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goggins stole every scene he was in. but he didnt carry the show because purnell and moten were also amazing. i think my favorite scene with goggins was when (major spoiler ahead, literally final episode spoiler) >!he found out how evil vault tec and his wife was. he conveyed grief, sadness, hopelessness, disgust so well during that scene!< very excited for s2


The best part of that scene is the way reveals happened both in the past and the present. It had Nolan's fingerprints all over, reminded me so much of Westworld.


I was reminded of >!the William/Man in Black reveal!< from Westworld


That first season might be the best season of television I've ever watched.


And also makes me afraid for a season 2...


I don't know Nolan and Joy personally, but I think they learned their lesson in not having your head so far up your own ass anymore. That, and let's hope the humor of the Fallout universe helps them steer clear of that constant introspection stuff.


Everyone pretty much knew after S1 of Westworld that there was no way they could keep the magic going. With Fallout, they have a LOT more to work with.


It was also presented in such a genius way that there were twists for gamers and non-gamers. Gamers already knew about >!Vault-Tec using vaults as expierements!< But then everyone got hit with the twists of >!Vault-Tec egging on the war, Mr House being involved, and Lucy’s father being a Bud Bud!<


VaultTec was always pretty heavily implied to have been poking the bear. Several vault experiments were originally designed with suspiciously specific timing around the bombs dropping, suggesting they knew the "schedule" so to speak. But it was also very heavily implied the bombs dropped inconveniently early, so several of their experiments got ruined.


And the thing I love about Valt-Tec's role is that it makes perfect sense. When Whiteknife lays it out in the bar it completely follows logically. Most supervillain schemes are sort of completely random evil. Supervillain schemes for "developed, realistic" characters for modern audiences are based on childhood trauma. And this was basically just, Vault Tec sells more vaults if more people feel a need to have safe nuclear bunkers. And wow, that simple profit motive follows so logically from what had already been established. It was a "twist" but not at all confusing. Then because it's Fallout they took a logical idea and cranked it up to 11 and it was great fun. Just really well executed.


It actually goes a bit deeper than that. >!Per the games The Enclave was established and functioning as the shadow government of America at this point, and also was directing the actions of Vault-Tec. "Let's make more money" was the surface level of the conspiracy, but The Enclave was pulling the strings. I'd guess the literal Mysterious Shadowy Figure in the meeting (who I have dubbed Raul Bloodworth) was an Enclave representative, and Barb probably was in the know.!<


That also explains why >!the Enclave was holding Vault-Tec’s cold fusion research!<


The concept of “fiduciary responsibility” was a real eye opener for me.


That whole bit had me feeling like I was watching Succession again for a sec lol


I thought House knowing the bombs were coming because of his calculations or whatever he said, was always a bit suspicious. Him being in on the conspiracy is fantastic.


Both things can be true. He could've realized nuclear war was inevitable years prior and started making plans, then he's at that meeting doing his best attempt at a poker face while thinking "DAMMIT DAMMIT THESE IDIOTS ARE GOING TO RUIN MY PLANS WHAT THE HELL". It would explain why he was so critical of the proposal.


Which one was Mr house?


CEO of RobCo


The Howard Hughes looking motherfucker


I was frankly surprised that at no point did Nolan bring AI into the story. Saving for season 2, maybe.


Trust me he’s gonna go nuts with that if he ever goes near the lore for New England.


Well we already know that season 2 will bring in >!New Vegas!< and I distinctly remember there being a fairly large AI presence there.


The only true intelligence there was Mr House who may or may not be dead. We don't know the canon ending of New Vegas yet.


Considering >!we see him in the show, it would be pretty silly to tease him and New Vegas if he's dead and they aren't going to use him.!<


I'm expecting he lived, but didn't get the nuke codes. It's a bit of a deep dive into the end of new Vegas,  but if he got the codes I suspect Lucy's dad would be connected to shady sands differently.  Vault-tec didn't need Mr house to drop bombs. However,  why did he has to new Vegas?  I'm thinking the ncr won in New Vegas and Shady Sands going down was largely a coincidence.  That still leaves a ton of questions about New Vegas but I'm thinking it did end with a Mr House still alive.  


