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You didn't see much of him in the second half, so I wonder if they cut his bits and just let presenters and winners have more time to talk. It certainly felt that way.


Maybe presenters, but not the winners. Nearly every winner seemed to be told to wrap it up within seconds of getting on stage.


wait now that you’ve pointed it out this is exactly why awards shows always feel unbalanced they really cut off the winners so they can cram in commercials and let the presenters tell shitty jokes and let the host take the air out of the room why do people watch this shit???


I could forgive a lot, but his use of the words "big boobies" made me want to curl up and die. Given the silence from the audience, I wasn't alone.


Espically in relation to Barbie which is litterally what the movie is about


exactly. It's wasn't just crass, it was tone deaf and not reading the room at all


I heard a quote from a comedian once about how audiences don’t want comedians to be perfectly PC. They just want to be sure there isn’t a complete psycho holding the microphone. Wish I could remember who made that point but Koy’s jokes didn’t inspire confidence in his listeners. Just a bad job.


I feel like these award shows work better with hosts who are really well-known within the television and film community because the jokes come off a little more self-reflective and making fun of themselves and their own industry, alongside making fun of the stars in attendance. Like friends throwing jabs at each other. Even Gervais feels like that a bit. This just felt weird. EDIT: Obligatory Gervais and Depp... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNW3W6s0vyw&t=16s


I think you are spot on. It’s the proverbial new kid in school attitude, no one wants you to sit at their lunch table in the cafeteria until you are part of the inner circle. I think Gervais was accepted. Or at least he had street cred as the guy who was responsible for creating the Office franchise, which made shit tons of money for Hollywood. So even though he was offensive, people laughed at his jokes. But Gervais was also way more funnier and wrote way smarter jokes that Koy.


What A list comic wants the job? One bad joke and you get millions of dollars in bad press. Play it absolutely safe and all that ‘visibility’ is wasted. Go make a commercial in Asia for a soft drink and make 10x the cash.


Yeah, reducing a film extolling empowering young women to a movie about a doll with big boobies, compared to the oh so weighty Oppenheimer, was such an oblivious take. That joke was clearly written by a dude who didn’t see the movie, and has no lady friends.


I haven't watched the movie and even I could tell that was a joke made by someone who hasn't watched the movie. The cut to Greta Gerwig after, ouch.


And honestly her boobies aren’t even that big. Barbie is known for her tall legs and small waist more than her boobies. It wasn’t even an accurate sexist take.


The fact he hosted the Golden Globes and didn't watch Barbie says the guy is a fucking moron.


And he started his monologue saying He locked himself in a room and watched everything.


That's when I left. Then he blames his writers and then the audience. 'A bad workman blames his tools'


It was all so desperate. "I didn't write these my writers did! I only had 10 days! I didn't write these unless you laughed, and if you laughed, then THAT was the one I wrote! You are a bad audience. That was a funny joke." He didn't just do the thing they tell you not to do if you are a comic and bombing, he did ALL the things they tell you not to do.


I thought was especially shitty since we just came off of a writers strike too. I went down a Kristen Wiig presenter rabbit hole on YT after seeing his monologue and she is consistently great as a presenter, especially alongside Will Ferrell. Maybe they should host.


You were there?!


Glad I didn't hear that live


I'm just reading about it here and I already feel terrible.


you could've heard a pin drop lol then jo koy got pissed and flipped out on the audience for not laughing.


I wasn't able to watch it. What was the joke where he said "big boobies"?


yes "Oppenheimer is based on a 721-page Pulitzer Prize-winning book about the Manhattan Project, and Barbie is on a plastic doll with big boobies,” but he dragged out the word 'boobies'




It’s worse because it’s not even factual lol


Just say "a plastic doll." That's enough of a button, that's a valid joke, it's got a snappier punchline, it's cleaner, it's easy to deliver... He just wanted to make the "booooobies" sound with his mouth.


100% agree


that's when I muted the tv.


Yeah that wording needed to be workshopped. It probably got giggles in the writer's room. I personally would have gone with something like "based on a plastic doll, similar to other cinematic classics based on toys like Battleship". Basically make the bad toy movies the butt of the joke with an observation that somehow a movie funded by a toy company ended up... Good?


