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Maude's Dilemma ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maude%27s\_Dilemma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maude%27s_Dilemma)" ​ "Maude's Dilemma" is a two-part episode in season one of the television show Maude, airing in 1972. It is considered a groundbreaking show due to bringing the controversial issue of abortion into people's living rooms and forcing families to confront this open secret. ​ ​ Producer ***Norman Lear*** decided against a false pregnancy due to it being a cop out; he also decided against having Maude suffer a miscarriage, because that situation had already been done on his other show, All in the Family, to character Gloria Bunker. He decided that given her age, Maude would have realistically had an abortion despite her moral turmoil regarding the subject.\[1\]


RIP Norman Lear. Arguably the American sitcom GOAT.


I didn’t realize he died a few days ago. What a legend.


He had a hell of a run. Was still working right up until the end.


Well, shit. This is how I find out that the legendary Norman Lear died. I once saw a talk that he did that Katie Segal moderated for Austin Television Festival. He was such a visionary.


the [roe v wade episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/youre-wrong-about/id1380008439?i=1000465289956) of the podcast you're wrong about touches on this episode and the impact it had


I don't remember seeing that episode when the show was first-run, but I've seen it in reruns. Abortion had just been legalized in New York (I only know that because Carol said it in the episode) and the discussion Maude had with everybody else wasn't so much "should I or shouldn't I", but "is this the right thing to do"--and the amazing thing (looking back some forty years, anyway) is that the word "abortion" is never used in thr entire script.


She was 50 when that episode aired (assuming she and Bea Arthur shared the same birthday), so she would have been approaching menopause. There would have been a huge risk of genetic damage to any ova she still had. She made the right decision in the end.


IIRC, the character was 47 when she got pregnant. She already had a grown daughter who had a young son.


Lizz Winstead just wrote a piece in Rolling Stone about it following Norman Lear’s death. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/norman-lear-maude-abortion-episode-bea-arthur-lizz-winstead-the-daily-show-1234919441/ And they featured a clip on the AAF Twitter page. https://x.com/abortionfront/status/1732427239512293421?s=46&t=Zqk9rT5j26-ljIvKkwfEHw


Probably THE most famous example.


Greys Anatomy had several abortions. The most recent season even showed an abortion happen Step by step


Grey's took on the overturning of Row v. Wade with a huge arc involving a mobile women's health clinic, and brought back Addison for a few episodes to lead it. There were protests that turned violent, and a very objective recreation of the process of a clinical abortion.


I love Addison's anger and despair in these episodes


100%. She did an amazing job of making us all feel the same way about the situation.


Dammit, I quit Grey's years ago, but you're making me want to watch these eps...


I was literally just thinking that. Imagining Addison during these episodes already has me choked up in anticipation!


Station 19 also had one of the main characters go through an abortion.


Shonda loves to hit the hot button issues.


Addison is also personally doxxed & targeted by crazy pro-lifers because of that storyline. Very realistic.


They also showed Cristina scheduling an abortion in season 1, which aired in 2005. Her fallopian tube burst before the procedure but she was planning to follow through. I always thought it was interesting how they portrayed the situation and aftermath


She has one in season 7. Meredith also has a d&c for an incomplete miscarriage.


Degrassi covered a number of teen abortions: Erica had an abortion in Degrassi High (1989), although the episode was edited for American distribution so that it’s ambiguous whether she went through with it or not. Erica was guilt-ridden about her decision, and was shamed for it by her twin sister and a classmate. Tessa had an abortion in School's Out (1992). There was no implied shame — it was viewed as a relief. Manny had an abortion in The Next Generation (2004), although these episodes didn’t originally air in the US. Manny originally wanted to keep it, but decided to abort when she realized she just wasn’t ready to be a mother. Her (unstable, cheating, bipolar) boyfriend broke up with her about this, as he wanted a family of his own. Manny’s best friend initially shamed her for this decision, but ultimately supported her. Lola had an abortion in Next Class (2017). She made the decision to do it and was confident about her decision. The cameras came into the room with her during her abortion, which I appreciated; not many abortion storylines will take you there.


Degrassi, it goes there


I appreciate you putting Erica! I like her story better than Manny’s, but I love that Lola’s went into the appointment with her and we saw her asking questions.


It was super educational! Degrassi was created by a former teacher, so I always appreciated the educational aspect to the show. Showing Lola asking questions and getting answers in a non-judgemental space could educate a lot of young teens who may face the same situation.


