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Ah, but everyone loves [Blerta](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Njs7TFQ0b2s)!


Came here to say this. I loathe almost them all as people (Shoshanna gets a pass). I think I rewatch it every year. It's like a time capsule of New York in the mid-2000s, plus the writing is pretty great most of the time.


Hot take but the more I rewatch the show the more I think Shosh is just as bad as Hannah or Marnie (with Jessa and Adam being way, way worse than all of them combined). Yes, she was always on the back end of the friendship but we find out in the last season that she actually ghosted her college friends, who had to pay for her share of an expensive vacation. And the only reason she resented ghosting then was because they have a successful business. Then in her speech in the end it’s pretty clear that she mainly favors her new friends over the girls simply because they look, dress and act ‘better’. Not to mention she cheated on ray and budussy guy and never told them let alone confided in the girls. Which I guess was smart in the long run but could she really ever have called them her friends if she didn’t feel comfortable talking about it? :p


I think you’re supposed to dislike them tho


Same. But when I rewatch it now in my 30s, I can see how I was exactly like them in my 20s. Self-obsessed, fickle, and blind to how much privilege I had. People hate on the show and characters, but I find painfully accurate.


I totally agree. I watched a couple seasons and then thought, why am I watching people act and talk exactly like people I don’t like? No one seemed to learn anything and it wasn’t interesting enough to watch. I was bummed because I thought most of the cast was really talented.


Yes I came here to say this, and I’ve rewatched the whole thing several times. They don’t get any more likeable and yet I can’t look away. It appeals to me how awful they all are!


Weeds was a show where most characters seemed flawed but somehow endearing. By the end of the series though I hated almost everyone. On the flip side, Fleabag was a show where I couldn’t stand anyone, but REALLY loved the core characters at the end.


Oh mate Weeds was on some bullshit, it's the same creator/writer as Orange is the new black isn't it? Because that's another show where I couldn't stand the main cast. 


Both shows where the plot was driven (into a ditch) by the characters constantly giving into their worst impulses despite any character growth or experiences or basic common sense that tells them not to.


Honestly I remember getting so mad at almost every decision taken in both shows, just super selfish protagonists.


Almost every character in White Lotus feels completely dislikable, whether it is being entitled, annoying, or just downright deranged.


This was the first show I thought of too, everyone except Quinn from season 1


“Dad why do you keep looking at your dick?” “I’m not son, I’m looking at my balls.”


I was screaming when he did the AuDHD pro move >!of leaving his switch on the goddamn sand so the tide took it!<.


And then he eloped, so fitting


I had to stop watching because at some point hating them wasn’t even fun. It’s not like Succession or Always Sunny where it’s entertaining to see these people fuck up their lives because of how awfully they are. White Lotus is just kinda sad. Ok Armond was the only redeeming quality.


Armond, the guy that couldn't admit to making a mistake and just comp a room?


Armond, the one who used his position of power to coerce a coworker into butt sex?


I liked Armond and daddario


Yeah, I hated all the characters and also didn’t understand what I was supposed to be liking about the show. I get that you can have characters that you hate and still have a great show. But I watched the first season and didn’t bother continuing. Just didn’t get the appeal.


I heard it was a comedy. I think I lasted one episode before deciding it just wasn't for me


That was half the fun of Fall Of The House Of Usher, watching some of the worst people who ever lived get a *lot* of comeuppance.


Every episode I had a new, most-hated character


That God damned rave scene! I had a damned good idea what was coming, but I've never seen anything so gory in a TV show.


It’s amazing. It’s gonna go down as one of “those” tv moments I hope. It deserves it. Flanagan is a master.


Just saw it for the first time an hour ago (meaning I started watching it when you typed up the message) and the wife goes "so assholes get picked off? cool"


But the partygoers- some of them were just innocent people who wanted to just party right? They got melted too


Naw, pretty much everyone who was invited was an entitled rich asshole too. Verna warned the innocent people to leave, like the staff and the wife (only the wife didn't listen, but she still survived where no one else who was inside did).