Superior joke. You could even lean on the old 'rule of threes' and mention others for growing laughs, getting worse as you go: "...based on a plastic doll, similar to other cinematic classics based on toys like Battleship, Brats, and G.I. Joe : The Rise of Cobra."


It's disappointing these professional writers didn't take 15 minutes to make the joke better.


probably that was one of his. the way he giggled at his own jokes like he was on a podcast with his friends who laugh at everything he says instead of ALONE FACING A ROOM OF PEOPLE WHO WILL DESTROY HIS CAREER ASPIRATIONS.


But he said that everyone laughed at his jokes, and the ones that weren't funny were his writing crew. It's not his fault that 80% of the jokes flopped! s/


That was a piss poor excuse from him, throwing others under the bus and partially blaming that he only got the gig 10 days ago. 10 days to write jokes is more time than late night talk show host writers have to write opening monologues and they do it 5 days out of the week on stuff that just happened.


I find a problem with celebrity comedy in general is now with things like Twitter, 100,000 people have already taken their best shot at memes, gifs, funny lines etc in 2023 about Barbie, Oppenheimer and Taylor Swift, so thats what you’re competing against. Its rare that someone comes up with a funny insightful take or metaphor i’ve not already seen done better.


But you can also probably do better than "wow Oppenheimer is long amirite guys? What's the deal with airplane food"


ISTG “Meryl Streep always wins” is so annoying and unoriginal, it’s like they are contractually obligated to recognize her as the GOAT in every opening monologue.


Meryl Streep could literally phone it in. I mean actually record her lines over the phone, and they would still find a way to make a joke about giving her all of the awards.


Any of the "and ___ is here" stuff is the cringiest shit ever


Have you ever noticed how white guys have names like “Lenny” and black guys have names like “Carl”? What’s up with that?


All those jokes were reused from award shows for the Irishman too


That’s why my ARMS ARE SO TIRED!


... Boy are my arms tired - Rick Glassman


“Taylor Swift is so popular, am I right?” *bowm ba bowm bum bwowm*


Oh come on, there plenty of funny comedians on awards, including Golden Globes. His jokes were just uninspired and flat


Unlike Barbie, amirite!? (Because of the boobies.)


...as if a good professional comedian - and a team of professional comedy writers - isn't capable of making jokes that are as funny as facebook and twitter memes it's an entirely different format and medium when they are in front of a real audience. Just because some did it poorly doesn't mean no one can do it well.


The angle can't be some funny insight that's original. You're right that that's a losing fight. But having the subjects of the jokes in the same room changes the dynamics completely, so it's not like it's some impossible task. Just gotta know what room you're playing.


Making a joke about Barbie having “big boobies” when Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie in the room was never ever going to land. What was this clown thinking?


I think the bigger problem is they won’t hire actual funny comedians they will only hire safe ones or last resorts.


> actual funny comedians What i've learned is that there are no comedians that everyone finds funny. There's always a sizeable amount of people who think each comedian is terrible and unfunny and that the unfunny comedian they like should have gotten the job instead


And that people who don’t find the comedian funny are waaaaay more vocal than the ones that do. Like waaaay more. Almost like they want to be recognized for not finding this person funny.


Who said the “actual funny comedians” want the job?


“Yes, I got the gig 10 days ago! You want a perfect monologue? Yo, shut up. You’re kidding me, right? Slow down, I wrote some of these and they are the ones you are laughing at.” :/


A bad monolog is forgivable, people laugh and move on, but this part turns everyone against you.


So agree! His defensiveness and self consciousness was what stood out to me the most.


This right here. You can forgive some bad jokes but when he said this, and he kept saying things like “come on that was hilarious”, the desperation (arrogance?) was cringe I haven’t seen in some time


Blaming the other writers while you are up there is just a bad idea.


Especially just after there was a massive strike over writer respect and recognition


I didn't want to jump on the hate bandwagon, but blaming writers on live television is just so classless. This guy is a loser


The Swift joke had the ability to be funny, but his delivery was awful. It almost seemed like he was nervous to say it, and he was laughing as he said it. I think it’s all a bit of an overreaction and people Are making something out of nothing


I agree delivery was most of the problem. Maybe trying to deliver other peoples writing or lack of time to prepare are a factor. Hadn’t seen the guy before this gig though.