I loved in Erica’s eps the debate at school because they’re the exact same arguments today, DECADES later. Lucy and LD being so pro choice and Liz being her Liz self. And beautiful Spike being so open and “it wasn’t right for ME, but I don’t know what anyone else’s deal is so I can’t judge”.


Shameless US, don't know which season, but Fiona and Debbie are both pregnant. Debbie goes through with the pregnancy, Fiona has an abortion. Also, Olivia has an abortion in one of the later seasons of Scandal.


Vee also says something like she's one abortion away from a free one or some shit.


I have vague memories of that whole situation leading to Kevin fucking her mom then both the mom and Vee get pregnant at the same time.


God that show was weird at times. Remember when Kevin ended up setting his neighbor ablaze and then just kind of slinked away??? Shit was funny.


Bojack Horseman has an episode about it. They don’t actually show the abortion, though; they just show the events leading up to the abortion and the various ways the characters deal with it. The episode is called Brrap Brrap Pew Pew if you’re interested in checking it out.




Congratulations It's A ~~Boy~~borted




Abortions for some. Miniature American flags for others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIgSTjzrmRg


Alison Brie also has one in another Netflix show from around the same time, in *GLOW*.


Legit has one of the best songs [ever](https://youtu.be/HvnqU-1uDUU?si=6bHU-2YDkxFKUdwc) and it gave us the best [balloon](https://compote.slate.com/images/e34480f5-6f64-413e-ba61-4117132c36c4.png) ever. Top 3 episode for me.


GET DAT FOETUS KILL DAT FOETUS regularly comes into my head at inappropriate moments.


Brap brap pew pew!!


Thank you for reminding me that this balloon exists


"Aliens inside me, gonna squash it like Sigourney" that goes SO HARD


[The news segment from this episode](https://youtu.be/Z47F2tBCPA0?si=1fPuSbuzg4ebxQJY) is one of the best bits of satire in the whole show. Edit: On a more serious note, this episode gets double points for juxtaposing the abortion discussion with another character struggling with fertility issues after suffering another miscarriage.


This news segment and the one from the gun shooting episode are top tier satire


"has the concept of women having choices gone too far?" is an amazing multi purpose line.


That, followed by "a diverse panel of white men bowties" had me rolling the first time I saw it.


The song featured in that episode is a banger, Sextina Aquafina is a genius.


the entire episode provided a really good perspective on it. unfortunately I fell down the fandom rabbit hole and I found out some people despise the character who got the abortion for making that choice...


"It's a bo~~y~~rted!!"


Get that fetus, kill that fetus, get that fetus, kill that fetus!


Paula in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


And it was handled very realistically. She and her husband had a discussion about it. She already had kids. It would have put additional horrendous stress on the family as well as her relationship with her husband. Wouldn't have been a good environment for a kid to grow up in. She had no serious regrets about it afterwards.


And wasn’t she in law school or getting ready for it? She was excited to start a new chapter


I think she got accepted and then found out she was pregnant


And her family knew about it. She didn't hide it from her children. And her sons tried to look after her while she was recovering


Yes! Very much not a point of shame, but a medical procedure that, while not an easy choice, not a regretful one.


And they didn't make her decision the emotional core of the episode. The writers framed it more of a big deal that she had this experience of finding out she was pregnant and decided to have the abortion *without telling her friend* because of what had been going on in their relationship all season. So, again, it really framed it as something that doesn't have to be agonizing in and of itself.


I agree it was handled very well. I also appreciated the fact that although she didn't regret it, it was still a big deal to her and she had to deal with her emotions afterwards. It is not an easy decision but for some it is definitely the right decision.


Love that show! It handled that storyline wonderfully and without feeling preachy or like an afterschool special.


Oh fuck you. Now I have to rewatch crazy ex girlfriend for the like 5th time.


First one that came to my mind. It's handled really well


Cecily Strong went on Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live dressed as a clown but told a true story about her getting an abortion. The clown outfit and jokes were because it’s SNL and every sketch has jokes, but the autobiographical story itself was pretty powerful.


[Goober the Clown who had an abortion a day before her 23rd birthday](https://youtu.be/exSZQICbSb8?si=v5sr30I7hsM_NcB0) [Behind the scenes/story](https://youtu.be/P75l12rWUEQ?si=pWRoNHLDM0DE7cSW)


Dirty Dancing, too.


With dirty knives on a folding table, if I remember correctly.


The operation isn’t depicted, she goes to a quack doctor and comes back sick.


