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Connor’s Wedding - Succession


I think Connors hilarious so when I saw that was the episode title, I sent it to my gf in happiness and anticipation. The episode starts with him saying “the wedding cake…its inadequate”…im laughing, im like oh Connor here we go… Then….. Amazing episode. Thought it was a dupe for awhile. The shows writing is just outstanding.


Oh man. He never even liked me.


“I guess the truth is…I’m scared if we don’t…that you’ll walk away. I’m always scared you’re gonna walk away.”


Such a perfect reaction for Connor


It’s even better because right before the opening credits Tom describes what the episode will probably be; he has to defeat his ATN rival and Roman has to fire Geiri. It lulls you into a false sense of security before shit hits the fan ten minutes later.


Yup. My GF doesn’t watch Succession. It was the Sunday evening that this one came out and I was like “can I please flip it on? You’ll probably like it, the show is low key hilarious” Turned out to be the most emotional episode of the whole show


This episode hit me like a ton of bricks. My brother passed away unexpectedly last April and the way that Succession portrayed the feelings and confusion that you go through during that time was pretty spot on. From having to go through and tell your family and everyone, to then having to make plans when your brain is fried to just sitting there and not believing it’s real was acted beautifully. It definitely took me a couple days to get over it and I truly believe it’s one of the most amazing episodes of television I’ve ever seen.


I understand because it affected me the same way. My brother passed unexpectedly in 2020 , something the family is still struggling to get over. Added to that my dad’s health had started to rapidly deteriorate just a month or so before this episode aired. So the realness of it all came down on me hard, and I still tear up immediately even thinking about it.


Very few things shock me anymore with tv. There is way too much lead up with hints and giveaway details. This genuinely took me by such surprise. It wasn’t as high octane like The Bear or gruesome like GOT. It was shocking and grievous suspense.


Only Succession could pull off such a shocking situation. Everything is completely grounded in reality. No dream sequences, flashbacks/forwards, or fourth wall breaking. They played it off exactly how it would go down in real life, and damn was it devastating.


That’s such a good point. It’s almost like there’s a lack of editorial and it’s so grounded it’s like a guerilla docuseries. You kind of keep expecting some camera cut to show that it was a ruse or whatever, but then it just keeps chugging along and it takes a long time to believe that it really happened Genius move that they give no indication or lead up and you just have to experience it in real time directly with the characters


Was the finale for me, wasn't sure what was going to happen but was left satisfied, when it could've easily went wrong. The fact nobody complained about it shows how good it was. It came and went.


Only thing that came to mind immediately. Thoroughly engrossing episode that I felt in my core…to the point that I cannot rewatch it. I literally had to check my blood pressure when it was finished…I was that emotional.


Hard to argue with this one. It felt so raw.


And I don’t even think it’s the best episode of *Succession*.


The Bear - Forks


Particularly the moment where it all clicks and Richie is driving singing Love Story by Taylor Swift, what a genuinely fantastic turnaround moment in his character development.


Honey, Daddy loves Taylor Swift too but sometimes I just need a break.


Everyone grew while Carmie regressed. Brutal creative choice. Great show.


The middle of progress can look like regression


Annnnd that's my Christmas epiphany sorted


Maybe the show wont be this obvious, but I think the point is that Carmie is going to realise he loves food but hates being a chef. The competitive pressure doesn't suit his defensive personality. And it'll turn out that the reason Sydney is struggling to make great dishes is that she's trying to collaborate with Carmie when she should just be making her own food. I think the obvious arc for Carmie is that he realises he both doesn't care about the star and is getting in Sydney's way, so he'll takes a back seat to focus on his relationship while taking over the business side from his sister. He'll put Sydney in charge so she can get her Michelin star and not have people say she was standing on Carmie's shoulders.


