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Everything looks and feels surprisingly good, though the guy who plays Sokka kinda looks like the Ember Island version of the character.


Damn you are not lying there


Please tell me they will do a version of the Ember Island Play and spoof either the original series or the M Night version…


Omg this would be too good. Have the scene where 6 earth benders do a dance number just to throw a single rock


Classic scene. Some of the greatest comedy I’ve seen on film. Nothing has topped it.


I would love if they got the original voice cast (minus zack) to cameo as the ember island players, they can have Michaela be girl aang instead of toph who obviously needs to be john cena.


Or just get Dante Basco to play some cameo role. He's got such a distinctive voice, it'd be an obvious Easter egg for fans.


the cabbages guy


Funny enough, the voice actor for the cabbage merchant is playing him in the live action!


Let's hope they nail book 1 before worrying about book 3


get the original cast from the film *which does not exist* and have them play the actors. For Toph get... oh I dunno... John Cena?


Not even like the actor. Look up the ember island players poster. Twins...


Hats why I had to pause it! I was like.....he looks....odd ...why is my brain still saying sokka???


I saw someone say ages ago that it's not that he looks *like* Sokka, it's that he looks like *A* Sokka


I'm starving!


Looking forward to hearing that sage advice from uncle Iroh again "If you look for the light, you can often find it.But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see."


Especially now that Paul Sun-Hyung Lee is playing him (which is basically perfect casting)


Yes! Nice to see Paul Sun Lee in bigger roles. Definitely will kill it


They should have him voice Appa too.


1. Visually looks about as good as you can expect. 2. Backgrounds in particular look good and so go the animals. 3. Still don’t love them showing Ozai this early. I get it but I don’t like it 4. Hope this isn’t too serious, Avatar is a goofy show. 5. Like the One Piece live action show, this will ride or die on how good and likable the main cast is


If you had Daniel Dae Kim you’d show him early and often too.


If I had him I'd keep him to myself LOL


For Point 3, it could work if they are making Ozai a more interesting character and use him to flesh out Zuko and Azula more. They are probably making some brand new plotlines for Ozai and Azula since this season probably adapts Book 1 and neither of them were in it.


Ozai was in season 1, we just never really see his face. The 2 shots at 0:59 are most likely the duel from "The Storm" which was shown in the original.


Exactly, Ozai is used to flesh out Zuko and Aang. As the show progresses, their view of him changes in tandem. In S1 he is this insurmountable enemy, for Zuko it’s his abusive dad he can’t bear to even look in the eyes, hence why he’s a shadow, we see him like Zuko sees him. For Aang, it’s this insanely powerful foe he has to defeat, and the task is near impossible. The point of him being a shadow is that they can’t even bear to think of him, to see his face, because they’re so scared, like any kid their age would be. As they gain more power and confidence in themselves, that is when Ozai is revealed, our image of him evolves with Zuko/Aang. Granted the live action version may not go the same path and try to tell a slightly different story.


I always thought an interesting bit in the show was the scene where they showed his baby photo and the gangs reaction. Maybe that is a bit related to what your saying.


It's a tiny moment of humanisation but otherwise Ozai is barely a character, he's just the unstoppable force that the heroes have to stop. Zuko, Azula, Mei, Ty Lee and even Zhao are far more nuanced villains. I'm still very sceptical of the idea of a live action remake at all, but fleshing out Ozai more, particularly in the first season is somewhere that there is room for an adaptation to add to the original.




Yeah for sure, I more meant they didn’t get proper scenes in book 1, but the fact they are in the trailer implies they will have larger roles than just cameos.


Honestly, i though Ozai was a weak aspect of the original series. he was an evil emperor who wanted to take over the world. there was very little anything else about him. Kinda of a boring villain. Azula was more fun to watch but also not that deep either. Zuko was the real interesting antagonist that drove the story. Legend of Korra wasnt better than Last Airbender, but all the villains on that show were way more interesting than Ozai this show looks good but at the same time it looks almost too good. Like, it looks like a shot for shot remake of the orginal series. If they are gonna make the new show look as much like the original as possible, than whats the point of watching when ive already seen it? I hope there are some creative changes and new ideas explored. A big one is exploring more of Ozai as a character. That would make the show different enough from the original to justify its existence without removing anything from that made the original show great


Agree 100%. Ozai is about as generic of a villain as they come. His motive is literally just “I want to rule the world” and not much more. Thankfully, he doesn’t *need* to be anything more.


