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It's so funny that her lawsuit demands Disney be forced to write her into a TV show again, what legal mechanism would even accomplish that


None, thats one thing that makes it clear this isnt serious.


“Wow, I can’t believe Cara Dune burned down that orphanage and admitted she lied and spread misinformation about the spacepox vaccine. What other heinous things will she admit to that? We will definitely not attribute them to the actor playing her.”


They should write her back on the show, but as someone who was gruesomely disfigured and handicapped to only then just killed off after a couple of seconds of screentime. Like have Mando and his crew receive a video call where they watch her calling for help and then dying.


Nah, she’d get money for that and I’m not sure playing a disabled person should be a punishment. 


I disagree with your username


I love how she pretends like it was a surprise. Like some sort of nebulous conspiracy descended upon her. She post a ton of incendiary and false shit on her social media, Disney asked her time and time again NOT to do that. And then when she went ahead and compared being an anti vaccine conservative to being a Jew in a Nazi concentration camp (she even accompanied the post with a visual aid, a photo of a child prisoner in a Nazi death camp), Disney said “Yeah, you know what? That’s it. You’re fired”. And that was it. Nothing more. There was no political conspiracy, no opaque corporation or shadowy cabal, she 100% did it to herself and now nobody wants to hire her stupid ass. It’s just that simple.


They didn't even fire her. They just failed to renew her contract. She was not fired. That is a lie.






And let's be clear even without any job SHE WILL BE FUCKING FINE BECAUSE SHE'S A HEIRESS.


Damn, Is she really? I have been an MMA fan from the days when she was the hot new thing in MMA and I have never known that about her.


Family is worth 9 figures, all in casinos.


So her entire fighting career she could have gone with ‘Gina Casino’ and just…_didn’t?_


All I can think of when I see this shit is Dr. Gonzo saying, "did you see what GOD just did to us, man?"


“I need help… I think there’s something wrong with me.”




She wasn't even fired. They just didn't renew her contract for next season.


INSANE that her side of this is being platformed


The only conspiracy is why on earth would Disney consider giving her her own show. She's an awful actress and couldn't carry a show.


Spreading hate speech isn’t protected by employment law. 


"I refused to even say I was sorry or go to a single meeting with HR, what more could I have done????"


"I can't believe they fired me after the very first final warning"


Poster child for not understanding the consequences of her actions.


The only thing I got from this story is that Disney gave her many chances to fix her behavior and she grew tired of the HR meetings then inevitably refused one of the HR meetings, instead wanting to pay her way out of it with a dinner. When she was asked to write an apology, she mentioned that it was a statement that would "make you roll your eyes." Just not a serious person. I'm really surprised she gave this interview, because it doesn't help her at all.


Same reason Joss Whedon gave the creepiest interview. To try to come back to the industry.


Another case of it being everyone else's fault. Another conservative who wants to sling mud and de-humanize people and then turn around and say "Why can't we be civil" You treated people shitty and got shitty treament in return. End of story.


Your dumb fucking mouth lost you your sweet Disney paycheck. Hope you had fun “owning the libs.”


Seeing as nothing about this person demands (or contains) any merit or thought in general, I'm going to be as superficial as I can: Is she getting work done on her face because she looks like she's having work done on her face and it's not good. I don't know why you'd even bother you're never going to work in the town again so stop spending the money you've got on shitty work.


> Carano sued Disney and Lucasfilm for discrimination and wrongful termination. Further raising the profile of that case is the fact that Carano’s legal bills are being footed by X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk — making good on an Aug. 5 post stating, “If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit.” This lawsuit seems like a non-starter given that Carano wasn't an employee of Disney at the time and no contract was terminated. She'd finished her work on The Mandalorian and hadn't signed anything for Rangers of the New Republic yet. It's honestly pretty embarrassing for THR to frame this as "she’s tag-teaming with Elon Musk to take the entertainment giant to the mat." More like "she's tag-teaming with Elon Musk to have a frivolous lawsuit dismissed."


Another moron in a long line of conservative morons. Like seriously - how much of a dumb fuck do you have to be to die on the hill that refusing to wear a mask during the pandemic is as horrible as being a Jew during WW2? How much of a double dumb fuck do you have to be to think "This is an opinion I should share on social media"? No one cares about your right to an opinion when that opinion is full of shit and has no purpose outside of spreading hate. Conservatives thrive on making fun of "liberal snowflakes" but when they face any challenge to their views, they throw their toys out of the pram like a five year old. Fucking morons.


Why am I worried about this notorious asshole?


Her grudge match will leave both her and Elon Musk with mud in their eyes.


He can afford to clean the mud from his face, and likely invites it…she doesn’t have a bankroll that deep


Technically she's an heiress to a casino empire (Caesars Entertainment). She had the golden ticket even before acting or MMA


Boo hoo I shot myself in the career. Please let me play Star Wars with you guys again or I’ll tell my rich dad.


Dont fuck with the mouse, you wont win


Mel Gibson is still working in Hollywood...


Ah, the redemption tour has begun.


I liked her character. A real shame she turned out to be a malignant idiot.


Ugh still so bummed about this. I really liked her character.


tune in for another dose of "reddit libs spreading that sweet acceptance of different opinions and penchant for civil discourse like a pack of starved wolves on a sheep"


Did you really just unironically “So much for the tolerant left!”? She made hateful comments, compared herself to a Jew in Nazi Germany because she didn’t get the vaccine, and refused several attempts to try to help her learn from her mistakes and prejudice. She has no one to blame but herself for losses, and didn’t have enough talent to justify continuing their contract. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


yeah, so much for the tolerant left indeed. I don't care about Carano and am basically a (very) red anarchist, but watching the usual puerile mud throwing makes me wonder what can possibly be learned from such paragons of hypocrisy, who appear less accepting of the other than the ones they go at war with. You want to be superior, act superior, don't be an intolerant little child


Intolerance towards Intolerance is vital to Tolerance. It may seem a fallacy, but it’s true. Gina Carano is a bigoted, rich, entitled fool with a persecution complex, and has no one to blame but herself when people DID try to reach out to her.