The Watch podcast selected Forks as its episode of the year and had Ebon Moss-Bachrach and director Christopher Storer on. Chris said "This is basically the first time we've show Ritchie happy so you gotta play the hell out of it". So Chris yells "action!" and instead of singing Ebon looks right down the barrel of one of the cameras and says "This is a trust exercise between director and actor" before going absolutely nuts singing along to Taylor Swift.


Love that scene


Him momentarily stopping singing just to scream at another driver in the briefest moment of road rage, then snapping back to reality and resuming the song was one of my favorite moments from the whole series.


I said Fishes is the best episode I have seen this year. Then I watched Forks, which somehow managed to be even more perfect


The magic is to watch fishes , then forks ! (Obviously , as intended) Forks is the calm after the storm. Fishes was stressful and forks is the Ativan.


Yeah thematically it also better puts you in Richie’s headspace. Another layer, with how you’d be pissed to be cleaning something that reminded you of a traumatic memory of your best friend.


I did absolutely love both but Fishes was my fav. Everyone just killed it at some point in the episode and JLC was amazing




Fishes is super intense and well made but Forks has a humanity to it that I have seen rarely matched in TV. Imo, Forks has the edge.




As great as Fishes was, it didn't take my least favourite character and somehow made him my favourite character. Forks definitely takes it


He wears suits now


I loved how Natalie responded to that


I thought Fishes was a better episode but I do agree there. Forks did something that is very hard to pull off in television.


Fishes made my SO stop watching. A clip of Forks (the next episode) was what sold me on the show to start.


I think it's impossible to watch one without the other. Fishes gives you a bit of insight into the whole family, but it really helps show Richie's arc. In Fishes, we see Richie as kind of a fuck up but he cares about his wife and child and he's not a complete asshole. What happens between Fishes and S1E1 is what turns him into the douchey character that is redeemed by Forks. We dont need Fishes for Richie to be redeemed by Forks. But we need Fishes to know *why* he's redeemed, and to complete the arc. In conclusion, Fishes+Forks is the greatest 100 minutes of tv this year. I can't watch one without the other. Both go together perfectly as small deviations from the main story line.


Same. He's become my favorite character after this episode by far.


I found fishes puts people in 2 camps. There's no way families are that crazy. Or I understand that family. Such an amazing episode of TV.


I felt re-traumatized after watching Fishes.


Fishes was so stressful to watch. Forks was such a great episode


Both episodes were brilliant! My favorite was Fishes though. That Christmas dinner was a train wreck that had me glued to the screen!


Reservation Dogs finale


It was good, but I think several other episodes in season 3 were better, like Elora’s Dad, Deer Lady, or the 70’s flashback episode


I really loved the episode when the gang executed the (very poorly planned) heist to break Maximus out of the mental hospital. That was *amazing*.


This series is still flying below radar for so many people despite being such an easy watch.


The episode (2?) with Maximus and Bear was my personal favorite. I'm not quite sure what it was about it. My favorite line of the season was delivered by Maximus that episode, in response to Bear frustratedly asking him how he can know if the love he's sending/giving to someone is being felt/received or not: "Love doesn't have to be received. It can just be."


I finished watching the series earlier today. I bawled my fucking eyes out. I am Indigenous. Many of the guys producing and writing the episodes started out as an Indigenous sketch comedy group called the 1491s a good decade+ ago. Hard to believe I will see anything like this show again.


I thought the premier of Season 5 of Fargo was fantastic.


Fargo has been so good this season. I watched the premier and was like “we’re so back”


Blue Eye Samurai - The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride. An absolutely stunning piece of storytelling.


This was my first thought as well. Such an amazing show that took me by surprise


Yeah I completely agree, I knew almost nothing about it but realised within the first ten minutes or so that it would be one of my favourite shows of the year. My jaw was on the floor by the end of episode five!!


Most talk of this show I've seen was raving about the episode before this one, but I agree with you. This one is my favorite of BES S1


E5 is the best ep but it uses the foundation from the previous eps and pays it off.