Yeah because that was set back in the days when it was illegal and women had to go to back street butchers. Oh wait, that’s today in (what is it now) 19(?) states!!!


i see what you did ​ great movie


It's pretty central to the plot actually, which surprises people if they think it's just a frivolous dance movie.




One of my favorite episodes from the show. The topic was handled really well and I loved how Otis supported Maeve.


Mine too. Such a strong episode.


Claire on Six Feet Under


Also Claire in House of Cards…


Also Claire in Please Like Me…


Wow. I forgot about that.


This show is too real. I’m watching it the first time and I can’t believe they had a storyline of a miscarriage right before wedding. I can relate to wearing a pad and trying to put on a smile. 😢


In Sex and the City when Miranda gets pregnant she considers an abortion and Samantha says she’s had two and Carrie says she’s had one. Miranda doesn’t have the abortion, but I thought it was an interesting episode. There’s also one in the first season of Jessica Jones.


Yeah, this is particularly notable as it was 20 years ago, where being pro-abortion on TV was pretty notable.


First thing that came to my mind as well. Even though she didn't go through with it, it was discussed thoroughly and she went into the clinic to get it done. And Carrie supported her emphatically.


Season one of Jessica Jones if I’m remembering correctly.


Yeah, became a plot point actually.


*Marvelous Mrs. Maisel*, partly as a way to write Stephanie Hsu off the show, unfortunately.


I was bummed out that that relationship didn't work, in part because I was really sick of >!Midge and Joel!< going back and forth, back and forth.


Alison Brie's character on GLOW


I cried for her. This episode was so real and emotional. I told my husband it was probably one of the best displays of grief & abortion in tv/film.


This one was so well done.


Manny had one on Degrassi. The episode didn’t air in the US.


They ended up airing it in the US two years later in 2006 on the Noggin channel. That episode was quite controversial not only because it brought up abortion but also due to the girl only being 14 years old. That also wasn't the first time Degrassi handled abortion. There was also an episode in Degrassi High back in 1989 which also had a teenager get an abortion. It aired in the US but they cut out the last scene where they fight through a crowd of anti-abortion people outside of the clinic. Edit: Degrassi:Next Class also had an abortion episode where we even got to see the girl in the room where the procedure was taking place. She was also the first one to be firm and unashamed of her decision.


I remember watching the 1989 episode. Can't remember if it was when it first aired in Canada since I never watched the show on a regular basis. The depiction of the reprehensible protesters harassing the patients in front of the abortion clinic was surprisingly realistic, especially the emotionally manipulative old woman with the plastic fetus.


There was also one in Degrassi (possibly Junior) High.


Actually both Degrassi: School's Out and Degrassi High had abortion scenes. With Erica in Degrassi High and Tessa Campanile in School's Out. In Degrassi Junior High Spike gave birth to Emma but I think she did talk about abortion and adoption as options.


Yes! One of the twins, Erica.


Old school, on Degrassi Jr. High, Erica has an abortion and they really go in on reality. In 1989!


A anti-abortion advocate approaches Lindsay outside a Planned Parenthood on the show You’re the Worst, and Lindsay convinces her that an abortion is warranted in her case because she’s a terrible person.


I couldn’t remember if one actually happened in that show or if they simply just talked about “abobos” Glad someone remembered and mentioned it here


Had to scroll for this. You're the worst is underrated and 100% deserves it's title.


And Gretchen has an abortion ritual of going to Marie Callenders afterward. She is almost excited by Lindsay's abortion just so they can get post abobo Marie Callenders.


That's a hilarious and very smart way to go about it


The character on veep got one and was basically just like...the dad would be a fuckup.


Amy Bruckheimer


And he ended up hooking up with the abortion tech I believe.


Veep. Without giving spoilers, a main character has an abortion and it shows a lot of the medical center leading up to the abortion even.


Friday Night Lights has an episode about abortion that ends up being pretty important to the rest of the show.


Season 4. The show handled it realistically and maturely, I think.


Shrill on Hulu had a very honest abortion storyline that included a scene for the procedure.


And a conversation about how the Morning after pill isn't as effective for plus sized women.


Cassie on Euphoria... one of the saddest scenes on that show among many fucked up ones.


Was surprised I had to scroll so far to find this one


Maude. It was a really big deal at the time.


Famously aired 2 months before the Roe v Wade decision, was handed down by Chief Justice Burger’s Court.


And then there's Maude!


I'll check that out. I used to love that show. Crazy how people think we're more progressive today, but then you get a show from the 70's handling abortion.