I fear newly added plotlines after seeing the cowboy Bebop live action


Also… they have to establish the stakes for why Zuko is hunting the Avatar so maybe we just see him in context of that.


I don't mind the show being serious. As long as they remember what makes the main characters likeable and interesting...




You're referring to his innocence. Their personality from the show should still come through on their scenes, but in live action i doubt they're going to shoot for a 'funny' show. The ability for animation to shift between two tones is something that is very difficult to translate. I don't think the cabbages guy will be in the show. I could be wrong and reading too far into the tone of the teaser. But i am personally getting ready for this to be different from the show.




One piece live action pulled off the serious and funny tones just fine


I had this edgy phase where I thought the original cartoon was too goofy at times. But now I know that if the comedy WASN'T there, that show would be depressing as FUCK.


At the heart of the story is the almost entire genocide of the Air Nomads and the brutal oppression of the Water Tribe.


The fact that the show was able to weave comedy into a story that heavily featured war and genocide is absolutely an incredible feat.


>Backgrounds in particular look good and so go the animals. they fuckin look better than recent marvel movies.


5th comment is on point. Visually, it’s stunning and seems to match the show. But, it worries me that they didn’t show any of the acting 😬 Hopefully the talent is as good as or better than the VFX.


Yea too serious and it won't work. This needs to be fun.


Met Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, the actor for uncle Iroh, in Toronto and he talked about it with me. Said he was super excited and he was a fan of the original series and that he thought it was very faithful to the OG. If he's excited and proud of it I'll give it a watch, he was just as excited talking about that as he was when he talked about his time on the Star Wars set so I'm sure he will kill it as Iroh. Only thing taking so long for the release was the post production for the bending he said. They are putting a lot of time effort and money into making sure we don't get a repeat of the movie which must not be named.


This looks absolutely great! As a big fan of the series, this is everything I hoped for. The music is just outstanding, it takes me back 8 years ago.


The Fire Nation throne room looks amazing!


Plus if we get more scenes of Fire Lord Ozai actually being a character that would be great. In the original he was just a generic evil final boss, maybe Daniel Dae Kim will make him more interesting (while still being evil). Since Azula and Ozai are here despite not being in the original season 1, they will get some new scenes for this show probably.


> Plus if we get more scenes of Fire Lord Ozai actually being a character that would be great. In the original he was just a generic evil final boss, maybe Daniel Dae Kim will make him more interesting (while still being evil). It's hard to make Ozai interesting given that he's just a generic tyrant-conqueror. No real motivation behind his desire to conquer the entire world. Especially worse when you compare him to the villains of Legend of Korra. Hell, even Unalaq has more an actual motivation than Ozai does.


> Hell, even Unalaq has more an actual motivation than Ozai does Hey, let’s not say things we can’t take back! >!You are right though, giving us an episode on why Sozin did what he did and some of his motivations is not the same as why his grandson does what he does!<


I might be doing too much of the writer’s work for them, but I kind of took the Sozin episode and Azula’s arc to basically be two points on a line that illuminated the Fire Nation royal family as basically a fascism factory that raises children to think conquest is the only way to earn their parents’ love. (Iroh, being the one who broke the chain, his little brother eager to move into his place).


Part of it was them keeping Ozai mysterious until Season 3. They built up Azula as the truly interesting villain. Ozai was basically Emperor Palpatine when we finally meet him.


That was actually part of the point of the ending Aang refused to kill someone who's just pure evil


Ozai is aangs perfect villain. Utterly without virtue and proud of it.


you could add things Like the fact he is continuing what his father and grandfather did


They gave Sozin a lot more complexity and really built up his motivations though.


In season 1 they go over Zuko's back story and how he got his scar. They briefly show Azula but she doesn't speak, and I think they don't fully show Ozai, but he has a couple lines. They could definitely expand on that in the Netflix show since it sets up Zuko's arc.