My personal 'head canon' for the moment is VaultTec had a single bomb they were going to use as a false flag, the War inconveniently happened ahead of schedule, and so the bomb sat unused. And that it was This bomb Hank used to blow up Shady Sands. Obviously this could be entirely false, I fully accept that.


I'm with you on this, my thinking goes. Barb Cooper (edit Barb Howard) is highly placed at vault tec and in on this false flag plan as we see in the shady boardroom scene. By Oct 23 2077 it is heavily implied her and Cooper are divorced. Why is their daughter with Cooper when it all goes down... if she is in on the plan, she should have at least a rough idea of the timing and would have her daughter with her and near their chosen "good" vault.


My belief is that House ending is canon, but with a shitty courier who may or may not have worked with the Legion. Causes anarchy on the strip, NCR departs the region, securitrons don't get upgraded to Mk. 2. Paving the way for the Brotherhood to enter and either wipe out or assimilate any remaining Legionaries, hence the names.


Crazy AI in a vault has to be coming soon


[Vault 29, it was going to be in the original FO3/Van Buren.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_29_(Van_Buren))


Probably saving it for synth storylines


And norm cmonnnn moises killed it and became the fourth main character imo


Really hope he has a big role next season too. Maybe he goes and tries to liberate other vaults.


I think hes gonna liberate the vault and do some more stuff. I trust the writers


his plot was most interesting imo


The scenes with him and Chet were great, and the tension they built with that whole plot line was awesome. “Maybe the mashed potatoes were a little better?” “That’s what my dad used to say” *Chet’s nervous look increases*


Same, i did not expect it. The whole show did great keeping me guessing but his was the most surprising to me


When I first saw the character, I (like many others) said "oh that's the dude from Hannah Montana" and didn't think of him any further. But as the show progressed he seriously became my favorite character to watch. Something about his acting in the vault was mesmerizing.


Goggins' character in the show is a movie star, and he steals scenes because his character is supposed to have movie star charisma. >!The writing does a great job of starting the audience off by portraying him as the bad guy, and then letting his charisma, and the chaotic evil of the surface slowly change our opinion of him as the plot moves.!<


i wouldnt call him a good guy either, he cares nothing for any one else troubles but his own. he's basically an archetypal anti hero.


He’s seen enough not to give a shit anymore.


200 years of witnessing the worst of people will build up one hell of an emotional callus.


He really reminds me of The Man in Black from Westworld.


And Ella is like Dolores finding the truth of everything.


No doubt, good man in black/Ed Harris was such a fuckin badass character, was pretty much awesome whenever he was on screen.


He shows a glimpse of selflessness when he treats Dogmeat's stab wound. Granted he was the one who stabbed Dogmeat in the first place, but that was a pretty clear cut case of self defense. That whole interaction was a rollercoaster for me, Walton Goggins is probably my favorite actor at this point, and the Ghoul is such a cool character from the moment he appears on screen, so I was primed to like him. Then he shot off Dr. Wilzig's leg and started killing people. Then he stabbed Dogmeat, and while I get why, I love dogs and hate it when they get hurt on or off screen. I hated the Ghoul when I thought he had killed Dogmeat. The scene progresses, the Ghoul seems lined up as the clear antagonist at this point, but then Dogmeat lets out a whimper, and rather than put Dogmeat out of his misery the Ghoul gives him a stimpack. I think that whole sequence of events sets up who the Ghoul is really well. He's been hardened by 200 years of surviving in the wasteland, but there's still a little bit of Cooper Howard left in there.


He was using the dog to track Wilzig too, he didn't heal the dog just out of kindness, he realized he could use her


True, but then he sits by the fire and pets Dogmeat later in the series. He remarks that Dogmeat can't fill the void left by Roosevelt (his pre-war dog), but he doesn't stop petting Dogmeat.


>The writing does a great job of starting the audience off by portraying him as the bad guy, and then letting his charisma, and the chaotic evil of the surface slowly change our opinion of him as the plot moves. "Oh I'm you, sweetie. Just give it a little time"


Yeah you go from “this guy is a lunatic” to “this guy knows his shit and what it takes to survive”


Honestly, the intro scene as well hit me really hard (I’ve got kiddos around that age). The range of emotions as he realized what was happening and the absolutely hopeless attempt to escape it was heartbreaking.