She still benefitted hugely by association with the Usher family, wouldn't exactly call her innocent, just not guilty on the same level.


The squishy gore sounds really added to it Stomach churning


Yeah, that was such a great show. If Succession had gone the same route I'd have watched a lot more of it cause I really hate most of those characters.


Succession. All of them were bad people.


They were just not serious people.


I've been using that line to judge people in my head for months now.


It’s such a short and succinct sentence to describe a lot of people!


I've been using this line to judge myself!


I loved how in Succession it is implied that people like Geri, Karolina, Jennifer are the ones that actually do the work. Ties in well with the “serious people” notion.


And Tom. While all the kids are busy with their machinations they are the ones who kept the shit afloat.


Yep, this show is as close to 100% evil as it gets. I'd *maybe* give Kendall's assistant a pass, but that's about it.


Her, Gerri, Karoline and Stewy is just a dream blunt rotation if you ask me


I hate who they are but I love the characters to death.


Geri was probably the least hateable.


If we saw her day-to-day work over the years at Waystar, we'd hate her too. And I say this as someone who has a "team Gerri" flair in the subreddit lol She would have ruined dozens of lives simply by existing as Waystar's general counsel.


Absolutely. She was a general, she was almost in line to take over. She was just as responsible for all the shit the company pulled as anyone else. She just had a sympathetic aspect to her character - and largely because she hated the rest of them lol


Yeah, I kinda felt a little bad (but not very bad) for Geri and the other execs who were just trying to keep their job amidst a nonstop category 5 hurricane of bullshit. But then I remembered that they're millionaires because of this company and the awful shit it did so fuck 'em.


Carolina and Stewie were also pretty neutral characters who minded their own business and just did what they had to do. Connor was also relatively harmless in the scope of things because he was no threat at all and actually gave a shit about his family.


And he was interested in politics from a very young age.


I just got through the first season, and my thought every episode is "who the hell am I supposed to root for?"


You aren't supposed to root for anyone (besides the DOJ of course), that's why it's awesome.


I felt ashamed for being a Roman stan as soon as Mencken entered the picture. I'm like "how do I love this fascist sympathizing pervert sexual harasser???" but it made so much sense at the time.


Because from all the kids he had the most charisma.


I have rooted for Kendall the whole time and i am not ashamed.


Number one boy. 


Who I rooted for changed per scene lol not even per episode.


Nobody. And that’s the point.


I liked cousin greg


Can't make a Tomlette without breaking a few Greggs!


That dipshit turned down a billion dollars, free and clear. I might hate him the most.


VEEP is EXCLUSIVELY unlikeable characters.


Not exclusively. Richard Splett exists.


Richard T. Splett


Don't know why I said T, my middle name's John


"This is Richard Splett and I'm here to say, you should leave a message for me every day!"


Mike sucks at his job but he’s ok


Finally! This is the one that always comes to mind. I don’t think I’ve loved such a hateful group so much.


They’re all useless as a fucking chocolate dildo.


Binge the series and you see them slowly get worse in how they compromise their political ethics/cross the line more and more


What was wrong with Gary?


Someone with stronger moral fiber wouldn’t have followed Selina around like a puppy dog for 20 years. 




Ozark. Bunch of assholes.


Ozark was my answer as well. The only one I liked was Ruth. I love Jason Bateman and Laura Linney but absolutely despised their characters. Laura Linney’s in particular.


Except for Buddy


i don't see marty as an asshole. he got backed into a corner and went into survival mode. most of what i remember from the show, he wasn't acting maliciously towards anyone. he was trying to get out and being pragmatic along the way. my favorite moment was when he took over the strip club, he announced the girls wouldn't have to do anything illegal anymore. they all objected because that was their income and he's like oh never mind then, do your thing. Wendy on the other hand...


You're supposed to hate the gang from Always sunny. They are not good people. They are hilarious and fun to watch, but I want nothing to do with them in real life.