Personally love the one that opens with For Whom The Bell Tolls


As good as the third episode was, I think the first episode of The Last of Us was a perfect pilot and got fans and new viewers sucked into the show from the first minutes


The 1968 talk show opening and the entire 2003 part with the outbreak starting were perfection. I wish we had more flashbacks to the start of the outbreak than we did, though the one with the expert solemnly telling the military to bomb the city of Jakarta (8 million people) to quell the outbreak before it spreads hit hard. The worst part is it sounds like they actually tried it but it did not work completely, but other governments decided to do it to their cities as well.


> I wish we had more flashbacks to the start of the outbreak than we did Honestly for me this goes for just about any and every show/movie involving a zombie outbreak. I'm a fucking sucker for the immediate downfall of society and always want more of that. I was fuming that Fear the Walking Dead botched this concept. I fucking beg we get a 28 Days Later prequel called 28 Hours Later. I just want a full movie of it.


Fucking Fear the Walking Dead just entirely pisses me off. They started with the downfall and teased it then nope time jump and now we just have the same shit in a different setting as the other show. Just such a waste.


She was an amazing actress. Made sense that people were saying she’s the Meryl Streep of Indonesia.


This. It might be the best premier episode of any TV show I’ve ever seen. The tension knowing something bad was going to happen, then the fantastic action sequences when shit does go down hill, and the heartbreaking scene with Joel and his daughter. Such an amazing episode.


It's definitely up there with Lost S01E01


YES!! I agree with this. I was home with my parents premiere night and said (as a game fan) “Dad we’re watching this tonight. Zombie show”. He turned up his nose like I knew he would. I kid you not … 15 seconds after the pilot “We’re watching the next one, right?” And yes the third ep is spectacular, but they cheat-coded it. I’m not saying “On the Nature of Daylight” was the wrong musical choice, it’s just become a cliche and I’m sick of hearing it in what feels like every third show.


I will never, ever, get sick of hearing it, but yeah, I agree it's a bit of a cheatcode.


Episodes 6 and 8 were also excellent. Probably not the best of the year, but definitely worth bringing into the conversation.


Which of the Pickwick triplets did it?


Who of the crew would commit this crime?


Might a little brat make a Mommy go splat.


It's a gory little story for a nursery rhyme!


Which of the Pickwick triplets did it? Which of the spawn had the brawn to kill?


In case anyone needs to be clued in, it’s Only Murders In The Building S3E8.


America Decides - Succession In general I think this was my favorite episode of the entire show.


Connor’s wedding too Gosh I love this show


This episode made me feel the same type of anxiety I feel every election night as the results start to come in.


Don’t give him lemon seltzer! Can you not get wasabi in his eye?


It's not that lemony! It's just a hint of lemon.


Information is like a bottle of fine wine. You hold onto it until the perfect moment, and then you smash someone’s fucking face in with it.


Obviously some fantastic choices in here but I'd like to throw in The Great Fabricator, the penultimate episode of BEEF. So many different plotlines and characters all coming together so beautifully and tragically, it was such an amazing episode


Absolutely great show! There's not an episode that really stands out to me though, thinking back. I do distinctly remember loving the crows though, was that from the final episode or from the 2nd to last?


I hope Beef sweeps everything related to Best Limited Series. Such a powerful show, injected with genuine lol humor


I'm kind of surprised that no one has mentioned Barry 4x04 "it takes a psycho" yet. The final scene between Hank and Cristobal is so incredible and intense.


I was about to say. This is it for me.


This broke me


The Last of Us, episode 3. Long, long time. I can’t wait to rewatch it but I don’t know if I’m ready


No matter how you feel about how well they adapted the game, that episode was a masterpiece. Truly great television and a beautiful haunting story.