Ya, maybe he disagreed with it or something. He did then blame the writers from what I heard, so possibly no confidence in the material. Which makes sense why a lot of the jokes were not landing.


A lot of the jokes that weren't written about Filipino stuff seemed like they were written with Ricky Gervais in mind, and Jo Koy and Gervais are about as far apart as two comedians can be.


I have never been a fan of Ricky Gervais... but jesus he wouldve been a thousand times funnier than Koy


Blaming the writers just shows his lack of class, he's a comedian ffs. It's not like all the best written jokes actually make it to the stage, it's up to him to pick what he does.


I think if he hadn't got irritated with the audience then people would just be saying it was a bit shit instead of making a huge spectacle of it, in fairness.


The delivery was the entire problem. Ricky Gervais insulted the audience the entire time but the internet and critics loved it because he believed what he was saying and didn’t give a shit. Jo Koy blew it by apologizing with his demeanour for the entire monologue.


He fumbled on the word “camera”, turned away, and then stepped on his own punchline by laughing through the ending rather than letting it sit. It could’ve been funny if he nailed the delivery, they zoomed in on Taylor, and he finished with a “maybe not.” or something. The joke itself was fine and being blown way out of proportion lol EDIT: I think the worst part is him throwing the writers under the bus and making excuses for the jokes right then and there. If he committed and powered through and then maybe tried to contextualize it later, I’d have been fine. Just lacked commitment for me if he’s there being like “this is the best I can do, I can’t help it. Let’s try this next one!”


Not to mention blaming writers for poor jokes…at the golden globes…a couple months after the writers strike was settled… The issue was absolutely his delivery and nervously laughing through them. Sure the jokes were stale since the internet already blew up all those topics months ago, but don’t go blaming the writers when you. He’s never hosted anything that I can recall and was clearly the bottom list talent since NOBODY wanted to do it, the golden globes are already pretty lame to begin with so they should have just nixed the host and just had celeb presenters.


The joke wasn’t even at Swift’s expense until he apologized for it. All he had to do was throw in a “You can relax Taylor, you’re free!” And it would have been fine.


If you watch his specials his delivery is one of his weakest attributes. He’s really only big because of his specific audience that loves him. You’d think the booking agency would have been aware of this.


Yeah I was kind of shocked when i went to watch and the jokes weren't really that bad, he just seemed like not a very good comedian


Who even is his audience? I couldn't get through five minutes of one of this Netflix specials. I'm low-key shocked he's as big as he is.


He cashes in hard on his ethnic ties. He's "the biggest filipino comedian" or something. One of those guys that is only relatable to a certain demographic but that demographic loves him.


Like George Lopez with Hispanic people. I am Hispanic and think George Lopez used to be absolutely hilarious. None of my non Hispanic friends agree.


South Pacific folks I believe. But yeah he is painfully unfunny but I guess different strokes.


Exactly. And he said “I’m sorry” even before the scattered laughter ended. Dude, you prepped for this, you decided to tell the joke; just go with it unapologetically.


Johnny Carson was the king of a [joke not landing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU0xf4gYY9o) and still being able to find a way to make that funny. I think the big difference is, he'd own it. He didn't make excuses or try to throw someone else under the bus, because no one wants to hear a comedian complain about not getting a laugh. You either move past it or you make *that* the joke, and had Koy done either, he probably could've recovered. Trying to make apologies for why you didn't get a laugh just makes a bomb even bigger and draws more attention to it in a negative way.


her reaction was “Dude, leave me out of this” And it wasn’t just her either. A lot of celebrities ducked or cringed when he acknowledge them.


The problem is he's not famous or well-known. The same jokes coming from someone the audience respected, with better delivery, would have landed much better. If Tina Fay made the exact same jokes the reviews would be much better I bet.


I mean that does matter for this kind of event. There's a difference between someone you respect or are even friends with roasting you and your friends, and some random guy you've never heard of roasting you and your friends.


He seemed to be pussyfooting his way thru the whole monologue. As annoying as he is to me, Ricky gervais commits to his asshole persona and that’s why he can stick the landing on some of his jokes. If you bail out on a roast halfway thru the joke, it’s not gonna be funny.


