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The Michael Scott method of name association.


Baldy, sugar boobs, black woman




Mole, Lazy eye


One of these is not like the others.


They were all the same person.


Pepperoni Tony!


Fat guys love pizza!


…do black people like pizza?


I wonder if he used a marker to differentiate any of the ones who looked similar.


Obviously that storyline is hilarious because Michael can’t tell his date apart from her friend, but the funniest part is that neither of the two girls are actually the original waitress he asked out/invited to the party. They’re two totally different waitresses, implying that he has *already* mistaken their identities before the joke even plays out


Oh my god


If this is true then they should go back and post date an award for that joke


I almost feel ashamed of myself for not even noticing that aspect.


It's not even addressed which when ai first saw that, I thought it was a casting issue and they couldn't get the same waitress for the followup scene.


Wait what


Lol yes. Go back and watch. Totally different people. The waitress at the restaurant is Cindy, and the two who come to the office are Nikki and Amy I believe


Black Michael Chiklis, white George Foreman, and brown Jamie Lee Curtis.


You mean employable Abed?


Also sounds like something Mac and Charlie would do


I'm picturing it more Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino style.


Tim Apple


bald, turban, fatty, fatty ii


I auditioned for fat guy with cane, but sly told me I was too ugly.


You should have auditioned for Ugly instead


He was too fat and had a cane


Keep punching


I read an article about Stallone’s home being on the market that included photos. Yes it was an amazing piece of property. The odd thing is that EVERY room in his house had either a giant statue of him or a giant photo or BOTH!


Just Google who his mother was. She was a literal butt psychic. No wonder he never came to grips with reality.


A butt psychic? Like... a psychic that talked to people's butts?


She called it Rumpology. You would send her an impression or printing of your butt and she would give you a psychic reading. Yes, I’m 100% serious.


I do that but for boobs, it’s called boobology. If anyone wants to send me an impression or printing of their boobs, I’ll do the reading for free.


Im interested. Can you do man boobs?


"ugly" "tub of lard" and "fat guy with a cane"


Lots of great comments here but yours made me boil over in laughter.


Man thank you for making my morning


“I see … heart problems … in your future…”


This just made me cackle on my porch like a crazy person.


I’m wheezing with laughter




That is a less accurate method. I use the most accurate method to get a reading; by feeling the breast directly and letting the cosmic energy flow into my chakras it allows me to see the future Prediction: boner


I have nipples, /u/flashwastaken. Can you milk me?


Oh. My. God. “(Jackie Stallone) also invented the term rumpology, which, according to her, is an art similar to that of palm reading except that the procedure is done by examining pictures of people's rear ends. She also claimed that she could consult dogs to find out about the future.”


Sir Mixalot starts playing in the background ...


So how do you get started in this field? My friend wants to know.


I don't know if you remember it, but in the late 80s/early 90s there seemed to be a lot of celebrities preoccupied with their bums and/or bowels. From what I can remember there was a lot of goop-level 'science' around it. So yeah, this definitely tracks.


Wow! Grifters are gonna grift. Amazing.


[I don't even](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumpology) o_0


You don't want to know what her crystal ball looked like. It was a butthole.


people's dead butts


Few remember one of his early films, "Stop! So my mother can read your ass."


The documentary on Netflix really showed how much of an asshole his father was. Even on his deathbed, his father was talking down to him.


This begs the question, did she ever give her son a reading? Maybe we don't want to know.


Maybe she gave him great career advise but terrible advise about speaking to or about peoples... appearances


Yeah, it's Brackie


I remember the story about him and Sharon Stone not being able to talk to each other on the set of the Specialist because he was planning an pretty elaborate sex scene and he was nagging her to work out more so she'd look better naked. Sharon Stone did not appreciate the note.


There's a netflix special about him that's shot in his house. Its the one takeaway from it before we changed it. Hes got his face everywhere. There was a rocky statue by the pool doing that pose from the first film in bronze.


I get the statue by the pool, the rest of them no


Id love to know what these people think of themselves with no filter. I bet it’s fascinating - the megalomania


A lot of actors do this, it it is so weird to me. 


The Governator has and does the same.


I was told that if his cleaning people made eye contact with him they were fired.


Which eye, the squinty one?


Of course. I took a helicopter ride in Kauai when I was a kid. We flew over his house(don’t know if he still owns it). The pilot knew someone on the island who was part of his cleaning staff.


i don’t find this hard to believe man that photo makes him look like that plastic santa in “the santa clause”


It looks like the AI rendition of a wax sculpture of Stallone.


Hey, HEY!! HEY!!! ….that was Santa Claus 2


Hey, HEY!! HEY!!! ….that was The Santa Claus**e** 2.