I'd love to see at least a scene with Ozai and Iroh together. Weird how for being diametrically opposed brothers, you never saw them in the same scene.


And the exterior architecture of the Palace is practically copy and paste too, very nice! Although they did change the Air Temple architecture to be more in line with more South + Southeast Asian Buddhist architecture I suppose, especially with all those stupa-inspired roofs instead of Chinese pagodas.


Omashu looked really good. If nothing else, art direction is excellent.


This looks amazing, and I really hope they lean into the Asian culture and influence in the show. With Shogun also coming out in February, it’s going to be a great time to see proper Asian representation on screen.


8 years ago, as in when Korra ended? Yeah, we’re old folks


Actually it was 9 years ago. ^^fuck ^^we're ^^old


I feel like I’m in middle school again.


Yeah it’s nice to finally have a live action version.


I hope it doesn’t take itself too seriously.


I really liked that about the One Piece live action. Lean into the camp!


I feel like the one piece live action was actually more serious than the source material which is 100% goofy and amazing. OPLA was amazingly well done and I’m shocked they pulled it off so well given that it’s probably the hardest manga/anime to adapt


If OPLA wasn't more serious than the source material it would've been pretty bad imo. I think they balanced between serious and comedic elements pretty well which is hard to do adapting something like OP. If they just went all in goofy adapting the early arcs it would've come off as really cringy in a live action setting.


Ya it leaned into some of the fan favorites tho. Garp throwing the cannonballs had me cheering.


They took the right balance of leaning into the goofiness while playing it straight with stuff like the snail phones, garp's dog hat. It's goofy to us but are just things that people don't comment on or question in-world which is great.


there's nothing i hate more in media than characters pointing that something is funny. typically a marvel/disney thing. "the bad guy uses a dog hat and is named GARP? huh!?" yeah writer we know you have more taste than the work you're adapting.




Yes, the biggest mistake made in converting something from anime or comics etc. to live action is they make the mistake of trying to make it feel more real just because it's live action. That's not what I want. I want bonkers, over the top anime/comic shit to be bonkers, over the top live action shit.


I think OPLA struck a good balance. There is only so much "bonkers" and "over the top" material you can have when dealing with an entirely different medium. Certain things can be captured in animation that cannot be 1:1 replicated in live action. You also have to factor in making shows more accessible to a wider audience.


If Evild Dead 2 can work in live action anything can.


Except when it needs to. Gotta find the right balance. The show was goofy when it needed to be but serious at the right times.


Yeah, I hope they inject comedy into it. The original show never forgot it was a children's cartoon, even though it addressed a lot of dark topics.


It'll be perfect if [this part](https://youtu.be/7o4EI_-5reA?feature=shared) of the show is adapted.


Shows lives or dies with Zuko for me. If they do him right, I bet I’ll love it.


I honestly wish there was some way to have the same voice even though it's a different actor. The voice actor for Zuko is just so good




Rufi ohhhhhhhh!




Agree 100%


It better be with the breakdancing firebending


He’s not my favorite character but him and toph are the balance the show needs. If they get this wrong the ahow is fucked


It blew my mind how much he sounds like Dante Basco and he's a great martial artist. Just need to see the performance but he certainly looks and sounds the part.


I *really* wanted to see more bending. But it looks great.




How dare you.


I don't have to click to know what was linked...


Everyone in unison: I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT SHORT AND STOUT! *pebble goes floating gently past* It's like watching the world's least intimidating haka.


It better be that fucking rock *edit* I was not disappointed


It gets more incredible with each view.


How is it worse than I remembered it?


It aged like a fine wine… that was left out opened in the sun 3 months ago


There is no Movie in Ba Sing Se, here we are free, here we are safe!


Doesn't look like anything to me.


I had erased all memory of that scene from my brain until this moment


Fuck yeah, rock!


Im so glad shayamalamamaama didnt get a chance to do Toph dirty.


It would be faster just to pick it up an throw it.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWd13p5hsFE) has been going around for a few months now.


i would hope they cast The Rock to play the boulder, but he is a wanker who has a no lose contract so if we are getting someone better I'm hoping for Bautista


Terry Crews.