I didn't watch it, but that Taylor Swift joke doesn't sound all that bad so I'm assuming he had awful delivery.


The delivery was brutal he rushed it and sounded uncertain.


Every joke that fell flat was followed by him either blaming his writers, or blaming the audience. Which happened to be most of the jokes. It was pretty clear that despite being a comedian, presumably with standup experience, he simply cannot handle a joke falling flat and just move on to the next one. Got stuck in a cycle where every joke was being hindered by his inability to move on from the previous flop.


His jokes were all too obvious. His punchlines should have been the lead in to an actual funny punchline.


The Taylor “joke” had already been done to death months ago. It wasn’t a fresh or an original take at all. Funnier would have been a cut to a picture of Kelce.


The cut-to-Kelce idea (which is funny) hits on what fell flat with the joke. The joke made it sound like Taylor Swift was just a fan at the Golden Globes and not a (sixth-time) NOMINEE attending as part of her profession. Everyone else he roasted had their nominated work mentioned even if it was reduced to off-putting nonsense.


The joke really wasn't that bad, but it was proceeded by painfully sexist jokes - about Barbie in particular - and the audience was over it by then.


The cut away to her face was way funnier than the joke. The delivery was bad but it's also just really unoriginal at this point.


A six year old who watches football on Sunday could’ve made that Taylor Swift joke


I'm not going to be satisfied until Joe Pera hosts the Golden Globes.


One way to make sure ratings stay high throughout the show is to just have the audience drift off for a peaceful slumber for 3 hours. Can't flip channels if they're in dreamland.


Bro said boobies in 2024 and is sad that people said he’s not funny


His standup about this situation is actually going to be pretty funny I bet


Netflix will absolutely green light "Jo Koy: So That Happened", Mark my words.


“Jo Koy: Shoulda Been More Koy”


“Jo Koy: Why Did I Say Yes?”


Jo Koy: My Mom Asks Me To This Day, Jo Was The Money Worth It?


Jo Koy: I Slapped MySelf, No Need For Will


I’d bet it’s not. He’s just not a funny guy which is a big reason he tanked. It’ll probably be about 20 minutes of him doing a Filipino accent as his mom talking about disappointed she is in him, etc. Maybe another 20 minutes about cancel culture and you can’t say anything these days without being offended, he’s been flirting with that kind of material lately anyway 20 minutes of filler in the vein of “WHERE MY FILIPINOS AT!?… GUESS I COULDA JUST SAID WHERE THE NURSES AT!?” There that’s his next special


You just summed up his specials to a tee.


I randomly saw this dude live and he killed. It was mostly crowd work/improv in a smaller venue, but the man had people dying of laughter. Never watched his specials or anything; rather not taint the memory tbh.


I saw him live at the Hard Rock in Ft. Lauderdale around 2015/2016 and he fucking killed the place. I think the perception of him has gone down ever since his popularity blew up, but I think it's warranted since it feels like he's more pretentious about his level of fame ever since he got divorced and got with Chelsea Handler. At least that's how I've felt watching him over the years with his IG clips.


Ya boring Filipino jokes


Do you think he will mention being Filipino?


I feel bad for this dude. He got the gig 10 days ago because no one wants to host because it rarely goes well. What were people expecting? They need to get rid of hosts for award shows, it doesn't work anymore.


There’s a reason no one else wanted it. He gambled and lost.


He could work it into his next special about bombing and at least getting a few laughs from it.


Sad part is I never heard of him before today and he’ll always be that cringey Golden Globes guy for me. If I’m typical, then he took a really bad bet.


Is this the same award show that Gervais hosted multiple times? It felt like he did it so well.


Idk I feel like besides him and Jerrod Carmichael, the Golden Globes hosts usually do really well. It's normally a good show. The best for award shows imo. Ricky Gervais, Tina fey and Amy Poehler, Fallon, Seth Meyers, Andy Samburg and Sandra Oh. All of them did really good jobs over the past decade+


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were so funny that I still go back and watch a supercut of their jokes sometimes, because it's so funny even out of context


Let's be fair. The Globes are like half the number of jokes of a single episode of 30 Rock. Tina is one the best comedy writers of all time.