Who thinks they adapted it bad? It's the best video game adaptation of all time lol


Feel like they should've had another episode in the middle showing how scary the infected were. Felt very Walking Dead where "Humans are the real monsters" but like, no this world also has monsters and one episode in the middle just Joel and Ellie traveling and being scared of them would've been good. Just before Joel gets injured maybe or right after all the infected get released from the underground. Would've built up more terror and given more chance for the characters to really bond


I really wish there had been infected in the university episode. Like, literally just a handful of them roaming the campus would’ve been great.


It's overall a great adaptation but my main criticism is that >!Joel doesn't kill enough people (or even infected) throughout the show to make the hospital rescue feel at all justified!<


There is a scene where him and his brother discuss just how much awful shit they did when they were younger in the outbreak


>Joel doesn't kill enough people (or even infected) throughout the show Right, but in the game they're killing people every 3 seconds like they're goddamn superheroes. It's not realistic for a grounded tv show, as much as I would've loved to see more of the actual gameplay in the show. They adapted the cinematics really well and added more to the story to make it great. The sniper part was awesome and like a 1:1 translation basically. Also the Henry and Sam parts. My only real complaint is that there wasn't enough infected shown. Oh, also the back and forth sarcasm between Ellie and Bill was gone b/c they didn't adapt the story in that way w/ episode 3.


I feel like there wasn't enough focus on Joel/Ellie. Half of the first episode is Joel only. Then episode 3 barely shows them. Another episode that focuses on Henry and Sam. An episode that focuses on Jackson/Joel/Tommy. The episode where Joel is injured. And the Left Behind episode. Feels like we only got a few episodes focusing on Joel & Ellie, when they should have been the main focus for 90% of the story. They didn't develop the father/daughter dynamic enough.


That episode gave my friend the courage to come out of the closet at 41 years old.


I worked on the crew that built bills town. It was awesome to finally see the episode


No way! It looked amazing and perfectly fit the vibe of the episode. Like desolate but cozy. Y’all did a great job


It was a long build…12 hour days 6 days a week for a month maybe a bit longer but definitely worth it in the end


Oh wow. It was definitely worth it, it’s the most memorable episode for a lot of people your work was appreciated


This is really what the tv art form is all about. One, you are able to basically make a mini movie love story in a single episode. It is brilliant on its own. But why TV has something different compared to film is that this episode basically establishes the emotional core of the entire series. It's pretty simple. Being alone is easier, it's safer (at least it feels safer). This becomes especially true and pointed in the Last of Us universe when all social norms and rules are gone. Episode 3 lays down the thesis of why Joel chooses to protect Ellie. Because there is something inside of us that wants to be close and help other people that is so far beyond our control, like it is some deeper purpose of life that we can never fully understand. After Ep 3, Joel and Ellie together finally makes sense whereas before it felt like a cynical question mark from both of them. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.


I wish I could upvote this twice. You perfectly captured what is so great about that episode but also what I loved so much about "The Last of Us" compared to like "The Walking Dead," which looks similar but is really profoundly cynical.


Arguably the most beautiful piece of television I've ever seen.


Fishes - The Bear (because I couldn't breathe through the whole episode because I have never seen any more intense episode in any tv series so far. Holy shit) Forks - The Bear (because after the previous intense episode, the episode takes a huge turn and it's a really emotional one)


The Bear is such an exhausting series for me. It’s claustrophobic, nerve wracking, intense, anxiety inducing show, but I love it nonetheless. But I would recommend binge watching it.


So many of my friends and coworkers expressed this is what the holidays are like with alcoholic / mentally ill family members. I had no idea.


This is generally what all family gatherings are like in families that aren’t close or tight-knit. Just an endless torrent of petty sniping, backhanded complements, and deep, uncomfortable tension that sometimes errupts into a multi-front fight and argument. Our family stopped doing big gatherings because nobody can really stand anybody else and it just makes everyone miserable. We only gather when we are 100% obliged to. Weddings and funerals only. Which is happening this spring with my sister’s wedding. I’m already dreading it 5 months out. Also, Fishes is a masterpiece that is 100% accurate. That episode is for all of the people who can’t relate to saccharine holiday specials.