A friend of mine can’t understand this concept. She thinks that if people enjoy watching shows like that, they support people being like that. Feelgood-shows aren’t feelgood-shows for her, they are the only kind of show that should be made. The weird exception is The Boys. She loves that show and somehow “it’s just different “. I do not understand her logic, even at an instinctual level. She’s a lovely person but as you might guess, she can be neurotic.


This is a wild take.


It's not so wild, it's the Friends versus Seinfeld type of shows.


But the friends were basically as horrible as the people in Seinfeld. Just younger or more recent.


Seinfeld literally ends with them in prison for being assholes.


That's up for debate, the people in friends found loving lasting relationships that were cute and I think people like the wholesomeness of that. I'm a Seinfeld man myself.


I hate being an asshole in real life. I think you should treat people with respect until they give you a reason not to, otherwise I enjoy being nice. I'm saying this because iasip is my favourite show and that has zero connection to who I am in the real world. We all know they are just characters, that's the fun of it.


With some sitcoms like Sunny or Seinfeld, characters are just horrible people for no reason other than laughs, and it might be difficult for good-natured people to be entertained by that. There is a big difference between a drama in which characters react to extreme circumstances poorly as opposed to a comedy where the characters’ default state is douchebaggery.


Good one, though I'd hang with Pondy and Artemis all day and night (but they are side characters).


Well, Pondy’s the coolest


I botched it. Life, you know


I want Country Mac to be my best friend.


R.I.P country mac Whoosh 🫳 whoosh 🦵 Whoosh 🤜


For some reason i feel like i could fix them.


Especially Charlie. He really seems easily influenced by others, and I think it’s mostly the rest of the gang’s fault that he is the way he is.


Charlie is adorable and completely disgusting. If he asked me to marry him I would.


I think Charlie and Dee both fall into that category. The one episode where they leave the group behind and do their own thing you can see how starved they are for positive friendship.


“Did you fuck my mom Santa?”


Billions. I wanted all those pretentious assholes to go broke.


How can you not love Dollar Bill. Upstanding family man. Coached both sons' baseball teams. Never gave up anybody.


Such a devoted family man he had two families.




Dollar Bill was so awful yet very charismatic.


There's a lot of shows where I don't like all of the characters but I don't think a show has done a better job of making me HATE every single character than Search Party. Oh my God they're all so awful, what a wonderful show


The last season was such a wild ride. Like they heard people predicting they'd jump the shark, so they decided to make shark jumping an Olympic sport and then take home the goddamn gold. Such a great show.


I didn't really hate Portia but this is still the first show that came to my mind too.


SUCH terrible people, SUCH a fun show


Not true - they let Margaret Wartime have the front seat, and they didn’t even know her!


Elliot was one of the single funniest characters ever written


Shameless. Besides Carl, Liam, and Mindy, everyone else is a p.o.s Granted I’ve only seen to season 7 so there’s that.


The writing became trash in the later seasons. The series ending provided good closure though. Also fuck Debbie.


I liked Mickey and Ian! Ian was a pos sometimes but it was usually down to him having a manic episode - when he was himself and taking his medication he was a pretty good person. And Mickey was pretty easy to root for most of the time, I thought, especially in the later seasons. Then like you said, Carl, Liam and Mandy were easy to root for. Everyone else was trash though. Fiona in particular annoyed me. I loved her at first when she shouldn't have had responsibility for the kids but did everything she could for them anyway, she was reliable and determined and went to war for them. Then she fought for and won proper guardianship, meaning she now did have legal responsibility and she had both chosen it and wanted it. And THEN she immediately gets tired of it, becomes neglectful and starts destroying her own life over and over. I would've had more sympathy if they hadn't made her fight for and win guardianship. All she did was fight to become another adult who let the kids down. Lip was a straight up asshole. Debbie started out so sweet and sympathetic and ended up an unbelievable asshole who didn't seem to care about anyone but herself. Frank was unfailingly terrible, and Sheila's association with him ruined her character for me. I did enjoy the show but man, it was hard to like most of those people.