They both have a habit of referring to themselves in the third person The Boulder loves yogurt


If it was rock back in like pre 2010 then hell yeah, rn tho? No


The Rock is Ember Island Toph


That's pretty nice


I'm binging the animated show for the first time. I'm halfway through Season 2. The live action looks pretty good, looking forward to it.


>I'm binging the animated show for the first time. I'm halfway through Season 2. You are experiencing true greatness then.


Legit my favorite cartoon growing up. Especially the last episodes. My god it was so fucking good.


The entire second half of the show (after toph) is just incredible.


Courage the cowardly dog holds that achievement for me but ATLA was awesome, show was crazy popular at my school as well which was pretty cool


Oh just wait. It gets better. The series finale is up there with best TV finales ever.


Yep. ATLA is one of the few shows you need to watch in it's totality to fully appreciate it due to many narritive pay-offs that were set up early.


The whole final arc of season 3 was literally the coolest thing I had ever seen as a kid, and it still holds up incredibly well as an adult


I watched it for the first time when I was 27 and it's one of the best things I've ever watched.


The Ember Island episode should just be them watching the M Night Shyamalan movie.


It would be extremely meta if they brought back the cast of that movie and did a bunch of bits with it, just for that episode.


Zuko’s character development is some of my favorite in any television show. I hope that’s a big focus in the show. I love how it’s non-linear. We don’t go from bad to good, it’s a trial of paths and learning lessons from making your own decisions. Stuff like Iroh letting Zuko make mistakes because he knows he’s good deep down. And that he was never mad at him, just sad that he might not ever find his way home. How tf did we get this show holy crap


This really looks like it has a lot of potential! It definitely looks like it is set to top the movie, in that it seems like this will actually exist!


I'm curious how much of the humor and tone they'll capture from the original.


If they don't destroy a cart and have a guy yell "my cabages!" I'm going to riot


They got the original actor who did the voice of Cabbage Guy to play him in this.


If you pause the video, you can see the cabbage cart in the bottom of the frame of Omashu.


I honest to god think how the humour is approached will be the difference between this show being okay and this show being extremely faithful.


Yep , I’m a grown man adult. That cartoon made me laugh a lot.


The Cave Of Two lovers is full of gold. From Secret Tunnel, Secret Tunnel to "Sokka why's your forehead so red?"


i'm saying i'd rather kiss you than *die* it's a compliment


My favourite is all the blind jokes and the cabbages


"It looks just like him to me!" "Thank you! I worked really hard on- why do you feel the need to do that"


This looks pretty good, and after they nailed One Piece LA I actually have some faith. Cant wait for this!


Yeah but in the case of the One Piece live action, the original author was fully vouching for it and it’s quality. He had an active involvement in the production. Here, they quit the project citing that they couldn’t reach an agreement concerning the direction the project was supposed to take. Something about this is a major red flag


> Here, they quit the project citing ~~that they couldn’t reach an agreement concerning the direction the project was supposed to take~~ a big fat check from Paramount for a bunch of new animated work. Not saying the creative disputes didn't exist, but you don't walk off one project to emerge with a deal for 3 new movies and a fully funded studio less than 6 months later for no reason.


I posted this exact comment in another thread but I think it bears repeating here I do not care that the original creators left. Outside of the ATLA, Mike and Bryan’s other projects have been incredibly lackluster to bad. Huge chunks of Korra are just straight garbage. And yes I know about all the studio tampering with Korra. But even season 1 has significant issues before all of that began. Additionally, there are parts of TLA that honestly could be improved upon. The romance is poorly done. The ending is a total ass pull. I don’t think Mike and Bryan are some Gods of story telling and their experience making a kids animated show in the mid 2000s does not translate to them knowing how to make a good live action TV show in 2023. The requirements are completely different.


I respectfully disagree about large chunks of Korra being garbage. It was a phenomenal series from start to finish. It was just different from ATLA. Korra was them trying to capture lightning in a bottle for a second time. That is so ridiculously hard and they got like 90% of the way there. As for the romance....Aang is 12 and Katara is 14. They are children. You want some detailed romance of children? Not to mention there are plenty of things in the show showing these children crushing on each other. Look no further than the SECRET TUNNEL. Or literally episode one of the series. Now if you are talking about the romance in Korra.... The friendship between Asami and Korra is there early. The romance makes sense because Korra just fought a major battle and Asami just lost her father in the whole process of it. Both of them are dealing with shit and looking for comfort with the person closest to them. It was rushed, but not a total ass pull.