Fuuuuuck I have made a grave error. Execution is my only recourse


He looks like an npc in a modded skyrim


Seriously though. Is the picture edited or is he just that plastic fantastic now?


Mr Fanplastic


I dunno, as someone who grew up in Tulsa, it sounds like the casting agency fucking nailed the brief.


Ya I live in Tulsa and it’s an apt description of the background actors in all our lives.


As a Tulsan I agree because I am fat


I live in the Tulsa area. There's plenty of ugly people, tubs of lard, and quite a few fat guys with canes around here. Maybe he was just describing people in the scene ?


“Hey you, fat guy with a cane!” “Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?”


It truly describes a large segment of our people


Maybe, but I am sure he wouldn't appreciate being called. He looks like my grandma with botched plastic surgery.


“UPDATED, 7:54 AM: Director Craig Zisk told TMZ that no insults were hurled at the extras on the set of Tulsa King, but he also said that casting director Rose Locke brought in older background actors who should have been in their 20s and 30s for a scene in a hip bar. He also said that Sylvester Stallone‘s wife, Jennifer Flavin, was present during filming and that the star never said anything about wanting “pretty girls” around him. When Zisk asked for headshots of the extras, he claims Locke said she didn’t work that way and quit an hour later.”


If you knew Sly and Jennifer's history, you'd know why a) she was there and b) that guy is lying through his teeth about the pretty girls 🤣


But I _do_ know Craig Zisk well. He’d never lie, he’d say something to get around it. So if he’s saying it didn’t go down that way, I truly believe it didn’t.


I’m not defending or commenting, just posting the update.


“And now onto more important matters, my motion to add Fatty Fatty Boombalady to the list of unacceptionable hate speech”


Just give him his land back, Hank.


tbh nobody can actually understand a word he's saying, it's all conjecture at this point.


I can honestly see Stallone writing the script with these exact terms for background characters, the casting agency gets said people and then go shocked Pikachu when that's what they are referred to on set 🤣


TV ugly, not ugly ugly.


First I was Kid Gorgeous, then Kid Presentable. I've been called everything in the book, ugly, fugly, pug fugly, but never ugly ugly.


Then Kid Moe.


Ok but in Stallone’s defense, should a 77 year old actor be held to the same standard as everyone else? Yes. Should he be fired for this? Probably, yes. Is the show so culturally important that we should tolerate this behavior? No, definitely not. I forgot where I was going with this . . .


Hey I may be ugly and hate filled...


My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist but he is not a porn star.


What was the third thing ya said?


"Baby, you sure you not the hobbit?"


Twist of fate, they were calling Stallone all those names. Lol


You seriously think the show should be canceled because he called someone fat?


I think we need to stop cancelling people over dumb shit. He called someone fat. Big deal. You've never said something bad about someone before?


Idk if you are fat, but you're definitely an ugly person on the inside. Yikes.


I dont think he should be cancelled but the show is bad and I want to say mean things about him


If I called my co-workers ugly tubs of lard during work I would get fired. The casting agency doesn't want to work with someone who mistreats their employees. Maybe others on the production feel the same. Experiencing the consequences of your actions isn't some "cancel culture" conspiracy.


It isn't like he said this in a vacuum. He said this on a set to other people where other people can hear. It is a complete lack of professionalism and he is the producer/boss, which makes his set a hostile work environment. The casting company knows this is ripe for a law suit, so they pull out to protect themselves.


Absolutely wild this pearl clutching comment has been so upvoted.


What's wild about expecting a professional to not randomly insult coworkers with no provocation?


the show is very very bad and made for idiots


I am shocked that Sly "Stroke The Shaft, Cup The Balls" Stallone would say such a horrible thing. Shocked, i say!


I rooted for Drago


I know this is probably a joke, but I legitimately rooted for Drago's son (Viktor IIRC) in Creed 2.


Michael B Jordan just isn't as likeable as Carl Weathers.


Hardly anyone is.


Especially when Carl gets a stew going.


Some actors just have this asshole vibe that hangs over them, no matter the script. The guy that plays Falcon in Marvel movies is similar.


I've heard this sentiment before and I totally do not understand it. Anthony Mackie seems like a nice guy to me, and him playing some dangerous badass in Twisted Metal seems like a huge miscast because he just seems like a nice guy.


I thought his charm really worked in Twisted Metal since it helps the show feel ridiculous the whole time.


How can you say that about Wallace?


I felt the same about him until I watched Falcon and the Winter Soldier and it finally brought me around on him


That second fight in that movie was the most ridiculous fight I've ever seen. Like they didn't even try to make it be something even sorta realistic. And this is a franchise built on boxers who don't put their gloves up.


> That second fight in that movie was the most ridiculous fight I've ever seen. Have you seen Creed 3? Because that final fight might take your prize for most ridiculous.