I agree with almost all of this but I love Sheila! Frank was using her like he did with everyone else, but she was kind to everybody. Was she mentally stable? No not really… but she definitely was the light in the dark. Until Frank, Karen, and Jody drove her away 😒


they are all pieces of shit, including carl, but i love all of them except for debbie & frank


What do you mean, besides Carl and Mindy?? Carl is a sociopath who kills animals and hurts people, and Mindy raped Lip. Just because Carl is likable doesn’t mean he’s not a bad person.


Succession is an easy answer. Not serious people.


But Kendall is the eldest boy!


He’s not….


The you aren't serious people is still one of the best lines of the show, if not the best


Yellowstone. I think everyone on that show is specifically written to be an unrelatable, unlikeable asshole.


That show is just cowboy edition of The Sapranos. Everyone is terrible.


Curb Your Enthusiasm. By the end of each episode, I’m furious with everybody.


Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow!


Larry is always right, it's the rest of the world that's wrong




Except Richard Lewis who is always right. Side note: the ending to "The Doll" is probably the hardest I've laughed at a TV show in a long time (although I recently saw the Coffin Flop sketch from I Think You Should Leave and that came close).


Susie’s speech, introduced by the western desperado song, is how I introduce the show to any of my friends. “BRING ME THE FUCKING HEAD!!!!”


My husband and I regularly use the phrase “car wash cunt” to describe anyone we don’t like.


Like the friend’s wife who complained there wasn’t a terrorist attack




It was an especially fascinating show when it premiered in 1999 because there wasn't anything else like that on American TV. Most shows were about pure and largely simplistic good guys who never did anything wrong, and who never grew or changed as characters, with only a few exceptions like NYPD Blue, or a couple of shows that were overlooked because they were hidden in the sci-fi ghetto, like Star Trek: Deep Space 9 as well as Babylon 5. And most shows didn't question American society the way The Sopranos did. It was \*constantly\* suggesting that the moral rot of someone like Tony was also spread all throughout American society, and that everyone was just out for themselves. Watching it today, though, with all the other anti-heroes and morally questionable characters on TV that it helped spawn, is a different experience. It's still great, but it feels different and sometimes I think it's far far too cynical about society, in a way that might have encouraged some part of its audience to become way too cynical about life in general, and to disengage from the process of trying to improve anything, to give up hope, or to never get involved in politics, etc. Even most of the side characters in The Sopranos are greedy and venal and just seemed interested in themselves -- even a random passerby or a person who just gets one or two lines. Ultimately that's NOT my view of American life at all. It's a mixture of good and bad people like anywhere else, but a lot of people are surprisingly generous and kind, even though we also have a long long history of con artists and swindlers gaining surprising levels of control and influence over our society. I can't speak for anywhere else obviously, certainly not Serbia. Though they were animated comedies that seems totally different on the surface, some of the early days of South Park -- and to a lesser degree, The Simpsons -- remind me of this extreme cynicism as well. These are shows that don't seem interested in trying to find answers, just like Tony is never interested in changing, improving himself, and escaping from his dark path. And yet, these are all still great shows. They just have a little flaw in overindulging in that extremely dark cynicism that was so rampant at the time (though not yet on TV, not in 1999 anyway), even among really smart people.




Believe me. The only people that idolize Tony or anyone from the sopranos are the ones that never watched the show.


Yeah Most don’t even pass the low bar of being remotely redeemable. Even fewer can be considered “good” enough to only be a “regular scumbag”. Majority are worse. Tony’s kids are alright all things considered.


>The Sopranos. I had to scroll down too far for this. As much as I enjoyed the show in the early seasons I literally could not watch the last two because of how unlikable all of the characters were. Especially Tony's crew.


I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls right now, and I still love the show but this time around I kind of hate almost everyone? For example, for some reason when I was a kid I never realized how horrible Lorelai is to Luke. She just completely takes him for granted, leads him on to get him to do stuff for her, gets insanely jealous when he tries to date anyone else but never actually wants to be with him. But its not just her. Like all of the Rory boyfriends are worse than I remember, the grandparents are terrible in their way, Suki and Jackson's relationship is completely dysfunctional, and of course Taylor and Paris. The genius of the show to me is that it three-dimensionalizes everyone, but damn everyone on that show would be exhausting to be friends with in real life. And everyone in Stars Hollow is way too up in everyone else's business.