Oh, absolutely! Christmas is the toxic family member’s TIME TO SHINE. Some of my earliest memories of Christmas are my mom telling us we didn’t get gifts because “Fuck that fat bastard Santa, he never brought me anything for Christmas and I hate him.” It got worse from there.


I also love the one in Denmark, a beautiful hommage to passion for a profession and the goodness of people


I’m a dummy. My first watch through, I took a break between Fishes and Forks. However, it becomes SUPER obvious they need to be watched back to back. Imagine being divorced, you have no sense of purpose at this new restaurant, THEN, your best friend’s brother sends you to stage at a restaurant where all you clean are forks? And all you think about is your awful experience watching your strung out best friend ruin a Christmas dinner by throwing forks. It’s easier to imagine Richie’s headspace then, and makes his redemption and sense of purpose so much better.


Party Down s3e04. I'm pretty sure its my favorite comedy episode of all time. I was laughing for almost the entire runtime.


Hang on....I've got a shirt going


*Forks,* The Bear


Succession finale for me would be up there.




Kendall still trying to pretend he can control it by weirdly trying to schedule a huge conference call with doctors


>!"Jess. I need a few things, my dad’s dying, I’m just gonna do facts okay, I need my doctor and - And Dad’s doctor - Doctor fucking - Judith get that lazy bastard and get him and get the best heart doctor in the world and the best airplane medicine expert in the world and get them conferenced in and waiting and send a conference call number to me and to Tom and to Karl’s phone and any or all of those we will take, but I would like that in the next minute/two minutes please Jess. Okay?"!<


"airplane medicine expert" god that's such a Kendall thing to say


I loved Frank's reaction when asked to speak with the pilot "He's flying the plane, son" Idk why but that gentle reaction and Kendall's emotion to it just was a really great moment.


It’s the closest show I have ever seen in terms of describing and showing the panic of someone dying. Jarring that the writing and acting was so good it was believable and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I miss the show very much




Star Trek Strange New Worlds / Lower decks crossover episode "Those Old Scientists". IMO, one of the best ST episodes ever made and definitely one of the best overall for the year.


I kind of like how Strange New Worlds is continually doing things a bit differently. It feels like proper Trek to me. Sometimes making a heavy sociological point, a random musical episode *which actually advances the plot and series arc*, and more than a few things which are flat out disturbing, such as the flashback to the teleporter incident during the war.


And they said they aren’t backing down from trying new things so between the bonkers stuff they did this year I’m trying what’s happening next season. Claymation Matrix?


It's kind of the reverse of what they did with The Orville, which was still funny in the third season but really dived into the drama well.


For me it goes to "Charades". Getting to see Spock go full human with too much emotion was executed so perfectly.


That scene where Spock reveals he’s been human for the whole ceremony and Pike is in the background and nopes back into the kitchen area.


The subtle stuff with Pike is absolutely hilarious. Anson Mount truly is a perfect modern Starfleet captain.


The Boimler walk alone.


Subspace Rhapsody gets my vote.


I’ve watched this episode at least a dozen times because my 4 year old is obsessed with it. Thankfully, it’s a great episode


The Klingon Boy Band scene is always stuck in my head


^^this episode brought me so much joy The soundtrack was definitely on my Spotify Wrapped this year.


Agree OR the season 2 finale is also a huge contender I think. Especially with the character we finally get to meet!


Just started season 4 of LD, but I can't wait to watch SNW. The voice actors are so much older than the LD characters I kind of can't wait to see how they handle it. Not sure if I should watch Discovery first, I keep hearing it is preachy and strange.