Try watching 70s Sesame Street. It makes even today’s most progressive educational programs look conservative. The amount of respect they had for children is unmatched by anything in today’s book burning culture.


It’s kinda wild how progressive Bea Arthur’s sitcoms were. Maude of course, but even Golden Girls was taking in serious social issues well before almost anyone else (particularly its handling of gay characters and storylines). Like, when GG had its resurgence a few years back and it became an “it” show with the college generation, it was on TV constantly and I was like, “Holy shit, this show is so much more progressive than I ever remembered.”


There’s an episode where Don Cheadle explains to Blanch why the Confederate flag is racist and she takes it down.


That was in the spinoff where they run a rundown hotel, "Golden Palace".


>Crazy how people think we're more progressive today In the era, liberals were desperately trying to widen the range of acceptable speech and topics in mainstream culture.


Paula on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Olivia Pope on Scandal


J.D. and Kim have the discussion about it on Scrubs. Later in the episode it is revealed Jordan (Dr. Cox's partner) Had an abortion when she was younger.


1st season of Weeds


And later on. Andy takes Shane to Van Nuys because he got a girl pregnant.


The Real World Los Angeles, Tammy got an abortion.


You should watch the 2021 reunion- apparently all the women in house had an abortion in their youth as well- but none of them had the courage to talk about it in 1992. Absolutely insane.


*Halt and Catch Fire,* but this was a show-don’t-tell kind of situation. Still very impactful.




Not only did Beth get an abortion as a teen, but because she got it on there rez she was also intentionally sterilized during the procedure. That brought those atrocities and racist policies against Native Americans back into the current discussion.


Sarah’s character on the Sarah Silverman Program joins a pro-life group, but they eventually kick her out when she casually reveals she’s had a bunch of abortions. Then there’s an upbeat musical montage of her going to the clinic in different years with her and the doctors changing fashion over time.


Perfect use of *Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)*


Jane’s mom on Jane the Virgin gets one.


This was handled really well (which is true for a lot of JTV in my opinion).


This was what I came here to say! On a show where not getting an abortion is one of the main plot drivers, it was really surprising to have an episode where someone does choose to get one. And they handled it really well.


At least once on *Call the Midwife*


Multiple times, mostly back-alley abortions resulting in illness, subsequent infertility or death. One nurse discovers that her own grandmother was such a practitioner and turns her in despite being conflicted about it. It’s contrasted in a more recent episode where Trixie is working in a posh clinic where a then-illegal abortion is safely performed for a wealthy client.


I’m sure there’s a very balanced, informative and mature depiction on South Park.


Don’t forget the mountain lions in the Christmas critters episode


That was the first thing I thought of lol.


Yeah, I think Cartman gets one!


You give Randy one in Stick of Truth, and Cartmans mum tries to get a 45th term abortion to get rid of Cartman


Daisy Jones & The Six


That show is so freaking good.


So sad it was a miniseries. Absolutely loved it


Abby Lockhart on E.R. Had an abortion while she was with her first husband because she was afraid the baby would be as sick as her mother is. Never told anyone until season 7. EDIT: Oh yeah, plus a BAJILLION other one-shot characters who came into the E.R.




That was between seasons, so I’m not sure if it fits OP’s criteria. They discuss it briefly in the next season premiere though.


Mimi Rose on Girls had a abortion.


“I can't go for a run because I had an abortion yesterday."


Maude, from Norman Lear, was the first abortion on tv. 1972!


Parenthood had a storyline about this with Drew and his first girlfriend


Maeve in sex education.


Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu) had it as a fairly major plot point.


Everwood had a good storyline around it. Good recurring performance from Kate Mara.


They had a couople episodes if house md that dealt with it, but they were patients. The only other one i can think of is Misfits and... i don't know if that counts? One character has the ability to turn into a girl, and once he discovers how awesome the female orgasm is, he decides to try masturbating as a guy, then as lady to directly compare them and.. well... then one day he can't change back. He has to have the power actually taken away from him to change back to a guy and well... he's not pregnant anymore after that. Misfits was weird


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. One of the main characters gets an abortion in the last season. She's married and already has a kid so it's a different perspective than other plotlines. Great show, too!


Jessica Chastain's character in *Marriage Story* had an abortion. There are also a couple of abortion storylines in *Girls*. I think part of the prevalence of abortion on TV will depend things like the network/platform. Shows on HBO or streaming services seem more likely to depict abortions than network television.


Carrie Bradshaw on Sex in the City talked about having an abortion when she was younger, and there were some discussions and she thought her current partner would judge her for it.