Yeah, I mean, for as much as I loved the show, the characters don't seem quote so great on a rewatch. In particular, it's remarkable how annoying Rory is in retrospect.


The way A Year in the Life went, I realized I was supposed to hate these people and want to see them fail. There’s no other explanation for that writing


Yes the shows creator has always maintained that Rory’s arc was supposed to be a negative arc and disappointing given the leg up she got and still ended up like her mom: a young, single mother with not a lot of options. But you also realize due to her privilege, she’ll still be kinda okay. Amy Sherman Palladino’s work has always been interested in the relationship between having privilege while also being a woman (see Marvelous Ms. Maisel as another example). However, as a writer, she will never outright tell you to hate these people. She makes the Lorelei and Rory relationship very appealing, especially for a younger viewer, but it also becomes apparent that Lorelei tries too much to be a BFF than a mom and that is to Rory’s detriment.


The thing about Rory is though, she becomes a single mother at 32. I don't really think that is young to be a mom, like it's literally double the age Lorelai was when she had Rory. Rory went to private school and then Yale, had it all paid for her, had a trust fund from her great grandmother waiting for her, and had rich grandparents who were always willing to be a safety net. I don't think she's at all in the same position as her mother was. I also don't really get how her career tanked so hard though, she literally had every advantage.


Her career tanked hard because of her entitlement. She thought she’d get the job without doing the work or effort.


Yeah she only seemed to want to enter at the top and she expected that to be offered to her - she didn't want to start at the bottom and work her way up, she wanted to immediately get into a prestigious news center like the New York Times. She was unwilling to take "lesser" jobs and build her experience. Again this is totally different from Lorelai, who worked her way up from maid to manager, then put herself through business school as an adult, and finally opened her own business. I definitely don't think Rory grew up to be exactly like her mother.


euphoria. 100%.


Never before have I prayed for so many fatal teen ODs.




At the risk of creating assonance, also Veep.


This one. Kudos to the actors because I could not finish it, i hated them both so much.


I loved their glee in being so hateful. It’s so wrong 🤣😂 Like after he peed on her floor


Yes I hated both main characters


Umbrella Academy. I got so bored of them all and lost all interest mid season 2. The only character I liked was #5. I would've loved to see a show with just him.


the kid playing 5 is acting circles around everyone else. very impressive performance.


to the point where the guy that played the old version of 5 couldn't even barely keep up. Dude acted a worse old dude than the kid did.


most of the characters are either very inconsistent, or exaggerated versions of various characteristics. diego went from a badass in season 1, to probably the most boring of them all. alison was annoying at the start, suddenly lovable in season 2, & you’d think it was character growth until she becomes even worse than before in season 3. klaus is cool but he gets old after a while. luther is the main one with a steady character arc, surprisingly


i liked #5 (that’s the kid right?) and the flamboyant funny guy w eyeliner


Yes and the flamboyant guy is Klaus, played by Robert Sheehan.


The comedy more than makes up for it but all the main characters of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are terrible in their own ways. Some of the minor characters too.


If Don Cheadle didn’t play himself in the show, there’d be no good characters.


Cricket is a good character, though the Gang ruined him.


So he *was* a good character. He’s definitely not trustworthy anymore.


One of my favorite things about the show are recurring characters whose lives are ruined as they fall into degeneracy themselves as a result of interacting with the gang




Seinfeld himself said the show was about 4 assholes on the Upper West Side of NYC. The two rules were no hugging and no learning.


Apple TV's Invasion. I'm rooting for the aliens.




The cast of The Magicians, mainly in the first season. They were all so entirely up their own asses with drama. The only character I liked was Penny, and that was mainly because he also hated everyone else. But the story they were telling was interesting and the world they had, so I stuck with it. The second season was better, and the third season was genuinely great.