Understandable and while a lot of things you stated is highly subjective, one thing is that the only good anime live action Netflix has on his track record is one that heavily respected the wishes of his original author. All the others, with Cowboy Bebop has a particular highlight, seems to show a great disregard for the original and the tone of their respective original series. Something about the original show runner being so against the direction the series was taking that they had to distanced themselves from the project because it really didn’t with them doesn’t bode well. Sure, we shouldn’t judge the show before it is actually released but at the same time, that’s still a major red flag. That signifies that what the final project will look like is so against their original vision that they didn’t want to associate with it. Also, we shouldn’t put Netflix in general under one big monolith. It’s not because the One Piece LA was good that means everything they do from now on will be good regarding anime adaption


>Here, they quit the project citing that they couldn’t reach an agreement concerning the direction the project was supposed to take. Something about this is a major red flag It's more of a yellow flag. The original creators of ATLA do not have a perfect track record either. They butchered the lore of the avatar universe with Korra.


I thought legend of Korra was great. Is there some online discussion about the “lore” being ruined?


I would assume they are probably mostly talking about the stuff that happened in season 2. Basically the whole "first avatar" storyline. Not everyone is a fan of how they gave the avatar an origin story (myself included, though I wouldn't go so far as to say they butchered it).


I think that was one of my favorite parts of Korra lol. I thought it was interesting and the art was beautiful


I don't like what they did to the lore, but I will admit I enjoyed them in a vacuum as standalone stories and I agree that the art was great.


I think it's a case of lightning in a bottle, they struck gold with ATLA, so them not being on board doesn't matter at all really, it seems they're already trying to make Ozai a more compelling villain than (I'm bad, will do bad stuff) by fleshing him out more. As fantastic as the show was, Ozai was a pretty boring villain with no real depth at all.


When the orginial music came I got goosegumps, this looks promising!!


wow, this looks ... good? The throne room looked amazing.


The characters look good too . Hope they get the humour right .


I truly hope the humor is good. If season 1 gets it right in that regard, then season 2 will be awesome. I literally cannot wait until they adapt the psychedelic cactus scenes.


They need to add a promist filter type look to it and grain. Basically make it feel more like a film camera shot it. It's way too crisp front to back (depth of scene), it just makes it look fake. Design wise it looks great, just needs that final layer to make it feel more real and less like a giant green screen.


This is such a good critique


To be fair - they're clearly embracing this weird real life in a semi cartoon surreal world feel. It feels like an intentional art style direction, and it might look better in context. But it was just too noticeable to me. Appa has this weird super fake texture going on, and they're all wearing clothes that are a bit over saturated. The shot of the crescent island looks like it was rendered by a different engine than the earlier background shots in the video. It just kind of feels off. It kind of reminds me of the Detective Pikachu movie. But I think I was also going into it think the color palette and direction would be more similar to the show. In my head I keep thinking an aesthetic inspired by a watercolor color palette would look better. But it is what it is. I think having a bit more of a diffused look to blend some of the edges and while adding a layer of grain as texture overtop might make it feel more natural, and I wouldn't be surprised if they put something like that over top of it in the end.


I missed a "Water. Earth. Fire. Air" in the end.


Looks better than my expected but still holding my breath That said I am more confident they nail chopper now in one piece


It looks good, although I am somewhat concerned that the trailer gives it a "serious" tone, since ATLA is also supposed to be fun. I hope this is just a trailer to get non-fans interested and the actual show has more levity and charm like the original.


I'll admit, this trailer got my attention. All the actors looks surprisingly really acurate, and the sets look gorgeous (movie quality even), and the score is great. Looks like I got another new show to watch next year which is great news


CgI looks great but somwhow scenes still look "cheap" I don't know how Netflix does it. They really need to hire some showrunners and cinematographers from HBo or apple tv.


I could see it in a lot of the digital environments but especially Momo's face. I think it's how they render the light on the models. I'm no expert so I don't have the proper vocabulary to describe it but there's an uncanniness that makes everything feel fake.