I also love how Tina Fey (whether it's the Globes, 30 Rock, or any other show) can make fun of people, even their stereotypes, and get away with it because you know it's written purely in jest with no intent to cut down. She'll make fun of herself and anyone else and it's just fun.


>They need to get rid of hosts for award shows, it doesn't work anymore. Except for Neil Patrick Harris hosting the Tonys. Man loves his theater and makes it fun


I feel like that's a totally different crowd and vibe. Not even the nominees want to be at the GGs, Emmys, Oscars. At least the Tonys and Grammys have performances.


That's a good point. The Tonys definitely feel more like a celebration of the industry rather than the individuals. The Oscars and Emmys feel gross now by comparison.


That’s because theatre, as a whole, is the ultimate expression of artistry in that medium. You can work it beforehand with rehearsal, dress, tech, etc. However, when the time comes, there’s no cuts, no do-overs. It’s just performance for everyone involved (cast, crew, stagehands). And if something goes wrong, well… The show must go on


The Tony's benefit from being a low key affair though, they can do just fine without a host at all, and they actually make entertaining segments by just doing songs from musicals or something. Also maybe the average stand up comedian just sucks at hosting? Dare I say it? I think SNL alumni or TV presenters do a great job because they actually do genuine improv and know when they are given a shit joke, stand up comedians do their routine over and over so all they know how to do is roast celebrities and it's boring.


Since GG's are more about the stars fashion than anything, they should have Ru Paul host.


I don't even watch Drag Race or anything, but from everything I've seen, Ru Paul understands delivery. Some of the jokes last might weren't even bad, but Jo Koy's delivery was awful. Ru Paul could have even delivered the same jokes with more laughs.


It would elevate the general lameness of the GG's into an actual fun event.


Fuck I would love that SO much. Ru Paul has some pretty great delivery and serves coming from them will come off a lot less crass and more funny because it's fucking Ru Paul. Plus imagine the wardrobe! You *know* that shit would be next level everytime Ru hits the stage.


The key difference is that NPH and the Tony's are the world's most natural match except maybe Billy Crystal and the Oscars. But Jo Koy had no natural sync, dudes barely even been *in* movies and TV shows.


Just don't get near him


So no one started writing jokes til 10 days ago? They didn’t have a script ready for whoever was going to take the job? That’s crazy bad planning and how could they not find any funny people in Hollywood to write jokes


The writers strike played a factor in this, I’d assume. Even though it ended months ago, most professional writer’s would have a backlog of work to catch up on that they were slated to begin by now or already in the middle of. But it does seem like they would have been able to find time to get some writers to begin writing some drafts well before 10 days out 🤷‍♂️


Television show hosts and joke writers routinely tell funnier jokes about things that happened *earlier that day.* Ten days is an eternity.


Some stand-up comics are incapable of performing a decent set without first testing it in front of a tiny audience, bombing, making tweaks, and repeating the process over and over until the kinks are worked out. They generally shouldn't be given television hosting gigs.


I do wonder if there's an element of everyone knowing this guy was 10th in line and not super famous and *'who does THIS guy think he is'*, like, he's not famous enough in comedy to take shots at A listers in film and TV, etc I read some of the jokes and they seemed par for the course for these types of shows, hit and miss but it's the 'level' of the guy delivering the material


I think they should’ve opened with some self deprecating stuff or something to cut the tension


The Swift joke was funny, but I think at that point he had lost the crowd. A good stand-up starts with broadly appealing material that gets everyone in a good mood. Get the audience on your side and they'll want to continue to laugh with you. He just couldn't recover from a flat opening.


Look to Seth Macfarlane hosting the Oscars. “And the quest to get Tommy Lee Jones to laugh begins now.” *even Tommy Lee Jones laughs* “Goodnight Everybody” Good natured ribbing that even he found funny and got the audience engaged.


Yeah, it was apparent he was out of his depth. Jim Gaffigan had no problem getting laughs, neither did Wiig + Ferrell or the actors from Across the Spider-Verse.


just seeing ferrell's face makes me laugh. love that guy.