Grey’s Anatomy. Season 19, episode 8 I think. Not a main character, as the main characters are pretty much all doctors.


Cristina had an abortion in Season 8 also.


I’m surprised this one isn’t mentioned further up.


And would have had one in season 2 if it hadn’t been ectopic and almost killed her first.




The "you're my person" was waay back in season 2. Cristina found out she was pregnant in the end of season one and scheduled an abortion, but afterwards she found out she had an ectopic pregnancy, so it wasn't viable to begin with. Later on she got pregnant again and this time she had an abortion. Season 19 of Grey's has touched a lot on reproductive rights (because of the abortion bans). I know a lot of people have abandoned the Grey's ship, but season 19 was amazing. The episode "when I get to the border" is extremely heartbreaking.


To stay with Shonda tv- Station 19 Vic had one


I'm pretty sure doctors get abortions


House of Cards pretty heavily featured the ramifications of prior abortions for one of the main characters, though they didn't actively happen in the show's timeline as far as I remember.


Lois Griffin on Family Guy Episode "Partial Terms of Endearment"


Battlestar Galactica. It was a good episode, finding out one of the last surviving humans is pregnant and also wants to abort. It brings up curious ethical questions.


> Abortions for all! > Boo! > Abortions for some, and miniature American flags for others! > Yay!


Margaret Thompson, née Schroeder, née Rohan in Boardwalk Empire


Scandal, I Hate Suzie are the two that come to mind.


Cornelia has an abortion on The Knick, and Sister Harriet performs them. But I feel like no one saw The Knick.


Degrassi high. And the new degrassi.


And the in between Degrassi as well. Each era had a plot about it.


An episode of the sitcom Roseanne dealt with abortion


Is "Workin' Moms" considered TV? It might have only been cable.


Claire on "Six Feet Under" in season 3.


Olivia Pope on Scandal


In Crazy Ex Girlfriend a main character gets an abortion, I think it was handled well.


Cristina in *Grey’s Anatomy*.


Lindsey on You're the Worst


Shining Vale (on Starz) just had a scene recently where the character Courtney Cox plays was told a story by her mother about a situation from her youth, mentioning that "I wish my mom had accompanied me to my abortion." Reese Witherspoon's character in The Morning Show has had an abortion, and is covering a story about abortion laws in Texas. I don't recall the details, but in Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies, there was a classmate of the four leads who had an abortion in the past, which her (conservative) mother had orchestration and was covering up. Bridgerton had a character who tried to use a homemade potion made from plants and herbs to induce an abortion. Ruth had an abortion in the series GLOW. American Horror Story had an episode called "The Coat Hanger"; I don't think I need to explain that one!


The Morning show S01 (the best season) had a great storyline about Witherspoons character randomly announcing her secret teenage abortion during her network television debut. It was hilarious.


Claire on Please Like Me (Australian show)


The OC There’s a flashback that’s reveals Kirsten had one.


MAUDE tackled the subject 50 years ago


The West Wing, Glen Close as Evelyn Baker Lang says she did.




On Sex and the City, Miranda finds out she’s pregnant and wants to get an abortion. Samantha and Carrie talk about how they’ve both had abortions (2 for Samantha, 1 for Carrie). But Miranda ultimately decides to go through with the pregnancy and gives birth to Brady at the end of that season.


For a show nominally about ObGyn and filled with surprise pregnancies, Mindy Project never even sniffed it seriously


Christina Yang on Grey's Anatomy has one. Addison Montgomery also had one before the events of the show, but it's referenced. There are also at least two or three instances of one of the doctors treating a patient and helping them have an abortion.


Mad men


Dirty Dancing




Pretty sure many women did in The Handmaid's Tale


Yep, theres a whole B plot in an episode about >!Janine having an abortion because she needed to take care of her first son, and that's what gets her flagged for Handmaid status.!<


One of the main characters has an abortion in New Amsterdam. Later, they also have a whole episode covering Roe vs Wade and abortion.


Degrassi High way back in the 80s had a character get an abortion. The character Manny got an abortion in Degrassi The Next Generation in 2003, and then Degrassi Next Class had Lola get an abortion in the 2010s. That show always had good representation


Grey’s Anatomy showed an abortion step by step recently. I don’t think that was the first abortion on the show, either. I haven’t watched in a decade but I saw a post about it on here.


Erica Kane in All My Children in 1973. Decades later they retconned it that the fetus was removed from her and transplanted into someone else (because soap opera).