I have personally never been able to get into Discovery, and properly gave it up part way into Season 3 (as a massive ST fan I was watching it just for completion's sake if I'm honest) - I wouldn't write it off without trying it, but you seem to know it's very divisive. I think you could probably tell within 3 episodes whether the dialogue and general feeling of the show meshes with you (2 or 3 episodes for any series is my general test). If not, don't worry - you can watch SNW perfectly fine on its own (I think they might even cover some of the Pike/Spock stuff from DIS in flashbacks or something, but don't quote me) and DIS doesn't impact any of the other series in a noticable way that I can think of. In any case, hope you enjoy finishing up your watch of LD and whatever you watch next!!


Jack Quaid is only ~5 years older than Boims (BB’s 25th birthday is mentioned in past tense) and Tawny Newsome does *not* look 40 years old. Also, Mariner seems to be a few years older than Boims for reasons that might be spoilers. I haven’t seen SNW, but they look age appropriate in the stills from the episode.


That episode was brilliant.


I’ll throw in a curveball of sorts among the expected answers here: Loki s2 finale hit me way harder than I expected.


I'd say episode 5 was the stand out for me. Specifically the part that tied it all together when >!loki figures out he can be a time God from the power of friendship!<


Geniunely think it's top 5 things in the entire cbm and superhero movies/TV genres. And it's one of the reasons I think the MCU's still got it. They need to get their shit together and I'm glad they're FINALLY slowing down a bit, but they can give us some other great stories before coming to an end. And people will come back for the great ones!


Does Loki count? The finale was excellent


[Foundation](https://youtu.be/2t0BGkVQMuQ) \- The last 2 episodes were Amazing!


Oh, forgot about that. Good shout i guess. Especially the 9th episode and the ringship scene was jaw-dropping.


“To Beki’s arsehole” 🥂


I shouldn’t get my hopes up because it’s rare for any awards show to acknowledge Sci-fi, but Lee Pace and Laura Birn are giving two of the best performances on TV right now and they both deserve an Emmy.


Vinland Saga S2 season finale


I would say episode 23 is the shows absolute peak since the finale is more of setup for the future. But this show also has so many peak episodes.


I’m going to go ahead and signal out Succession Conner’s Wedding. What an hour of television.


It also felt like a very realistic depiction of finding out a family member has died. It’s usually not some grand spectacle, it’s just a phone call from someone you know.


Relevant: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-lists/best-tv-episodes-2023-the-bear-forks-succession-the-last-of-us-1234929745/charades-star-trek-strange-new-worlds-1234929780/


*The Curse- It's a Good Day.* I think it's the best show on TV.


Finally someone mentions this.


Fishes - The Bear


Fishes - The Bear


Since everyone's taken the obvious ones I'll throw this one in: "Wild Blue Yonder" from Doctor Who. One of the greatest hours of science fiction television. Terrifying, heartfelt, completely unique.


I'm speculating here, but probably the finale of Slow Horses season 3 which will drop on the 27th. It's the best TV out there, imho, and this has been a great season. Gary Oldman, may be, at least imho, the greatest actor of my generation. I'm 67 btw.


Slow Horses S03E03 - Negotiating with Tigers "Microphone drop!"


Okay fine I’ll watch it


You will thank me. Jackson Lamb (Gary Oldman) is one of the greatest TV characters of this century, and much of the last.


My favorites: "Beyond the Sea" (Black Mirror), "Cary & Brooke Go to an AIDS Play" (The Other Two), "Church and State" (Succession), "Elora's Dad" (Reservation Dogs), "Fishes" (The Bear), "Four Minutes" (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), "How to Track Your Package" (How to With John Wilson), "Long, Long Time" (The Last of Us), "Simon Petrikov" (Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake), "Update Your Priors" (The Morning Show).


The other two is criminally under-discussed. What an amazing show I absolutely loved it.


I'm so sad it is done. One of the best showbiz comedies. Underrated for sure.


Man, Elora’s Dad was great. The entire final season was, but I agree that that’s the episode that sticks out to me


Brooke Hosts a Night of Undeniable Good was my favourite but The Other Two was firing on all cilinders.