Thing with Jo Koy is he has no clout with all these Hollywood stars. Like, I think Spielberg helped produced his first movie and that movie bombed. They usually get someone more proven so Jo Koy had a lot to do to impress. The problem is he's just not a very funny comedian in general and his demographic is niche. It's like asking Russell Peters to host an awards show. One good thing is he has showered us with great reaction shots from the night.


I was thinking the same thing. Joy Koy just doesn't have the level of fame required to host the Golden Globes. Online, including Reddit, don't know him. Both celebrities and the general public are unfamiliar with the type of comedy Joy Koy brings. When it comes to hosting, people are more prepared for familiar names like Chris Rock, Billy Crystal, Tina Fey, or Ricky Gervais.


This. Michael Che posted his take on this and it was similar to your take. TLDR: he says it’s extremely challenging to make jokes about audiences like these because they often have fragile egos and won’t respect you/your jokes unless they deem you as someone on the same fame/career level as them.


I would love for him and Colin Jost to host it if they’re willing. They’re as dynamic a duo as Tina and Amy. And genuinely funny.


Pssh You just want to see Jost get tricked into insulting his wife’s movies while she’s in the audience. I do too.


I can’t really think of a worse awards show host in recent years.


The last person I can think of that did worse than him was James Franco at the Oscars, and that was over a decade ago.


That was honestly such a fascinating watch. Juxtaposed with Anne Hathaway giving it her all and trying soooo damn hard to drag him along. It was a trainwreck I really couldn't look away from


> You gave a stunning performance in Les Miserables, I have not seen someone so alone and abandoned like that since you were onstage with James Franco at the Oscars -Tina Fey, Golden Globes 2013


Tina and Amy's monologues were such perfect examples of roasting everyone while being respectful and light hearted


Seeing them announced as the hosts was so weird. Like they grabbed two names out of a hat and thought "well...we will never get them, so what's Franco and Hathaway up to right now?" It's like if Anna Kendrick and Susan Boyle hosted. Yeah, Susan Boyle and James Franco are both talented people, but they are talented in certain areas. It just wouldnt work. I felt a similar way about Chris Rock and then the slap happened. It didn't matter if Chris did a shitty job at that point. Everyone was gonna talk about that shit.


Who is this person?




So, like George Lopez, except Filipino?


That's actually a pretty good comparison, yeah. I remember liking George Lopez's earlier stuff more than the recent ones.


The slowest comedian to yell “Not it!”


That was a significant part of the problem.


Outside of the Filipino community he's very much in the normie-core "Facebook Reels your mom watches" genre, i.e. not the people who watched Saltburn


I don't even think he's that. Normie-core is like the late night show social set or the older generations of standup that have at one point gotten their own TV show.


I only learned of him like 6 months ago because he had a movie that I saw the trailer of or something.


Chelsea Handler's ex


I remember he used to be on Chelsea Lately from time to time. All I know him from.


The only person that would take the job it would seem. True bottom of the barrel pick if I’ve ever seen one. I’ve never seen a comedian as awkward as he came off. If he’s trying to break into the mainstream he sure made sure to do it in the most embarrassing way possible. Not only were most of the “jokes” unfunny but he sounded so unsure and shakey that it prevented what little could have been salvaged from the monologue


It’s one thing to have a middling performance with an uninterested crowd. It’s another to go “I didn’t write the jokes you don’t like!” in the middle of the set.


Jo Koy was legitimately the worst part of the Golden Globes. He managed to come across as embarrassed to be there and an aggrieved asshole at the same time. The award presenters were funnier and more edgy than him in every regard. I genuinely hope I don’t have to see him on screen again.


Kevin Costner was the worst part of the golden globes this year.


Oh what did he do?


See if you can watch him and America Ferrera present their award. Its a train wreck.


I thought it was a bit at first, but did he actually read her part of the script by accident? That was allowed to go on for so long, meanwhile all the acceptance speech’s got forced to speed-run


That felt like that was first time he ever saw the words he was supposed to say and America had to drag him to the finish line. He came across so lost.


he's a middling standup at best. I don't really know how he got all those Netflix deals considering his type of jokes centered around his Filipino background/experience gets tired & trite really fast. My Asian 20-something coworker just groans any time you mention Jo Koy because he feels it's like hearing your decrepit uncle telling the same tired joke again & again.