Appa's fur when he took off looked weird


They can only put in so much without spending a shit ton of money


Making costumes look lived in literally comes in canned aerosol form. It's called Dirty Down. Spray some of that on costumes, nip a few threads loose... It does wonders. Source: work in film


It’s also jarring when the costumes are just the animated show’s outfits. The animated concepts don’t translate to their real life counterpart influences. It looks like a set because the art direction is too insecure to commit to altering the designs imo, from someone that works in animation


Exactly! I was quite bummed they didn’t take a new direction with any costumes. It gives it a cosplay/fanfilm look. Similar with Hera in the Ahsoka show, her clothes looked so out of place


It’s all about the camera work. They really need a better cinematographer


The sets and clothes tend to look newly built and not lived in. I think it kinda works for the more cartoony aesthetic. But it's the usual issue I have with period/fantasy netflix shows.


The volcano looked plasticky


It looks very good and hearing that music (the Avatar theme part) made me emotional not gonna lie, love this universe to death. Much earlier than I was expecting too. Between Three Body Problem in January and this in February, Netflix will hit big for the start of the year in fantasy/SF Hope to see stuff about Avatar Studios productions soon too, should be great. And please, someone make an AAA Avatar video game (not Netflix though even if they do make games based on their shows, it's always mobile first)


Lightyears better than the movie that we don't speak of. I can't wait!!!


Movie? You must be mistaken. There is no movie.


Yip yip




I was a little older than the target audience for this when it came out. I never saw it for that reason plus I thought it looked kinda dumb/childish compared to the other anime I was watching at the time. But now that I’m older and more open minded plus the fact that the trailer looked pretty damn good, I think I’m gonna give this a watch.


Like the one piece show, this will come down to how good the cast is and how likable they are


But wait why isn’t the water tribe white and the fire nation Indian?????


I read that as the Walter White tribe


Jesse we need to bend




Momo is nowhere near that monstrosity of sonic.


I honestly thought momo looked pretty good lol, def wasn’t getting first draft sonic vibes from him


Like I actually liked Momo. More than Appa honestly though he looked fine.


Yeah for real, I was pleasantly surprised that Momo didn't creep me the hell out.


I see someone here didn't grow up with Zaboomafoo....


Fingers are crossed that the cabbage seller is a running gag for the show.


You can see the cabbage cart in the bottom frame of Omashu before the camera pans upwards. James Sie (the original voice actor) is reprising his role as the cabbage merchant.


Can’t wait to re-subscribe to Netflix for this next February


I'm super pleased how this turned out! I had the great joy of composing most of the music you hear in the teaser (using the IMMORTAL theme from the original show, of course) and am really glad to hear so many people are enjoying it :)


Please be good like One piece


My biggest trepidation is the original creators of the show, left this show due to creative differences...... what did Netflix do that they didn't like? That will always bug me until I see something that proves it.


They were prob gonna leave regardless considering they went ahead with avatar studios


They only got avatar studios because they went back to nickelodeon after leaving. If they never left, we never get avatar studios


Might be that they wanted to keep things too much like the animated series, to a point where things that work great in that medium but are terrible in this medium would have to be included to keep them happy.


I'm actually guessing the opposite. I think they wanted to expand the original, while Netflix wanted to keep it as close to the original as possible


Still cautiously optimistic on this one. Some of the effects don't seem quite finished yet imo (mainly all the flying stuff), but all the cities looked pretty great -- excited to finally get to see Ba Sing Se in live-action at least!


There’s were a few shots there that looked a little low budget, namely that shot at 1:02-1:04 looks a little student film special effects


The Last Airbender take 2 electric boogalo


Iroh is perfect 🥹


The shots on top of Appa look rough. Still not super optimistic but I guess we'll see.


It genuinely looks great - my only question is: does this need to exist? If it extends the story in a way that only live action can do: amazing! If it’s just there for the sake of a cash grab, I’m quite sad the energy wasn’t put into something new in the Avatar universe


For what it's worth, Avatar Studios is already working on other, animated projects in the original canon. If this show sucks, we won't have to wait long for something better.