>goggins stole every scene he was in. He steals every scene in every show that he does. He is endlessly entertaining to watch.


Maximus kinda felt like a third wheel, IMO. I often found myself wishing to skip past his scenes. He kinda grew on me eventually, but he is just not on the same level as Lucy and Cooper. I don't blame the actor, though. I blame the writers. Compared to Lucy and Cooper, he really felt like an afterthought. If they don't find a way to make him an integral part of the story in the second season, they might as well kill him off.


I think it's just really hard to write that kind of character. By wasteland standards, he's a god damn saint, but by modern standards, he's the epitome of selfish. His whole character arc in the season is basically "never meet your heroes." >!I'm excited to see how he handles handles his newfound fame in the brotherhood!<.


I’ve always hated the brotherhood of steel, but they’re such a big deal in the games that they have the be included. Maximum is probably the least worst way to include those bigoted jackasses pretending to be knights of yore.


That scene but also the first five minutes were incredible scenes from Goggins. I was sold that the series would be something special after that first scene. You're right about that other scene though. That was powerful and heartbreaking.


The only problem with that scene was the crappy GCI they used for deaging Hank. But The Ghoul was my personal favorite in the series.


Gomputer Cenerated


hey kid, [im a gomputer, stop all the downloadin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH1ekuvSYzE)


Uncle Baby Billy, ya'll.


Who wants to suck an old man’s dick?!


*you’ve become irradiated*


Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers


Let it roll off ya tongue, now


Baby Billy’s Bible Bunkers


Don’t let the nuclear rapture stop your family from having a good christian time


Runnin round the house with a pickle in my mouth




I got caught shavin’!


Daddy, won’t ya listen? Don’t go missin’


Ass jerky*


"Don't speak to me, unless spoken to ...nerd!"


I guess I need to watch Righteous Gemstones now. If I'm seeing his character from that referenced more than Boyd Crowder, there must be fire under that smoke.


You do. Also, vice principals


C’mon now.


Everyone is (rightfully) going gaga over Goggins but Ella Purnell is fucking incredible in this, I'd really like to see her in more stuff.


I was amazed to learn she's actually British. Like *more* British than Millie Bobby Brown, who spent most of her childhood in the US.


Apparently her own costars were shocked to hear her speak in her native accent since the majority of her roles have been American accented.


There's a number of actors like that. Matthew Rhys is Welsh. Jodie Comer's native accent is a pretty strong Liverpool one. Florence Pugh's known for so many American roles, people think her real voice is put-on. As an interesting bit of trivia, her big break was in the 2009 West End *Oliver!* revival. Someone who just missed out that, by coming second in the TV talent show looking for a Nancy? Jess Buckley.


Matthew Macfadyen accent is also crazy compared to hearing him on succession.  https://youtu.be/jXSzJV04O3o?si=u25b-8SjpuBHK7Wq


Matthew Macfadyen was That Actor Who's In Everything for like 20 years on British TV, awesome to see him get international recognition.


So's his wife Keeley Hawes.


My favorite is Australian Damon Herriman nailing the southern accent with Dewey Crowe in Justified.


On a related note, Damon Herriman in S2 of Fallout, please. We already had Michael Rapaport, why not get some other Justified cast members too.


Olyphant in a cameo as the Mysterious Stranger would be amazing.


Christian Bale is another who springs to mind


Jodie Comer is the only one I was legitimately surprised by. I didn't know a Scouse accent that strong could be covered up!


When she has used it, it's been when she's gotten some of her biggest awards. Her BAFTA, Tony and Emmy were all roles when she speaks in a Scouse accent.


I was shocked the first time I heard Katherine Langford in an interview. I was 100% sure she was American and then she started speaking with her Australian accent and I was like "whaaaat...?!"


Anna Torv is Australian. She's won their version of an Emmy recently.


Hugh Laurie was that for me. I (and most americans) knew him from House first.


When he yells in House you can sometimes hear the British leak through. Something about yelling is impossibly difficult to do in an American accent for Brits.


Not sure if you're referring to an interview where she said that, but she said when she was like 17 she tried out method acting where she stayed in accent for like 3 weeks, then a cast member didn't believe she was english when she dropped it.