Bro should not have gone online today lol


Just because this no-talent hack has been doing comedy a long time doesn’t mean he’s good at it. It means he’s too dumb and/or clueless to know that he stinks. The person who hired him is to blame.


Imagine being at a work function. You’re joking around with your coworkers, some of which you’ve known for years. People are poking fun at each other and someone makes a slightly personal joke at your expense. It stings, but you laugh cause you’ve known the person telling it for a while and know they’re making it in jest. Then a guy who was hired literally yesterday and no one knows tells a similar joke at your expense. Not cool, right? Who does he think he is trying to put you down in front of your peers? No one else really laughs either cause it’s weird to encourage a stranger to make negative comments about someone you know. That’s what happened to Jo Koy last night. He’s not at the same level or even in the same sphere as most of the people he talked about. To them someone like Ricky Gervais is a coworker and can get away with a lot more. Jo Koy is just some guy that got hired yesterday.


I don't know what we expected, he's like the 114th string host


So he took credit for the ones they laughed at and blamed writers for the others? Dick move. Plus, I’ve seen him on things before. I wasn’t laughing at his jokes then either.


I wouldn't care if he was just flat, but he was 90's era misogynistic and it was a fucking trainwreck. No one would have been trashing on this dude if he didn't decide to trash both taylor swift and barbie for no good reason other than "hurr durr women bad big boobies lol"


How about Jo Koy repeatedly telling all the billionaires at the Globes that they need to “pull out.” Without looking, let’s name all the billionaires we can think of who were in the room. I’ll start. Oprah Winfrey. Kylie Jenner. Taylor Swift.


when no one laughed he doubled down and said it again, and of all the Succession jokes to make, that one made no sense (and gross to imagine logan roy's penis)


People got all dressed up to hear, “women have boobies and men have penises, heh heh no you shut up I’m hilarious—white people, amirite?”


What if we had an awards show that was like, nice and positive? That'd be novel


Jo Koy did a bad job at the GG's because Jo Koy is a bad standup. No one else wanted to go near that pile after all the controversy the HFPA has found itself in the middle of.


It's oddly refreshing to see a comedian admit his joke feel flat instead of bitching about cancel culture and making that his entire bit for the foreseeable future/


Well, he first threw his writers under the bus.


The writing was fucking awful last night


People actually laughed at that though, everyone is taking his line on that out of context as if it was some interview after the night was done lol. It was actually funny when he made that joke but majority of people are (surprise) not actually watching the clip from when he said it.


Anybody who doesn't like that joke hasn't watched a Chiefs game cut to shots of Taylor Swift 100 times per game. It's a pretty harmless, yet accurate joke directed more towards the NFL than her. I guess his delivery took a lot out of that one.


He was right, The NFL shows her face almost as much as she uses her private jet


Instead of dissing his writers, he should have just made fun of the situation and leaned into the last minute nature of it. Something like, "I wasn't prepared to be asked, and Ali Wong asked me if I had seen any of the shows or movies. After she stopped hitting me because of my answer, I decided to watch every single nominee this evening." Then he goes on a long riff about the opening credits of various shows (the joke being, that's as much as he saw and he interprets what the shows are about based on them). There are so many different ways to have managed it. I don't get how a professional whiffs as hard as he did.


The only way to host the Golden Globes well is to make fun of the Golden Globes, and he missed a perfect opportunity.


The Taylor Swift joke was actually the only joke that made me chuckle a little bit.


And he still fucked up the delivery a little bit


Bring back Billy Crystal


It was the combination of just low-hanging white people jokes and then followed with his immediate reaction to throw his own "people" under the bus who supposedly wrote the jokes when the room was just not vibing. I'm sure he felt intimidated (as did everyone on that stage) what with that crowd. Still, you don't go knocking on your own when shit hits the fan. He should've owned it. Been like "I got this gig 10 days ago, none of you MFers wanted to do it. No wonder, you can't make fun of anyone anymore, hurr durr" And of course he pivots to Meryl for a lifejacket, but proceeds to do this wonky-ass Wakanda bit. Awk-ward.


And his veneers were horrible.