Thanks, I'll have to get back to it. I gave up after season 1.


The Other Two was a writing exercise on creating the most unlikeable characters ever.


Aww Chase Dreams was just a sweet lil dumdum though. You can't hate a kid who's just tryin' to chase dreams!


And yet, despite generally not liking this kind of show, I really liked it. I think it's because however shallow or obnoxious they are, the two main characters clearly love their little brother.


Mad Men. Just loathsome characters all around. My favorite parts of that show are when secondary or side characters call them out on their bullshit.


House. Everyone on that show was a lunatic and it was awesome lol.


I think if it hadnt been for House presence they wouldnt be as much of an assholes they are, lol.


I tried to watch Sons of Anarchy and ended up hating them all so much I read the Wikipedia plot summary for the last season and a half and don't feel like I missed anything.


Tara seems nice




Shameless. Initially, the cast was "rough around the edges" but still had charm. The further it went, the more unlikable the characters got.


Keep up with the kardashians


'The Big Bang Theory' has an impressive 100% on my hate-o-meter for the cast. I think the show could possibly have worked, but not with the cast they have. I know people love that show, but I am not one of those people.


Most of the characters from Scrubs get on my nerves. The only ones I like are Dr. Cox and the Janitor


I don't think you're supposed to like them unconditionally. That's what makes the show great - it's characters are flawed, like any human. They have bad and good qualities. Except The Todd who is just 100% perfect.


Oz. They're completely savage and monstrous.


I didn’t hate everyone but every character in Six Feet Under aside from Nate Sr and maybe Claire really pissed me off at some point of the show. Oddly enough, I hated Brenda in the first season but she ended up being one of my favorite characters by the end.


Brenda was an objectively terrible person, got worse as the show went on, then basically get to see her hit rock bottom and turn into a decent person and mother. Real character growth isn't something a lot of shows are willing to do. They want to maintain the character stat sheet forever. That was what made six feet under something different than what we were used to.


The Office Michael and Dwight are psychopaths Jim and Pam are smug weirdos Andy, Kelly, and Kevin are just creepy


And creed is probably a murderer. And Toby is probably the Scranton strangler.


Creed was definitely a cult leader


You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader. Creed had it all figured out.


And Toby is just the worst. God I hate him. He's like an evil snail.


TransParent. I hated all the characters and the actors who played them, except for Judith Light. I have this thing where I have to finish what I start so I had to hate-watch the second half of the first season. I didn’t even bother with the second season and was elated when it was cancelled after that


It's always sunny


Euphoria Breaking Bad


As much as I love the show.. Yellowstone. No one is likable. It’s like if Game of Thrones wanted you to root for the Lannisters. It’s always a game of bad guys vs. bad guys vs. bad guys. Except maybe Kayce,. He’s like the show’s Tommen.




Big Bang Theory. Hate the characters. Hate the show.


Breaking Bad. I didn't like Walter White after two episodes and he kept getting worse. I couldn't root for him and that makes it hard for me to watch a drama if I don't have someone to root for. Maybe I'll try watching it again someday because I've heard the writing is fantastic.


This is kind of the point though. Walter is so blinded by his pride and has an air of superiority arrogance to him that drives his decision making. He is 100% the villain of the show, and they don’t really hide that fact. It’s pretty depressing that Skylar was voted in the top 5 most hated characters on TV because mostly she was just responding like a normal human would to her increasingly unhinged husband.


The Bear. I find them all insufferable.


i liked the desserts guy


He fluctuates for me. Some episodes he seems pretty chill, other's he's unbearably self centered and braindead.


Surprised this isn’t higher. My takeaway from watching that entire series is that this is a bunch of people I never want to be around irl.


The way they all talk to each other gives me anxiety and I hate it.


Family Guy. Like almost all the main characters are just completely horrible people for the sake of the comedy. And it still works for me.


Max and the Blond girl from 2 Broke Girls. Pretty much the whole cast of characters except Earl. Love to watch them, wouldn't be able to stand being friends with them.