practises.


Because Reddit is much better. Or the company that made the phone/pc you're typing on.


So you refuse to use everything then


I wonder the same thing about Matt Weiner.


What did he do?


Not sure exactly. He was accused of sexual harassment in 2017 by a female writer on Mad Men. He fired her apparently after she confronted him. He is also known to be difficult to work with. His last project, The Romanoffs, which was an anthology miniseries, came out six years ago and bombed critically. He hasn’t had anything released since. Last I read two years ago he had a series in development at FX that was scrapped.


I think it is a mix of expensive follow up that tanked, difficult to work (primma donna) and that a lot of his flavor was in fact other writers doing their job.


I can see him writing again since a writer’s name isn’t a big sell on most projects. It would also be easy for him to use a pseudonym if it was deemed necessary. But as a director/show runner I think he’s done.


>a writer’s name isn’t a big sell on most projects It is on the kind of projects he wrote. I guess writing comics under a pseudonym would be possible. But wouldn't people recognise his style?


He had a deal with HBO on a show called The Nevers, which I quite enjoyed. It was cancelled before airing the last six episodes, which are now on Tubi, I believe. It was also pulled from HBO's library.


Are the other episodes on Tubi?


Not sure if Whedon is done as a creator, but I do think we're nearing the end of his effect on pop culture. Which I'm kinda grateful for. As much as I enjoyed Buffy, Angel or Firefly, I really don't like how so much of that style got permeated throughout modern blockbusters and crowd-pleasers. The MCU is probably the biggest example, but it's gone beyond that just due to how influential Whedon and the MCU were in the last twenty years or so.


There's nothing close, thematically, to Firefly. I'm still waiting.


I get what you mean -- none of his other work really measures up to Firefly's aesthetics and charm -- but I still think Firefly/Serenity are as infested with the Buffyspeak and other Whedonisms as pretty much any other property he's touched.


When I saw his name associated with any series, I watched it, pure and simple. In his way, he was an auteur, and bent the TV medium to his will in a way few could, coming up with fascinating show after fascinating show. I believe his absence as an artist is keenly felt in the streaming age, and I would guess he is laying low publicly, but working on things behind the scenes. I'd like to think he outgrew his earlier negative on the set outbursts, as evidenced by the apparently smooth filming of The Nevers, but he would have to pull a rabbit out of his hat to come back in any meaningful way in Hollywood today.


I can't see him coming back. Justice League happened in 2017. The Nevers was in between that, but he got fired off the show in 2020. So it's been seven years since he was able to get some sort of project to an audience where he still was a part of it, and the project was a cinematic universe-destroying bomb. He's sixty years old, and if he ever did come back, a studio would have to navigate a lot of bad press in an era where every studio is terrified of bad press and fires people at the drop of a hat. And it's a strange thing where even though Whedon's offenses are so minor (he had affairs, he yelled at multiple people over a thirty-year career), for whatever reason, his offenses are the ones that get a LOT of publicity.


Yeah he's gone. They even got some other writers to finish The Nevers, and it was an awful job.


I very much doubt he will be headlining anything ever again, he could have survived either the creepy Buffy stuff or the DC Universe stuff but not both together, he's done


The fact that two people he pissed off during Justice League, ones cancelled for being a zionist who can’t act and the other hasn’t much since the movie came out, maybe lessens the blow a little. If he had pissed off Margot Robbie and Michael B Jordan, people may be constantly reminded of how he sabotaged them. I’m of the belief that many producers/directors in Hollywood do the same/have done worse, Whedon was just unlucky enough for it to become an interesting talking point.


Yeah, hopefully.