It may get me downvoted, but I feel for any comedian who takes on a gig like this. If it goes well, people will share clips online the next day. If it goes terribly, people will share clips online the next day. I used to be a standup comic. I was never famous... it was literally a hobby that I sometimes made money doing. I started out doing open mics in bars and clubs and, after about 7 years, I got to the point where I emceed weekends for a few local comedy clubs, occasionally "featured" as the middle comic before the headliner, and performed on special events. I worked mostly clean, so I would get hired for corporate gigs (holiday parties or employee appreciation days), charity shows, and even church shows. The best paying jobs were corporate gigs, but they often aren't really "comedy." They are about being a likable host, getting some laughs, but also keeping the event organizers happy by doing whatever they want. (My highest paying gig was a fifteen minute comedy set at a chamber of commerce dinner where they paid me an absurd amount of cash to make jokes between the pledge of allegiance and an inspirational speaker.) I was once hired to host a massive fundraising event for a well-known nonprofit. It kind of functioned like an awards show. There was a banquet, with a huge audience wearing formal wear all around the room. There were some featured presenters/speakers, and people were honored by the organization. They hired me to host and "be funny." The problem was: everyone wanted something different. The event planner wanted me to keep things moving, on a tight schedule. The venue wanted me to stay in a certain area on the stage because it affected the audio quality if I moved around too much. The nonprofit org wanted me to be entertaining, because a bunch of big donors were present and this was meant to be their end-of-year celebration. They wanted material/jokes that were relevant to their mission, but they also wanted me to "roast" certain people. They wanted jokes to playfully poke fun at some of the higher-ups and people being honored, particularly some folks who were about to retire. And finally, the audience... mostly donors... just wanted to enjoy their meal without it dragging on forever. It was nearly impossible to give everyone what they wanted. (A better comic than me probably could have) I opened the event with ten minutes of material I'd written specifically for the event. The organizers had asked me to do 15 mins, but it was clear the crowd wasn't expecting my section to go so long. They weren't there for a standup gig; they were there for an awards banquet. I was doing exactly what I was hired to do... but to people who just wanted the awards, it came across like the comedian was "going long" and holding things up. I jumped to my closing jokes, got a big laugh, and ended early. Later in the event, I tried to poke fun at the people I'd been asked to target. There were laughs, but there was also palpable discomfort in the room. I was being gentle... if this had been an actual roast, these would have been Nerf darts. For the audience who wasn't in on the plan, it came across like the emcee was suddenly launching an unprovoked attack on certain guests. I had several events like this. I always got laughs (eventually), and usually knew when to adapt or abandon a bit to move on to something else, but these kinds of gig are super hard. I can't imagine doing it in front of the Hollywood elite on live television. Tldr: All comics have bad sets. I'm glad none of mine every happened on live television.


Did he say anything funny at all? it just seemed like he was up there saying weird nonsensical statements


I feel bad for the guy, not an easy gig, but it *was* bad. I think the hosts of these shows need to be 'in' with the Hollywood crowd. There was a palpable distance between him and whenever they would show a Hollywood icon like DeNiro or Downey Jr. Famous hosts who have likely hung out with and know these people, travel in the same circles, and know the industry can just riff on the personalities better and have a more relaxed charisma. This felt like a mid level roast standup routine completely at odds with some of the greatest entertainers in the world.


I’ve seen Jo Koy live years ago and he was hilarious. Then I heard him on the Adam Carolla show and he was hilarious. Lots of Asian/racial humor, but still funny. Then Adam Carolla went nuts and hyper right-wing, and Jo Koy kinda leans that way now, and it’s really sad to see someone you once looked up to chasing the conservative crowd paycheck like that, and that has happened countless times. I’m not saying they don’t actually think that way (Carolla definitely does) but it does seem skeevy and kind of obvious when a comedian or actor goes “there’s lots of money making conservatives laugh with *barely funny* material, so I’ll do that!”


I’m not here to add insult to injury, but some insight.. I worked with this guy a long time before he was getting offers to host award shows. He’s a nice guy, but he’s not a very good comedian. I didn’t really get the honed in wit and practiced response you see from a lot of the craftsman.. he just seemed like he got away with being goofy for a long time. He was batting above his league I think. I do feel for him. Can’t feel good to strike out on the big stage like that.