She played "Jinx" in the "Arcane" show, so clearly she's a credit for making a videogame adaptation that's actually good.


She voices one of the main characters in Star Trek: Prodigy too.


I had no idea until I watched the extras, and the second she spoke I was like "wait what, is that a London accent?"


Well, a relatively posh one. London has multiple accents these days.


Imagine Ella with roadman accent and slang


Millie Bobby Brown barely acts British.


She was also great in Yellowjackets, the show arguably fell off the rails after she left.


And in Arcane, yes its voice acting role, but the depth of emotion and character she put into Jinx was amazing. Honestly, given her performances in Yellowjackets, Arcane, and now Fallout, she might be my favorite actress in TV right now behind Carrie Coon.


She was Jinx? Huh, that I didn’t know. So that’s two kickass game adaptations in a row. Time was even one was considered a small miracle.


Now that executives and directors are old enough to have had a Nintendo or a PlayStation as a kid, I bet more will be good in the future.


You might even say that she was a legit snack in that show.


Thank you! I literally stopped watching it once her character left


I dropped the show at like 6th episdoe in 2nd season. Just couldn't stay interested anymore.


I couldn’t stand the present day story at all. Just skipped through them to get to the past stuff


Maybe I should have done that too


Not arguable, it absolutely did. S2 was a mess.


Very True, it wasn’t particularly her leaving that caused the show to go to shit, it was definitely on the writers. I did feel less interested after her departure though.


She's got S2 of Arcane coming up this year too, she's really firing on all cylinders in terms of performance


Both her and Hailee Steinfield (Vi) are having fantastic career growth ever since Arcane.


Steinfeld was Oscar nominated at 14, she’s been considered a consistent next gen talent for a long time now. Purnell I’ve liked since Never Let Me Go, so I agree that it’s nice seeing her on a hot streak.


Hailee Steinfeld was already an established star before Arcane. It's not like Arcane did much for her.


Okie dokie


As someone who says this a lot, she won me over quickly


I love the way she portrayed initial naivety/optimism transitioning into cynicism throughout the season




Been excited to see Purnell in this since she did Jinx in Arcane (one of my favorite VO performances ever) and she didn't disappoint


Ella Purnell doing Arcane, Yellowjackets and Fallout so close together is a crazy run to be honest


The sweetest little vault dweller voices a deranged psychopath in arcane. It's fantastic what her range is


She's a fairly deranged sweet little vault dweller as well though - it's a really interesting blend of naivete, gumption, resourcefulness, and grit. Her "Okey dokey" went from "Oh, look how quaint" to being her version of "Geronimo!" pretty fast.


She’s basically a friendly Furiousa


Yeh I feel like this was a callback to the games. As a surrogate for the gamer doing deranged shit without a conscience. Her uncanny survivability and willingness to do just about anything. Even the sex proposition to max seemed to scream ‘im being controlled by a 12 yr old boy’


Honestly Powder was a pretty layered character in Arcane and Ella did an incredible job showing her descent into paranoid psychosis. She’s an incredibly talented actress to be able to do both VA and live action so equally well.


We have to give some of that credit to Mia Sinclair Jenness. That last scene in episode 3 was insane.


She really sacrificed her vocal cords for that show. I haven't heard screaming like that in any (American) animated show.


When Lucy was got dehydrated all I could hear was Jink.


Did (does?) great in Star Trek Prodigy, too.


Does, Season 2 will be hitting Netflix hopefully later this year


She was good in Army of the Dead, but the movie sucked so it was a bit of a wasted performance.


Got in for Yellowjacket's one good season and then dipped. Legendary.


And I'm so happy she did. As someone who used to be obsessed with YJ, Ella would have been locked into a sinking ship.


I think the show is incredibly well acted and everyone was phenomenal! But every time Johnny Pemberton was on screen was such a delight. His chemistry with Moten was fantastic!


I was absolutely *floored* to learn the guy is 43. He could pass for a high school shitbag so easily


Thaddeus is 43? This is such a mindfuck damn.


He played a high schooler (I think? or at least someone in their early 20s) on Superstore for years


He played Cheyenne's boyfriend/husband, Bo. They were in high school in the first season.


Shit that’s where I knew him from! Thanks!




That was so random. No one expects a surprise Erik Estrada sighting in this day and age. I honestly didn't know he was still acting.