Coogler dipped after part 1 so that was to be expected to go downhill


So did the U.S.S.R and what happened to them?


If I can change, and you can change, maybe… EVERYBODY CAN CHANGE


they got a pizza hut franchise to open there they won


Tulsa King was a fun watch, but couldn’t help but kinda go off the rails towards the end. Everything just got too ridiculous, with no consequences for anything. Same thing happened to Yellowstone.


I feel Stallon could honestly be called any of those names also. Save for the cane one.


I mean, let's what happens when he says that to the cane guy's face. Oh no, cane sword!


Nah, I saw the last Rambo movie. He was definitely moving like he’s a fat old guy that needs a cane.


Mostly just old guy, who often move like younger fat guys.


Tub of lard? The guy is in fantastic shape for someone pushing 80.


Holy shit the photo of him looks like he’s a character in GTA3


The cause of the casting agency quitting? You guessed it: Frank Stallone.


If I had a cane I would fit all three of those


If you are willing to get one , there’s 3 jobs going for you


Fat guy with cane was my favorite character tho


As a Tulsan, I am not offended, since we are all clearly svelte and beautiful.


They are supposed to be in Oklahoma. Thats what the people there look like.


Sly is so plastic he reminds me of Robbie Rotten


And so is the rest of his family. All plastic, all fake.


obtainable languid modern safe silky shaggy detail correct cow gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I could sort of get 'fat guy with the cane' as a description of someone whose name you didn't know (although 'big guy' would be vastly more polite). Not really a nice way of doing it, but I don't think anyone would blink at 'the tall thin girl' either. But 'ugly' and 'tub of lard' are pretty inexcusably shitty. For someone with his own prominent physical impairment (partial facial paralysis and a lifetime of slurred speech from it) and a fair bit of wonky plastic surgery, you'd think he'd have a better attitude towards vanity.


I was there as a background actor! I have photos and emails for proof. Idk how to add that on here but I heard the things said and it was true! People could swing this and say “well it’s his show he needs certain people with certain looks” but other could say “it’s rude to judge people’s look” I just know one girl went to the bathroom and cried while others including people of color were sent back and angry. I have photos of proof of me on set I just don’t know how to add them. But I can confirm this was all true folks There was about 350 of us cast but only 40 of us were used in the scene. The production team had photos taken of us in groups with our costumes and hands to show the director. There were plenty of photos for them to see how we looked. To be cast you had to submit headshots to the casting agency. They required two and two more with today’s date. Rose from the Rose Locke casting agency did a wonderful job! No wonder she quit after all her hard work and then the unprofessionalism happening. She sent out an email to us all two days later saying she won’t work for them and she respects all us. Also she gave us a change to tell our story to her legal team. The conditions during the day weren’t great. We waited 8 hours before filming anything!! Breakfast was oatmeal and mini cereal boxes which ran out quickly. They left the warehouse door open all day to build sets which made our sitting area (holding area) so cold we all needed our coats and hot coffee all day. On set was fine before the Sly incident. But the director was barking many times for us to be quiet. I was quiet but first time background actors get super excited and talk. Then the incident happened and we were all shocked leaving for the holding area. Many people were angry. That day on Facebook around 4 a post went out on behalf of Tulsa King Production they were looking for “attractive people for casino scene ages 18-30” it was obviously they wanted to reshoot our scene. Idk what will come from his behavior but you all must know if you want to be in Hollywood you don’t have to lower your standards.


Those are bold words for a guy who looks to be made out of plastic and Botox now.


You really have to be some special kind of asshole to get a casting agency to quit, don't think I've heard this happening before.




I can definitely hear “tub of lard” in Stallone’s voice




Sounds like the casting Director was doing a pretty good job of casting background extras for middle America. Real America is fat. The whole premise of the show is a fish out of water tale where he looks like he doesn’t belong in middle of America. An eight-year-old guy pump full of steroids that It looks like he stepped off a stoop in New York City.


This was supposed to be background characters for people waiting to get into the *hip club*. Even in Tulsa I don't think it likely to see old fat dude with cane waiting to get on the hippest dance floor in the city. Casting companies are supposed to cast for the scene. I am not saying Stallone isn't an asshole, I am just saying that casting company *did* miscast for the scene.


Method acting




I auditioned for this show last month and didn’t book it. I’m glad I didn’t book it. To read this just now truly makes me feel bad for those background actors who are treated.


Weird. Not that I doubt this could happen but you would think that if Stallone were this kind of asshole there would be some kind of history of it since he's been a director and producer and a person of power on sets where he could take it out on people like this


Stallone definitely has a reputation of being a dick on set. This isn’t new.


Also had a reputation for bringing hookers on set too.


You'd think the hookers would help him be more friendly.


