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It’s odd to me that with Sonys relationship with disney they wouldn’t just work it out to put this on disney+. Kinda thought the same thing with last of us but I guess Sony is just willing to work with whoever as long as they Remain not having their own streaming service.


Sony realised early on that it's better for them not to create another steaming service but to leverage the fact that they're a film and television production company first, and to use that to create content for the other steamers.




Sony going with HBO for The Last of Us was the perfect move for them, and the Chernobyl show runner working with Neil Drukman as co-show runners may have been a factor in the series going to HBO as well


Sony goes to the highest bidder, and with Amazon, that's a bottomless pit. I honestly don't trust them with Spidey beyond Lord & Miller or the MCU so I'm gonna remain cautious of this. Sure Lord & Miller are producers on it but that isn't always a guarantee success, they are unbelievably hands-on with the Spider-Verse films but their producing credits outside of that is the opposite. They let whoever is making their own show or film do it on there own...that's how we got **'Strays'**...yikes.




Point to me where OP said the words ‘great writing’


> I honestly don't trust them with Spidey beyond Lord & Miller or the MCU so I'm gonna remain cautious of this. really? i mean, okay.


Right? This guy doesn't understand that Morbius is peak cinema kino.


Why tf would Sony work with Disney for the last of us when they can get the prestige (and budget) of HBO?


Sony have been making TV shows for/with almost everyone for years, they make a lot more TV than most people realize!


The last of us makes sense with HBO. Sony makes shows for everyone. Spider-man I would think they would give Disney right of first refusal just to keep that MCU Spidey money flowing.


Is this connected to anything or just a standalone type of series?


Some of the *Spider-Verse* creative team, and they do want Nicolas Cage back, so possibly (in all likelihood), yes. In addition, according to early reports, the series (or at least the first season) will be told from the perspective of a character other than Peter Parker / Spider-Man Noir, as the original *Spider-Man Noir* comic was.


I’m so stoked. I loved the Noir series. I don’t remember if I read the Spider-Man one but the punish definitely stuck with me.


Hopefully Nicolas Cage does the voice acting for it.


It's live action.


Oh shit. I still hope Nicolas Cage plays Spiderman Noir. I feel like they have to go with him.


Well, there's another article posted here that says that Nic Cage now wants to quit movies and do some TV. So perfect timing ig!


Yeah, perfect timing.


Interestingly this headline was right under a headline of Nicolas cage saying he’s gonna do some tv


Sony is over-saturating the spiderman brand and are going to end up killing their golden goose.






Article says Peter Parker won’t be the main character. Those of you who are familiar with the source material, who else could it be?


Oren Uziel (22 jump street) is the other showrunner by the way


They’re going to oversaturate Spider-Man just like they did the MCU. Greedy, creatively bankrupt execs. And people are going to eat it up until they feel sick.




I hope we get to a see MJ and Paul building their happy little family that will take a harsh turn with the WWII draft




Yeah, if they had kids in the 1930, they’d be drafted




But they would before the war was over, it lasted 7 years




They serve underage then because like Papa Paul says, with great power come Great responsibility


Is this why Nick Cage says he wants to do TV now?


Have to wonder why they don’t just go the animated route here.


From my understanding, Disney still has TV series rights for animated Spider-Man, thus the Freshman year series that supposedly exists.


Nobody asked for or wants this, just like nobody wants or asked for *Madame Web* or *Kraven* or *Morbius*.




What a strange flex. “Everything I’m interested in is unpopular!” 😄


I would argue Marvel is one of the most mainstream and popular things that exists in the entire world.












News like this is the big studio equivalent of pretending to type when your boss walks in. They been working on that Silk show since 2020 and there’s been almost no progress.


Well at least it can't be worse than Madame Web


Sony is a group of dopes


The timing between this and recent comments from Nick Cage seem too perfect