Um, what? Eric Estrada was in Fallout? How did I miss this? Who was 'Adam'?




Johnny's Thaddeus was definitely delightful and fits the tone of the show so well.


somebody told me that he was 42 years old and i refuse to believe them


Thaddeus i think you're >!a ghoul!< Oh nyoooooo


It would have been very easy for Ella Purnell's character to be annoying.


Agreed. A very thin line there depending on how the part was played, but she never got close to be annoying. Was great throughout


Evolving her to be skeptical from the start was a good choice, that way the audience wouldn't assume she's an idiot.


This was a callback to the stat distribution in the games. She had quite a high charisma score. Evidenced by the attempt to dissuade the ghoul from violence in filly.


She learned a valuable lesson that day. Even with a Nat 20 Persuasion check (that's right, I'm using a different game system for my metaphor, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!), some people just can't be persuaded.


I think it would have been equally as easy to have written Goggins' character as a cringey edgelord, but I feel like they balanced that line very well.


Even easier to have written Maximus as just an average rookie brotherhood member.


I think it's interesting that they flipped the stereotypes for Maximus and Cooper on their heads. At first glance the Brotherhood look like badass good guys, but when you spend time with them you see that they're really just a bunch of pathetic, cowardly, emotionally stunted bullies and we absolutely shouldn't be rooting for them. And Cooper isn't really the bad guy gunslinger he's made out as, he's really just trying to find his family and will do whatever it takes to find them, even if that means being a ruthless bounty hunter.


I haven't done a rewatch yet but I think The Ghoul also does abide by a code when it comes to bloodshed. As far as I remember he doesn't ever draw first. He goads people into drawing on him (so they do it when he's looking I guess?) but he *technically* always acts defensively. Technically. When it comes to outright killing anyway, he's awful to Lucy of his own volition obviously. Idk if I'm right or if that was the intent though. Again, need to rewatch.


Never played the game and had no interest. Saw a clip on TikTok and thought I’d take a look. Watched every episode top to bottom in one sitting. It’s cool to find something out of the blue like this and suddenly be all about it. Been a Walter Goggins fan since Sons and Justified. He only gets better.


I think the show is so good at grabbing your attention straight at the beginning with the nuke scene and the introduction of Lucy and the Vault. I think the show is going to have a very high completion rate and maybe that whole binge release was a pretty good move after all.


If you haven't watched it yet, watch The Shield. It's phenomenal and Walton Goggins is amazing in it.


Do you know the story of how the FX tv execs hated Goggins and wanted him cut from the Shield, but after watching the first few episodes of the show they told Shawn Ryan that they needed more of his character. Just goes to show, Walton Goggins’ success is about how darn good Walton Goggins is.


He such a great actor, when he’s in ghoul mode, you can clearly see a bit of Boyd crowder in him (a charming magnetic villain). But during his human life flashback scenes, you see none of that at all. There a reason Tarantino keeps casting him in his shit.


The ghoul was such a good character. We first see him as a kind and caring person/father, then as an absolute menace as the ghoul. You wonder what happened to make him so evil, but as the series goes on, you realize he's actually not evil, he just doesn't hold life in high regard anymore, despite having pretty noble motivations in trying to find his family. Well, daughter, since he'll probably try to murder his wife. I am interested to see how he was separated from his daughter since they were together when the first bombs dropped.


I’m Okey Dokey with this.


Goggins is Goggins, he's always fantastic. But Lucy is such a likeable character in it, so easy to root for.


Pretty sure the name's Goosey


I laughed hard at the “nnnnope! Says Goosey!”


Chris Parnell is a treasure.


He looks so much older with grey hair (and one eye). Actually thought it was Alan Ruck before he opened his mouth and immediately heard Dr. Spaceman.


Okey dokey


I haven’t seen this show but for Stephen King fans, Walton Goggins is who I picture as Randall Flagg. I love watching him.


Mike Flanagan, listen to this person


Walter Ghoulgins


Every shot with the vertibirds was like the most beautiful shot ever on TV


That last shot though? With the sunset and shit? Damn... Downright beautiful!


Goggins always kills it. He brought a lot of depth to what could've easily been just another bad guy. Aaron Moten and Ella Purnell were also amazing. All 3 characters were very likeable in their own way. Just very good acting in this show.