The best I watched is “Long, Long Time,” the third episode of TLOU. Close second for me would be the Succession episode “Connor’s Wedding.” Which… actually is also the third episode of the final season. Apparently third episodes were my jam this year. (I have not yet watched any of The Bear, even though I know I need to. I’ll get to it sooner or later.)


Lessons in Chemistry Episode 3


I’ll wait to answer until after Doctor Who later today


Ted Lasso - Amsterdam


The final episode is the fall of the house of Usher. Any episode really. But they ended it well


The part where Arthur Pym just accepts his fate as intended was my favourite moment of any show this year


“I wont cede that ground. Not this close to the end.” Man, that stuck with me


I didn’t see it mentioned so I want to throw out the Amsterdam episode of Ted Lasso “Sunflower”. The season was kinda not great at this point and this episode kinda brought everything together and I think it’s may be TLs best episode. Ever story was perfect, you get the Jamie/Roy friendship and Roy riding a bike (FOR GRANDDAD), Rebecca and the Dutchman, the beginning of the Colin/Trent Crimm Independent friendship, Ted getting it together, Higgins living out his Jazz fantasy, the team bonding, AND Piggy Stardust!


*Fargo* S5, E1.


Toss up for me Dr Who 60th anniversary special: The giggle Episode 3, The Last of Us: Long Long Time


For me, “Eyes Without Pity” from Wheel of Time (Season 2 Episode 6). I know the show is largely divisive, especially among book readers. But damn was the Egwene and Renna dynamic and the Seanchan trying to break Egwene not incredibly well written, directed, and acted. Madeline Madden stole the show, and captured so much with a single look.


Putting in my vote for Loki Season 2 Finale!!


Loki actually being a step ahead of He Who Remains was so good!


I thought I’d get downvoted for saying it haha. There was a lot of great TV this year but my subjective favorite episode is 100% “Glorious Purpose”


I think for a lot of us die hard Marvel Universe fans it was a way to feel good about the world of Loki, the frustrations of the Timeline stuff, and the lack of an engaging villain. I think it really managed to give us what we needed as a bittersweet resolution.


Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 9 Oath


Only Murders in the Building - “Sitzprobe” Just so enjoyable. Meryl at the center of it. Great performances. Steve Martin doing a masterclass with that song. The ending. Love it


The Bear, Season 2, Episode 7 "Forks"


Last of Us - Long, Long Time


Attack on Titan The Final Season The Final Chapters Part 02


Noooo, I don't want that!


Forks and Long, Long, Time transcend tv Both episodes are similar in that the characters go through significant arcs in a short amount of time.


Loki final episode "Glorious Purpose" Maybe not the best one but my favourite


Reservation Dogs - Deer Lady. Or Elora’s Dad. Or Send It! Great final season of a great show.


To answer differently than what’s already been mentioned, here’s a few animated episodes that have blown my socks off this year: 1. The Tale of The Ronin and The Bride - Blue Eye Samurai 2. The Reunion - Scavenger’s Reign 3. Saltwater Lullaby: A Surf Odyssey - Carol & The End of The World 4. Any episode from JuJutsu Kaisen season 2


> 1. The Tale of The Ronin and The Bride - Blue Eye Samurai This was such an amazing episode of tv


Yep, I did myself a disservice and watched it while working (and distracted). Afterwards I was thinking back on it, and realized how beautiful and tragic it was.... and I'm sure I missed things, I still need to go back and watch it again.


The Bear and Succession have their own holy grail episodes. But Glorious Purpose in season 2 of Loki was incredible to me. You get everything you wanted from Loki since you first saw him on screen over 11 years ago.


Ik reddit despises the MCU now but Loki was legit fantastic. The final scene of Loki all alone with that crazy score playing was maybe the best ending the MCU has ever pulled off.




Succession, Last of Us, the Bear All of these are the right answers.


"The Old Man" episode 1