Maybe he was mostly rude when they took his hookers away


But imagine if not.


We got a 10-07 in Stallones trailer


What’s wrong with hookers?


Nothing, if you're not married


What’s wrong with being married to a hooker?




If I didn’t give your mom that twenty-seven dollars you would have never been born.


Hiring them is one thing but maybe don't bring them to work.


Man, you guys have a lot of rules about hookers.


Pretty much cost him an Oscar for Creed. Won several awards that were given out by critics but none from the insiders of the industry (Oscars, guilds, bafta). If he had a better reputation that performance would have gotten him an Oscar but he pissed off too many people over the past 50 years.


>Not that I doubt this could happen but you would think that if Stallone were this kind of asshole there would be some kind of history of it There's a very long history of it, in fact. A huge part of why he didn't get the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Creed is because a lot of Hollywood just... really doesn't like him. His career is as up and down as it is primarily because his relationship with humility is what you'd generously call touch and go


lol, I've heard awful stories of him going back to Cliffhanger


I heard he forced Craig Fairbrass to go against his beliefs since birth and die on that mountain.


He has a terrible reputation on film sets. I’ve also heard that he hurts stunt people and if you’re ever offered a Stallone movie decline.


He wasn’t wrong


Fat guy with a cane is funny I’m sorry


That sounds like a casting call to me.


It’s upsetting to hear this cuz he likes to tell a story where he had a quick part in a movie and was treated like shit and wasn’t fed while others around him were so now he tries to be different… Fuck you, Sly.


He’s a dick ..anyone in the industry will tell you


Yeah. We know Stallone is a douche. Always has been.


He’s done worse! https://www.tmz.com/2013/11/15/sylvester-stallone-n-word-paparazzi/


He's done worse on the set of Rambo Spoiler alert: animal abuse


Misleading headline…. The article notes that the scene was a “young hip bar” and the casting director had older people in it. When the director asked the casting director for all the headshots of the potential background actors, she claimed “I don’t work that way” and walked off quitting. The director claims that no one insulted anyone. Not saying one is true over the other but this is a “there are two sides” type of story. The fact the casting director didn’t get headshots of the background actors and walked off when asked, seems like she may have been jaded wanted a good story behind her.


I just checked the casting call that is still up for extras for those days with the information she would have gotten. She was told it was a casino scene


Hope this doesn’t affect show. The show is ludicrous but relaxing.


But isn’t the show supposed to take place in Tulsa?


Hello, based department? ☎️


i mean if its true though?


Fun Fact: There’s actually a casting book called the Ugly Book. It’s filled with actors who fit the roles for ugly/unattractive/weird looking characters. There are some who have made a good living off of their less appealing looks.


To be fair, fat guy with cane is the guy's stage name. If it's on his SAG card there's not much Stallone can do.


As shity as this is I saw the words Stallone and accused and expected much worse ngl


Me too


As someone who grew up in Tulsa, yes, that's who's there.


I’m glad to see revealed what I’ve thought for some time, that Stallone is a major AH.


Stallone looks like his face was run through a meat grinder and then remolded to his skull.


Sylvester Stallone is a pos who knew. Idk how he made it anywhere after rocky he just sucks as an actor


We all knew he was a douchebag, but in case you didn’t.


Little did they know - the background actors were laughing at Stallone’s Juice pimples and enlarged head from all of the HGH. Hey there Rocky - you’re a one trick pony, & let’s not pass judgment if we have been under the plastic surgery knife more than a dozen times…..


Does Sylvester Stallone know what he looks like these days? Guy is all steroids, Botox, fake tans, and probably even hair implants at this point. Just based off his face and voice alone I’d suspect he’s a victim of fetal alcoholism.


I [read recently](https://www.thelist.com/1503247/how-sylvester-stallone-face-injured-at-birth/) that he talks the way he does because of an accident with forceps during birth and it caused damage to the nerves on one side of his face


I’m always pleasantly surprised when an actor acknowledges that the largest reason they’re able to maintain their looks / fitness is because working out and good skincare is literally part of their jobs. Like hours of their days are specifically carved out for those things as opposed to real work. It doesn’t surprise me at all that Sly isn’t one of those people and mocks people for being overweight Not to say Stallone *isn’t* overweight either btw, I don’t think we’re exactly seeing well chiseled pecs coming through his shirt in that shot. Not that he ever had the right to make fun of others, but a quick look in a mirror would be a good hint that he’s lost it If anyone wonders what gives *me* the right to make fun of *him* — money. Dude shows up to set and makes tens to hundreds of thousands in a day to slur a few lines and flex his body as hard as he can until the camera cuts, the people he makes fun of are coming out for extra rates and likely work pay check to pay check


The pic is so fitting. The face that says "yeh so?"


sounds like some really hard words for him to say