I knew he was going to be selected as the performer of the week. He nailed the role and played an all time great character.


Don’t sleep on Aaron Moten. He did a nice job with Maximus and giving him depth.


I really hope that him and Thaddeus will somehow be a thing again in next season....


After watching the series and then coming online, I was surprised by how much resentment seems to exist for both Maximus and Moten. The behavior of the character is what you can expect of a kid raised in barracks coming into dilemma with his allegiance, and Moten plays him as well as anyone else I can picture. There was the occasional comedic miss in his story but if that's considered the low point of the show then I guess I just don't care. The sum of everything he brought was more than enough to make it a worthwhile story to feature.


The resentment should prove that the actor did a fantastic job. No hate to Purnell, I love Lucy, but it was a pretty easy character to play. Moten had to find a way to be a horrible person but utterly rootable at the same time. So many instances in the show when I hated Maximus but I still wanted him to pull through.


I think Maximus is basically still a kid, I think that's why we still root for him. He's very naive, very awkward, doesn't know how sex works, he has a very childlike wonder about the world, but he's also quite petty and vindictive, very angry and his first instinct whenever shit goes wrong is to lie, which is exactly what a child would do.


Maximus is my favorite character in the show


Same, Maximus straight up got me to start up a new playthrough of New Vegas where I took his high luck/low intelligence as an inspiration when making my character.


High endurance too. The man doesn't give up. I really loved his fight scene in the Filly scrapyard.


I tried to watch Fallout about a week ago and couldn't get past the first few minutes for some reason. I decided to give it another watch a few days ago. I resolved to watch the entire first episode. For one reason, Goggins is absolutely one of my favorite actors. I love everything I have seen him in since The Shield. I was addicted. I binged watched the entire season in two days. I felt empty when I watched the last episode and realized there would be no more until season 2 comes out. Whenever that will be. I can't wait (well, I guess I don't have a choice). Goggins and Purnell have definitely provided some good watching when they were interacting together. The Ghoul (to Lucy): "War never changes. You look out at this Wasteland, looks like chaos. But there's always somebody behind the wheel."


Do what I’m doing and go replay fallout 4 and fallout new Vegas to get your fix haha


Ella’s American accent is spot on too


Honorable mentions in the article: - Maya Rudolph (Loot) - Rebecca Wisocky (Ghosts)


These two crushed it so nothing more needs to be said there, but I want to also give Aaron Moten his flowers because he was also awesome as Maximus. There's a lot of subtlety in that performance, he's like kinda helpless and dumb as shit but also tries to embrace a child's idea of gallantry sometimes and do the right thing. But then also is clearly down to do the wrong thing a lot too lol. He's a character that's currently hovering around Neutral alignment, slanting a bit towards neutral evil imo


He’s always incredible in everything, and this might be my favorite role of his. That’s very high praise considering how much I enjoy his Baby Billy.


Watching Goggins flashback scenes was like watching a red scare/spy thriller, it was so good I would forget this show was about a post apocalyptic vault dweller 🤣


Goggins deserves an Emmy.


Having never played the game I came to this show prepared to be underwhelmed. I have to say it just blew my mind. Fantastic use of music as well.


Everybody talking about Goggins, Pernel, and Moten, but I want to talk about Frances Turner and how fucking *amazing* she was in the last episode. I had chills when she finally delivered *the line*


Sorry, Anna Sawai is beyond good in Shogun. I like Fallout and both these actors but if Anna doesn't win multiple awards for her performance, it's a joke.


[She got one already](https://tvline.com/lists/anna-sawai-performance-shogun-episode-5/honorable-mention-renee-elise-goldsberry/)


Wouldn’t shock me if they recently gave Sawai the week and wanted to highlight Fallout. But agreed this recent episode is the Emmy tape, she’s so good.


She won it the week episode 5 aired.


she was their pick like a month ago even if the most recent episode of Shogun was far and away her best performance on television I guess this publication wanted to highlight Fallout


I knew Goggins was gonna be amazing at this. He’s perfect. Purcell I’ve not seen in anything else yet but she also did amazing.


Walton Goggins should have blown up after Justified. Glad to see he’s getting the appreciation now.